1.4.0 2022xxxx BF: Review: Optimization/Corrections BF: Build: Optimization / correction of the release info process CR: Build: Releases are now only available on the release page CR: OpenAPI: Added the missing OpenAPI Specification NT: Harmonization of version numbers for the different implementations Major and minor describe the API, patch refers to the implementation. The version of OpenAPI therefore only uses major and minor, patch is always 0. 1.3.0 20210525 BF: Service: Uniform use of status 204 for 202 / 404 Status 404 always refers storage and not entities/addressed targets in the storage. BF: Service: Uniform use of status 204 for 404 in relation to targets in the storage (axes) Status 404 is now only used in relation to storage. Addressed targets (axes) use status 204 in combination with the response header Storage-Effects. BF: Service: Optimization/harmonization of content types for XML Fragments (PUT/PATCH) uses text/xhtml XML output uses application/xml XSLT input (POST) uses application/xslt+xml CR: Service: OPTIONS responds with 204 instead of 200 1.2.0 2021xxxx NT: Version was skipped For compatibility with the JavaScript implementation 1.1.0 20210225 BF: Service: Optimization of CONNECT Status 507 (Insufficient Storage) now only occurs when a new storage is to be created, but not when connecting to an existing one. BF: Service: Optimization of CORS Correction for a correct preflight OPTIONS response. Change to the full notation of the Access-Control headers. Omission of the automatic prefix. BF: Build: Correction of release Release file (zip) was not overwritten if already exists. BF: Service: Uniform use of the GMT time zone changes: Storage-Last-Modified / Storage-Expiration BF: Service: Correction in the creation of trace and trace hashes BF: Service: Correction of POST for use of status 422 by errors in the stylesheets instead of status 400 Concerns the declaration from the output CR: Service: Added directives for XPath Directives are added at the end of the XPath separated by exclamation marks (!). CR: Service: Added the directive JSON This directive transforms the output to JSON. CR: Service GET/POST: Added support for accept header: application/json The header enforces the transformation of XML and text output as JSON. If the return value is not application/xslt+xml or text/plain, the header has no effect on the output. The client is informed via the Content-Type whether the transformation was used. CR: Test: Added Snake as proof of concept for a multiplayer game 1.0.0 20201220 NT: Release is available