#!/bin/bash ################################ # # install seawolf.ip.service # # By Sam Wen @ 10/27/2018 # ################################ set -e if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ] ; then echo "This script must run under root." exit 1 fi SYSTEMCTL=$(which systemctl) if [ -z "$SYSTEMCTL" ]; then echo "Unable to find systemctl." exit 1 fi CURL_BIN=$(which curl) if [ -z "$CURL_BIN" ]; then echo "Unable to find curl. Please install curl." exit 1 fi if [[ -f ./post-ip && -f ./seawolf.ip.service ]]; then DOWNLOADED=true else DOWNLOADED=false fi if [ $DOWNLOADED == false ]; then UNZIP_BIN=$(which unzip) if [ -z "$UNZIP_BIN" ]; then echo "Unable to find unzip. Please install unzip." exit 1 fi FILE='master.zip' DOWNLOAD_URL="https://codeload.github.com/seawolfiot/seawolf.io/zip/master" if [ -f "./$FILE" ]; then rm -f "./$FILE" fi $CURL_BIN -o $FILE $DOWNLOAD_URL if [ ! -f "./$FILE" ]; then echo "Failed to locate $FILE" exit 1 fi if [ -d ./seawolf.io-master ]; then rm -rf seawolf.io-master fi $UNZIP_BIN ./$FILE rm -f ./$FILE cd ./seawolf.io-master fi /bin/cp post-ip /usr/local/bin/ /bin/cp seawolf.ip.service /etc/systemd/system/ if [ $DOWNLOADED == false ]; then cd .. rm -rf ./seawolf.io-master fi systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start seawolf.ip.service systemctl enable seawolf.ip.service echo "Installation done!" echo "" echo "goto: http://seawolf.io/ip to get your IPs"