uid: frs_Ecowatt_list_item tags: - list props: parameters: - default: Ecowatt description: Header Title label: Title name: EcowattTitle required: false type: TEXT groupName: header - default: ecowatt description: Icon - OH icons label: Icon name: iconimage required: false type: TEXT groupName: header - default: Current Hour description: Current Hour Signal Title label: Title name: maintenantTitle required: false type: TEXT groupName: header - context: item description: The signal relating to the forecast consumption level for the current hour Item label: Item name: maintenantItem required: false type: TEXT groupName: header - default: Today description: Today Signal Title label: Title name: aujourdhuiTitle required: false type: TEXT groupName: aujourdhui - context: item description: The signal relating to the forecast consumption level for today Item label: Item name: aujourdhuiItem required: false type: TEXT groupName: aujourdhui - default: Tomorrow description: Tomorrow Signal Title label: Title name: DemainTitle required: false type: TEXT groupName: demain - context: item description: The signal relating to the forecast consumption level for tomorrow Item label: Item name: DemainItem required: false type: TEXT groupName: demain - default: In Two Days description: In Two Days Signal Title label: Title name: ApresDemainTitle required: false type: TEXT groupName: apresdemain - context: item description: The signal relating to the forecast consumption level in two days signal Item label: Item name: ApresDemainItem required: false type: TEXT groupName: apresdemain - default: In Three Days description: In Three Days Signal Title label: Title name: troisjTitle required: false type: TEXT groupName: dans3j - context: item description: The signal relating to the forecast consumption level in three days signal Item label: Item name: troisjItem required: false type: TEXT groupName: dans3j parameterGroups: - name: header label: Header - name: aujourdhui label: Today - name: demain label: Tomorrow - name: apresdemain label: In Two Days - name: dans3j label: In Three Days timestamp: Dec 20, 2023, 2:40:26 PM component: oh-list-item config: accordionList: true mediaList: true icon: ecowatt stylesheet: > .animecowattred { animation: flashingbgecowattred 1s linear 0s infinite; } @keyframes flashingbgecowattred { 0% {color: #ff3b30; opacity: 0} 25% {color: #ff3b30; opacity: 1} 50% {color: #ff3b30; opacity: 1} 75% {color: #ff3b30; opacity: 0} 100% {color: #ff3b30; opacity: 0} } .animecowattorange { animation: flashingbgecowattorange 1s linear 0s infinite; } @keyframes flashingbgecowattorange { 0% {color: #ff9500; opacity: 0.6} 25% {color: #ff9500; opacity: 1} 50% {color: #ff9500; opacity: 1} 75% {color: #ff9500; opacity: 0.6} 100% {color: #ff9500; opacity: 0.6} } .ecowattgreen { color: #4cd964; opacity: 1 } subtitle: '=props.maintenantItem ? @props.maintenantItem : ""' title: =props.EcowattTitle slots: accordion: - component: f7-list config: mediaList: true style: background-color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(35, 35, 35)' : 'rgb(247, 247, 247)'" slots: default: - component: f7-list-item config: style: --f7-list-item-after-font-size: 15px --f7-list-item-after-text-color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(180,180,180)' : 'rgb(100,100,100)'" --f7-list-item-title-font-size: 15px --f7-list-item-title-line-height: 32px --f7-list-item-title-text-color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(180,180,180)' : 'rgb(100,100,100)'" slots: media: - component: f7-icon config: class: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "0") ? "ecowattgreen" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "1") ? "ecowattgreen" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "2") ? "animecowattorange" : "animecowattred"' f7: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "0") ? "checkmark_alt_circle_fill" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "1") ? "checkmark_alt_circle_fill" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "2") ? "exclamationmark_circle_fill" : "bolt_fill"' style: font-size: 32px width: 32px height: 32px slots: default: - component: f7-badge config: bg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) style: --f7-badge-size: 22px margin-left: -19px margin-top: 17px visible: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "0") ? true : false' slots: default: - component: oh-icon config: color: white height: 22px icon: iconify:material-symbols:nest-eco-leaf title: - component: Label config: text: =props.maintenantTitle after: - component: Label config: text: =@props.maintenantItem - component: oh-label-item config: after: =@props.aujourdhuiItem icon: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.aujourdhuiItem) == "0") ? "f7:checkmark_alt_circle_fill" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.aujourdhuiItem) == "1") ? "f7:checkmark_alt_circle_fill" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.aujourdhuiItem) == "2") ? "f7:exclamationmark_circle_fill" : "f7:bolt_fill"' iconColor: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.aujourdhuiItem) == "0") ? "green" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.aujourdhuiItem) == "1") ? "green" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.aujourdhuiItem) == "2") ? "orange" : "red"' style: --f7-list-item-after-font-size: 15px --f7-list-item-after-text-color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(180,180,180)' : 'rgb(100,100,100)'" --f7-list-item-title-font-size: 15px --f7-list-item-title-line-height: 32px --f7-list-item-title-text-color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(180,180,180)' : 'rgb(100,100,100)'" title: =props.aujourdhuiTitle - component: oh-label-item config: after: =@props.DemainItem icon: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.DemainItem) == "0") ? "f7:checkmark_alt_circle_fill" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.DemainItem) == "1") ? "f7:checkmark_alt_circle_fill" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.DemainItem) == "2") ? "f7:exclamationmark_circle_fill" : "f7:bolt_fill"' iconColor: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.DemainItem) == "0") ? "green" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.DemainItem) == "1") ? "green" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.DemainItem) == "2") ? "orange" : "red"' style: --f7-list-item-after-font-size: 15px --f7-list-item-after-text-color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(180,180,180)' : 'rgb(100,100,100)'" --f7-list-item-title-font-size: 15px --f7-list-item-title-line-height: 32px --f7-list-item-title-text-color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(180,180,180)' : 'rgb(100,100,100)'" title: =props.DemainTitle - component: oh-label-item config: after: =@props.ApresDemainItem icon: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.ApresDemainItem) == "0") ? "f7:checkmark_alt_circle_fill" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.ApresDemainItem) == "1") ? "f7:checkmark_alt_circle_fill" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.ApresDemainItem) == "2") ? "f7:exclamationmark_circle_fill" : "f7:bolt_fill"' iconColor: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.ApresDemainItem) == "0") ? "green" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.ApresDemainItem) == "1") ? "green" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.ApresDemainItem) == "2") ? "orange" : "red"' style: --f7-list-item-after-font-size: 15px --f7-list-item-after-text-color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(180,180,180)' : 'rgb(100,100,100)'" --f7-list-item-title-font-size: 15px --f7-list-item-title-line-height: 32px --f7-list-item-title-text-color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(180,180,180)' : 'rgb(100,100,100)'" title: =props.ApresDemainTitle - component: oh-label-item config: after: =@props.troisjItem icon: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.troisjItem) == "0") ? "f7:checkmark_alt_circle_fill" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.troisjItem) == "1") ? "f7:checkmark_alt_circle_fill" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.troisjItem) == "2") ? "f7:exclamationmark_circle_fill" : "f7:bolt_fill"' iconColor: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.troisjItem) == "0") ? "green" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.troisjItem) == "1") ? "green" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.troisjItem) == "2") ? "orange" : "red"' style: --f7-list-item-after-font-size: 15px --f7-list-item-after-text-color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(180,180,180)' : 'rgb(100,100,100)'" --f7-list-item-title-font-size: 15px --f7-list-item-title-line-height: 32px --f7-list-item-title-text-color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(180,180,180)' : 'rgb(100,100,100)'" title: =props.troisjTitle - component: oh-list-item config: icon: iconify:mdi:link-variant iconColor: gray style: --f7-list-item-title-font-size: 15px --f7-list-item-title-line-height: 32px --f7-list-item-title-text-color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(180,180,180)' : 'rgb(100,100,100)'" title: "Website :" slots: after: - component: oh-button config: popupOpen: .ecowatt-pop fill: false iconMaterial: open_in_new iconSize: 28px raised: false small: true after: - component: f7-icon config: class: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "0") ? "ecowattgreen" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "1") ? "ecowattgreen" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "2") ? "animecowattorange" : "animecowattred"' f7: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "0") ? "checkmark_alt_circle_fill" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "1") ? "checkmark_alt_circle_fill" : (Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "2") ? "exclamationmark_circle_fill" : "bolt_fill"' size: 30 style: margin-left: 0px margin-top: 0px width: 30px height: 20px slots: default: - component: f7-badge config: bg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) style: --f7-badge-size: 22px margin-left: -19px margin-top: 17px visible: '=(Number.parseFloat(@@props.maintenantItem) == "0") ? true : false' slots: default: - component: oh-icon config: color: white height: 22px icon: iconify:material-symbols:nest-eco-leaf - component: f7-popup config: animate: true class: ecowatt-pop style: background: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' : 'rgb(239, 239, 244)'" slots: default: - component: f7-page config: page-content: true slots: default: - component: f7-navbar config: transparent: true slots: right: - component: f7-link config: color: "=themeOptions.dark === 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black'" iconF7: xmark_circle_fill iconSize: 30px popupClose: true style: position: absolute right: 0 top: 0 - component: f7-block config: style: margin-left: 0px margin-right: 0px margin-top: -44px margin-bottom: 0px padding: 0px slots: default: - component: oh-webframe config: src: https://www.monecowatt.fr/?preview=true height: 1600px