year,date,event 3200 BCE,-3200-01-01,Sumerian cuneiform writing system and Egyptian hieroglyphs are first used. 3200 BCE,-3200-01-01,Cycladic culture in Greece. 3200 BCE,-3200-01-01,Caral-Supe civilization begins in Peru. 3200 BCE,-3200-01-01,Rise of Proto-Elamite Civilization in Iran. 3150 BCE,-3150-01-01,First Dynasty of Egypt. 3100 BCE,-3100-01-01,Skara Brae is built in Scotland. 3000 BCE,-3000-01-01,"Stonehenge construction begins. In its first version, it consisted of a circular ditch and bank, with 56 wooden posts." 3000 BCE,-3000-01-01,Cucuteni–Trypillia culture is established in Romania and Ukraine. 3000 BCE,-3000-01-01,Jiroft culture begins in Iran. 3000 BCE,-3000-01-01,First known use of papyrus by Egyptians. 3000 BCE,-3000-01-01,Domestication of the horse in the Yamnaya culture. 2800 BCE,-2800-01-01,Kot Diji phase of the Indus Valley Civilisation begins. 2800 BCE,-2800-01-01,Longshan culture begins in China. 2700 BCE,-2700-01-01,"Minoan civilization ancient palace city Knossos reaches 80,000 inhabitants." 2700 BCE,-2700-01-01,Rise of Elam in Iran. 2700 BCE,-2700-01-01,The Old Kingdom begins in Egypt. 2600 BCE,-2600-01-01,"Oldest known surviving literature: Sumerian texts from Abu Salabikh, including the Instructions of Shuruppak and the Kesh temple hymn." 2600 BCE,-2600-01-01,Mature Harappan phase of the Indus Valley civilization (in present-day Pakistan and India) begins. 2600 BCE,-2600-01-01,Emergence of Mayan culture in the Yucatán Peninsula. 2560 BCE,-2560-01-01,King Khufu completes the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Land of Punt in the Horn of Africa first appears in Egyptian records around this time. 2500 BCE,-2500-01-01,"The last mammoth population, on Wrangel Island in Siberia, goes extinct." 2492 BCE,-2492-01-01,Traditional date for the legendary foundation of Armenia by Hayk. 2250 BCE,-2250-01-01,"Oldest known depiction of the Staff God, the oldest image of a god to be found in the Americas." 2200 BCE,-2200-01-01,completion of Stonehenge. 2055 BCE,-2055-01-01,The Middle Kingdom begins in Egypt. 1900 BCE,-1900-01-01,Erlitou culture begins in China. 1800 BCE,-1800-01-01,Alphabetic writing emerges. 1800 BCE,-1800-01-01,The Old Babylonian text of the Epic of Gilgamesh is written. Possibly the oldest significant work of literature. 1780 BCE,-1780-01-01,Oldest Record of Hammurabi's Code. 1700 BCE,-1700-01-01,Indus Valley Civilization comes to an end but is continued by the Cemetery H culture; The beginning of Poverty Point culture in North America. 1600 BCE,-1600-01-01,Minoan civilization on Crete is destroyed by the Minoan eruption of Santorini island. 1600 BCE,-1600-01-01,Mycenaean Greece. 1600 BCE,-1600-01-01,"The beginning of Shang dynasty in China, evidence of a fully developed writing system, see Oracle bone script." 1600 BCE,-1600-01-01,Beginning of Hittite dominance of the Eastern Mediterranean region. 1550 BCE,-1550-01-01,The New Kingdom begins in Egypt. 1500 BCE,-1500-01-01,Composition of the Rigveda is completed. 1400 BCE,-1400-01-01,Oldest known song with notation. 1200 BCE,-1200-01-01,The Hallstatt culture begins. 1180 BCE,-1180-01-01,Disintegration of Hittite Empire. 1100 BCE,-1100-01-01,Use of Iron spreads. 1050 BCE,-1050-01-01,The Phoenician alphabet is created. 1046 BCE,-1046-01-01,The Zhou force (led by King Wu of Zhou) overthrow the last king of Shang dynasty; Zhou dynasty established in China. 1000 BCE,-1000-01-01,Nok culture begins in West Africa. 1000 BCE,-1000-01-01,"The second stream of Bantu expansion reaches the great lakes region of Africa, creating a major population centre." 890 BCE,-890-01-01,Approximate date for the composition of the Iliad and the Odyssey. 814 BCE,-814-01-01,Foundation of Carthage by the Phoenicians in today known Tunisia. 800 BCE,-800-01-01,Rise of Greek city-states. 788 BCE,-788-01-01,Iron Age begins in Sungai Batu (Old Kedah). 785 BCE,-785-01-01,Rise of the Kingdom of Kush. 776 BCE,-776-01-01,First recorded Ancient Olympic Games. 771 BCE,-771-01-01,Spring and Autumn period begins in China; Zhou dynasty's power is diminishing; the era of the Hundred Schools of Thought. 753 BCE,-753-01-01,Founding of Rome (traditional date). 745 BCE,-745-01-01,Tiglath-Pileser III becomes the new king of Assyria. With time he conquers neighboring countries and turns Assyria into an empire. 728 BCE,-728-01-01,Rise of the Median Empire. 700 BCE,-700-01-01,"The construction of Marib Dam in Arabia Felix, in modern Saudi Arabia and Yemen." 653 BCE,-653-01-01,Rise of Achaemenid dynasty. 612 BCE,-612-01-01,"An alliance between the Babylonians, Medes, and Scythians succeeds in destroying Nineveh and causing subsequent fall of the Assyrian empire." 600 BCE,-600-01-01,Pandyan kingdom is founded in South India. 600 BCE,-600-01-01,"Sixteen Mahajanapadas ('Great Realms' or 'Great Kingdoms') emerge in India." 600 BCE,-600-01-01,Evidence of writing system appears in Oaxaca used by the Zapotec civilization. 600 BCE,-600-01-01,Rise of the Sao civilization near Lake Chad. 563 BCE,-563-01-01,"Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), founder of Buddhism is born as a prince of the Shakya clan, which ruled parts of Magadha, one of the Mahajanapadas." 551 BCE,-551-01-01,"Confucius, founder of Confucianism, is born." 550 BCE,-550-01-01,Foundation of the Achaemenid Empire by Cyrus the Great. 549 BCE,-549-01-01,"Mahavira, founder of Jainism, is born." 546 BCE,-546-01-01,"Cyrus the Great overthrows Croesus, King of Lydia." 544 BCE,-544-01-01,Rise of Magadha as the dominant power under Bimbisara. 539 BCE,-539-01-01,The fall of the Neo-Babylonian Empire and liberation of the Jews by Cyrus the Great. 529 BCE,-529-01-01,Death of Cyrus the Great. 525 BCE,-525-01-01,Cambyses II of Persia conquers Ancient Egypt. 512 BCE,-512-01-01,"Darius I (Darius the Great) of Persia, subjugates eastern Thrace, Macedonia submits voluntarily, and annexes the Libyan Kingdom, Persian Empire at largest extent." 509 BCE,-509-01-01,"Expulsion of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, founding of Roman Republic (traditional date)." 508 BCE,-508-01-01,Athenian democracy instituted at the Republic of Athens. 500 BCE,-500-01-01,Panini standardizes the grammar and morphology of Sanskrit in the text Ashtadhyayi. Panini's standardized Sanskrit is known as Classical Sanskrit. 499 BCE,-499-01-01,"King Aristagoras of Miletus incites all of Hellenic Asia Minor to rebel against the Persian Empire, beginning the Greco-Persian Wars." 490 BCE,-490-01-01,Greek city-states defeat Persian invasion at Battle of Marathon. 483 BCE,-483-01-01,Death of Gautama Buddha. 480 BCE,-480-01-01,Persian invasion of Greece by Xerxes I; Battles of Thermopylae and Salamis. 479 BCE,-479-01-01,Death of Confucius. 475 BCE,-475-01-01,Warring States period begins in China as the Zhou king became a mere figurehead; China is annexed by regional warlords. 470 BCE,-470-01-01,Birth of Socrates. 465 BCE,-465-01-01,Murder of Xerxes I. 460 BCE,-460-01-01,Birth of Democritus. 458 BCE,-458-01-01,"The Oresteia by Aeschylus, the only surviving trilogy of ancient Greek plays, is performed." 449 BCE,-449-01-01,The Greco-Persian Wars end. 447 BCE,-447-01-01,Building of the Parthenon at Athens started. 432 BCE,-432-01-01,Construction of the Parthenon is completed. 431 BCE,-431-01-01,Beginning of the Peloponnesian War between the Greek city-states. 429 BCE,-429-01-01,Sophocles's play Oedipus Rex is first performed. 427 BCE,-427-01-01,Birth of Plato. 424 BCE,-424-01-01,Nanda dynasty comes to power in Magadha. 404 BCE,-404-01-01,End of the Peloponnesian War. 400 BCE,-400-01-01,Zapotec culture flourishes around city of Monte Albán. 400 BCE,-400-01-01,Rise of the Garamantes as an irrigation-based desert state in the Fezzan region of Libya. 399 BCE,-399-01-01,Death of Socrates. 384 BCE,-384-01-01,Birth of Aristotle. 370 BCE,-370-01-01,Death of Democritus. 331 BCE,-331-01-01,"Alexander the Great defeats Darius III of Persia in the Battle of Gaugamela, completing his conquest of Persia." 326 BCE,-326-01-01,Alexander the Great defeats Indian king Porus in the Battle of the Hydaspes River. 323 BCE,-323-01-01,Death of Alexander the Great at Babylon. 322 BCE,-322-01-01,Death of Aristotle. 321 BCE,-321-01-01,Chandragupta Maurya overthrows the Nanda dynasty of Magadha. 321 BCE,-321-01-01,Establishment of the Seleucid Empire by Seleucus I Nicator. The empire existed until 63 BCE. 305 BCE,-305-01-01,"Chandragupta Maurya seizes the satrapies of Paropamisadae (Kabul), Aria (Herat), Arachosia (Qanadahar) and Gedrosia (Baluchistan) from Seleucus I Nicator, the Macedonian satrap of Babylonia, in return for 500 elephants." 300 BCE,-300-01-01,Completion of Euclid's Elements. 300 BCE,-300-01-01,Pingala uses zero and binary numeral system. 300 BCE,-300-01-01,"Sangam literature (Tamil: சங்க இலக்கியம், Canka ilakkiyam) period in the history of ancient southern India (known as the Tamilakam)." 300 BCE,-300-01-01,Chola Empire forms in South India. 300 BCE,-300-01-01,"Construction of the Great Pyramid of Cholula, the world's largest pyramid by volume (the Great Pyramid of Giza built 2560 BCE Egypt stands 146.5 meters, making it 91.5 meters taller), begins in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico." 273 BCE,-273-01-01,Ashoka becomes the emperor of the Maurya Empire. 261 BCE,-261-01-01,Kalinga War. 257 BCE,-257-01-01,An Durong Vurong takes over Việt Nam (then Kingdom of Âu Lạc). 255 BCE,-255-01-01,Ashoka sends a Buddhist missionary led by his son who was Mahinda Thero (Buddhist monk) to Sri Lanka (then Lanka) Mahinda (Buddhist monk). 250 BCE,-250-01-01,"Rise of Parthia (Ashkâniân), the second native dynasty of ancient Persia." 232 BCE,-232-01-01,Death of Emperor Ashoka; Decline of the Mauryan Empire. 230 BCE,-230-01-01,Emergence of Satavahana in South India. 221 BCE,-221-01-01,"Qin Shi Huang unifies China, end of Warring States period; marking the beginning of Imperial rule in China which lasts until 1912. Construction of the Great Wall by the Qin dynasty begins." 216 BCE,-216-01-01,Battle of Cannae - Rome defeated in major battle in the second Punic War. 207 BCE,-207-01-01,Kingdom of Nanyue extends from Guangzhou to North Việt Nam . 206 BCE,-206-01-01,"Han dynasty established in China, after the death of Qin Shi Huang; China in this period officially becomes a Confucian state and opens trading connections with the West, i.e. the Silk Road." 202 BCE,-202-01-01,Scipio Africanus defeats Hannibal at Battle of Zama. 200 BCE,-200-01-01,"El Mirador, largest early Maya city, flourishes." 200 BCE,-200-01-01,Paper is invented in the Han dynasty. 200 BCE,-200-01-01,Chera dynasty in South India. 185 BCE,-185-01-01,Shunga Empire founded. 146 BCE,-146-01-01,"Roman conquest of Greece, see Roman Greece." 145 BCE,-145-01-01,Eucratides I dies; Greco-Bactrian Kingdom collapses. Remnants move southwards to form the Indo-Greek Kingdom. 121 BCE,-121-01-01,Roman armies enter Gaul for the first time. 111 BCE,-111-01-01,First Chinese domination of Việtnam in the form of the Nanyue Kingdom. 100 BCE,-100-01-01,Chola dynasty rises in prominence. 82 BCE,-082-01-01,Burebista becomes the king of Dacia. 71 BCE,-071-01-01,"Death of Spartacus. End of the Third Servile War, a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic." 63 BCE,-063-01-01,The Siege of Jerusalem leads to the conquest of Judea by the Romans. 49 BCE,-049-01-01,Roman Civil War between Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great. 44 BCE,-044-01-01,Julius Caesar murdered by Marcus Brutus and others; End of Roman Republic; beginning of Roman Empire. 44 BCE,-044-01-01,Burebista is assassinated in the same year like Julius Caesar and his empire breaks into 4 and later 5 kingdoms in modern-day Romania. 30 BCE,-030-01-01,Cleopatra ends her reign as the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. 27 BCE,-027-01-01,Formation of Roman Empire: Augustus is given titles of Princeps and Augustus by Roman Senate – beginning of Pax Romana. Formation of influential Praetorian Guard to provide security to Emperor. 18 BCE,-018-01-01,Three Kingdoms period begins in Korea. Herod's Temple is reconstructed. 6 BCE,-006-01-01,Earliest theorized date for birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Roman succession: Gaius Caesar and Lucius Caesar groomed for the throne. 4 BCE,-004-01-01,Widely accepted date (Ussher) for birth of Jesus Christ. 9 CE,9-01-01,"Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, the Imperial Roman Army's bloodiest defeat." 14 CE,14-01-01,"Death of Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar (Octavian), ascension of his adopted son Tiberius to the throne." 37 CE,37-01-01,"Death of Emperor Tiberius, ascension of his nephew Caligula to the throne." 40 CE,40-01-01,Rome conquers Mauretania. 41 CE,41-01-01,Emperor Caligula is assassinated by the Roman senate. His uncle Claudius succeeds him. 43 CE,43-01-01,The Roman Empire enters Great Britain for the first time. 54 CE,54-01-01,Emperor Claudius dies and is succeeded by his grand nephew Nero. 68 CE,68-01-01,"Emperor Nero commits suicide, prompting the Year of the Four Emperors in Rome." 70 CE,70-01-01,Destruction of Jerusalem by the armies of Titus. 79 CE,79-01-01,Destruction of Pompeii by the volcano Vesuvius. 98 CE,98-01-01,"After a two-year rule, Emperor Nerva dies of natural causes, his adopted son Trajan succeeds him." 117 CE,117-01-01,Trajan dies of natural causes. His adopted son Hadrian succeeds him. Hadrian pulls out of Iraq and Armenia. 122 CE,122-01-01,Construction of Hadrian's Wall begins. 126 CE,126-01-01,Hadrian completes the Roman Pantheon. 138 CE,138-01-01,Hadrian dies of natural causes. His adopted son Antoninus Pius succeeds him. 161 CE,161-01-01,Death of Antoninus Pius. His rule was the only one in which Rome did not fight in a war. 161 CE,161-01-01,Marcus Aurelius becomes emperor of the Roman Empire. 180 CE,180-01-01,Reign of Marcus Aurelius officially ends. 192 CE,192-01-01,Kingdom of Champa in Tay Nguyen. 220 CE,220-01-01,Three Kingdoms period begins in China after the fall of Han dynasty. 226 CE,226-01-01,Fall of the Parthian Empire and Rise of the Sassanian Empire. 238 CE,238-01-01,"Defeat of Gordian III (238–244), Philip the Arab (244–249), and Emperor Valerian (253–260), by Shapur I of Persia (Valerian was captured by the Persians)." 280 CE,280-01-01,Emperor Wu of Jin established the First Jin dynasty providing a temporary unity of China after the devastating Three Kingdoms period. 285 CE,285-01-01,Diocletian becomes emperor of Rome and splits the Roman Empire into Eastern and Western Roman Empires. 285 CE,285-01-01,Diocletian begins a large-scale persecution of Christians. 292 CE,292-01-01,The capital of the Roman empire is officially moved from Rome to Mediolanum (modern day Milan). 301 CE,301-01-01,Diocletian's edict on maximum prices. 301 CE,301-01-01,Armenia first to adopt Christianity as state religion. 313 CE,313-01-01,Edict of Milan declared that the Roman Empire would tolerate all forms of religious worship. 325 CE,325-01-01,Constantine I organizes the First Council of Nicaea. 330 CE,330-01-01,Constantinople is officially named and becomes the capital of the eastern Roman Empire. 335 CE,335-01-01,Samudragupta becomes the emperor of the Gupta empire. 337 CE,337-01-01,"Emperor Constantine I dies, leaving his sons Constantius II, Constans I, and Emperor Constantine II as the emperors of the Roman empire." 350 CE,350-01-01,Constantius II is left sole emperor with the death of his two brothers. 354 CE,354-01-01,Birth of Augustine of Hippo. 361 CE,361-01-01,"Constantius II dies, his cousin Emperor Julian succeeds him." 378 CE,378-01-01,"Battle of Adrianople, Roman army is defeated by the Germanic tribes." 380 CE,380-01-01,Roman Emperor Theodosius I declares the Arian faith of Christianity heretical. 395 CE,395-01-01,Theodosius I outlaws all religions other than Catholic Christianity. 400 CE,400-01-01,Highland Maya fall to the lowland city of Teotihuacan. 405 CE,405-01-01,St. Jerome finished the Vulgate. 410 CE,410-01-01,"Rome is sacked by Alaric, King of the Visigoths." 431 CE,431-01-01,Council of Ephesus. 455 CE,455-01-01,"Rome is sacked by Genseric, King of the Vandals." 476 CE,476-01-01,Odoacer deposes the Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus. 480 CE,480-01-01,"Death of Julius Nepos, last Roman Emperor to be recognized as such by the Roman Senate and the Eastern court." 493 CE,493-01-01,Theodoric the Great killed Odoacer at a banquet after the Siege of Ravenna (490–493). 500 CE,500-01-01,Tikal becomes the first great Maya city. 500 CE,500-01-01,Battle of Mons Badonicus. 507 CE,507-01-01,The Franks under Clovis defeat the Visigoths in the Battle of Vouillé. 524 CE,524-01-01,Boethius writes his Consolation of Philosophy. 525 CE,525-01-01,Dionysius Exiguus publishes the Dionysius Exiguus' Easter table. 527 CE,527-01-01,Justinian I becomes Eastern Roman Emperor. 529 CE,529-01-01,Benedict of Nursia founds monastery at Monte Cassino. 532 CE,532-01-01,Nika riots in Constantinople. 533 CE,533-01-01,"Byzantines, under Belisarius, retake North Africa from the Vandals." 563 CE,563-01-01,Saint Columba founds mission in Iona. 568 CE,568-01-01,The Kingdom of the Lombards is founded in Italy. 570 CE,570-01-01,Muhammad is born. 577 CE,577-01-01,The West Saxons continue their advance at the Battle of Deorham. 590 CE,590-01-01,Gregory the Great becomes Pope. 597 CE,597-01-01,Augustine arrives in Kent. 600 CE,600-01-01,Deliberate fires set for unknown reasons destroy major buildings in Teotihuacan. 622 CE,622-01-01,Muhammad migrates from Mecca to Medina. 626 CE,626-01-01,Joint Persian–Avar–Slav Siege of Constantinople. 627 CE,627-01-01,Battle of Nineveh. 632 CE,632-01-01,Death of Muhammad. 632 CE,632-01-01,Accession of Abu Bakr as first Caliph. 638 CE,638-01-01,"Jerusalem captured by the Arab army, mostly Muslims, but with contingents of Syrian Christians." 642 CE,642-01-01,Battle of Nahavand. Muslims conquer Persia. 643 CE,643-01-01,Arab Army led by Amr ibn al-As takes Alexandria. 645 CE,645-01-01,"In Japan, the Soga clan falls." 650 CE,650-01-01,Slav occupation of Balkans complete. 650 CE,650-01-01,The city-state Xochicalco is founded by the Olmeca–Xicallanca. 663 CE,663-01-01,Synod of Whitby. 668 CE,668-01-01,End of the Three Kingdoms period in Korea. 681 CE,681-01-01,Establishment of the Bulgarian Empire. 685 CE,685-01-01,Battle of Dun Nechtain. 687 CE,687-01-01,Battle of Tertry. 698 CE,698-01-01,Arab army takes Carthage. 698 CE,698-01-01,North–South States Period begins in Korea. 711 CE,711-01-01,Umayyad conquest of Hispania under Tarik. 718 CE,718-01-01,"Second Arab attack on Constantinople, ending in failure." 726 CE,726-01-01,"Iconoclast movement begun in the Byzantine Empire under Leo III. This was opposed by Pope Gregory II, and an important difference between the Roman and Byzantine churches." 732 CE,732-01-01,Battle of Tours. Charles Martel halts Muslim advance. 735 CE,735-01-01,Death of Bede. 750 CE,750-01-01,Beginning of Abbasid Caliphate. 751 CE,751-01-01,Pepin the Short founds the Carolingian dynasty. 754 CE,754-01-01,Pepin promises the Pope central Italy. This is arguably the beginning of the temporal power of the Papacy. 768 CE,768-01-01,Beginning of Charlemagne's reign. 778 CE,778-01-01,Battle of Roncevaux Pass. 786 CE,786-01-01,Accession of Harun al-Rashid to the Caliphate in Baghdad. 793 CE,793-01-01,Sack of Lindisfarne. Viking attacks on Britain begin. 794 CE,794-01-01,Heian period in Japan. 795 CE,795-01-01,Death of Offa. 800 CE,800-01-01,Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. 800 CE,800-01-01,Gunpowder is invented in China (somewhere around 9th century). 814 CE,814-01-01,Death of Charlemagne. 820 CE,820-01-01,Birth of Legendary Viking Ragnar Lodbrok. 820 CE,820-01-01,Algebrae et Alumcabola Algorithm. 825 CE,825-01-01,Battle of Ellandun. Egbert defeats Mercians. 827 CE,827-01-01,Muslims invade Sicily. 840 CE,840-01-01,Muslims capture Bari and much of southern Italy. 843 CE,843-01-01,Division of Charlemagne's Empire between his grandsons with the Treaty of Verdun. 843 CE,843-01-01,"Kenneth McAlpin becomes king of the Picts and Scots, creating the Kingdom of Alba." 862 CE,862-01-01,"Viking state in Russia founded under Rurik, first at Novgorod, then Kiev." 864 CE,864-01-01,Christianization of Bulgaria. 866 CE,866-01-01,Fujiwara period in Japan. 865 CE,865-01-01,Death of Ragnar Lodbrok. 866 CE,866-01-01,Viking Great Army arrives in England. 868 CE,868-01-01,Earliest known printed book Diamond Sutra in China with a date. 871 CE,871-01-01,"Alfred the Great assumes the throne, the first king of a united England." 872 CE,872-01-01,Harold Fairhair becomes King of Norway. 874 CE,874-01-01,Iceland is settled by Norsemen. 882 CE,882-01-01,Kievan Rus' is established. 885 CE,885-01-01,Arrival of the disciples of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Bulgaria. 893 CE,893-01-01,Emperor Simeon I becomes ruler of the First Bulgarian Empire in the Balkans. 896 CE,896-01-01,Arpad and the Magyars are present in Pannonia. 899 CE,899-01-01,Death of Alfred the Great. 900 CE,900-01-01,Lowland Maya cities in the south collapse. 907 CE,907-01-01,Tang Dynasty ends with Emperor Ai deposed. 910 CE,910-01-01,"King Edward the Elder of England, son of King Alfred, defeats the Northumbrian Vikings at the Battle of Tettenhall." 910 CE,910-01-01,"Cluny Abbey is founded by William I, Count of Auvergne." 911 CE,911-01-01,"The Viking Rollo and his tribe settle in what is now Normandy by the terms of the Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, founding the Duchy of Normandy." 913 CE,913-01-01,Sri Kesari Warmadewa reigned in Walidwipa (Bali). 917 CE,917-01-01,Battle of Anchialus. Simeon I the Great defeats the Byzantines. 919 CE,919-01-01,"Henry the Fowler, Duke of Saxony elected German King. First king of the Ottonian Dynasty." 925 CE,925-01-01,"The first King of Croatia (rex Croatorum), Tomislav (910–928) of the Trpimirović dynasty was crowned." 927 CE,927-01-01,"King Aethelstan the Glorious unites the heptarchy of The Anglo-Saxon nations of Wessex, Sussex, Essex, Kent, East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria founding the Kingdom of England." 927 CE,927-01-01,"According to Theophanes Continuatus (The Continuer of Theophanes's Chronicle) – Tomislav of Croatia defeated Bulgarian army of Tsar Simeon I under Duke Alogobotur, in battle of the Bosnian Highlands." 927 CE,927-01-01,"Death of Simeon I the Great. Recognition of the Bulgarian Patriarchate, the first independent National Church in Europe." 929 CE,929-01-01,Abd-ar-Rahman III of the Umayyad dynasty in al-Andalus (part of the Iberian peninsula) takes the title of Caliph or ruler of the Islamic world. 936 CE,936-01-01,Wang Geon unified Later Three Kingdoms of Korea. 938 CE,938-01-01,Ngo Quyen won the battle of Bach Dang against the Chinese Southern Han army. 955 CE,955-01-01,"Battle of Lechfeld. Otto the Great, son of Henry the Fowler, defeats the Magyars." 960 CE,960-01-01,Mieszko I becomes duke of Polans. 960 CE,960-01-01,"Song Dynasty begins after Emperor of Taizu usurps the throne from the Later Zhou, last of the Five Dynasties." 962 CE,962-01-01,Otto the Great crowned the Holy Roman Emperor. 969 CE,969-01-01,John I Tzimiskes and Nikephoros II are executed. 976 CE,976-01-01,Death of John I Tzimiskes; Basil II (his co-emperor) takes sole power. 978 CE,978-01-01,Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir becomes de facto ruler of Muslim Al-Andalus. 981 CE,981-01-01,"Basil II (called 'Bulgar Slayer') begins final conquest of Bulgaria." 985 CE,985-01-01,"Eric the Red, exiled from Iceland, begins Scandinavian colonization of Greenland." 987 CE,987-01-01,Succession of Hugh Capet to the French Throne. 988 CE,988-01-01,"Volodymyr I of Kiev embraces Christianity, which becomes national religion." 989 CE,989-01-01,Peace and Truce of God formed. 1001 CE,1001-01-01,Leif Erikson is to settle during the winter in present-day Canada at L'Anse aux Meadows. 1016 CE,1016-01-01,"Canute the Great becomes King of England after the death of Edmund Ironside, with whom he shared the English throne." 1018 CE,1018-01-01,The Byzantines under Basil II conquer Bulgaria after a bitter 50-years struggle. 1021 CE,1021-01-01,"The Tale of Genji, written by Murasaki Shikibu, is completed sometime before this date." 1025 CE,1025-01-01,The Canon of Medicine is written. 1037 CE,1037-01-01,The Great Seljuk Empire is founded by Tughril Beg. 1049 CE,1049-01-01,Pope Leo IX ascends to the papal throne. 1050 CE,1050-01-01,"The astrolabe, an ancient tool of navigation, is first used in Europe." 1050 CE,1050-01-01,Westminster Abbey is built. 1054 CE,1054-01-01,The East-West Schism which divided the church into Western Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. 1066 CE,1066-01-01,"William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, invades England and becomes King after the Battle of Hastings." 1067 CE,1067-01-01,Pope Gregory VII elevated to the papal throne. 1071 CE,1071-01-01,"The Seljuks under Alp Arslan defeat the Byzantine army at Manzikert. The Normans capture Bari, the last Byzantine possession in southern Italy." 1075 CE,1075-01-01,Dictatus Papae in which Pope Gregory VII defines the powers of the pope. 1077 CE,1077-01-01,"Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV walks to Canossa where he stands barefoot in the snow to beg forgiveness of the Pope for his offences, and admitting defeat in the Investiture Controversy." 1077 CE,1077-01-01,The Construction of the Tower of London begins. 1086 CE,1086-01-01,"The compilation of the Domesday Book, a great land and property survey commissioned by William the Conqueror to assess his new possessions." 1088 CE,1088-01-01,University of Bologna is formed. 1095 CE,1095-01-01,"Pope Urban issues the Crusades to capture the Holy Land, and to repel the Seljuk Turks from the Byzantine Empire from Alexios I Komnenos." 1098 CE,1098-01-01,The Cistercian Order is founded. 1099 CE,1099-01-01,First Crusade. Jerusalem is re-taken from the Muslims on the urging of Pope Urban II. 1100 CE,1100-01-01,"Latin-translation of the great masters of Arabic medicine: Rhazes, Ishaq Ibn Imran, Ibn Suleiman, and Ibn al-Jazzar." 1102 CE,1102-01-01,"Kingdom of Croatia and Kingdom of Hungary formed a personal union of two kingdoms united under the Hungarian king. The act of union was deal with Pacta conventa, by which institutions of separate Croatian statehood were maintained through the Sabor (an assembly of Croatian nobles) and the ban (viceroy). In addition, the Croatian nobles retained their lands and titles." 1102 CE,1102-01-01,Synods of Westminster. 1106 CE,1106-01-01,"Henry I of England defeats his older brother Robert Curthose, duke of Normandy, at the Battle of Tinchebrai, and imprisons him in Devizes castle; Edgar Atheling and William Clito are also taken prisoner." 1107 CE,1107-01-01,"Through the Compromise of 1107, suggested by Adela, the sister of King Henry, the Investiture Struggle in England is ended." 1109 CE,1109-01-01,"In the Battle of Naklo, Boleslaus III Wrymouth defeats the Pomeranians." 1109 CE,1109-01-01,"In the Battle of Hundsfeld, Boleslaus III Wrymouth defeats Emperor Henry V." 1116 CE,1116-01-01,The Byzantine army defeats the Turks at Philomelion. 1117 CE,1117-01-01,The University of Oxford is founded. 1118 CE,1118-01-01,The Knights Templar are founded to protect Jerusalem and European pilgrims on their journey to the city. 1121 CE,1121-01-01,St. Norbert and 29 companions make their solemn vows marking the beginning of the Premonstratensian Order. 1122 CE,1122-01-01,The Concordat of Worms was drawn up between Emperor Henry V and Pope Calixtus II. 1123 CE,1123-01-01,The First Lateran Council followed and confirmed the Concordat of Worms. 1125 CE,1125-01-01,"Lothair of Supplinburg, duke of Saxony, is elected Holy Roman Emperor instead of the nearest heir, Frederick of Swabia." 1130 CE,1130-01-01,"Roger II is crowned King of Sicily, a Royal title given him by the Antipope Anacletus II." 1135 CE,1135-01-01,The Anarchy begins in England. 1139 CE,1139-01-01,"The Second Lateran Council declared clerical marriages invalid, regulated clerical dress, and punished attacks on clerics by excommunication." 1140 CE,1140-01-01,Decretum. 1144 CE,1144-01-01,Rebuild of Basilica of Saint Denis. 1150 CE,1150-01-01,"Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona, married Queen Petronilla of Aragon. They had been betrothed in 1137." 1150 CE,1150-01-01,Founding of the University of Paris. 1152 CE,1152-01-01,The Synod of Kells-Mellifont established the present diocesan system of Ireland (with later modifications) and recognized the primacy of Armagh. 1154 CE,1154-01-01,Common Law. 1158 CE,1158-01-01,The Hanseatic League is founded. 1163 CE,1163-01-01,The first cornerstone is laid for the construction of Notre Dame de Paris. 1166 CE,1166-01-01,"Stefan Nemanja united Serbian territories, establishing the Medieval Serbian state." 1171 CE,1171-01-01,King Henry II of England lands in Ireland to assert his supremacy and the Synod of Cashel acknowledges his sovereignty. 1174 CE,1174-01-01,"King William I of Scotland, captured in the Battle of Alnwick by the English, accepts the feudal lordship of the English crown and does ceremonial allegiance at York." 1175 CE,1175-01-01,Hōnen Shōnin (Genkū) founds the Jōdo shū (Pure Land) sect of Buddhism. 1176 CE,1176-01-01,"At the Battle of Legnano, the cavalry of Frederick Barbarossa is defeated by the infantry of the Lombard League." 1175 CE,1175-01-01,Latin-translation. 1179 CE,1179-01-01,Church schools. 1179 CE,1179-01-01,"The Third Lateran Council limits papal electees to the cardinals alone, condemns simony, and forbids the promotion of anyone to the episcopate before the age of thirty." 1183 CE,1183-01-01,"The final Peace of Constance between Frederick Barbarossa, the pope, and the Lombard towns is signed." 1183 CE,1183-01-01,The Taira clan are driven out of Kyōto by Minamoto Yoshinaka. 1184 CE,1184-01-01,Pope Lucius III issues the papal bull Ad Abolendam. 1185 CE,1185-01-01,Windmills are first recorded. 1185 CE,1185-01-01,Uprising of Asen and Peter. The reestablishment of the Bulgarian Empire. 1185 CE,1185-01-01,"At the Battle of Dan no Ura, Minamoto Yoshitsune annihilates the Taira clan." 1186 CE,1186-01-01,"The future emperor Henry VI marries Constance of Sicily, heiress to the Sicilian throne." 1187 CE,1187-01-01,Saladin recaptures Jerusalem. 1188 CE,1188-01-01,Tractatus of Glanvil. 1189 CE,1189-01-01,Richard I ascends the throne of England. 1189 CE,1189-01-01,William II of Sicily died and was succeeded by Tancred of Sicily instead of Constance. 1191 CE,1191-01-01,New Emperor Henry VI sets an expedition to conquer Kingdom of Sicily however fails and Empress Constance is captured. 1192 CE,1192-01-01,"Minamoto no Yoritomo is appointed Sei-i Taishōgun, or shōgun for short." 1193 CE,1193-01-01,Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji sack and burn the university at Nalanda. 1193 CE,1193-01-01,The first known merchant guild. 1195 CE,1195-01-01,Battle of Alarcos The Almohad Caliphate decisively defeat the Kingdom of Castile. 1199 CE,1199-01-01,Europeans first use compasses. 1202 CE,1202-01-01,"The Fourth Crusade sacked Croatian town of Zadar (Italian: Zara), a rival of Venice. Unable to raise enough funds to pay to their Venetian contractors, the crusaders agreed to sack the city despite letters from Pope Innocent III forbidding such an action and threatening excommunication." 1202 CE,1202-01-01,"Battle of Mirebeau. John of England captures Arthur I of Brittany and Eleanor, Fair Maid of Brittany sister of Arthur." 1204 CE,1204-01-01,Sack of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade. 1205 CE,1205-01-01,Battle of Adrianople. The Bulgarians under Emperor Kaloyan defeat Baldwin I. 1206 CE,1206-01-01,Genghis Khan was elected as Khagan of the Mongols and the Mongol Empire was established. 1208 CE,1208-01-01,Pope Innocent III calls for the Albigensian Crusade which seeks to destroy a rival form of Christianity practiced by the Cathars. 1209 CE,1209-01-01,The University of Cambridge is founded. 1209 CE,1209-01-01,Founding of the Franciscan Order. 1212 CE,1212-01-01,"Spanish Christians succeed in defeating the Moors in the long Reconquista campaigns, after the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa." 1214 CE,1214-01-01,Battle of Bouvines. 1215 CE,1215-01-01,The Magna Carta is sealed by John of England. 1215 CE,1215-01-01,"Fourth Lateran Council. Dealt with transubstantiation, papal primacy and conduct of clergy. Proclaimed that Jews and Muslims should wear identification marks to distinguish them from Christians." 1216 CE,1216-01-01,Papal recognition of the Dominican Order. 1219 CE,1219-01-01,"Serbian Orthodox Church becomes autocephalous under St. Sava, its first Archbishop." 1227 CE,1227-01-01,Genghis Khan dies. 1246 CE,1246-01-01,Election of Güyük Khan. 1250 CE,1250-01-01,Louis IX is captured at the last major battle of the Seventh Crusade. 1257 CE,1257-01-01,Opening of the College of Sorbonne. 1257 CE,1257-01-01,Provisions of Oxford forced upon Henry III of England. 1258 CE,1258-01-01,Siege of Baghdad. 1258 CE,1258-01-01,The first Mongol invasion of Vietnam. 1273 CE,1273-01-01,Rudolph I of Germany is elected Holy Roman Emperor. 1274 CE,1274-01-01,"Thomas Aquinas' work, Summa Theologica is published, after his death." 1279 CE,1279-01-01,Battle of Yamen. 1282 CE,1282-01-01,"Sicilian Vespers. Sicilians massacre Angevins over a six-week period, after a Frenchman, harassed a woman." 1283 CE,1283-01-01,First regulated Catalan Courts. 1285 CE,1285-01-01,The second Mongol invasion of Vietnam. 1287 CE,1287-01-01,The third Mongol invasion of Vietnam. 1293 CE,1293-01-01,Mongol invasion of Java. 1296 CE,1296-01-01,"Edward I of England invades Scotland, starting the First War of Scottish Independence." 1297 CE,1297-01-01,The Battle of Stirling Bridge. 1298 CE,1298-01-01,"Marco Polo publishes his tales of China, along with Rustichello da Pisa." 1299 CE,1299-01-01,The Ottoman Empire is founded by Osman I. 1305 CE,1305-01-01,William Wallace is executed for treason. 1307 CE,1307-01-01,"The Knights Templar are rounded up and murdered by Philip the Fair of France, with the backing of the Pope." 1307 CE,1307-01-01,Beginning of the Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy during which the Popes moved to Avignon. 1310 CE,1310-01-01,Dante publishes his Divine Comedy. 1314 CE,1314-01-01,Battle of Bannockburn. 1325 CE,1325-01-01,The Mexica found the city of Tenochtitlan. 1328 CE,1328-01-01,The First War of Scottish Independence ends in Scottish victory with the Treaty of Edinburgh–Northampton and de jure independence. 1330 CE,1330-01-01,Battle of Velbazhd. 1333 CE,1333-01-01,"Emperor Go-Daigo returns to the throne from exile, and begins the Kenmu Restoration." 1337 CE,1337-01-01,The Hundred Years' War begins. England and France struggle for a dominating position in Europe and their region. 1346 CE,1346-01-01,Battle of Crécy. 1347 CE,1347-01-01,The Black Death ravages Europe for the first of many times. An estimated 20% – 40% of the population is thought to have perished within the first year. 1347 CE,1347-01-01,The University of Prague is founded. 1364 CE,1364-01-01,Astrarium. 1368 CE,1368-01-01,"The fall of the Yuan dynasty. Its remnants, known as Northern Yuan, continued to rule Mongolia." 1370 CE,1370-01-01,Tamerlane establishes the Timurid dynasty. 1371 CE,1371-01-01,"King Marko's realm is established, the capital is located in Prilep." 1378 CE,1378-01-01,The Western Schism during which three claimant popes were elected simultaneously. 1380 CE,1380-01-01,Prince Dmitry Donskoy of Moscow led a united Russian army to a victory over the Mongols in the Battle of Kulikovo. 1380 CE,1380-01-01,Chaucer begins to write The Canterbury Tales. 1381 CE,1381-01-01,Peasants' Revolt in England. 1381 CE,1381-01-01,The Bible is translated into English by John Wycliffe. 1386 CE,1386-01-01,The University of Heidelberg is founded. 1389 CE,1389-01-01,Battle of Kosovo in Serbia. 1392 CE,1392-01-01,Joseon dynasty founded in Korea. 1396 CE,1396-01-01,The Battle of Nicopolis. 1397 CE,1397-01-01,The Kalmar Union is formed. 1399 CE,1399-01-01,"Richard II abdicates the throne to Henry of Bolingbroke, who becomes Henry IV of England." 1400 CE,1400-01-01,Establishment of the Malaccan Sultanate. 1402 CE,1402-01-01,Battle of Ankara. 1405 CE,1405-01-01,"Chinese naval expeditions of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean (to Eastern Africa) begin, under the leadership of Zheng He." 1409 CE,1409-01-01,"Ladislaus of Naples sells his 'rights' on Dalmatia to the Venetian Republic for 100,000 ducats." 1410 CE,1410-01-01,Battle of Grunwald. 1415 CE,1415-01-01,Kingdom of Portugal conquers Ceuta. 1415 CE,1415-01-01,"Battle of Agincourt. Henry V and his army defeat a numerically superior French army, partially because of the newly introduced English longbow." 1417 CE,1417-01-01,The Council of Constance ends. 1419 CE,1419-01-01,"Hussite Wars begin after four years after the death of Jan Hus in central Europe, dealing with the followers of Jan Hus and those against them." 1428 CE,1428-01-01,"Itzcoatl, the fourth Mexica king in Tenochtitlán, allied with Texcoco and Tlacopan, defeats Azcapotzalco." 1429 CE,1429-01-01,"Joan of Arc lifts the siege of Orléans for the Dauphin of France, enabling him to eventually be crowned at Reims." 1431 CE,1431-01-01,Trial and execution of Joan of Arc. 1434 CE,1434-01-01,The Medici family rises to prominence in Florence. 1434 CE,1434-01-01,Aronolfini Portrait Jan van Eyck. 1438 CE,1438-01-01,Prince Cusi Yupanqui becomes the first Inca emperor. 1439 CE,1439-01-01,Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press. 1442 CE,1442-01-01,Battle of Szeben. 1443 CE,1443-01-01,Sejong the Great creates Hangul. 1444 CE,1444-01-01,Battle of Varna. 1450 CE,1450-01-01,Jack Cade's Rebellion. 1452 CE,1452-01-01,Coronation of Frederick III. 1453 CE,1453-01-01,Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Turks. 1453 CE,1453-01-01,The Hundred Years' War ends. 1455 CE,1455-01-01,Battle of St. Albans. 1456 CE,1456-01-01,Siege of Belgrade. 1459 CE,1459-01-01,Smederevo falls under the Turks. 1461 CE,1461-01-01,The Empire of Trebizond falls to the Ottoman Turks. 1464 CE,1464-01-01,Dardanelles gun constructed. 1475 CE,1475-01-01,The Khanate of Crimea is conquered and made a vassal state by the Ottoman Empire. 1480 CE,1480-01-01,Great Stand on the Ugra River. 1485 CE,1485-01-01,Thomas Malory composes Le Morte d'Arthur. 1485 CE,1485-01-01,Battle of Bosworth Field. 1487 CE,1487-01-01,Battle of Stoke. 1492 CE,1492-01-01,Reconquista ends. 1492 CE,1492-01-01,Christopher Columbus reaches the New World. 1494 CE,1494-01-01,Spain and Portugal sign the Treaty of Tordesillas and agree to divide the World outside of Europe between themselves. 1497 CE,1497-01-01,Vasco da Gama begins his first voyage from Europe to India and back. 1499 CE,1499-01-01,Ottoman fleet defeats Venetians at the Battle of Zonchio. 1501 CE,1501-01-01,Michelangelo returns to his native Florence to begin work on the statue David. 1501 CE,1501-01-01,Safavid dynasty reunifies Iran and rules over it until 1736. Safavids adopt a Shia branch of Islam. 1501 CE,1501-01-01,First Battle of Cannanore between the Third Portuguese Armada and Kingdom of Cochin under João da Nova and Zamorin of Kozhikode's navy marks the beginning of Portuguese conflicts in the Indian Ocean. 1502 CE,1502-01-01,First reported African slaves in the New World. 1502 CE,1502-01-01,"The Crimean Khanate sacks Sarai in the Golden Horde, ending its existence." 1503 CE,1503-01-01,Spain defeats France at the Battle of Cerignola. Considered to be the first battle in history won by gunpowder small arms. 1503 CE,1503-01-01,Leonardo da Vinci begins painting the Mona Lisa and completes it three years later. 1503 CE,1503-01-01,Nostradamus is born on either December 14 or December 21. 1504 CE,1504-01-01,"A period of drought, with famine in all of Spain." 1504 CE,1504-01-01,Death of Isabella I of Castile; Joanna of Castile becomes the Queen. 1504 CE,1504-01-01,"Foundation of the Sultanate of Sennar by Amara Dunqas, in what is modern Sudan." 1505 CE,1505-01-01,Zhengde Emperor ascends the throne of Ming Dynasty. 1505 CE,1505-01-01,"Martin Luther enters St. Augustine's Monastery at Erfurt, Germany, on 17 July and begins his journey to instigating the Reformation." 1505 CE,1505-01-01,"Sultan Trenggono builds the first Muslim kingdom in Java, called Demak, in Indonesia. Many other small kingdoms were established in other islands to fight against Portuguese. Each kingdom introduced local language as a way of communication and unity." 1506 CE,1506-01-01,Leonardo da Vinci completes the Mona Lisa. 1506 CE,1506-01-01,"King Afonso I of Kongo wins the battle of Mbanza Kongo, resulting in Catholicism becoming Kongo's state religion." 1506 CE,1506-01-01,"At least two thousand converted Jews are massacred in a Lisbon riot, Portugal." 1506 CE,1506-01-01,"Christopher Columbus dies in Valladolid, Spain." 1506 CE,1506-01-01,Poland is invaded by Tatars from the Crimean Khanate. 1507 CE,1507-01-01,The first recorded epidemic of smallpox in the New World on the island of Hispaniola. It devastates the native Taíno population. 1507 CE,1507-01-01,"Afonso de Albuquerque conquered Hormuz and Muscat, among other bases in the Persian Gulf, taking control of the region at the entrance of the Gulf." 1508 CE,1508-01-01,The Christian-Islamic power struggle in Europe and West Asia spills over into the Indian Ocean as Battle of Chaul during the Portuguese-Mamluk War. 1509 CE,1509-01-01,"The defeat of joint fleet of the Sultan of Gujarat, the Mamlûk Burji Sultanate of Egypt, and the Zamorin of Calicut with support of the Republic of Venice and the Ottoman Empire in Battle of Diu marks the beginning of Portuguese dominance of the Spice trade and the Indian Ocean." 1509 CE,1509-01-01,"The Portuguese king sends Diogo Lopes de Sequeira to find Malacca, the eastern terminus of Asian trade. After initially receiving Sequeira, Sultan Mahmud Shah captures and/or kills several of his men and attempts an assault on the four Portuguese ships, which escape. The Javanese fleet is also destroyed in Malacca." 1509 CE,1509-01-01,Krishnadevaraya ascends the throne of Vijayanagara Empire. 1510 CE,1510-01-01,Afonso de Albuquerque of Portugal conquers Goa in India. 1511 CE,1511-01-01,"Afonso de Albuquerque of Portugal conquers Malacca, the capital of the Sultanate of Malacca in present-day Malaysia." 1512 CE,1512-01-01,"Copernicus writes Commentariolus, and proclaims the sun the center of the solar system." 1512 CE,1512-01-01,The southern part (historical core) of the Kingdom of Navarre is invaded by Castile and Aragon. 1512 CE,1512-01-01,"Qutb Shahi dynasty, founded by Quli Qutb Mulk, rules Golconda Sultanate until 1687." 1512 CE,1512-01-01,The first Portuguese exploratory expedition was sent eastward from Malacca (in present-day Malaysia) to search for the 'Spice Islands' (Maluku) led by Francisco Serrão. Serrão is shipwrecked but struggles on to Hitu (northern Ambon) and wins the favour of the local rulers. 1513 CE,1513-01-01,"Machiavelli writes The Prince, a treatise about political philosophy." 1513 CE,1513-01-01,"The Portuguese mariner Jorge Álvares lands at Macau, China, during the Ming Dynasty." 1513 CE,1513-01-01,Henry VIII defeats the French at the Battle of the Spurs. 1513 CE,1513-01-01,The Battle of Flodden Field in which invading Scots are defeated by Henry VIII's forces. 1513 CE,1513-01-01,"Sultan Selim I ('The Grim') orders the massacre of Shia Muslims in Anatolia (present-day Turkey)." 1513 CE,1513-01-01,"Vasco Núñez de Balboa, in service of Spain arrives at the Pacific Ocean (which he called Mar del Sur) across the Isthmus of Panama. He was the first European to do so." 1514 CE,1514-01-01,The Battle of Orsha halts Muscovy's expansion into Eastern Europe. 1514 CE,1514-01-01,"Dózsa rebellion (peasant revolt) in Hungary." 1514 CE,1514-01-01,"The Battle of Chaldiran, the Ottoman Empire gains decisive victory against Safavid dynasty." 1515 CE,1515-01-01,The Ottoman Empire wrests Eastern Anatolia from the Safavids after the Battle of Chaldiran. 1515 CE,1515-01-01,"The Ottomans conquers the last beyliks of Anatolia, the Dulkadirs and the Ramadanids." 1517 CE,1517-01-01,The Sweating sickness epidemic in Tudor England. 1517 CE,1517-01-01,The Reformation begins when Martin Luther posts his Ninety-five Theses in Saxony. 1518 CE,1518-01-01,"The Treaty of London was a non-aggression pact between the major European nations. The signatories were Burgundy, France, England, the Holy Roman Empire, the Netherlands, the Papal States and Spain, all of whom agreed not to attack one another and to come to the aid of any that were under attack." 1518 CE,1518-01-01,Mir Chakar Khan Rind leaves Baluchistan and settles in Punjab. 1518 CE,1518-01-01,"Leo Africanus, also known as al-Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fasi, an Andalusian Berber diplomat who is best known for his book Descrittione dell’Africa (Description of Africa), is captured by Spanish pirates; he is taken to Rome and presented to Pope Leo X." 1518 CE,1518-01-01,"The dancing plague of 1518 begins in Strasbourg, lasting for about one month." 1519 CE,1519-01-01,"Wang Yangming, the Chinese philosopher and governor of Jiangxi province, describes his intent to use the firepower of the fo-lang-ji, a breech-loading Portuguese culverin, in order to suppress the rebellion of Prince Zhu Chenhao." 1519 CE,1519-01-01,"Barbary pirates led by Hayreddin Barbarossa, a Turk appointed to ruling position in Algiers by the Ottoman Empire, raid Provence and Toulon in southern France." 1519 CE,1519-01-01,"Charles I of Austria, Spain, and the Low Countries becomes Emperor of Holy Roman Empire as Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (ruled until 1556)." 1520 CE,1520-01-01,"The first European diplomatic mission to Ethiopia, sent by the Portuguese, arrives at Massawa 9 April, and reaches the imperial encampment of Emperor Dawit II in Shewa 9 October." 1520 CE,1520-01-01,Vijayanagara Empire forces under Krishnadevaraya defeat the Adil Shahi under at the Battle of Raichur. 1520 CE,1520-01-01,"Sultan Ali Mughayat Shah of Aceh begins an expansionist campaign capturing Daya on the west Sumatran coast (in present-day Indonesia), and the pepper and gold producing lands on the east coast." 1520 CE,1520-01-01,The Portuguese established a trading post in the village of Lamakera on the eastern side of Solor (in present-day Indonesia) as a transit harbour between Maluku and Malacca. 1521 CE,1521-01-01,Belgrade (in present-day Serbia) is captured by the Ottoman Empire. 1521 CE,1521-01-01,"After building fortifications at Tuen Mun, the Portuguese attempt to invade Ming Dynasty China, but are expelled by Chinese naval forces." 1521 CE,1521-01-01,Philippines encountered by Ferdinand Magellan. He was later killed in the Battle of Mactan in central Philippines in the same year. 1521 CE,1521-01-01,"Jiajing Emperor ascended the throne of Ming Dynasty, China." 1521 CE,1521-01-01,"November, Ferdinand Magellan's expedition reaches Maluku (in present-day Indonesia) and after trade with Ternate returns to Europe with a load of cloves." 1521 CE,1521-01-01,"Pati Unus leads the invasion of Malacca (in present-day Malaysia) against the Portuguese occupation. Pati Unus was killed in this battle, and was succeeded by his brother, sultan Trenggana." 1522 CE,1522-01-01,"Rhodes falls to the Ottomans of Suleiman the Magnificent." 1522 CE,1522-01-01,The Portuguese ally themselves with the rulers of Ternate (in present-day Indonesia) and begin construction of a fort. 1522 CE,1522-01-01,"August, Luso-Sundanese Treaty signed between Portugal and Sunda Kingdom granted Portuguese permit to build fortress in Sunda Kelapa." 1523 CE,1523-01-01,Sweden gains independence from the Kalmar Union. 1523 CE,1523-01-01,The Cacao bean is introduced to Spain by Hernán Cortés. 1524 CE,1524-01-01,Giovanni da Verrazzano is the first European to explore the Atlantic coast of North America between South Carolina and Newfoundland. 1524 CE,1524-01-01,"Ismail I, the founder of Safavid dynasty, dies and Tahmasp I becomes king." 1525 CE,1525-01-01,"Timurid Empire forces under Babur defeat the Lodi dynasty at the First Battle of Panipat, end of the Delhi Sultanate." 1525 CE,1525-01-01,"German and Spanish forces defeat France at the Battle of Pavia, Francis I of France is captured." 1526 CE,1526-01-01,The Ottomans defeat the Kingdom of Hungary at the Battle of Mohács. 1526 CE,1526-01-01,"Mughal Empire, founded by Babur, dominates India until 1857." 1527 CE,1527-01-01,Sack of Rome with Pope Clement VII escaping and the Swiss Guards defending the Vatican being killed. The sack of the city of Rome considered the end of the Italian Renaissance. 1527 CE,1527-01-01,Protestant Reformation begins in Sweden. 1527 CE,1527-01-01,"The last ruler of Majapahit falls from power. This state (located in present-day Indonesia) was finally extinguished at the hands of the Demak. A large number of courtiers, artisans, priests, and members of the royalty moved east to the island of Bali; however, the power and the seat of government transferred to Demak under the leadership of Pangeran, later Sultan Fatah." 1527 CE,1527-01-01,"June 22, The Javanese Prince Fatahillah of the Cirebon Sultanate successfully defeated the Portuguese armed forces at the site of the Sunda Kelapa Harbor. The city was then renamed Jayakarta, meaning 'a glorious victory.' This eventful day came to be acknowledged as Jakarta's Founding Anniversary." 1527 CE,1527-01-01,Mughal Empire forces defeat the Rajput led by Rana Sanga of Mewar at the Battle of Khanwa. 1529 CE,1529-01-01,The Austrians defeat the Ottoman Empire at the siege of Vienna. 1529 CE,1529-01-01,Treaty of Zaragoza defined the antimeridian of Tordesillas attributing the Moluccas to Portugal and Philippines to Spain. 1529 CE,1529-01-01,"Imam Ahmad Gragn defeats the Ethiopian Emperor Dawit II in the Battle of Shimbra Kure, the opening clash of the Ethiopian–Adal War." 1531 CE,1531-01-01,"The Inca Civil War is fought between the two brothers, Atahualpa and Huáscar." 1532 CE,1532-01-01,Francisco Pizarro leads the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire. 1532 CE,1532-01-01,"Foundation of São Vicente, the first permanent Portuguese settlement in the Americas." 1533 CE,1533-01-01,Anne Boleyn becomes Queen of England. 1533 CE,1533-01-01,Elizabeth Tudor is born. 1534 CE,1534-01-01,Jacques Cartier claims Canada for France. 1534 CE,1534-01-01,The Ottomans capture Baghdad from the Safavids. 1534 CE,1534-01-01,"Affair of the Placards, where King Francis I becomes more active in repression of French Protestants." 1535 CE,1535-01-01,"The Münster Rebellion, an attempt of radical, millennialist, Anabaptists to establish a theocracy, ends in bloodshed." 1535 CE,1535-01-01,The Portuguese in Ternate depose Sultan Tabariji (or Tabarija) and send him to Portuguese Goa where he converts to Christianity and bequeaths his Portuguese godfather Jordao de Freitas the island of Ambon.Hairun becomes the next sultan. 1536 CE,1536-01-01,"In England, Anne Boleyn is beheaded for adultery and treason." 1536 CE,1536-01-01,Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal. 1536 CE,1536-01-01,Foundation of Buenos Aires (in present-day Argentina) by Pedro de Mendoza. 1537 CE,1537-01-01,"The Portuguese establish Recife in Pernambuco, north-east of Brazil." 1537 CE,1537-01-01,"William Tyndale's partial translation of the Bible into English is published, which would eventually be incorporated into the King James Bible." 1538 CE,1538-01-01,Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada founds Bogotá. 1538 CE,1538-01-01,Spanish–Venetian fleet is defeated by the Ottoman Turks at the Battle of Preveza. 1539 CE,1539-01-01,Hernando de Soto explores inland North America. 1540 CE,1540-01-01,"The Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, is founded by Ignatius of Loyola and six companions with the approval of Pope Paul III." 1540 CE,1540-01-01,"Sher Shah Suri founds the Suri dynasty in South Asia, an ethnic Pashtun (Pathan) of the house of Sur, who supplanted the Mughal dynasty as rulers of North India during the reign of the relatively ineffectual second Mughal emperor Humayun. Sher Shah Suri decisively defeats Humayun in the Battle of Bilgram (May 17, 1540)." 1541 CE,1541-01-01,Pedro de Valdivia founds Santiago de Chile. 1541 CE,1541-01-01,An Algerian military campaign by Charles V of Spain (Habsburg) is unsuccessful. 1541 CE,1541-01-01,Amazon River is encountered and explored by Francisco de Orellana. 1541 CE,1541-01-01,Capture of Buda and the absorption of the major part of Hungary by the Ottoman Empire. 1541 CE,1541-01-01,Sahib I Giray of Crimea invades Russia. 1542 CE,1542-01-01,"The Italian War of 1542–1546 War resumes between Francis I of France and Emperor Charles V. This time Henry VIII is allied with the Emperor, while James V of Scotland and Sultan Suleiman I are allied with the French." 1542 CE,1542-01-01,Akbar The Great is born in the Rajput Umarkot Fort. 1542 CE,1542-01-01,Spanish explorer Ruy López de Villalobos named the island of Samar and Leyte Las Islas Filipinas honoring Philip II of Spain and became the official name of the archipelago. 1543 CE,1543-01-01,Ethiopian/Portuguese troops decisively defeat the Adal-Ottoman Muslim army led by Imam Ahmad Gragn at the Battle of Wayna Daga; Imam Ahmad Gragn is killed at this battle. 1543 CE,1543-01-01,Copernicus publishes his theory that the Earth and the other planets revolve around the Sun. 1543 CE,1543-01-01,The Nanban trade period begins after Portuguese traders make contact with Japan. 1544 CE,1544-01-01,"The French defeat an Imperial–Spanish army at the Battle of Ceresole." 1544 CE,1544-01-01,"Battle of the Shirts in Scotland. The Frasers and Macdonalds of Clan Ranald fight over a disputed chiefship; reportedly, 5 Frasers and 8 Macdonalds survive." 1545 CE,1545-01-01,Songhai forces sack the Malian capital of Niani. 1545 CE,1545-01-01,The Council of Trent meets for the first time in Trent (in northern Italy). 1546 CE,1546-01-01,Michelangelo Buonarroti is made chief architect of St. Peter's Basilica. 1546 CE,1546-01-01,"Francis Xavier works among the peoples of Ambon, Ternate and Morotai (Moro) laying the foundations for a permanent mission. (to 1547)." 1547 CE,1547-01-01,Henry VIII dies in the Palace of Whitehall on 28 January at the age of 55. 1547 CE,1547-01-01,Francis I dies in the Château de Rambouillet on 31 March at the age of 52. 1547 CE,1547-01-01,Edward VI becomes King of England and Ireland on 28 January and is crowned on 20 February at the age of 9. 1547 CE,1547-01-01,Emperor Charles V decisively dismantles the Schmalkaldic League at the Battle of Mühlberg. 1547 CE,1547-01-01,"Grand Prince Ivan the Terrible is crowned tsar of (All) Russia, thenceforth becoming the first Russian tsar." 1548 CE,1548-01-01,"Battle of Uedahara: Firearms are used for the first time on the battlefield in Japan, and Takeda Shingen is defeated by Murakami Yoshikiyo." 1548 CE,1548-01-01,"Askia Daoud, who reigned from 1548 to 1583, establishes public libraries in Timbuktu (in present-day Mali)." 1548 CE,1548-01-01,The Ming Dynasty government of China issues a decree banning all foreign trade and closes down all seaports along the coast; these Hai jin laws came during the Wokou wars with Japanese pirates. 1549 CE,1549-01-01,"Tomé de Sousa establishes Salvador in Bahia, north-east of Brazil." 1549 CE,1549-01-01,"Arya Penangsang with the support of his teacher, Sunan Kudus, avenges the death of Raden Kikin by sending an envoy named Rangkud to kill Sunan Prawoto by Keris Kyai Satan Kober (in present-day Indonesia)." 1550 CE,1550-01-01,The architect Mimar Sinan builds the Süleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul. 1550 CE,1550-01-01,Mongols led by Altan Khan invade China and besiege Beijing. 1551 CE,1551-01-01,Fifth outbreak of sweating sickness in England. John Caius of Shrewsbury writes the first full contemporary account of the symptoms of the disease. 1551 CE,1551-01-01,"North African pirates enslave the entire population of the Maltese island Gozo, between 5,000 and 6,000, sending them to Libya." 1552 CE,1552-01-01,Russia conquers the Khanate of Kazan in central Asia. 1552 CE,1552-01-01,"Jesuit China Mission, Francis Xavier dies." 1553 CE,1553-01-01,Mary Tudor becomes the first queen regnant of England and restores the Church of England under Papal authority. 1553 CE,1553-01-01,The Portuguese found a settlement at Macau. 1554 CE,1554-01-01,"Missionaries José de Anchieta and Manuel da Nóbrega establishes São Paulo, southeast Brazil." 1554 CE,1554-01-01,Princess Elizabeth is imprisoned in the Tower of London upon the orders of Mary I for suspicion of being involved in the Wyatt rebellion. 1555 CE,1555-01-01,The Muscovy Company is the first major English joint stock trading company. 1556 CE,1556-01-01,"Publication in Venice of Delle Navigiationi et Viaggi (terzo volume) by Giovanni Battista Ramusio, secretary of Council of Ten, with plan La Terra de Hochelaga, an illustration of the Hochelaga." 1556 CE,1556-01-01,The Shaanxi earthquake in China is history's deadliest known earthquake during the Ming dynasty. 1556 CE,1556-01-01,"Georgius Agricola, the 'Father of Mineralogy', publishes his De re metallica." 1556 CE,1556-01-01,Akbar defeats Hemu at the Second battle of Panipat. 1556 CE,1556-01-01,Russia conquers the Astrakhan Khanate. 1556 CE,1556-01-01,Mir Chakar Khan Rind captures Delhi with Humayun. 1556 CE,1556-01-01,"Pomponio Algerio, radical theologian, is executed by boiling in oil as part of the Roman inquisition." 1557 CE,1557-01-01,"Habsburg Spain declares bankruptcy. Philip II of Spain had to declare four state bankruptcies in 1557, 1560, 1575 and 1596." 1557 CE,1557-01-01,The Portuguese settle in Macau (on the western side of the Pearl River Delta across from present-day Hong Kong). 1557 CE,1557-01-01,"The Ottomans capture Massawa, all but isolating Ethiopia from the rest of the world." 1558 CE,1558-01-01,Elizabeth Tudor becomes Queen Elizabeth I at age 25. 1558 CE,1558-01-01,"After 200 years, the Kingdom of England loses Calais to France." 1559 CE,1559-01-01,"With the Peace of Cateau Cambrésis, the Italian Wars conclude." 1559 CE,1559-01-01,Sultan Hairun of Ternate (in present-day Indonesia) protests the Portuguese's Christianisation activities in his lands. Hostilities between Ternate and the Portuguese. 1560 CE,1560-01-01,Ottoman navy defeats the Spanish fleet at the Battle of Djerba. 1560 CE,1560-01-01,"Elizabeth Bathory is born in Nyirbator, Hungary." 1560 CE,1560-01-01,"By winning the Battle of Okehazama, Oda Nobunaga becomes one of the pre-eminent warlords of Japan." 1560 CE,1560-01-01,Jeanne d'Albret declares Calvinism the official religion of Navarre. 1560 CE,1560-01-01,"Lazarus Church, Macau." 1561 CE,1561-01-01,Sir Francis Bacon is born in London. 1561 CE,1561-01-01,The fourth battle of Kawanakajima between the Uesugi and Takeda at Hachimanbara takes place. 1561 CE,1561-01-01,Guido de Bres draws up the Belgic Confession of Protestant faith. 1562 CE,1562-01-01,Mughal emperor Akbar reconciles the Muslim and Hindu factions by marrying into the powerful Rajput Hindu caste. 1562 CE,1562-01-01,Massacre of Wassy and Battle of Dreux in the French Wars of Religion. 1562 CE,1562-01-01,Portuguese Dominican priests build a palm-trunk fortress which Javanese Muslims burned down the following year. The fort was rebuilt from more durable materials and the Dominicans commenced the Christianisation of the local population. 1563 CE,1563-01-01,"Plague outbreak claimed 80,000 people in Elizabethan England. In London alone, over 20,000 people died of the disease." 1564 CE,1564-01-01,Galileo Galilei born on February 15. 1564 CE,1564-01-01,William Shakespeare baptized 26 April. 1565 CE,1565-01-01,Deccan sultanates defeat the Vijayanagara Empireat the Battle of Talikota. 1565 CE,1565-01-01,Mir Chakar Khan Rind dies at aged 97. 1565 CE,1565-01-01,Estácio de Sá establishes Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. 1565 CE,1565-01-01,"The Hospitallers, a Crusading Order, defeat the Ottoman Empire at the siege of Malta (1565)." 1565 CE,1565-01-01,Miguel López de Legazpi establishes in Cebu the first Spanish settlement in the Philippines starting a period of Spanish colonization that would last over three hundred years. 1565 CE,1565-01-01,"Spanish navigator Andres de Urdaneta discovers the maritime route from Asia to the Americas across the Pacific Ocean, also known as the tornaviaje." 1565 CE,1565-01-01,Royal Exchange is founded by Thomas Gresham. 1566 CE,1566-01-01,"Suleiman the Magnificent, ruler of the Ottoman Empire, dies on September 7, during the battle of Szigetvar." 1566 CE,1566-01-01,"Da le Balle Contrade d'Oriente, composed by Cipriano de Rore." 1567 CE,1567-01-01,"After 45 years' reign, Jiajing Emperor died in the Forbidden City, Longqing Emperor ascended the throne of Ming Dynasty." 1567 CE,1567-01-01,"Mary, Queen of Scots, is imprisoned by Elizabeth I." 1568 CE,1568-01-01,"The Transylvanian Diet, under the patronage of the prince John Sigismund Zápolya, the former king of Hungary, inspired by the teachings of Ferenc Dávid, the founder of the Unitarian Church of Transylvania, promulgates the Edict of Torda, the first law of freedom of religion and of conscience in the World." 1568 CE,1568-01-01,"Hadiwijaya sent his adopted son and son in-law Sutawijaya, who would later become the first ruler of the Mataram dynasty of Indonesia, to kill Arya Penangsang." 1569 CE,1569-01-01,Rising of the North in England. 1569 CE,1569-01-01,Mercator 1569 world map published by Gerardus Mercator. 1569 CE,1569-01-01,The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth is created with the Union of Lublin which lasts until 1795. 1569 CE,1569-01-01,Peace treaty signed by Sultan Hairun of Ternate and Governor Lopez De Mesquita of Portugal. 1570 CE,1570-01-01,"Ivan the Terrible, tsar of Russia, orders the massacre of inhabitants of Novgorod." 1570 CE,1570-01-01,"Pope Pius V issues Regnans in Excelsis, a papal bull excommunicating all who obeyed Elizabeth I and calling on all Catholics to rebel against her." 1570 CE,1570-01-01,Sultan Hairun of Ternate (in present-day Indonesia) is killed by the Portuguese.Babullah becomes the next Sultan. 1571 CE,1571-01-01,Pope Pius V completes the Holy League as a united front against the Ottoman Turks. 1571 CE,1571-01-01,The Spanish-led Holy League navy destroys the Ottoman Empire navy at the Battle of Lepanto. 1571 CE,1571-01-01,"Crimean Tatars attack and sack Moscow, burning everything but the Kremlin." 1571 CE,1571-01-01,"American Indians kill Spanish missionaries in what would later be Jamestown, Virginia." 1571 CE,1571-01-01,"Spanish conquistador Miguel López de Legazpi establishes Manila, Philippines as the capital of the Spanish East Indies." 1572 CE,1572-01-01,"Brielle is taken from Habsburg Spain by Protestant Watergeuzen in the Capture of Brielle, in the Eighty Years' War." 1572 CE,1572-01-01,"Spanish conquistadores apprehend the last Inca leader Tupak Amaru at Vilcabamba, Peru, and execute him in Cuzco." 1572 CE,1572-01-01,Jeanne d'Albret dies aged 43 and is succeeded by Henry of Navarre. 1572 CE,1572-01-01,Catherine de' Medici instigates the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre which takes the lives of Protestant leader Gaspard de Coligny and thousands of Huguenots. The violence spreads from Paris to other cities and the countryside. 1572 CE,1572-01-01,"First edition of the epic The Lusiads of Luís Vaz de Camões, three years after the author returned from the East." 1572 CE,1572-01-01,"The 9 years old Taizi, Zhu Yijun ascended the throne of Ming Dynasty, known as Wanli Emperor." 1573 CE,1573-01-01,"After heavy losses on both sides the siege of Haarlem ends in a Spanish victory." 1574 CE,1574-01-01,"In the Eighty Years' War the capital of Zeeland, Middelburg declares for the Protestants." 1574 CE,1574-01-01,After a siege of 4 months the siege of Leiden ends in a comprehensive Dutch rebel victory. 1575 CE,1575-01-01,Oda Nobunaga finally captures Nagashima fortress. 1575 CE,1575-01-01,"Following a five-year war, the Ternateans under Sultan Babullah defeated the Portuguese." 1576 CE,1576-01-01,"Tahmasp I, Safavid shah, dies." 1576 CE,1576-01-01,"The Battle of Haldighati is fought between the ruler of Mewar, Maharana Pratap and the Mughal Empire's forces under Emperor Akbar led by Raja Man Singh." 1576 CE,1576-01-01,Sack of Antwerp by badly paid Spanish soldiers. 1577 CE,1577-01-01,Ki Ageng Pemanahan built his palace in Pasargede or Kotagede. 1578 CE,1578-01-01,King Sebastian of Portugal is killed at the Battle of Alcazarquivir. 1578 CE,1578-01-01,The Portuguese establish a fort on Tidore but the main centre for Portuguese activities in Maluku becomes Ambon. 1578 CE,1578-01-01,"Sonam Gyatso is conferred the title of Dalai Lama by Tumed Mongol ruler, Altan Khan. Recognised as the reincarnation of two previous Lamas, Sonam Gyatso becomes the third Dalai Lama in the lineage." 1579 CE,1579-01-01,"The Union of Utrecht unifies the northern Netherlands, a foundation for the later Dutch Republic." 1579 CE,1579-01-01,"The Union of Arras unifies the southern Netherlands, a foundation for the later states of the Spanish Netherlands, the Austrian Netherlands and Belgium." 1579 CE,1579-01-01,The British navigator Sir Francis Drake passes through Maluku and transit in Ternate on his circumnavigation of the world. The Portuguese establish a fort on Tidore but the main centre for Portuguese activities in Maluku becomes Ambon. 1580 CE,1580-01-01,Drake's royal reception after his attacks on Spanish possessions influences Philip II of Spain to build up the Spanish Armada. English ships in Spanish harbours are impounded. 1580 CE,1580-01-01,"Spain unifies with Portugal under Philip II. The struggle for the throne of Portugal ends the Portuguese Empire. The Spanish and Portuguese crowns are united for 60 years, i.e. until 1640." 1581 CE,1581-01-01,"Dutch Act of Abjuration, declaring abjuring allegiance to Philip II of Spain." 1581 CE,1581-01-01,Bayinnaung dies at the age of 65. 1582 CE,1582-01-01,"Oda Nobunaga commits seppuku during the Honnō-ji Incident coup by his general, Akechi Mitsuhide." 1582 CE,1582-01-01,"Pope Gregory XIII issues the Gregorian calendar. The last day of the Julian calendar was Thursday, 4 October 1582 and this was followed by the first day of the Gregorian calendar, Friday, 15 October 1582." 1582 CE,1582-01-01,Yermak Timofeyevich conquers the Siberia Khanate on behalf of the Stroganovs. 1583 CE,1583-01-01,"Denmark builds the world's first theme park, Bakken." 1583 CE,1583-01-01,Death of Sultan Babullah of Ternate. 1584 CE,1584-01-01,"Ki Ageng Pemanahan died. Sultan Pajang raised Sutawijaya, son of Ki Ageng Pemanahan as the new ruler in Mataram, titled 'Loring Ngabehi Market' (because of his home in the north of the market)." 1585 CE,1585-01-01,"Akbar annexes Kashmir and adds it to the Kabul Subah." 1585 CE,1585-01-01,Colony at Roanoke founded in North America. 1587 CE,1587-01-01,"Mary, Queen of Scots is executed by Elizabeth I." 1587 CE,1587-01-01,The reign of Abbas I marks the zenith of the Safavid dynasty. 1587 CE,1587-01-01,Troops that would invade Pajang Mataram Sultanate storm ravaged the eruption of Mount Merapi. Sutawijaya and his men survived. 1588 CE,1588-01-01,"Mataram into the kingdom with Sutawijaya as Sultan, titled 'Senapati Ingalaga Sayidin Panatagama' means the warlord and cleric Manager Religious Life." 1588 CE,1588-01-01,England repulses the Spanish Armada. 1589 CE,1589-01-01,Spain repulses the English Armada. 1589 CE,1589-01-01,Catherine de' Medici dies at aged 69. 1590 CE,1590-01-01,"Siege of Odawara: the Go-Hojo clan surrender to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Japan is unified." 1591 CE,1591-01-01,Gazi Giray leads a huge Tatar expedition against Moscow. 1591 CE,1591-01-01,"In Mali, Moroccan forces of the Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur led by Judar Pasha defeat the Songhai Empire at the Battle of Tondibi." 1594 CE,1594-01-01,"St. Paul's College, Macau, founded by Alessandro Valignano." 1595 CE,1595-01-01,First Dutch expedition to Indonesia sets sail for the East Indies with two hundred and forty-nine men and sixty-four cannons led by Cornelis de Houtman. 1596 CE,1596-01-01,Birth of René Descartes. 1596 CE,1596-01-01,"June, de Houtman's expedition reaches Banten the main pepper port of West Java where they clash with both the Portuguese and Indonesians. It then sails east along the north coast of Java losing twelve crew to a Javanese attack at Sidayu and killing a local ruler in Madura." 1597 CE,1597-01-01,Romeo and Juliet is published. 1597 CE,1597-01-01,Cornelis de Houtman's expedition returns to the Netherlands with enough spices to make a considerable profit. 1598 CE,1598-01-01,The Edict of Nantes ends the French Wars of Religion. 1598 CE,1598-01-01,Abbas I moves Safavids capital from Qazvin to Isfahan in 1598. 1598 CE,1598-01-01,The Portuguese require an armada of 90 ships to put down a Solorese uprising. (to 1599). 1598 CE,1598-01-01,"More Dutch fleets leave for Indonesia and most are profitable." 1598 CE,1598-01-01,"The province of Santa Fe de Nuevo México is established in Northern New Spain. The region would later become a territory of Mexico, the New Mexico Territory in the United States, and the US State of New Mexico." 1598 CE,1598-01-01,"Death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, known as the unifier of Japan." 1599 CE,1599-01-01,The Mali Empire is defeated at the Battle of Jenné. 1599 CE,1599-01-01,The van Neck expedition returns to Europe. The expedition makes a 400 per cent profit. (to 1600). 1599 CE,1599-01-01,"March, Leaving Europe the previous year, a fleet of eight ships under Jacob van Neck was the first Dutch fleet to reach the ‘Spice Islands’ of Maluku." 1600 CE,1600-01-01,"Giordano Brunois burned at the stake for heresy in Rome." 1600 CE,1600-01-01,Battle of Sekigahara in Japan. End of the Warring States period and beginning of the Edo period. 1600 CE,1600-01-01,"The Portuguese win a major naval battle in the bay of Ambon. Later in the year, the Dutch join forces with the local Hituese in an anti-Portuguese alliance, in return for which the Dutch would have the sole right to purchase spices from Hitu." 1600 CE,1600-01-01,Elizabeth I grants a charter to the British East India Company beginning the English advance in Asia. 1600 CE,1600-01-01,"Michael the Brave unifies the three Romanian principalities: Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania after the Battle of Șelimbăr from 1599." 1601 CE,1601-01-01,"In the Battle of Kinsale, England defeats Irish and Spanish forces, driving the Gaelic aristocracy out of Ireland and destroying the Gaelic clan system." 1602 CE,1602-01-01,"Matteo Ricci produces the Map of the Myriad Countries of the World (坤輿萬國全圖, Kūnyú Wànguó Quántú), a world map that will be used throughout East Asia for centuries." 1602 CE,1602-01-01,The Dutch East India Company (VOC) is established by merging competing Dutch trading companies. Its success contributes to the Dutch Golden Age. 1603 CE,1603-01-01,"Elizabeth I of England dies and is succeeded by her cousin King James VI of Scotland, uniting the crowns of Scotland and England." 1603 CE,1603-01-01,"Tokugawa Ieyasu takes the title of shōgun, establishing the Tokugawa shogunate. This begins the Edo period, which will last until 1868." 1603 CE,1603-01-01,"In Nagasaki, the Portuguese Jesuit missionary João Rodrigues publishes Nippo Jisho, the first dictionary of Japanese to a European (Portuguese) language." 1605 CE,1605-01-01,"The King of Gowa, a Makassarese kingdom in South Sulawesi, converts to Islam." 1606 CE,1606-01-01,The Long Turkish War between the Ottoman Empire and Austria is ended with the Peace of Zsitvatorok—Austria abandons Transylvania. 1606 CE,1606-01-01,Treaty of Vienna ends an anti-Habsburg uprising in Royal Hungary. 1607 CE,1607-01-01,Flight of the Earls (the fleeing of most of the native Gaelic aristocracy) occurs from County Donegal in the west of Ulster in Ireland. 1607 CE,1607-01-01,Iskandar Muda becomes the Sultan of Aceh for 30 years. He will launch a series of naval conquests that will transform Aceh into a great power in the western Malay Archipelago. 1610 CE,1610-01-01,The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth army defeats combined Russian–Swedish forces at the Battle of Klushino and conquers Moscow. 1610 CE,1610-01-01,King Henry IV of France is assassinated by François Ravaillac. 1611 CE,1611-01-01,"The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, the oldest existing university in Asia, is established by the Dominican Order in Manila." 1611 CE,1611-01-01,The first publication of the King James Bible. 1612 CE,1612-01-01,"The first Cotswold Olympic Games, an annual public celebration of games and sports begins in the Cotswolds, England." 1613 CE,1613-01-01,"The Time of Troubles in Russia ends with the establishment of the House of Romanov, which rules until 1917." 1613 CE,1613-01-01,The Dutch East India Company is forced to evacuate Gresik due to the Mataram siege in neighboring Surabaya. The dutch negotiates with Mataram and is allowed to set up a trading post in Jepara. 1616 CE,1616-01-01,The last remaining Moriscos (Moors who had nominally converted to Christianity) in Spain are expelled. 1616 CE,1616-01-01,English poet and playwright William Shakespeare dies. 1618 CE,1618-01-01,The Defenestration of Prague. 1618 CE,1618-01-01,"The Bohemian Revolt precipitates the Thirty Years' War, which devastates Europe in the years 1618–48." 1618 CE,1618-01-01,The Manchus start invading China. Their conquest eventually topples the Ming dynasty. 1619 CE,1619-01-01,European slaving reaches America when the first Africans are brought to the present-day United States. 1619 CE,1619-01-01,"The Dutch East India Company storm Jayakarta and withstand a months-long siege by the combined English, Bantenese and Jayakartan forces. They are relieved by Jan Pieterszoon Coen and a fleet of ships from Ambon. The dutch destroys Jayakarta and builds its new headquarters, Batavia, on top of it." 1620 CE,1620-01-01,Bethlen Gabor allies with the Ottomans and an invasion of Moldavia takes place. The Polish suffer a disaster at Cecora on the River Prut. 1620 CE,1620-01-01,"The Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth, England to what became the Plymouth Colony in New England." 1621 CE,1621-01-01,The Battle of Chocim: Poles and Cossacks under Jan Karol Chodkiewicz defeat the Ottomans. 1622 CE,1622-01-01,"Jamestown massacre: Algonquian natives kill 347 English settlers outside Jamestown, Virginia (approximately one-third of the colony's population) and burn the Henricus settlement." 1626 CE,1626-01-01,St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican completed. 1627 CE,1627-01-01,Aurochs go extinct. 1629 CE,1629-01-01,"Abbas I, the Safavids king, died." 1629 CE,1629-01-01,Cardinal Richelieu allies with Swedish Protestant forces in the Thirty Years' War to counter Ferdinand II's expansion. 1630 CE,1630-01-01,"Birth of Shivaji at Shivneri fort, in present day Maharashtra, India, who later founded Maratha Empire in year 1674." 1631 CE,1631-01-01,Mount Vesuvius erupts. 1632 CE,1632-01-01,"Battle of Lützen, death of king of Sweden Gustav II Adolf." 1632 CE,1632-01-01,"Taj Mahal building work started in Agra, India." 1633 CE,1633-01-01,Galileo Galilei arrives in Rome for his trial before the Inquisition. 1634 CE,1634-01-01,Battle of Nördlingen results in Catholic victory. 1636 CE,1636-01-01,"Harvard University is founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts." 1637 CE,1637-01-01,"Shimabara Rebellion of Japanese Christians, rōnin and peasants against Edo." 1637 CE,1637-01-01,"The first opera house, Teatro San Cassiano, opens in Venice." 1637 CE,1637-01-01,Qing dynasty attacked the Joseon dynasty. 1639 CE,1639-01-01,Naval Battle of the Downs – Republic of the United Provinces fleet decisively defeats a Spanish fleet in English waters. 1639 CE,1639-01-01,Disagreements between the Farnese and Barberini Pope Urban VIII escalate into the Wars of Castro and last until 1649. 1641 CE,1641-01-01,"The Irish Rebellion, by Irish Catholics who wanted an end to discrimination, greater self-governance, and reverse ownership of the plantations of Ireland." 1641 CE,1641-01-01,René Descartes publishes Meditationes de prima philosophia Meditations on First Philosophy. 1642 CE,1642-01-01,"Beginning of English Civil War, conflict will end in 1649 with the execution of King Charles I, abolishment of the monarchy and the establishment of the supremacy of Parliament over the king." 1643 CE,1643-01-01,"L'incoronazione di Poppea, Monterverdi." 1644 CE,1644-01-01,The Manchu conquer China ending the Ming dynasty. The subsequent Qing dynasty rules until 1912. 1648 CE,1648-01-01,"The Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years' War and the Eighty Years' War and marks the ends of Spain and the Holy Roman Empire as major European powers." 1649 CE,1649-01-01,"King Charles I is executed for high treason, the first and only English king to be subjected to legal proceedings in a High Court of Justice and put to death." 1651 CE,1651-01-01,English Civil War ends with the Parliamentarian victory at the Battle of Worcester. 1657 CE,1657-01-01,"Sambhaji, the second King of Maratha Empire and eldest son of King Shivaji was born at Purandar Fort on 14 May." 1658 CE,1658-01-01,"After his father Shah Jahan completes the Taj Mahal, his son Aurangzeb deposes him as ruler of the Mughal Empire." 1659 CE,1659-01-01,King Shivaji killed Adil Shahi dynasty's general Afzal Khan at Pratapgad fort on 9 November. 1660 CE,1660-01-01,The Commonwealth of England ends and the monarchy is brought back during the English Restoration. 1660 CE,1660-01-01,The Royal Society is founded. 1661 CE,1661-01-01,The reign of the Kangxi Emperor of China begins. 1663 CE,1663-01-01,Ottoman war against Habsburg Hungary. 1664 CE,1664-01-01,The Battle of St. Gotthard: count Raimondo Montecuccoli defeats the Ottomans. The Peace of Vasvar – intended to keep the peace for 20 years. 1665 CE,1665-01-01,Maratha King Shivaji signed the Treaty of Purandar with Mughal general Jai Singh I after Battle of Purandar. 1665 CE,1665-01-01,Robert Hooke discovers cells using a microscope. 1665 CE,1665-01-01,"Portugal defeats the Kongo Empire at the Battle of Mbwila." 1666 CE,1666-01-01,The Great Fire of London. 1666 CE,1666-01-01,Shivaji visited Aurangzeb at Agra Fort and forced him into house arrest. Shivaji later escaped and returned to the Maratha kingdom. 1667 CE,1667-01-01,The Raid on the Medway during the Second Anglo-Dutch War. 1674 CE,1674-01-01,Shivaji founded the Maratha Empire and crowned himself as first Chatrapati of the empire. 1678 CE,1678-01-01,"The Treaty of Nijmegen ends various interconnected wars among France, the Dutch Republic, Spain, Brandenburg, Sweden, Denmark, the Prince-Bishopric of Münster, and the Holy Roman Empire." 1680 CE,1680-01-01,The Pueblo Revolt drives the Spanish out of New Mexico until 1692. 1680 CE,1680-01-01,Prince Sambhaji crowned himself as the second Chatrapati of Maratha Empire 20 July. 1682 CE,1682-01-01,French explorer Robert La Salle claims all the land east of the Mississippi River. 1683 CE,1683-01-01,China conquers the Kingdom of Tungning and annexes Taiwan. 1683 CE,1683-01-01,The Ottoman Empire is defeated in the second Siege of Vienna. 1687 CE,1687-01-01,Isaac Newton publishes Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. 1688 CE,1688-01-01,"The Siege of Derry, the first major event in the Williamite War in Ireland." 1688 CE,1688-01-01,Siamese revolution of 1688 ousted French influence and virtually severed all ties with the West until the 19th century. 1689 CE,1689-01-01,The Battle of Killiecrankie is fought between Jacobite and Williamite forces in Highland Perthshire. 1689 CE,1689-01-01,"The Karposh rebellion is crushed in present-day North Macedonia, Skopje is retaken by the Ottoman Turks. Karposh is killed, and the rebels are defeated." 1689 CE,1689-01-01,Bill of Rights gains royal consent. 1689 CE,1689-01-01,John Locke publishes Two Treatises of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration. 1690 CE,1690-01-01,The Battle of the Boyne in Ireland. 1692 CE,1692-01-01,"Port Royal in Jamaica is struck by an earthquake and a tsunami. Approximately 2,000 people die and 2,300 are injured." 1693 CE,1693-01-01,"The College of William and Mary is founded in Williamsburg, Virginia, by a royal charter." 1694 CE,1694-01-01,The Bank of England is established. 1695 CE,1695-01-01,The Mughal Empire nearly bans the East India Company in response to pirate Henry Every's capture of the trading ship Ganj-i-Sawai. 1699 CE,1699-01-01,Thomas Savery demonstrates his first steam engine to the Royal Society. 1701 CE,1701-01-01,Kingdom of Prussia declared under King Frederick I. 1701 CE,1701-01-01,The Battle of Feyiase marks the rise of the Ashanti Empire. 1703 CE,1703-01-01,Saint Petersburg is founded by Peter the Great; it is the Russian capital until 1918. 1704 CE,1704-01-01,End of Japan's Genroku period. 1704 CE,1704-01-01,First Javanese War of Succession. 1707 CE,1707-01-01,Death of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb leads to the fragmentation of the Mughal Empire. 1707 CE,1707-01-01,"The Act of Union is passed, merging the Scottish and English Parliaments, thus establishing the Kingdom of Great Britain." 1708 CE,1708-01-01,The Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies and English Company Trading to the East Indies merge to form the United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies. 1709 CE,1709-01-01,Foundation of the Hotak Afghan Empire. 1709 CE,1709-01-01,"The Great Frost of 1709 marks the coldest winter in 500 years, contributing to the defeat of Sweden at Poltava." 1710 CE,1710-01-01,"The world's first copyright legislation, Britain's Statute of Anne, takes effect." 1711 CE,1711-01-01,Bukhara Khanate dissolves as local begs seize power. 1713 CE,1713-01-01,The Kangxi Emperor acknowledges the full recovery of the Chinese economy since its apex during the Ming. 1714 CE,1714-01-01,"In Amsterdam, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit invents the mercury-in-glass thermometer, which remains the most reliable and accurate thermometer until the electronic era." 1715 CE,1715-01-01,The first Jacobite rising breaks out; the British halt the Jacobite advance at the Battle of Sheriffmuir; Battle of Preston. 1716 CE,1716-01-01,Establishment of the Sikh Confederacy along the present-day India-Pakistan border. 1718 CE,1718-01-01,The city of New Orleans is founded by the French in North America. 1719 CE,1719-01-01,Second Javanese War of Succession. 1720 CE,1720-01-01,The South Sea Bubble. 1720 CE,1720-01-01,Qing forces oust Dzungar invaders from Tibet. 1721 CE,1721-01-01,"The Treaty of Nystad is signed, ending the Great Northern War." 1721 CE,1721-01-01,"Sack of Shamakhi, massacre of its Shia population by Sunni Lezgins." 1722 CE,1722-01-01,Siege of Isfahan results in the handover of Iran to the Hotaki Afghans. 1723 CE,1723-01-01,Slavery is abolished in Russia; Peter the Great converts household slaves into house serfs. 1724 CE,1724-01-01,Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit proposes the Fahrenheit temperature scale. 1725 CE,1725-01-01,Austro-Spanish alliance revived. Russia joins in 1726. 1730 CE,1730-01-01,"Mahmud I takes over Ottoman Empire after the Patrona Halil revolt, ending the Tulip period." 1739 CE,1739-01-01,Great Britain and Spain fight the War of Jenkins' Ear in the Caribbean. 1739 CE,1739-01-01,"Nader Shah defeats a pan-Indian army of 300,000 at the Battle of Karnal. Taxation is stopped in Iran for three years." 1740 CE,1740-01-01,"Great Awakening, George Whitefield." 1742 CE,1742-01-01,"Marvel's Mill, the first water-powered cotton mill, begins operation in England. Anders Celsius proposes an inverted form of the centigrade temperature, which is later renamed Celsius in his honor." 1742 CE,1742-01-01,Premiere of Handel's Messiah. 1744 CE,1744-01-01,The First Saudi State is founded by Mohammed Ibn Saud. 1744 CE,1744-01-01,Battle of Toulon is fought off the coast of France. 1745 CE,1745-01-01,Second Jacobite rising is begun by Charles Edward Stuart in Scotland. 1747 CE,1747-01-01,The Durrani Empire is founded by Ahmad Shah Durrani. 1748 CE,1748-01-01,The Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle ends the War of the Austrian Succession and First Carnatic War. 1750 CE,1750-01-01,Peak of the Little Ice Age. 1752 CE,1752-01-01,"The British Empire adopts the Gregorian Calendar, skipping 11 days from September 3 to September 13. On the calendar, September 2 is followed directly by September 14." 1754 CE,1754-01-01,The Treaty of Pondicherry ends the Second Carnatic War and recognizes Muhammed Ali Khan Wallajah as Nawab of the Carnatic. 1754 CE,1754-01-01,King's College is founded by a royal charter of George II of Great Britain. 1755 CE,1755-01-01,"The great Lisbon earthquake destroys most of Portugal's capital and kills up to 100,000." 1755 CE,1755-01-01,"The Dzungar genocide depopulates much of northern Xinjiang, allowing for Han, Uyghur, Khalkha Mongol, and Manchu colonization." 1757 CE,1757-01-01,British conquest of Bengal. 1760 CE,1760-01-01,George III becomes King of Britain. 1761 CE,1761-01-01,Maratha Empire defeated at Battle of Panipat. 1763 CE,1763-01-01,The Treaty of Paris ends the Seven Years' War and Third Carnatic War. 1764 CE,1764-01-01,Dahomey and the Oyo Empire defeat the Ashanti army at the Battle of Atakpamé. 1764 CE,1764-01-01,The Mughals are defeated at the Battle of Buxar. 1765 CE,1765-01-01,The Stamp Act is introduced into the American colonies by the British Parliament. 1766 CE,1766-01-01,Christian VII becomes king of Denmark. He was king of Denmark to 1808. 1767 CE,1767-01-01,Taksin expels Burmese invaders and reunites Thailand under an authoritarian regime. 1769 CE,1769-01-01,Spanish missionaries establish the first of 21 missions in California. 1769 CE,1769-01-01,"The French East India Company dissolves, only to be revived in 1785." 1769 CE,1769-01-01,"French expeditions capture clove plants in Ambon, ending the VOC monopoly of the plant. (to 1772)." 1771 CE,1771-01-01,The Plague Riot in Moscow. 1771 CE,1771-01-01,The Kalmyk Khanate dissolves as the territory becomes colonized by Russians. More than a hundred thousand Kalmyks migrate back to Qing Dzungaria. 1772 CE,1772-01-01,"Gustav III of Sweden stages a coup d'état, becoming almost an absolute monarch." 1773 CE,1773-01-01,East India Company starts operations in Bengal to smuggle opium into China. 1775 CE,1775-01-01,Russia imposes a reduction in autonomy on the Zaporizhian Cossacks of Ukraine. 1776 CE,1776-01-01,Several Kongsi Republics are founded by Chinese settlers in the island of Borneo. They are some of the first democracies in Asia. 1776 CE,1776-01-01,Illuminati founded by Adam Weishaupt. 1776 CE,1776-01-01,The United States Declaration of Independence is adopted by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. 1776 CE,1776-01-01,Adam Smith publishes The Wealth of Nations. 1778 CE,1778-01-01,James Cook becomes the first European to land on the Hawaiian Islands. 1778 CE,1778-01-01,Franco-American alliance signed. 1778 CE,1778-01-01,"Spain acquires its first permanent holding in Africa from the Portuguese, which is administrated by the newly-established La Plata Viceroyalty." 1778 CE,1778-01-01,"Vietnam is reunified for the first time in 200 years by the Tay Son brothers. The Tây Sơn dynasty has been established, terminated the Lê dynasty." 1779 CE,1779-01-01,Iran enters yet another period of conflict and civil war after the prosperous reign of Karim Khan Zand. 1780 CE,1780-01-01,Outbreak of the indigenous rebellion against Spanish colonization led by Túpac Amaru II in Peru. 1781 CE,1781-01-01,"The city of Los Angeles is founded by Spanish settlers." 1782 CE,1782-01-01,The Thonburi Kingdom of Thailand is dissolved after a palace coup. 1783 CE,1783-01-01,The Treaty of Paris formally ends the American Revolutionary War. 1783 CE,1783-01-01,Russian annexation of Crimea. 1787 CE,1787-01-01,The Tuareg occupies Timbuktu until the 19th century. 1788 CE,1788-01-01,First Fleet arrives in Australia. 1789 CE,1789-01-01,George Washington is elected the first President of the United States; he serves until 1797. 1789 CE,1789-01-01,Quang Trung defeated the Qing army. 1789 CE,1789-01-01,The Liège Revolution. 1789 CE,1789-01-01,The Brabant Revolution. 1789 CE,1789-01-01,"The Inconfidência Mineira, an unsuccessful separatist movement in central Brazil led by Tiradentes." 1791 CE,1791-01-01,Suppression of the Liège Revolution by Austrian forces and re-establishment of the Prince-Bishopric of Liège. 1791 CE,1791-01-01,Mozart premieres The Magic Flute. 1792 CE,1792-01-01,The New York Stock & Exchange Board is founded. 1792 CE,1792-01-01,Polish–Russian War of 1792. 1793 CE,1793-01-01,Upper Canada bans slavery. 1793 CE,1793-01-01,"The largest yellow fever epidemic in American history kills as many as 5,000 people in Philadelphia, roughly 10% of the population." 1795 CE,1795-01-01,"The Marseillaise is officially adopted as the French national anthem." 1795 CE,1795-01-01,The Battle of Nuʻuanu in the final days of King Kamehameha I's wars to unify the Hawaiian Islands. 1796 CE,1796-01-01,"Edward Jenner administers the first smallpox vaccination; smallpox killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans each year during the 18th century, including five reigning monarchs." 1796 CE,1796-01-01,War of the First Coalition: The Battle of Montenotte marks Napoleon Bonaparte's first victory as an army commander. 1796 CE,1796-01-01,The British eject the Dutch from Ceylon and South Africa. 1798 CE,1798-01-01,The Irish Rebellion fails to overthrow British rule in Ireland. 1799 CE,1799-01-01,Dutch East India Company is dissolved. 1799 CE,1799-01-01,Austro-Russian forces under Alexander Suvorov liberates much of Italy and Switzerland from French occupation. 1799 CE,1799-01-01,Coup of 18 Brumaire - Napoleon's coup d'etat brings the end of the French Revolution. 1799 CE,1799-01-01,"Death of the Qianlong Emperor after 60 years of rule over China. His favorite official, Heshen, is ordered to commit suicide." 1800 CE,1800-01-01,"On 1 January, the bankrupt Dutch East India Company (VOC) is formally dissolved and the nationalised Dutch East Indies are established." 1801 CE,1801-01-01,The Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland merge to form the United Kingdom. 1802 CE,1802-01-01,The Wahhabis of the First Saudi State sack Karbala. 1803 CE,1803-01-01,"William Symington demonstrates his Charlotte Dundas, the 'first practical steamboat'." 1803 CE,1803-01-01,The Wahhabis of the First Saudi State capture Mecca and Medina. 1804 CE,1804-01-01,Austrian Empire founded by Francis I. 1804 CE,1804-01-01,World population reaches 1 billion. 1805 CE,1805-01-01,"The Battle of Trafalgar eliminates the French and Spanish naval fleets and allows for British dominance of the seas, a major factor for the success of the British Empire later in the century." 1810 CE,1810-01-01,"The University of Berlin was founded. Among its students and faculty are Hegel, Marx, and Bismarck. The German university reform proves to be so successful that its model is copied around the world (see History of European research universities)." 1814 CE,1814-01-01,Elisha Collier invents the Flintlock Revolver. 1814 CE,1814-01-01,February 1 Eruption of Mayon Volcano. 1815 CE,1815-01-01,"April, Mount Tambora in Sumbawa island erupts, becoming the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history, destroying Tambora culture, and killing at least 71,000 people, including its aftermath. The eruption created global climate anomalies known as 'volcanic winter'." 1816 CE,1816-01-01,"Year Without a Summer: Unusually cold conditions wreak havoc throughout the Northern Hemisphere, likely influenced by the 1815 explosion of Mount Tambora." 1819 CE,1819-01-01,The Republic of Colombia (Gran Colombia) achieves independence after Simón Bolívar's triumph at the Battle of Boyacá. 1819 CE,1819-01-01,The modern city of Singapore is established by the British East India Company. 1820 CE,1820-01-01,Discovery of Antarctica. 1820 CE,1820-01-01,Liberia founded by the American Colonization Society for freed American slaves. 1820 CE,1820-01-01,Dissolution of the Maratha Empire. 1822 CE,1822-01-01,Pedro I of Brazil declared Brazil's independence from Portugal on 7 September. 1823 CE,1823-01-01,Monroe Doctrine declared by US President James Monroe. 1825 CE,1825-01-01,The Decembrist revolt. 1829 CE,1829-01-01,"Sir Robert Peel founds the Metropolitan Police Service, the first modern police force." 1830 CE,1830-01-01,"Anglo-Russian rivalry over Afghanistan, the Great Game, commences and concludes in 1895." 1831 CE,1831-01-01,November Uprising ends with crushing defeat for Poland in the Battle of Warsaw. 1832 CE,1832-01-01,The British Parliament passes the Great Reform Act. 1836 CE,1836-01-01,Samuel Colt popularizes the revolver and sets up a firearms company to manufacture his invention of the Colt Paterson revolver a six bullets firearm shot one by one without reloading manually. 1838 CE,1838-01-01,"By this time, 46,000 Native Americans have been forcibly relocated in the Trail of Tears." 1842 CE,1842-01-01,Treaty of Nanking cedes Hong Kong to the British. 1843 CE,1843-01-01,The first wagon train sets out from Missouri. 1844 CE,1844-01-01,Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers establish what is considered the first cooperative in the world. 1848 CE,1848-01-01,The Communist Manifesto published. 1848 CE,1848-01-01,Seneca Falls Convention is the first women's rights convention in the United States and leads to the battle for women's suffrage. 1849 CE,1849-01-01,"Earliest recorded air raid, as Austria employs 200 balloons to deliver ordnance against Venice." 1850 CE,1850-01-01,The Little Ice Age ends around this time. 1850 CE,1850-01-01,Franz Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch establishes the first cooperative financial institution. 1851 CE,1851-01-01,The Great Exhibition in London was the world's first international Expo or World Fair. 1852 CE,1852-01-01,"Frederick Douglass delivers his speech 'The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro' in Rochester, New York." 1857 CE,1857-01-01,Sir Joseph Whitworth designs the first long-range sniper rifle. 1858 CE,1858-01-01,Construction of Big Ben is completed. 1860 CE,1860-01-01,Giuseppe Garibaldi launches the Expedition of the Thousand. 1861 CE,1861-01-01,Russia abolishes serfdom. 1863 CE,1863-01-01,Formation of the International Red Cross is followed by the adoption of the First Geneva Convention in 1864. 1867 CE,1867-01-01,"Canada is formed, via the process of Canadian Confederation." 1868 CE,1868-01-01,Michael Barrett is the last person to be publicly hanged in England. 1869 CE,1869-01-01,The Suez Canal opens linking the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. 1870 CE,1870-01-01,Official dismantling of the Cultivation System and beginning of a 'Liberal Policy' of deregulated exploitation of the Netherlands East Indies. 1871 CE,1871-01-01,The Paris Commune briefly rules the French capital. 1872 CE,1872-01-01,"Yellowstone National Park, the first national park, is created." 1874 CE,1874-01-01,"The Société Anonyme Coopérative des Artistes Peintres, Sculpteurs, and Graveurs, better known as the Impressionists, organize and present their first public group exhibition at the Paris studio of the photographer Nadar." 1874 CE,1874-01-01,The Home Rule Movement is established in Ireland. 1875 CE,1875-01-01,"HMS Challenger surveys the deepest point in the Earth's oceans, the Challenger Deep." 1876 CE,1876-01-01,"Battle of the Little Bighorn leads to the death of General Custer and victory for the alliance of Lakota, Cheyenne and Arapaho." 1877 CE,1877-01-01,Great Railroad Strike in the United States may have been the world's first nationwide labour strike. 1881 CE,1881-01-01,Wave of pogroms begins in the Russian Empire. 1883 CE,1883-01-01,"Krakatoa volcano explosion, one of the largest in modern history." 1883 CE,1883-01-01,The quagga is rendered extinct. 1886 CE,1886-01-01,Construction of the Statue of Liberty; Coca-Cola is developed. 1888 CE,1888-01-01,Founding of the shipping line Koninklijke Paketvaart-Maatschappij (KPM) that supported the unification and development of the colonial economy. 1888 CE,1888-01-01,The Golden Law abolishes slavery in Brazil. 1889 CE,1889-01-01,Eiffel Tower is inaugurated in Paris. 1889 CE,1889-01-01,A republican military coup establishes the First Brazilian Republic. The parliamentary constitutional monarchy is abolished. 1890 CE,1890-01-01,First use of the electric chair as a method of execution. 1892 CE,1892-01-01,The World's Columbian Exposition was held in Chicago celebrating the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World. 1892 CE,1892-01-01,Fingerprinting is officially adopted for the first time. 1893 CE,1893-01-01,New Zealand becomes the first country to enact women's suffrage. 1893 CE,1893-01-01,"The Coremans-de Vriendt law is passed in Belgium, creating legal equality for French and Dutch languages." 1894 CE,1894-01-01,"The Dutch intervention in Lombok and Karangasem resulted in the looting and destruction of Cakranegara Palace in Mataram. J. L. A. Brandes, a Dutch philologist, discovers and secures Nagarakretagama manuscript in Lombok royal library." 1896 CE,1896-01-01,Philippine Revolution ends declaring Philippines free from Spanish rule. 1898 CE,1898-01-01,"The United States gains control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines after the Spanish–American War." 1898 CE,1898-01-01,"Empress Dowager Cixi of China engineers a coup d'état, marking the end of the Hundred Days' Reform; the Guangxu Emperor is arrested." 1900 CE,1900-01-01,"Exposition Universelle held in Paris, prominently featuring the growing art trend Art Nouveau." 1901 CE,1901-01-01,The Australian colonies federate. 1901 CE,1901-01-22,Edward VII becomes King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Emperor of India upon the death of Queen Victoria. 1901 CE,1901-03-02,Platt Amendment limits the autonomy of Cuba in exchange for withdrawal of American troops. 1901 CE,1901-09-06,Assassination of William McKinley. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt assumes office as President of the United States following McKinley's death on September 14. 1901 CE,1901-09-07,Boxer Rebellion defeated by international coalition. They impose heavy financial sanctions on China. 1901 CE,1901-12-12,Guglielmo Marconi receives the first trans-Atlantic radio signal. 1902 CE,1902-01-13,Unification of Saudi Arabia begins. 1902 CE,1902-05-20,Cuba given independence by the United States. 1902 CE,1902-05-31,Second Boer War ends in British victory. 1902 CE,1902-07-12,Arthur Balfour becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1902 CE,1902-07-17,Willis Carrier invents the first modern electrical air conditioning unit. 1903 CE,1903-02-15,The first teddy bear is invented. 1903 CE,1903-07-01,The first Tour de France is held. 1903 CE,1903-08-04,Pius X becomes Pope. 1903 CE,1903-11-18,"Independence of Panama, the Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty is signed by the United States and Panama." 1903 CE,1903-12-17,First controlled heavier-than-air flight of the Wright Brothers. 1904 CE,1904-02-08,A Japanese surprise attack on Port Arthur (Lushun) starts the Russo-Japanese War. 1904 CE,1904-04-08,Entente cordiale signed between Britain and France. 1904 CE,1904-06-21,Trans-Siberian railway is completed. 1905 CE,1905-01-22,The Revolution of 1905 in Russia erupts. 1905 CE,1905-06-07,"The Norwegian Parliament declares the union with Sweden dissolved, and Norway achieves full independence." 1905 CE,1905-09-05,The Russo-Japanese War ends in Japanese victory. 1905 CE,1905-09-26,Albert Einstein's formulation of special relativity. 1905 CE,1905-10-16,"The British Indian Province of Bengal, partitioned by the Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon, despite strong opposition." 1905 CE,1905-12-05,Liberal Henry Campbell-Bannerman becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1906 CE,1906-04-18,"An earthquake in San Francisco, California, magnitude 7.9, kills 3,000." 1906 CE,1906-07-13,Alfred Dreyfus is exonerated and reinstated as a major in the French Army; the Dreyfus Affair ends. 1906 CE,1906-08-16,"An earthquake in Valparaíso, Chile, magnitude 8.2, kills 20,000." 1906 CE,1906-09-28,The US begins the Second Occupation of Cuba. 1906 CE,1906-10-23,Brazilian inventor Alberto Santos-Dumont takes off and flies his 14-bis to a crowd in Paris. 1906 CE,1906-12-30,The Muslim League is formed by Nawab Salimullah Khan of Dacca. 1907 CE,1907-07-24,Japan–Korea Treaty of 1907. 1908 CE,1908-04-08,Liberal H. H. Asquith becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1908 CE,1908-05-26,"First commercial Middle-Eastern oilfield established, at Masjed Soleyman in southwest Persia." 1908 CE,1908-06-30,The Tunguska impact devastates thousands of square kilometres of Siberia. 1908 CE,1908-10-01,The Ford Motor Company invents the Model T. 1908 CE,1908-10-05,Independence of Bulgaria. 1908 CE,1908-12-02,"Pu Yi, the last Emperor of China, assumes the throne." 1908 CE,1908-12-28,"The 1908 Messina earthquake in southern Italy, magnitude 7.1, kills 70,000 people." 1909 CE,1909-03-04,William Howard Taft is inaugurated as President of the United States; deep divisions in his Republican Party over tariffs. 1909 CE,1909-03-10,Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909 signed (effective on July 9). 1909 CE,1909-03-12,Indian Councils Act passed. 1909 CE,1909-04-06,Robert E. Peary claims to have reached the North Pole though the claim is subsequently heavily contested. 1909 CE,1909-04-13,A countercoup fails in the Ottoman Empire. 1909 CE,1909-07-16,"A revolution forces Mohammad Ali Shah, Persian Shah of the Qajar dynasty to abdicate in favor of his son Ahmad Shah Qajar." 1910 CE,1910-02-08,Boy Scouts of America is founded. 1910 CE,1910-05-06,George V becomes King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Emperor of India upon the death of Edward VII. 1910 CE,1910-05-31,Union of South Africa created. 1910 CE,1910-08-28,Kingdom of Montenegro is proclaimed independent. 1910 CE,1910-08-29,Imperial Japan annexes Korea. 1910 CE,1910-10-05,The 5 October 1910 revolution in Portugal and proclamation of the First Portuguese Republic. 1910 CE,1910-11-20,Beginning of the Mexican Revolution (Plan of San Luis Potosí). 1911 CE,1911-01-14,Roald Amundsen first reaches the South Pole. 1911 CE,1911-01-18,"Eugene B. Ely lands on the deck of the USS Pennsylvania stationed in San Francisco harbor, marking the first time an aircraft lands on a ship." 1911 CE,1911-03-25,Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City results in the deaths of 146 workers and leads to sweeping workplace safety reforms. 1911 CE,1911-09-29,"The Italo-Turkish war which led to the capture of Libya by Italy, begins." 1911 CE,1911-10-10,"Xinhai Revolution, which overthrew the Qing dynasty of China, begins." 1911 CE,1911-11-03,"Swiss race car driver and automotive engineer Louis Chevrolet co-founds the Chevrolet Motor Company in Detroit with his brother Arthur Chevrolet, William C. Durant and others." 1911 CE,1911-12-12,New Delhi becomes the capital of British India. 1912 CE,1912-02-08,The African National Congress is founded. 1912 CE,1912-02-12,End of the Chinese Empire. Republic of China established. 1912 CE,1912-02-14,Arizona becomes the last state to be admitted to the continental Union. 1912 CE,1912-03-30,Morocco becomes a protectorate of France. 1912 CE,1912-04-15,Sinking of the RMS Titanic. 1912 CE,1912-07-30,"Emperor Meiji dies, ending the Meiji Era; his son, the Emperor Taishō, becomes Emperor of Japan." 1912 CE,1912-08-25,"The Kuomintang, the Chinese nationalist party, is founded." 1912 CE,1912-10-08,The First Balkan War begins. 1913 CE,1913-01-23,"In the 1913 Ottoman coup d'état, Ismail Enver comes to power." 1913 CE,1913-03-04,Woodrow Wilson is inaugurated as President of the United States. 1913 CE,1913-05-29,Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring infamously premiers in Paris. 1913 CE,1913-05-30,Treaty of London. 1913 CE,1913-08-10,Treaty of Bucharest. 1913 CE,1913-10-07,Ford Motor Company introduces the first moving assembly line. 1913 CE,1913-12-23,The Federal Reserve System is created. 1914 CE,1914-06-28,"Gavrilo Princip assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo, triggering the start of World War I." 1914 CE,1914-07-28,World War I begins. 1914 CE,1914-08-15,Panama Canal opens. 1914 CE,1914-09-01,"Martha, last known passenger pigeon, dies." 1914 CE,1914-09-03,Benedict XV becomes Pope. 1914 CE,1914-12-19,The United Kingdom establishes the Sultanate of Egypt as a protectorate. 1914 CE,1914-12-25,The Christmas truce is celebrated by the Germans and the British along the Western Front. 1915 CE,1915-04-22,"Second Battle of Ypres begins, first widespread use of poison gas." 1915 CE,1915-04-24,The deportation of Armenian leaders and notables in Constantinople signals the onset of the Armenian Genocide. 1915 CE,1915-05-07,Sinking of the RMS Lusitania. 1915 CE,1915-07-28,"In the Banana Wars, the United States occupation of Haiti begins." 1916 CE,1916-01-09,The Allies Gallipoli Campaign ends in failure; heavy losses of Australian troops. 1916 CE,1916-04-30,The first nationwide implementation of daylight saving time in the German Empire and Austria-Hungary. 1916 CE,1916-06-06,The Warlord Era begins in China after the death of Yuan Shikai. 1916 CE,1916-12-06,Liberal David Lloyd George becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1916 CE,1916-12-30,Grigori Rasputin is assassinated in Russia. 1917 CE,1917-03-08,Russian Revolution ends the Russian Empire; beginning of Russian Civil War. 1917 CE,1917-04-06,USA joins the Entente for the last 17 months of World War I. 1917 CE,1917-06-04,The first Pulitzer Prizes announced. 1917 CE,1917-07-25,October Revolution in Russia. 1917 CE,1917-11-08,The Ukrainian–Soviet War begins. 1917 CE,1917-11-26,"The National Hockey League is formed in Montreal, Canada." 1917 CE,1917-12-06,Independence of Finland. 1918 CE,1918-01-22,Ukraine declares independence from Russia. 1918 CE,1918-03-25,Belarus declares independence from Russia. 1918 CE,1918-03-30,The Armenian–Azerbaijani War begins. 1918 CE,1918-05-28,Azerbaijan Democratic Republic declared. 1918 CE,1918-07-04,Mehmed VI becomes the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and the last Caliph. 1918 CE,1918-10-29,German Revolution begins. 1918 CE,1918-11-09,Abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II. 1918 CE,1918-12-01,"The Kingdom of Iceland, a personal union with Denmark, is formed." 1919 CE,1919-01-21,The First Red Scare in the United States. Irish War of Independence begins. 1919 CE,1919-02-14,Polish-Soviet War. 1919 CE,1919-03-02,Comintern established in the Kremlin to coordinate Communist parties worldwide. 1919 CE,1919-04-11,The International Labour Organization is established. 1919 CE,1919-04-13,"The Jallianwala Bagh massacre in northern India: Acting Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer orders troops of the British Indian Army to fire their rifles into a crowd of unarmed Indian civilians, killing from 379 to 1,000 people and injuring another 1,500." 1919 CE,1919-05-19,Turkish War of Independence begins. 1919 CE,1919-06-28,The Treaty of Versailles redraws European borders. 1919 CE,1919-07-18,End of Polish–Ukrainian War. 1919 CE,1919-08-11,German Revolution ends with the collapse of the German Empire and the establishment of the Weimar Republic. 1919 CE,1919-11-19,"Release date of Feline Follies, the first appearance of Felix the Cat (then known as Master Tom)." 1920 CE,1920-01-10,League of Nations founded. 1920 CE,1920-01-17,Prohibition in the United States begins. 1920 CE,1920-02-02,Victory for Estonia in the Estonian War of Independence. 1920 CE,1920-04-25,Mandatory Palestine established. 1920 CE,1920-05-21,The Mexican Revolution ends. 1920 CE,1920-09-05,Mahatma Gandhi launches Non-cooperation movement. 1921 CE,1921-01-25,"Premiere of the science-fiction play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots), in which the word 'robot' was first used." 1921 CE,1921-03-04,Warren G. Harding is inaugurated as President of the United States. 1921 CE,1921-07-29,Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of the Nazi Party as hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic begins. 1921 CE,1921-10-18,End of the Polish-Soviet War. 1921 CE,1921-11-09,The Italian National Fascist Party is established by Benito Mussolini. 1921 CE,1921-11-17,End of the Ukrainian–Soviet War. 1921 CE,1921-12-15,Coup brings the Pahlavi dynasty to power in Iran. 1922 CE,1922-02-02,James Joyce publishes Ulysses. 1922 CE,1922-02-28,"Egypt gains independence from the United Kingdom, though British forces still occupy the Suez Canal." 1922 CE,1922-06-16,End of Russian Civil War. 1922 CE,1922-06-28,The Irish Civil War begins. 1922 CE,1922-10-23,Conservative Bonar Law becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1922 CE,1922-10-28,March on Rome brings Benito Mussolini to power in Italy. 1922 CE,1922-11-01,Ottoman Sultanate abolished by the Turkish Grand National Assembly; Sultan Mehmed VI is deposed. 1922 CE,1922-11-04,Howard Carter discovers Tutankhamen's tomb. 1922 CE,1922-11-14,British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) established. 1922 CE,1922-12-06,"Irish Free State is established, while the Province of Northern Ireland is created within The United Kingdom." 1922 CE,1922-12-16,"Gabriel Narutowicz, President of Poland, is assassinated." 1922 CE,1922-12-30,"The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the world's first officially Communist state, is formed." 1923 CE,1923-03-03,Time Magazine is first published. 1923 CE,1923-05-22,Stanley Baldwin becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1923 CE,1923-05-24,The Irish Civil War ends. 1923 CE,1923-06-09,A military coup ousts and kills Bulgarian Prime Minister Aleksandar Stamboliyski. 1923 CE,1923-08-02,Death of Warren G. Harding; Vice President Calvin Coolidge assumes office as President of the United States. 1923 CE,1923-09-01,"The Great Kantō earthquake kills at least 105,000 people in Japan." 1923 CE,1923-10-11,Turkish War of Independence ends; Ankara replaces Istanbul as its capital. 1923 CE,1923-10-29,Kemal Atatürk becomes the first President of the newly established Republic of Turkey. 1923 CE,1923-10-16,The Walt Disney Company is founded. 1923 CE,1923-11-08,"The Beer Hall Putsch, an attempt to overthrow the Weimar Republic, ends in failure and brief imprisonment for Adolf Hitler but brings the Nazi Party to national attention." 1923 CE,1923-11-15,Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic ends with the introduction of the Rentenmark. 1924 CE,1924-01-21,The death of Vladimir Lenin triggers power struggle between Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. 1924 CE,1924-01-22,Ramsay MacDonald becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; first Labour Party prime minister. 1924 CE,1924-02-12,Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin premieres in New York City. 1924 CE,1924-03-03,The Caliphate is abolished by Kemal Atatürk. 1924 CE,1924-05-10,The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation founded under J. Edgar Hoover. 1924 CE,1924-05-24,"Immigration Act of 1924 significantly restricts immigration from Asia, the Middle East, and Southern Europe to USA." 1924 CE,1924-08-28,The August Uprising in Georgia against Soviet rule. 1924 CE,1924-11-04,Conservative Stanley Baldwin becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1925 CE,1925-01-03,Benito Mussolini delivers a speech to begin his dictatorship. 1925 CE,1925-07-18,Hitler's Mein Kampf is published. 1926 CE,1926-05-28,28 May 1926 coup d'état in Portugal. 1926 CE,1926-06-19,National Broadcasting Company (NBC) founded in New York City. 1926 CE,1926-08-22,General Georgios Kondylis overthrows General Theodoros Pangalos in Greece. 1926 CE,1926-12-25,"Emperor Taishō dies; his son, the Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito) becomes Emperor of Japan." 1927 CE,1927-01-01,The BBC is granted a Royal Charter in the United Kingdom. 1927 CE,1927-05-13,The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland officially becomes the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 1927 CE,1927-05-18,"The Bath School disaster, a series of violent attacks by Andrew Kehoe results in 45 deaths in Michigan, USA." 1927 CE,1927-05-20,Saudi Arabia gains independence. 1927 CE,1927-08-01,The Chinese Civil War begins. 1927 CE,1927-09-18,Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) founded in New York City. 1927 CE,1927-10-04,"Mount Rushmore construction begins in South Dakota, U.S." 1927 CE,1927-10-06,"The Jazz Singer, the first 'talkie', is released." 1927 CE,1927-11-12,Soviet general secretary Joseph Stalin becomes dictator of the Soviet Union. 1928 CE,1928-09-01,King Zog I is crowned in Albania. 1928 CE,1928-09-03,Accidental rediscovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming. 1928 CE,1928-07-24,The Kellogg-Briand Pact is signed in Paris. 1928 CE,1928-11-18,"Steamboat Willie, is the first appearance of Mickey Mouse." 1928 CE,1928-12-29,The Warlord Era ends in China. 1929 CE,1929-02-11,"Pope Pius XI signs the Lateran Treaty with Italian leader Benito Mussolini, after which the Vatican City is recognised as a sovereign state." 1929 CE,1929-02-14,"Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, the murder of seven members and associates of Chicago's North Side Gang." 1929 CE,1929-03-04,Herbert Hoover is inaugurated as President of the United States. 1929 CE,1929-05-16,The first Academy Awards are presented. 1929 CE,1929-06-05,Ramsay MacDonald becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1930 CE,1930-02-18,Clyde Tombaugh discovers Pluto. 1930 CE,1930-03-12,Salt March by Mohandas Gandhi and the official start of civil disobedience in British India. 1930 CE,1930-04-02,Haile Selassie becomes Emperor of Abyssinia. 1930 CE,1930-04-19,"Sinkin' in the Bathtub, the first Looney Tunes short, is released." 1930 CE,1930-05-27,Construction of Chrysler Building completed. 1930 CE,1930-08-04,"King Kullen, widely regarded as the first supermarket, opens in Queens, New York City." 1930 CE,1930-09-14,"Aided by the Great Depression, the Nazi Party increases its share of the vote from 2.6% to 18.3%." 1930 CE,1930-11-03,The Vargas Era begins in Brazil. 1931 CE,1931-02-12,Vatican Radio first began broadcasting. 1931 CE,1931-03-03,"'The Star-Spangled Banner' is adopted as the United States's national anthem." 1931 CE,1931-05-01,Empire State Building completed. 1931 CE,1931-04-14,The Second Spanish Republic is declared. 1931 CE,1931-11-07,The Chinese Soviet Republic is proclaimed by Mao Zedong. 1931 CE,1931-12-12,Christ the Redeemer completed. 1932 CE,1932-03-01,Lindbergh baby kidnapping. 1932 CE,1932-03-09,Éamon de Valera becomes President of the Executive Council (prime minister) of the Irish Free State. 1932 CE,1932-06-04,Military coup in Chile. 1932 CE,1932-06-24,Siamese Revolution establishes a constitutional monarchy. 1932 CE,1932-09-09,The Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay begins. 1932 CE,1932-12-19,BBC World Service starts broadcasting. 1933 CE,1933-01-30,Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. 1933 CE,1933-03-02,King Kong is released in New York. 1933 CE,1933-03-04,"Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated as President of the United States, after being elected to the first of his record four terms." 1933 CE,1933-03-27,Japan announces it will leave the League of Nations. 1933 CE,1933-10-14,"Germany announces its withdrawal from the League of Nations and the World Disarmament Conference, after the U.S., the U.K. and France deny its request to increase its defense armaments under the Versailles Treaty." 1933 CE,1933-12-05,Prohibition in the United States is abolished. 1934 CE,1934-03-24,The United States grants more autonomy to the Philippines. 1934 CE,1934-05-23,Bonnie and Clyde are shot to death in a police ambush. 1934 CE,1934-07-22,John Dillinger is gunned down by the FBI outside the Biograph Theater. 1934 CE,1934-08-01,The United States occupation of Haiti ends. 1934 CE,1934-08-02,"With the death of President Hindenburg, Hitler declares himself Führer of Germany." 1934 CE,1934-10-16,Mao Zedong begins the Long March. 1935 CE,1935-05-31,Establishment of 20th Century Fox. 1935 CE,1935-03-21,"Reza Shah of Iran asks the international community to formally adopt the name 'Iran' to refer to the country, instead of the name 'Persia'." 1935 CE,1935-06-12,Chaco War ends. 1935 CE,1935-09-15,Enactment of the Nuremberg racial laws. 1935 CE,1935-10-03,The Second Italo-Abyssinian War begins and goes until February 1937. It includes events such as the exile of Haile Selassie and the conquest of Abyssinia by Benito Mussolini. 1936 CE,1936-01-20,Edward VIII becomes King of the British Commonwealth and Emperor of India. 1936 CE,1936-05-09,Italy annexes Ethiopia. 1936 CE,1936-07-17,Beginning of the Spanish Civil War. 1936 CE,1936-09-07,"'Benjamin', the last known thylacine, dies in Hobart Zoo." 1936 CE,1936-10-31,Boy Scouts of the Philippines is founded. 1936 CE,1936-12-11,"After a reign shorter than one year, Edward VIII abdicates and hands the throne to his brother, George VI." 1937 CE,1937-05-06,"German zeppelin Hindenburg crashes in Lakehurst, New Jersey, ending the airship era." 1937 CE,1937-05-28,Neville Chamberlain becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1937 CE,1937-07-07,"Japanese invasion of China, and the beginning of World War II in the Far East." 1937 CE,1937-08-28,Toyota founded in Japan by Kiichiro Toyoda. 1937 CE,1937-09-21,J. R. R. Tolkien publishes The Hobbit. 1937 CE,1937-12-13,"The Nanjing Massacre begins, ending about a month later in January 1938. It results in 40,000 to 200,000 deaths according to various estimates." 1937 CE,1937-12-21,Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the first feature-length animated movie released. 1938 CE,1938-03-12,Anschluss unifies Germany and Austria. 1938 CE,1938-04-18,DC Comics hero Superman has its first appearance. 1938 CE,1938-06-15,"Hungarian newspaper editor László Bíró fills a British patent of the first commercially successful ballpoint pen. This would popularize the instrument, currently the most widely used for writing, after World War II." 1938 CE,1938-09-30,Munich agreement hands Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany. 1939 CE,1939-03-02,Pius XII becomes Pope. 1939 CE,1939-03-30,DC's Detective Comics#27 marks the first appearance of Batman in comics. 1939 CE,1939-04-01,End of Spanish Civil War; Francisco Franco becomes dictator of Spain. 1939 CE,1939-07-15,DZRH first began broadcasting. 1939 CE,1939-08-23,The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union. 1939 CE,1939-08-25,Release date of MGM's The Wizard of Oz. 1939 CE,1939-09-03,Britain and France declare war on Germany; World War II begins. 1939 CE,1939-09-13,"Ferrari founded in Modena, Italy (as Auto Avio Costruzioni) by Enzo Ferrari." 1939 CE,1939-12-15,Release date of Gone with the Wind. 1940 CE,1940-03-13,The Winter War between Soviet Union and Finland ends with a costly victory for the USSR. 1940 CE,1940-05-10,Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1940 CE,1940-05-15,"McDonald's founded in San Bernardino, California." 1940 CE,1940-08-20,Leon Trotsky is assassinated in Mexico. 1940 CE,1940-09-07,"The Blitz, a German bombing campaign against the United Kingdom, begins." 1941 CE,1941-06-25,Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union begins. Siege of Tobruk in North Africa is the first major defeat for Hitler's land forces. 1941 CE,1941-09-08,Siege of Leningrad begins. 1941 CE,1941-12-07,The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor leads to the USA joining World War II. 1942 CE,1942-04-09,Bataan Death March. 1942 CE,1942-08-13,Release date of Disney's Bambi. 1943 CE,1943-01-15,The Pentagon is completed. 1943 CE,1943-02-02,Battle of Stalingrad ends with over two million casualties and the retreat of the German Army. 1943 CE,1943-05-15,American Broadcasting Company (ABC) founded in New York City. 1943 CE,1943-10-14,José P. Laurel takes the oath of office as President of the Second Philippine Republic. 1944 CE,1944-01-27,The Siege of Leningrad ends with Soviet victory after over a million deaths. 1944 CE,1944-06-01,"First operational electronic computer, Colossus, comes online." 1944 CE,1944-06-06,D-Day landings in Normandy. 1944 CE,1944-07-20,Adolf Hitler survives the 20 July plot to assassinate him led by Claus von Stauffenberg. 1944 CE,1944-09-19,The Continuation War ends. 1945 CE,1945-04-12,Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt; Vice President Harry Truman assumes office as President of the United States. 1945 CE,1945-04-28,Execution of Benito Mussolini. 1945 CE,1945-04-30,The Suicide of Adolf Hitler in Berlin as Nazi Germany collapses. 1945 CE,1945-06-26,United Nations founded (UN Charter). 1945 CE,1945-07-26,Clement Attlee becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1945 CE,1945-08-15,Victory over Japan Day. 1945 CE,1945-08-17,Independence of Indonesia proclaimed begin Indonesian National Revolution. 1945 CE,1945-10-08,"The microwave cooking oven is patented, with the one of the first prototypes placed at a Boston restaurant for testing." 1945 CE,1945-10-29,"In Brazil, Getúlio Vargas is deposed in a coup." 1946 CE,1946-03-22,Independence of Jordan. 1946 CE,1946-03-30,Greek Civil War begins. 1946 CE,1946-06-02,Italy becomes a republic. 1946 CE,1946-06-09,Bhumibol Adulyadej becomes King of Thailand. 1946 CE,1946-07-04,The Treaty of Manila declares Philippines independent. 1946 CE,1946-08-16,Mustafa Barzani founds the Kurdistan Democratic Party. 1946 CE,1946-10-27,French Fourth Republic established. 1946 CE,1946-12-19,First Indochina War begins. 1947 CE,1947-03-12,Harry Truman establishes the Truman Doctrine of containment of Communism. 1947 CE,1947-04-15,Jackie Robinson becomes the first baseball player of color to play major league baseball. 1947 CE,1947-07-26,Creation of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. 1948 CE,1948-01-30,Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. 1948 CE,1948-02-04,Independence of Burma and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) from Britain. 1948 CE,1948-04-03,"The Marshall Plan, an American initiative for foreign aid of $13 billion to 16 Western European countries, comes into effect." 1948 CE,1948-04-07,The World Health Organization (WHO) founded. 1948 CE,1948-04-16,The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) founded. 1948 CE,1948-04-23,The Soviet Sever-2 expedition become the first party to indisputably set foot on the North Pole. 1948 CE,1948-05-14,United Nations establishes Israeli Independence and the formation of the official State of Israel. 1948 CE,1948-05-15,The Arab–Israeli War begins. 1948 CE,1948-06-24,Berlin Blockade begins. 1948 CE,1948-09-24,"Honda founded in Hamamatsu, Japan by Soichiro Honda and Takeo Fujisawa." 1949 CE,1949-01-05,The First Indo-Pakistani War ends. 1949 CE,1949-03-10,The Arab–Israeli War ends. 1949 CE,1949-04-04,The Creation of NATO. 1949 CE,1949-05-12,Berlin Blockade ends. 1949 CE,1949-05-23,Creation of NATO-backed Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). 1949 CE,1949-06-08,George Orwell publishes Nineteen Eighty-Four. 1949 CE,1949-10-01,Chinese Communist Revolution: Establishment of the People's Republic of China under CCP Chairman Mao Zedong; The Republic of China relocates to Taiwan. 1949 CE,1949-10-07,Creation of the socialist German Democratic Republic (East Germany). 1950 CE,1950-01-26,The Constitution of India comes into effect. 1950 CE,1950-02-15,Release date of Disney's Cinderella. 1950 CE,1950-06-25,North Korean invasion of South Korea begins the Korean War. 1950 CE,1950-08-25,"Bertie the Brain, one of the first computer games, is released." 1950 CE,1950-11-17,Lhamo Dondrub assumes full political powers as the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. 1951 CE,1951-07-01,"Colombo Plan, a regional organisation of 27 countries designed to strengthen economic and social development of member countries in the Asia-Pacific region, commences." 1951 CE,1951-07-28,Release date of Disney's Alice in Wonderland. 1951 CE,1951-09-08,The Treaty of San Francisco ends the Occupation of Japan and formally concludes hostilities between Japan and the US. 1951 CE,1951-09-18,Release date of the acclaimed science fiction film The Day the Earth Stood Still. 1951 CE,1951-10-26,Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1952 CE,1952-02-06,Queen Elizabeth II becomes Monarch of the Commonwealth realms. 1952 CE,1952-05-02,The first passenger jet flight route opens between London and Johannesburg. 1952 CE,1952-06-28,Establishment of Miss Universe. 1952 CE,1952-07-23,Egyptian Revolution under Gamal Abdel Nasser overthrows King Farouk and ends British occupation. 1952 CE,1952-07-26,Death of Eva Perón. 1952 CE,1952-11-01,"The United States successfully detonates the first hydrogen bomb, codenamed 'Ivy Mike', at Eniwetok Atoll in the Marshall Islands in the central Pacific Ocean, with a yield of 10.4 megatons." 1953 CE,1953-01-20,Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated as President of the United States. 1953 CE,1953-03-05,Death of Stalin. 1953 CE,1953-04-25,Discovery of the three-dimensional structure of DNA. 1953 CE,1953-06-02,Coronation of Elizabeth II. 1953 CE,1953-05-29,First ascent of Mount Everest. 1953 CE,1953-07-27,End of the Korean War. 1953 CE,1953-08-19,Mohammed Mossadeq deposed in Iran. 1953 CE,1953-10-23,ABS-CBN first began broadcasting. 1953 CE,1953-11-09,Independence of Cambodia. 1954 CE,1954-04-12,"The song Rock Around the Clock, by Bill Haley and His Comets, brings rock and roll to the American mainstream." 1954 CE,1954-05-17,"The Supreme Court of the United States decides Brown v. Board of Education, ordering an end to racial segregation in public schools." 1954 CE,1954-07-29,"J. R. R. Tolkien publishes The Fellowship of the Ring, the first volume of The Lord of the Rings." 1954 CE,1954-08-01,First Indochina War ends. 1954 CE,1954-09-03,First Taiwan Strait Crisis begins. 1954 CE,1954-09-14,The Soviet Union generates first electricity by nuclear power. 1954 CE,1954-10-23,The Western European Union is established. 1954 CE,1954-11-01,Algerian War begins. 1954 CE,1954-11-03,Godzilla is released in Japan. 1955 CE,1955-02-24,Formation of the Central Treaty Organization. 1955 CE,1955-04-12,"The Salk polio vaccine having passed large-scale trials earlier in the United States, receives full approval by the Food and Drug Administration." 1955 CE,1955-04-18,Death of Albert Einstein. 1955 CE,1955-05-01,First Taiwan Strait Crisis ends. 1955 CE,1955-05-14,Signing of the Warsaw Pact. 1955 CE,1955-08-18,First Sudanese Civil War begins. 1956 CE,1956-01-01,Independence of Sudan from Britain. 1956 CE,1956-03-07,The United States recognises Moroccos independence from France. 1956 CE,1956-03-20,Independence of Tunisia from France. 1956 CE,1956-03-23,Pakistan becomes a republic. 1956 CE,1956-11-11,The Hungarian Uprising crushed by Soviet troops. 1957 CE,1957-01-10,Harold Macmillan becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1957 CE,1957-03-06,Independence of Ghana from Britain. 1957 CE,1957-03-17,Philippine President Ramon Magsaysay and 24 others are killed in a plane crash. 1957 CE,1957-03-25,"Treaty of Rome, which would eventually lead to the European Union." 1957 CE,1957-08-31,Independence of the Federation of Malaya. 1957 CE,1957-10-04,Launch of Sputnik 1 and the beginning of the Space Age. 1957 CE,1957-11-03,Laika becomes the first animal launched into Earth orbit. 1957 CE,1957-12-20,First flight of the Boeing 707. 1958 CE,1958-05-31,Pizza Hut founded. 1958 CE,1958-07-29,NASA formed. 1958 CE,1958-08-23,Federal Aviation Administration formed. 1958 CE,1958-10-02,Guinea gains independence from France. 1958 CE,1958-10-04,French Fifth Republic established. 1958 CE,1958-10-28,John XXIII becomes Pope. 1959 CE,1959-01-01,Cuban Revolution ends. 1959 CE,1959-01-03,"Admission of Alaska, the 49th state, into the United States." 1959 CE,1959-03-09,Mattel's Barbie doll debuts in the United States. 1959 CE,1959-02-19,Independence of Cyprus. 1959 CE,1959-08-21,"Admission of Hawaii, the 50th state, into the United States." 1959 CE,1959-10-07,The USSR probe Luna 3 sends back the first ever photos of the far side of the Moon. 1959 CE,1959-11-01,"Beginning of the Vietnam War, which until 1975." 1960 CE,1960-01-22,"First crewed descent to the deepest point on Earth, the Mariana Trench." 1960 CE,1960-03-21,"The Sharpeville Massacre, in which the police opened fire against a protesting crowd at a police station in the South African township of Sharpeville in Transvaal, resulting in 69 deaths and 180 injuries." 1960 CE,1960-04-21,"Construction of Brasília, Brazil's new capital, finished." 1960 CE,1960-05-01,1960 U-2 incident sparks deterioration in relations between superpowers. 1960 CE,1960-05-09,The birth control pill becomes commercially available. 1960 CE,1960-05-16,Construction of the first laser. 1960 CE,1960-05-22,"An earthquake in Valdivia, Chile of magnitude 9.4 to 9.6, the highest ever recorded, causes 1,000 to 6,000 deaths." 1960 CE,1960-10-12,"Inejiro Asanuma, a Japanese socialist politician, is assassinated during a broadcast on TV." 1960 CE,1960-11-08,The 1960 United States presidential election marks the first televised debates between presidential candidates. 1961 CE,1961-01-17,The assassination of Patrice Lumumba begins the Congo Crisis. 1961 CE,1961-01-20,John F. Kennedy is inaugurated as President of the United States. 1961 CE,1961-04-12,"Yuri Gagarin, flying the Vostok 1 spacecraft as part of the Vostok program, becomes the first human in space." 1961 CE,1961-05-25,"In an address to Congress, John F. Kennedy declares the United States' objective of 'landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth' by the end of the decade. This would be in fact achieved by the Apollo Project, despite several challenges and much doubt." 1961 CE,1961-08-13,Construction of the Berlin Wall. 1961 CE,1961-09-18,UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld dies in a plane crash. 1962 CE,1962-03-19,The Algerian War ends with the independence of Algeria. 1962 CE,1962-07-02,"Walmart founded in Rogers, Arkansas by Sam Walton." 1962 CE,1962-09-26,"A coup ends the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen, establishing the Yemen Arab Republic and starting the North Yemen Civil War." 1962 CE,1962-10-11,The Second Vatican Council is opened by Pope John XXIII. 1963 CE,1963-01-01,"Premiere of the Astro Boy anime, the first to be broadcast overseas." 1963 CE,1963-03-22,"The Beatles' first record, Please Please Me, and the beginnings of the British Invasion." 1963 CE,1963-05-08,Beginning of the Buddhist crisis in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. 1963 CE,1963-05-27,Bob Dylan releases The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. 1963 CE,1963-06-21,Paul VI becomes Pope. 1963 CE,1963-07-26,"Launch of the first geostationary satellite, Syncom 2." 1963 CE,1963-08-28,"Martin Luther King Jr. delivers 'I Have a Dream' speech at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom." 1963 CE,1963-11-02,"1963 South Vietnamese coup: Arrest and assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem, the South Vietnamese President." 1963 CE,1963-11-22,Assassination of John F. Kennedy. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson assumes office as President of the United States. 1964 CE,1964-01-12,Zanzibar Revolution overthrows Afro Shiraz ruling class; Zanzibar merges with Tanganyika to form Tanzania. 1964 CE,1964-05-27,Colombian armed conflict begins. 1964 CE,1964-07-02,Civil Rights Act abolishes segregation in the USA. 1964 CE,1964-07-04,Rhodesian Bush War begins. 1964 CE,1964-07-06,Independence of Malawi. 1964 CE,1964-08-02,The Gulf of Tonkin incident led to the escalation of U.S. military involvement in the Vietnam War. 1964 CE,1964-09-21,Independence of Malta. 1964 CE,1964-10-14,Leonid Brezhnev ousts Khrushchev and assumes power in the Soviet Union. 1964 CE,1964-10-16,China detonates its first nuclear weapon. 1964 CE,1964-11-28,NASA launches the Mariner 4 space probe from Cape Kennedy toward Mars to take television pictures of that planet in July 1965. 1965 CE,1965-01-24,Death of Winston Churchill. 1965 CE,1965-02-21,Assassination of Malcolm X. 1965 CE,1965-03-17,"The Voting Rights Act of 1965, inspired by the Selma to Montgomery marches." 1965 CE,1965-04-26,"Establishment of Rede Globo, now the largest TV network in Brazil and Latin America and the second-largest in the world after ABC." 1965 CE,1965-05-18,Israeli spy Eli Cohen is hanged in Damascus. 1965 CE,1965-08-09,Singapore gains independence. 1965 CE,1965-08-30,Bob Dylan releases Highway 61 Revisited. 1965 CE,1965-09-30,30 September Movement in the Indonesia. 1965 CE,1965-12-08,Second Vatican Council is closed by Pope Paul VI. 1965 CE,1965-12-30,Ferdinand Marcos becomes President of the Philippines. 1966 CE,1966-04-30,The Church of Satan is established in San Francisco by Anton LaVey. 1966 CE,1966-08-11,The Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation ends. 1966 CE,1966-09-30,Independence of Botswana. 1966 CE,1966-10-04,Independence of Lesotho. 1966 CE,1966-10-21,"The Aberfan disaster, the catastrophic collapse of a colliery spoil tip (pile of waste coal mining material) in Aberfan, Wales results in 144 deaths." 1966 CE,1966-11-30,Independence of Barbados. 1966 CE,1966-12-15,Death of Walt Disney. 1967 CE,1967-04-21,Greek military coup establishes a military dictatorship led by Georgios Papadopoulos. The dictatorship ends in 1974. 1967 CE,1967-07-06,Attempted secession of the Republic of Biafra from Nigeria triggers the Nigerian Civil War. 1967 CE,1967-07-17,"Death of John Coltrane, American jazz saxophonist, clarinettist and composer." 1967 CE,1967-08-08,Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) founded. 1967 CE,1967-10-18,Release date of Disney's The Jungle Book. 1967 CE,1967-05-26,The Beatles release their landmark album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. 1967 CE,1967-12-17,"Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt disappears while swimming at Cheviot Beach, Victoria." 1968 CE,1968-03-16,"My Lai massacre, a mass murder and rape of unarmed South Vietnamese civilians by U.S. troops in the Vietnam War." 1968 CE,1968-03-21,Battle of Karameh in Jordan (part of the War of Attrition between Israel and Arab states). 1968 CE,1968-04-04,Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. during the Poor People's Campaign. 1968 CE,1968-06-05,Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy during the Poor People's Campaign. 1969 CE,1969-01-13,"Samsung Electronics founded in Suwon, South Korea." 1969 CE,1969-01-20,Richard Nixon is inaugurated as President of the United States. 1969 CE,1969-03-02,"Concorde 001 flies from the first time, from Toulouse, piloted by André Turcat." 1969 CE,1969-07-20,"Apollo 11 Moon landing, in which Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first two humans on the moon." 1969 CE,1969-09-01,Muammar Gaddafi overthrows King Idris of Libya in a Coup d'état and establishes the Libyan Arab Republic. 1969 CE,1969-10-29,"Creation of Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), the earliest incarnation of the Internet." 1969 CE,1969-11-10,Sesame Street premieres its debut episode. 1970 CE,1970-01-15,The Nigerian Civil War ends with the reintegration of the Republic of Biafra with Nigeria after ~3 million deaths. 1970 CE,1970-01-22,Maiden flight of the Boeing 747. 1970 CE,1970-02-18,The Chicago Seven are found not guilty of conspiring to incite riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. 1970 CE,1970-03-05,Ratification of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. 1970 CE,1970-04-01,U.S. President Richard M. Nixon signs Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act. 1970 CE,1970-04-10,Break-up of the Beatles. 1970 CE,1970-04-11,"Apollo 13 (Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, Jack Swigert) is launched toward the Moon." 1970 CE,1970-06-19,Edward Heath becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1970 CE,1970-07-12,"Thor Heyerdahl's papyrus boat Ra II arrived in Barbados, bringing an end to its 3,200 mi (5,100 km) journey across the Atlantic Ocean." 1970 CE,1970-09-06,"Black September in Jordan begins, lasting until mid-1971." 1970 CE,1970-09-28,Death of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. 1970 CE,1970-10-05,The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) began broadcasting as a successor to National Educational Television (NET) in the United States. 1970 CE,1970-10-15,Anwar Sadat becomes President of Egypt. 1970 CE,1970-12-01,North Yemen Civil War ends. 1970 CE,1970-12-18,Establishment of Airbus. 1971 CE,1971-01-25,Idi Amin seizes power in Uganda. 1971 CE,1971-03-26,"Bangladesh Liberation War occurred, independence of Bangladesh from Pakistan and precipitates Third Indo-Pakistani War." 1971 CE,1971-04-20,National Public Radio (NPR) airs its first broadcast. 1971 CE,1971-07-05,"The 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution, formally certified by President Richard Nixon, lowers the voting age from 21 to 18." 1971 CE,1971-07-17,Black September in Jordan ends. 1971 CE,1971-10-27,Joseph Mobutu renames The Republic of the Congo Zaire. 1971 CE,1971-11-15,"Intel releases the world's first microprocessor, the Intel 4004." 1972 CE,1972-01-30,Northern Ireland's Bloody Sunday. 1972 CE,1972-03-24,The Godfather premieres. 1972 CE,1972-03-27,The First Sudanese Civil War ends. 1972 CE,1972-05-08,"The airplane serving Sabena Flight 571 from Brussels to Lod, Tel Aviv is hijacked by four members of the Black September Organization, a Palestinian terrorist group, resulting in 3 deaths and 3 injuries." 1972 CE,1972-05-26,"Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev sign the SALT I treaty in Moscow, as well as the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and other agreements." 1972 CE,1972-05-30,Lod Airport massacre. 1972 CE,1972-11-29,"The arcade game Pong, the first commercially successful video game, is released." 1973 CE,1973-01-22,The Supreme Court of the United States decides Roe v. Wade. 1973 CE,1973-03-01,Pink Floyd's album The Dark Side of the Moon is released in the UK. 1973 CE,1973-05-03,Construction of the Sears Tower (later renamed to Willis Tower) completed. 1973 CE,1973-05-14,"The first space station, Skylab, is launched." 1973 CE,1973-09-11,1973 Chilean coup d'état. 1973 CE,1973-12-03,Pioneer 10 sends back the first close-up images of Jupiter. 1974 CE,1974-03-04,Harold Wilson becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1974 CE,1974-04-06,"Swedish pop group ABBA's song Waterloo wins the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest in Brighton, England, UK." 1974 CE,1974-04-25,Carnation Revolution in Portugal begins transition to democracy. 1974 CE,1974-09-12,Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia is overthrown in a military coup. Beginning of the Ethiopian Civil War. 1974 CE,1974-11-08,Release date of Disney's Robin Hood. 1974 CE,1974-11-24,"Discovery of 'Lucy' (Australopithecus afarensis) in Tanzania's Olduvai Gorge." 1975 CE,1975-04-04,"Microsoft founded in Albuquerque, New Mexico by Bill Gates and Paul Allen." 1975 CE,1975-04-13,Bus massacre in Lebanon triggers the Lebanese Civil War which lasts until 1990. 1975 CE,1975-04-17,The Cambodian Civil War ends with victory for the Khmer Rouge. Cambodian genocide begins. 1975 CE,1975-04-30,The Fall of Saigon ends the Vietnam War. 1975 CE,1975-06-25,"Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declares a state of emergency in India, suspending civil liberties and elections." 1975 CE,1975-08-01,"The Helsinki Accords, which officially recognize Europe's national borders and respect for human rights, are signed in Finland." 1975 CE,1975-11-11,Angola declares independence from Portugal and Angolan Civil War erupts. 1975 CE,1975-11-20,Death of Francisco Franco. 1975 CE,1975-11-22,Juan Carlos I becomes King of Spain. 1975 CE,1975-12-07,Indonesian invasion of East Timor begins. 1976 CE,1976-03-24,1976 Argentine coup d'état leads to a military dictatorship in Argentina. 1976 CE,1976-04-01,"Steve Wozniak invents the Apple I and Steve Jobs then convinces Wozniak to sell the system, giving birth to Apple Computer." 1976 CE,1976-04-05,James Callaghan becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1976 CE,1976-07-04,"Operation Entebbe, a successful counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission carried out by commandos of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at Entebbe Airport in Uganda." 1976 CE,1976-10-06,End of Cultural Revolution. 1977 CE,1977-01-20,Jimmy Carter is inaugurated as President of the United States. 1977 CE,1977-02-09,Queen Alia of Jordan is killed in helicopter crash. 1977 CE,1977-03-27,"The Tenerife disaster in the Canary Islands, with 583 fatalities, marks the deadliest accident in aviation history." 1977 CE,1977-05-25,Star Wars is released and quickly becomes the highest-grossing film of all-time. 1977 CE,1977-05-29,A. J. Foyt wins Indianapolis 500 for fourth time. 1977 CE,1977-06-27,Djibouti gains independence from France. 1977 CE,1977-07-01,Virginia Wade wins Wimbledon singles title in the centenary year of the tournament. 1977 CE,1977-07-13,Somalia declares war on Ethiopia setting off the Ethio-Somali War. 1977 CE,1977-08-16,Death of Elvis Presley. 1977 CE,1977-08-20,Voyager 2 launched by NASA. 1977 CE,1977-09-05,Voyager 1 launched by NASA. 1977 CE,1977-09-05,German Autumn: Red Army Faction abduction of Hanns Martin Schleyer. 1977 CE,1977-09-11,Release date of the Atari 2600 video game console in North America. 1977 CE,1977-09-24,The first episode of The Love Boat airs on ABC. 1977 CE,1977-10-19,Suicide of members of Baader-Meinhoff Group and murder of Hanns Martin Schleyer ends crisis in West Germany. 1977 CE,1977-10-26,The last wild case of smallpox is eradicated by the WHO. 1977 CE,1977-11-19,Egyptian President Anwar Sadat becomes the first Arab leader to visit Israel in the hopes of establishing peace between the two countries. 1977 CE,1977-12-25,Death of Charlie Chaplin. 1978 CE,1978-03-14,1978 South Lebanon conflict. 1978 CE,1978-04-27,The War in Afghanistan begins with the Saur Revolution. 1978 CE,1978-06-19,"Garfield's first comic strip, originally published locally as Jon in 1976, goes into nationwide syndication." 1978 CE,1978-06-22,Discovery of Pluto's moon Charon. 1978 CE,1978-06-25,The rainbow flag of the LGBT movement flies for the first time (in its original form) at the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade. 1978 CE,1978-08-26,John Paul I becomes pope. 1978 CE,1978-09-17,The Camp David Accords are signed between Israel and Egypt. 1978 CE,1978-09-28,"John Paul I dies, his papacy being one of the shortest in history." 1978 CE,1978-10-01,Independence of Tuvalu from Britain. 1978 CE,1978-10-09,The Uganda–Tanzania War begins. 1978 CE,1978-10-16,John Paul II becomes pope. 1978 CE,1978-11-18,"Jim Jones's New religious movement, the Peoples Temple, ends in the organized mass killing and suicide of 920 people in Jonestown." 1978 CE,1978-11-27,San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk are assassinated by former Supervisor Dan White. 1978 CE,1978-12-18,Deng Xiaoping commences the Chinese economic reform. 1978 CE,1978-12-25,The Cambodian-Vietnamese War begins. 1978 CE,1978-12-29,"The current Constitution of Spain comes into effect, which for some marks the completion of the Spanish transition to democracy." 1979 CE,1979-01-07,The Vietnamese invasion of Kampuchea ends Cambodia's Khmer Rouge regime. 1979 CE,1979-02-11,The Iranian Revolution ends. Shah Reza Pahlavi is overthrown and forced into exile. 1979 CE,1979-03-16,Central Treaty Organization dissolves. 1979 CE,1979-03-28,"The Three Mile Island nuclear accident, a partial meltdown of reactor number 2 of Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station (TMI-2) in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, near Harrisburg, and subsequent radiation leak." 1979 CE,1979-05-04,Margaret Thatcher becomes the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1979 CE,1979-06-03,The Uganda–Tanzania War ends with defeat for Uganda and the exile of Idi Amin. 1979 CE,1979-06-11,Death of John Wayne. 1979 CE,1979-10-15,Beginning of the Salvadoran Civil War. 1979 CE,1979-11-04,The Iran hostage crisis begins. 1979 CE,1979-12-12,The Rhodesian Bush War ends. 1979 CE,1979-12-24,The Soviet–Afghan War begins. 1980 CE,1980-03-24,Assassination of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero. 1980 CE,1980-04-18,"Independence of Rhodesia, which becomes Zimbabwe." 1980 CE,1980-04-30,Queen Beatrix becomes monarch of the Netherlands. 1980 CE,1980-05-08,WHO announces the eradication of smallpox. 1980 CE,1980-05-18,"1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Skamania County, state of Washington, leaves approximately 57 deaths and $1 billion of property damage." 1980 CE,1980-05-21,The Empire Strikes Back is released. 1980 CE,1980-05-22,"Release of Pac-Man, the best-selling arcade game." 1980 CE,1980-06-01,Launch of Cable News Network (CNN). 1980 CE,1980-07-01,Adoption of O Canada as the national anthem of Canada. 1980 CE,1980-07-30,Independence of Vanuatu. 1980 CE,1980-08-31,"Solidarity union forms at Poland's Gdańsk Shipyard under Lech Wałęsa, and begins agitation for greater personal freedoms." 1980 CE,1980-09-22,Beginning of the Iran–Iraq War. 1980 CE,1980-11-04,"Ronald Reagan is elected as the 40th President of the United States, the oldest person to be elected." 1980 CE,1980-11-13,Voyager 1 takes the first close-up pictures of Saturn. 1980 CE,1980-12-08,Murder of John Lennon. 1981 CE,1981-01-17,Martial Law is lifted in the Philippines. 1981 CE,1981-03-30,President Reagan and three others are injured after an assassination attempt. 1981 CE,1981-04-12,First orbital flight of the Space Shuttle. 1981 CE,1981-05-11,Reggae singer Bob Marley dies. 1981 CE,1981-05-13,Pope John Paul II assassination attempt. 1981 CE,1981-06-05,"The AIDS epidemic officially begins in the United States, having originated in Africa; making this to be an ongoing pandemic." 1981 CE,1981-06-07,"Operation Opera, a surprise airstrike conducted by the Israeli Air Force on an unfinished Iraqi nuclear reactor near Baghdad." 1981 CE,1981-06-12,Release date of Steven Spielberg's Raiders of the Lost Ark. 1981 CE,1981-07-17,"Two skywalks filled with people at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri, collapse into a crowded atrium lobby, killing 114." 1981 CE,1981-07-29,"Wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer." 1981 CE,1981-08-01,Launch of MTV. 1981 CE,1981-08-12,IBM Personal Computer released. 1981 CE,1981-08-15,EWTN airs its first broadcast. 1981 CE,1981-10-06,Assassination of Anwar Sadat. 1981 CE,1981-12-13,Martial law in Poland begins. 1982 CE,1982-04-25,Israel withdraws from Sinai Peninsula. 1982 CE,1982-06-06,First Israeli invasion of Lebanon begins. 1982 CE,1982-10-01,"Sony releases the world's first commercially sold CD Player, the Sony CDP-101." 1982 CE,1982-11-30,"Michael Jackson releases his landmark album Thriller, the best-selling album of all time." 1982 CE,1982-12-07,The first execution by lethal injection takes place in Texas. 1983 CE,1983-01-01,Independence of Brunei. 1983 CE,1983-04-18,The Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut results in 63 deaths. 1983 CE,1983-06-05,Second Sudanese Civil War begins. 1983 CE,1983-09-01,"Korean Air Lines Flight 007, a scheduled flight from New York City to Seoul via Anchorage, Alaska, is shot down by a Soviet Su-15 interceptor, resulting in 269 fatalities and no survivors. This leads to the declassification of GPS development." 1983 CE,1983-09-17,"Vanessa Lynn Williams becomes the first African-American to be crowned Miss America, in Atlantic City, New Jersey." 1983 CE,1983-10-23,"The Beirut barracks bombing results in the deaths of 307 people, hastening the removal of international peacekeeping forces in Lebanon." 1983 CE,1983-12-10,End of dictatorship in Argentina. 1984 CE,1984-02-13,Konstantin Chernenko becomes General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1984 CE,1984-10-31,"Assassination of Indira Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister." 1984 CE,1984-12-03,Bhopal disaster. 1984 CE,1984-12-19,Sino-British Joint Declaration agrees to hand Hong Kong back to China by 1997. 1985 CE,1985-03-07,"Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, USA For Africa released We Are the World." 1985 CE,1985-03-11,Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1985 CE,1985-03-15,End of military leadership in Brazil. 1985 CE,1985-03-31,WWE holds their first WrestleMania event. 1985 CE,1985-07-13,Live Aid. 1985 CE,1985-08-20,"Beginning of the Iran–Contra affair, a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan Administration involving the sale of arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic Republic of Iran." 1985 CE,1985-09-01,"73 years after the infamous disaster, the wreck of the Titanic is found off the coast of Newfoundland by a joint French–American expedition led by Jean-Louis Michel of IFREMER and Robert Ballard of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution." 1985 CE,1985-09-19,"An earthquake in Mexico City, magnitude 8.0, kills from 5,000 to 45,000 people." 1985 CE,1985-10-01,"Release date of the Macintosh 128K, the first successful mass-market personal computer to feature a graphical user interface, built-in screen, and mouse." 1985 CE,1985-10-18,"North American release date of the Nintendo Entertainment System, a rebranding of Nintendo's Family Computer." 1985 CE,1985-11-13,"The Armero tragedy, in which 20,000 people die following the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz stratovolcano in Tolima, Colombia." 1985 CE,1985-11-20,"Windows 1.0, the first Microsoft Windows operating system, released." 1986 CE,1986-01-24,First close-up images of the planet Uranus. 1986 CE,1986-01-28,"Challenger breaks apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members aboard." 1986 CE,1986-02-28,"Assassination of Olof Palme, Prime Minister of Sweden." 1986 CE,1986-04-15,U.S. planes bomb Libya in Operation El Dorado Canyon. 1986 CE,1986-04-26,The Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine kills about 100 people. 1986 CE,1986-11-03,The Iran–Contra affair publicly announced. 1987 CE,1987-09-10,"The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale, Angola begins and further intensifies the South African Border War." 1987 CE,1987-09-13,"A radioactive contamination accident in Goiânia, Brazil, leaves 249 people contaminated, four of which die." 1987 CE,1987-09-15,"Huawei founded in Shenzhen, China by Ren Zhengfei." 1987 CE,1987-10-19,Stock market crash of 1987. 1987 CE,1987-12-20,"The passenger ferry MV Doña Paz sinks after colliding with the oil tanker MT Vector 1 in the Tablas Strait in the Philippines, killing an estimated 4,000 people (history's worst peacetime maritime disaster)." 1988 CE,1988-01-02,"Beginning of the perestroika ('restructuring'), a political movement for reformation within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during the 1980s associated with Gorbachev and his glasnost ('openness') policy reform." 1988 CE,1988-01-13,Lee Teng-hui takes control of Taiwan and oversee end of martial law and full democratization of island. 1988 CE,1988-03-16,"The Halabja chemical attack is carried out by Iraqi government forces, killing thousands." 1988 CE,1988-08-20,End of the Iran–Iraq War. 1988 CE,1988-10-05,Chile's Augusto Pinochet loses a national plebiscite on his rule. 1988 CE,1988-11-02,"Morris worm, first computer virus distributed through the Internet." 1988 CE,1988-11-08,George H. W. Bush is elected President of the United States. 1988 CE,1988-11-15,Israeli–Palestinian conflict; beginning with the independent State of Palestine being proclaimed from Algiers. 1988 CE,1988-12-02,Benazir Bhutto elected Prime Minister of Pakistan months after restoration of civilian rule in the wake of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq's death in plane crash. 1988 CE,1988-12-07,Spitak earthquake in Armenia. 1988 CE,1988-12-21,"Pan Am Flight 103 is destroyed by a bomb and falls over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people and leaving no survivors." 1989 CE,1989-01-07,"Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito) dies; his son, Akihito (the Emperor Heisei) becomes Emperor of Japan." 1989 CE,1989-01-20,George H. W. Bush is inaugurated as President of the United States. 1989 CE,1989-02-02,Alfredo Stroessner is overthrown in Paraguay. End of dictatorship. 1989 CE,1989-02-14,Fatwa issued against Salman Rushdie. 1989 CE,1989-02-15,End of the Soviet war in Afghanistan. 1989 CE,1989-03-24,"The oil tanker Exxon Valdez spills 10.8 million US gallons of crude oil after striking a reef, causing severe damage to the environment." 1989 CE,1989-06-03,Ruhollah Khomeini dies; Ali Khamenei becomes Supreme Leader of Iran. 1989 CE,1989-06-05,"An unknown Chinese protester, 'Tank Man', stands in front of a column of military tanks on Chang'an Avenue in Beijing, temporarily halting them, an incident which achieves iconic status internationally through images taken by Western photographers." 1989 CE,1989-08-25,"Voyager 2 makes its closest approach to Neptune and its largest moon, Triton." 1989 CE,1989-10-17,"The 6.9 Mw Loma Prieta earthquake shakes the San Francisco Bay Area and the Central Coast, killing 63." 1989 CE,1989-11-09,"Fall of the Berlin Wall; the Revolutions of 1989 and the collapse of the Soviet Bloc begin in Europe, which leads to the end of the Cold War." 1989 CE,1989-12-17,The first episode of The Simpsons premieres on Fox. 1989 CE,1989-12-20,The United States invasion of Panama begins. 1989 CE,1989-12-24,The First Liberian Civil War begins. 1989 CE,1989-12-25,Trial and execution of Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu in Romania. 1990 CE,1990-01-31,"The first McDonald's in Moscow, Russian SFSR opens 8 months after construction began on May 3, 1989." 1990 CE,1990-02-11,"Nelson Mandela is released from Victor Verster Prison outside Cape Town, South Africa after 27 years as a political prisoner." 1990 CE,1990-03-11,End of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in Chile. 1990 CE,1990-03-27,The United States begins broadcasting Radio y Televisión Martí to Cuba. 1990 CE,1990-04-24,May 20: Launch of the Hubble Space Telescope. 1990 CE,1990-04-07,"Scandinavian Star, a Bahamas-registered ferry, catches fire en route from Norway to Denmark, leaving 158 dead." 1990 CE,1990-05-22,North and South Yemen unify to form the Republic of Yemen. 1990 CE,1990-06-21,"The 7.4 Mw Manjil–Rudbar earthquake affects northern Iran with a maximum Mercalli intensity of X (Extreme), killing 35,000–50,000, and injuring 60,000–105,000." 1990 CE,1990-07-16,"An earthquake in Luzon happens, measuring Mw 7.7, kills more than 1,600 in the Philippines." 1990 CE,1990-09-06,Myanmar Armed Forces place Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest. 1990 CE,1990-10-03,German reunification. 1990 CE,1990-11-02,Transnistria War begins. 1990 CE,1990-12-20,"Tim Berners-Lee publishes the first web site, which described the World Wide Web project." 1991 CE,1991-02-28,The Gulf War ends in US withdrawal and a failed uprising. 1991 CE,1991-03-03,A video captures the beating of motorist Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers. Four Los Angeles police officers are indicted on March 15 for the beating. 1991 CE,1991-03-23,Beginning of the Sierra Leone Civil War. 1991 CE,1991-05-16,"Elizabeth II becomes the first British monarch to address the U.S. Congress during a 13-day royal visit in Washington, D.C." 1991 CE,1991-05-21,"Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister." 1991 CE,1991-07-01,"President George H. W. Bush nominates the controversial Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court of the United States to replace Thurgood Marshall, who had announced his retirement." 1991 CE,1991-07-01,"The world's first GSM telephone call is made in Finland." 1991 CE,1991-07-10,Boris Yeltsin becomes the first President of Russia. 1991 CE,1991-07-11,"A solar eclipse of record totality occurs in the Northern hemisphere. It is seen by 20 million people in Hawaii, Mexico, and Colombia." 1991 CE,1991-07-22,"Tracy Edwards escapes Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment and flags down a police car and the cops search through Jeffrey's stuff and find photographs of dismembered bodies and other gruesome images, which finally leads to the arrest of Jeffrey Dahmer and ends his killing spree." 1991 CE,1991-08-19,Soviet coup attempt of 1991: A coup occurs in response to a new union treaty to be signed on August 20. 1991 CE,1991-08-25,"Michael Schumacher, regarded as one of the greatest Formula One drivers in history, makes his Formula One debut at the Belgian Grand Prix." 1991 CE,1991-09-17,North and South Korea are admitted to the United Nations. 1991 CE,1991-09-19,Ötzi the Iceman is found in the Alps. 1991 CE,1991-10-03,Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Tom Foley announces the closure of the House Bank by the end of the year after revelations that House members have written numerous bad checks. 1991 CE,1991-10-05,Linus Torvalds launches the first version of the Linux kernel. 1992 CE,1992-01-09,Discovery of the Kuiper belt and the first extrasolar planets. 1992 CE,1992-01-16,End of the Salvadorian Civil War. 1992 CE,1992-02-07,"The Maastricht Treaty is signed, creating the European Union." 1992 CE,1992-02-17,"A court in Milwaukee, Wisconsin sentences serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer to 15 terms of life in prison. Dahmer is murdered in prison 2 years later." 1992 CE,1992-04-03,End of communism in Albania. 1992 CE,1992-04-06,The Bosnian War begins. 1992 CE,1992-04-22,"Fuel leaking into a sewer causes a series of explosions in Guadalajara, Mexico; 215 are killed, 1,500 injured." 1992 CE,1992-05-13,Falun Gong is introduced by Li Hongzhi in China. 1992 CE,1992-06-08,"The first World Oceans Day is celebrated, coinciding with the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil." 1992 CE,1992-07-21,Transnistria War ends. 1992 CE,1992-10-03,"After performing a song protesting against alleged Catholic Church child sexual abuse, Irish singer-songwriter Sinéad O'Connor rips up a photograph of Pope John Paul II on the US television programme Saturday Night Live, causing huge controversy." 1992 CE,1992-10-04,"El Al Flight 1862, in which a Boeing 747 cargo aircraft of the then state-owned Israeli airline El Al crashes into the Groeneveen and Klein-Kruitberg flats in the Bijlmermeer neighbourhood of Amsterdam, resulting in 43 deaths." 1992 CE,1992-10-06,Lennart Meri becomes the first President of Estonia after regaining independence. 1992 CE,1992-12-18,"The South Korean presidential election is won by Kim Young-sam, the first non-military candidate elected since 1961." 1993 CE,1993-01-01,Velvet Divorce between Czech Republic and Slovakia. 1993 CE,1993-01-20,Bill Clinton is inaugurated as President of the United States. 1993 CE,1993-02-26,1993 World Trade Center bombing. 1993 CE,1993-03-12,"Several bombs explode in Bombay, India, killing 257 and injuring hundreds more." 1993 CE,1993-05-24,Independence of Eritrea. 1993 CE,1993-08-24,1993 child sexual abuse accusations against Michael Jackson. 1993 CE,1993-09-13,Oslo accords end First Intifada between Israel and Palestine. 1993 CE,1993-09-26,The first mission in Biosphere 2 ends after two years. 1993 CE,1993-10-04,"Tanks bombard the Russian parliament, while demonstrators against President Boris Yeltsin rally outside." 1993 CE,1993-11-01,The Maastricht Treaty comes in to effect. 1993 CE,1993-11-30,Release date of Schindler's List. 1993 CE,1993-12-02,Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar is gunned down by police. 1994 CE,1994-01-01,Establishment of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). 1994 CE,1994-01-17,"The 6.7 Mw Northridge earthquake strikes the Greater Los Angeles Area with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent), leaving 57 people dead and more than 8,700 injured." 1994 CE,1994-02-25,"Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in the West Bank, a shooting massacre carried out by American-Israeli Baruch Goldstein, which resulted in 30 deaths and 125 injuries." 1994 CE,1994-04-06,The assassination of Juvénal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira triggers the Rwandan genocide. 1994 CE,1994-05-06,Opening of the Channel Tunnel. 1994 CE,1994-05-10,End of apartheid in South Africa and election of Nelson Mandela. 1994 CE,1994-06-15,Release date of Disney's The Lion King. 1994 CE,1994-06-23,Release date of Forrest Gump. 1994 CE,1994-07-01,Plano Real introduces the new real currency in Brazil. 1994 CE,1994-07-05,"Amazon founded in Bellevue, Washington by Jeff Bezos." 1994 CE,1994-09-28,"The car ferry MS Estonia sinks in the Baltic Sea, killing 852 people." 1994 CE,1994-10-01,Palau gains independence from the United States. 1994 CE,1994-11-05,George Foreman wins the WBA and IBF World Heavyweight Championships by KO'ing Michael Moorer becoming the oldest heavyweight champion in history. 1994 CE,1994-11-08,George W. Bush is elected Governor of Texas. 1994 CE,1994-12-06,"Birth of Giannis Antetokounmpo, basketball player for the Milwaukee Bucks." 1994 CE,1994-12-11,The First Chechen War begins. 1994 CE,1994-12-14,"Construction of the Three Gorges Dam begins in Hubei, China." 1995 CE,1995-01-17,"A 6.9 Mw Great Hanshin earthquake strikes the southern Hyōgo Prefecture of Japan with a maximum Shindo of VII, leaving 5,502–6,434 people dead, and 251,301–310,000 displaced." 1995 CE,1995-03-14,"Astronaut Norman Thagard becomes the first American to ride into space aboard a Russian launch vehicle (the Soyuz TM-21), lifting off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan." 1995 CE,1995-03-20,"The Tokyo subway sarin attack, an act of domestic terrorism perpetrated by members of the doomsday cult movement Aum Shinrikyo (now Aleph), in which they released sarin, an extremely toxic synthetic compound, in five coordinated attacks, resulting in 13 deaths and 6,252 injuries." 1995 CE,1995-04-19,American terrorist Timothy McVeigh bombs the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. 1995 CE,1995-05-14,The Dalai Lama proclaims 6-year-old Gedhun Choekyi Nyima as the 11th reincarnation of the Panchen Lama. 1995 CE,1995-06-29,"The Sampoong Department Store collapse, a structural failure in a department store in Seoul, South Korea, kills 502 people and injures other 1,445." 1995 CE,1995-07-21,The Third Taiwan Strait Crisis begins. 1995 CE,1995-08-24,Release date of Windows 95. 1995 CE,1995-09-03,eBay is founded by Pierre Omidyar. 1995 CE,1995-09-19,The Washington Post and The New York Times publish the Unabomber manifesto. 1995 CE,1995-09-28,Oslo II Accord. 1995 CE,1995-10-03,O. J. Simpson is found not guilty of double murder for the deaths of former wife Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman in 1994. 1995 CE,1995-10-16,"The Million Man March is held in Washington, D.C. The event was conceived by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan." 1995 CE,1995-11-04,"Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister and Defence Minister, by Yigal Amir, an Israeli right-wing extremist." 1995 CE,1995-11-22,"Premiere of Toy Story, the first computer-animated feature film and the first Pixar Animation Studios film." 1995 CE,1995-12-14,The signing of the Dayton Accords put an end to the three-and-a-half-year-long Bosnian War. 1996 CE,1996-02-13,Nepalese Civil War begins. 1996 CE,1996-03-23,The Third Taiwan Strait Crisis ends. 1996 CE,1996-04-03,"The FBI arrested Theodore Kaczynski, the suspected Unabomber at his cabin in Lincoln, Montana." 1996 CE,1996-05-10,"A sudden storm engulfs Mount Everest with several climbing teams high on the mountain, leaving eight people dead. By the end of the month, at least four other climbers die in the worst season of fatalities on the mountain to date." 1996 CE,1996-05-11,"After takeoff from Miami, a fire started by improperly handled oxygen canisters in the cargo hold of Atlanta-bound ValuJet Flight 592 causes the Douglas DC-9 to crash in the Florida Everglades, killing all 110 people on board." 1996 CE,1996-07-05,Dolly the sheep becomes the first successful cloned mammal. 1996 CE,1996-07-17,TWA Flight 800 crash. 1996 CE,1996-07-27,Centennial Olympic Park bombing. 1996 CE,1996-08-31,The First Chechen War ends. 1996 CE,1996-09-02,A permanent peace agreement is signed at the Malacañan Palace between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front. 1996 CE,1996-09-27,"The Taliban government takes control of Afghanistan, creating the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan." 1996 CE,1996-10-24,The First Congo War begins. 1996 CE,1996-11-01,Release of DVD in Japan. 1997 CE,1997-02-04,"1997 Israeli helicopter disaster, when two Israeli Air Force transport helicopters ferrying Israeli soldiers into Israel's security zone in southern Lebanon collided in mid-air, killing all 73 Israeli military personnel on board." 1997 CE,1997-03-13,"Island of Peace massacre, a mass murder attack that occurred at the Island of Peace on the Israeli-Jordanian border, in which 7 people were killed and 6 injured." 1997 CE,1997-04-01,The first episode of Pokémon airs on TV Tokyo. 1997 CE,1997-04-22,"A 126-day hostage crisis at the residence of the Japanese ambassador in Lima, Peru." 1997 CE,1997-05-02,Tony Blair becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 1997 CE,1997-05-17,Kabila ousts Mobutu; Zaire becomes the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 1997 CE,1997-06-21,The Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) plays its first game at The Great Western Forum in Los Angeles. 1997 CE,1997-06-25,J. K. Rowling publishes Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. 1997 CE,1997-07-01,Transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to China. 1997 CE,1997-07-02,"The Bank of Thailand floats the baht, triggering the Asian financial crisis." 1997 CE,1997-07-17,The F. W. Woolworth Company closes after 117 years in business. 1997 CE,1997-08-02,The First Liberian Civil War ends. 1997 CE,1997-08-29,Netflix is launched. 1997 CE,1997-08-31,"Diana, Princess of Wales is killed in a car accident in Paris." 1997 CE,1997-09-05,Death of Mother Teresa. 1997 CE,1997-11-17,"62 people are killed by 6 Islamic militants outside the Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt." 1997 CE,1997-12-19,Release date of Titanic. 1998 CE,1998-02-02,"Cebu Pacific Flight 387 crashes on the slopes between Mount Sumagaya and Mount Lumot in Claveria, Misamis Oriental, killing all 104 people on board." 1998 CE,1998-02-03,"A United States military pilot causes the deaths of 20 people near Trento, Italy, when his low-flying EA-6B Prowler severs the cable of a cable-car." 1998 CE,1998-02-28,"A study led by Andrew Wakefield is published in The Lancet suggesting an alleged link between MMR vaccine and autism. Now known to be full of data manipulation, the study was instantly controversial and fueled the nascent anti-vaccination movement." 1998 CE,1998-04-10,The Good Friday Agreement brings an end to The Troubles in Northern Ireland. 1998 CE,1998-04-15,Death of Pol Pot. 1998 CE,1998-07-17,"Nicholas II of Russia and his family are buried in St. Catherine Chapel, 80 years after he and his family were killed by the Bolsheviks in 1918." 1998 CE,1998-08-02,The Second Congo War begins. 1998 CE,1998-08-07,Kenya and Tanzania bombings. 1998 CE,1998-08-15,Omagh bombing. 1998 CE,1998-09-04,Google is founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. 1998 CE,1998-11-20,"A Russian Proton rocket is launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, carrying the first segment of the International Space Station, the 21-ton Zarya Module." 1998 CE,1998-12-19,The impeachment of Bill Clinton begins as a result of the Clinton–Lewinsky scandal. 1999 CE,1999-01-01,Euro introduced to the financial markets. Coins and banknotes enter circulation in participating countries in 2002. 1999 CE,1999-02-02,Hugo Chavez becomes President of Venezuela. 1999 CE,1999-04-20,"The Columbine High School massacre in Colorado, United States, causes 15 deaths." 1999 CE,1999-04-21,The Second Liberian Civil War begins. 1999 CE,1999-05-01,The first episode of SpongeBob SquarePants airs on Nickelodeon. 1999 CE,1999-06-11,The end of the Kosovo War ends the Yugoslav Wars. 1999 CE,1999-08-03,"At least 58 people die and hundreds of homes are buried in a massive landslide in Cherry Hills subdivision in Antipolo, Rizal, which has caused by the heavy rains brought by Typhoon Olga." 1999 CE,1999-08-26,The Second Chechen War begins. 1999 CE,1999-10-12,World population reaches 6 billion. 1999 CE,1999-10-31,"EgyptAir Flight 990, travelling from New York City to Cairo, crashes off the coast of Nantucket, Massachusetts, killing all 217 on board." 1999 CE,1999-11-30,ExxonMobil founded. 1999 CE,1999-12-03,"Tori Murden becomes the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean by rowboat alone, when she reaches Guadeloupe from the Canary Islands." 1999 CE,1999-12-20,The sovereignty of Macau is transferred from the Portuguese Republic to the People's Republic of China after 442 years of Portuguese settlement. 2000 CE,2000-01-01,The first day of the 3rd millennium is celebrated on New Year's Day; though with dispute. 2000 CE,2000-02-09,Torrential rains in Africa lead to the worst flooding in [until March and kills 800 people. 2000 CE,2000-02-29,Rare century leap year date. 2000 CE,2000-03-10,"Dot-com bubble bursts, causing stock markets worldwide to crash." 2000 CE,2000-03-04,The Sony PlayStation 2 releases in Japan. The system became the highest-selling video game console in history. 2000 CE,2000-03-12,Pope John Paul II apologizes for the wrongdoings by members of the Roman Catholic Church throughout the ages. 2000 CE,2000-03-17,778 members of the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God die in Uganda. 2000 CE,2000-03-26,Vladimir Putin is elected President of Russia. 2000 CE,2000-04-30,"The Canonization of Faustina Kowalska occurs in the presence of 200,000 people and the first Divine Mercy Sunday celebrated worldwide." 2000 CE,2000-05-06,The British Army launches Operation Palliser which effectively ends the Sierra Leone Civil War. 2000 CE,2000-05-11,India becomes the second country to reach 1 billion people. 2000 CE,2000-05-25,End of Israeli occupation of Lebanon. 2000 CE,2000-06-17,A centennial earthquake (6.5 on the Richter scale) hits Iceland on its national day. 2000 CE,2000-07-01,The Øresund Bridge between Denmark and Sweden is officially opened for traffic. 2000 CE,2000-07-02,"Vicente Fox is elected the first opposition President of Mexico, he was inaugurated on December 1, 2000." 2000 CE,2000-07-07,"The draft assembly of Human Genome Project is announced at the White House by US President Bill Clinton, Francis Collins, and Craig Venter." 2000 CE,2000-07-10,"At least 218 people are killed, about 700 are missing and presumed dead, and about 800 shanties are buried in a collapse of a dumpsite, destabilized by torrential rains caused by tropical cyclones, in Payatas, Quezon City." 2000 CE,2000-07-14,"A powerful solar flare, later named the Bastille Day event, causes a geomagnetic storm on Earth." 2000 CE,2000-07-25,"Concorde Air France Flight 4590 crashes in France, killing 113 including all people aboard." 2000 CE,2000-08-12,"Russian submarine Kursk explodes, killing all 118 crew." 2000 CE,2000-09-10,"A British military operation to free five soldiers from the Royal Irish Regiment that were held captive for over two weeks during the Sierra Leone Civil War, all of which were rescued." 2000 CE,2000-09-13,Steve Jobs introduces the public beta of Mac OS X. 2000 CE,2000-09-26,The Greek ferry Express Samina sinks off the coast of the island of Paros; 80 out of a total of over 500 passengers perish in one of Greece's worst sea disasters. 2000 CE,2000-09-28,The Second Intifada begins. 2000 CE,2000-10-05,Yugoslav President Slobodan Milošević resigns following a revolution in Belgrade. 2000 CE,2000-10-12,al-Qaeda suicide bombs the USS Cole; 17 sailors are killed. 2000 CE,2000-11-02,"International Space Station begins operations; its first crew, composed of three men, arrives." 2000 CE,2000-11-07,George W. Bush is elected President of the United States. 2000 CE,2000-12-25,The Luoyang Christmas fire at a shopping center in China kills 309 people. 2001 CE,2001-01-15,Wikipedia is launched. 2001 CE,2001-01-20,George W. Bush is inaugurated as President of the United States. 2001 CE,2001-01-26,"An earthquake strikes Gujarat, India, on Republic Day, resulting in more than 20,000 deaths." 2001 CE,2001-06-01,"Eleven members of the royal family of Nepal, including the king and queen, are killed by Crown Prince Dipendra, who wounds himself and dies three days later." 2001 CE,2001-09-11,"September 11 attacks: Nineteen Al-Qaeda terrorists hijack four planes, crashing two into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the third plane into the Pentagon in Washington, DC, while the fourth plane is downed on the outskirts of Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania. 2,996 people, including 2,977 victims and 19 hijackers, die in the attacks." 2001 CE,2001-11-12,Crash of American Airlines Flight 587. 2001 CE,2001-12-03,Enron files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy after a series of scandals. 2001 CE,2001-12-11,China becomes a member of the World Trade Organization. 2001 CE,2001-12-19,Movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is released. 2002 CE,2002-01-01,The Euro enters circulation. 2002 CE,2002-02-03,"Tom Brady leads the New England Patriots to win their first Super Bowl; during a nearly two decade span, they would appear in ten, winning seven." 2002 CE,2002-02-06,Golden Jubilee of Elizabeth II. 2002 CE,2002-02-08,The Algerian Civil War ends. 2002 CE,2002-03-14,SpaceX is founded by Elon Musk. 2002 CE,2002-05-20,East Timor gains independence. 2002 CE,2002-06-11,The first episode of American Idol airs on Fox. 2002 CE,2002-07-01,The International Criminal Court is established. 2002 CE,2002-07-09,The African Union is founded. 2002 CE,2002-09-19,The First Ivorian Civil War begins. 2002 CE,2002-09-23,Mozilla Firefox is released. 2002 CE,2002-10-12,The 2002 Bali bombings killed 202 people and injured 209 more. 2002 CE,2002-11-16,The 2002-2004 SARS outbreak began in Guangdong. 2002 CE,2002-12-18,The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is released. 2003 CE,2003-02-01,"Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates upon reentry, killing all 7 astronauts on board." 2003 CE,2003-02-20,The Station nightclub fire. 2003 CE,2003-03-19,"The United States invades Iraq and ousts Saddam Hussein, triggering worldwide protests and an 8 year war." 2003 CE,2003-08-05,2003 Marriott Hotel bombing kills 12 people. 2003 CE,2003-11-17,Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes Governor of California. 2003 CE,2003-12-17,The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is released. 2004 CE,2004-02-04,"Facebook is formed by Mark Zuckerberg, Andrew McCollum, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes." 2004 CE,2004-02-27,The 2004 SuperFerry 14 bombing kills 116 people. 2004 CE,2004-03-11,"Madrid train bombings killed 193 people and injured around 2,000, Europe's deadliest attack since Pan Am Flight 103." 2004 CE,2004-06-05,Death and state funeral of Ronald Reagan. 2004 CE,2004-11-11,President of the Palestinian National Authority Yasser Arafat dies. 2004 CE,2004-12-08,Union of South American Nations formed. 2004 CE,2004-12-26,"Boxing Day Tsunami occurs in Indian Ocean, leading to the deaths of 230,000." 2005 CE,2005-01-09,Second Sudanese Civil War ends. 2005 CE,2005-02-16,The Kyoto Protocol comes into effect. 2005 CE,2005-04-09,Wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles. 2005 CE,2005-06-13,Michael Jackson was acquitted on all charges related to the alleged sexual abuse of a 13-year-old boy. 2005 CE,2005-06-23,"Reddit is founded by Steve Huffman, Aaron Swartz and Alexis Ohanian." 2005 CE,2005-07-07,7/7 attacks on London Underground. 2005 CE,2005-07-28,The Provisional Irish Republican Army ends its military campaign in Northern Ireland. 2005 CE,2005-07-29,Michael E. Brown confirms Eris. 2005 CE,2005-08-03,Mahmoud Ahmadinejad becomes President of Iran. 2005 CE,2005-08-18,"Peace Mission 2005, the first joint China–Russia military exercise, begins its eight-day training on the Shandong Peninsula." 2005 CE,2005-09-29,John Roberts becomes Chief Justice of the United States. 2005 CE,2005-09-30,"Controversial drawings of Muhammad are printed in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, sparking outrage and violent riots by Muslims around the world." 2005 CE,2005-10-08,"80,000 were killed in an earthquake in Kashmir, Pakistan and Afghanistan." 2005 CE,2005-11-22,Angela Merkel becomes Germany's first female Chancellor. 2005 CE,2005-11-30,Surgeons in France carry out the first human face transplant with Isabelle Dinoire becoming the first person to undergo it. 2006 CE,2006-01-16,"Ellen Johnson Sirleaf becomes President of Liberia, and thus Africa's first elected female head of state." 2006 CE,2006-01-25,Hamas wins the 2006 Palestinian legislative election. 2006 CE,2006-02-17,2006 Southern Leyte mudslide. 2006 CE,2006-02-22,2006 al-Askari mosque bombing turns the escalation of sectarian violence in Iraq into a full-scale war (the Iraqi Civil War of 2006-2008). 2006 CE,2006-03-21,Twitter is launched. 2006 CE,2006-04-23,Spotify is launched. 2006 CE,2006-05-05,The first episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse airs on Disney Channel. 2006 CE,2006-07-11,Mumbai bombings. 2006 CE,2006-08-11,Guimaras oil spill. 2006 CE,2006-09-01,Roblox was released by David Baszucki. 2006 CE,2006-09-19,A coup d'état in Thailand overthrows the government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. 2006 CE,2006-10-18,Murder of Altantuya Shaaribuu: The Mongolian model was murdered in Malaysia. 2006 CE,2006-11-01,Former Russian security agent Alexander Litvinenko dies from poisoning in the UK. 2006 CE,2006-11-21,Comprehensive Peace Accord ends the Nepalese Civil War. 2006 CE,2006-12-26,Death and state funeral of Gerald Ford. 2006 CE,2006-12-30,Execution of Saddam Hussein by hanging. 2007 CE,2007-01-04,Nancy Pelosi becomes the first female Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. 2007 CE,2007-01-09,Introduction of the iPhone. 2007 CE,2007-01-25,"A civil war escalated in the Gaza Strip throughout June, which resulted in Hamas eventually driving most Fatah-loyal forces from the Strip. In reaction, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas dismissed Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh and dissolved the Hamas-ruled parliament." 2007 CE,2007-03-04,First Ivorian Civil War ends. 2007 CE,2007-08-15,Anti-government protests in Myanmar suppressed by ruling junta. 2007 CE,2007-11-29,Manila Peninsula siege. 2007 CE,2007-12-13,"27 EU member states sign the Treaty of Lisbon, with the treaty coming into effect on December 1, 2009." 2007 CE,2007-12-27,Assassination of Benazir Bhutto. 2008 CE,2008-05-07,Dmitry Medvedev becomes President of Russia. 2008 CE,2008-05-28,"The 1st Nepalese Constituent Assembly declares Nepal a republic, ending its monarchy." 2008 CE,2008-11-04,Barack Obama is elected to become the first black President of the United States. 2009 CE,2009-01-03,The cryptocurrency Bitcoin is launched. 2009 CE,2009-01-15,"US Airways Flight 1549 ditches in the Hudson River in an accident that becomes known as the 'Miracle on the Hudson', as all 155 people on board are rescued." 2009 CE,2009-01-20,"Barack Obama is inaugurated as President of the United States, the first African-American to hold the office." 2009 CE,2009-06-16,Formation of BRICS economic bloc. 2009 CE,2009-06-19,Zynga release FarmVille. 2009 CE,2009-06-25,Death of Michael Jackson. 2009 CE,2009-09-26,Typhoon Ketsana kills 789 people in the Philippines. 2009 CE,2009-12-01,The Treaty of Lisbon comes into force. 2009 CE,2009-12-18,Avatar is released in cinemas and becomes the highest-grossing film of all time. 2010 CE,2010-01-12,"A 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti kills 230,000." 2010 CE,2010-02-18,2010 Nigerien coup d'état. 2010 CE,2010-03-29,2010 Moscow Metro bombings. 2010 CE,2010-04-10,"The President of Poland, Lech Kaczyński, is among 96 killed when their airplane crashes in Smolensk." 2010 CE,2010-04-20,The largest oil spill in US history occurs in the Gulf of Mexico. 2010 CE,2010-05-11,"After the 2010 United Kingdom general election, David Cameron becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom." 2010 CE,2010-05-31,Gaza flotilla raid. 2010 CE,2010-08-23,Manila hostage crisis. 2010 CE,2010-11-23,North Korea shells the island of Yeonpyeong. 2011 CE,2011-02-22,"Christchurch earthquake kills 185 and injures 2,000." 2011 CE,2011-03-11,A 9.0 earthquake in Japan triggers a tsunami and the meltdown of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. 2011 CE,2011-05-02,Osama bin Laden is shot dead by United States Navy SEALs in Pakistan. 2011 CE,2011-07-09,Independence of South Sudan. 2011 CE,2011-07-22,2011 Norway attacks. 2011 CE,2011-10-20,Muammar Gaddafi is captured and killed during the Battle of Sirte. 2011 CE,2011-11-18,Mojang released Minecraft. 2012 CE,2012-01-13,Costa Concordia disaster. 2012 CE,2012-02-26,"Killing of Trayvon Martin: The 17-year-old African-American high school student was killed in Sanford, Florida." 2012 CE,2012-04-12,King release Candy Crush Saga. 2012 CE,2012-05-07,Vladimir Putin is elected president of Russia for the third time. 2012 CE,2012-07-15,"Gangnam Style, a K-pop song by South Korean rapper Psy is released and becomes the worldwide phenomenon due to recognition of Guinness World Records as the most 'liked' video on YouTube at the time." 2012 CE,2012-07-20,"2012 Aurora, Colorado shooting." 2012 CE,2012-10-09,Assassination attempt on Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai. 2012 CE,2012-11-06,"Barack Obama wins second term as President of the United States, defeating former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney." 2012 CE,2012-11-15,Xi Jinping is elected as General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party. 2012 CE,2012-12-14,Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. 2013 CE,2013-02-15,"An undiscovered meteor strikes the Chelyabinsk oblast in Russia, with an airburst injuring thousands and damaging many buildings." 2013 CE,2013-03-05,Death and state funeral of Hugo Chavez. 2013 CE,2013-04-24,The Rana Plaza collapses in Bangladesh. 2013 CE,2013-05-22,"British Army soldier Fusilier Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers is murdered in Woolwich, southeast London by Islamic terrorists Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale." 2013 CE,2013-07-03,President of Egypt Mohamed Morsi is deposed by the military in a coup d'état. 2013 CE,2013-07-22,Birth of Prince George of Wales. 2013 CE,2013-08-21,"A chemical attack in Ghouta, Syria is blamed on President Bashar al-Assad." 2013 CE,2013-09-17,Rockstar Games release Grand Theft Auto V. 2013 CE,2013-10-15,"A 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Bohol, kills 222." 2013 CE,2013-11-08,"Typhoon Haiyan kills nearly 6,150 people in Vietnam and the Philippines." 2013 CE,2013-11-21,The Euromaidan protest begins in Ukraine. 2013 CE,2013-12-05,Death and state funeral of Nelson Mandela. 2014 CE,2014-03-08,Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappears from radar while en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur. There were 239 people on board. 2014 CE,2014-04-16,"The MV Sewol sinks, killing 304 of 476 passengers, 250 of which were students at Danwon High School." 2014 CE,2014-05-22,A coup d'état in Thailand overthrows the caretaker government. 2014 CE,2014-06-19,King Juan Carlos I of Spain abdicates; his son becomes King Felipe VI. 2014 CE,2014-08-09,"The shooting of African-American teenager Michael Brown by police leads to violent unrest in Ferguson, Missouri." 2014 CE,2014-11-12,The Rosetta spacecraft's Philae probe becomes the first to successfully land on a comet. 2014 CE,2014-12-16,Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan kill over 130 students in Pakistan. 2015 CE,2015-01-01,Five former Soviet Union countries form the Eurasian Economic Union. 2015 CE,2015-01-25,Mamasapano clash. 2015 CE,2015-04-02,"Al-Shabaab perpetrates a mass shooting in Kenya, killing 148." 2015 CE,2015-05-03,Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Manny Pacquiao. 2015 CE,2015-05-13,Kentex slipper factory fire. 2015 CE,2015-07-14,"Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreement reached, setting limits to Iran's nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief." 2015 CE,2015-09-28,The first episode of FPJ's Ang Probinsyano airs on ABS-CBN. 2015 CE,2015-09-30,Russia begins air strikes against ISIL and anti-government forces in Syria. 2016 CE,2016-01-08,El Chapo is recaptured following his escape from a high-security prison in Mexico. 2016 CE,2016-02-11,Detection of gravitational waves by LIGO confirmed. 2016 CE,2016-03-20,Barack Obama becomes the first U.S. president to visit Cuba since Calvin Coolidge in 1928. 2016 CE,2016-04-03,"Panama Papers, a leak of legal documents, reveals information of 214,888 offshore companies." 2016 CE,2016-04-13,The Golden State Warriors set the NBA single-season victory mark by notching their 73rd win in the season's final game. The Warriors finished the regular-season with a 73–9 record. 2016 CE,2016-05-09,"Rodrigo Duterte becomes President of the Philippines, and initiates a controversial drug war." 2016 CE,2016-06-01,"The Gotthard Base Tunnel, the world's longest and deepest railway tunnel, is completed." 2016 CE,2016-06-12,"A shooter kills 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida." 2016 CE,2016-07-04,Juno enters orbit into Jupiter. 2016 CE,2016-09-04,Mother Teresa is officially canonized by Pope Francis. 2016 CE,2016-11-04,"The Paris Agreement, signed by 195 nations to fight global warming, formally goes into effect." 2016 CE,2016-11-08,"Donald Trump wins the 2016 presidential election, in an upset against Hillary Clinton, the first female to be nominated for a major party." 2017 CE,2017-01-20,Donald Trump is inaugurated as President of the United States. 2017 CE,2017-01-21,"Millions of people participated in the Women's March, as a response to the inauguration of Donald Trump." 2017 CE,2017-02-13,"Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of Kim Jong-Un, is assassinated in Kuala Lumpur." 2017 CE,2017-05-13,"Pope Francis canonizes Jacinta and Francisco Marto, two of the three Fátima children who reported seeing the Virgin Mary in the spring and summer of 1917." 2017 CE,2017-05-22,"A terrorist bombing attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England kills 22 people and injures over 140." 2017 CE,2017-07-04,Russia and China urge North Korea to halt its missile and nuclear programs after it successfully tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile. 2017 CE,2017-08-21,A solar eclipse passes throughout the contiguous United States for the first time since 1918. 2017 CE,2017-10-14,"A bombing in Mogadishu, Somalia on October 14, kills 587 people and injures 316. It is one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in modern history." 2017 CE,2017-10-28,"'Oumuamua, the first known interstellar object, is identified." 2018 CE,2018-03-24,March for Our Lives occurs in 900 locations worldwide in response to the 14 February Parkland shooting. 2018 CE,2018-06-12,The first summit between the US and North Korea and the first ever crossing of the Korean Demilitarized Zone by a North Korean leader occur. 2018 CE,2018-06-24,Saudi Arabia allows women to drive. 2018 CE,2018-10-02,"Exiled Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi is assassinated inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, triggering a diplomatic crisis for Saudi Arabia." 2018 CE,2018-11-25,Kerch Strait incident triggers martial law in Ukraine. 2019 CE,2019-01-03,Chang'e 4 becomes the first object to land on the far side of the Moon. 2019 CE,2019-01-25,Establishment of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. 2019 CE,2019-04-15,"A major fire engulfs Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, resulting in the roof and main spire collapsing." 2019 CE,2019-04-30,"Emperor Akihito of Japan abdicates from his throne, the first abdication by a Japanese monarch in almost two centuries. The abdication ends the Heisei era of Japan and ushers in the Reiwa era with new emperor Naruhito ascending the throne on May 1." 2019 CE,2019-08-05,India revokes the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. 2019 CE,2019-08-20,The June 1993 rape and murder case of Eileen Sarmenta and Allan Gomez is reopened due to the controversial impending release of former Calauan mayor Antonio Sanchez. 2019 CE,2019-09-18,PMA Cadet 4th class Darwin Dormitorio was killed as a result of hazing inside the campus at the hands of his fellow cadets. 2019 CE,2019-10-18,NASA astronauts Jessica Meir and Christina Koch conduct the first all-female spacewalk outside of the ISS. 2019 CE,2019-12-15,"A 6.9 magnitude earthquake in Davao del Sur, kills 13 people." 2019 CE,2019-12-18,U.S. President Donald Trump is impeached by the House of Representatives for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. 2019 CE,2019-12-19,The Ampatuan brothers and 26 co-accused are convicted for the Maguindanao massacre case. 2019 CE,2019-12-24,20 people are killed and thousands are left homeless by Typhoon Phanfone in the Philippines. 2020 CE,2020-01-03,Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani is targeted and killed at Baghdad International Airport. 2020 CE,2020-01-08,"Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 is shot down by Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) shortly after taking off from Tehran, killing all 176 on board." 2020 CE,2020-01-31,The United Kingdom formally withdraws from the European Union. 2020 CE,2020-02-09,Bong Joon-ho's Parasite becomes the first South Korean film to receive Academy Award recognitions at the 92nd Academy Awards. 2020 CE,2020-05-25,The murder of George Floyd sparks protests across the United States and the world. 2020 CE,2020-05-30,Crewed spaceflight resumes in the United States for the first time since 2011. 2020 CE,2020-06-16,"North Korea demolishes the Inter-Korean Liaison Office in Kaesong, established in 2018 to improve relations." 2020 CE,2020-06-30,China's National People's Congress grants itself sweeping powers to curtail civil liberties in Hong Kong. 2020 CE,2020-07-09,Protests begin in Bulgaria against the government of Boyko Borisov. 2020 CE,2020-07-10,Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan orders the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul to be reverted to a mosque following a supreme court annulment of a 1934 presidential decree that made it into a museum. 2020 CE,2020-07-30,NASA successfully launches its Mars 2020 rover mission to search for signs of ancient life and collect samples for return to Earth. 2020 CE,2020-08-01,The Barakah nuclear power plant in the UAE becomes operational following delays since 2017. 2020 CE,2020-08-04,"An explosion caused by unsafely stored ammonium nitrate kills at least 218 people, injures thousands, and severely damages the port in Beirut, Lebanon." 2020 CE,2020-08-19,"The Special Tribunal for Lebanon convicts in absentia Salim Ayyash, a senior member of Hezbollah, for the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafic Hariri." 2020 CE,2020-08-25,"Africa is declared free of wild polio, the second virus to be eradicated from the continent since smallpox 40 years previously." 2020 CE,2020-08-26,"Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos becomes the first person in history to have a net worth exceeding US$200 billion, according to Forbes." 2020 CE,2020-09-03,The skeletons of 200 mammoths and 30 other animals are unearthed at a construction site for the Mexico City Santa Lucía Airport. 2020 CE,2020-09-17,"France, Germany, and the United Kingdom issue a joint note verbale to the United Nations rejecting China's claims to the South China Sea." 2020 CE,2020-10-15,President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov resigns from office after weeks of massive protests in the wake of the October 2020 parliamentary election. 2020 CE,2020-10-20,"NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft briefly touches down on Bennu, becoming the agency's first probe to retrieve samples from an asteroid, with its cargo due for return to Earth in 2023." 2020 CE,2020-10-22,The Geneva Consensus Declaration on Promoting Women's Health and Strengthening the Family is signed by government representatives from 34 countries. 2020 CE,2020-10-23,"At the end of an 11-year demining process, the Falkland Islands are declared free of land mines, 38 years after the end of the 1982 war." 2020 CE,2020-11-03,"The 2020 United States presidential election occurs. Despite the pandemic, early voting and other factors result in the highest voter turnout since 1900, and a record of over 155 million votes cast. Although Joe Biden is declared the winner on November 7, Donald Trump leads an unprecedented effort to prevent official recognition of his defeat, culminating on January 6 the next year." 2020 CE,2020-11-03,The Tigray War begins in Ethiopia. 2020 CE,2020-11-10,"Apple releases the first Mac computers (a new MacBook Air, Mac mini and MacBook Pro) powered by Apple silicon chips." 2020 CE,2020-11-11,"Typhoon Vamco lashes into Luzon, leaving 111 people dead." 2020 CE,2020-11-15,"The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is signed by 15 Asia-Pacific countries to form the world's largest free-trade bloc, covering a third of the world's population." 2020 CE,2020-11-19,The Brereton Report into Australian war crimes during the War in Afghanistan is released. 2020 CE,2020-11-27,"Iran's top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, is assassinated near Tehran." 2020 CE,2020-11-30,"Protein folding, one of the biggest mysteries in biology, is solved by AlphaFold, an artificial intelligence algorithm developed by DeepMind." 2020 CE,2020-12-01,"The Arecibo Telescope of the Arecibo Observatory collapses, just weeks after the announcement of its planned demolition." 2020 CE,2020-12-02,"The United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs votes to remove cannabis from a list of dangerous drugs in recognition of its medical value, although some controls will remain." 2020 CE,2020-12-08,"Nepal and China officially agree on Mount Everest's actual height, which is 8,848.86m." 2020 CE,2020-12-18,"Media outlets report that astronomers have detected a radio signal, BLC1, apparently from the direction of Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Sun." 2020 CE,2020-12-21,"A great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occurs, with the two planets separated in the sky by 0.1 degrees. This is the closest conjunction between the two planets since 1623." 2021 CE,2021-01-01,The African Continental Free Trade Area comes into effect. 2021 CE,2021-01-04,The border between Qatar and Saudi Arabia reopens. 2021 CE,2021-01-06,"Supporters of President Donald Trump, gathered after a rally led by him, attack the United States capitol, leading to five deaths." 2021 CE,2021-01-10,"Kim Jong-un is elected as the General Secretary of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea, inheriting the title from his father Kim Jong-il, who died in 2011." 2021 CE,2021-01-13,"In Lyon, France, the first transplant of both arms and shoulders is performed on an Icelandic patient at the Édouard Herriot Hospital." 2021 CE,2021-01-15,Wikipedia's 20th anniversary was noted in the media. 2021 CE,2021-01-20,"Joe Biden is inaugurated as President of the United States. Kamala Harris, sworn in as vice president, becomes the first woman, first African American and first Asian American to be vice president." 2021 CE,2021-01-22,"The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the first legally binding international agreement comprehensively to prohibit nuclear weapons, comes into effect." 2021 CE,2021-02-18,"NASA's Mars 2020 mission (containing the Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter drone) lands on Mars at Jezero Crater, after seven months of travel." 2021 CE,2021-02-22,"Luca Attanasio, the Italian Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is murdered near Goma." 2021 CE,2021-03-06,"Pope Francis meets with Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in Najaf, Iraq. It is the first-ever meeting between a pope and a grand ayatollah." 2021 CE,2021-03-18,Spanish Congress of Deputies passes the euthanasia law. 2021 CE,2021-03-19,North Korea severs diplomatic ties with Malaysia due to a Malaysian court's ruling that a North Korean citizen could be extradited to the United States to face money-laundering charges. 2021 CE,2021-03-20,"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announces his country's withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, the first country to do so." 2021 CE,2021-03-21,"Clashes in Apure between Colombian FARC dissidents and the Venezuelan Armed Forces cause at least six casualties, as well as displacing 4,000 Venezuelans." 2021 CE,2021-04-09,"Buckingham Palace announces the death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and husband of the Queen, at the age of 99." 2021 CE,2021-04-13,"Japan's government approves the dumping of radioactive water of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean over the course of 30 years, with full support of the International Atomic Energy Agency." 2021 CE,2021-04-15,"Scientists announce they successfully injected human stem cells into the embryos of monkeys, creating chimera-embryos." 2021 CE,2021-04-22,"World leaders mark Earth Day by hosting a virtual summit on climate change, during which more ambitious targets for greenhouse gas emission reductions are proposed, including a 40% cut by 2030 for the United States." 2021 CE,2021-04-24,"Following an international search and rescue effort, the Indonesian navy reports the sinking of KRI Nanggala with 53 crew members, the largest loss of life aboard a submarine since 2003." 2021 CE,2021-05-23,Ryanair Flight 4978 is forced to land by Belarusian authorities to detain dissident journalist Roman Protasevich. 2021 CE,2021-06-07,"The Juno spacecraft performs its only flyby of Jupiter's moon Ganymede, the first flyby of the moon by any spacecraft in over 20 years." 2021 CE,2021-06-09,"The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador passes legislation to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender in the country, becoming the first country to adopt the cryptocurrency alongside the U.S. dollar." 2021 CE,2021-06-19,"Joe Biden signed Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law, that made Juneteenth a federal holiday. Since then, it is first new federal holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day." 2021 CE,2021-07-07,"Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, is assassinated in a midnight attack by unknown mercenaries." 2021 CE,2021-07-11,"Thousands of Cubans, most of them young, attend a rare anti-government protest in San Antonio de los Baños to protest the increased food and medicine shortages brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic." 2021 CE,2021-07-18,"An international investigation reveals that spyware sold by Israel's NSO Group to different governments is being used to target heads of state, along with thousands of activists, journalists and dissidents around the world." 2021 CE,2021-07-19,"Blue Origin successfully conducts its first human test flight, with a reusable New Shepard rocket delivering four crew members into space including its founder Jeff Bezos." 2021 CE,2021-07-28,"The first direct observation of light from behind a black hole is reported, confirming Einstein's theory of general relativity." 2021 CE,2021-08-09,"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releases the first part of its Sixth Assessment Report, which concludes that the effects of human-caused climate change are now 'widespread, rapid, and intensifying'." 2021 CE,2021-08-14,"An earthquake in Haiti kills over 2,000 people." 2021 CE,2021-08-15,"Kabul falls following the 2021 Taliban offensive, as the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan collapses de facto, and the country is governed thereafter by the Taliban as the reinstated Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The War in Afghanistan thus ends after 20 years following the withdrawal of U.S. and coalition troops." 2021 CE,2021-08-30,"The UN Environment Programme announces that leaded petrol in road vehicles has been phased out globally, a hundred years after its introduction." 2021 CE,2021-09-07,El Salvador becomes the first country in the world to accept Bitcoin as an official currency. 2021 CE,2021-09-13,"Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob and Anwar Ibrahim, the leader of the main Malaysian opposition coalition Pakatan Harapan, sign a confidence and supply agreement ending the 18-month political crisis that has led to the fall of two successive governments in Malaysia." 2021 CE,2021-09-14,North Korea demonstrates two short-range ballistic missiles that land just outside Japan's territorial waters; and then only hours later South Korea demonstrates its first submarine-launched ballistic missile. 2021 CE,2021-09-15,"A trilateral security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States is formed, to counter the influence of China. This includes enabling Australia to build its first nuclear-powered submarine fleet." 2021 CE,2021-09-16,"Inspiration4, launched by SpaceX, becomes the first all-civilian spaceflight, carrying a four-person crew on a three-day orbit of the Earth." 2021 CE,2021-10-03,"The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and assorted media partners publish a set of 11.9 million documents leaked from 14 financial services companies known as the Pandora Papers, revealing offshore financial activities that involve multiple current and former world leaders." 2021 CE,2021-10-04,"Fumio Kishida becomes the 100th Prime Minister of Japan, succeeding Yoshihide Suga." 2021 CE,2021-10-06,The World Health Organization endorses the first malaria vaccine. 2021 CE,2021-10-08,Journalists Maria Ressa of the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov of Russia are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 2021 CE,2021-10-23,"Colombia's most wanted drug lord, Dario Antonio Úsuga, whose Gulf Clan controls many smuggling routes into the US and other countries, is captured by Colombia's armed forces." 2021 CE,2021-11-11,"SpaceX launches the Crew-3 mission, carrying four Expedition 66 crew members to the International Space Station." 2021 CE,2021-11-16,"Russia draws international condemnation following an anti-satellite weapon test that creates a cloud of space debris, threatening the International Space Station." 2021 CE,2021-11-30,Barbados becomes a republic on its 55th anniversary of independence while remaining a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 2021 CE,2021-12-19,Gabriel Boric is elected as President of Chile. 2022 CE,2022-01-02,Bloody January in Kazakhstan. 2022 CE,2022-01-04,"China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States—all five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—issue a rare joint statement affirming that 'a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.'." 2022 CE,2022-01-15,"The Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai eruption and tsunami is the largest and most powerful volcanic eruption in decades, and the largest explosion ever recorded by modern instruments." 2022 CE,2022-02-24,"Russia invades Ukraine, escalating the Russo-Ukrainian War, causing a refugee crisis and tens of thousands of deaths on both sides." 2022 CE,2022-03-20,"WHL0137-LS 'Earendel' imaged by Hubble Space Telescope, the earliest and most distant known star." 2022 CE,2022-04-14,Elon Musk purchases Twitter. 2022 CE,2022-04-19,"Kane Tanaka, the second oldest verified person to have ever lived, dies at the age of 119." 2022 CE,2022-05-06,Monkeypox outbreak. 2022 CE,2022-05-12,"Sagittarius A*, supermassive black hole at Galactic Center, imaged by Event Horizon Telescope." 2022 CE,2022-06-24,Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. 2022 CE,2022-06-30,Ketanji Brown Jackson becomes the first black woman on the Supreme Court. 2022 CE,2022-07-08,Assassination of Shinzo Abe. 2022 CE,2022-07-11,"James Webb Space Telescope takes Webb's First Deep Field, oldest and highest resolution image of the universe to date." 2022 CE,2022-07-22,Chinese paddlefish declared extinct. 2022 CE,2022-08-04,China conducts its largest ever military exercise around Taiwan in response to a controversial visit by Nancy Pelosi. 2022 CE,2022-08-24,"'Man of the Hole', reclusive indigenous Brazilian and last of his ethnicity, dies." 2022 CE,2022-08-28,Floods in Pakistan. 2022 CE,2022-08-31,UN Human Rights Office report on Xinjiang. 2022 CE,2022-09-08,"Elizabeth II dies at the age of 96, and is succeeded by Charles III." 2022 CE,2022-09-16,Mahsa Amini protests. 2022 CE,2022-09-25,Eliud Kipchoge sets marathon world record at Berlin. 2022 CE,2022-09-26,Double Asteroid Redirection Test demonstrates capabilities on asteroid (65803) Didymos I Dimorphos. 2022 CE,2022-10-22,Giorgia Meloni becomes Prime Minister of Italy. 2022 CE,2022-10-30,Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is elected President of Brazil. 2022 CE,2022-11-02,Ethiopia–Tigray peace agreement. 2022 CE,2022-11-11,The FTX cryptocurrency exchange files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. 2022 CE,2022-11-15,The world population is estimated to have reached 8 billion. 2022 CE,2022-11-16,"NASA launches Artemis 1, the first uncrewed mission of its Space Launch System, the most powerful rocket ever to reach orbit." 2022 CE,2022-11-26,COVID-19 protests in China. 2022 CE,2022-11-30,"OpenAI launched ChatGPT, an AI chatbot." 2022 CE,2022-12-07,"Self-coup attempt, impeachment and arrest of Pedro Castillo sparks protests in Peru." 2022 CE,2022-12-09,Qatar corruption scandal at the European Parliament. 2022 CE,2022-12-31,"Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who served from 2005 until his resignation in 2013, dies at the age of 95."