#!/bin/bash # vim: tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab ############################################################################### # This is the Linux installation script for the King Phisher Client and # Server on supported distributions. # # Project Home Page: https://github.com/securestate/king-phisher/ # Authors: # Erik Daguerre # Spencer McIntyre # # Quick run command: # wget -q https://github.com/securestate/king-phisher/raw/master/tools/install.sh && sudo bash ./install.sh # # Supported Linux Distributions: # Linux Flavor | Client | Server | # ----------------|--------|--------| # BackBox | yes | yes | # CentOS | no | yes | # Debian | yes | yes | # Fedora | yes | yes | # Kali | yes | yes | # Red Hat | no | yes | # Ubuntu | yes | yes | # Arch | yes | yes | # ############################################################################### E_USAGE=64 E_SOFTWARE=70 E_NOTROOT=87 FILE_NAME="$(dirname $(readlink -e $0) 2>/dev/null)/$(basename $0)" GIT_CLONE_URL="https://github.com/securestate/king-phisher.git" if [ -z "$KING_PHISHER_DIR" ]; then KING_PHISHER_DIR="/opt/king-phisher" fi KING_PHISHER_GROUP="king-phisher" KING_PHISHER_USE_POSTGRESQL="no" KING_PHISHER_WEB_ROOT="/var/www" LINUX_VERSION="" BACKUP=false POSTGRES_BACKUP="" answer_all_no=false answer_all_yes=false function prompt_yes_or_no { # prompt the user to answer a yes or no question, defaulting to yes if no # response is entered local __prompt_text=$1 local __result_var=$2 if [ "$answer_all_no" == "true" ]; then $__result_var="no"; return 0; elif [ "$answer_all_yes" == "true" ]; then eval $__result_var="yes"; return 0; fi while true; do read -p "$__prompt_text [Y/n] " _response case $_response in "" ) eval $__result_var="yes"; break;; [Yy]* ) eval $__result_var="yes"; break;; [Nn]* ) eval $__result_var="no"; break;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done return 0; } function show_help { echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-h] [-n/-y]" echo "" echo "King Phisher Install Script" echo "" echo "optional arguments" echo " -h, --help show this help message and exit" echo " -u, --update update an existing installation" echo " -n, --no answer no to all questions" echo " -y, --yes answer yes to all questions" echo " --skip-client skip installing client components" echo " --skip-server skip installing server components" return 0; } function select_nix_distro { read answer case $answer in 1) LINUX_VERSION="Debian";; 2) LINUX_VERSION="Ubuntu";; 3) LINUX_VERSION="Kali";; 4) LINUX_VERSION="Fedora";; 5) LINUX_VERSION="Arch";; 6) LINUX_VERSION="BackBox";; 7) LINUX_VERSION="CentOS" KING_PHISHER_SKIP_CLIENT="x";; 8) LINUX_VERSION="RedHat" KING_PHISHER_SKIP_CLIENT="x";; *) echo "ERROR: Invalid Linux selection, must be 1-8" exit 0;; esac } function sync_dependencies { echo "INFO: Synchronizing $LINUX_VERSION OS dependencies" if [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "RedHat" ]; then if [ ! "$(command -v python3)" ]; then echo "INFO: Synchronizing Python3.5 for Red Hat 7" # manually add rpms for easy python35 install yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7 yum -y install https://rhel7.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpm rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/IUS-COMMUNITY-GPG-KEY yum install -y python35u python35u-devel python35u-pip echo "INFO: Symlinking $(which python3.5) -> /usr/bin/python3" ln -s $(which python3.5) /usr/bin/python3 fi yum install -y freetype-devel gcc gcc-c++ libpng-devel make \ openssl-devel postgresql-devel if [ "$KING_PHISHER_USE_POSTGRESQL" == "yes" ]; then yum install -y postgresql-server # manually init the database postgresql-setup initdb fi fi if [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "CentOS" ]; then if [ ! "$(command -v python3)" ]; then # manually install python3.5 on CentOS 7 and symlink it to python3 echo "INFO: Synchronizing Python3.5 for CentOS 7" yum install -y https://centos7.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpm yum install -y python35u python35u-devel python35u-pip echo "INFO: Symlinking $(which python3.5) -> /usr/bin/python3" ln -s $(which python3.5) /usr/bin/python3 fi yum install -y epel-release yum install -y freetype-devel gcc gcc-c++ libpng-devel make \ openssl-devel postgresql-devel geos geos-devel cairo cairo-devel\ gobject-introspection-devel cairo-gobject cairo-gobject-devel if [ "$KING_PHISHER_USE_POSTGRESQL" == "yes" ]; then yum install -y postgresql-server # manually init the database postgresql-setup initdb fi elif [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Fedora" ]; then dnf install -y freetype-devel gcc gcc-c++ gtk3-devel \ libpng-devel postgresql-devel python3-devel python3-pip cairo-devel\ libffi-devel openssl-devel geos geos-devel \ cairo-gobject cairo-gobject-devel gobject-introspection-devel if [ -z "$KING_PHISHER_SKIP_CLIENT" ]; then dnf install -y gtksourceview3 # vte3 is not available in Fedora 29, try to install it in case it's an older version. dnf install -y vte3 fi # Fedora 23 is missing an rpm lib required, check to see if it has been installed. if [ ! -d "$/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1" ]; then dnf install -y rpm-build fi elif [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "BackBox" ] || \ [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Debian" ] || \ [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Kali" ] || \ [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Ubuntu" ]; then apt-get install -y libfreetype6-dev python3-dev pkg-config if ! python3 -m pip --version; then if apt-get install -y python3-pip; then echo "INFO: Installed python3-pip via apt-get" else curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python3 echo "INFO: Installed pip via get-pip.py" fi fi if ! apt-get install -y gir1.2-gtk-3.0 gir1.2-gtksource-3.0 \ python3-cairo libgeos++-dev libgirepository1.0-dev \ libgtk-3-dev libpq-dev python3-gi python3-gi-cairo libpq-dev; then echo "ERROR: Failed to install dependencies with apt-get" exit fi if [ -z "$KING_PHISHER_SKIP_CLIENT" ]; then if [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Ubuntu" ]; then apt-get install -y adwaita-icon-theme-full fi if apt-cache search gir1.2-vte-2.91 &> /dev/null; then if ! apt-get install -y gir1.2-vte-2.91; then echo "ERROR: Failed to install gir1.2-vte-2.91" fi else if ! apt-get install -y gir1.2-vte-2.90; then echo "ERROR: Failed to install gir1.2-vte-2.90" fi fi if apt-get install -y gir1.2-webkit2-4.0 &> /dev/null; then echo "INFO: Successfully installed gir1.2-webkit2-4.0 with apt-get" elif apt-get install -y gir1.2-webkit2-3.0 &> /dev/null; then echo "INFO: Successfully installed gir1.2-webkit2-3.0 with apt-get" else echo "ERROR: Failed to install gir1.2-webkit2 3.0 or 4.0 with apt-get" fi fi elif [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Arch" ]; then pacman --noconfirm -S freetype2 python python-pip pkg-config if [ -z "$KING_PHISHER_SKIP_CLIENT" ]; then if ! pacman --noconfirm -S gobject-introspection python-cairo geos gtk3 \ gtksourceview3 webkit2gtk vte3 postgresql-libs \ python-gobject gobject-introspection; then echo "ERROR: Failed to install dependencies with pacman" exit fi fi fi echo "INFO: Synchronizing Python package dependencies from PyPi" # six needs to be installed before requirements.txt for matplotlib if ! python3 -m pip --version; then echo "ERROR: Failed to find pip package for python3" exit fi PIP_VERSION=$(pip --version) python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip # set pip back to python2 if python2 was default if echo $PIP_VERSION | grep "python 2.7"; then python -m pip install -U pip -I &> /dev/null fi python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools python3 -m pip install --upgrade six python3 -m pip install pipenv cd $KING_PHISHER_DIR echo "INFO: Synchronizing King Phisher's pipenv environment" ./KingPhisher --env-install --env-verbose } function install_postgres { if [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "RedHat" ]; then yum install -y postgresql-server # manually init the database postgresql-setup initdb elif [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "CentOS" ]; then yum install -y postgresql-server # manually init the database postgresql-setup initdb elif [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Fedora" ]; then dnf install -y postgresql-server elif [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "BackBox" ] || \ [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Debian" ] || \ [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Kali" ] || \ [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Ubuntu" ]; then apt-get install -y postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all &> /dev/null if [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Kali" ]; then easy_install -U distribute apt-get install -y postgresql-server-dev-all &> /dev/null fi elif [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Arch" ]; then pacman --noconfirm -S postgresql &> /dev/null fi } while :; do case $1 in -h|-\?|--help) show_help exit ;; -n|--no) if [ "$answer_all_yes" == "true" ]; then echo "ERROR: Can not use -n and -y together" exit $E_USAGE fi answer_all_no=true ;; -y|--yes) if [ "$answer_all_no" == "true" ]; then echo "ERROR: Can not use -n and -y together" exit $E_USAGE fi answer_all_yes=true ;; --skip-client) KING_PHISHER_SKIP_CLIENT="x" ;; --skip-server) KING_PHISHER_SKIP_SERVER="x" ;; -u|--update) UPDATE="x" ;; --) shift break ;; -?*) printf "ERROR: Unknown option: %s\n" "$1" >&2 exit $E_USAGE ;; *) break esac shift done if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: This must be run as root" exit $E_NOTROOT fi if [[ ! $LINUX_VERSION ]] && grep -E "BackBox Linux 5(\.[0-9]+)?" /etc/issue &> /dev/null; then LINUX_VERSION="BackBox" fi if [[ ! $LINUX_VERSION ]] && grep -E "CentOS Linux release 7(\.[0-9]{1,4}){2}" /etc/redhat-release &> /dev/null; then LINUX_VERSION="CentOS" KING_PHISHER_SKIP_CLIENT="x" fi if [[ ! $LINUX_VERSION ]] && grep -E "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7(\.[0-9])" /etc/redhat-release &> /dev/null; then LINUX_VERSION="RedHat" KING_PHISHER_SKIP_CLIENT="x" fi if [[ ! $LINUX_VERSION ]] && grep -E "Fedora release 2[8-9]|3[0-4]" /etc/redhat-release &> /dev/null; then LINUX_VERSION="Fedora" fi if [[ ! $LINUX_VERSION ]] && grep -E "Debian GNU\/Linux [8-9] " /etc/issue &> /dev/null; then LINUX_VERSION="Debian" fi if [[ ! $LINUX_VERSION ]] && grep -Ei "kali( linux |-)rolling" /etc/debian_version &> /dev/null; then LINUX_VERSION="Kali" fi if [[ ! $LINUX_VERSION ]] && grep -E "Ubuntu (1[89]|2[01])\.(04|10)" /etc/issue &> /dev/null; then LINUX_VERSION="Ubuntu" fi if [[ ! $LINUX_VERSION ]] && grep -E "Ubuntu Xenial Xerus" /etc/issue &> /dev/null; then LINUX_VERSION="Ubuntu" fi if [[ ! $LINUX_VERSION ]] && grep -E "Arch Linux" /etc/issue &> /dev/null; then LINUX_VERSION="Arch" fi if [ -z "$LINUX_VERSION" ]; then echo "" echo "WARNING: Failed to autodetect the version of Linux. If the current version of" echo "WARNING: Linux is supported by King Phisher and is not being recognized, open a" echo "WARNING: support ticket and include the version." echo "" echo "Supported Operating Systems and Versions: https://bit.ly/kp-advanced-install" echo "" echo "To continue, please select the number closest to your Linux system. No guarantee" echo "can me made that King Phisher will install utilizing this method." echo "" echo "Linux distributions options to attempt to force install:" echo " 1 - Debian" echo " 2 - Ubuntu" echo " 3 - Kali" echo " 4 - Fedora" echo " 5 - Arch" echo " 6 - BackBox" echo " 7 - CentOS (Server Support Only)" echo " 8 - Red Hat (Server Support Only)" echo "" echo -n "Select 1-8: " select_nix_distro echo "INFO: Selected Linux version is $LINUX_VERSION" prompt_yes_or_no "Continue? (There is no guarantee or support beyond this point)" select_nix_continue if [ $select_nix_continue == "no" ]; then echo "INFO: Installation aborted by user" exit 0 fi else echo "INFO: Linux version detected as $LINUX_VERSION" fi if [ ! -z "$KING_PHISHER_SKIP_CLIENT" ]; then echo "INFO: Skipping installing King Phisher Client components" fi if [ ! -z "$KING_PHISHER_SKIP_SERVER" ]; then echo "INFO: Skipping installing King Phisher Server components" fi if [ ! -z "$UPDATE" ]; then if git status &> /dev/null; then KING_PHISHER_DIR="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" echo "INFO: Git repo found at $KING_PHISHER_DIR" elif [ -d "$(dirname $(dirname $FILE_NAME))/king_phisher" ]; then KING_PHISHER_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $FILE_NAME))" echo "INFO: Project directory found at $KING_PHISHER_DIR" fi sync_dependencies exit 0 fi if [ -z "$KING_PHISHER_SKIP_SERVER" ]; then prompt_yes_or_no "Install and use PostgreSQL? (Highly recommended and required for upgrading)" KING_PHISHER_USE_POSTGRESQL if [ $KING_PHISHER_USE_POSTGRESQL == "yes" ]; then echo "INFO: Will install and configure PostgreSQL for the server" fi if [ -e server_config.yml ]; then echo "INFO: Backing up the previous server configuration to server_config.yml.bck.~#~" prompt_yes_or_no "Use the same database connection? (recommended)" SAVE_DATABASE if [ $SAVE_DATABASE ]; then POSTGRES_BACKUP=$(awk ' /postgresql:/ {print $2}' server_config.yml) fi cp --backup=numbered server_config.yml ./server_config.yml.bck BACKUP=true fi fi # update apt-get package information and only continue if successful if [ "$(command -v apt-get)" ]; then echo "INFO: Attempting to update apt-get cache package information" if ! apt-get update; then echo "ERROR: Command 'apt-get update' failed, please correct the issues and try again" exit fi fi # install git if necessary if [ ! "$(command -v git)" ]; then if [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "CentOS" ] || [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "RedHat" ]; then yum install -y -q git elif [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Fedora" ]; then dnf install -y -q git elif [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Arch" ]; then pacman --noconfirm -S git else apt-get install -y -qq git fi fi if git status &> /dev/null; then KING_PHISHER_DIR="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" echo "INFO: Git repo found at $KING_PHISHER_DIR" elif [ -d "$(dirname $(dirname $FILE_NAME))/king_phisher" ]; then KING_PHISHER_DIR="$(dirname $(dirname $FILE_NAME))" echo "INFO: Project directory found at $KING_PHISHER_DIR" else echo "INFO: Downloading and installing the King Phisher server to $KING_PHISHER_DIR" if [ ! -d "$KING_PHISHER_DIR" ]; then if ! git clone $GIT_CLONE_URL $KING_PHISHER_DIR &> /dev/null; then echo "ERROR: Failed to clone the Git repo" exit $E_SOFTWARE fi echo "INFO: Successfully cloned the git repo" fi fi cd $KING_PHISHER_DIR if [ -n "$KING_PHISHER_DEV" ] && [ -d ".git" ]; then git fetch origin git checkout -b dev origin/dev echo "INFO: Switched to the dev branch" fi if [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Kali" ]; then if ! grep -i 'rolling' /etc/debian_version &> /dev/null; then echo "INFO: Checking Kali 2 apt sources" if ! grep -E "deb http://http\.kali\.org/kali sana main non-free contrib" /etc/apt/sources.list &> /dev/null; then echo "INFO: Standard Kali 2 apt sources are missing, now adding them, see" echo "INFO: https://www.kali.org/docs/general-use/kali-linux-sources-list-repositories/ for more details" echo "deb http://http.kali.org/kali sana main non-free contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update fi fi fi sync_dependencies if [ "$KING_PHISHER_USE_POSTGRESQL" == "yes" ]; then install_postgres fi if [ -z "$KING_PHISHER_SKIP_CLIENT" ]; then DESKTOP_APPLICATIONS_DIR="" if [ -d "/usr/local/share/applications" ]; then DESKTOP_APPLICATIONS_DIR="/usr/local/share/applications" elif [ -d "/usr/share/applications" ]; then DESKTOP_APPLICATIONS_DIR="/usr/share/applications" fi if [ -n "$DESKTOP_APPLICATIONS_DIR" ]; then echo "INFO: Installing the client desktop application file" cp data/client/king-phisher.desktop $DESKTOP_APPLICATIONS_DIR sed -i -re "s|/opt\/king-phisher|$KING_PHISHER_DIR|g" $DESKTOP_APPLICATIONS_DIR/king-phisher.desktop if [ -d "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps" ]; then cp data/client/king_phisher/king-phisher-icon.svg /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps fi if [ -f "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/index.theme" -a "$(command -v gtk-update-icon-cache)" ]; then echo "INFO: Updating the GTK icon cache" gtk-update-icon-cache --force /usr/share/icons/hicolor fi fi fi if [ -z "$KING_PHISHER_SKIP_SERVER" ]; then if ! egrep "^${KING_PHISHER_GROUP}:" /etc/group &> /dev/null; then echo "INFO: Creating King Phisher admin group: '$KING_PHISHER_GROUP'" groupadd $KING_PHISHER_GROUP chown -R :$KING_PHISHER_GROUP $KING_PHISHER_DIR fi if [ ! -d "/var/king-phisher" ]; then mkdir /var/king-phisher fi chown nobody /var/king-phisher if [ ! -d "$KING_PHISHER_WEB_ROOT" ]; then mkdir $KING_PHISHER_WEB_ROOT fi cp data/server/king_phisher/server_config.yml . sed -i -re "s|#\\s?data_path:.*$|data_path: $KING_PHISHER_DIR|" ./server_config.yml if [ "$KING_PHISHER_USE_POSTGRESQL" == "yes" ]; then if [ -f "/etc/init.d/postgresql" ]; then service postgresql start if ! service postgresql status &> /dev/null; then postgresql-setup --initdb &> /dev/null if ! service postgresql start &> /dev/null; then echo "ERROR: Could not start postgresql" exit fi fi fi if [ -f "/usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service" ]; then systemctl start postgresql &> /dev/null if ! systemctl is-active &> /dev/null; then if [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Arch" ]; then su - postgres -c "initdb --locale $(grep 'LANG=' /etc/locale.conf | sed 's/LANG=//') -D /var/lib/postgres/data" else postgresql-setup --initdb &> /dev/null fi if ! systemctl start postgresql &> /dev/null; then echo "ERROR: Could not start postgresql" exit fi fi fi echo "INFO: Configuring the PostgreSQL server" PG_CONFIG_LOCATION=$(su postgres -c "psql -t -P format=unaligned -c 'show hba_file';") echo "INFO: PostgreSQL configuration file found at $PG_CONFIG_LOCATION" if ! grep -E "king_phisher" $PG_CONFIG_LOCATION &> /dev/null; then # put the king_phisher first in the line for localhost connects with md5 sed -i '/# IPv4 local connections:/a\host king_phisher king_phisher md5' $PG_CONFIG_LOCATION sed -i '/# IPv6 local connections:/a\host king_phisher king_phisher ::1/128 md5' $PG_CONFIG_LOCATION fi sed -i -re "s|database: sqlite://|#database: sqlite://|" ./server_config.yml # generate a random 32 character long password for postgresql if [ ! $POSTGRES_BACKUP ]; then PG_KP_PASSWORD=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c 40) sed -i -re "s|#\\s?database: postgresql://.*$|database: postgresql://king_phisher:$PG_KP_PASSWORD@localhost/king_phisher|" ./server_config.yml if [[ -z "$(su postgres -c "psql -tAc \"SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='king_phisher'\"")" ]]; then su postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER king_phisher WITH PASSWORD '$PG_KP_PASSWORD';\"" &> /dev/null echo "INFO: Created the PostgreSQL user 'king_phisher' with a random password" else echo "WARNING: The PostgreSQL king_phisher user already exists! The password will need" echo "WARNING: to be manually updated to match the one automatically generated by this" echo "WARNING: installation script (by using the ALTER ROLE PostgreSQL command) or" echo "WARNING: restored from a previously backed up server configuration file." fi else sed -i -re "s|#\\s?database: postgresql://.*$|database: $POSTGRES_BACKUP|" ./server_config.yml echo "INFO: Using previous postgres database found in old server_config.yml" fi # restart postgresql to have hda_file updates take affect if [ -f "/etc/init.d/postgresql" ]; then /etc/init.d/postgresql restart &> /dev/null fi if [ -f "/usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service" ]; then systemctl restart postgresql fi fi if [ -d "/lib/systemd/system" -a "$(command -v systemctl)" ]; then echo "INFO: Installing the King Phisher systemd service file in /lib/systemd/system/" cp data/server/service_files/king-phisher.service /lib/systemd/system sed -i -re "s|/opt\/king-phisher|$KING_PHISHER_DIR|g" /lib/systemd/system/king-phisher.service echo "INFO: Starting the King Phisher service" systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable king-phisher.service systemctl start king-phisher.service elif [ "$LINUX_VERSION" == "Ubuntu" ]; then echo "INFO: Installing the King Phisher upstart service file in /etc/init/" cp data/server/service_files/king-phisher.conf /etc/init sed -i -re "s|/opt\/king-phisher|$KING_PHISHER_DIR|g" /etc/init/king-phisher.conf echo "INFO: Starting the King Phisher service" start king-phisher else echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "INFO: Start the King Phisher server with the following command prior to starting the client:" echo "sudo $KING_PHISHER_DIR/KingPhisherServer -L INFO -f $KING_PHISHER_DIR/server_config.yml" fi fi if [ "$BACKUP" == "true" ]; then echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "WARNING: A previous server_config.yml file was found. Default settings were" echo "WARNING: applied in the new configuration file. The server_config.yml gets" echo "WARNING: incrementally backed up. Previous settings can be restored by" echo "WARNING: copying the desired version's backup to the current file." fi if [ -z "$KING_PHISHER_SKIP_CLIENT" ]; then echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "INFO: You can start the King Phisher client with the following command:" echo "$KING_PHISHER_DIR/KingPhisher" fi