{ "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#", "contentVersion": "", "parameters": { "PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI": { "type": "string", "metadata": { "description": "Enter full URI of the Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server" } }, "dashboardName": { "type": "string", "metadata": { "description": "The name is restricted to only alphanumeric and hyphen characters. Spaces will be automatically replaced with hyphen" } } }, "variables": { "Servername": "[last(split(parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI'),'/'))]", "dashboardID": "[concat(uniquestring(resourceGroup().id), uniquestring(replace(parameters('dashboardName'),' ', '-') ))]" }, "resources": [ { "properties": { "lenses": { "0": { "order": 0, "parts": { "0": { "position": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "//All new connections (including replication and azure internal connections) regardless of failed or successful by Ip\nlet dummystart=datetime('2000-01-01 00:00');\nlet dummyend=datetime('2000-01-01 00:01');\nlet AllConnections=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection received\"\n| extend RealTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet starttime=toscalar(\n AllConnections\n | summarize mintime=min(RealTime)\n | project xmintime=bin(mintime, 1m)\n | extend mintime=iff(isnotempty(xmintime), xmintime, dummystart)\n | project mintime\n);\nlet endtime=toscalar(\n AllConnections\n | summarize xmaxtime=max(RealTime)\n | extend maxtime=iff(isnotempty(xmaxtime), xmaxtime, dummyend)\n | project maxtime\n);\nlet TimeRange = endtime - starttime;\nlet Intervals = iff(\n TimeRange <= 12h, 1m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 24h, 5m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 48h, 10m,\n iff(TimeRange <= 7d, 30m,1h)\n )\n )\n);\nlet IntervalStr=iff (\n Intervals==1m,\"1 minute\",\n iff (Intervals==5m, \"5 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==10m, \"10 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==30m, \"30 minutes\", \"1 hour\")\n )\n )\n);\nAllConnections\n| extend IP=extract(@'host=(.\\S+)', 1, Message)\n| make-series Connections=count() default=0 on RealTime from starttime to endtime step Intervals by IP\n| render timechart with ( xtitle=strcat(\"Time (aggregation interval \",IntervalStr,\")\") )\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "FrameControlChart", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "SpecificChart", "value": "Line", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Chart0')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Dimensions", "value": { "xAxis": { "name": "RealTime", "type": "datetime" }, "yAxis": [ { "name": "Connections", "type": "real" } ], "splitBy": [ { "name": "IP", "type": "string" } ], "aggregation": "Sum" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "LegendOptions", "value": { "isEnabled": true, "position": "Bottom" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": {}, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('All Connections by IP [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "All connections by ip including Azure connections. In this report are including all connections: replication, non-replication and failures" } } }, "1": { "position": { "x": 9, "y": 0, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "//Successful Azure vs NonAzure Connections\nlet dummystart=datetime('2000-01-01 00:00');\nlet dummyend=datetime('2000-01-01 00:01');\nlet SuccessConn=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection authorized\"\n| extend RealTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet starttime=toscalar(\n SuccessConn\n | summarize mintime=min(RealTime)\n | project xmintime=bin(mintime, 1m)\n | extend mintime=iff(isnotempty(xmintime), xmintime, dummystart)\n | project mintime\n);\nlet endtime=toscalar(\n SuccessConn\n | summarize xmaxtime=max(RealTime)\n | extend maxtime=iff(isnotempty(xmaxtime), xmaxtime, dummyend)\n | project maxtime\n);\nlet TimeRange = endtime - starttime;\nlet Intervals = iff(\n TimeRange <= 12h, 1m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 24h, 5m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 48h, 10m,\n iff(TimeRange <= 7d, 30m,1h)\n )\n )\n);\nlet IntervalStr=iff (\n Intervals==1m,\"1 minute\",\n iff (Intervals==5m, \"5 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==10m, \"10 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==30m, \"30 minutes\", \"1 hour\")\n )\n )\n);\nSuccessConn\n| extend allmatches=extract_all(@'user=(.+)database=(.\\S+)', Message)\n| extend user=trim(@\" \",tostring(allmatches[0][0]) )\n| extend Connection=iff(user == \"azuresu\",\"AzureConnections\",\"NonAzureConnections\")\n| make-series Connections=count() default=0 on RealTime from starttime to endtime step Intervals by Connection\n| render timechart with ( xtitle=strcat(\"Time (aggregation interval \",IntervalStr,\")\") )\n\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "FrameControlChart", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "SpecificChart", "value": "Line", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Chart1')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Dimensions", "value": { "xAxis": { "name": "RealTime", "type": "datetime" }, "yAxis": [ { "name": "Connections", "type": "real" } ], "splitBy": [ { "name": "Connection", "type": "string" } ], "aggregation": "Sum" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "LegendOptions", "value": { "isEnabled": true, "position": "Bottom" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": {}, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Azure vs Non-Azure Successful Connections [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "Comparision of successful connections created by Azure vs Non-Azure (your own connections)" } } }, "2": { "position": { "x": 0, "y": 4, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "//Failed vs Successful Connections [including replication]\nlet dummystart=datetime('2000-01-01 00:00');\nlet dummyend=datetime('2000-01-01 00:01');\nlet MAX_PID_JOIN_SEC=30;\nlet SuccessConn=AzureDiagnostics\n | where ResourceProvider == 'MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL'\n | where Category == 'PostgreSQLLogs'\n | where Message contains 'connection authorized'\n | extend ConnectTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet PreFailedConn=AzureDiagnostics\n | where ResourceProvider == 'MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL'\n | where Category == 'PostgreSQLLogs'\n | where Message contains 'authentication failed' or sqlerrcode_s in ('28000', '28P01', '3D000', '53300', '42501', '08P01')\n | where errorLevel_s =='FATAL'\n | extend AuthFailedTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet searchpids=PreFailedConn\n | distinct processId_d;\nlet FailedConnectionReceived=AzureDiagnostics\n | where ResourceProvider == 'MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL'\n | where Category == 'PostgreSQLLogs'\n | where Message contains 'connection received'\n | where processId_d in (searchpids)\n | extend ConnectTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet FailedConn=PreFailedConn\n | join kind=leftouter FailedConnectionReceived on $left.processId_d == $right.processId_d\n | extend deltatime=datetime_diff('second', AuthFailedTime, ConnectTime)\n | where deltatime >= 0 and deltatime < MAX_PID_JOIN_SEC;\nlet AllConnections=SuccessConn\n | union FailedConn;\nlet starttime=toscalar(\n AllConnections\n | summarize mintime=min(ConnectTime)\n | project xmintime=bin(mintime, 1m)\n | extend mintime=iff(isnotempty(xmintime), xmintime, dummystart)\n | project mintime\n );\nlet endtime=toscalar(\n AllConnections\n | summarize xmaxtime=max(ConnectTime)\n | extend maxtime=iff(isnotempty(xmaxtime), xmaxtime, dummyend)\n | project maxtime\n );\nlet TimeRange = endtime - starttime;\nlet Intervals = iff(\n TimeRange <= 12h, 1m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 24h, 5m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 48h, 10m,\n iff(TimeRange <= 7d, 30m,1h)\n )\n )\n);\nlet IntervalStr=iff (\n Intervals==1m,'1 minute',\n iff (Intervals==5m, '5 minutes',\n iff (Intervals==10m, '10 minutes',\n iff (Intervals==30m, '30 minutes', '1 hour')\n )\n )\n);\nAllConnections\n| extend allmatches=extract_all(@'user=(.+)database=(.\\S+)', Message)\n| extend user=trim(@' ', tostring(allmatches[0][0]))\n| where user != 'azuresu'\n| extend Connection=iff(Message contains 'connection authorized', 'SuccessfulConnection', 'FailedConnection')\n| make-series Connections=count() default=0 on ConnectTime from starttime to endtime step Intervals by Connection\n| render timechart with (xtitle=strcat('Time (aggregation interval ', IntervalStr, ')'))\n\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "FrameControlChart", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "SpecificChart", "value": "Line", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Chart2')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Dimensions", "value": { "xAxis": { "name": "ConnectTime", "type": "datetime" }, "yAxis": [ { "name": "Connections", "type": "real" } ], "splitBy": [ { "name": "Connection", "type": "string" } ], "aggregation": "Sum" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "LegendOptions", "value": { "isEnabled": true, "position": "Bottom" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": {}, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Failed vs Successful Connections [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "Comparision between failed and successful connections includig Replication connections. Azure connections are excluded from successful connections" } } }, "3": { "position": { "x": 9, "y": 4, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "// Replication vs Non-Replication connections\nlet dummystart=datetime('2000-01-01 00:00');\nlet dummyend=datetime('2000-01-01 00:01');\nlet AllConnections=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection authorized\"\n| extend RealTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet starttime=toscalar(\n AllConnections\n | summarize mintime=min(RealTime)\n | project xmintime=bin(mintime, 1m)\n | extend mintime=iff(isnotempty(xmintime), xmintime, dummystart)\n | project mintime\n);\nlet endtime=toscalar(\n AllConnections\n | summarize xmaxtime=max(RealTime)\n | extend maxtime=iff(isnotempty(xmaxtime), xmaxtime, dummyend)\n | project maxtime\n);\nlet TimeRange = endtime - starttime;\nlet Intervals = iff(\n TimeRange <= 12h, 1m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 24h, 5m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 48h, 10m,\n iff(TimeRange <= 7d, 30m,1h)\n )\n )\n);\nlet IntervalStr=iff (\n Intervals==1m,\"1 minute\",\n iff (Intervals==5m, \"5 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==10m, \"10 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==30m, \"30 minutes\", \"1 hour\")\n )\n )\n);\nAllConnections\n| extend allmatches=extract_all(@'user=(.+)database=(.\\S+)', Message)\n| extend user=trim(@\" \",tostring(allmatches[0][0]) )\n| where user != 'azuresu' // exclude azure connections from successful connections. User (role) is not reported on failed ones\n| extend Connection=iff(Message contains \"replication connection authorized\",\"ReplicationConnection\",\"Non-ReplicationConnection\")\n| make-series Connections=count() default=0 on RealTime from starttime to endtime step Intervals by Connection\n| render timechart with ( xtitle=strcat(\"Time (aggregation interval \",IntervalStr,\")\") )\n\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "FrameControlChart", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "SpecificChart", "value": "Line", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Chart3')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Dimensions", "value": { "xAxis": { "name": "RealTime", "type": "datetime" }, "yAxis": [ { "name": "Connections", "type": "real" } ], "splitBy": [ { "name": "Connection", "type": "string" } ], "aggregation": "Sum" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "LegendOptions", "value": { "isEnabled": true, "position": "Bottom" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": {}, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Replication vs Non-Replication Successful connections [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "Comparision betwwen replication and non-replication successful connections. Azure connections are excluded from non-replication successful connections" } } }, "4": { "position": { "x": 0, "y": 8, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "// Successful Non-replication connections by database\nlet dummystart=datetime('2000-01-01 00:00');\nlet dummyend=datetime('2000-01-01 00:01');\nlet SuccessConnNonReplication=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection authorized\"\n| where Message !contains \"replication connection authorized\"\n| extend RealTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet starttime=toscalar(\n SuccessConnNonReplication\n | summarize mintime=min(RealTime)\n | project xmintime=bin(mintime, 1m)\n | extend mintime=iff(isnotempty(xmintime), xmintime, dummystart)\n | project mintime\n);\nlet endtime=toscalar(\n SuccessConnNonReplication\n | summarize xmaxtime=max(RealTime)\n | extend maxtime=iff(isnotempty(xmaxtime), xmaxtime, dummyend)\n | project maxtime\n);\nlet TimeRange = endtime - starttime;\nlet Intervals = iff(\n TimeRange <= 12h, 1m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 24h, 5m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 48h, 10m,\n iff(TimeRange <= 7d, 30m,1h)\n )\n )\n);\nlet IntervalStr=iff (\n Intervals==1m,\"1 minute\",\n iff (Intervals==5m, \"5 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==10m, \"10 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==30m, \"30 minutes\", \"1 hour\")\n )\n )\n);\nSuccessConnNonReplication\n| extend allmatches=extract_all(@'user=(.+)database=(.\\S+)', Message)\n| extend user=trim(@\" \",tostring(allmatches[0][0]) )\n| extend database=tostring(allmatches[0][1])\n| where user != 'azuresu' // exclude azure connections\n| make-series Connections=count() default=0 on RealTime from starttime to endtime step Intervals by database\n| render timechart with ( xtitle=strcat(\"Time (aggregation interval \",IntervalStr,\")\") )\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "FrameControlChart", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "SpecificChart", "value": "Line", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Chart4')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Dimensions", "value": { "xAxis": { "name": "RealTime", "type": "datetime" }, "yAxis": [ { "name": "Connections", "type": "real" } ], "splitBy": [ { "name": "database", "type": "string" } ], "aggregation": "Sum" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "LegendOptions", "value": { "isEnabled": true, "position": "Bottom" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": {}, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Successful Non-replication connections by database [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "Scuccesful connections by database. Replication and Azure connections are excluded" } } }, "5": { "position": { "x": 9, "y": 8, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "// Successful Non-replication connections by user\nlet dummystart=datetime('2000-01-01 00:00');\nlet dummyend=datetime('2000-01-01 00:01');\nlet SuccessConnNonReplication=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection authorized\"\n| where Message !contains \"replication connection authorized\"\n| extend RealTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet starttime=toscalar(\n SuccessConnNonReplication\n | summarize mintime=min(RealTime)\n | project xmintime=bin(mintime, 1m)\n | extend mintime=iff(isnotempty(xmintime), xmintime, dummystart)\n | project mintime\n);\nlet endtime=toscalar(\n SuccessConnNonReplication\n | summarize xmaxtime=max(RealTime)\n | extend maxtime=iff(isnotempty(xmaxtime), xmaxtime, dummyend)\n | project maxtime\n);\nlet TimeRange = endtime - starttime;\nlet Intervals = iff(\n TimeRange <= 12h, 1m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 24h, 5m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 48h, 10m,\n iff(TimeRange <= 7d, 30m,1h)\n )\n )\n);\nlet IntervalStr=iff (\n Intervals==1m,\"1 minute\",\n iff (Intervals==5m, \"5 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==10m, \"10 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==30m, \"30 minutes\", \"1 hour\")\n )\n )\n);\nSuccessConnNonReplication\n| extend allmatches=extract_all(@'user=(.+)database=(.\\S+)', Message)\n| extend user=trim(@\" \",tostring(allmatches[0][0]) )\n| extend database=tostring(allmatches[0][1])\n| where user != 'azuresu' // exclude azure connections\n| make-series Connections=count() default=0 on RealTime from starttime to endtime step Intervals by user\n| render timechart with ( xtitle=strcat(\"Time (aggregation interval \",IntervalStr,\")\") )\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "FrameControlChart", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "SpecificChart", "value": "Line", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Chart5')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Dimensions", "value": { "xAxis": { "name": "RealTime", "type": "datetime" }, "yAxis": [ { "name": "Connections", "type": "real" } ], "splitBy": [ { "name": "user", "type": "string" } ], "aggregation": "Sum" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "LegendOptions", "value": { "isEnabled": true, "position": "Bottom" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": {}, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Successful Non-replication connections by user [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "Scuccesful connections by user. Replication and Azure connections are excluded" } } }, "6": { "position": { "x": 0, "y": 12, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "// Replication Connections by user\nlet dummystart=datetime('2000-01-01 00:00');\nlet dummyend=datetime('2000-01-01 00:01');\nlet SuccessConn=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection authorized\"\n| extend RealTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet starttime=toscalar(\n SuccessConn\n | summarize mintime=min(RealTime)\n | project xmintime=bin(mintime, 1m)\n | extend mintime=iff(isnotempty(xmintime), xmintime, dummystart)\n | project mintime\n);\nlet endtime=toscalar(\n SuccessConn\n | summarize xmaxtime=max(RealTime)\n | extend maxtime=iff(isnotempty(xmaxtime), xmaxtime, dummyend)\n | project maxtime\n);\nlet TimeRange = endtime - starttime;\nlet Intervals = iff(\n TimeRange <= 12h, 1m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 24h, 5m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 48h, 10m,\n iff(TimeRange <= 7d, 30m,1h)\n )\n )\n);\nlet IntervalStr=iff (\n Intervals==1m,\"1 minute\",\n iff (Intervals==5m, \"5 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==10m, \"10 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==30m, \"30 minutes\", \"1 hour\")\n )\n )\n);\nSuccessConn\n| where Message contains \"replication connection authorized\"\n| extend allmatches=extract_all(@'user=(.+)application_name=(.\\S+)', Message)\n| extend user=tostring(allmatches[0][0])\n| extend application_name=tostring(allmatches[0][1])\n| make-series Connections=count() default=0 on RealTime from starttime to endtime step Intervals by user\n| render timechart with ( xtitle=strcat(\"Time (aggregation interval \",IntervalStr,\")\") )\n\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "FrameControlChart", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "SpecificChart", "value": "Line", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Chart6')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Dimensions", "value": { "xAxis": { "name": "RealTime", "type": "datetime" }, "yAxis": [ { "name": "Connections", "type": "real" } ], "splitBy": [ { "name": "user", "type": "string" } ], "aggregation": "Sum" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "LegendOptions", "value": { "isEnabled": true, "position": "Bottom" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": {}, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Replication Connections by user [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "Successful replication connections by user" } } }, "7": { "position": { "x": 9, "y": 12, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "// Replication Connections by application_name\nlet dummystart=datetime('2000-01-01 00:00');\nlet dummyend=datetime('2000-01-01 00:01');\nlet SuccessConn=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection authorized\"\n| extend RealTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet starttime=toscalar(\n SuccessConn\n | summarize mintime=min(RealTime)\n | project xmintime=bin(mintime, 1m)\n | extend mintime=iff(isnotempty(xmintime), xmintime, dummystart)\n | project mintime\n);\nlet endtime=toscalar(\n SuccessConn\n | summarize xmaxtime=max(RealTime)\n | extend maxtime=iff(isnotempty(xmaxtime), xmaxtime, dummyend)\n | project maxtime\n);\nlet TimeRange = endtime - starttime;\nlet Intervals = iff(\n TimeRange <= 12h, 1m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 24h, 5m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 48h, 10m,\n iff(TimeRange <= 7d, 30m,1h)\n )\n )\n);\nlet IntervalStr=iff (\n Intervals==1m,\"1 minute\",\n iff (Intervals==5m, \"5 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==10m, \"10 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==30m, \"30 minutes\", \"1 hour\")\n )\n )\n);\nSuccessConn\n| where Message contains \"replication connection authorized\"\n| extend allmatches=extract_all(@'user=(.+)application_name=(.\\S+)', Message)\n| extend user=tostring(allmatches[0][0])\n| extend application_name=tostring(allmatches[0][1])\n| make-series Connections=count() default=0 on RealTime from starttime to endtime step Intervals by application_name\n| render timechart with ( xtitle=strcat(\"Time (aggregation interval \",IntervalStr,\")\") )\n\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "FrameControlChart", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "SpecificChart", "value": "Line", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Chart7')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Dimensions", "value": { "xAxis": { "name": "RealTime", "type": "datetime" }, "yAxis": [ { "name": "Connections", "type": "real" } ], "splitBy": [ { "name": "application_name", "type": "string" } ], "aggregation": "Sum" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "LegendOptions", "value": { "isEnabled": true, "position": "Bottom" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": {}, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Replication Connections by application_name [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "Successful replication connections by application_name" } } }, "8": { "position": { "x": 0, "y": 16, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "//Connection durations drill-down\nlet dummystart=datetime('2000-01-01 00:00');\nlet dummyend=datetime('2000-01-01 00:01');\nlet Disconnections=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"disconnection\"\n| extend DisconnectTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet starttime=toscalar(\n Disconnections\n | summarize mintime=min(DisconnectTime)\n | project xmintime=bin(mintime, 1m)\n | extend mintime=iff(isnotempty(xmintime), xmintime, dummystart)\n | project mintime\n);\nlet endtime=toscalar(\n Disconnections\n | summarize xmaxtime=max(DisconnectTime)\n | extend maxtime=iff(isnotempty(xmaxtime), xmaxtime, dummyend)\n | project maxtime\n);\nlet TimeRange = endtime - starttime;\nlet Intervals = iff(\n TimeRange <= 12h, 1m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 24h, 5m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 48h, 10m,\n iff(TimeRange <= 7d, 30m,1h)\n )\n )\n);\nlet IntervalStr=iff (\n Intervals==1m,\"1 minute\",\n iff (Intervals==5m, \"5 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==10m, \"10 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==30m, \"30 minutes\", \"1 hour\")\n )\n )\n);\nDisconnections\n| extend allmatches=extract_all(@'session time:(.+)user=(.+)database=(.+)host=(.\\S+)', Message)\n| extend duration=totime(allmatches[0][0])\n| extend user=trim(@\" \",tostring(allmatches[0][1]) )\n| extend database=tostring(allmatches[0][2])\n| extend ip=tostring(allmatches[0][3])\n| where user != 'azuresu'\n| extend ts = totimespan(duration)\n| extend DurationInSeconds = ts / 1s\n| extend ConnType=iff(\n DurationInSeconds <= 60, 'Short-Lived Connection' , \n iff(DurationInSeconds > 60 and DurationInSeconds < 1200, 'Normal-Lived Connection','Long-Lived Connection')\n)\n| make-series Connections=count() default=0 on DisconnectTime from starttime to endtime step Intervals by ConnType\n| render timechart with ( xtitle=strcat(\"Time (aggregation interval \",IntervalStr,\")\") )\n\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "FrameControlChart", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "SpecificChart", "value": "Line", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Chart8')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Dimensions", "value": { "xAxis": { "name": "DisconnectTime", "type": "datetime" }, "yAxis": [ { "name": "Connections", "type": "real" } ], "splitBy": [ { "name": "ConnType", "type": "string" } ], "aggregation": "Sum" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "LegendOptions", "value": { "isEnabled": true, "position": "Bottom" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": {}, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Connection Lifetime drill-down [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "Short-Lived (<1 min), Normal-Lived (between 1min and 20min), Long-Lived (> 20min). Azure connections are excluded" } } }, "9": { "position": { "x": 9, "y": 16, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "//Average connection duration by IP\nlet dummystart=datetime('2000-01-01 00:00');\nlet dummyend=datetime('2000-01-01 00:01');\nlet Disconnections=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"disconnection\"\n| extend DisconnectTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet starttime=toscalar(\n Disconnections\n | summarize mintime=min(DisconnectTime)\n | project xmintime=bin(mintime, 1m)\n | extend mintime=iff(isnotempty(xmintime), xmintime, dummystart)\n | project mintime\n);\nlet endtime=toscalar(\n Disconnections\n | summarize xmaxtime=max(DisconnectTime)\n | extend maxtime=iff(isnotempty(xmaxtime), xmaxtime, dummyend)\n | project maxtime\n);\nlet TimeRange = endtime - starttime;\nlet Intervals = iff(\n TimeRange <= 12h, 1m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 24h, 5m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 48h, 10m,\n iff(TimeRange <= 7d, 30m,1h)\n )\n )\n);\nlet IntervalStr=iff (\n Intervals==1m,\"1 minute\",\n iff (Intervals==5m, \"5 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==10m, \"10 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==30m, \"30 minutes\", \"1 hour\")\n )\n )\n);\nDisconnections\n| extend allmatches=extract_all(@'session time:(.+)user=(.+)database=(.+)host=(.\\S+)', Message)\n| extend duration=totime(allmatches[0][0])\n| extend user=trim(@\" \",tostring(allmatches[0][1]) )\n| extend database=tostring(allmatches[0][2])\n| extend ip=tostring(allmatches[0][3])\n| where user != 'azuresu'\n| extend ts = totimespan(duration)\n| extend DurationInSeconds = ts / 1s\n| make-series avgConnectionDurationInSec=avg(DurationInSeconds) on DisconnectTime from starttime to endtime step Intervals by ip\n| render timechart with ( xtitle=strcat(\"Time (aggregation interval \",IntervalStr,\")\") )\n \n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "FrameControlChart", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "SpecificChart", "value": "Line", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Chart9')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Dimensions", "value": { "xAxis": { "name": "DisconnectTime", "type": "datetime" }, "yAxis": [ { "name": "avgConnectionDurationInSec", "type": "real" } ], "splitBy": [ { "name": "ip", "type": "string" } ], "aggregation": "Sum" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "LegendOptions", "value": { "isEnabled": true, "position": "Bottom" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": {}, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Average Connection Duration in Seconds by Ip [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "Average connection duration including replication and failures. Azure connections are excluded" } } }, "10": { "position": { "x": 0, "y": 20, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "//Connection errors counter by SqlErrorCode\nlet dummystart=datetime('2000-01-01 00:00');\nlet dummyend=datetime('2000-01-01 00:01');\nlet MAX_PID_JOIN_SEC=30;\nlet ConnectErrors=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider == \"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"authentication failed\" or sqlerrcode_s in ('28000', '28P01', '3D000', '53300', '42501','08P01')\n| where errorLevel_s =='FATAL'\n| extend SqlErrorCode=sqlerrcode_s\n| extend AuthFailedTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet starttime=toscalar(\n ConnectErrors\n | summarize mintime=min(AuthFailedTime)\n | project xmintime=bin(mintime, 1m)\n | extend mintime=iff(isnotempty(xmintime), xmintime, dummystart)\n | project mintime\n);\nlet endtime=toscalar(\n ConnectErrors\n | summarize xmaxtime=max(AuthFailedTime)\n | extend maxtime=iff(isnotempty(xmaxtime), xmaxtime, dummyend)\n | project maxtime\n);\nlet TimeRange = endtime - starttime;\nlet Intervals = iff(\n TimeRange <= 12h, 1m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 24h, 5m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 48h, 10m,\n iff(TimeRange <= 7d, 30m,1h)\n )\n )\n);\nlet IntervalStr=iff (\n Intervals==1m,\"1 minute\",\n iff (Intervals==5m, \"5 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==10m, \"10 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==30m, \"30 minutes\", \"1 hour\")\n )\n )\n);\nlet searchpids=ConnectErrors\n| distinct processId_d;\nlet ConnectionReceived=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider == \"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection received\"\n| where processId_d in (searchpids)\n| extend IP=extract(@'host=(.\\S+)', 1, Message)\n| extend ConnectTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nConnectErrors\n| join kind=leftouter ConnectionReceived on $left.processId_d == $right.processId_d\n| extend deltatime=datetime_diff('second', AuthFailedTime, ConnectTime)\n| where deltatime >= 0 and deltatime < MAX_PID_JOIN_SEC\n| make-series ConnectionErrors=count() default=0 on ConnectTime from starttime to endtime step Intervals by SqlErrorCode\n| render timechart with ( xtitle=strcat(\"Time (aggregation interval \",IntervalStr,\")\") )\n\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "FrameControlChart", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "SpecificChart", "value": "Line", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Chart10')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Dimensions", "value": { "xAxis": { "name": "ConnectTime", "type": "datetime" }, "yAxis": [ { "name": "ConnectionErrors", "type": "real" } ], "splitBy": [ { "name": "SqlErrorCode", "type": "string" } ], "aggregation": "Sum" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "LegendOptions", "value": { "isEnabled": true, "position": "Bottom" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": {}, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Connection Errors by SqlErrorCode [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "Connection errors grouped by SQL Error Code" } } }, "11": { "position": { "x": 9, "y": 20, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "//Connection errors counter by Ip\nlet dummystart=datetime('2000-01-01 00:00');\nlet dummyend=datetime('2000-01-01 00:01');\nlet MAX_PID_JOIN_SEC=30;\nlet ConnectErrors=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider == \"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"authentication failed\" or sqlerrcode_s in ('28000', '28P01', '3D000', '53300', '42501','08P01')\n| where errorLevel_s =='FATAL'\n| extend AuthFailedTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nlet starttime=toscalar(\n ConnectErrors\n | summarize mintime=min(AuthFailedTime)\n | project xmintime=bin(mintime, 1m)\n | extend mintime=iff(isnotempty(xmintime), xmintime, dummystart)\n | project mintime\n);\nlet endtime=toscalar(\n ConnectErrors\n | summarize xmaxtime=max(AuthFailedTime)\n | extend maxtime=iff(isnotempty(xmaxtime), xmaxtime, dummyend)\n | project maxtime\n);\nlet TimeRange = endtime - starttime;\nlet Intervals = iff(\n TimeRange <= 12h, 1m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 24h, 5m, \n iff(TimeRange <= 48h, 10m,\n iff(TimeRange <= 7d, 30m,1h)\n )\n )\n);\nlet IntervalStr=iff (\n Intervals==1m,\"1 minute\",\n iff (Intervals==5m, \"5 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==10m, \"10 minutes\",\n iff (Intervals==30m, \"30 minutes\", \"1 hour\")\n )\n )\n);\nlet searchpids=ConnectErrors\n| distinct processId_d;\nlet ConnectionReceived=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider == \"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection received\"\n| where processId_d in (searchpids)\n| extend IP=extract(@'host=(.\\S+)', 1, Message)\n| extend ConnectTime=todatetime(timestamp_s);\nConnectErrors\n| join kind=leftouter ConnectionReceived on $left.processId_d == $right.processId_d\n| extend deltatime=datetime_diff('second', AuthFailedTime, ConnectTime)\n| where deltatime >= 0 and deltatime < MAX_PID_JOIN_SEC\n| make-series ConnectionErrors=count() default=0 on ConnectTime from starttime to endtime step Intervals by IP\n| render timechart with ( xtitle=strcat(\"Time (aggregation interval \",IntervalStr,\")\") )\n\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "FrameControlChart", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "SpecificChart", "value": "Line", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Chart11')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Dimensions", "value": { "xAxis": { "name": "ConnectTime", "type": "datetime" }, "yAxis": [ { "name": "ConnectionErrors", "type": "real" } ], "splitBy": [ { "name": "IP", "type": "string" } ], "aggregation": "Sum" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "LegendOptions", "value": { "isEnabled": true, "position": "Bottom" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": {}, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Connection Errors by IP [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "Connection errors grouped by IP" } } }, "12": { "position": { "x": 0, "y": 24, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "//Summary of all new connections by IP\nAzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider == \"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection received\"\n| extend RealTime=todatetime(timestamp_s)\n| extend IP=extract(@'host=(.\\S+)', 1, Message)\n| summarize FirstConnection=min(RealTime),LastConnection=max(RealTime), Counter=count() by IP\n| order by Counter desc\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "AnalyticsGrid", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Summary0')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": { "content": { "GridColumnsWidth": { "IP": "157px", "FirstConnection": "223px", "LastConnection": "223px" } } }, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Summary of new connections by IP [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "Summary of all connections grouped by ip. It includes failures, replication and azure connections" } } }, "13": { "position": { "x": 9, "y": 24, "colSpan": 9, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": " //Summary of Azure Only Successful Connections\nlet MAX_PID_JOIN_SEC=30;\nlet ConnectionAuthorized=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection authorized\"\n| where Message !contains \"replication connection\"\n| extend allmatches=extract_all(@'user=(.+)database=(.\\S+)', Message)\n| extend user=trim(@\" \",tostring(allmatches[0][0]) )\n| extend database=tostring(allmatches[0][1])\n| where user == 'azuresu' // only azuresu connections\n| project ConnAuthTime=todatetime(timestamp_s), processId_d,user, database, ConAuthMSG=Message;\nlet searchpids=ConnectionAuthorized\n| distinct processId_d;\nlet ConnectionReceived=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection received\"\n| where processId_d in (searchpids)\n| extend IP=extract(@'host=(.\\S+)', 1, Message)\n| project ConnRecvTime=todatetime(timestamp_s), processId_d,IP, ConRecvMSG=Message;\nConnectionAuthorized\n| join kind=leftouter ConnectionReceived on $left.processId_d==$right.processId_d\n| project processId_d,IP,user,database,ConnRecvTime,ConnAuthTime,ConRecvMSG,ConAuthMSG\n| extend ConnSetupTime=ConnAuthTime-ConnRecvTime\n| extend deltatime=datetime_diff('second',ConnAuthTime,ConnRecvTime)\n| where deltatime >=0 and deltatime =0 and deltatime =0 and deltatime = 0 and deltatime < MAX_PID_JOIN_SEC\n| summarize FirstErrorTime=min(ConnectTime), LastErrorTime=max(ConnectTime), TotalErrors=count() by IP, ErrorMessage, SqlErrorCode\n| order by TotalErrors desc \n\n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "AnalyticsGrid", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'Summary5')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": { "content": { "GridColumnsWidth": { "IP": "157px", "ErrorMessage": "858px", "SqlErrorCode": "150px", "TotalErrors": "99px" } } }, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('Summary of All Failed logins [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "All login failures summary. Data is grouped by IP and Error Message" } } }, "18": { "position": { "x": 0, "y": 44, "colSpan": 18, "rowSpan": 4 }, "metadata": { "inputs": [ { "name": "resourceTypeMode", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ComponentId", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Scope", "value": { "resourceIds": [ "[parameters('PostgresqlFlexibleServerURI')]" ] }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Version", "value": "2.0", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "DraftRequestParameters", "value": { "scope": "hierarchy" }, "isOptional": true }, { "name": "Query", "value": "//All Successful Connections in descending order\nlet MAX_PID_JOIN_SEC=30;\nlet ConnectionAuthorized=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection authorized\"\n| where Message !contains \"replication connection\"\n| extend allmatches=extract_all(@'user=(.+)database=(.\\S+)', Message)\n| extend user=trim(@\" \",tostring(allmatches[0][0]) )\n| extend database=tostring(allmatches[0][1])\n| where user != 'azuresu' // exclude azuresu connections\n| project ConnAuthTime=todatetime(timestamp_s), processId_d,user, database, ConAuthMSG=Message;\nlet searchpids=ConnectionAuthorized\n| distinct processId_d;\nlet ConnectionReceived=AzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceProvider ==\"MICROSOFT.DBFORPOSTGRESQL\"\n| where Category == \"PostgreSQLLogs\"\n| where Message contains \"connection received\"\n| where processId_d in (searchpids)\n| extend IP=extract(@'host=(.\\S+)', 1, Message)\n| project ConnRecvTime=todatetime(timestamp_s), processId_d,IP, ConRecvMSG=Message;\nConnectionAuthorized\n| join kind=leftouter ConnectionReceived on $left.processId_d==$right.processId_d\n| extend ConnSetupTime=ConnAuthTime-ConnRecvTime\n| extend deltatime=datetime_diff('second',ConnAuthTime,ConnRecvTime)\n| where deltatime >=0 and deltatime =0 and deltatime = 0 and deltatime < MAX_PID_JOIN_SEC\n| project IP,ErrorMessage,SqlErrorCode,ConnectTime,AuthFailedTime,ConnSetupTime, PID=tostring(toint(processId_d))\n| order by ConnectTime desc \n", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "ControlType", "value": "AnalyticsGrid", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartId", "value": "[concat(uniquestring(variables('dashboardID')), 'OptionalList3')]" }, { "name": "PartTitle", "value": "Analytics", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "PartSubTitle", "value": "[variables('ServerName')]", "isOptional": true }, { "name": "IsQueryContainTimeRange", "value": false, "isOptional": true } ], "type": "Extension/Microsoft_OperationsManagementSuite_Workspace/PartType/LogsDashboardPart", "settings": { "content": { "GridColumnsWidth": { "IP": "157px", "ErrorMessage": "710px", "SqlErrorCode": "150px", "PID": "99px" } } }, "partHeader": { "title": "[concat('[OPTIONAL] All Login failures [', variables('ServerName'), ']')]" , "subtitle": "All Login failures in descending order" } } } } } }, "metadata": { "model": { "timeRange": { "value": { "relative": { "duration": 24, "timeUnit": 1 } }, "type": "MsPortalFx.Composition.Configuration.ValueTypes.TimeRange" }, "filterLocale": { "value": "en-us" }, "filters": { "value": { "MsPortalFx_TimeRange": { "model": { "format": "utc", "granularity": "auto", "relative": "7d" }, "displayCache": { "name": "UTC Time", "value": "Past 7 days" } } } } } } }, "apiVersion": "2015-08-01-preview", "type": "Microsoft.Portal/dashboards", "name": "[replace(parameters('dashboardName'),' ', '-')]", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "tags": { "hidden-title": "[replace(parameters('dashboardName'),' ', '-')]" } } ] }