# Sef Kloninger's Personal Blog (sefk.github.io) This is the content hosted at [sef.kloninger.com][]. It's a [Nikola][] static site hosted by Github pages. This repo contains both the source files for the blog and the rendered pages. The source files are in the ```dev``` branch (default for this repo) and the build products are pushed to ```master```. [sef.kloninger.com]: https://sef.kloninger.com/ [Nikola]: https://getnikola.com ## Instructions The general workflow is: 1. **Write**. I like writing in Markdown with vi. Green characters on a black background. Old school is the good school. 2. **Review**. Nikola has a nice feature to automatically rebuild your project whenever something changes. workflow. Command is ```nikola auto -p 8888```. The extra port because the default, 8000, usually collides with my dev environment or something similar. 3. **Publish**. Check the changes to the dev branch and push that branch. Then run the command ```nikola github_deploy``` to build and publish the build product to the master branch. github_deploy builds, commits, and pushes in one fell swoop. 4. **Repeat** ## Install Notes ### Python Now that Nikola has moved over to Python 3 we have a little bit more to set things up: ```bash cd ./sefk.github.io python3 -m venv . source ./bin/activate ``` Remember to ```source ./bin/activate``` when starting up future shells. ### Nikola I chose not to check in my theme. I figure maybe it'd be better to have that versioned elsewhere. This will install the requirements to run Nikola and then start it going. ```bash pip3 install -r requirements.txt nikola theme -i bootstrap3 nikola auto ``` ## Troubleshooting ### lxml error If you're seeing this: > fatal error: 'libxml/xmlversion.h' file not found > error: command 'cc' failed with exit status 1 Then try this: ```bash brew install libxml2 brew install libxslt brew link libxml2 --force brew link libxslt --force CPATH=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk/usr/include/libxml2 CFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments CPPFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments pip install lxml ``` Not sure the brew steps are req'd or not. That last step is what did it. From [this answer][] on StackOverflow. [this answer]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19548011/cannot-install-lxml-on-mac-os-x-10-9