# Contributing to Icicle Thank you for your interest in contributing to Icicle. 🎉🔥🙏💻🖥 ## Contributing a fix or feature Generally, contributions are managed by issues and pull requests. 1. Submit an [issue](https://github.com/segunfamisa/icicle/issues) describing your proposed fix or feature. 2. If your proposed fix or feature is accepted then, fork, implement your code change. 3. Ensure your code change follows the [accepted code style and structure](#code-style-and-structure). 4. Ensure your code is properly tested. 5. Ensure your commits follow the accepted [commit message style](#git-commit-messages) 6. Submit a pull request. ## Code style and structure The coding style must conform with [AOSP code style for contributors](https://source.android.com/source/code-style.html). ## Git commit messages [Udacity's Git commit message style guide](https://udacity.github.io/git-styleguide/) is adopted for this project and that is expected of your contribution.