# ecls-clean.R --- Simon Ejdemyr (ejdemyr@gmail.com) # An R script for processing data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal # Study. The output is saved to 'data-processed/ecls.csv'. # Begin by changing your working directory as necessary here setwd('~/Dropbox/ecls') # Load required packages ('install.packages()' first as necessary) library(tidyverse) library(haven) library(sjmisc) # Read data. Note: this may take a little while. If you're getting a "can't # allocate memory" error, install the latest version of `haven` and restart R. dta <- read_por('data-raw/04075-0001-Data.por') names(dta) <- tolower(names(dta)) # Convert variables of interest to character/numeric vars_chrs <- c("childid", "l5cathol", "l5public", "r5race", "w3povrty", "w3daded", "w3momed", "w3inccat", "p5fstamp") vars_nums <- c("w3momscr", "w3dadscr", "p5numpla", "p5hmage", "p5hdage", "c5r2mtsc") dta <- dta %>% mutate_at(vars(one_of(vars_chrs)), funs(as.character(to_label(.)))) %>% mutate_at(vars(one_of(vars_nums)), funs(as.numeric(as.character(to_label(.))))) # Select variables of interest dta <- dta %>% dplyr::select(one_of(c(vars_chrs, vars_nums))) # Filter down to catholic and public school students and create a # dummy for catholic dta <- dta %>% filter(l5cathol == 'YES' | l5public == 'YES') %>% mutate(catholic = if_else(l5cathol == 'YES', 1, 0)) # Create race dummies dta <- dta %>% mutate(race_white = if_else(r5race == 'WHITE, NON-HISPANIC', 1, 0), race_black = if_else(r5race == 'BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN, NON-HISPANIC', 1, 0), race_hispanic = if_else(r5race %in% c('HISPANIC, RACE SPECIFIED', 'HISPANIC, RACE NOT SPECIFIED'), 1, 0), race_asian = if_else(r5race == 'ASIAN', 1, 0)) # Set scores of 0 or below on occupational prestige scores, number of # places lived, and mother's/father's age to NA dta <- dta %>% mutate_at(vars(w3momscr, w3dadscr, p5numpla, p5hmage, p5hdage), funs(ifelse(. <= 0, NA, .))) # Recode poverty and food stamp nominal variables to dummies dta <- dta %>% mutate(w3povrty = if_else(w3povrty == 'BELOW POVERTY THRESHOLD', 1, 0), p5fstamp = if_else(p5fstamp == 'YES', 1, if_else(p5fstamp == 'NO', 0, as.double(NA)))) # Create dummies for high school or below (grouping 'some college' as above) hs_cats <- c('8TH GRADE OR BELOW', '9TH - 12TH GRADE', 'HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA/EQUIVALENT', 'VOC/TECH PROGRAM') dta <- dta %>% mutate_at(vars(w3daded, w3momed), funs('hsb' = if_else(. %in% hs_cats, 1, if_else(. == 'NOT APPLICABLE', as.double(NA), 0)))) # Recode income categories to numeric. Income categories are set at # their midvalue. 5000 or less is set to 5000; 200,001 or more is set # to 200,001. dta <- dta %>% mutate(w3inccat = if_else(w3inccat == '$5,000 OR LESS', '$5,000 TO $5,000', if_else(w3inccat == '$200,001 OR MORE', '$200,001 TO $200,001', w3inccat))) convert_income <- function(s) { # function for converting income split_mat <- str_split_fixed(s, " TO ", n = 2) split_mat <- gsub('\\$|,', '', split_mat) (as.numeric(split_mat[, 1]) + as.numeric(split_mat[, 2])) / 2 } test <- unique(dta$w3inccat) # test function data.frame(test, convert_income(test)) dta <- dta %>% mutate(w3income = convert_income(w3inccat)) # finally, convert income # Clean math t score and create a standardized score dta <- dta %>% mutate(c5r2mtsc = if_else(c5r2mtsc <= 0, as.double(NA), as.numeric(c5r2mtsc)), c5r2mtsc_std = (c5r2mtsc - mean(c5r2mtsc, na.rm = T)) / sd(c5r2mtsc, na.rm = T)) # Remove observations with missing math score dta <- dta %>% filter(!c5r2mtsc %in% NA) # Select and rename variables as necessary dta <- dta %>% dplyr::select(childid, catholic, race = r5race, race_white, race_black, race_hispanic, race_asian, p5numpla, p5hmage, p5hdage, w3daded, w3momed, w3daded_hsb, w3momed_hsb, w3momscr, w3dadscr, w3inccat, w3income, w3povrty, p5fstamp, c5r2mtsc, c5r2mtsc_std) write.csv(dta, 'data-processed/ecls.csv', row.names = FALSE)