/** 😌 @file bitsymuse @summary A variety of Bitsy sound and music handlers @license MIT @author David Mowatt @version 22.0.0 @requires Bitsy 8.8 @description A hack that adds a variety of audio controls, including music that changes as you move between rooms. If the same song is played as you move between rooms, the audio file will continue playing. Check out https://kool.tools/bitsy/tools/bitsymuse-ui for a tool to help configure this hack. If you only want to play a single song as a background track, check out https://candle.itch.io/bitsy-audio for a simpler solution. HOW TO USE: 1. Place your audio files somewhere relative to your bitsy html file (in the zip if you're uploading to itch.io) 2. Copy-paste this script into a script tag after the bitsy source. 3. Edit hackOptions below to set up the track list for rooms you move through. In addition to the track list, which will play audio based on the room id/name, you have access to the following commands you can add to dialogue: 1. (soundeffectNow "