@prefix dct: . @prefix dw: . @prefix sk: . @prefix prov: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix sd: . dw: a ; sd:name "Dritte Walpurgisnacht" ; dct:title "Dritte Walpurgisnacht"@de ; rdfs:label "Dritte Walpurgisnacht"@en ; dct:bibliographicCitation """Karl Kraus: Dritte Walpurgisnacht. Annotated Reader‘s Edition. Ed. by Bernhard Oberreither at Austrian Corpora and Editions at ACDH-CH. 2021.""" ; dct:contributor "Research – concerning persons mentioned and intertexts – was conducted by Bernhard Oberreither, Hanno Biber, David Treffinger, Laura Untner, with the assistance of Gerhard Wolff; interns: Constance Quinlan, Mira Krall. Research findings build on preliminary work done at the predecessor institutions of the ACE at the Austrian Academy of Sciences as well as on numerous publications. For a list see https://kraus1933.ace.oeaw.ac.at/annotierte_lesefassung.html. For a list of biographical and bibliographical sources see https://kraus1933.ace.oeaw.ac.at/register.html."@en ; rdfs:comment "The digital edition of 'Dritte Walpurgisnacht' consists of one TEI-XML file containing the transcription of the text as well as annotations referencing entries in an index file containing 400 person and 1,900 bibliographical entries. The RDF data represents the state of the project data in early 2022. It includes person mentions as well as intertextual relations, the latter connecting the 'Dritte Walpurgisnacht' to its intertexts as well as these with each other. While the digital edition differentiates between types of intertextual references – e.g., exemplary vs. specific –, the RDF data does currently not reflect these distinctions." ; dcterms:source "https://kraus1933.ace.oeaw.ac.at" .