@prefix dct: . @prefix fa: . @prefix sk: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix sd: . fa: a ; sd:name "Die Fackel online" ; rdfs:label "Die Fackel online"@en ; dct:title "Die Fackel online"@de ; dct:bibliographicCitation "»Die Fackel. Herausgeber: Karl Kraus, Wien 1899-1936«. AAC Digital Edition No 1. Ed. by AAC – Austrian Academy Corpus. 2007ff." ; dct:contributor """Die Fackel online was published in 2007 by the 'Austrian Academy Corpus' team (supervisor: Prof. Werner Welzig) and was published open access in 2019 (supervisor: Prof. Konstanze Fliedl); it is technically maintained and expanded by Andreas Basch B.Sc. The index of persons was created by Peter Michael Braunwarth. Collaborators (most recently): Dr. Barbara Tumfart, Mag. Isabella Schwentner, Astrid Hauer, Miriam Sibitz; technical implementation: Dipl.-Ing. Matej Ďurčo B.Sc., Andreas Basch B.Sc.""" ; rdfs:comment "'Die Fackel online' consists of more than 22,000 XML files representing the 36 volumes of Karl Kraus’ periodical 'Die Fackel'. In these texts, person mentions were annotated in over 120,000 text passages, linking 'Die Fackel' to an index of persons with more than 14,000 entries. The edition is accompanied by a text index that serves as a table of contents. In the run-up to the data transformation, among other data enrichment tasks mostly concerned with person and place identifiers, the text index was normalized to meet the requirements of FRBRoo's F22_Self-Contained_Expression and to fit the project parameters. Regarding authorship attribution, it has been established that there is some uncertainty up to issue 154 (see Wolfgang Hink's bibliography from 1994, p. xi)."@en ; dct:source "https://fackel.oeaw.ac.at/" .