{ "dataset": { "id": "coypu-kg-questions-test" }, "questions": [ { "id": "0", "answers": [ { "head": {}, "boolean": true } ], "question": [ { "string": "Does Tokyo have a sea port?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Hat Tokio einen Seehafen?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "ASK { ?subject coy:hasLocation ?country . ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"port\" . ?subject rdfs:label \"Tokyo\" . ?country rdf:type coy:Country . ?country rdfs:label \"Japan\"@en. }" } }, { "id": "1", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer", "value": "87" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "How many sea ports are there in China?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie viele Seehafen gibt es in China?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT (COUNT (DISTINCT ?port) AS ?result) WHERE { ?port coy:hasLocation ?country . ?port coy:hasInfrastructureType \"port\" . ?country rdf:type coy:Country . ?country rdfs:label \"People's Republic of China\"@en }" } }, { "id": "2", "answers": [ { "head": {}, "boolean": false } ], "question": [ { "string": "Is there currently a natural disaster in Italy?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Gibt es aktuell eine Naturkatastrophe in Italien?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "ASK { ?result rdf:type coy:Disaster . ?result coy:hasCountryLocation ?country . ?result coy:hasStartDate ?sd . ?country rdfs:label \"Italy\"@en. FILTER(NOT EXISTS {?result coy:hasEndDate ?ed}) }" } }, { "id": "3", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "When was the last earthquake in Indonesia?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wann gab es das letzte Erdbeben in Indonesien?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?subject rdf:type coy:Disaster . ?subject coy:hasEventType \"EQ\" . ?subject coy:hasCountryLocation ?country . ?subject coy:hasTimestamp ?result . ?country rdfs:label \"Indonesia\"@en } ORDER BY DESC(?result) LIMIT 1" } }, { "id": "4", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "value": "SAU" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What is the international acronym of Saudi Arabia?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie lautet das internationale K\u00fcrzel von Saudi-Arabien?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?result WHERE { ?subject rdf:type coy:Country . ?subject rdfs:label \"Saudi Arabia\"@en . ?subject coy:hasIsoCode ?result . }" } }, { "id": "5", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What are the last three natural disasters with level orange?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Welches sind die letzten drei Naturkatastrophen mit Level orange?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?result rdf:type coy:Disaster . ?result coy:hasAlertScore ?as . ?result coy:hasTimestamp ?ts . FILTER(?as = \"2\")} ORDER BY DESC(?ts) LIMIT 3" } }, { "id": "6", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double", "value": "3.92e0" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What is the risk level of Germany?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie ist das Risiko-Level von Deutschland?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?subject rdf:type coy:Country . ?subject rdfs:label \"Germany\"@en . ?subject coy:hasRiskLevel ?result . }" } }, { "id": "7", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer", "value": "0" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "How many disasters happened in 2021 with level 1 or orange?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie viele Krisen mit einer Warnmeldung 1 oder orange gab es 2021?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?dis) AS ?result) WHERE { ?dis rdf:type coy:Disaster . ?dis coy:hasAlertScore ?as . ?dis coy:hasTimestamp ?ts . FILTER ( ( YEAR ( xsd:dateTime ( ?ts ) ) = 2021 ) && ( ?as = \"1\" ) ) }" } }, { "id": "8", "answers": [ { "head": {}, "boolean": false } ], "question": [ { "string": "Is there an airport in Kandahar?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Gibt es einen Flughafen in Kandahar?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "ASK { ?ap rdf:type coy:Airport . ?ap coy:hasCountry \"Afghanistan\" . ?ap coy:hasName ?name . FILTER ( regex ( ?name, \"Kandahar\", \"i\" ) ) }" } }, { "id": "9", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "value": "LAX" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What is the IATA Code of the International Airport in Los Angeles?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie ist der IATA Code f\u00fcr den Internationalen Flughafen von Los Angeles?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?result WHERE { ?ap rdf:type coy:Airport . ?ap rdfs:label \"Los Angeles Intl\" . ?ap coy:hasId ?result . }" } }, { "id": "10", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer", "value": "0" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "How many seaports are located in Europe?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie viele Seeh\u00e4fen gibt es in Europa?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?seaport ) AS ?result ) WHERE { ?seaport rdf:type coy:Port . ?seaport coy:hasLocation ?country . ?country coy:hasContinentLocation \"Europe\"@en . }" } }, { "id": "11", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double", "value": "8212.0e0" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What capacity does the biggest powerplant in Japan have?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Welche Kapazit\u00e4t hat das gr\u00f6\u00dfte Kraftwerk in Japan?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE{ ?pp rdf:type coy:Powerplant . ?pp coy:hasCountryLocation/rdfs:label \"Japan\"@en . ?pp coy:hasCapacity ?result } ORDER BY DESC ( ?result ) LIMIT 1" } }, { "id": "12", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What fuel types does the powerplant HKW West use?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Mit welchen Kraftstoffen wird das Kraftwerk HKW West betrieben?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?pp rdf:type coy:Powerplant . ?pp coy:hasName \"HKW West\" . ?pp coy:hasFuelType ?result . }" } }, { "id": "13", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer", "value": "68" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "How many power plants in India work with gas?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie viele Gas-Kraftwerke gibt es in Indien?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?pp ) AS ?result ) WHERE { ?pp rdf:type coy:Powerplant . ?pp coy:hasFuelType \"Gas\" . ?pp coy:hasCountryLocation/rdfs:label \"India\"@en . }" } }, { "id": "14", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "uri", "value": "https://data.coypu.org/event/emdat/2021-0411-CHE" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What was the most recent Disaster that struck in Switzerland?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Was war das letzte katastrophen Ereignis in der Schweiz?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?result rdf:type coy:Disaster . ?result coy:hasStartDate ?sd . ?result coy:hasCountryLocation/rdfs:label \"Switzerland\"@en . } ORDER BY DESC( ?sd ) LIMIT 1" } }, { "id": "15", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "dis", "ts", "ts2" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "Was there an active natural disaster in Japan on 2021-01-01?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Gab es am 01.01.2021 in Japan eine Naturkatastrophe?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?dis ?ts ?ts2 WHERE { ?dis rdf:type coy:Disaster . ?dis coy:hasCountryLocation/rdfs:label \"Japan\"@en . ?dis coy:hasTimestamp ?ts . BIND(xsd:date(?ts) AS ?eventDate) FILTER(?eventDate = xsd:date(\"2021-01-01+00:00\"))}" } }, { "id": "16", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer", "value": "0" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "How many companies based in Cologne have more than 10000 employees?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie viele Unternehmen in K\u00f6ln haben mehr als 10.000 Mitarbeiter?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?comp ) AS ?result ) WHERE { ?comp rdf:type coy:Company . ?comp coy:hasCity \"K\u00f6ln\" . ?comp coy:hasNumberOfEmployees ?size . FILTER ( xsd:integer ( ?size ) > 10000 ) }" } }, { "id": "17", "answers": [ { "head": {}, "boolean": false } ], "question": [ { "string": "Are there more companies in Munich with a size of \"small\" than \"micro\"?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Gibt es in M\u00fcnchen mehr Unternehmen der Gr\u00f6\u00dfe small als micro?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "ASK { { SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?comp ) AS ?small) WHERE { ?comp rdf:type coy:Company . ?comp coy:hasCity \"M\u00fcnchen\" . ?comp coy:hasCompanySize ?size . FILTER ( ?size = \"SMALL\" ) } } { SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?comp ) AS ?micro ) WHERE { ?comp rdf:type coy:Company . ?comp coy:hasCity \"M\u00fcnchen\" . ?comp coy:hasCompanySize ?size . FILTER ( ?size = \"MICRO\" ) } } FILTER ( ?small > ?micro ) }" } }, { "id": "18", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What is the URL of the biggest company (by number of employees) based in Hamburg?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie lautet die URL des gr\u00f6\u00dften Unternehmens (nach Anzahl an Mitarbeitern) in Hamburg?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?comp rdf:type coy:Company . ?comp coy:hasCity \"Hamburg\" . ?comp coy:hasNumberOfEmployees ?size . ?comp coy:hasUrl ?result } ORDER BY DESC ( xsd:integer ( ?size ) ) LIMIT 1" } }, { "id": "19", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "Get the EBID-Code of all companies with more than 100,000 employees.", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Gib mir den EBID-Code von allen Unternehmen mit mehr als 100.000 Mitarbeitern.", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?comp rdf:type coy:Company . ?comp coy:hasEbidCode ?result . ?comp coy:hasNumberOfEmployees ?size . FILTER ( xsd:integer ( ?size ) > 100000 ) }" } }, { "id": "20", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What is the street address of the Deutsche Bahn AG?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie lautet die Adresse der Deutsche Bahn AG?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?comp rdfs:label \"Deutsche Bahn AG\" . ?comp coy:hasStreet ?result . }" } }, { "id": "21", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "Which companies are in the area of the Zip Code 78604?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Welche Unternehmen gibt es im Bereich der Postleitzahl 78604?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?result rdf:type coy:Company . ?result coy:hasZip \"78604\" . }" } }, { "id": "22", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer", "value": "0" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "How many crises have happenend in Australia since the 2022-01-01?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie viele Katastrophen gab es seit dem ersten Januar 2022 in Australien?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?emergency ) AS ?result ) WHERE { ?emergency rdf:type coy:Disaster . ?emergency coy:hasTimestamp ?ts . ?emergency coy:hasCountryLocation/rdfs:label \"Australia\"@en . FILTER ( YEAR ( xsd:dateTime ( ?ts ) ) >= 2022 ) }" } }, { "id": "23", "answers": [ { "head": {}, "boolean": false } ], "question": [ { "string": "Was there an crisis in 2021 that hit both Germany and the Netherlands at the same time?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Gab es 2021 eine Notlage die Deutschland und die Niederlande betraf?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "ASK { ?emergency rdf:type coy:Disaster . ?emergency coy:hasStartDate ?ts . ?emergency coy:hasCountryLocation ?loc, ?loc2 . ?loc rdf:type coy:Country . ?loc rdfs:label \"Germany\"@en . ?loc2 rdf:type coy:Country . ?loc2 rdfs:label \"Netherlands\"@en . FILTER ( YEAR ( ?ts ) = 2021 ) }" } }, { "id": "24", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "When was the latest piece of news about russia published on \"bloomberg.com\"?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wann gab es die neuesten Nachrichten \u00fcber Russland auf \"bloomberg.com\"?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?news rdf:type coy:News . ?news coy:hasCountryLocation/rdfs:label \"Russia\"@en . ?news coy:hasTimestamp ?result . ?news coy:hasUrl ?url . FILTER ( regex ( ?url, \"bloomberg.com\" ) ) } ORDER BY DESC ( ?result ) LIMIT 1" } }, { "id": "25", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer", "value": "0" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "How many micro companies are based in Germany?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie viele Mikro-Unternehmen gibt es in Deutschland?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?micro ) AS ?result ) WHERE { ?micro rdf:type coy:Company . ?micro coy:hasCountryLocation/rdfs:label \"Germany\"@en . ?micro coy:hasCompanySize \"MICRO\" . }" } }, { "id": "26", "answers": [ { "head": {}, "boolean": false } ], "question": [ { "string": "Is there at least one Company in the \"Gotenstra\u00dfe\"?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Gibt es mindestens ein Unternehmen in der \"Gotenstra\u00dfe\"?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "ASK { ?comp rdf:type coy:Company . ?comp coy:hasStreet ?street . FILTER ( regex ( ?street, \"Gotenstra\u00dfe\" ) ) }" } }, { "id": "27", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "Which country was plagued by the most disasters in 2021? ", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Welches Land hatte die meisten Notlagen im Jahr 2021?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?result WHERE { ?dis rdf:type coy:Disaster . ?dis coy:hasTimestamp ?ts . ?dis coy:hasCountryLocation/rdfs:label ?result . FILTER ( YEAR ( xsd:dateTime ( ?ts ) ) = 2021 ) } GROUP BY ( ?result ) ORDER BY DESC ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?dis ) ) LIMIT 1" } }, { "id": "28", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What was the latest piece of news relevant to Madagascar about?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wovon handelte die letzte Madagascar betreffende Nachricht?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?result WHERE { ?news rdf:type coy:News . ?news coy:hasCountryLocation/rdfs:label \"Madagascar\"@en . ?news coy:hasDescription ?result . ?news coy:hasTimestamp ?ts . } ORDER BY DESC ( xsd:dateTime ( ?ts ) ) LIMIT 1" } }, { "id": "29", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer", "value": "0" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "How many news items have been made about Ukraine in June of 2022?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie viele Nachrichten behandelten die Ukraine im Juni 2022?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?news ) AS ?result ) WHERE { ?news rdf:type coy:News . ?news coy:hasCountryLocation/rdfs:label \"Ukraine\"@en . ?news coy:hasTimestamp ?ts . FILTER ( ( YEAR ( xsd:dateTime ( ?ts ) ) = 2022 ) && ( MONTH ( xsd:dateTime ( ?ts ) ) = 06 ) ) } " } }, { "id": "30", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer", "value": "0" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "How many attacks with chemical weapons happened in Brazil in April of 2022?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie viele Angrife mit chemischen Waffen passierten im April 2022 in Brazilien?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?event ) AS ?result ) WHERE { ?event rdf:type coy:ChemicalWeapon . ?event coy:hasIsoCode ?iso . ?event coy:hasTimestamp ?ts . ?country rdf:type coy:Country . ?country rdfs:label \"Brazil\"@en . ?country coy:hasIso3Code ?iso . FILTER ( (YEAR ( ?ts ) = 2022 ) && ( MONTH ( ?ts ) = 04 ) ) }" } }, { "id": "31", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer", "value": "4" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "How many nuclear power plants are in Ukraine?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie viele Atomkraftwerke gibt es in der Ukraine?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?pp ) AS ?result ) WHERE { ?pp rdf:type coy:Powerplant . ?pp coy:hasFuelType \"Nuclear\" . ?pp coy:hasCountryLocation/rdfs:label \"Ukraine\"@en }" } }, { "id": "32", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer", "value": "0" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "How many attacks happened in Kherson in 2022?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie viele Attacken gab es 2022 in Cherson?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?attack ) AS ?result ) WHERE { ?attack rdf:type coy:Attack . ?attack coy:hasLocation \"Kherson\" . ?attack coy:hasTimestamp ?ts . FILTER ( YEAR ( ?ts ) = 2022 ) }" } }, { "id": "33", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "Was Odesa attacked in 2020?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wurde Odessa in 2020 angegriffen?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?result WHERE { ?result rdf:type coy:Conflict . ?result coy:hasLocation \"Odesa\" . ?result coy:hasTimestamp ?ts . FILTER ( YEAR ( ?ts ) = 2020 ) }" } }, { "id": "34", "answers": [ { "head": {}, "boolean": false } ], "question": [ { "string": "Were there military conflicts in Europe in 2021?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Gab es in 2021 milit\u00e4rische Konflikte in Europa?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "ASK { ?result rdf:type coy:ArmedClash . ?result coy:hasCountryLocation/coy:hasContinentLocation \"Europe\"@en . ?result coy:hasTimestamp ?ts . FILTER ( YEAR ( ?ts ) = 2021 ) }" } }, { "id": "35", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What are the indices of the 3 northernmost harbors in Europe?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie lauten die Indizes der drei n\u00f6rdlichsten H\u00e4fen in Europa?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?port rdf:type coy:Port . ?port wpi:hasIndexNumber ?result . ?port coy:hasLatitude ?lat . ?port coy:hasLocation/coy:hasContinentLocation \"Europe\"@en . } ORDER BY DESC ( ?lat ) LIMIT 3" } }, { "id": "36", "answers": [ { "head": {}, "boolean": false } ], "question": [ { "string": "Is there a UK company with more than 100,000 employees?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Gibt es in Gro\u00dfbritannien eine Firma mit mehr als 100.000 Mitarbeitern?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "ASK { ?comp rdf:type coy:Company . ?comp coy:hasCountryLocation ?country . ?country rdfs:label \"United Kingdom\"@en . ?comp coy:hasNumberOfEmployees ?size . FILTER ( xsd:integer ( ?size ) >= 100000 ) }" } }, { "id": "37", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What are the street adresses of companies in Germany with more than 100,000 employees?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie lauten die Adressen der Firmen in Deutschland mit mehr als 100.000 Mitarbeitern?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?result WHERE { ?comp rdf:type coy:Company . ?comp coy:hasCountryLocation ?country . ?country rdfs:label \"Germany\"@en . ?comp coy:hasNumberOfEmployees ?size . ?comp coy:hasStreet ?result . FILTER ( xsd:integer ( ?size ) >= 100000 ) }" } }, { "id": "38", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "Which events involved chemical weapons since 2016?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "In welchen Events wurden seit 2016 chemische Waffen eingesetzt?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?result WHERE { ?result rdf:type coy:ChemicalWeapon . ?result coy:hasTimestamp ?ts . FILTER ( YEAR ( ?ts ) >= 2016 ) }" } }, { "id": "39", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "literal", "datatype": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer", "value": "2792" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "How many interventions against Russia are currently active?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Wie viele Interventionen richten sich aktuell gegen Russland?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?int ) AS ?result ) WHERE { ?int rdf:type gta:Intervention . ?int gta:hasAffectedJurisdiction/rdfs:label \"Russia\"@en }" } }, { "id": "40", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "uri", "value": "https://data.coypu.org/event/gta/72635/116449" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "What is Australia's most recent intervention against Russia?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Welches ist die aktuelleste Intervention von Australien gegen Russland?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?result WHERE { ?result rdf:type gta:Intervention . ?result gta:hasAffectedJurisdiction/rdfs:label \"Russia\"@en . ?result gta:hasImplementingJurisdiction/rdfs:label \"Australia\"@en . ?result gta:hasImplementationDate ?date . } ORDER BY DESC ( ?date ) LIMIT 1" } }, { "id": "41", "answers": [ { "head": { "vars": [ "result" ] }, "results": { "bindings": [ { "result": { "type": "uri", "value": "https://data.coypu.org/classification/hs_2012/281820" } } ] } } ], "question": [ { "string": "Which products are impacted by intervention 101975?", "language": "en" }, { "string": "Welche Produkte sind von der Intervention 101975 betroffen?", "language": "de" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT DISTINCT ?result WHERE { ?intervention rdf:type gta:Intervention . ?intervention gta:hasInterventionId \"101975\" . ?intervention gta:hasAffectedProduct ?result }" } }, { "id": "3000", "question": [ { "string": "What is the longitude of the port with the ID 'USJNU'?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?longitude WHERE { ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"port\" . ?subject coy:hasId \"USJNU\" . ?subject coy:hasLongitude ?longitude . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3001", "question": [ { "string": "Find the longitude of the port identified as 'USJNU'.", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?longitude WHERE { ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"port\" . ?subject coy:hasId \"USJNU\" . ?subject coy:hasLongitude ?longitude . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3002", "question": [ { "string": "What is the operating country of the port with the ID 'BRITJ'?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?country WHERE { ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"port\" . ?subject coy:hasId \"BRITJ\" . ?subject coy:hasLocation ?country . ?country rdf:type coy:Country. }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3003", "question": [ { "string": "What is the country where the port with the identification code 'BRITJ' is located?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?country WHERE { ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"port\" . ?subject coy:hasId \"BRITJ\" . ?subject coy:hasLocation ?country . ?country rdf:type coy:Country. }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3004", "question": [ { "string": "How many ports are located in Italy?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT (COUNT(?port) AS ?count) WHERE { ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"port\" . ?subject coy:hasLocation ?country . ?country rdf:type coy:Country. ?country rdfs:label \"Italy\"@en . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3005", "question": [ { "string": "What is the number of ports in Italy?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT (COUNT(?port) AS ?count) WHERE { ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"port\" . ?subject coy:hasLocation ?country . ?country rdf:type coy:Country. ?country rdfs:label \"Italy\"@en . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3006", "question": [ { "string": "What is the total number of seats per year at the airport with the ID 'SKD'?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?seats WHERE { ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"airport\" . ?subject coy:hasId \"SKD\" . ?subject coy:hasTotalSeatsPerYear ?seats . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3007", "question": [ { "string": "How many seats are available annually at the airport identified as 'SKD'?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?seats WHERE { ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"airport\" . ?subject coy:hasId \"SKD\" . ?subject coy:hasTotalSeatsPerYear ?seats . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3008", "question": [ { "string": "What is the size class of the port with the label 'Juneau'?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?sizeClass WHERE { ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"port\" . ?subject rdfs:label \"Juneau\" . ?subject wpi:hasPortSize ?sizeClass . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3009", "question": [ { "string": "What is the size category of the port labeled as 'Juneau'?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?sizeClass WHERE { ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"port\" . ?subject rdfs:label \"Juneau\" . ?subject wpi:hasPortSize ?sizeClass . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3010", "question": [ { "string": "What is the latitude of the port with the ID 'AUDKB'?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?latitude WHERE { ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"airport\" . ?subject coy:hasId \"AUDKB\" . ?subject coy:hasLatitude ?latitude . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3011", "question": [ { "string": "What is the latitude of the port identified as 'AUDKB'?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT ?latitude WHERE { ?subject coy:hasInfrastructureType \"airport\" . ?subject coy:hasId \"AUDKB\" . ?subject coy:hasLatitude ?latitude . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3012", "question": [ { "string": "How many ports have 'fuel oil' supplies available?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT (COUNT(?port) AS ?count) WHERE { ?port wpi:hasSuppliesFuelOil true }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3013", "question": [ { "string": "How many ports offer supplies of 'fuel oil'?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT (COUNT(?port) AS ?count) WHERE { ?port wpi:hasSuppliesFuelOil true }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3014", "question": [ { "string": "How many ports have 'provisions' supplies available?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT (COUNT(?port) AS ?count) WHERE { ?port wpi:hasSuppliesProvisions true }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3015", "question": [ { "string": "How many ports have available supplies of 'provisions'?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT (COUNT(?port) AS ?count) WHERE { ?port wpi:hasSuppliesProvisions true }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3016", "question": [ { "string": "How many ports require 'Tide restriction'?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT (COUNT(?port) AS ?count) WHERE { ?port wpi:hasEntranceRestrictionTide true }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3017", "question": [ { "string": "How many ports have restrictions on the use of Tide?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT (COUNT(?port) AS ?count) WHERE { ?port wpi:hasEntranceRestrictionTide true }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3018", "question": [ { "string": "Is there a port with the port name 'Fushiki'?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "ASK WHERE { ?port wpi:hasPortName \"Fushiki\"^^xsd:string . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3019", "question": [ { "string": "Is there a port called Fushiki?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "ASK WHERE { ?port wpi:hasPortName \"Fushiki\"^^xsd:string . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3020", "question": [ { "string": "Is CASEI a coastal port?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "ASK WHERE { ?subject coy:hasId \"CASEI\" . ?subject a wpi:CoastalPort . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3021", "question": [ { "string": "Is the port with id 'CASEI' a coastal port?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "ASK WHERE { ?subject coy:hasId \"CASEI\" . ?subject a wpi:CoastalPort . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3022", "question": [ { "string": "How many ports have mobile cranes?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT (COUNT(?port) AS ?count) WHERE { ?port wpi:hasCranesMobile true . }" }, "answers": [ "" ] }, { "id": "3023", "question": [ { "string": "How many airports have a latitude below 40 degrees?", "language": "en" } ], "query": { "sparql": "SELECT (COUNT(?airport) AS ?count) WHERE { ?airport coy:hasLatitude ?latitude . FILTER(?latitude < 40) }" }, "answers": [ "" ] } ] }