## w*3.py # We could write programs like w*2.py, w*2+1.py, w*2+2.py all day, but # we're more intelligent than that. The pattern is easy to figure out. # # What does the following code output? First, a program we used to # notate ω*2. Then, a program we used to notate ω*2+1. Then, a program # we used to notate ω*2+2. And so on forever. So the following program # is an ION (all its outputs are IONs), notating the ordinal after # ω*2, ω*2+1, ω*2+2, ..., namely: ω*2+ω, i.e., ω*3. X=""" X=\"\"\" X=\\\"\\\" while True: output(X) X = \\\"output(\\\'\\\" + escape(X) + \\\"\\\')\\\" \"\"\" while True: output(X) X = \"output(\'\'\'\" + escape(X) + \"\'\'\')\" """ while True: output(X) X = "output(\"\"\"" + escape(X) + "\"\"\")"