## w^3+w^2.py # To get from ω^3 to ω^3+ω^2, let's take w^2.py and change the # initial X-value from "" to w^3.py. Verify that the first few # outputs of this program notate ω^3, ω^3+ω, ω^3+ω*2, ..., # so this program notates ω^3+ω*ω, i.e., ω^3+ω^2. # NOTE: If you see "INSERT_FILE", that's a util signal. The # compiled ION is obtained by replacing the INSERT_FILE with an # escaped copy of the contents of w^3.py. TEMPLATE=""" X='''___''' while True: output(X) X='output(\"""' + escape(X) + '\""")' """ X= while True: output(X) X = TEMPLATE.replace('___', escape(X))