## w^w.py # By meditating upon w.py, w^2.py, w^3.py, and w^4.py, we discern an # underlying pattern, which allows us to write a single program that # transcends them. This program involves an infinite sequence of # wildcards X1, X2, X3, ..., and super-wildcards XX and Xi. Verify # that the first few outputs notate 1, ω, ω^2, ω^3, ω^4. X= TEMPLATE=""" TEMPLATE = '''XX'''.replace('=\\""', '=\\\"\"\"Xi\"\"\"') Xi="" while True: output(Xi) Xi = TEMPLATE.replace(\"Xi\", escape(Xi)) """ i = 0 while True: output(X) i += 1 Xi = "X" + str(i) X = TEMPLATE.replace('XX', escape(X)).replace('Xi', Xi)