# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Test named *subm* are (c) W3C and taken from the Turtle submission. @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix mf: . @prefix qt: . @prefix rdft: . <> rdf:type mf:Manifest ; rdfs:comment "Turtle tests" ; mf:entries ( # atomic tests <#IRI_subject> <#IRI_with_four_digit_numeric_escape> <#IRI_with_eight_digit_numeric_escape> <#IRI_with_all_punctuation> <#bareword_a_predicate> <#old_style_prefix> <#SPARQL_style_prefix> <#prefixed_IRI_predicate> <#prefixed_IRI_object> <#prefix_only_IRI> <#prefix_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries> <#prefix_with_non_leading_extras> <#default_namespace_IRI> <#prefix_reassigned_and_used> <#reserved_escaped_localName> <#percent_escaped_localName> <#HYPHEN_MINUS_in_localName> <#underscore_in_localName> <#localname_with_COLON> <#localName_with_assigned_nfc_bmp_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries> <#localName_with_assigned_nfc_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries> <#localName_with_nfc_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries> <#localName_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries> <#localName_with_leading_underscore> <#localName_with_leading_digit> <#localName_with_non_leading_extras> <#old_style_base> <#SPARQL_style_base> <#labeled_blank_node_subject> <#labeled_blank_node_object> <#labeled_blank_node_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries> <#labeled_blank_node_with_leading_underscore> <#labeled_blank_node_with_leading_digit> <#labeled_blank_node_with_non_leading_extras> <#anonymous_blank_node_subject> <#anonymous_blank_node_object> <#sole_blankNodePropertyList> <#blankNodePropertyList_as_subject> <#blankNodePropertyList_as_object> <#blankNodePropertyList_with_multiple_triples> <#nested_blankNodePropertyLists> <#blankNodePropertyList_containing_collection> <#collection_subject> <#collection_object> <#empty_collection> <#nested_collection> <#first> <#last> <#LITERAL1> <#LITERAL1_ascii_boundaries> <#LITERAL1_with_UTF8_boundaries> <#LITERAL1_all_controls> <#LITERAL1_all_punctuation> <#LITERAL_LONG1> <#LITERAL_LONG1_ascii_boundaries> <#LITERAL_LONG1_with_UTF8_boundaries> <#LITERAL_LONG1_with_1_squote> <#LITERAL_LONG1_with_2_squotes> <#LITERAL2> <#LITERAL2_ascii_boundaries> <#LITERAL2_with_UTF8_boundaries> <#LITERAL_LONG2> <#LITERAL_LONG2_ascii_boundaries> <#LITERAL_LONG2_with_UTF8_boundaries> <#LITERAL_LONG2_with_1_squote> <#LITERAL_LONG2_with_2_squotes> <#literal_with_CHARACTER_TABULATION> <#literal_with_BACKSPACE> <#literal_with_LINE_FEED> <#literal_with_CARRIAGE_RETURN> <#literal_with_FORM_FEED> <#literal_with_REVERSE_SOLIDUS> <#literal_with_escaped_CHARACTER_TABULATION> <#literal_with_escaped_BACKSPACE> <#literal_with_escaped_LINE_FEED> <#literal_with_escaped_CARRIAGE_RETURN> <#literal_with_escaped_FORM_FEED> <#literal_with_numeric_escape4> <#literal_with_numeric_escape8> <#IRIREF_datatype> <#prefixed_name_datatype> <#bareword_integer> <#bareword_decimal> <#bareword_double> <#double_lower_case_e> <#negative_numeric> <#positive_numeric> <#numeric_with_leading_0> <#literal_true> <#literal_false> <#langtagged_non_LONG> <#langtagged_LONG> <#lantag_with_subtag> <#objectList_with_two_objects> <#predicateObjectList_with_two_objectLists> <#repeated_semis_at_end> <#repeated_semis_not_at_end> # original tests-ttl <#turtle-syntax-file-01> <#turtle-syntax-file-02> <#turtle-syntax-file-03> <#turtle-syntax-uri-01> <#turtle-syntax-uri-02> <#turtle-syntax-uri-03> <#turtle-syntax-uri-04> <#turtle-syntax-base-01> <#turtle-syntax-base-02> <#turtle-syntax-base-03> <#turtle-syntax-base-04> <#turtle-syntax-prefix-01> <#turtle-syntax-prefix-02> <#turtle-syntax-prefix-03> <#turtle-syntax-prefix-04> <#turtle-syntax-prefix-05> <#turtle-syntax-prefix-06> <#turtle-syntax-prefix-07> <#turtle-syntax-prefix-08> <#turtle-syntax-prefix-09> <#turtle-syntax-string-01> <#turtle-syntax-string-02> <#turtle-syntax-string-03> <#turtle-syntax-string-04> <#turtle-syntax-string-05> <#turtle-syntax-string-06> <#turtle-syntax-string-07> <#turtle-syntax-string-08> <#turtle-syntax-string-09> <#turtle-syntax-string-10> <#turtle-syntax-string-11> <#turtle-syntax-str-esc-01> <#turtle-syntax-str-esc-02> <#turtle-syntax-str-esc-03> <#turtle-syntax-pname-esc-01> <#turtle-syntax-pname-esc-02> <#turtle-syntax-pname-esc-03> <#turtle-syntax-bnode-01> <#turtle-syntax-bnode-02> <#turtle-syntax-bnode-03> <#turtle-syntax-bnode-04> <#turtle-syntax-bnode-05> <#turtle-syntax-bnode-06> <#turtle-syntax-bnode-07> <#turtle-syntax-bnode-08> <#turtle-syntax-bnode-09> <#turtle-syntax-bnode-10> <#turtle-syntax-number-01> <#turtle-syntax-number-02> <#turtle-syntax-number-03> <#turtle-syntax-number-04> <#turtle-syntax-number-05> <#turtle-syntax-number-06> <#turtle-syntax-number-07> <#turtle-syntax-number-08> <#turtle-syntax-number-09> <#turtle-syntax-number-10> <#turtle-syntax-number-11> <#turtle-syntax-datatypes-01> <#turtle-syntax-datatypes-02> <#turtle-syntax-kw-01> <#turtle-syntax-kw-02> <#turtle-syntax-kw-03> <#turtle-syntax-struct-01> <#turtle-syntax-struct-02> <#turtle-syntax-struct-03> <#turtle-syntax-struct-04> <#turtle-syntax-struct-05> <#turtle-syntax-lists-01> <#turtle-syntax-lists-02> <#turtle-syntax-lists-03> <#turtle-syntax-lists-04> <#turtle-syntax-lists-05> <#turtle-syntax-bad-uri-01> <#turtle-syntax-bad-uri-02> <#turtle-syntax-bad-uri-03> <#turtle-syntax-bad-uri-04> <#turtle-syntax-bad-uri-05> <#turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-01> <#turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-02> <#turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-03> <#turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-04> <#turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-05> <#turtle-syntax-bad-base-01> <#turtle-syntax-bad-base-02> <#turtle-syntax-bad-base-03> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-01> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-02> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-03> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-04> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-05> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-06> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-07> <#turtle-syntax-bad-kw-01> <#turtle-syntax-bad-kw-02> <#turtle-syntax-bad-kw-03> <#turtle-syntax-bad-kw-04> <#turtle-syntax-bad-kw-05> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-01> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-02> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-03> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-04> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-05> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-06> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-07> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-08> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-09> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-10> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-11> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-12> <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-13> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-08> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-09> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-10> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-11> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-12> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-13> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-14> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-15> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-16> <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-17> <#turtle-syntax-bad-lang-01> <#turtle-syntax-bad-esc-01> <#turtle-syntax-bad-esc-02> <#turtle-syntax-bad-esc-03> <#turtle-syntax-bad-esc-04> <#turtle-syntax-bad-pname-01> <#turtle-syntax-bad-pname-02> <#turtle-syntax-bad-pname-03> <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-01> <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-02> <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-03> <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-04> <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-05> <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-06> <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-07> <#turtle-syntax-bad-num-01> <#turtle-syntax-bad-num-02> <#turtle-syntax-bad-num-03> <#turtle-syntax-bad-num-04> <#turtle-syntax-bad-num-05> <#turtle-eval-struct-01> <#turtle-eval-struct-02> <#turtle-subm-01> <#turtle-subm-02> <#turtle-subm-03> <#turtle-subm-04> <#turtle-subm-05> <#turtle-subm-06> <#turtle-subm-07> <#turtle-subm-08> <#turtle-subm-09> <#turtle-subm-10> <#turtle-subm-11> <#turtle-subm-12> <#turtle-subm-13> <#turtle-subm-14> <#turtle-subm-15> <#turtle-subm-16> <#turtle-subm-17> <#turtle-subm-18> <#turtle-subm-19> <#turtle-subm-20> <#turtle-subm-21> <#turtle-subm-22> <#turtle-subm-23> <#turtle-subm-24> <#turtle-subm-25> <#turtle-subm-26> <#turtle-subm-27> <#turtle-eval-bad-01> <#turtle-eval-bad-02> <#turtle-eval-bad-03> <#turtle-eval-bad-04> # tests from Dave Beckett # http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Turtle_Candidate_Recommendation_Comments#c28 <#LITERAL_LONG2_with_REVERSE_SOLIDUS> <#turtle-syntax-bad-LITERAL2_with_langtag_and_datatype> <#two_LITERAL_LONG2s> <#langtagged_LONG_with_subtag> # tests from David Robillard # http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Turtle_Candidate_Recommendation_Comments#c21 <#turtle-syntax-bad-blank-label-dot-end> <#turtle-syntax-bad-ln-dash-start> <#turtle-syntax-bad-ln-escape-start> <#turtle-syntax-bad-ln-escape> <#turtle-syntax-bad-missing-ns-dot-end> <#turtle-syntax-bad-missing-ns-dot-start> <#turtle-syntax-bad-ns-dot-end> <#turtle-syntax-bad-ns-dot-start> <#turtle-syntax-bad-number-dot-in-anon> <#turtle-syntax-blank-label> <#turtle-syntax-ln-colons> <#turtle-syntax-ln-dots> <#turtle-syntax-ns-dots> ) . # atomic tests <#IRI_subject> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "IRI_subject" ; rdfs:comment "IRI subject" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#IRI_with_four_digit_numeric_escape> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "IRI_with_four_digit_numeric_escape" ; rdfs:comment "IRI with four digit numeric escape (\\u)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#IRI_with_eight_digit_numeric_escape> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "IRI_with_eight_digit_numeric_escape" ; rdfs:comment "IRI with eight digit numeric escape (\\U)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#IRI_with_all_punctuation> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "IRI_with_all_punctuation" ; rdfs:comment "IRI with all punctuation" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#bareword_a_predicate> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "bareword_a_predicate" ; rdfs:comment "bareword a predicate" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#old_style_prefix> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "old_style_prefix" ; rdfs:comment "old-style prefix" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#SPARQL_style_prefix> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "SPARQL_style_prefix" ; rdfs:comment "SPARQL-style prefix" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#prefixed_IRI_predicate> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "prefixed_IRI_predicate" ; rdfs:comment "prefixed IRI predicate" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#prefixed_IRI_object> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "prefixed_IRI_object" ; rdfs:comment "prefixed IRI object" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#prefix_only_IRI> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "prefix_only_IRI" ; rdfs:comment "prefix-only IRI (p:)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#prefix_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "prefix_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "prefix with PN CHARS BASE character boundaries (prefix: AZazÀÖØöø...:)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#prefix_with_non_leading_extras> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "prefix_with_non_leading_extras" ; rdfs:comment "prefix with_non_leading_extras (_:a·̀ͯ‿.⁀)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#localName_with_assigned_nfc_bmp_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "localName_with_assigned_nfc_bmp_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "localName with assigned, NFC-normalized, basic-multilingual-plane PN CHARS BASE character boundaries (p:AZazÀÖØöø...)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#localName_with_assigned_nfc_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "localName_with_assigned_nfc_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "localName with assigned, NFC-normalized PN CHARS BASE character boundaries (p:AZazÀÖØöø...)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#localName_with_nfc_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "localName_with_nfc_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "localName with nfc-normalize PN CHARS BASE character boundaries (p:AZazÀÖØöø...)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#localName_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "localName_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "localName with PN CHARS BASE character boundaries (p:AZazÀÖØöø...)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#default_namespace_IRI> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "default_namespace_IRI" ; rdfs:comment "default namespace IRI (:ln)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#prefix_reassigned_and_used> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "prefix_reassigned_and_used" ; rdfs:comment "prefix reassigned and used" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#reserved_escaped_localName> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "reserved_escaped_localName" ; rdfs:comment "reserved-escaped local name" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#percent_escaped_localName> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "percent_escaped_localName" ; rdfs:comment "percent-escaped local name" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#HYPHEN_MINUS_in_localName> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "HYPHEN_MINUS_in_localName" ; rdfs:comment "HYPHEN-MINUS in local name" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#underscore_in_localName> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "underscore_in_localName" ; rdfs:comment "underscore in local name" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#localname_with_COLON> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "localname_with_COLON" ; rdfs:comment "localname with COLON" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#localName_with_leading_underscore> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "localName_with_leading_underscore" ; rdfs:comment "localName with leading underscore (p:_)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#localName_with_leading_digit> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "localName_with_leading_digit" ; rdfs:comment "localName with leading digit (p:_)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#localName_with_non_leading_extras> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "localName_with_non_leading_extras" ; rdfs:comment "localName with_non_leading_extras (_:a·̀ͯ‿.⁀)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#old_style_base> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "old_style_base" ; rdfs:comment "old-style base" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#SPARQL_style_base> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "SPARQL_style_base" ; rdfs:comment "SPARQL-style base" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#labeled_blank_node_subject> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "labeled_blank_node_subject" ; rdfs:comment "labeled blank node subject" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#labeled_blank_node_object> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "labeled_blank_node_object" ; rdfs:comment "labeled blank node object" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#labeled_blank_node_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "labeled_blank_node_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "labeled blank node with PN_CHARS_BASE character boundaries (_:AZazÀÖØöø...)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#labeled_blank_node_with_leading_underscore> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "labeled_blank_node_with_leading_underscore" ; rdfs:comment "labeled blank node with_leading_underscore (_:_)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#labeled_blank_node_with_leading_digit> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "labeled_blank_node_with_leading_digit" ; rdfs:comment "labeled blank node with_leading_digit (_:0)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#labeled_blank_node_with_non_leading_extras> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "labeled_blank_node_with_non_leading_extras" ; rdfs:comment "labeled blank node with_non_leading_extras (_:a·̀ͯ‿.⁀)" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#anonymous_blank_node_subject> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "anonymous_blank_node_subject" ; rdfs:comment "anonymous blank node subject" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#anonymous_blank_node_object> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "anonymous_blank_node_object" ; rdfs:comment "anonymous blank node object" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#sole_blankNodePropertyList> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "sole_blankNodePropertyList" ; rdfs:comment "sole blankNodePropertyList [

] ." ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#blankNodePropertyList_as_subject> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "blankNodePropertyList_as_subject" ; rdfs:comment "blankNodePropertyList as subject [ … ]

." ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#blankNodePropertyList_as_object> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "blankNodePropertyList_as_object" ; rdfs:comment "blankNodePropertyList as object

[ … ] ." ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#blankNodePropertyList_with_multiple_triples> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "blankNodePropertyList_with_multiple_triples" ; rdfs:comment "blankNodePropertyList with multiple triples [

; ]" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#nested_blankNodePropertyLists> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "nested_blankNodePropertyLists" ; rdfs:comment "nested blankNodePropertyLists [ [ ] ; ]" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#blankNodePropertyList_containing_collection> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "blankNodePropertyList_containing_collection" ; rdfs:comment "blankNodePropertyList containing collection [ ( … ) ]" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#collection_subject> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "collection_subject" ; rdfs:comment "collection subject" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#collection_object> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "collection_object" ; rdfs:comment "collection object" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#empty_collection> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "empty_collection" ; rdfs:comment "empty collection ()" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#nested_collection> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "nested_collection" ; rdfs:comment "nested collection (())" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#first> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "first" ; rdfs:comment "first, not last, non-empty nested collection" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#last> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "last" ; rdfs:comment "last, not first, non-empty nested collection" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL1> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL1" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL1 'x'" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL1_ascii_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL1_ascii_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL1_ascii_boundaries '\\x00\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e\\x26\\x28...'" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL1_with_UTF8_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL1_with_UTF8_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL1_with_UTF8_boundaries '\\x80\\x7ff\\x800\\xfff...'" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL1_all_controls> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL1_all_controls" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL1_all_controls '\\x00\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04...'" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL1_all_punctuation> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL1_all_punctuation" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL1_all_punctuation '!\"#$%&()...'" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL_LONG1> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL_LONG1" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL_LONG1 '''x'''" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL_LONG1_ascii_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL_LONG1_ascii_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL_LONG1_ascii_boundaries '\\x00\\x26\\x28...'" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL_LONG1_with_UTF8_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL_LONG1_with_UTF8_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL_LONG1_with_UTF8_boundaries '\\x80\\x7ff\\x800\\xfff...'" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL_LONG1_with_1_squote> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL_LONG1_with_1_squote" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL_LONG1 with 1 squote '''a'b'''" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL_LONG1_with_2_squotes> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL_LONG1_with_2_squotes" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL_LONG1 with 2 squotes '''a''b'''" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL2> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL2" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL2 \"x\"" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL2_ascii_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL2_ascii_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL2_ascii_boundaries '\\x00\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e\\x21\\x23...'" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL2_with_UTF8_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL2_with_UTF8_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL2_with_UTF8_boundaries '\\x80\\x7ff\\x800\\xfff...'" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL_LONG2> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL_LONG2" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL_LONG2 \"\"\"x\"\"\"" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL_LONG2_ascii_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL_LONG2_ascii_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL_LONG2_ascii_boundaries '\\x00\\x21\\x23...'" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL_LONG2_with_UTF8_boundaries> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL_LONG2_with_UTF8_boundaries" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL_LONG2_with_UTF8_boundaries '\\x80\\x7ff\\x800\\xfff...'" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL_LONG2_with_1_squote> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL_LONG2_with_1_squote" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL_LONG2 with 1 squote \"\"\"a\"b\"\"\"" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#LITERAL_LONG2_with_2_squotes> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL_LONG2_with_2_squotes" ; rdfs:comment "LITERAL_LONG2 with 2 squotes \"\"\"a\"\"b\"\"\"" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_CHARACTER_TABULATION> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_CHARACTER_TABULATION" ; rdfs:comment "literal with CHARACTER TABULATION" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_BACKSPACE> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_BACKSPACE" ; rdfs:comment "literal with BACKSPACE" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_LINE_FEED> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_LINE_FEED" ; rdfs:comment "literal with LINE FEED" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_CARRIAGE_RETURN> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_CARRIAGE_RETURN" ; rdfs:comment "literal with CARRIAGE RETURN" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_FORM_FEED> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_FORM_FEED" ; rdfs:comment "literal with FORM FEED" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_REVERSE_SOLIDUS> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_REVERSE_SOLIDUS" ; rdfs:comment "literal with REVERSE SOLIDUS" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_escaped_CHARACTER_TABULATION> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_escaped_CHARACTER_TABULATION" ; rdfs:comment "literal with escaped CHARACTER TABULATION" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_escaped_BACKSPACE> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_escaped_BACKSPACE" ; rdfs:comment "literal with escaped BACKSPACE" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_escaped_LINE_FEED> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_escaped_LINE_FEED" ; rdfs:comment "literal with escaped LINE FEED" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_escaped_CARRIAGE_RETURN> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_escaped_CARRIAGE_RETURN" ; rdfs:comment "literal with escaped CARRIAGE RETURN" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_escaped_FORM_FEED> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_escaped_FORM_FEED" ; rdfs:comment "literal with escaped FORM FEED" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_numeric_escape4> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_numeric_escape4" ; rdfs:comment "literal with numeric escape4 \\u" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_with_numeric_escape8> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_with_numeric_escape8" ; rdfs:comment "literal with numeric escape8 \\U" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#IRIREF_datatype> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "IRIREF_datatype" ; rdfs:comment "IRIREF datatype \"\"^^" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#prefixed_name_datatype> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "prefixed_name_datatype" ; rdfs:comment "prefixed name datatype \"\"^^p:t" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#bareword_integer> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "bareword_integer" ; rdfs:comment "bareword integer" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#bareword_decimal> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "bareword_decimal" ; rdfs:comment "bareword decimal" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#bareword_double> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "bareword_double" ; rdfs:comment "bareword double" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#double_lower_case_e> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "double_lower_case_e" ; rdfs:comment "double lower case e" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#negative_numeric> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "negative_numeric" ; rdfs:comment "negative numeric" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#positive_numeric> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "positive_numeric" ; rdfs:comment "positive numeric" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#numeric_with_leading_0> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "numeric_with_leading_0" ; rdfs:comment "numeric with leading 0" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_true> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_true" ; rdfs:comment "literal true" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#literal_false> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "literal_false" ; rdfs:comment "literal false" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#langtagged_non_LONG> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "langtagged_non_LONG" ; rdfs:comment "langtagged non-LONG \"x\"@en" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#langtagged_LONG> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "langtagged_LONG" ; rdfs:comment "langtagged LONG \"\"\"x\"\"\"@en" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#lantag_with_subtag> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "lantag_with_subtag" ; rdfs:comment "lantag with subtag \"x\"@en-us" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#objectList_with_two_objects> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "objectList_with_two_objects" ; rdfs:comment "objectList with two objects … ," ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#predicateObjectList_with_two_objectLists> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "predicateObjectList_with_two_objectLists" ; rdfs:comment "predicateObjectList with two objectLists … ," ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#repeated_semis_at_end> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "repeated_semis_at_end" ; rdfs:comment "repeated semis at end

;; ." ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#repeated_semis_not_at_end> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "repeated_semis_not_at_end" ; rdfs:comment "repeated semis not at end

;;." ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . # original tests-ttl <#turtle-syntax-file-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-file-01" ; rdfs:comment "Empty file" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-file-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-file-02" ; rdfs:comment "Only comment" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-file-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-file-03" ; rdfs:comment "One comment, one empty line" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-uri-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-uri-01" ; rdfs:comment "Only IRIs" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-uri-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-uri-02" ; rdfs:comment "IRIs with Unicode escape" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-uri-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-uri-03" ; rdfs:comment "IRIs with long Unicode escape" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-uri-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-uri-04" ; rdfs:comment "Legal IRIs" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-base-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-base-01" ; rdfs:comment "@base" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-base-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-base-02" ; rdfs:comment "BASE" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-base-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-base-03" ; rdfs:comment "@base with relative IRIs" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-base-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-base-04" ; rdfs:comment "base with relative IRIs" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-prefix-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-prefix-01" ; rdfs:comment "@prefix" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-prefix-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-prefix-02" ; rdfs:comment "PreFIX" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-prefix-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-prefix-03" ; rdfs:comment "Empty PREFIX" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-prefix-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-prefix-04" ; rdfs:comment "Empty @prefix with % escape" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-prefix-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-prefix-05" ; rdfs:comment "@prefix with no suffix" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-prefix-06> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-prefix-06" ; rdfs:comment "colon is a legal pname character" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-prefix-07> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-prefix-07" ; rdfs:comment "dash is a legal pname character" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-prefix-08> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-prefix-08" ; rdfs:comment "underscore is a legal pname character" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-prefix-09> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-prefix-09" ; rdfs:comment "percents in pnames" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-string-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-string-01" ; rdfs:comment "string literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-string-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-string-02" ; rdfs:comment "langString literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-string-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-string-03" ; rdfs:comment "langString literal with region" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-string-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-string-04" ; rdfs:comment "squote string literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-string-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-string-05" ; rdfs:comment "squote langString literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-string-06> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-string-06" ; rdfs:comment "squote langString literal with region" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-string-07> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-string-07" ; rdfs:comment "long string literal with embedded single- and double-quotes" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-string-08> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-string-08" ; rdfs:comment "long string literal with embedded newline" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-string-09> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-string-09" ; rdfs:comment "squote long string literal with embedded single- and double-quotes" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-string-10> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-string-10" ; rdfs:comment "long langString literal with embedded newline" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-string-11> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-string-11" ; rdfs:comment "squote long langString literal with embedded newline" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-str-esc-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-str-esc-01" ; rdfs:comment "string literal with escaped newline" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-str-esc-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-str-esc-02" ; rdfs:comment "string literal with Unicode escape" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-str-esc-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-str-esc-03" ; rdfs:comment "string literal with long Unicode escape" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-pname-esc-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-pname-esc-01" ; rdfs:comment "pname with back-slash escapes" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-pname-esc-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-pname-esc-02" ; rdfs:comment "pname with back-slash escapes (2)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-pname-esc-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-pname-esc-03" ; rdfs:comment "pname with back-slash escapes (3)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bnode-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bnode-01" ; rdfs:comment "bnode subject" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bnode-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bnode-02" ; rdfs:comment "bnode object" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bnode-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bnode-03" ; rdfs:comment "bnode property list object" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bnode-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bnode-04" ; rdfs:comment "bnode property list object (2)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bnode-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bnode-05" ; rdfs:comment "bnode property list subject" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bnode-06> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bnode-06" ; rdfs:comment "labeled bnode subject" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bnode-07> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bnode-07" ; rdfs:comment "labeled bnode subject and object" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bnode-08> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bnode-08" ; rdfs:comment "bare bnode property list" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bnode-09> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bnode-09" ; rdfs:comment "bnode property list" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bnode-10> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bnode-10" ; rdfs:comment "mixed bnode property list and triple" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-number-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-number-01" ; rdfs:comment "integer literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-number-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-number-02" ; rdfs:comment "negative integer literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-number-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-number-03" ; rdfs:comment "positive integer literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-number-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-number-04" ; rdfs:comment "decimal literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-number-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-number-05" ; rdfs:comment "decimal literal (no leading digits)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-number-06> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-number-06" ; rdfs:comment "negative decimal literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-number-07> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-number-07" ; rdfs:comment "positive decimal literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-number-08> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-number-08" ; rdfs:comment "integer literal with decimal lexical confusion" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-number-09> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-number-09" ; rdfs:comment "double literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-number-10> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-number-10" ; rdfs:comment "negative double literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-number-11> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-number-11" ; rdfs:comment "double literal no fraction" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-datatypes-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-datatypes-01" ; rdfs:comment "xsd:byte literal" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-datatypes-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-datatypes-02" ; rdfs:comment "integer as xsd:string" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-kw-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-kw-01" ; rdfs:comment "boolean literal (true)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-kw-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-kw-02" ; rdfs:comment "boolean literal (false)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-kw-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-kw-03" ; rdfs:comment "'a' as keyword" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-struct-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-struct-01" ; rdfs:comment "object list" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-struct-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-struct-02" ; rdfs:comment "predicate list with object list" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-struct-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-struct-03" ; rdfs:comment "predicate list with object list and dangling ';'" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-struct-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-struct-04" ; rdfs:comment "predicate list with multiple ;;" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-struct-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-struct-05" ; rdfs:comment "predicate list with multiple ;;" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-lists-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-lists-01" ; rdfs:comment "empty list" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-lists-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-lists-02" ; rdfs:comment "mixed list" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-lists-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-lists-03" ; rdfs:comment "isomorphic list as subject and object" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-lists-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-lists-04" ; rdfs:comment "lists of lists" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-lists-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-lists-05" ; rdfs:comment "mixed lists with embedded lists" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-uri-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-uri-01" ; rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : space (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-uri-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-uri-02" ; rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : bad escape (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-uri-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-uri-03" ; rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : bad long escape (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-uri-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-uri-04" ; rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : character escapes not allowed (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-uri-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-uri-05" ; rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : character escapes not allowed (2) (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-01" ; rdfs:comment "No prefix (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-02" ; rdfs:comment "No prefix (2) (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-03" ; rdfs:comment "@prefix without URI (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-04" ; rdfs:comment "@prefix without prefix name (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-prefix-05" ; rdfs:comment "@prefix without ':' (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-base-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-base-01" ; rdfs:comment "@base without URI (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-base-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-base-02" ; rdfs:comment "@base in wrong case (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-base-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-base-03" ; rdfs:comment "BASE without URI (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-01" ; rdfs:comment "Turtle is not TriG (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-02" ; rdfs:comment "Turtle is not N3 (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-03" ; rdfs:comment "Turtle is not NQuads (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-04" ; rdfs:comment "Turtle does not allow literals-as-subjects (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-05" ; rdfs:comment "Turtle does not allow literals-as-predicates (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-06> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-06" ; rdfs:comment "Turtle does not allow bnodes-as-predicates (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-07> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-07" ; rdfs:comment "Turtle does not allow labeled bnodes-as-predicates (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-kw-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-kw-01" ; rdfs:comment "'A' is not a keyword (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-kw-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-kw-02" ; rdfs:comment "'a' cannot be used as subject (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-kw-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-kw-03" ; rdfs:comment "'a' cannot be used as object (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-kw-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-kw-04" ; rdfs:comment "'true' cannot be used as subject (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-kw-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-kw-05" ; rdfs:comment "'true' cannot be used as object (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-01" ; rdfs:comment "{} fomulae not in Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-02" ; rdfs:comment "= is not Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-03" ; rdfs:comment "N3 paths not in Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-04" ; rdfs:comment "N3 paths not in Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-05" ; rdfs:comment "N3 is...of not in Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-06> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-06" ; rdfs:comment "N3 paths not in Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-07> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-07" ; rdfs:comment "@keywords is not Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-08> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-08" ; rdfs:comment "@keywords is not Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-09> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-09" ; rdfs:comment "=> is not Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-10> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-10" ; rdfs:comment "<= is not Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-11> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-11" ; rdfs:comment "@forSome is not Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-12> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-12" ; rdfs:comment "@forAll is not Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-13> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-n3-extras-13" ; rdfs:comment "@keywords is not Turtle (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-08> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-08" ; rdfs:comment "missing '.' (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-09> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-09" ; rdfs:comment "extra '.' (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-10> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-10" ; rdfs:comment "extra '.' (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-11> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-11" ; rdfs:comment "trailing ';' no '.' (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-12> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-12" ; rdfs:comment "subject, predicate, no object (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-13> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-13" ; rdfs:comment "subject, predicate, no object (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-14> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-14" ; rdfs:comment "literal as subject (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-15> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-15" ; rdfs:comment "literal as predicate (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-16> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-16" ; rdfs:comment "bnode as predicate (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-struct-17> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-struct-17" ; rdfs:comment "labeled bnode as predicate (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-lang-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-lang-01" ; rdfs:comment "langString with bad lang (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-esc-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-esc-01" ; rdfs:comment "Bad string escape (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-esc-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-esc-02" ; rdfs:comment "Bad string escape (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-esc-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-esc-03" ; rdfs:comment "Bad string escape (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-esc-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-esc-04" ; rdfs:comment "Bad string escape (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-pname-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-pname-01" ; rdfs:comment "'~' must be escaped in pname (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-pname-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-pname-02" ; rdfs:comment "Bad %-sequence in pname (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-pname-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-pname-03" ; rdfs:comment "Bad unicode escape in pname (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-string-01" ; rdfs:comment "mismatching string literal open/close (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-string-02" ; rdfs:comment "mismatching string literal open/close (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-string-03" ; rdfs:comment "mismatching string literal long/short (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-string-04" ; rdfs:comment "mismatching long string literal open/close (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-string-05" ; rdfs:comment "Long literal with missing end (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-06> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-string-06" ; rdfs:comment "Long literal with extra quote (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-string-07> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-string-07" ; rdfs:comment "Long literal with extra squote (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-num-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-num-01" ; rdfs:comment "Bad number format (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-num-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-num-02" ; rdfs:comment "Bad number format (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-num-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-num-03" ; rdfs:comment "Bad number format (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-num-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-num-04" ; rdfs:comment "Bad number format (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-num-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-num-05" ; rdfs:comment "Bad number format (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-eval-struct-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-eval-struct-01" ; rdfs:comment "triple with IRIs" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-eval-struct-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-eval-struct-02" ; rdfs:comment "triple with IRIs and embedded whitespace" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-01" ; rdfs:comment "Blank subject" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-02" ; rdfs:comment "@prefix and qnames" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-03" ; rdfs:comment ", operator" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-04" ; rdfs:comment "; operator" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-05> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-05" ; rdfs:comment "empty [] as subject and object" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-06> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-06" ; rdfs:comment "non-empty [] as subject and object" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-07> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-07" ; rdfs:comment "'a' as predicate" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-08> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-08" ; rdfs:comment "simple collection" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-09> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-09" ; rdfs:comment "empty collection" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-10> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-10" ; rdfs:comment "integer datatyped literal" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-11> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-11" ; rdfs:comment "decimal integer canonicalization" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-12> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-12" ; rdfs:comment "- and _ in names and qnames" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-13> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-13" ; rdfs:comment "tests for rdf:_ and other qnames starting with _" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-14> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-14" ; rdfs:comment "bare : allowed" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-15> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-15" ; rdfs:comment "simple long literal" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-16> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-16" ; rdfs:comment "long literals with escapes" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-17> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-17" ; rdfs:comment "floating point number" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-18> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-18" ; rdfs:comment "empty literals, normal and long variant" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-19> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-19" ; rdfs:comment "positive integer, decimal and doubles" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-20> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-20" ; rdfs:comment "negative integer, decimal and doubles" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-21> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-21" ; rdfs:comment "long literal ending in double quote" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-22> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-22" ; rdfs:comment "boolean literals" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-23> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-23" ; rdfs:comment "comments" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-24> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-24" ; rdfs:comment "no final mewline" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-25> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-25" ; rdfs:comment "repeating a @prefix changes pname definition" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-26> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-26" ; rdfs:comment "Variations on decimal canonicalization" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-subm-27> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "turtle-subm-27" ; rdfs:comment "Repeating @base changes base for relative IRI lookup" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-eval-bad-01> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeEval ; mf:name "turtle-eval-bad-01" ; rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : good escape, bad charcater (negative evaluation test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-eval-bad-02> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeEval ; mf:name "turtle-eval-bad-02" ; rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : hex 3C is < (negative evaluation test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-eval-bad-03> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeEval ; mf:name "turtle-eval-bad-03" ; rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : hex 3E is (negative evaluation test)" ; mf:action ; . <#turtle-eval-bad-04> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeEval ; mf:name "turtle-eval-bad-04" ; rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : {abc} (negative evaluation test)" ; mf:action ; . # tests from Dave Beckett # http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Turtle_Candidate_Recommendation_Comments#c28 <#LITERAL_LONG2_with_REVERSE_SOLIDUS> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "LITERAL_LONG2_with_REVERSE_SOLIDUS" ; rdfs:comment "REVERSE SOLIDUS at end of LITERAL_LONG2" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#turtle-syntax-bad-LITERAL2_with_langtag_and_datatype> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-num-05" ; rdfs:comment "Bad number format (negative test)" ; mf:action ; . <#two_LITERAL_LONG2s> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "two_LITERAL_LONG2s" ; rdfs:comment "two LITERAL_LONG2s testing quote delimiter overrun" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . <#langtagged_LONG_with_subtag> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleEval ; mf:name "langtagged_LONG_with_subtag" ; rdfs:comment "langtagged LONG with subtag \"\"\"Cheers\"\"\"@en-UK" ; mf:action ; mf:result ; . # tests from David Robillard # http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Turtle_Candidate_Recommendation_Comments#c21 <#turtle-syntax-bad-blank-label-dot-end> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Blank node label must not end in dot" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-blank-label-dot-end" ; mf:action . <#turtle-syntax-bad-number-dot-in-anon> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Dot delimeter may not appear in anonymous nodes" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-number-dot-in-anon" ; mf:action . <#turtle-syntax-bad-ln-dash-start> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Local name must not begin with dash" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-ln-dash-start" ; mf:action . <#turtle-syntax-bad-ln-escape> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Bad hex escape in local name" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-ln-escape" ; mf:action . <#turtle-syntax-bad-ln-escape-start> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Bad hex escape at start of local name" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-ln-escape-start" ; mf:action . <#turtle-syntax-bad-ns-dot-end> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Prefix must not end in dot" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-ns-dot-end" ; mf:action . <#turtle-syntax-bad-ns-dot-start> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Prefix must not start with dot" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-ns-dot-start" ; mf:action . <#turtle-syntax-bad-missing-ns-dot-end> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Prefix must not end in dot (error in triple, not prefix directive like turtle-syntax-bad-ns-dot-end)" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-missing-ns-dot-end" ; mf:action . <#turtle-syntax-bad-missing-ns-dot-start> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtleNegativeSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Prefix must not start with dot (error in triple, not prefix directive like turtle-syntax-bad-ns-dot-end)" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-bad-missing-ns-dot-start" ; mf:action . <#turtle-syntax-ln-dots> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Dots in pname local names" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-ln-dots" ; mf:action . <#turtle-syntax-ln-colons> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Colons in pname local names" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-ln-colons" ; mf:action . <#turtle-syntax-ns-dots> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Dots in namespace names" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-ns-dots" ; mf:action . <#turtle-syntax-blank-label> rdf:type rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax ; rdfs:comment "Characters allowed in blank node labels" ; mf:name "turtle-syntax-blank-label" ; mf:action .