# A Sublime-Text Plugin - Perl functions listing This plugin helps you immediately know where in the Perl file you are If adds to the status line a small "[PerlSubs: ]" mark, so you know in which function you are now. Also, upon pressing ctrl+alt+l, it opens a list of functions, and clicking on one will jump to it. ## Installation Drop it to your Sublime Text Plugin directory. on my computer (OSX) it is: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/PerlSubs ## Supported ST versions This plugin was tested with ST2 and 3. ## TODO Move the function name from the down-left corner to the down-right corner (where the important things are) In the list of functions, make the package names stand out Delayed scanning: do not scan the file immidiately on loading, nor on every change. scan it after the loading, and two seconds after the last change ## BUGS If the marker is below a function, but not in other function, the plugin will think that you are inside that function. Not big deal, for me. ## License and Copyright License: Perl Artistic 2 Copyright: Shmuel Fomberg, 2012