# load library require(MetaComp) # # configure runtime options(echo = TRUE) args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) # # print provided args print(paste("provided args: ", args)) # # acquire values srcFile <- args[1] destFile <- args[2] taxonomyLevelArg <- args[3] plotTitleArg <- args[4] plotFileArg <- args[5] # # extended functionality was added in the release #3, and we don't want to break the legacy systems # if (length(args) > 5) { rowLimitArg <- args[6] sortingOrderArg <- args[7] } else { rowLimitArg <- 60 sortingOrderArg <- "abundance" } # # read the data and produce the merged table merged <- merge_edge_assignments(load_edge_assignments(srcFile, type = "gottcha")) # # write the merge table as a TAB-delimeted file write.table(merged, file = destFile, col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = T, sep = "\t") # # produce a PDF of the merged assignment plot_merged_assignment(assignment = merged, taxonomy_level = taxonomyLevelArg, sorting_order = sortingOrderArg, row_limit = base::strtoi(rowLimitArg), plot_title = plotTitleArg, filename = plotFileArg)