// Object reference maker Object.prototype.$=function $(val){if(val)this.valueOf=this.toSource=this.toString=function(){return val};return val;}; var IDOK = 1; var IDCANCEL = 2; var IDABORT = 3; var IDRETRY = 4; var IDIGNORE = 5; var IDYES = 6; var IDNO = 7; window.onerror = errorHandler; // document.lvl=0; var ImagesInfo = new Array(); //====================================== // Public API //====================================== //-------------------------------------- // Gets a binary object for the memory protocol to display book images in the browser function FillCoverList() { return FillLists(); } function apiGetBinary(id) { var bin_objects=document.all.binobj.getElementsByTagName("DIV"); for(var i=0; ir'; if(type.search("image") != -1) { imghref = "fbw-internal:#" + curid; div.innerHTML += ''; div.innerHTML += ''; } div.innerHTML += ''; div.innerHTML += ''; if(type.search("image") != -1) { var Dims; if(fullpath != "") Dims = window.external.GetImageDimsByPath(fullpath); else Dims = window.external.GetImageDimsByData(data); 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