#!/bin/bash -e ca_cn="logstash-test-ca" org="Logstash Test" hosts="elk.demo.sensorfleet.com:server logstash-client:client" # some java versions/http output plugin do not support EC, use RSA for logstash primitive=rsa curve=secp384r1 rsakeysize=2048 hash=SHA384 openssl=/usr/bin/openssl rm -f *.crt *.key *.csr test -n "${openssl}" || { echo "set openssl binary path in environment, e.g. openssl=openssl ./keys.sh" echo "openssl version 1.1 or later is required for -addext parameter" exit 1 } # -addext basicConstraints=critical,CA:TRUE,pathlen:1 \ #"${openssl}" ecparam -genkey -name $curve -out ca.key "${openssl}" genrsa -out ca.key $rsakeysize "${openssl}" req -x509 \ -new -$hash -nodes -key ca.key -days 3650 -subj "/CN=$ca_cn/O=$org/C=FI" \ -out ca.crt for hostraw in $hosts; do host=$(echo $hostraw|cut -f 1 -d :) host_type=$(echo $hostraw|cut -f 2 -d :) echo "$host type $host_type" #"${openssl}" ecparam -genkey -name $curve -out $host.key "${openssl}" genrsa -out $host.key $rsakeysize echo "req" "${openssl}" req -new -$hash -key $host.key -nodes -out $host.csr \ -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:$host" \ -addext "certificatePolicies =" \ -addext "nsCertType = $host_type" \ -addext "extendedKeyUsage = ${host_type}Auth" \ -subj "/CN=$host/O=$org/C=FI" # logstash HTTP input plugin wants PKCS 1.5 ":D" # Convert the key to compatible format openssl pkcs8 -v2 des3 -in $host.key -topk8 -out ${host}_pk8.key -nocrypt echo "x509" "${openssl}" x509 -req -$hash -days 3650 -in $host.csr \ -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial \ -extfile <(printf "[ext]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:$host\nnsCertType = $host_type\nextendedKeyUsage=${host_type}Auth") \ -extensions ext \ -out $host.crt echo "print" "${openssl}" x509 -in $host.crt -noout -text done "${openssl}" x509 -in ca.crt -noout -text