Client side tensorflow

What we will cover ...

  • Jargon buster
  • 20,000 mile high overview of Tensorflow ecosystem
  • Training a model using TFPoets codelab scripts
  • Deployment on Android & iOS using TFLite
  • Tensorflow.js
  • Pros & cons of Client side
  • Possible usages & TOIL reduction
  • Learning

Jargon buster

Neural network

  • Transforms a set of inputs (features) into outputs (classifications)
  • Use a dataset to train - then measure classification accuracy (RMS)
  • Produces a Model which can used to classify input features

Transfer learning

  • Using pre-trained neural net which can be refined by just re-training the final layers
  • Requires less computation and less data to train


  • A set of image recognition models produced by google
  • Optimised for efficiency on mobile
  • Can be retrained for a specific purpose using transfer learning

Tensorflow Ecosystem

Tensorflow API

  • A dataflow API for numerical computation that builds a graph
  • Graph gets built then executed on hardware - CPU, GPU, TPU

Tensorflow Languages

  • Python : most advanced
  • Java (Kotlin)
  • JavaScript (New) - Tensorflow.js
  • Swift (Early stage)
  • Go
  • C / C++

Tensorflow API - Basics

  • The graph is is executed in a tf.Session()
  • Each tensorflow command has input and output data
  • The session holds the state
  • The graph execution can be parallelized where possible

Tensorflow sub-projects

  • Tensorflow.js : Javascript bindng for tensorflow
  • Tensorflow Lite : Optimised & efficient runtime for embedded / mobile devices
  • Tensorflow Mobile : TFLite's predecessor - less optimised but has more TF operations
  • Hub : Collaboration library to share tensorflow modules & components
  • TFX : Production utilites and optimisation
  • Magenta : Art and music experimentation projects

Training a model using TFPoets

Retraining - overview

  • Use MobileNet model as a base to perform transfer learning on a set of images
  • Use Tensorboard webapp to monitor progress and debug graph
  • Produces a model which can be used for classification

Retraining - Dataset

  • Collect lots of images (best == 1000s) into a directory
  • Example collected around 100 images from google of Trains
  • Labels : TGV, uk commuter, steam, freight, thomas the tank engine

Retraining - Run

  • Execute retrain script in tensorflow for poets
  • More steps give a better model (takes longer) 500 < steps < 5000+
  • Monitor progress with tensorboard

Tensorboard - initial

Tensorboard - in progress

Tensorboard - final

Tensorboard - graph

Tensorboard - drill down

Deploying on mobile

Tensorflow Lite (TFLite)

  • Optimised runtime for tensorflow models (Mobile/embedded)
  • Model is converted to .lite format using a tool called toco
  • Lite format uses FlatBuffers - memory mapped for efficiency
  • Only supports a subset of Tensorflow operations (No transfer learning) 😔

TFLite - Integration Android

Interpreter tflite = new Interpreter(loadModelFile());
List<String> labelList = loadLabelList(activity);
ByteBuffer imgData =
            4 * IMG_SIZE_X * IMG_SIZE_Y * DIM_PIXEL_SIZE);
labelProbArray = new float[1][labelList.size()];

// on image received
convertBitmapToByteBuffer(bitmap);, labelProbArray); 

TFLite - Integration iOS

std::vector<std::string> labels;
std::unique_ptr<tflite::FlatBufferModel> model;
tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver;
std::unique_ptr<tflite::Interpreter> interpreter;

// loading model and configure tflite instance
NSString* graph_path = FilePathForResourceName(model_file_name, model_file_type);
model = tflite::FlatBufferModel::BuildFromFile([graph_path UTF8String]);
LoadLabels(labels_file_name, labels_file_type, &labels);
tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver;
tflite::InterpreterBuilder(*model, resolver)(&interpreter);

// on image received
[self inputImageToModel:image]; 
float* probs = interpreter->typed_output_tensor<float>(0);

Results - Trainspotter app

Trainspotter - TGV

Trainspotter - Thomas

Trainspotter - Hugh


  • Javascript binding for the Tensorflow C library
  • Works in browser & NodeJS
  • Can do transfer learning / retraining
  • Can use WebGL (Linux only ATM) (Faster)
  • Can use browser sensor data directly to retrain models
  • Not as fast as native implementations - gets slower with larger models
  • Exporting models in development progress 😔

Tensorflow.js - installation & running

  • yarn add @tensorflow/tfjs
  • node getting-started.js <-- whatever file

Client side ML - Advantages 😎

  • "Free" compute power (for running NN and feature processing)
  • Free real-time high definition data
  • Low latency
  • Access to onboard devices and hardware (camera, sensors, mic)
  • Customer data security - data doesn't leave device
  • for TF.js can use device input for retraining

Client side ML - Disdvantages 😬

  • Power usage can be high
  • Need to lots of model & feature optimisation 😓

Usages/ideas .. toil reduction

  • Image recognition - read tickets & timetable boards (crowdsource real-time data)
  • Help assistant - Natural Language Processing
  • UI customisation for the user
  • Selleing extra products based on customer's present situation
  • ML becomes more useful as software complexity grows

Learning utilities

  1. TensorFlow for poets codelabs : Beginner
  2. Machine learning crash course : Nice ML intro
  3. TensorFlow tutorials : Deep dive into areas
  4. GDG cloud group - Monday meetups

Thanks 😃