<@ ModuleName @>
<@ ModuleName @>
<@ ModuleDesc @>
<@ Result @> <% if isDeleteFTP %>

<: Delete FTP account :>: <@ EditCurrentName @> ?

<: Please confirm that you want to delete this FTP account. :>

<@ CSFR_Tag @>
<% endif %> <% if isEditFTP %>

<: Reset FTP Password for user :>: <@ EditCurrentName @>

<: Username :>: <@ EditCurrentName @>
<: New password :>: <: Generate Password :> Show Password

Password must contain the following:

A lowercase letter

A capital (uppercase) letter

A number

Minimum <@ MinPassLength @> characters

<@ CSFR_Tag @>
<% endif %>

<: Current FTP accounts :>

<% if ClientList %>
<% loop ClientList %> <% endloop %>
<: Account name :> <: Home directory :> <: Permission :> <: Password :>
<& username &> <& directory &> <& access &> <& password &>
<@ CSFR_Tag @>
<% else %> <: You do not have any FTP Accounts setup. Create an FTP account using the form below. :> <% endif %>
<% if isCreateFTP %>

<: Create a new FTP Account :>

<% if QuotaLimit %>
<: Username :>: <@ CurrentUserName @>_
<: Password :>: <: Generate Password :> Show Password

Password must contain the following:

A lowercase letter

A capital (uppercase) letter

A number

Minimum <@ MinPassLength @> characters

<: Access type :>:
<: Home directory :>:  <: Create a new home directory :>
   <: Set Master home directory :>
   <: Use Domain directory :>
<@ CSFR_Tag @>
<% else %> <: You have reached your FTP account limit! :> <% endif %>
<@ FTPUsagepChart @>
<% endif %>