#!/usr/bin/env bash # Official Sentora Automated Installation Script # ============================================= # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Supported Operating Systems: # CentOS 8.* Minimal - Discontinuing # Ubuntu server 18.04/20.04 # Debian 12.* COMING SOON!!! # 32bit and 64bit # # Contributions from: # # Anthony DeBeaulieu (anthony.d@sentora.org # Pascal Peyremorte (ppeyremorte@sentora.org) # Mehdi Blagui # Kevin Andrews (kevin@zvps.uk) # # and all those who participated to this and to previous installers. # Thanks to all. ## # SENTORA_CORE/INSTALLER_VERSION # master - latest unstable # 2.0.2 - example stable tag ## SENTORA_INSTALLER_VERSION="master" SENTORA_CORE_VERSION="master" PANEL_PATH="/etc/sentora" PANEL_DATA="/var/sentora" PANEL_CONF="/etc/sentora/configs" PANEL_UPGRADE=false #--- Display the 'welcome' splash/user warning info.. echo "" echo "############################################################" echo "# Welcome to the Official Sentora Installer v.$SENTORA_INSTALLER_VERSION #" echo "############################################################" echo -e "\nChecking that minimal requirements are ok" # Ensure the OS is compatible with the launcher if [ -f /etc/centos-release ]; then OS="CentOs" VERFULL=$(sed 's/^.*release //;s/ (Fin.*$//' /etc/centos-release) VER=${VERFULL:0:1} # return 8 elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then OS=$(grep DISTRIB_ID /etc/lsb-release | sed 's/^.*=//') VER=$(grep DISTRIB_RELEASE /etc/lsb-release | sed 's/^.*=//') elif [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then OS=$(grep -w ID /etc/os-release | sed 's/^.*=//') VER=$(grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release | sed 's/^.*"\(.*\)"/\1/') else OS=$(uname -s) VER=$(uname -r) fi ARCH=$(uname -m) echo "Detected : $OS $VER $ARCH" if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" && ( "$VER" = "8" ) || "$OS" = "Ubuntu" && ( "$VER" = "18.04" || "$VER" = "20.04" ) ]] ; then echo "Ok." else echo "Sorry, this OS is not supported by Sentora." exit 1 fi # Centos uses repo directory that depends of architecture. Ensure it is compatible if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]] ; then if [[ "$ARCH" == "i386" || "$ARCH" == "i486" || "$ARCH" == "i586" || "$ARCH" == "i686" ]]; then ARCH="i386" elif [[ "$ARCH" != "x86_64" ]]; then echo "Unexpected architecture name was returned ($ARCH ). :-(" echo "The installer have been designed for i[3-6]8- and x86_64' architectures. If you" echo " think it may work on your, please report it to the Sentora forum or bugtracker." exit 1 fi fi # Check if the user is 'root' before allowing installation to commence if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then echo "Install failed: you must be logged in as 'root' to install." echo "Use command 'sudo -i', then enter root password and then try again." exit 1 fi # Check for some common control panels that we know will affect the installation/operating of Sentora. if [ -e /usr/local/cpanel ] || [ -e /usr/local/directadmin ] || [ -e /usr/local/solusvm/www ] || [ -e /usr/local/home/admispconfig ] || [ -e /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo ] ; then echo "It appears that a control panel is already installed on your server; This installer" echo "is designed to install and configure Sentora on a clean OS installation only." echo -e "\nPlease re-install your OS before attempting to install using this script." exit 1 fi # Check for some common packages that we know will affect the installation/operating of Sentora. if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]] ; then if [[ "$VER" = "8" ]] ; then PACKAGE_INSTALLER="dnf -y -q install" PACKAGE_REMOVER="dnf -y -q remove" else PACKAGE_INSTALLER="yum -y -q install" PACKAGE_REMOVER="yum -y -q remove" fi inst() { rpm -q "$1" &> /dev/null } if [[ "$VER" = "7" || "$VER" = "8" ]]; then DB_PCKG="mariadb" && echo "DB server will be mariaDB" else DB_PCKG="mysql" && echo "DB server will be mySQL" fi HTTP_PCKG="httpd" PHP_PCKG="php" BIND_PCKG="bind" elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then PACKAGE_INSTALLER="apt-get -yqq install" PACKAGE_REMOVER="apt-get -yqq remove" inst() { dpkg -l "$1" 2> /dev/null | grep '^ii' &> /dev/null } DB_PCKG="mysql-server" HTTP_PCKG="apache2" PHP_PCKG="apache2-mod-php5" BIND_PCKG="bind9" fi # Note : Postfix is installed by default on centos netinstall / minimum install. # The installer seems to work fine even if Postfix is already installed. # -> The check of postfix is removed, but this comment remains to remember # only check for sentora installed systems zpanel can now upgrade using this script if [ -L "/etc/zpanel" ] && [ -d "/etc/zpanel" ]; then pkginst="n" pkginstlist="" for package in "$DB_PCKG" "dovecot-mysql" "$HTTP_PCKG" "$PHP_PCKG" "proftpd" "$BIND_PCKG" ; do if (inst "$package"); then pkginst="y" # At least one package is installed pkginstlist="$package $pkginstlist" fi done if [ $pkginst = "y" ]; then echo "It appears that the folowing package(s) are already installed:" echo "$pkginstlist" echo "This installer is designed to install and configure Sentora on a clean OS installation only!" echo -e "\nPlease re-install your OS before attempting to install using this script." exit 1 fi unset pkginst unset pkginstlist fi # ************************************************* #--- Prepare or query informations required to install # Update repositories and Install wget and util used to grab server IP echo -e "\n-- Installing wget and dns utils required to manage inputs" if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then yum -y update $PACKAGE_INSTALLER bind-utils elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then apt-get -yqq update #ensure we can install $PACKAGE_INSTALLER dnsutils fi $PACKAGE_INSTALLER wget extern_ip="$(wget -qO- http://api.sentora.org/ip.txt)" #local_ip=$(ifconfig eth0 | sed -En 's|.*inet [^0-9]*(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*$|\1|p') local_ip=$(ip addr show | awk '$1 == "inet" && $3 == "brd" { sub (/\/.*/,""); print $2 }') # Enable parameters to be entered on commandline, required for vagrant install # -d # -i (or -i local or -i public, see below) # -t # like : # sentora_install.sh -t Europe/Paris -d panel.domain.tld -i xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx # notes: # -d and -i must be both present or both absent # -i local force use of local detected ip # -i public force use of public detected ip # if -t is used without -d/-i, timezone is set from value given and not asked to user # if -t absent and -d/-i are present, timezone is not set at all while getopts d:i:t: opt; do case $opt in d) PANEL_FQDN=$OPTARG INSTALL="auto" ;; i) PUBLIC_IP=$OPTARG if [[ "$PUBLIC_IP" == "local" ]] ; then PUBLIC_IP=$local_ip elif [[ "$PUBLIC_IP" == "public" ]] ; then PUBLIC_IP=$extern_ip fi ;; t) echo "$OPTARG" > /etc/timezone tz=$(cat /etc/timezone) ;; esac done if [[ ("$PANEL_FQDN" != "" && "$PUBLIC_IP" == "") || ("$PANEL_FQDN" == "" && "$PUBLIC_IP" != "") ]] ; then echo "-d and -i must be both present or both absent." exit 2 fi if [[ "$tz" == "" && "$PANEL_FQDN" == "" ]] ; then # Propose selection list for the time zone echo "Preparing to select timezone, please wait a few seconds..." $PACKAGE_INSTALLER tzdata # setup server timezone if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then # make tzselect to save TZ in /etc/timezone echo "echo \$TZ > /etc/timezone" >> /usr/bin/tzselect tzselect tz=$(cat /etc/timezone) elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then dpkg-reconfigure tzdata tz=$(cat /etc/timezone) fi fi # clear timezone information to focus user on important notice clear # Installer parameters if [[ "$PANEL_FQDN" == "" ]] ; then echo -e "\n\e[1;33m=== Informations required to build your server ===\e[0m" echo 'The installer requires 2 pieces of information:' echo ' 1) the sub-domain that you want to use to access Sentora panel,' echo ' - do not use your main domain (like domain.com)' echo ' - use a sub-domain, e.g panel.domain.com' echo ' - or use the server hostname, e.g server1.domain.com' echo ' - DNS must already be configured and pointing to the server IP' echo ' for this sub-domain' echo ' 2) The public IP of the server.' echo '' PANEL_FQDN="$(/bin/hostname)" PUBLIC_IP=$extern_ip while true; do echo "" read -r -e -p "Enter the sub-domain you want to access Sentora panel: " -i "$PANEL_FQDN" PANEL_FQDN if [[ "$PUBLIC_IP" != "$local_ip" ]]; then echo -e "\nThe public IP of the server is $PUBLIC_IP. Its local IP is $local_ip" echo " For a production server, the PUBLIC IP must be used." fi read -r -e -p "Enter (or confirm) the public IP for this server: " -i "$PUBLIC_IP" PUBLIC_IP echo "" # Checks if the panel domain is a subdomain sub=$(echo "$PANEL_FQDN" | sed -n 's|\(.*\)\..*\..*|\1|p') if [[ "$sub" == "" ]]; then echo -e "\e[1;31mWARNING: $PANEL_FQDN is not a subdomain!\e[0m" confirm="true" fi # Checks if the panel domain is already assigned in DNS # Obsolete now using external source for FQDN to IP. #dns_panel_ip=$(host "$PANEL_FQDN"|grep address|cut -d" " -f4) // Obsolete for modern VM's due to hostname setup in /etc/hosts dns_panel_ip=$(wget -qO- http://api.sentora.org/hostname.txt?domain="$PANEL_FQDN") if [[ "$dns_panel_ip" == "" ]]; then echo -e "\e[1;31mWARNING: $PANEL_FQDN is not defined in your DNS!\e[0m" echo " You must add records in your DNS manager (and then wait until propagation is done)." echo " For more information, read the Sentora documentation:" echo " - http://docs.sentora.org/index.php?node=7 (Installing Sentora)" echo " - http://docs.sentora.org/index.php?node=51 (Installer questions)" echo " If this is a production installation, set the DNS up as soon as possible." confirm="true" else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK\e[0m: DNS successfully resolves $PANEL_FQDN to $dns_panel_ip" # Check if panel domain matches public IP if [[ "$dns_panel_ip" != "$PUBLIC_IP" ]]; then echo -e -n "\e[1;31mWARNING: $PANEL_FQDN DNS record does not point to $PUBLIC_IP!\e[0m" echo " Sentora will not be reachable from http://$PANEL_FQDN" confirm="true" fi fi if [[ "$PUBLIC_IP" != "$extern_ip" && "$PUBLIC_IP" != "$local_ip" ]]; then echo -e -n "\e[1;31mWARNING: $PUBLIC_IP does not match detected IP !\e[0m" echo " Sentora will not work with this IP..." confirm="true" fi echo "" # if any warning, ask confirmation to continue or propose to change if [[ "$confirm" != "" ]] ; then echo "There are some warnings..." echo "Are you really sure that you want to setup Sentora with these parameters?" read -r -e -p "(y):Accept and install, (n):Change domain or IP, (q):Quit installer? " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) break;; [Nn]* ) continue;; [Qq]* ) exit;; esac else read -r -e -p "All is ok. Do you want to install Sentora now (y/n)? " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) break;; [Nn]* ) exit;; esac fi done fi # *************************************** # Installation really starts here echo -e "\n# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------" #--- Setup Sentora Admin contact info echo -e "\n--- Please Enter vaild contact info for the Sentora system admin or owner below:\n" # Get Admin contact info # ---- Name while true do read -r -e -p "Enter Full name: " -i "$ADMIN_NAME" ADMIN_NAME echo if [ -n "$ADMIN_NAME" ] then break else echo "Entry is Blank. Try again." fi done # --- Email while true do read -r -e -p "Enter admin email: " -i "$ADMIN_EMAIL" ADMIN_EMAIL echo if [[ "$ADMIN_EMAIL" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$ ]] then break else echo "Email address $ADMIN_EMAIL is invalid." fi done # ---- Phone Number while true do read -r -e -p "Enter Phone Number: " -i "$ADMIN_PHONE" ADMIN_PHONE echo if [ -n "$ADMIN_PHONE" ] then break else echo "Entry is Blank. Try again." fi done # ---- Address while true do read -r -e -p "Enter Street Address: " -i "$ADMIN_ADDRESS" ADMIN_ADDRESS echo if [ -n "$ADMIN_ADDRESS" ] then break else echo "Entry is Blank. Try again." fi done # ---- Address - City, State or Province while true do read -r -e -p "Enter City, State or Province: " -i "$ADMIN_PROVINCE" ADMIN_PROVINCE echo if [ -n "$ADMIN_PROVINCE" ] then break else echo "Entry is Blank. Try again." fi done # ---- Address - Postal code while true do read -r -e -p "Enter Postal code: " -i "$ADMIN_POSTALCODE" ADMIN_POSTALCODE echo if [ -n "$ADMIN_POSTALCODE" ] then break else echo "Entry is Blank. Try again." fi done # ---- Address - Country while true do read -r -e -p "Enter Country: " -i "$ADMIN_COUNTRY" ADMIN_COUNTRY echo if [ -n "$ADMIN_COUNTRY" ] then break else echo "Entry is Blank. Try again." fi done echo -e "\n# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" #--- Set custom logging methods so we create a log file in the current working directory. logfile=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S_sentora_install.log) touch "$logfile" exec > >(tee "$logfile") exec 2>&1 echo "Installer version $SENTORA_INSTALLER_VERSION" echo "Sentora core version $SENTORA_CORE_VERSION" echo "" echo "Installing Sentora $SENTORA_CORE_VERSION at http://$PANEL_FQDN and ip $PUBLIC_IP" echo "on server under: $OS $VER $ARCH" uname -a # Function to disable a file by appending its name with _disabled disable_file() { mv "$1" "$1_disabled_by_sentora" &> /dev/null } #--- AppArmor must be disabled to avoid problems if [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then [ -f /etc/init.d/apparmor ] if [ $? = "0" ]; then echo -e "\n-- Disabling and removing AppArmor, please wait..." /etc/init.d/apparmor stop &> /dev/null update-rc.d -f apparmor remove &> /dev/null apt-get remove -y --purge apparmor* &> /dev/null disable_file /etc/init.d/apparmor &> /dev/null echo -e "AppArmor has been removed." fi fi #--- Adapt repositories and packages sources echo -e "\n-- Updating repositories and packages sources" if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then #EPEL Repo Install EPEL_BASE_URL="http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/$VER/$ARCH"; if [[ "$VER" = "7" ]]; then EPEL_FILE=$(wget -q -O- "$EPEL_BASE_URL/Packages/e/" | grep -oP '(?<=href=")epel-release.*(?=">)') wget "$EPEL_BASE_URL/Packages/e/$EPEL_FILE" elif [[ "$VER" = "8" ]]; then EPEL_BASE_URL="http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/$VER/Everything/$ARCH"; EPEL_FILE=$(wget -q -O- "$EPEL_BASE_URL/Packages/e/" | grep -oP '(?<=href=")epel-release.*(?=">)') wget "$EPEL_BASE_URL/Packages/e/$EPEL_FILE" else EPEL_FILE=$(wget -q -O- "$EPEL_BASE_URL/" | grep -oP '(?<=href=")epel-release.*(?=">)') wget "$EPEL_BASE_URL/$EPEL_FILE" fi $PACKAGE_INSTALLER epel-release*.rpm # CHECK THIS rm "$EPEL_FILE" #To fix some problems of compatibility use of mirror centos.org to all users #Replace all mirrors by base repos to avoid any problems. sed -i 's|mirrorlist=http://mirrorlist.centos.org|#mirrorlist=http://mirrorlist.centos.org|' "/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo" sed -i 's|#baseurl=http://mirror.centos.org|baseurl=http://mirror.centos.org|' "/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo" #check if the machine and on openvz if [ -f "/etc/yum.repos.d/vz.repo" ]; then sed -i "s|mirrorlist=http://vzdownload.swsoft.com/download/mirrors/centos-$VER|baseurl=http://vzdownload.swsoft.com/ez/packages/centos/$VER/$ARCH/os/|" "/etc/yum.repos.d/vz.repo" sed -i "s|mirrorlist=http://vzdownload.swsoft.com/download/mirrors/updates-released-ce$VER|baseurl=http://vzdownload.swsoft.com/ez/packages/centos/$VER/$ARCH/updates/|" "/etc/yum.repos.d/vz.repo" fi #disable deposits that could result in installation errors disablerepo() { if [ -f "/etc/yum.repos.d/$1.repo" ]; then sed -i 's/enabled=1/enabled=0/g' "/etc/yum.repos.d/$1.repo" fi } disablerepo "elrepo" disablerepo "epel-testing" disablerepo "remi" disablerepo "rpmforge" disablerepo "rpmfusion-free-updates" disablerepo "rpmfusion-free-updates-testing" # We need to disable SELinux... sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config setenforce 0 # Stop conflicting services and iptables to ensure all services will work service sendmail stop chkconfig sendmail off # disable firewall if [[ "$VER" = "7" || "$VER" = "8" ]]; then FIREWALL_SERVICE="firewalld" else FIREWALL_SERVICE="iptables" fi service "$FIREWALL_SERVICE" save service "$FIREWALL_SERVICE" stop chkconfig "$FIREWALL_SERVICE" off # Removal of conflicting packages prior to Sentora installation. if (inst bind-chroot) ; then $PACKAGE_REMOVER bind-chroot fi if (inst qpid-cpp-client) ; then $PACKAGE_REMOVER qpid-cpp-client fi elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then # Update the enabled Aptitude repositories echo -ne "\nUpdating Aptitude Repos: " >/dev/tty mkdir -p "/etc/apt/sources.list.d.save" cp -R "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/*" "/etc/apt/sources.list.d.save" &> /dev/null rm -rf "/etc/apt/sources.list/*" cp "/etc/apt/sources.list" "/etc/apt/sources.list.save" if [[ "$VER" = "14.04" || "$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" || "$VER" = "20.04" ]]; then cat > /etc/apt/sources.list < /etc/apt/sources.list < /etc/apt/sources.list < /etc/apt/sources.list < /etc/hostname # In file hosts sed -i "/[\t ]*$old_hostname/d" /etc/hosts sed -i "s|$old_hostname|$PANEL_FQDN|" /etc/hosts # For current session hostname "$PANEL_FQDN" # In network file if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" && "$VER" = "6" ]]; then sed -i "s|^\(HOSTNAME=\).*\$|HOSTNAME=$PANEL_FQDN|" /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/init.d/network restart fi #--- Some functions used many times below # Random password generator function passwordgen() { l=$1 [ "$l" == "" ] && l=16 tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c ${l} | xargs } # Add first parameter in hosts file as local IP domain add_local_domain() { if ! grep -q " $1" /etc/hosts; then echo " $1" >> /etc/hosts; fi } #----------------------------------------------------------- # Install all softwares and dependencies required by Sentora. if [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then # Disable the DPKG prompts before we run the software install to enable fully automated install. export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive fi #--- MySQL echo -e "\n-- Installing MySQL" $PACKAGE_INSTALLER "$DB_PCKG" ######## This isnt right if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then ######## This isnt right $PACKAGE_INSTALLER "$DB_PCKG-devel" "$DB_PCKG-server" MY_CNF_PATH="/etc/my.cnf" if [[ "$VER" = "7" || "$VER" = "8" ]]; then DB_SERVICE="mariadb" else DB_SERVICE="mysqld" fi elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER bsdutils libsasl2-modules-sql libsasl2-modules if [[ "$VER" = "12.04" || "$VER" = "7" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER db4.7-util fi MY_CNF_PATH="/etc/mysql/my.cnf" DB_SERVICE="mysql" fi service $DB_SERVICE start # setup mysql root password only if mysqlpassword is empty if [ -z "$mysqlpassword" ]; then mysqlpassword=$(passwordgen); if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" = "8" ]]; then #mysql -u root -e "UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = 'mysql_native_password', authentication_string = PASSWORD('$mysqlpassword') WHERE User = 'root' AND Host = 'localhost'"; # MariaDB 10.0 or > mysql -u root -e "ALTER USER root@localhost IDENTIFIED VIA mysql_native_password"; mysql -u root -e "SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('$mysqlpassword')"; else # Mysql 5.6 or below mysqladmin -u root password "$mysqlpassword" fi elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then # Ubuntu 16.04-20.04 w/Mysql 5.7 if [[ "$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" ]]; then # Mysql 8.0 or < mysql -u root -e "UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = 'mysql_native_password', authentication_string = PASSWORD('$mysqlpassword') WHERE User = 'root' AND Host = 'localhost'"; elif [[ "$VER" = "20.04" ]]; then # Mysql 8.0 mysql -u root -e "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '$mysqlpassword';"; fi fi fi # small cleaning of mysql access mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='root' AND Host != 'localhost'"; mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User=''"; mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES"; # remove test table that is no longer used mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test"; # secure SELECT "hacker-code" INTO OUTFILE sed -i "s|\[mysqld\]|&\nsecure-file-priv = /var/tmp|" $MY_CNF_PATH # setup sentora access and core database if [ $PANEL_UPGRADE == true ]; then mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" < $PANEL_CONF/sentora-update/zpanel/sql/update-structure.sql mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" < $PANEL_CONF/sentora-update/zpanel/sql/update-data.sql mysqldump -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" zpanel_core | mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -D sentora_core mysqldump -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" zpanel_postfix | mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -D sentora_postfix mysqldump -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" zpanel_proftpd | mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -D sentora_proftpd mysqldump -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" zpanel_roundcube | mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -D sentora_roundcube sed -i "s|zpanel_core|sentora_core|" $PANEL_PATH/panel/cnf/db.php else sed -i "s|YOUR_ROOT_MYSQL_PASSWORD|$mysqlpassword|" $PANEL_PATH/panel/cnf/db.php mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" < $PANEL_CONF/sentora-install/sql/sentora_core.sql fi # Register mysql/mariadb service for autostart if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" == "7" || "$VER" == "8" ]]; then systemctl enable "$DB_SERVICE".service else chkconfig "$DB_SERVICE" on fi fi # NEED TO FIX UBUNTU 16.04 SETTING MYSQL-BIND option TO SERVER IP ( NOT LOCALHOST if [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then sed -i "s|bind-address = .*|bind-address =|" /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf fi #--- Postfix echo -e "\n-- Installing Postfix" if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER postfix postfix-perl-scripts USR_LIB_PATH="/usr/libexec" elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER postfix postfix-mysql USR_LIB_PATH="/usr/lib" fi postfixpassword=$(passwordgen); if [ $PANEL_UPGRADE == false ]; then mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" < $PANEL_CONF/sentora-install/sql/sentora_postfix.sql fi # OLD ## grant will also create users which don't exist and update existing users with password ## ##mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "GRANT ALL ON sentora_postfix .* TO 'postfix'@'localhost' identified by '$postfixpassword';"; # Add User for Postfix DB mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "CREATE USER postfix@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$postfixpassword';"; # Grant ALL PRIVILEGES to Postfix User mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sentora_postfix .* TO 'postfix'@'localhost';"; mkdir $PANEL_DATA/vmail useradd -r -g mail -d $PANEL_DATA/vmail -s /sbin/nologin -c "Virtual maildir" vmail chown -R vmail:mail $PANEL_DATA/vmail chmod -R 770 $PANEL_DATA/vmail mkdir -p /var/spool/vacation useradd -r -d /var/spool/vacation -s /sbin/nologin -c "Virtual vacation" vacation chown -R vacation:vacation /var/spool/vacation chmod -R 770 /var/spool/vacation #Removed optional transport that was leaved empty, until it is fully handled. #ln -s $PANEL_CONF/postfix/transport /etc/postfix/transport #postmap /etc/postfix/transport add_local_domain "$PANEL_FQDN" add_local_domain "autoreply.$PANEL_FQDN" rm -rf /etc/postfix/main.cf /etc/postfix/master.cf ln -s $PANEL_CONF/postfix/master.cf /etc/postfix/master.cf ln -s $PANEL_CONF/postfix/main.cf /etc/postfix/main.cf ln -s $PANEL_CONF/postfix/vacation.pl /var/spool/vacation/vacation.pl sed -i "s|!POSTFIX_PASSWORD!|$postfixpassword|" $PANEL_CONF/postfix/*.cf sed -i "s|!POSTFIX_PASSWORD!|$postfixpassword|" $PANEL_CONF/postfix/vacation.conf # tg - Set default vacation 'from' domain sed -i "s|!POSTFIX_VACATION!|$PANEL_FQDN|" $PANEL_CONF/postfix/vacation.conf sed -i "s|!PANEL_FQDN!|$PANEL_FQDN|" $PANEL_CONF/postfix/main.cf sed -i "s|!USR_LIB!|$USR_LIB_PATH|" $PANEL_CONF/postfix/master.cf sed -i "s|!USR_LIB!|$USR_LIB_PATH|" $PANEL_CONF/postfix/main.cf sed -i "s|!SERVER_IP!|$PUBLIC_IP|" $PANEL_CONF/postfix/main.cf VMAIL_UID=$(id -u vmail) MAIL_GID=$(sed -nr "s/^mail:x:([0-9]+):.*/\1/p" /etc/group) sed -i "s|!POS_UID!|$VMAIL_UID|" $PANEL_CONF/postfix/main.cf sed -i "s|!POS_GID!|$MAIL_GID|" $PANEL_CONF/postfix/main.cf # remove unusued directives that issue warnings sed -i '/virtual_mailbox_limit_maps/d' $PANEL_CONF/postfix/main.cf sed -i '/smtpd_bind_address/d' $PANEL_CONF/postfix/master.cf # Register postfix service for autostart (it is automatically started) if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" == "7" || "$VER" == "8" ]]; then systemctl enable postfix.service # systemctl start postfix.service else chkconfig postfix on # /etc/init.d/postfix start fi fi # Edit deamon_directory in postfix main.cf to fix startup issue. if [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" || "$VER" = "20.04" ]]; then sed -i "s|daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix|daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix/sbin|" $PANEL_CONF/postfix/main.cf fi fi #--- Dovecot (includes Sieve) echo -e "\n-- Installing Dovecot" if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER dovecot dovecot-mysql dovecot-pigeonhole sed -i "s|#first_valid_uid = ?|first_valid_uid = $VMAIL_UID\n#last_valid_uid = $VMAIL_UID\n\nfirst_valid_gid = $MAIL_GID\n#last_valid_gid = $MAIL_GID|" $PANEL_CONF/dovecot2/dovecot.conf elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER dovecot-mysql dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d dovecot-common dovecot-managesieved dovecot-lmtpd sed -i "s|#first_valid_uid = ?|first_valid_uid = $VMAIL_UID\nlast_valid_uid = $VMAIL_UID\n\nfirst_valid_gid = $MAIL_GID\nlast_valid_gid = $MAIL_GID|" $PANEL_CONF/dovecot2/dovecot.conf fi mkdir -p $PANEL_DATA/sieve chown -R vmail:mail $PANEL_DATA/sieve mkdir -p /var/lib/dovecot/sieve/ touch /var/lib/dovecot/sieve/default.sieve ln -s $PANEL_CONF/dovecot2/globalfilter.sieve $PANEL_DATA/sieve/globalfilter.sieve rm -rf /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf ln -s $PANEL_CONF/dovecot2/dovecot.conf /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf sed -i "s|!POSTMASTER_EMAIL!|postmaster@$PANEL_FQDN|" $PANEL_CONF/dovecot2/dovecot.conf sed -i "s|!POSTFIX_PASSWORD!|$postfixpassword|" $PANEL_CONF/dovecot2/dovecot-dict-quota.conf sed -i "s|!POSTFIX_PASSWORD!|$postfixpassword|" $PANEL_CONF/dovecot2/dovecot-mysql.conf sed -i "s|!DOV_UID!|$VMAIL_UID|" $PANEL_CONF/dovecot2/dovecot-mysql.conf sed -i "s|!DOV_GID!|$MAIL_GID|" $PANEL_CONF/dovecot2/dovecot-mysql.conf touch /var/log/dovecot.log /var/log/dovecot-info.log /var/log/dovecot-debug.log chown vmail:mail /var/log/dovecot* chmod 660 /var/log/dovecot* # Register dovecot service for autostart and start it if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" == "7" || "$VER" == "8" ]]; then systemctl enable dovecot.service systemctl start dovecot.service else chkconfig dovecot on /etc/init.d/dovecot start fi fi #--- Spamassassin - IN THE WORKS!!! #--- Apache server echo -e "\n-- Installing and configuring Apache" $PACKAGE_INSTALLER "$HTTP_PCKG" if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER "$HTTP_PCKG-devel" HTTP_CONF_PATH="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" HTTP_VARS_PATH="/etc/sysconfig/httpd" HTTP_SERVICE="httpd" HTTP_USER="apache" HTTP_GROUP="apache" if [[ "$VER" = "7" ]]; then # Disable extra modules in centos 7 disable_file /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/01-cgi.conf disable_file /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-lua.conf disable_file /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-dav.conf else disable_file /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf disable_file /etc/httpd/conf.d/webalizer.conf # Disable more extra modules in centos 6.x /etc/httpd/httpd.conf dav/ldap/cgi/proxy_ajp sed -i "s|LoadModule suexec_module modules|#LoadModule suexec_module modules|" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH" sed -i "s|LoadModule cgi_module modules|#LoadModule cgi_module modules|" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH" sed -i "s|LoadModule dav_module modules|#LoadModule dav_module modules|" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH" sed -i "s|LoadModule dav_fs_module modules|#LoadModule dav_fs_module modules|" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH" sed -i "s|LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules|#LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules|" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH" fi elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER libapache2-mod-bw HTTP_CONF_PATH="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" HTTP_VARS_PATH="/etc/apache2/envvars" HTTP_SERVICE="apache2" HTTP_USER="www-data" HTTP_GROUP="www-data" a2enmod rewrite fi if ! grep -q "Include $PANEL_CONF/apache/httpd.conf" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH"; then echo "Include $PANEL_CONF/apache/httpd.conf" >> "$HTTP_CONF_PATH"; ## Remove old include if [ $PANEL_UPGRADE == true ]; then sed -i "s|Include /etc/zpanel/configs/apache/httpd.conf||" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH"; fi fi add_local_domain "$(hostname)" if ! grep -q "apache ALL=NOPASSWD: $PANEL_PATH/panel/bin/zsudo" /etc/sudoers; then echo "apache ALL=NOPASSWD: $PANEL_PATH/panel/bin/zsudo" >> /etc/sudoers; fi # Create root directory for public HTTP docs mkdir -p $PANEL_DATA/hostdata/zadmin/public_html chown -R $HTTP_USER:$HTTP_GROUP $PANEL_DATA/hostdata/ chmod -R 770 $PANEL_DATA/hostdata/ mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "UPDATE sentora_core.x_settings SET so_value_tx='$HTTP_SERVICE' WHERE so_name_vc='httpd_exe'" mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "UPDATE sentora_core.x_settings SET so_value_tx='$HTTP_SERVICE' WHERE so_name_vc='apache_sn'" #Set keepalive on (default is off) sed -i "s|KeepAlive Off|KeepAlive On|" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH" # Permissions fix for Apache and ProFTPD (to enable them to play nicely together!) if ! grep -q "umask 002" "$HTTP_VARS_PATH"; then echo "umask 002" >> "$HTTP_VARS_PATH"; fi # remove default virtual site to ensure Sentora is the default vhost if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then sed -i "s|DocumentRoot \"/var/www/html\"|DocumentRoot $PANEL_PATH/panel|" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH" elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then # disable completely sites-enabled/000-default.conf if [[ "$VER" = "14.04" || "$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" || "$VER" = "20.04" || "$VER" = "8" ]]; then sed -i "s|IncludeOptional sites-enabled|#&|" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH" else sed -i "s|Include sites-enabled|#&|" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH" fi fi # Comment "NameVirtualHost" and Listen directives that are handled in vhosts file if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then sed -i "s|^\(NameVirtualHost .*$\)|#\1\n# NameVirtualHost is now handled in Sentora vhosts file|" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH" sed -i 's|^\(Listen .*$\)|#\1\n# Listen is now handled in Sentora vhosts file|' "$HTTP_CONF_PATH" elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then sed -i "s|\(Include ports.conf\)|#\1\n# Ports are now handled in Sentora vhosts file|" "$HTTP_CONF_PATH" disable_file /etc/apache2/ports.conf fi # adjustments for apache 2.4 if [[ ("$OS" = "CentOs" && "$VER" = "7") || ("$OS" = "Ubuntu" && "$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" || "$VER" = "20.04") || ("$OS" = "debian" && "$VER" = "8") ]] ; then # Order deny,allow / Deny from all -> Require all denied sed -i 's|Order deny,allow|Require all denied|I' $PANEL_CONF/apache/httpd.conf sed -i '/Deny from all/d' $PANEL_CONF/apache/httpd.conf # Order allow,deny / Allow from all -> Require all granted sed -i 's|Order allow,deny|Require all granted|I' $PANEL_CONF/apache/httpd-vhosts.conf sed -i '/Allow from all/d' $PANEL_CONF/apache/httpd-vhosts.conf sed -i 's|Order allow,deny|Require all granted|I' $PANEL_PATH/panel/modules/apache_admin/hooks/OnDaemonRun.hook.php sed -i '/Allow from all/d' $PANEL_PATH/panel/modules/apache_admin/hooks/OnDaemonRun.hook.php # Remove NameVirtualHost that is now without effect and generate warning sed -i '/NameVirtualHost/{N;d}' $PANEL_CONF/apache/httpd-vhosts.conf sed -i '/# NameVirtualHost is/ {N;N;N;N;N;d}' $PANEL_PATH/panel/modules/apache_admin/hooks/OnDaemonRun.hook.php # Options must have ALL (or none) +/- prefix, disable listing directories sed -i 's| FollowSymLinks [-]Indexes| +FollowSymLinks -Indexes|' $PANEL_PATH/panel/modules/apache_admin/hooks/OnDaemonRun.hook.php fi #--- Apache+Mod_SSL if [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" || "$VER" = "20.04" || "$VER" = "8" ]]; then # Install Mod_ssl & openssl #$PACKAGE_INSTALLER mod_ssl $PACKAGE_INSTALLER openssl # Activate mod_ssl a2enmod ssl fi elif [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" = "7" || "$VER" = "8" ]]; then # Install Mod_ssl & openssl $PACKAGE_INSTALLER mod_ssl $PACKAGE_INSTALLER openssl # Disable/Comment out Listen 443 sed -i 's|Listen 443 https|#Listen 443 https|g' /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf fi fi #--- PHP echo -e "\n-- Installing and configuring PHP" if [[ $1 = PHP* ]]; then if [[ $1 = "PHP73" ]]; then echo -e "\n-Installing PHP 7.3..." # Install PHP 7.3 version # Start PHP 7.3 & tools install here # Install PHP 7.3 & Repos if [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" = "14.04" || "$VER" = "8" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER libapache2-mod-php5 php5-common php5-cli php5-mysql php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-curl php-pear php5-imap php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl php5-intl elif [[ "$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" || "$VER" = "20.04" ]]; then # Install PHP 7.3 Repos & enable $PACKAGE_INSTALLER software-properties-common add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/apache2 add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php apt-get -yqq update #apt-get -yqq upgrade # Remove and purge installed PHP 7.0 $PACKAGE_REMOVER php7.* apt-get purge php7.* # Install PHP 7.3 and install modules $PACKAGE_INSTALLER install php7.3 php7.3-common $PACKAGE_INSTALLER php7.3-mysql php7.3-mbstring $PACKAGE_INSTALLER php7.3-zip php7.3-xml php7.3-gd $PACKAGE_INSTALLER php7.0-dev libapache2-mod-php7.3 $PACKAGE_INSTALLER php7.3-dev $PACKAGE_INSTALLER php7.3-curl # PHP Mcrypt 1.0.2 install if [ ! -f /etc/php/7.3/apache2/conf.d/20-mcrypt.ini ] then echo -e "\nInstalling php mcrypt 1.0.2" $PACKAGE_INSTALLER gcc make autoconf libc-dev pkg-config $PACKAGE_INSTALLER libmcrypt-dev echo '' | sudo pecl install mcrypt-1.0.2 bash -c "echo extension=mcrypt.so > /etc/php/7.3/mods-available/mcrypt.ini" ln -s /etc/php/7.3/mods-available/mcrypt.ini /etc/php/7.3/apache2/conf.d/20-mcrypt.ini fi # Set PHP 7.3 as system default in case upgrade to PHP 7.4+ update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.3 # Enable Apache mod_php7.3 a2enmod php7.3 # elif [[ "$VER" = "8" || "$VER" = "9" ]]; then # Adding Support Soon!!! # Enter code here fi PHP_INI_PATH="/etc/php/7.3/apache2/php.ini" elif [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" = "7" ]]; then # Clean & clear cache yum clean all rm -rf /var/cache/yum/* # Install PHP 7.3 Repos & enable $PACKAGE_INSTALLER yum-utils $PACKAGE_INSTALLER epel-release $PACKAGE_INSTALLER http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm # Install PHP 7.3 and install modules #yum -y install httpd mod_ssl php php-zip php-fpm php-devel php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-mysql php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-pecl-apc php-mbstring php-soap php-tidy curl curl-devel perl-libwww-perl ImageMagick libxml2 libxml2-devel mod_fcgid php-cli httpd-devel php-intl php-imagick php-pspell wget yum -y --enablerepo=remi-php73 install php php-devel php-gd php-mcrypt php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-zip elif [[ "$VER" = "8" ]]; then # Install PHP 7.3 Repos & enable rpm -Uvh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm $PACKAGE_INSTALLER https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-8.rpm dnf module enable php:remi-7.3 -y # Enable powertools for PHP-DEVEL dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools # Install PHP 7.3 $PACKAGE_INSTALLER php php-devel php-cli php-common # Install PHP 7.3 and install modules #dnf install -y php-dom php-simplexml php-ssh2 php-xml php-xmlreader php-curl php-date php-exif php-filter php-ftp php-gd php-hash php-iconv php-json php-libxml php-pecl-imagick php-mbstring php-mysqlnd php-openssl php-pcre php-posix php-sockets php-spl php-tokenizer php-zlib $PACKAGE_INSTALLER php-curl php-date php-gd php-json php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-mysqlnd php-xml php-xmlreader php-zlib php-zip # Disable PHP-FPM systemctl disable php-fpm # Enable Mod_php & Prefork for Apache/PHP 7.3 sed -i 's|#LoadModule mpm_prefork_module|LoadModule mpm_prefork_module|g' /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf sed -i 's|LoadModule mpm_event_module|#LoadModule mpm_event_module|g' /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf fi PHP_INI_PATH="/etc/php.ini" fi elif [[ $1 = PHP7* ]]; then # Display not supported for the rest echo -e "\n$1 is not supported..." fi else echo -e "\n-Installing OS Default PHP version..." # Install OS Default PHP version if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" = "7" ]]; then ## Start PHP 7.x install here yum clean all rm -rf /var/cache/yum/* $PACKAGE_INSTALLER yum-utils $PACKAGE_INSTALLER epel-release $PACKAGE_INSTALLER http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm ## Install PHP 7.3 and update modules ##yum -y install httpd mod_ssl php php-zip php-fpm php-devel php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-mysql php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-pecl-apc php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-soap php-tidy curl curl-devel perl-libwww-perl ImageMagick libxml2 libxml2-devel mod_fcgid php-cli httpd-devel php-intl php-imagick php-pspell wget yum -y --enablerepo=remi-php73 install php php-devel php-gd php-mcrypt php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-zip elif [[ "$VER" = "8" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER php php-devel php-bcmath php-gd php-json php-mbstring php-intl php-mysqlnd php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-zip # Get mcrypt files echo -e "\n--- Getting PHP-mcrypt files..." $PACKAGE_INSTALLER libmcrypt-devel libmcrypt #Epel packages # Install php-imap echo -e "\n--- Installing PHP-imap..." wget https://rpms.remirepo.net/temp/epel-8-php-7.2/php-imap-7.2.24-1.epel8.7.2.x86_64.rpm $PACKAGE_INSTALLER php-imap-7.2.24-1.epel8.7.2.x86_64.rpm #rm -r php-imap-7.2.24-1.epel8.7.2.x86_64.rpm # Enable Mod_php & Prefork for Apache/PHP 7.3 sed -i 's|#LoadModule mpm_prefork_module|LoadModule mpm_prefork_module|g' /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf sed -i 's|LoadModule mpm_event_module|#LoadModule mpm_event_module|g' /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf # Install php-imagick # NEED TO ADD CODE SOON! Missing from os php repos fi PHP_INI_PATH="/etc/php.ini" elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" = "14.04" || "$VER" = "8" ]]; then # CHECK NEED TO ADD OTHER OS VERSIONS $PACKAGE_INSTALLER libapache2-mod-php5 php5-common php5-cli php5-mysql php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-curl php-pear php5-imap php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl php5-intl elif [[ "$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" || "$VER" = "20.04" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER libapache2-mod-php php-common php-bcmath php-cli php-mysql php-gd php-curl php-pear php-imagick php-imap php-xmlrpc php-xsl php-intl php-mbstring php-dev php-zip # Get PHP mcrypt files if [[ "$VER" = "16.04" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER php-mcrypt else # Prepare PHP-mcrypt files $PACKAGE_INSTALLER -y build-essential # Download needed files $PACKAGE_INSTALLER libmcrypt-dev fi fi # Set PHP.ini path if [[ "$VER" = "16.04" ]]; then PHP_INI_PATH="/etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini" elif [[ "$VER" = "18.04" ]]; then PHP_INI_PATH="/etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini" elif [[ "$VER" = "20.04" ]]; then PHP_INI_PATH="/etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini" fi fi if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" && ("$VER" = "8" ) || "$OS" = "Ubuntu" && ("$VER" = "18.04" || "$VER" = "20.04" ) ]] ; then # PHP-mcrypt install code all OS - Check this!!!!!! # Update Pecl Channels echo -e "\n--- Updating PECL Channels..." pecl channel-update pecl.php.net pecl update-channels if [[ "$VER" = "20.04" ]]; then # Make pear cache folder to stop error "Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in PEAR/REST.php on line 187" mkdir -p /tmp/pear/cache fi # Install PHP-Mcrypt echo -e "\n--- Installing PHP-mcrypt..." echo -ne '\n' | sudo pecl install mcrypt fi # Setup PHP mcrypt config files by OS if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" = "8" ]]; then # Set mcrypt files touch /etc/php.d/20-mcrypt.ini echo 'extension=mcrypt.so' >> /etc/php.d/20-mcrypt.ini # Create links to activate PHP-mcrypt #ln -s /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/mcrypt.ini /etc/php/7.2/apache2/conf.d/20-mcrypt.ini #ln -s /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/mcrypt.ini /etc/php/7.2/cli/conf.d/20-mcrypt.ini fi elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" = "18.04" ]]; then # Create php-mcrypt modules file touch /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/mcrypt.ini echo 'extension=mcrypt.so' >> /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/mcrypt.ini # Create links to activate PHP-mcrypt ln -s /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/mcrypt.ini /etc/php/7.2/apache2/conf.d/20-mcrypt.ini ln -s /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/mcrypt.ini /etc/php/7.2/cli/conf.d/20-mcrypt.ini elif [[ "$VER" = "20.04" ]]; then # Create php-mcrypt modules file touch /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/mcrypt.ini echo 'extension=mcrypt.so' >> /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/mcrypt.ini # Create links to activate PHP-mcrypt ln -s /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/mcrypt.ini /etc/php/7.4/apache2/conf.d/20-mcrypt.ini ln -s /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/mcrypt.ini /etc/php/7.4/cli/conf.d/20-mcrypt.ini fi fi fi # Set PHP Memory limit echo -e "\n-- Setting PHP memory limit to 256MB..." sed -i "s|memory_limit = .*|memory_limit = 256M|g" $PHP_INI_PATH # Setup php upload dir mkdir -p $PANEL_DATA/temp chmod 1777 $PANEL_DATA/temp/ chown -R $HTTP_USER:$HTTP_GROUP $PANEL_DATA/temp/ # Setup php session save directory mkdir "$PANEL_DATA/sessions" chown $HTTP_USER:$HTTP_GROUP "$PANEL_DATA/sessions" chmod 733 "$PANEL_DATA/sessions" chmod +t "$PANEL_DATA/sessions" if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then # Remove session & php values from apache that cause override sed -i '/php_value/d' /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then sed -i "s|;session.save_path = .*|session.save_path = \"$PANEL_DATA/sessions\"|g" $PHP_INI_PATH fi sed -i "/php_value/d" $PHP_INI_PATH echo "session.save_path = $PANEL_DATA/sessions;" >> $PHP_INI_PATH # setup timezone and upload temp dir sed -i "s|;date.timezone =|date.timezone = $tz|g" $PHP_INI_PATH sed -i "s|;upload_tmp_dir =|upload_tmp_dir = $PANEL_DATA/temp/|g" $PHP_INI_PATH # Disable php signature in headers to hide it from hackers sed -i 's|expose_php = On|expose_php = Off|g' $PHP_INI_PATH ######################################################################################### if [[ "$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" || "$VER" = "20.04" || "$VER" = "7" || "$VER" = "8" ]]; then ##### Check php 7.x was installed or quit installer. PHPVERFULL=$(php -r 'echo phpversion();') PHPVER=${PHPVERFULL:0:3} # return 5.x or 7.x echo -e "\nDetected PHP: $PHPVER " if [[ "$PHPVER" == 7.* ]]; then echo -e "\nPHP $PHPVER installed. Procced installing ..." else echo -e "\nPHP 7.x not installed. $PHPVER installed. Exiting installer. Please contact script admin" exit 1 fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start Snuffleupagus install with lastest version Below # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "\n-- Installing and configuring Snuffleupagus..." # Install Snuffleupagus # Install git $PACKAGE_INSTALLER git #setup PHP_PERDIR in Snuffleupagus.c in src mkdir -p /etc/snuffleupagus cd /etc || exit # Clone Snuffleupagus git clone https://github.com/jvoisin/snuffleupagus cd /etc/snuffleupagus/src || exit sed -i 's|PHP_INI_SYSTEM|PHP_INI_PERDIR|g' snuffleupagus.c # Update PCRE for CentOs 8 - Fix issue with building Snuffleupagus if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" && ( "$VER" = "8" ) ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER pcre-devel elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" && ( "$VER" = "20.04" ) ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER libpcre3 libpcre3-dev fi # Build Snuffleupagus phpize ./configure --enable-snuffleupagus make clean make make install cd ~ || exit if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" && ( "$VER" = "7" || "$VER" = "8" ) ]]; then # Enable snuffleupagus in PHP.ini echo -e "\nUpdating CentOS PHP.ini Enable snuffleupagus..." echo "extension=snuffleupagus.so" >> /etc/php.d/20-snuffleupagus.ini echo "sp.configuration_file=/etc/sentora/configs/php/sp/snuffleupagus.rules" >> /etc/php.d/20-snuffleupagus.ini elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" && ( "$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" || "$VER" = "20.04") ]]; then # Enable snuffleupagus in PHP.ini echo -e "\nUpdating Ubuntu PHP.ini Enable snuffleupagus..." echo "extension=snuffleupagus.so" >> /etc/php/"$PHPVER"/mods-available/snuffleupagus.ini echo "sp.configuration_file=/etc/sentora/configs/php/sp/snuffleupagus.rules" >> /etc/php/"$PHPVER"/mods-available/snuffleupagus.ini ln -s /etc/php/"$PHPVER"/mods-available/snuffleupagus.ini /etc/php/"$PHPVER"/apache2/conf.d/20-snuffleupagus.ini fi fi # Disable PHP EOL message for snuff in apache evrvars file if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then echo 'will add later for Centos' else # Check if code exists. If not, add it. ENVVARS_FILE="/etc/apache2/envvars" ENVVARS_STRING="export SP_SKIP_OLD_PHP_CHECK=1" if ! grep -q -F "$ENVVARS_STRING" "$ENVVARS_FILE"; then echo 'Apache Snuff Disable PHP EOL Not Found. Adding' echo '' >> /etc/apache2/envvars echo '## Hide Snuff PHP EOL warning' >> /etc/apache2/envvars echo 'export SP_SKIP_OLD_PHP_CHECK=1' >> /etc/apache2/envvars fi fi # Register apache(+php) service for autostart and start it if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" == "7" || "$VER" == "8" ]]; then systemctl enable "$HTTP_SERVICE.service" systemctl start "$HTTP_SERVICE.service" else chkconfig "$HTTP_SERVICE" on "/etc/init.d/$HTTP_SERVICE" start fi fi #--- ProFTPd echo -e "\n-- Installing ProFTPD" if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER proftpd proftpd-mysql FTP_CONF_PATH='/etc/proftpd.conf' sed -i "s|nogroup|nobody|" $PANEL_CONF/proftpd/proftpd-mysql.conf elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER proftpd-mod-mysql FTP_CONF_PATH='/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf' fi # Create and init proftpd database if [ $PANEL_UPGRADE == false ]; then mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" < $PANEL_CONF/sentora-install/sql/sentora_proftpd.sql fi # Create and configure mysql password for proftpd proftpdpassword=$(passwordgen); sed -i "s|!SQL_PASSWORD!|$proftpdpassword|" $PANEL_CONF/proftpd/proftpd-mysql.conf # OLD #mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "GRANT ALL ON sentora_proftpd .* TO 'proftpd'@'localhost' identified by '$proftpdpassword';"; # Add User for Proftpd DB mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "CREATE USER proftpd@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$proftpdpassword';"; # Grant ALL PRIVILEGES to Proftpd User mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sentora_proftpd .* TO 'proftpd'@'localhost';"; # Assign httpd user and group to all users that will be created HTTP_UID=$(id -u "$HTTP_USER") HTTP_GID=$(sed -nr "s/^$HTTP_GROUP:x:([0-9]+):.*/\1/p" /etc/group) mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "ALTER TABLE sentora_proftpd.ftpuser ALTER COLUMN uid SET DEFAULT $HTTP_UID" mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "ALTER TABLE sentora_proftpd.ftpuser ALTER COLUMN gid SET DEFAULT $HTTP_GID" sed -i "s|!SQL_MIN_ID!|$HTTP_UID|" $PANEL_CONF/proftpd/proftpd-mysql.conf # Setup proftpd base file to call sentora config rm -f "$FTP_CONF_PATH" #touch "$FTP_CONF_PATH" #echo "include $PANEL_CONF/proftpd/proftpd-mysql.conf" >> "$FTP_CONF_PATH"; ln -s "$PANEL_CONF/proftpd/proftpd-mysql.conf" "$FTP_CONF_PATH" # setup proftpd log dir mkdir -p $PANEL_DATA/logs/proftpd chmod -R 644 $PANEL_DATA/logs/proftpd # Correct bug from package in Ubutu14.04 which screw service proftpd restart # see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/proftpd-dfsg/+bug/1246245 if [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" && ( "$VER" = "14.04" || "$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "20.04" ) ]]; then sed -i "s|\([ \t]*start-stop-daemon --stop --signal $SIGNAL \)\(--quiet --pidfile \"$PIDFILE\"\)$|\1--retry 1 \2|" /etc/init.d/proftpd fi # Register proftpd service for autostart and start it if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" == "7" || "$VER" == "8" ]]; then systemctl enable proftpd.service systemctl start proftpd.service else chkconfig proftpd on /etc/init.d/proftpd start fi fi #--- BIND echo -e "\n-- Installing and configuring Bind" if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER bind bind-utils bind-libs BIND_PATH="/etc/named/" BIND_FILES="/etc" BIND_SERVICE="named" BIND_USER="named" elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER bind9 bind9utils BIND_PATH="/etc/bind/" BIND_FILES="/etc/bind" BIND_SERVICE="bind9" BIND_USER="bind" mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "UPDATE sentora_core.x_settings SET so_value_tx='/var/sentora/logs/bind/bind.log' WHERE so_name_vc='bind_log'" fi mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "UPDATE sentora_core.x_settings SET so_value_tx='$BIND_PATH' WHERE so_name_vc='bind_dir'" mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "UPDATE sentora_core.x_settings SET so_value_tx='$BIND_SERVICE' WHERE so_name_vc='bind_service'" chmod -R 777 $PANEL_CONF/bind/zones/ # Setup logging directory mkdir $PANEL_DATA/logs/bind touch $PANEL_DATA/logs/bind/bind.log $PANEL_DATA/logs/bind/debug.log chown $BIND_USER $PANEL_DATA/logs/bind/bind.log $PANEL_DATA/logs/bind/debug.log chmod 660 $PANEL_DATA/logs/bind/bind.log $PANEL_DATA/logs/bind/debug.log if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then chmod 751 /var/named chmod 771 /var/named/data sed -i 's|bind/zones.rfc1918|named.rfc1912.zones|' $PANEL_CONF/bind/named.conf elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then mkdir -p /var/named/dynamic touch /var/named/dynamic/managed-keys.bind chown -R bind:bind /var/named/ chmod -R 777 $PANEL_CONF/bind/etc chown root:root $BIND_FILES/rndc.key chmod 755 $BIND_FILES/rndc.key fi # Some link to enable call from path ln -s /usr/sbin/named-checkconf /usr/bin/named-checkconf ln -s /usr/sbin/named-checkzone /usr/bin/named-checkzone ln -s /usr/sbin/named-compilezone /usr/bin/named-compilezone # Setup acl IP to forbid zone transfer sed -i "s|!SERVER_IP!|$PUBLIC_IP|" $PANEL_CONF/bind/named.conf # Build key and conf files rm -rf $BIND_FILES/named.conf $BIND_FILES/rndc.conf $BIND_FILES/rndc.key if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" && ("$VER" = "8" ) || "$OS" = "Ubuntu" && ("$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" ) ]] ; then # Create rndc-key rndc-confgen -a -r /dev/urandom elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" && ("$VER" = "20.04" ) ]] ; then # Create rndc-key rndc-confgen -a -A hmac-sha256 fi cat $BIND_FILES/rndc.key $PANEL_CONF/bind/named.conf > $BIND_FILES/named.conf cat $BIND_FILES/rndc.key $PANEL_CONF/bind/rndc.conf > $BIND_FILES/rndc.conf rm -f $BIND_FILES/rndc.key # Register Bind service for autostart and start it if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" == "7" || "$VER" == "8" ]]; then systemctl enable named.service systemctl start named.service else chkconfig named on /etc/init.d/named start fi fi # Ubuntu 16.04 - 18.04 Bind9 Fixes if [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" ]]; then # Disable Bind9(Named) from Apparmor. Apparmor reinstalls with apps(MySQL & Bind9) for some reason. ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named /etc/apparmor.d/disable/ apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named fi fi # Fix/Disable Named/bind dnssec-lookaside if [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then # Bind/Named v.9.10 or OLDER if [[ "$VER" = "18.04" || "$VER" = "20.04" ]]; then sed -i "s|dnssec-lookaside no|#dnssec-lookaside no|g" $BIND_FILES/named.conf fi elif [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then # Bind/Named v.9.11 or NEWER if [[ "$VER" = "8" ]]; then sed -i "s|dnssec-lookaside no|#dnssec-lookaside no|g" $BIND_FILES/named.conf fi fi #--- CRON and ATD echo -e "\n-- Installing and configuring cron tasks" if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then #cronie & crontabs may be missing $PACKAGE_INSTALLER cronie crontabs CRON_DIR="/var/spool/cron" CRON_SERVICE="crond" elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER cron CRON_DIR="/var/spool/cron/crontabs" CRON_SERVICE="cron" fi CRON_USER="$HTTP_USER" # prepare daemon crontab # sed -i "s|!USER!|$CRON_USER|" "$PANEL_CONF/cron/zdaemon" #it screw update search!# sed -i "s|!USER!|root|" "$PANEL_CONF/cron/zdaemon" cp "$PANEL_CONF/cron/zdaemon" /etc/cron.d/zdaemon chmod 644 /etc/cron.d/zdaemon # prepare user crontabs CRON_FILE="$CRON_DIR/$CRON_USER" mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "UPDATE sentora_core.x_settings SET so_value_tx='$CRON_FILE' WHERE so_name_vc='cron_file'" mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "UPDATE sentora_core.x_settings SET so_value_tx='$CRON_FILE' WHERE so_name_vc='cron_reload_path'" mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "UPDATE sentora_core.x_settings SET so_value_tx='$CRON_USER' WHERE so_name_vc='cron_reload_user'" { echo "SHELL=/bin/bash" echo "PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin" echo "" } > mycron crontab -u $HTTP_USER mycron rm -f mycron chmod 744 "$CRON_DIR" chown -R $HTTP_USER:$HTTP_USER "$CRON_DIR" chmod 644 "$CRON_FILE" # Register cron and atd services for autostart and start them if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" == "7" || "$VER" == "8" ]]; then systemctl enable crond.service systemctl start crond.service systemctl start atd.service else chkconfig crond on /etc/init.d/crond start /etc/init.d/atd start fi fi #--- phpMyAdmin echo -e "\n-- Configuring phpMyAdmin" phpmyadminsecret=$(passwordgen 32); chmod 644 $PANEL_CONF/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php sed -i "s|\$cfg\['blowfish_secret'\] \= 'SENTORA';|\$cfg\['blowfish_secret'\] \= '$phpmyadminsecret';|" $PANEL_CONF/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php ln -s $PANEL_CONF/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php $PANEL_PATH/panel/etc/apps/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php # Remove phpMyAdmin's setup folder in case it was left behind rm -rf $PANEL_PATH/panel/etc/apps/phpmyadmin/setup #--- PHPsysinfo echo -e "\n-- Configuring PHPsysinfo" # Setup config file mv -f /etc/sentora/panel/etc/apps/phpsysinfo/phpsysinfo.ini.new /etc/sentora/panel/etc/apps/phpsysinfo/phpsysinfo.ini #--- Roundcube echo -e "\n-- Configuring Roundcube" # Import roundcube default MYSQL table if [ $PANEL_UPGRADE == false ]; then mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" < $PANEL_CONF/sentora-install/sql/sentora_roundcube.sql fi # Create and configure mysql password for roundcube roundcubepassword=$(passwordgen); sed -i "s|!ROUNDCUBE_PASSWORD!|$roundcubepassword|" $PANEL_CONF/roundcube/roundcube_config.inc.php # OLD #mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sentora_roundcube .* TO 'roundcube'@'localhost' identified by '$roundcubepassword';"; # Add User for Roundcube DB mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "CREATE USER roundcube@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$roundcubepassword';"; # Grant ALL PRIVILEGES to Roundcube User mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sentora_roundcube .* TO 'roundcube'@'localhost';"; # Delete Roundcube setup files rm -r $PANEL_PATH/panel/etc/apps/webmail/SQL rm -r $PANEL_PATH/panel/etc/apps/webmail/installer # Create and configure des key roundcube_des_key=$(passwordgen 24); sed -i "s|!ROUNDCUBE_DESKEY!|$roundcube_des_key|" $PANEL_CONF/roundcube/roundcube_config.inc.php # Create and configure specials directories and rights chown "$HTTP_USER:$HTTP_GROUP" "$PANEL_PATH/panel/etc/apps/webmail/temp" mkdir "$PANEL_DATA/logs/roundcube" chown "$HTTP_USER:$HTTP_GROUP" "$PANEL_DATA/logs/roundcube" # Map config file in roundcube with symbolic links ln -s $PANEL_CONF/roundcube/roundcube_config.inc.php $PANEL_PATH/panel/etc/apps/webmail/config/config.inc.php ln -s $PANEL_CONF/roundcube/sieve_config.inc.php $PANEL_PATH/panel/etc/apps/webmail/plugins/managesieve/config.inc.php #--- Webalizer echo -e "\n-- Configuring Webalizer" if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" ]]; then if [[ $VER = "7" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER webalizer elif [[ $VER = "8" ]]; then # Install required packages #$PACKAGE_INSTALLER gd-devel libpng-devel # Download Webalizer and decompress #wget -c ftp://ftp.mrunix.net/pub/webalizer/webalizer-2.23-08-src.tar.Z -O - | tar -xz # Chnage to webalizer dir #cd webalizer-2.23-08 || exit # Build and configure webalizer #./configure #make #make install # Change to $HOME DIR #cd "$HOME" || exit # Delete/cleanup webalizer source file #rm -rf webalizer-2.23-08 #rm -rf /etc/webalizer.conf $PACKAGE_INSTALLER webalizer.x86_64 fi elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then $PACKAGE_INSTALLER webalizer rm -rf /etc/webalizer/webalizer.conf fi #--- Set some Sentora database entries using. setso and setzadmin (require PHP) echo -e "\n-- Configuring Sentora" zadminpassword=$(passwordgen); setzadmin --set "$zadminpassword"; $PANEL_PATH/panel/bin/setso --set sentora_domain "$PANEL_FQDN" $PANEL_PATH/panel/bin/setso --set server_ip "$PUBLIC_IP" # if not release, set beta version in database if [[ $(echo "$SENTORA_CORE_VERSION" | sed 's|.*-\(beta\).*$|\1|') = "beta" ]] ; then $PANEL_PATH/panel/bin/setso --set dbversion "$SENTORA_CORE_VERSION" fi # Make the daemon to run/build vhosts file. $PANEL_PATH/panel/bin/setso --set apache_changed "true" php -q $PANEL_PATH/panel/bin/daemon.php #--- Firewall ? SHOULD WE??? #--- Fail2ban - This should be standard with install. We need a module to help user with settings. Maybe soon! #--- Logrotate # Download and install logrotate echo -e "\n-- Installing Logrotate" $PACKAGE_INSTALLER logrotate # Link the configfiles ln -s $PANEL_CONF/logrotate/Sentora-apache /etc/logrotate.d/Sentora-apache ln -s $PANEL_CONF/logrotate/Sentora-proftpd /etc/logrotate.d/Sentora-proftpd ln -s $PANEL_CONF/logrotate/Sentora-dovecot /etc/logrotate.d/Sentora-dovecot # Configure the postrotatesyntax for different OS if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" && "$VER" == "6" ]]; then sed -i 's|systemctl reload httpd > /dev/null|service httpd reload > /dev/null|' $PANEL_CONF/logrotate/Sentora-apache sed -i 's|systemctl reload proftpd > /dev/null|service proftpd reload > /dev/null|' $PANEL_CONF/logrotate/Sentora-proftpd elif [[ "$OS" = "Ubuntu" || "$OS" = "debian" ]]; then sed -i 's|systemctl reload httpd > /dev/null|/etc/init.d/apache2 reload > /dev/null|' $PANEL_CONF/logrotate/Sentora-apache sed -i 's|systemctl reload proftpd > /dev/null|/etc/init.d/proftpd force-reload > /dev/null|' $PANEL_CONF/logrotate/Sentora-proftpd fi #--- LetsEncrypt - We need a module to help user with SSL Certs/settings. Module coming soon!!!! # Ubuntu 20.04 LetsEncrypt has issues with their code for 20.04. Will resolve later when when they resolve. Maybe i will fix not sure.. #if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" && ( "$VER" = "7" || "$VER" = "8" ) || #"$OS" = "Ubuntu" && ("$VER" = "16.04" || "$VER" = "18.04" ) || #"$OS" = "debian" && ("$VER" = "9" || "$VER" = "10" ) ]] ; then #$PACKAGE_INSTALLER git #git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt #cd letsencrypt || exit #./letsencrypt-auto --help #fi #--- Resolv.conf deprotect chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf #--- Restart all services to capture output messages, if any if [[ "$OS" = "CentOs" && "$VER" == "7" || "$VER" == "8" ]]; then # CentOs7 does not return anything except redirection to systemctl :-( service() { echo "Restarting $1" systemctl restart "$1.service" } fi # Clean up files needed for install/update # N/A echo -e "# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------" # Set admin contact info to zadmin profile echo -e "\n--- Updating Admin contact Info..." mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "UPDATE sentora_core.x_accounts SET ac_email_vc='$ADMIN_EMAIL' WHERE sentora_core.x_accounts.ac_id_pk = 1" mysql -u root -p"$mysqlpassword" -e "UPDATE sentora_core.x_profiles SET ud_fullname_vc='$ADMIN_NAME', ud_phone_vc='$ADMIN_PHONE', ud_address_tx='$ADMIN_ADDRESS\r\n$ADMIN_PROVINCE $ADMIN_POSTALCODE\r\n$ADMIN_COUNTRY', ud_postcode_vc='$ADMIN_POSTALCODE' WHERE sentora_core.x_profiles.ud_id_pk = 1" echo -e "\n--- Done Updating admin contact info.\n" echo -e "# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "\n--- Restarting Services" echo -e "Restarting $DB_SERVICE..." service "$DB_SERVICE" restart echo -e "Restarting $HTTP_SERVICE..." service "$HTTP_SERVICE" restart echo -e "Restarting Postfix..." service postfix restart echo -e "Restarting Dovecot..." service dovecot restart echo -e "Restarting CRON..." service "$CRON_SERVICE" restart echo -e "Restarting Bind9/Named..." service "$BIND_SERVICE" restart echo -e "Restarting Proftpd..." service proftpd restart echo -e "Restarting ATD..." service atd restart echo -e "\n--- Finished Restarting Services...\n" #--- Store the passwords for user reference { echo "Server IP address : $PUBLIC_IP" echo "Panel URL : http://$PANEL_FQDN" echo "zadmin Password : $zadminpassword" echo "" echo "MySQL Root Password : $mysqlpassword" echo "MySQL Postfix Password : $postfixpassword" echo "MySQL ProFTPd Password : $proftpdpassword" echo "MySQL Roundcube Password : $roundcubepassword" } >> /root/passwords.txt chmod 600 /root/passwords.txt #--- Advise the admin that Sentora is now installed and accessible. { echo "########################################################" echo " Congratulations Sentora has now been installed on your" echo " server. Please review the log file left in /root/ for " echo " any errors encountered during installation." echo "" echo " Login to Sentora at http://$PANEL_FQDN" echo " Sentora Username : zadmin" echo " Sentora Password : $zadminpassword" echo "" echo " MySQL Root Password : $mysqlpassword" echo " MySQL Postfix Password : $postfixpassword" echo " MySQL ProFTPd Password : $proftpdpassword" echo " MySQL Roundcube Password : $roundcubepassword" echo " (theses passwords are saved in /root/passwords.txt)" echo "########################################################" echo "" } &>/dev/tty # Wait until the user have read before restarts the server... if [[ "$INSTALL" != "auto" ]] ; then while true; do read -r -e -p "Restart your server now to complete the install (y/n)? " rsn case $rsn in [Yy]* ) break;; [Nn]* ) exit; esac done shutdown -r now fi