namespace java enum TokenType { READ = 1, WRITE = 2, } /** * The write token contains all the data necessary for remove all data lookup calls. * He can be used only for put data on Ingress */ struct WriteToken { /** * delivery timestamp of the token */ 1:required i64 issuanceTimestamp, /** * Timestamp of the token expiration */ 2:required i64 expiryTimestamp, /** * TokenType (Set to TokenType.WRITE) */ 3:required TokenType tokenType /** * true if a lookup is necessary, default false */ 4:optional bool lookup, /** * ident of the producer * a producer inject data, but is not the data owner */ 5:required binary producerId, /** * ident of the owner */ 6:required binary ownerId, /** * Application name */ 7:required string appName /** * indices to use */ 8:optional list indices, /** * Default labels. Those labels will be added to the Geo Time Series labels whenever * this token is used for pushing data. */ 9:optional map labels, /** * Token attributes, placeholder to store K/V. * Attributes can be used to limit/augment the use of the token. */ 10: optional map attributes, } /** * The read token contains all the data necessary for remove all data lookup calls. * He can be used only for data access */ struct ReadToken { /** * delivery timestamp of the token */ 1:required i64 issuanceTimestamp, /** * Timestamp of the token expiration */ 2:required i64 expiryTimestamp, /** * TokenType (Set to TokenType.READ) */ 3:required TokenType tokenType /** * true if a lookup is necessary, default false */ 4:optional bool lookup, /** * DEPRECATED. * Groovy scripting enabled, default false */ 5:optional bool groovy, /** * DEPRECATED * Max fetch size in bytes of each read request, default 16Mb */ 6:optional i64 maxFetchSize, /** * Name of the application using the token */ 7:optional string appName, /** * Token Rights matrix * Apps owners and producers appearing in the 3 lists bellow will be forced as labels selectors * */ /** * List of applications consumed */ 8:required list apps, /** * List of owners */ 9:required list owners, /** * List of producers */ 10:required list producers, /** * Id of the billed customer */ 11:required binary billedId, /** * Token hooks */ 12:optional map hooks, /** * Token attributes */ 13:optional map attributes, /** * Token extra labels. These are label selectors which will be added to * the query parameters to restrain the set of returned Geo Time Series. */ 14:optional map labels, /** * The read token is used for data visualisation, default false */ 100:optional bool dataviz, }