#!/bin/bash # Author: v.stone@163.com #set -ex REGISTRY_HOST="" REGISTRY_AUTH="" TAG_POLICY="" TAG_TIME="" DEBUG="" TEMP_FILE='.docker-registry.tmp' OS_TYPE=$(uname) CURL='curl -s' function check_opts_and_args { # Check Registry Host echo "${REGISTRY_HOST}" | grep -Eq 'http://|https://' || help_doc echo "${REGISTRY_HOST}" | grep -q 'https://' && CURL="${CURL} -k" # Check Registry Auth echo "${REGISTRY_AUTH}" | grep -q ':' || help_doc # Check Tag Policy [[ -z "${TAG_POLICY}" ]] && TAG_POLICY="count=5" if [[ -n $(echo "${TAG_POLICY}" | grep -i 'count=') ]]; then TAG_COUNT=$(echo "${TAG_POLICY}" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') elif [[ -n $(echo "${TAG_POLICY}" | grep -i 'days=') ]]; then TAG_DAYS=$(echo "${TAG_POLICY}" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if [[ "${OS_TYPE}" == "Linux" ]]; then TAG_TIME=$(date -d "-${TAG_DAYS}days" +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M) elif [[ "${OS_TYPE}" == "Darwin" ]]; then TAG_TIME=$(date -v -${TAG_DAYS}d +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M) else echo "OS is not support" exit 1 fi else help_doc fi return 0 } function log_debug { if [[ "${DEBUG}" == "debug" ]]; then echo -e "\033[34;40;1m [ DEBUG ] \033[0m $@" 1>&2 fi return 0 } function log_note { echo -e "$@" 1>&2 return 0 } function log_error { echo -e "\033[31;40;1m [ ERROR ] \033[0m $@" 1>&2 exit 1 } # Usage: format_output # Output: formated_text function format_output { output=$1 if [[ "${OS_TYPE}" == "Linux" ]]; then echo "${output}" | sed 's/,/\n/g' elif [[ "${OS_TYPE}" == "Darwin" ]]; then echo "${output}" | sed 's/,/\'$'\n/g' else exit 1 fi return 0 } # Usage: _get_token_url # Output: token_url function _get_token_url { url=${1?} method=${2-'GET'} log_debug "${CURL} -X ${method} --head ${url}" output=$(${CURL} -X ${method} --head "${url}" --connect-timeout 3) echo "${output}" | head -1 | grep -q '401' || log_error "${output}" bearer=$(echo "${output}" | grep -i 'www-authenticate' | grep -i 'bearer' | awk '{print $NF}') bearer_realm=$(format_output "${bearer}" | grep 'realm=' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') bearer_service=$(format_output "${bearer}" | grep 'service=' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') bearer_scope=$(format_output "${bearer}" | grep 'scope=' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') log_debug "REALM: ${bearer_realm}" log_debug "SERVICE: ${bearer_service}" log_debug "SCOPE: ${bearer_scope}" tk_url="${bearer_realm}?service=${bearer_service}&scope=${bearer_scope}" echo "${tk_url}" log_debug "Succeed to get bearer info: ${tk_url}" return 0 } # Usage: _get_token # Output: auth_token function _get_token { url=${1?} method=${2-'GET'} token_url=$(_get_token_url "${url}" "${method}") log_debug "${CURL} -X ${method} -u '${REGISTRY_AUTH}' '${token_url}'" output=$(${CURL} -X ${method} -u ${REGISTRY_AUTH} "${token_url}" --connect-timeout 3) echo "${output}" | grep -q 'token' || log_error "${output}" log_debug "${output}" log_debug "200 OK" auth_token=$(echo ${output} | grep 'token' | awk -F '"' '{print $4}') [[ -z "${auth_token}" ]] && log_error "Cannot Get Authorization Token" log_debug "Succeed to get authorization token" echo "${auth_token}" return 0 } # Usage: get_repositories # Output: repositories_list function get_repositories { url="${REGISTRY_HOST}/v2/_catalog" log_note "\nGet Repositories: ${url}" token=$(_get_token "${url}") log_debug "${CURL} -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}' ${url}" output=$(${CURL} -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" "${url}") echo "${output}" | grep -q 'repositories' || log_error "${output}" log_note "200 OK" repo_str=$(echo "${output}" | grep 'repositories' | awk -F '[' '{print $2}' | awk -F ']' '{print $1}') repos=$(format_output "${repo_str}" | sed 's/"//g') log_note "${repos}" echo "${repos}" return 0 } # Usage: get_tags # Output: tags_list function get_tags { repo_name=${1?} url="${REGISTRY_HOST}/v2/${repo_name}/tags/list" log_note "\nGet Tags: ${url}" token=$(_get_token "${url}") log_debug "${CURL} -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}' ${url}" output=$(${CURL} -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" "${url}") echo "${output}" | grep -q 'tags' || log_error "${output}" log_note "200 OK" tags_str=$(echo "${output}" | grep 'tags' | awk -F '[' '{print $2}' | awk -F ']' '{print $1}') tags=$(format_output "${tags_str}" | sed 's/"//g') log_debug "Total: $(echo "${tags}" | wc -l)" log_note "${tags}" echo "${tags}" return 0 } # Usage: get_digest # Output: digest function get_digest { repo_name=${1?} tag=${2?} url="${REGISTRY_HOST}/v2/${repo_name}/manifests/${tag}" log_note "\nGet Digest: ${url}" token=$(_get_token "${url}") log_debug "${CURL} --head -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}' '${url}'" output=$(${CURL} --head -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" "${url}" 2>&1) echo "${output}" | grep -qi 'docker-content-digest' || log_error "${output}" log_note "200 OK" digest=$(echo "${output}" | grep -i 'docker-content-digest' | awk '{print $NF}' | awk -F '\r' '{print $1}') log_debug "DIGEST: ${digest}" log_note "${digest}" echo "${digest}" return 0 } # Usage: get_created_time # Output: created_time function get_created_time { repo_name=${1?} tag=${2?} url="${REGISTRY_HOST}/v2/${repo_name}/manifests/${tag}" log_note "\nGet Created Date: ${url}" token=$(_get_token "${url}") log_debug "${CURL} -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}' '${url}'" output=$(${CURL} -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" "${url}" 2>&1) echo "${output}" | grep -qi '"history"' || log_error "${output}" log_note "200 OK" created_time_str=$(echo "${output}" | grep -i '"history"' -A 2 | tail -1 | sed 's/.*created//' | awk -F '[".]' '{print $3}') if [[ "${OS_TYPE}" == "Linux" ]]; then created_time=$(date -d "${created_time_str}" +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M) elif [[ "${OS_TYPE}" == "Darwin" ]]; then created_time=$(date -j -f %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M "${created_time_str}" +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M) fi log_debug "CREATED DATE: ${created_time}" log_note "${created_time}" echo "${created_time}" return 0 } # Usage: delete_digest # Output: None function delete_digest { url="${REGISTRY_HOST}/v2/${1}/manifests/${2}" log_note "\nDelete Digest: ${url}" token=$(_get_token "${url}") log_debug "${CURL} -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}' '${url}'" output=$(${CURL} -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" "${url}") [[ -z "${output}" ]] || log_error "${output}" log_note "202 DELETED" return 0 } function help_doc { cat < -h Registry Host: e.g. "" -a Registry Authorization: e.g. "admin:password" -p Tag Policy: e.g. count=5 -- Default. Cleanup the digest and keep 5 days=7 -- Cleanup the digest if it is generated 7 days ago -d Enable debug mode Example: $0 -h "" -a "admin:password" $0 -h "" -a "admin:password" -p "count=5" -d $0 -h "" -a "admin:password" -p "days=7" EOF exit 1 } ## Main #### Define and check OPT and OPTARG while getopts ':h:a:p:d' OPT do case ${OPT} in h) REGISTRY_HOST="${OPTARG}" ;; a) REGISTRY_AUTH="${OPTARG}" ;; p) TAG_POLICY="${OPTARG}" ;; d) DEBUG="debug" ;; *) help_doc ;; esac done check_opts_and_args #### Cleanup Repo for repo in $(get_repositories) do # Recreate temp file [[ -f ${TEMP_FILE} ]] && rm -rf ${TEMP_FILE} # Get all tags of the repo tags=$(get_tags ${repo}) if [[ -n "${TAG_COUNT}" ]]; then # If tags less than $TAG_COUNT, no need to do anything (( $(echo "${tags}" | wc -l) <= ${TAG_COUNT} )) && continue for tag in ${tags} do # Get digest digest=$(get_digest ${repo} ${tag}) # Get create time created_time=$(get_created_time ${repo} ${tag}) # Append created time and digest into temp file echo ${created_time} ${digest} >> ${TEMP_FILE} done all_digest=$(cat ${TEMP_FILE} | sort -k 1 -r | uniq) # Get latest 5 digests from temp file latest_digest=$(echo "${all_digest}" | sed -n "1,${TAG_COUNT}p" | awk '{print $2}') # Get overdue digest list from temp file overdue_digest=$(echo "${all_digest}" | sed -n "$(( $TAG_COUNT + 1 )),\$p" | awk '{print $2}') elif [[ -n "${TAG_DAYS}" ]]; then for tag in ${tags} do # Get digest digest=$(get_digest ${repo} ${tag}) # Get create time created_time=$(get_created_time ${repo} ${tag}) # Append created time and digest into temp file echo ${created_time} ${digest} >> ${TEMP_FILE} done # Append TAG_TIME into temp file and sort digest list echo "${TAG_TIME} ==GC-REGISTRY==" >> ${TEMP_FILE} # Sort digest list and get gc registry line all_digest=$(cat ${TEMP_FILE} | sort -k 1 | uniq) gc_registry_line=$(echo "${all_digest}" | grep -n '==GC-REGISTRY==' | awk -F ':' '{print $1}') # If all tags within $TAG_DAYS, no need to do anything (( ${gc_registry_line} == 1 )) && continue # Get latest digests from temp file latest_digest=$(echo "${all_digest}" | sed -n "$(( ${gc_registry_line} + 1 )),\$p" | awk '{print $2}') # Get overdue digest list from temp file overdue_digest=$(echo "${all_digest}" | sed -n "1,$(( ${gc_registry_line} - 1 ))p" | awk '{print $2}') else echo "There is some mistake during run this scripts" exit 1 fi for check_digest in ${overdue_digest} do # If overdue digest is not in latest digest list, delete it echo "${latest_digest}" | grep -q "${check_digest}" || delete_digest "${repo}" "${check_digest}" done [[ -f ${TEMP_FILE} ]] && rm -rf ${TEMP_FILE} done