# ============================================================================ # Config file for Sequana_mapper pipeline # ==========================================[ Sections for the users ]======== # # One of input_directory, input_pattern and input_samples must be provided # If input_directory provided, use it otherwise if input_pattern provided, # use it, otherwise use input_samples. # ============================================================================ input_directory: input_readtag: "_R[12]_" input_pattern: '*fastq.gz' ########################################################## # general: mapper: bwa reference_file: annotation_file: create_bigwig: false bwa: index_algorithm: is options: -T 30 -M threads: 4 tmp_directory: ./tmp minimap2: options: '' threads: 4 bowtie2: options: '' threads: 4 bowtie2_index: options: '' threads: 4 bwa_index: options: '' threads: 4 feature_counts: do: False options: '' gff: '' threads: 4 ############################################################################# # # :Parameters: # # :param circular: is your genome circular or not ? # :param double_threshold: double threshold for clustering. Keep 0.5 if you do # not know. Otherwise, checkout the online documentation on # sequana.readthedocs.io # :param genbank_file: optional genbank # :param high_threshold: # :param low_threshold: # :param mixture_models: keep to 2. # :param reference_file: optional fasta file corresponding to you mapped #i data. Used for GC plot only # :param window: the W parameter of the running median. Keep as long as twice # the deleted/depleted/duplicated you want to identify or to avoid. short # genome will be set to genome length divided by 5 automatically. # :param chunksize: for large genomes, split the data into chunks # :param binning: for large genomes, merge data into bins of this size. You will # loose resolution: bins are merged and averaged indeed # :param cnv_clustering: further clustering to merge detected events whose # distance is smaller than this parameter # sequana_coverage: do: false circular: true window_size: 20001 chunksize: 5000000 double_threshold: 0.5 gc_window_size: 201 genbank_file: '' high_threshold: 4.0 low_threshold: -4.0 mixture_models: 2 reference_file: '' ############################################################################# ## MultiQC aggregates results from bioinformatics analyses across many ## samples into a single report. ## ## :Parameters: ## ## - options: any options recognised by multiqc ## - output-directory: Create report in the specified output directory ## - config_file: by default, we use sequana RNA-seq multiqc_config file. ## If you want your own multiqc, fill this entry multiqc: options: "-p -f " modules: sequana_bamtools_stats sequana_coverage bowtie2 bowtie1 featureCounts input_directory: "." config_file: "multiqc_config.yaml"