Changelog for modHelpers. 4.0.0-pl ============== - Added function "build_tree". - Added function "reading_time". - Added function "sanitize_path". - Added function "value". - Removed function "faker". - Refactored the dump function. Now you can pass multiple agruments. - Added the ctx parameter for the login and logout functions. - Fixed the attach function of the Mailer class (#2). 3.7.0-pl ============== - New function "get_exec_args". 3.7.0-beta ============== - Added new function "exec_bg_script". - Added new function "timer". - Added "subDomain" and "subDomains" methods to the Request class. - Added "storeAsOriginal" method to the UploadedFile class. 3.6.0-beta ============== - Added new function "tag_encode". - Added new function "tag_decode". - Added new function "array_is_assoc". - Added new function "is_odd". - Added new function "is_even". - Added some methods to the Str class (used in the "string" function). - Added "dd" and "dump" methods to the Collection class. - Updated all composer dependencies. 3.5.1-beta ============== - Improved compatibility with PHP 7.2. 3.5.0-beta ============== - New function "string". - New function "str_concat". - Fixed the bug with the email function. 3.4.0-beta ============== - Added new function "first". - Added new function "optional". - Added new function "html_attributes". - Improved the css() and script() functions. 3.3.0-beta ============== - Added the session manager. - The "session" function called without arguments returns the session manager instead of $_SESSION. - Added new function "dump". - Added new function "dd". - Added new function "has_parent". - Calling "user(true)" returns the current user. - Calling "resource(true)" returns the current resource. - Fixed a bug with caching in the "snippet" function. - Updated composer libraries. - Renamed the system setting "modhelpers_responseManager" to "modhelpers_responseManagerClass". 3.2.1-beta ============== - Changed syntax for file elements with the relative path. - Fixed the filter method of the Request class. 3.2.0-beta ============== - Added new function "response". - Renamed files of the classes. - In the functions chunk() and snippet() you can specify the name with a relative path (if you use file elements). - Added file "config/config.php" to add custom system settings. Can be helpful in testing mode. 3.1.1-beta ============== - Fixed broken compatibility with PHP 5.5. 3.1.0-beta ============== - Added method "getCsrfToken" to the Request class. - Added method "checkCsrfToken" to the Request class. - Added method "isBot" to the Request class. - Added "bot_user_agents" system setting. - Added a new function "csrf_token". - Added a new function "csrf_field". - Added a new function "csrf_meta". - Changed the priority of the library loading. 3.0.1-beta ============== - Added a new function "echo_br". - Fixed bug with loading the ModelColunm class. - Removed debug info. - Updated the Faker library. 3.0.0-beta ============== - IMPORTANT! Added namespace "modHelpers" to the modHelpers' classes. - Requirement of the minimum PHP version is changed to 5.5. - Added a new function "request". - Added a new function "switch_context". - Added a new method "object" to the Object class. - Added a new method "parent" to the Object class. - Added a new method "first" to the Query class. - Added a new method "toString" to the Query class. - Added a new method "remember" to the CacheManager class. - All classes can be extended. 2.1.0-pl ============== - Added function "is_tablet". - Added function "is_desktop". - Added function "app". - Added function "filter_data". - Added function "null_if". - Added the "relogin" parameter to the "logout" function. - Improve the "pls" function. - Improve the "parse" function. 2.0.0-pl ============== - IMPORTANT! Changed the signature of the session() function. To put data to the session use an array. - Added function "session_pull". - Added function "default_if". - Added method "log" to the modHelpersMailer class. It can be helpful for testing. - Added method "toArray" to the modHelpersMailer class. - Added method "tpl" to the modHelpersMailer class which set a chunk for the email content. 1.4.0-beta ============== - Added function "is_mobile". - Added function "array_empty". - Added function "array_notempty". - Added functions "array_trim", "array_ltrim" and "array_rtrim". - Added functions "explode_trim", "explode_ltrim" and "explode_rtrim". - Added function "echo_nl". - Added function "print_str". - Added function "print_d". - Added function "parse". - Added function "str_between". - Added function "str_limit". - Added functions - "str_starts", "str_ends", "str_contains" and "str_match". - Added the queue functionality to the mailer class. - The log functions can output objects which have the "toArray" method. - Code refactoring. 1.3.0-beta ============== - Added function "login". - Added function "logout". - Added function "is_ajax". - Fixed some bugs. 1.2.0-beta ============== - Added function "load_model" for a custom table or base objects. - Added method "joinGroup" to the collection class for users and resources. - Added method "leaveGroup" to the collection class for users and resources. - Added method "whereIn" to the collection class. - Added method "whereNotIn" to the collection class. - Added method "whereLike" to the collection class. - Added method "whereNotLike" to the collection class. - Added method "whereIsNull" to the collection class. - Added method "whereIsNotNull" to the collection class. - Added class modHelpersMailer which allows to use chains of methods. - Removed the functions "pdotools" and "pdofetch". 1.1.0-beta ============== - Added function "faker" which generates fake data. - Added function "img". - Added method "whereExists" to the collection class. - Added method "whereNotExists" to the collection class. - Added method "elements" to the collection class. 1.0.2-beta ============== - Renamed "esc" function to "escape". - Added "memory" function. - Added "forward" function. - Added "orWhere" method to the collection class. - Added "each" method to the collection class. - Added "union" method to the collection class. - Added "members" method to the collection class. - Added an ability to pass a Closure to the collection functions. 1.0.1-beta ============== - Renamed the log functions. - Added "withTV" method to the collection class. 1.0.0-beta ============== - Initial release.