#!/bin/bash # info: backup system user with all its objects # options: USER NOTIFY # # The call is used for backing up user with all its domains and databases. #----------------------------------------------------------# # Variable&Function # #----------------------------------------------------------# # Importing system variables source /etc/profile # Argument definition user=$1 notify=${2-no} # Includes source $VESTA/func/main.sh source $VESTA/func/domain.sh source $VESTA/func/db.sh source $VESTA/conf/vesta.conf #----------------------------------------------------------# # Verifications # #----------------------------------------------------------# check_args '1' "$#" 'USER [NOTIFY]' is_format_valid 'user' is_system_enabled "$BACKUP_SYSTEM" 'BACKUP_SYSTEM' is_object_valid 'user' 'USER' "$user" is_object_unsuspended 'user' 'USER' "$user" is_backup_enabled #----------------------------------------------------------# # Action # #----------------------------------------------------------# # Set backup directory if undefined if [ -z "$BACKUP" ]; then BACKUP=/backup fi mkdir -p $BACKUP # Get current time start_time=$(date '+%s') # Set notification email and subject subj="$user → backup failed" email=$(grep CONTACT $VESTA/data/users/admin/user.conf |cut -f 2 -d \') # Checking load average la=$(cat /proc/loadavg |cut -f 1 -d ' ' |cut -f 1 -d '.') i=0 while [ "$la" -ge "$BACKUP_LA_LIMIT" ]; do echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") Load Average $la" sleep 60 if [ "$i" -ge "15" ]; then la_error="LoadAverage $la is above threshold" echo "$la_error" |$SENDMAIL -s "$subj" $email $notify sed -i "/ $user /d" $VESTA/data/queue/backup.pipe check_result $E_LA "$la_error" fi la=$(cat /proc/loadavg |cut -f 1 -d ' ' |cut -f 1 -d '.') (( ++i)) done if [ -z "$BACKUP_TEMP" ]; then BACKUP_TEMP=$BACKUP fi # Creating temporary directory tmpdir=$(mktemp -p $BACKUP_TEMP -d) if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Can't create tmp dir $tmpdir" |$SENDMAIL -s "$subj" $email $notify check_result $E_NOTEXIST "can't create tmp dir" fi # Backup sys configs echo "-- SYSTEM --" |tee $BACKUP/$user.log mkdir $tmpdir/vesta echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") $user.conf" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log cp -r $USER_DATA/user.conf $tmpdir/vesta/ cp -r $USER_DATA/ssl $tmpdir/vesta/ if [ -e "$USER_DATA/stats.log" ]; then echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") stats.log" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log cp -r $USER_DATA/stats.log $tmpdir/vesta/ fi if [ -e "$USER_DATA/history.log" ]; then echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") history.log" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log cp -r $USER_DATA/history.log $tmpdir/vesta/ fi if [ -e "$USER_DATA/backup-excludes.conf" ]; then echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") backup-excludes.conf" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log cp -r $USER_DATA/backup-excludes.conf $tmpdir/vesta/ fi # Backup PAM mkdir $tmpdir/pam echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") pam" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log grep "^$user:" /etc/passwd > $tmpdir/pam/passwd grep "^$user:" /etc/shadow > $tmpdir/pam/shadow grep "^$user:" /etc/group > $tmpdir/pam/group echo # Parsing excludes if [ -e "$USER_DATA/backup-excludes.conf" ]; then source $USER_DATA/backup-excludes.conf fi # WEB domains if [ ! -z "$WEB_SYSTEM" ] && [ "$WEB" != '*' ]; then echo -e "\n-- WEB --" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log mkdir $tmpdir/web/ # Parsing domain exclusions conf="$USER_DATA/web.conf" for domain in $(search_objects 'web' 'SUSPENDED' "*" 'DOMAIN'); do exclusion=$(echo -e "$WEB" |tr ',' '\n' |grep "^$domain$") if [ -z "$exclusion" ]; then web_list="$web_list $domain" else echo "$(date "+%F %T") excluding $domain"|tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log fi done web_list=$(echo "$web_list" |sed -e "s/ */\ /g" -e "s/^ //") i=0 for domain in $web_list; do ((i ++)) echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") $domain" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log mkdir -p $tmpdir/web/$domain/conf mkdir -p $tmpdir/web/$domain/vesta # Get domain variables domain_idn=$domain format_domain_idn get_domain_values 'web' # Backup web.conf cd $tmpdir/web/$domain/ conf="$USER_DATA/web.conf" grep "DOMAIN='$domain'" $conf > vesta/web.conf # Backup vhost config conf=$HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/$domain.$WEB_SYSTEM.conf if [ -e "$conf" ]; then cp $conf conf/$WEB_SYSTEM.conf else # old style configs tpl_file="$WEBTPL/$WEB_SYSTEM/$WEB_BACKEND/$TPL.tpl" conf="$HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/$WEB_SYSTEM.conf" get_web_config_lines $tpl_file $conf sed -n "$top_line,$bottom_line p" $conf > conf/$WEB_SYSTEM.conf fi # Backup ssl vhost if [ "$SSL" = 'yes' ]; then conf=$HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/$domain.$WEB_SYSTEM.ssl.conf if [ -e "$conf" ]; then cp $conf conf/$WEB_SYSTEM.ssl.conf else tpl_file="$WEBTPL/$WEB_SYSTEM/$WEB_BACKEND/$TPL.stpl" conf="$HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/s$WEB_SYSTEM.conf" get_web_config_lines $tpl_file $conf sed -n "$top_line,$bottom_line p" $conf > \ conf/s$WEB_SYSTEM.conf fi fi # Backup proxy config if [ ! -z "$PROXY_SYSTEM" ] && [ ! -z "$PROXY" ]; then conf=$HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/$domain.$PROXY_SYSTEM.conf if [ -e "$conf" ]; then cp $conf conf/$PROXY_SYSTEM.conf else tpl_file="$WEBTPL/$PROXY_SYSTEM/$PROXY.tpl" conf="$HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/$PROXY_SYSTEM.conf" get_web_config_lines $tpl_file $conf sed -n "$top_line,$bottom_line p" $conf > \ conf/$PROXY_SYSTEM.conf fi fi # Backup ssl proxy config if [ ! -z "$PROXY_SYSTEM" ] && [ "$SSL" = 'yes' ]; then conf=$HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/$domain.$PROXY_SYSTEM.ssl.conf if [ -e "$conf" ]; then cp $conf conf/$PROXY_SYSTEM.ssl.conf else tpl_file="$WEBTPL/$PROXY_SYSTEM/$PROXY.stpl" conf="$HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/s$PROXY_SYSTEM.conf" get_web_config_lines $tpl_file $conf sed -n "$top_line,$bottom_line p" $conf >\ conf/s$PROXY_SYSTEM.conf fi fi # Backup custom config / backup LE config for sconfig in $(ls $HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/|grep ".$domain.conf"); do cp $HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/$sconfig conf/ done # Backup ssl certificates if [ "$SSL" = 'yes' ] ; then cp $HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/ssl.$domain.* conf/ cp $USER_DATA/ssl/$domain.* vesta/ fi # Changin dir to documentroot cd $HOMEDIR/$user/web/$domain # Define exclude arguments exlusion=$(echo -e "$WEB" |tr ',' '\n' |grep "^$domain:") set -f fargs=() fargs+=(--exclude='./logs/*') if [ ! -z "$exlusion" ]; then xdirs="$(echo -e "$exlusion" |tr ':' '\n' |grep -v $domain)" for xpath in $xdirs; do if [ -d "$xpath" ]; then fargs+=(--exclude=$xpath/*) echo "$(date "+%F %T") excluding directory $xpath" msg="$msg\n$(date "+%F %T") excluding directory $xpath" else echo "$(date "+%F %T") excluding file $xpath" msg="$msg\n$(date "+%F %T") excluding file $xpath" fargs+=(--exclude=$xpath) fi done fi set +f # Backup files tar --anchored -cpf- ${fargs[@]} * |gzip -$BACKUP_GZIP - > $tmpdir/web/$domain/domain_data.tar.gz done # Print total if [ "$i" -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") *** $i domain ***" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log else echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") *** $i domains ***"|tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log fi fi # DNS domains if [ ! -z "$DNS_SYSTEM" ] && [ "$DNS" != '*' ]; then echo -e "\n-- DNS --" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log mkdir $tmpdir/dns/ # Parsing domain exclusions for domain in $(search_objects 'dns' 'SUSPENDED' "*" 'DOMAIN'); do exclusion=$(echo "$DNS" |tr ',' '\n' |grep "^$domain$") if [ -z "$exclusion" ]; then dns_list="$dns_list $domain" else echo "$(date "+%F %T") excluding $domain" msg="$msg\n$(date "+%F %T") excluding $domain" fi done dns_list=$(echo "$dns_list" |sed -e "s/ */\ /g" -e "s/^ //") i=0 for domain in $dns_list; do ((i ++)) echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") $domain" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log # Building directory tree mkdir -p $tmpdir/dns/$domain/conf mkdir -p $tmpdir/dns/$domain/vesta # Backup dns.conf cd $tmpdir/dns/$domain/ conf="$USER_DATA/dns.conf" grep "DOMAIN='$domain'" $conf > vesta/dns.conf # Backup dns recods cp $USER_DATA/dns/$domain.conf vesta/$domain.conf if [ "$DNS_SYSTEM" != 'remote' ]; then cp $HOMEDIR/$user/conf/dns/$domain.db conf/$domain.db fi done # Print total if [ "$i" -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") *** $i domain ***" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log else echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") *** $i domains ***"|tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log fi fi # Mail domains if [ ! -z "$MAIL_SYSTEM" ] && [ "$MAIL" != '*' ]; then echo -e "\n-- MAIL --" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log mkdir $tmpdir/mail/ # Parsing domain exclusions conf="$USER_DATA/mail.conf" for domain in $(search_objects 'mail' 'SUSPENDED' "*" 'DOMAIN'); do check_exl=$(echo "$MAIL" |tr ',' '\n' |grep "^$domain$") if [ -z "$check_exl" ]; then mail_list="$mail_list $domain" else echo "$(date "+%F %T") excluding $domain"|tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log fi done mail_list=$(echo "$mail_list" |sed -e "s/ */\ /g" -e "s/^ //") i=0 for domain in $mail_list; do ((i ++)) echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") $domain" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log mkdir -p $tmpdir/mail/$domain/conf mkdir -p $tmpdir/mail/$domain/vesta domain_idn=$domain format_domain_idn # Backup exim config if [[ "$MAIL_SYSTEM" =~ exim ]]; then cd $tmpdir/mail/$domain/ cp $HOMEDIR/$user/conf/mail/$domain/* conf/ fi # Backup mail.conf conf="$USER_DATA/mail.conf" grep "DOMAIN='$domain'" $conf > vesta/mail.conf cp $USER_DATA/mail/$domain.* vesta/ if [ ! -z "$(ls $USER_DATA/mail/|grep *@$domain)" ]; then cp $USER_DATA/mail/*@$domain.* vesta/ fi # Backup emails cd $HOMEDIR/$user/mail/$domain_idn accounts=() for account in $(ls); do exclusion=$(echo "$MAIL" |tr ',' '\n' |grep "$domain:") exclusion=$(echo "$exclusion" |tr ':' '\n' |grep "^$account$") # Checking exlusions if [ -z "$exclusion" ] && [[ "$MAIL_SYSTEM" =~ exim ]]; then accounts+=($account) else echo "$(date "+%F %T") excluding mail account $account" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log fi done # Compress archive if [ ${#accounts[@]} -gt 0 ]; then tar -cpf- ${accounts[@]} |gzip -$BACKUP_GZIP - > $tmpdir/mail/$domain/accounts.tar.gz fi done # Print total if [ "$i" -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") *** $i domain ***" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log else echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") *** $i domains ***"|tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log fi fi # Databases if [ ! -z "$DB_SYSTEM" ] && [ "$DB" != '*' ]; then echo -e "\n-- DB --" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log mkdir $tmpdir/db/ # Parsing database exclusions for database in $(search_objects 'db' 'SUSPENDED' "*" 'DB'); do exclusion=$(echo "$DB" |tr ',' '\n' |grep "^$database$") if [ -z "$exclusion" ]; then db_list="$db_list $database" else echo "$(date "+%F %T") excluding $database" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log fi done i=0 conf="$USER_DATA/db.conf" db_list=$(echo "$db_list" |sed -e "s/ */\ /g" -e "s/^ //") for database in $db_list; do ((i ++)) get_database_values echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") $database ($TYPE)" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log mkdir -p $tmpdir/db/$database/conf mkdir -p $tmpdir/db/$database/vesta cd $tmpdir/db/$database/ grep "DB='$database'" $conf > vesta/db.conf dump="$tmpdir/db/$database/$database.$TYPE.sql" dumpgz="$tmpdir/db/$database/$database.$TYPE.sql.gz" grants="$tmpdir/db/$database/conf/$database.$TYPE.$DBUSER" if [ ! -f "$dumpgz" ]; then case $TYPE in mysql) dump_mysql_database ;; pgsql) dump_pgsql_database ;; esac # Compress dump gzip -$BACKUP_GZIP $dump fi done # Print total if [ "$i" -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") *** $i database ***" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log else echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") *** $i databases ***"|\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log fi fi # Cron jobs if [ ! -z "$CRON_SYSTEM" ] && [ "$CRON" != '*' ]; then echo -e "\n-- CRON --" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log mkdir $tmpdir/cron/ # Backup cron.conf cp $USER_DATA/cron.conf $tmpdir/cron/ cron_record=$(wc -l $USER_DATA/cron.conf|cut -f 1 -d ' ') if [ -e "/var/spool/cron/$user" ]; then cron_list="$cron_record" cp /var/spool/cron/$user $tmpdir/cron/ fi # Print total if [ "$cron_record" -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") *** $cron_record job ***" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log else echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") *** $cron_record jobs ***" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log fi fi # User Directories if [ "$USER" != '*' ]; then echo -e "\n-- User Dir --" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log mkdir $tmpdir/user_dir cd $HOMEDIR/$user # Parsing directory exlusions USER='' if [ -e "$USER_DATA/backup-excludes.conf" ]; then source $USER_DATA/backup-excludes.conf fi fargs=() for xpath in $(echo "$USER" |tr ',' '\n'); do if [ -d "$xpath" ]; then fargs+=(--exclude=$xpath/*) echo "$(date "+%F %T") excluding directory $xpath" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log else echo "$(date "+%F %T") excluding file $xpath" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log fargs+=(--exclude=$xpath) fi done IFS=$'\n' set -f i=0 for udir in $(ls -a |egrep -v "^conf$|^web$|^dns$|^mail$|^\.\.$|^\.$"); do exclusion=$(echo "$USER" |tr ',' '\n' |grep "^$udir$") if [ -z "$exclusion" ]; then ((i ++)) udir_str=$(echo "$udir" |sed -e "s|'|\\\'|g") udir_list="$udir_list $udir_str" echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") adding $udir" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log # Backup files and dirs tar --anchored -cpf- ${fargs[@]} $udir |gzip -$BACKUP_GZIP - > $tmpdir/user_dir/$udir.tar.gz fi done set +f udir_list=$(echo "$udir_list" |sed -e "s/ */\ /g" -e "s/^ //") # Print total if [ "$i" -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") *** $i user directory ***" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log else echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") *** $i directories ***" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log fi fi # Get backup size size="$(du -shm $tmpdir |cut -f 1)" # Get current time end_time=$(date '+%s') time_n_date=$(date +'%T %F') time=$(echo "$time_n_date" |cut -f 1 -d \ ) date=$(echo "$time_n_date" |cut -f 2 -d \ ) backup_new_date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") # Defining local storage function local_backup(){ rm -f $BACKUP/$user.$backup_new_date.tar # Checking retention backup_list=$(ls -lrt $BACKUP/ |awk '{print $9}' |grep "^$user\." | grep ".tar") backups_count=$(echo "$backup_list" |wc -l) if [ "$BACKUPS" -le "$backups_count" ]; then backups_rm_number=$((backups_count - BACKUPS + 1)) # Removing old backup for backup in $(echo "$backup_list" |head -n $backups_rm_number); do backup_date=$(echo $backup |sed -e "s/$user.//" -e "s/.tar$//") echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") Rotated: $backup_date" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log rm -f $BACKUP/$backup done fi # Checking disk space disk_usage=$(df $BACKUP |tail -n1 |tr ' ' '\n' |grep % |cut -f 1 -d %) if [ "$disk_usage" -ge "$BACKUP_DISK_LIMIT" ]; then rm -rf $tmpdir rm -f $BACKUP/$user.log sed -i "/ $user /d" $VESTA/data/queue/backup.pipe echo "Not enough disk space" |$SENDMAIL -s "$subj" $email $notify check_result "$E_DISK" "Not enough dsk space" fi # Creating final tarball cd $tmpdir tar -cf $BACKUP/$user.$backup_new_date.tar . chmod 640 $BACKUP/$user.$backup_new_date.tar chown admin:$user $BACKUP/$user.$backup_new_date.tar localbackup='yes' echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") Local: $BACKUP/$user.$backup_new_date.tar" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log } # Defining ftp command function ftpc() { /usr/bin/ftp -np $HOST $PORT < /dev/null 2>&1 ftmpdir="$BPATH/vst.bK76A9SUkt" fi ftpc "mkdir $ftmpdir" "rm $ftmpdir" ftp_result=$(ftpc "mkdir $ftmpdir" "rm $ftmpdir" |grep -v Trying) if [ ! -z "$ftp_result" ] ; then error="Can't create ftp backup folder ftp://$HOST$BPATH" rm -rf $tmpdir rm -f $BACKUP/$user.log echo "$error" |$SENDMAIL -s "$subj" $email $notify sed -i "/ $user /d" $VESTA/data/queue/backup.pipe check_result "$E_FTP" "$error" fi # Checking retention if [ -z $BPATH ]; then backup_list=$(ftpc "ls" |awk '{print $9}' |grep "^$user\.") else backup_list=$(ftpc "cd $BPATH" "ls" |awk '{print $9}' |grep "^$user\.") fi backups_count=$(echo "$backup_list" |wc -l) if [ "$backups_count" -ge "$BACKUPS" ]; then backups_rm_number=$((backups_count - BACKUPS + 1)) for backup in $(echo "$backup_list" |head -n $backups_rm_number); do backup_date=$(echo $backup |sed -e "s/$user.//" -e "s/.tar$//") echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") Rotated ftp backup: $backup_date" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log if [ -z $BPATH ]; then ftpc "delete $backup" else ftpc "cd $BPATH" "delete $backup" fi done fi # Uploading backup archive if [ "$localbackup" = 'yes' ]; then cd $BACKUP if [ -z $BPATH ]; then ftpc "put $user.$backup_new_date.tar" else ftpc "cd $BPATH" "put $user.$backup_new_date.tar" fi else cd $tmpdir tar -cf $BACKUP/$user.$backup_new_date.tar . cd $BACKUP/ if [ -z $BPATH ]; then ftpc "put $user.$backup_new_date.tar" else ftpc "cd $BPATH" "put $user.$backup_new_date.tar" fi rm -f $user.$backup_new_date.tar fi } # sftp command function sftpc() { expect -f "-" <" { if {\$count < \$argc} { set arg [lindex \$argv \$count] send "\$arg\r" incr count } else { send "exit\r" set output "Disconnected." if {[info exists rc] != 1} { set rc $OK } } exp_continue } timeout { set output "Connection timeout." set rc $E_CONNECT } } if {[info exists output] == 1} { puts "\$output" } exit \$rc EOF } sftp_backup() { # Checking config if [ ! -e "$VESTA/conf/sftp.backup.conf" ]; then error="Can't open sftp.backup.conf" rm -rf $tmpdir rm -f $BACKUP/$user.log echo "$error" |$SENDMAIL -s "$subj" $email $notify sed -i "/ $user /d" $VESTA/data/queue/backup.pipe check_result "$E_NOTEXIST" "$error" fi # Parse config source $VESTA/conf/sftp.backup.conf # Set default port if [ -z "$(grep 'PORT=' $VESTA/conf/sftp.backup.conf)" ]; then PORT='22' fi # Checking variables if [ -z "$HOST" ] || [ -z "$USERNAME" ] || [ -z "$PASSWORD" ]; then error="Can't parse sftp backup configuration" rm -rf $tmpdir rm -f $BACKUP/$user.log echo "$error" |$SENDMAIL -s "$subj" $email $notify sed -i "/ $user /d" $VESTA/data/queue/backup.pipe check_result "$E_PARSING" "$error" fi # Debug info echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") Remote: sftp://$HOST/$BPATH/$user.$backup_new_date.tar" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log # Checking network connection and write permissions if [ -z $BPATH ]; then sftmpdir="vst.bK76A9SUkt" else sftmpdir="$BPATH/vst.bK76A9SUkt" fi sftpc "mkdir $BPATH" > /dev/null 2>&1 sftpc "mkdir $sftmpdir" "rmdir $sftmpdir" > /dev/null 2>&1 rc=$? if [[ "$rc" != 0 ]]; then case $rc in $E_CONNECT) error="Can't login to sftp host $HOST" ;; $E_FTP) error="Can't create temp folder on sftp $HOST" ;; esac rm -rf $tmpdir rm -f $BACKUP/$user.log echo "$error" |$SENDMAIL -s "$subj" $email $notify sed -i "/ $user /d" $VESTA/data/queue/backup.pipe check_result "$rc" "$error" fi # Checking retention if [ -z $BPATH ]; then backup_list=$(sftpc "ls -l" |awk '{print $9}'|grep "^$user\.") else backup_list=$(sftpc "cd $BPATH" "ls -l" |awk '{print $9}'|grep "^$user\.") fi backups_count=$(echo "$backup_list" |wc -l) if [ "$backups_count" -ge "$BACKUPS" ]; then backups_rm_number=$((backups_count - BACKUPS + 1)) for backup in $(echo "$backup_list" |head -n $backups_rm_number); do backup_date=$(echo $backup |sed -e "s/$user.//" -e "s/.tar.*$//") echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") Rotated sftp backup: $backup_date" |\ tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log if [ -z $BPATH ]; then sftpc "rm $backup" > /dev/null 2>&1 else sftpc "cd $BPATH" "rm $backup" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi done fi # Uploading backup archive echo "$(date "+%F %T") Uploading $user.$backup_new_date.tar"|tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log if [ "$localbackup" = 'yes' ]; then cd $BACKUP if [ -z $BPATH ]; then sftpc "put $user.$backup_new_date.tar" "chmod 0600 $user.$backup_new_date.tar" > /dev/null 2>&1 else sftpc "cd $BPATH" "put $user.$backup_new_date.tar" "chmod 0600 $user.$backup_new_date.tar" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi else cd $tmpdir tar -cf $BACKUP/$user.$backup_new_date.tar . cd $BACKUP/ if [ -z $BPATH ]; then sftpc "put $user.$backup_new_date.tar" "chmod 0600 $user.$backup_new_date.tar" > /dev/null 2>&1 else sftpc "cd $BPATH" "put $user.$backup_new_date.tar" "chmod 0600 $user.$backup_new_date.tar" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi rm -f $user.$backup_new_date.tar fi } google_backup() { # Defining google settings source $VESTA/conf/google.backup.conf gsutil="$VESTA/3rdparty/gsutil/gsutil" export BOTO_CONFIG="$VESTA/conf/.google.backup.boto" # Debug info echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") Remote: gs://$BUCKET/$BPATH/$user.$backup_new_date.tar" # Checking retention backup_list=$(${gsutil} ls gs://$BUCKET/$BPATH/$user.* 2>/dev/null) backups_count=$(echo "$backup_list" |wc -l) if [ "$backups_count" -ge "$BACKUPS" ]; then backups_rm_number=$((backups_count - BACKUPS)) for backup in $(echo "$backup_list" |head -n $backups_rm_number); do echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") Rotated gcp backup: $backup" $gsutil rm $backup > /dev/null 2>&1 done fi # Uploading backup archive echo -e "$(date "+%F %T") Uploading $user.$backup_new_date.tar ..." if [ "$localbackup" = 'yes' ]; then cd $BACKUP ${gsutil} cp $user.$backup_new_date.tar gs://$BUCKET/$BPATH/ > /dev/null 2>&1 else cd $tmpdir tar -cf $BACKUP/$user.$backup_new_date.tar . cd $BACKUP/ ${gsutil} cp $user.$backup_new_date.tar gs://$BUCKET/$BPATH/ > /dev/null 2>&1 rc=$? rm -f $user.$backup_new_date.tar if [ "$rc" -ne 0 ]; then check_result "$E_CONNECT" "gsutil failed to upload $user.$backup_new_date.tar" fi fi } echo -e "\n-- SUMMARY --" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log # Switching on backup system types for backup_type in $(echo -e "${BACKUP_SYSTEM//,/\\n}"); do case $backup_type in local) local_backup ;; ftp) ftp_backup ;; sftp) sftp_backup ;; google) google_backup ;; esac done # Removing tmpdir rm -rf $tmpdir # Calculation run time run_time=$((end_time - start_time)) run_time=$((run_time / 60)) current_time=$(date "+%T") if [ "$run_time" -lt 1 ]; then run_time=1 fi min=minutes if [ "$run_time" -eq 1 ]; then min=minute fi echo "$(date "+%F %T") Size: $size MB" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log echo "$(date "+%F %T") Runtime: $run_time $min" |tee -a $BACKUP/$user.log #----------------------------------------------------------# # Vesta # #----------------------------------------------------------# # Removing duplicate touch $USER_DATA/backup.conf sed -i "/$user.$backup_new_date.tar/d" $USER_DATA/backup.conf # Registering new backup backup_str="BACKUP='$user.$backup_new_date.tar'" backup_str="$backup_str TYPE='$BACKUP_SYSTEM' SIZE='$size'" backup_str="$backup_str WEB='${web_list// /,}'" backup_str="$backup_str DNS='${dns_list// /,}'" backup_str="$backup_str MAIL='${mail_list// /,}'" backup_str="$backup_str DB='${db_list// /,}'" backup_str="$backup_str CRON='$cron_list'" backup_str="$backup_str UDIR='${udir_list// /,}'" backup_str="$backup_str RUNTIME='$run_time' TIME='$time' DATE='$date'" echo "$backup_str" >> $USER_DATA/backup.conf # Removing old backups tail -n $BACKUPS $USER_DATA/backup.conf > $USER_DATA/backup.conf_ mv -f $USER_DATA/backup.conf_ $USER_DATA/backup.conf chmod 660 $USER_DATA/backup.conf # Deleting task from queue sed -i "/v-backup-user $user /d" $VESTA/data/queue/backup.pipe U_BACKUPS=$(grep BACKUP $USER_DATA/backup.conf |wc -l) update_user_value "$user" '$U_BACKUPS' "$U_BACKUPS" # Send notification if [ -e "$BACKUP/$user.log" ]; then cd $BACKUP subj="$user → backup has been completed" email=$(get_user_value '$CONTACT') cat $BACKUP/$user.log |$SENDMAIL -s "$subj" $email $notify rm $BACKUP/$user.log fi # Logging log_event "$OK" "$ARGUMENTS" exit