#!/usr/bin/env bash # Internal variables HOMEDIR='/home' BACKUP='/backup' BACKUP_GZIP=9 BACKUP_DISK_LIMIT=95 BACKUP_LA_LIMIT=5 RRD_STEP=300 BIN=$VESTA/bin USER_DATA=$VESTA/data/users/$user WEBTPL=$VESTA/data/templates/web DNSTPL=$VESTA/data/templates/dns RRD=$VESTA/web/rrd SENDMAIL="$VESTA/web/inc/mail-wrapper.php" # Return codes OK=0 E_ARGS=1 E_INVALID=2 E_NOTEXIST=3 E_EXISTS=4 E_SUSPENDED=5 E_UNSUSPENDED=6 E_INUSE=7 E_LIMIT=8 E_PASSWORD=9 E_FORBIDEN=10 E_DISABLED=11 E_PARSING=12 E_DISK=13 E_LA=14 E_CONNECT=15 E_FTP=16 E_DB=17 E_RRD=18 E_UPDATE=19 E_RESTART=20 E_TEAPOT=418 # Event string for logger for ((I=1; I <= $# ; I++)); do if [[ "$HIDE" != $I ]]; then ARGUMENTS="$ARGUMENTS '$(eval echo \$${I})'" else ARGUMENTS="$ARGUMENTS '******'" fi done # Log event function log_event() { if [ -z "$time" ]; then LOG_TIME="$(date +'%F %T') $(basename $0)" else LOG_TIME="$date $time $(basename $0)" fi if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then echo "$LOG_TIME $2" >> $VESTA/log/system.log else echo "$LOG_TIME $2 [Error $1]" >> $VESTA/log/error.log fi } # Log user history log_history() { cmd=$1 undo=${2-no} log_user=${3-$user} log=$VESTA/data/users/$log_user/history.log touch $log if [ '99' -lt "$(wc -l $log |cut -f 1 -d ' ')" ]; then tail -n 49 $log > $log.moved mv -f $log.moved $log chmod 660 $log fi if [ -z "$date" ]; then time_n_date=$(date +'%T %F') time=$(echo "$time_n_date" |cut -f 1 -d \ ) date=$(echo "$time_n_date" |cut -f 2 -d \ ) fi curr_str=$(grep "ID=" $log | cut -f 2 -d \' | sort -n | tail -n1) id="$((curr_str +1))" echo "ID='$id' DATE='$date' TIME='$time' CMD='$cmd' UNDO='$undo'" >> $log } # Result checker check_result() { if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: $2" if [ ! -z "$3" ]; then log_event "$3" "$ARGUMENTS" exit $3 else log_event "$1" "$ARGUMENTS" exit $1 fi fi } # Argument list checker check_args() { if [ "$1" -gt "$2" ]; then echo "Usage: $(basename $0) $3" check_result $E_ARGS "not enought arguments" >/dev/null fi } # Subsystem checker is_system_enabled() { if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "$1" = no ]; then check_result $E_DISABLED "$2 is not enabled" fi } # User package check is_package_full() { case "$1" in WEB_DOMAINS) used=$(wc -l $USER_DATA/web.conf);; WEB_ALIASES) used=$(echo $aliases |tr ',' '\n' |wc -l);; DNS_DOMAINS) used=$(wc -l $USER_DATA/dns.conf);; DNS_RECORDS) used=$(wc -l $USER_DATA/dns/$domain.conf);; MAIL_DOMAINS) used=$(wc -l $USER_DATA/mail.conf);; MAIL_ACCOUNTS) used=$(wc -l $USER_DATA/mail/$domain.conf);; DATABASES) used=$(wc -l $USER_DATA/db.conf);; CRON_JOBS) used=$(wc -l $USER_DATA/cron.conf);; esac used=$(echo "$used"| cut -f 1 -d \ ) limit=$(grep "^$1=" $USER_DATA/user.conf |cut -f 2 -d \') if [ "$limit" != 'unlimited' ] && [[ "$used" -ge "$limit" ]]; then check_result $E_LIMIT "$1 limit is reached :: upgrade user package" fi } # User owner for reseller plugin get_user_owner() { if [ -z "$RESELLER_KEY" ]; then owner='admin' else owner=$(grep "^OWNER" $USER_DATA/user.conf| cut -f 2 -d \') if [ -z "$owner" ]; then owner='admin' fi fi } # Random password generator generate_password() { matrix=$1 lenght=$2 if [ -z "$matrix" ]; then matrix=0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz fi if [ -z "$lenght" ]; then lenght=10 fi i=1 while [ $i -le $lenght ]; do pass="$pass${matrix:$(($RANDOM%${#matrix})):1}" ((i++)) done echo "$pass" } # Package existence check is_package_valid() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then pkg_dir="$VESTA/data/packages" fi if [ ! -e "$pkg_dir/$package.pkg" ]; then check_result $E_NOTEXIST "package $package doesn't exist" fi } # Validate system type is_type_valid() { if [ -z "$(echo $1 | grep -w $2)" ]; then check_result $E_INVALID "$2 type is invalid" fi } # Check user backup settings is_backup_enabled() { BACKUPS=$(grep "^BACKUPS=" $USER_DATA/user.conf | cut -f2 -d \') if [ -z "$BACKUPS" ] || [[ "$BACKUPS" -le '0' ]]; then check_result $E_DISABLED "user backup is disabled" fi } # Check user backup settings is_backup_scheduled() { if [ -e "$VESTA/data/queue/backup.pipe" ]; then check_q=$(grep " $user " $VESTA/data/queue/backup.pipe | grep $1) if [ ! -z "$check_q" ]; then check_result $E_EXISTS "$1 is already scheduled" fi fi } # Check if object is new is_object_new() { if [ $2 = 'USER' ]; then if [ -d "$USER_DATA" ]; then object="OK" fi else object=$(grep "$2='$3'" $USER_DATA/$1.conf) fi if [ ! -z "$object" ]; then check_result $E_EXISTS "$2=$3 is already exists" fi } # Check if object is valid is_object_valid() { if [ $2 = 'USER' ]; then user_vst_dir=$(basename $3) if [ ! -d "$VESTA/data/users/$user_vst_dir" ]; then check_result $E_NOTEXIST "$1 $3 doesn't exist" fi else object=$(grep "$2='$3'" $VESTA/data/users/$user/$1.conf) if [ -z "$object" ]; then arg1=$(basename $1) arg2=$(echo $2 |tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') check_result $E_NOTEXIST "$arg1 $arg2 $3 doesn't exist" fi fi } # Check if object is supended is_object_suspended() { if [ $2 = 'USER' ]; then spnd=$(cat $USER_DATA/$1.conf|grep "SUSPENDED='yes'") else spnd=$(grep "$2='$3'" $USER_DATA/$1.conf|grep "SUSPENDED='yes'") fi if [ -z "$spnd" ]; then check_result $E_UNSUSPENDED "$(basename $1) $3 is not suspended" fi } # Check if object is unsupended is_object_unsuspended() { if [ $2 = 'USER' ]; then spnd=$(cat $USER_DATA/$1.conf |grep "SUSPENDED='yes'") else spnd=$(grep "$2='$3'" $USER_DATA/$1.conf |grep "SUSPENDED='yes'") fi if [ ! -z "$spnd" ]; then check_result $E_SUSPENDED "$(basename $1) $3 is suspended" fi } # Check if object value is empty is_object_value_empty() { str=$(grep "$2='$3'" $USER_DATA/$1.conf) eval $str eval value=$4 if [ ! -z "$value" ] && [ "$value" != 'no' ]; then check_result $E_EXISTS "${4//$}=$value is already exists" fi } # Check if object value is empty is_object_value_exist() { str=$(grep "$2='$3'" $USER_DATA/$1.conf) eval $str eval value=$4 if [ -z "$value" ] || [ "$value" = 'no' ]; then check_result $E_NOTEXIST "${4//$}=$value doesn't exist" fi } # Check if password is transmitted via file is_password_valid() { if [[ "$password" =~ ^/tmp/ ]]; then if [ -f "$password" ]; then password="$(head -n1 $password)" fi fi } # Check if hash is transmitted via file is_hash_valid() { if [[ "$hash" =~ ^/tmp/ ]]; then if [ -f "$hash" ]; then hash="$(head -n1 $hash)" fi fi } # Check if directory is a symlink is_dir_symlink() { if [[ -L "$1" ]]; then check_result $E_FORBIDEN "$1 directory is a symlink" fi } # Check if file exists if_file_exists() { if [[ -f "$1" ]]; then check_result $E_FORBIDEN "$1 file exists" fi } # Check if directory exists if_dir_exists() { if [[ -d "$1" ]]; then check_result $E_FORBIDEN "$1 directory exists" fi } # Get object value get_object_value() { object=$(grep "$2='$3'" $USER_DATA/$1.conf) eval "$object" eval echo $4 } # Update object value update_object_value() { row=$(grep -nF "$2='$3'" $USER_DATA/$1.conf) lnr=$(echo $row | cut -f 1 -d ':') object=$(echo $row | sed "s/^$lnr://") eval "$object" eval old="$4" old=$(echo "$old" | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' -e 's/&/\\&/g' -e 's/\//\\\//g') new=$(echo "$5" | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' -e 's/&/\\&/g' -e 's/\//\\\//g') sed -i "$lnr s/${4//$/}='${old//\*/\\*}'/${4//$/}='${new//\*/\\*}'/g" \ $USER_DATA/$1.conf } # Add object key add_object_key() { row=$(grep -n "$2='$3'" $USER_DATA/$1.conf) lnr=$(echo $row | cut -f 1 -d ':') object=$(echo $row | sed "s/^$lnr://") if [ -z "$(echo $object |grep $4=)" ]; then eval old="$4" sed -i "$lnr s/$5='/$4='' $5='/" $USER_DATA/$1.conf fi } # Search objects search_objects() { OLD_IFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' for line in $(grep $2=\'$3\' $USER_DATA/$1.conf); do eval $line eval echo \$$4 done IFS="$OLD_IFS" } # Get user value get_user_value() { grep "^${1//$/}=" $USER_DATA/user.conf |awk -F "'" '{print $2}' } # Update user value in user.conf update_user_value() { key="${2//$}" lnr=$(grep -n "^$key='" $VESTA/data/users/$1/user.conf |cut -f 1 -d ':') if [ ! -z "$lnr" ]; then sed -i "$lnr d" $VESTA/data/users/$1/user.conf sed -i "$lnr i\\$key='${3}'" $VESTA/data/users/$1/user.conf fi } # Increase user counter increase_user_value() { key="${2//$}" factor="${3-1}" conf="$VESTA/data/users/$1/user.conf" old=$(grep "$key=" $conf | cut -f 2 -d \') if [ -z "$old" ]; then old=0 fi new=$((old + factor)) sed -i "s/$key='$old'/$key='$new'/g" $conf } # Decrease user counter decrease_user_value() { key="${2//$}" factor="${3-1}" conf="$VESTA/data/users/$1/user.conf" old=$(grep "$key=" $conf | cut -f 2 -d \') if [ -z "$old" ]; then old=0 fi if [ "$old" -le 1 ]; then new=0 else new=$((old - factor)) fi if [ "$new" -lt 0 ]; then new=0 fi sed -i "s/$key='$old'/$key='$new'/g" $conf } # Notify user send_notice() { topic=$1 notice=$2 if [ "$notify" = 'yes' ]; then touch $USER_DATA/notifications.conf chmod 660 $USER_DATA/notifications.conf time_n_date=$(date +'%T %F') time=$(echo "$time_n_date" |cut -f 1 -d \ ) date=$(echo "$time_n_date" |cut -f 2 -d \ ) nid=$(grep "NID=" $USER_DATA/notifications.conf |cut -f 2 -d \') nid=$(echo "$nid" |sort -n |tail -n1) if [ ! -z "$nid" ]; then nid="$((nid +1))" else nid=1 fi str="NID='$nid' TOPIC='$topic' NOTICE='$notice' TYPE='$type'" str="$str ACK='no' TIME='$time' DATE='$date'" echo "$str" >> $USER_DATA/notifications.conf if [ -z "$(grep NOTIFICATIONS $USER_DATA/user.conf)" ]; then sed -i "s/^TIME/NOTIFICATIONS='yes'\nTIME/g" $USER_DATA/user.conf else update_user_value "$user" '$NOTIFICATIONS' "yes" fi fi } # Recalculate U_DISK value recalc_user_disk_usage() { u_usage=0 if [ -f "$USER_DATA/web.conf" ]; then usage=0 dusage=$(grep 'U_DISK=' $USER_DATA/web.conf |\ awk -F "U_DISK='" '{print $2}' | cut -f 1 -d \') for disk_usage in $dusage; do usage=$((usage + disk_usage)) done d=$(grep "U_DISK_WEB='" $USER_DATA/user.conf | cut -f 2 -d \') sed -i "s/U_DISK_WEB='$d'/U_DISK_WEB='$usage'/g" $USER_DATA/user.conf u_usage=$((u_usage + usage)) fi if [ -f "$USER_DATA/mail.conf" ]; then usage=0 dusage=$(grep 'U_DISK=' $USER_DATA/mail.conf |\ awk -F "U_DISK='" '{print $2}' | cut -f 1 -d \') for disk_usage in $dusage; do usage=$((usage + disk_usage)) done d=$(grep "U_DISK_MAIL='" $USER_DATA/user.conf | cut -f 2 -d \') sed -i "s/U_DISK_MAIL='$d'/U_DISK_MAIL='$usage'/g" $USER_DATA/user.conf u_usage=$((u_usage + usage)) fi if [ -f "$USER_DATA/db.conf" ]; then usage=0 dusage=$(grep 'U_DISK=' $USER_DATA/db.conf |\ awk -F "U_DISK='" '{print $2}' | cut -f 1 -d \') for disk_usage in $dusage; do usage=$((usage + disk_usage)) done d=$(grep "U_DISK_DB='" $USER_DATA/user.conf | cut -f 2 -d \') sed -i "s/U_DISK_DB='$d'/U_DISK_DB='$usage'/g" $USER_DATA/user.conf u_usage=$((u_usage + usage)) fi usage=$(grep 'U_DISK_DIRS=' $USER_DATA/user.conf | cut -f 2 -d "'") u_usage=$((u_usage + usage)) old=$(grep "U_DISK='" $USER_DATA/user.conf | cut -f 2 -d \') sed -i "s/U_DISK='$old'/U_DISK='$u_usage'/g" $USER_DATA/user.conf } # Recalculate U_BANDWIDTH value recalc_user_bandwidth_usage() { usage=0 bandwidth_usage=$(grep 'U_BANDWIDTH=' $USER_DATA/web.conf |\ awk -F "U_BANDWIDTH='" '{print $2}'|cut -f 1 -d \') for bandwidth in $bandwidth_usage; do usage=$((usage + bandwidth)) done old=$(grep "U_BANDWIDTH='" $USER_DATA/user.conf | cut -f 2 -d \') sed -i "s/U_BANDWIDTH='$old'/U_BANDWIDTH='$usage'/g" $USER_DATA/user.conf } # Get next cron job id get_next_cronjob() { if [ -z "$job" ]; then curr_str=$(grep "JOB=" $USER_DATA/cron.conf|cut -f 2 -d \'|\ sort -n|tail -n1) job="$((curr_str +1))" fi } # Sort cron jobs by id sort_cron_jobs() { cat $USER_DATA/cron.conf |sort -n -k 2 -t \' > $USER_DATA/cron.tmp mv -f $USER_DATA/cron.tmp $USER_DATA/cron.conf } # Sync cronjobs with system cron sync_cron_jobs() { source $USER_DATA/user.conf if [ -e "/var/spool/cron/crontabs" ]; then crontab="/var/spool/cron/crontabs/$user" else crontab="/var/spool/cron/$user" fi rm -f $crontab if [ "$CRON_REPORTS" = 'yes' ]; then echo "MAILTO=$CONTACT" > $crontab echo 'CONTENT_TYPE="text/plain; charset=utf-8"' >> $crontab fi while read line; do eval $line if [ "$SUSPENDED" = 'no' ]; then echo "$MIN $HOUR $DAY $MONTH $WDAY $CMD" |\ sed -e "s/%quote%/'/g" -e "s/%dots%/:/g" \ >> $crontab fi done < $USER_DATA/cron.conf chown $user:$user $crontab chmod 600 $crontab } # User format validator is_user_format_valid() { if [ ${#1} -eq 1 ]; then if ! [[ "$1" =~ ^^[[:alnum:]]$ ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi else if ! [[ "$1" =~ ^[[:alnum:]][-|\.|_[:alnum:]]{0,28}[[:alnum:]]$ ]] then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi fi } # Domain format validator is_domain_format_valid() { object_name=${2-domain} exclude="[!|@|#|$|^|&|*|(|)|+|=|{|}|:|,|<|>|?|_|/|\|\"|'|;|%|\`| ]" if [[ $1 =~ $exclude ]] || [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ $1 =~ "\.\." ]] || [[ $1 =~ "$(printf '\t')" ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $object_name format :: $1" fi } # Alias forman validator is_alias_format_valid() { for object in ${1//,/ }; do exclude="[!|@|#|$|^|&|(|)|+|=|{|}|:|<|>|?|_|/|\|\"|'|;|%|\`| ]" if [[ "$object" =~ $exclude ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid alias format :: $object" fi if [[ "$object" =~ [*] ]] && ! [[ "$object" =~ ^[*]\..* ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid alias format :: $object" fi done } # IP format validator is_ip_format_valid() { object_name=${2-ip} ip_regex='([1-9]?[0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])' ip_clean=$(echo "${1%/*}") if ! [[ $ip_clean =~ ^$ip_regex\.$ip_regex\.$ip_regex\.$ip_regex$ ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $object_name format :: $1" fi if [ $1 != "$ip_clean" ]; then ip_cidr="$ip_clean/" ip_cidr=$(echo "${1#$ip_cidr}") if [[ "$ip_cidr" -gt 32 ]] || [[ "$ip_cidr" =~ [:alnum:] ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $object_name format :: $1" fi fi } # Proxy extention format validator is_extention_format_valid() { exclude="[!|#|$|^|&|(|)|+|=|{|}|:|@|<|>|?|/|\|\"|'|;|%|\`| ]" if [[ "$1" =~ $exclude ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid proxy extention format :: $1" fi } # Number format validator is_number_format_valid() { object_name=${2-number} if ! [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $object_name format :: $1" fi } # Autoreply format validator is_autoreply_format_valid() { if [[ "$1" =~ [$|\`] ]] || [ 10240 -le ${#1} ]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid autoreply format :: $1" fi } # Boolean format validator is_boolean_format_valid() { if [ "$1" != 'yes' ] && [ "$1" != 'no' ]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi } # Common format validator is_common_format_valid() { exclude="[!|#|$|^|&|(|)|+|=|{|}|:|<|>|?|/|\|\"|'|;|%|\`| ]" if [[ "$1" =~ $exclude ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi if [ 400 -le ${#1} ]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi if [[ "$1" =~ @ ]] && [ ${#1} -gt 1 ] ; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi if [[ $1 =~ \* ]]; then if [[ "$(echo $1 | grep -o '\*\.' |wc -l)" -eq 0 ]] && [[ $1 != '*' ]] ; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi fi if [[ $(echo -n "$1" | tail -c 1) =~ [^a-zA-Z0-9_*@] ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi if [[ $(echo -n "$1" | grep -c '\.\.') -gt 0 ]];then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi if [[ $(echo -n "$1" | head -c 1) =~ [^a-zA-Z0-9_*@] ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi if [[ $(echo -n "$1" | grep -c '\-\-') -gt 0 ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi if [[ $(echo -n "$1" | grep -c '\_\_') -gt 0 ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi } # Database format validator is_database_format_valid() { exclude="[!|@|#|$|^|&|*|(|)|+|=|{|}|:|,|<|>|?|/|\|\"|'|;|%|\`| ]" if [[ "$1" =~ $exclude ]] || [ 65 -le ${#1} ]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi } # Date format validator is_date_format_valid() { if ! [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]$ ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid date format :: $1" fi } # Database user validator is_dbuser_format_valid() { exclude="[!|@|#|$|^|&|*|(|)|+|=|{|}|:|,|<|>|?|/|\|\"|'|;|%|\`| ]" if [ 17 -le ${#1} ]; then check_result $E_INVALID "mysql username can be up to 16 characters long" fi if [[ "$1" =~ $exclude ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi } # DNS record type validator is_dns_type_format_valid() { known_dnstype='A,AAAA,NS,CNAME,MX,TXT,SRV,DNSKEY,KEY,IPSECKEY,PTR,SPF,TLSA,CAA' if [ -z "$(echo $known_dnstype |grep -w $1)" ]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid dns record type format :: $1" fi } # DNS record validator is_dns_record_format_valid() { if [ "$rtype" = 'A' ]; then is_ip_format_valid "$1" fi if [ "$rtype" = 'NS' ]; then is_domain_format_valid "${1::-1}" 'ns_record' fi if [ "$rtype" = 'MX' ]; then is_domain_format_valid "${1::-1}" 'mx_record' is_int_format_valid "$priority" 'priority_record' fi } # Email format validator is_email_format_valid() { if [[ ! "$1" =~ ^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[[:alnum:].-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,63}$ ]] ; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid email format :: $1" fi } # Firewall action validator is_fw_action_format_valid() { if [ "$1" != "ACCEPT" ] && [ "$1" != 'DROP' ] ; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid action format :: $1" fi } # Firewall protocol validator is_fw_protocol_format_valid() { if [ "$1" != "ICMP" ] && [ "$1" != 'UDP' ] && [ "$1" != 'TCP' ] ; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid protocol format :: $1" fi } # Firewall port validator is_fw_port_format_valid() { if [ "${#1}" -eq 1 ]; then if ! [[ "$1" =~ [0-9] ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid port format :: $1" fi else if ! [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9][-|,|:|0-9]{0,30}[0-9]$ ]] then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid port format :: $1" fi fi } # Integer validator is_int_format_valid() { if ! [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi } # Interface validator is_interface_format_valid() { netdevices=$(cat /proc/net/dev |grep : |cut -f 1 -d : |tr -d ' ') if [ -z $(echo "$netdevices" |grep -x $1) ]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid interface format :: $1" fi } # IP status validator is_ip_status_format_valid() { if [ -z "$(echo shared,dedicated | grep -w $1 )" ]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid status format :: $1" fi } # Cron validator is_cron_format_valid() { limit=59 check_format='' if [ "$2" = 'hour' ]; then limit=23 fi if [ "$2" = 'day' ]; then limit=31 fi if [ "$2" = 'month' ]; then limit=12 fi if [ "$2" = 'wday' ]; then limit=7 fi if [ "$1" = '*' ]; then check_format='ok' fi if [[ "$1" =~ ^[\*]+[/]+[0-9] ]]; then if [ "$(echo $1 |cut -f 2 -d /)" -lt $limit ]; then check_format='ok' fi fi if [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9][-|,|0-9]{0,70}[\/][0-9]$ ]]; then check_format='ok' crn_values=${1//,/ } crn_values=${crn_values//-/ } crn_values=${crn_values//\// } for crn_vl in $crn_values; do if [ "$crn_vl" -gt $limit ]; then check_format='invalid' fi done fi crn_values=$(echo $1 |tr "," " " | tr "-" " ") for crn_vl in $crn_values do if [[ "$crn_vl" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [ "$crn_vl" -le $limit ]; then check_format='ok' fi done if [ "$check_format" != 'ok' ]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi } # Name validator is_name_format_valid() { if ! [[ "$1" =~ ^[[:alnum:]][-|\ |\.|_[:alnum:]]{0,28}[[:alnum:]]$ ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi } # Object validator is_object_format_valid() { if ! [[ "$1" =~ ^[[:alnum:]][-|\.|_[:alnum:]]{0,64}[[:alnum:]]$ ]]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid $2 format :: $1" fi } # Password validator is_password_format_valid() { if [ "${#1}" -lt '6' ]; then check_result $E_INVALID "invalid password format :: $1" fi } # Missing function - # Before: validate_format_shell # After: is_format_valid_shell is_format_valid_shell() { if [ -z "$(grep -w $1 /etc/shells)" ]; then echo "Error: shell $1 is not valid" log_event "$E_INVALID" "$EVENT" exit $E_INVALID fi } format_no_quotes() { exclude="['|\"]" if [[ "$1" =~ $exclude ]]; then check_result "$E_INVALID" "Invalid $2 contains qoutes (\" or ') :: $1" fi is_no_new_line_format "$1" } is_no_new_line_format() { test=$(echo "$1" | head -n1 ); if [[ "$test" != "$1" ]]; then check_result "$E_INVALID" "invalid value :: $1" fi } # Format validation controller is_format_valid() { for arg_name in $*; do eval arg=\$$arg_name if [ ! -z "$arg" ]; then case $arg_name in account) is_user_format_valid "$arg" "$arg_name";; action) is_fw_action_format_valid "$arg";; alias) is_alias_format_valid "$arg" ;; aliases) is_alias_format_valid "$arg" ;; antispam) is_boolean_format_valid "$arg" 'antispam' ;; antivirus) is_boolean_format_valid "$arg" 'antivirus' ;; autoreply) is_autoreply_format_valid "$arg" ;; backup) is_object_format_valid "$arg" 'backup' ;; charset) is_object_format_valid "$arg" "$arg_name" ;; charsets) is_common_format_valid "$arg" 'charsets' ;; comment) is_object_format_valid "$arg" 'comment' ;; database) is_database_format_valid "$arg" 'database';; day) is_cron_format_valid "$arg" $arg_name ;; dbpass) is_password_format_valid "$arg" ;; dbuser) is_dbuser_format_valid "$arg" 'dbuser';; dkim) is_boolean_format_valid "$arg" 'dkim' ;; dkim_size) is_int_format_valid "$arg" ;; domain) is_domain_format_valid "$arg" ;; dvalue) is_dns_record_format_valid "$arg";; email) is_email_format_valid "$arg" ;; exp) is_date_format_valid "$arg" ;; extentions) is_common_format_valid "$arg" 'extentions' ;; fname) is_name_format_valid "$arg" "first name" ;; ftp_password) is_password_format_valid "$arg" ;; ftp_user) is_user_format_valid "$arg" "$arg_name" ;; host) is_object_format_valid "$arg" "$arg_name" ;; hour) is_cron_format_valid "$arg" $arg_name ;; id) is_int_format_valid "$arg" 'id' ;; interface) is_interface_format_valid "$arg" ;; ip) is_ip_format_valid "$arg" ;; ip_name) is_domain_format_valid "$arg" 'IP name';; ip_status) is_ip_status_format_valid "$arg" ;; job) is_int_format_valid "$arg" 'job' ;; key) is_user_format_valid "$arg" "$arg_name" ;; lname) is_name_format_valid "$arg" "last name" ;; malias) is_user_format_valid "$arg" "$arg_name" ;; max_db) is_int_format_valid "$arg" 'max db';; min) is_cron_format_valid "$arg" $arg_name ;; month) is_cron_format_valid "$arg" $arg_name ;; nat_ip) is_ip_format_valid "$arg" ;; netmask) is_ip_format_valid "$arg" 'netmask' ;; newid) is_int_format_valid "$arg" 'id' ;; ns1) is_domain_format_valid "$arg" 'ns1' ;; ns2) is_domain_format_valid "$arg" 'ns2' ;; ns3) is_domain_format_valid "$arg" 'ns3' ;; ns4) is_domain_format_valid "$arg" 'ns4' ;; ns5) is_domain_format_valid "$arg" 'ns5' ;; ns6) is_domain_format_valid "$arg" 'ns6' ;; ns7) is_domain_format_valid "$arg" 'ns7' ;; ns8) is_domain_format_valid "$arg" 'ns8' ;; object) is_name_format_valid "$arg" 'object';; package) is_object_format_valid "$arg" "$arg_name" ;; password) is_password_format_valid "$arg" ;; port) is_int_format_valid "$arg" 'port' ;; port_ext) is_fw_port_format_valid "$arg";; protocol) is_fw_protocol_format_valid "$arg" ;; proxy_ext) is_extention_format_valid "$arg" ;; quota) is_int_format_valid "$arg" 'quota' ;; record) is_common_format_valid "$arg" 'record';; restart) is_boolean_format_valid "$arg" 'restart' ;; rtype) is_dns_type_format_valid "$arg" ;; rule) is_int_format_valid "$arg" "rule id" ;; soa) is_domain_format_valid "$arg" 'SOA' ;; #missing command: is_format_valid_shell shell) is_format_valid_shell "$arg" ;; stats_pass) is_password_format_valid "$arg" ;; stats_user) is_user_format_valid "$arg" "$arg_name" ;; template) is_object_format_valid "$arg" "$arg_name" ;; ttl) is_int_format_valid "$arg" 'ttl';; user) is_user_format_valid "$arg" $arg_name;; wday) is_cron_format_valid "$arg" $arg_name ;; esac fi done } # Domain argument formatting format_domain() { if [[ "$domain" = *[![:ascii:]]* ]]; then if [[ "$domain" =~ [[:upper:]] ]]; then domain=$(echo "$domain" |sed 's/[[:upper:]].*/\L&/') fi else if [[ "$domain" =~ [[:upper:]] ]]; then domain=$(echo "$domain" |tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') fi fi if [[ "$domain" =~ ^www\..* ]]; then domain=$(echo "$domain" |sed -e "s/^www.//") fi if [[ "$domain" =~ .*\.$ ]]; then domain=$(echo "$domain" |sed -e "s/[.]*$//g") fi if [[ "$domain" =~ ^\. ]]; then domain=$(echo "$domain" |sed -e "s/^[.]*//") fi } format_domain_idn() { if [ -z "$domain_idn" ]; then domain_idn=$domain fi if [[ "$domain_idn" = *[![:ascii:]]* ]]; then domain_idn=$(idn -t --quiet -a $domain_idn) fi } format_aliases() { if [ ! -z "$aliases" ] && [ "$aliases" != 'none' ]; then aliases=$(echo $aliases |tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' |tr ',' '\n') aliases=$(echo "$aliases" |sed -e "s/\.$//" |sort -u) aliases=$(echo "$aliases" |tr -s '.') aliases=$(echo "$aliases" |sed -e "s/[.]*$//g") aliases=$(echo "$aliases" |sed -e "s/^[.]*//") aliases=$(echo "$aliases" |sed -e "/^$/d") aliases=$(echo "$aliases" |tr '\n' ',' |sed -e "s/,$//") fi } alter_web_counter() { user=$1 domain=$2 USER_DATA=$VESTA/data/users/$user varc=$3 vard="\$${varc}" counter=$(get_object_value 'web' 'DOMAIN' "$domain" "$vard") if [ -z "$counter" ]; then add_object_key "web" 'DOMAIN' "$domain" "$varc" "TIME" counter=0 fi ((counter++)) backup_counter=$counter update_object_value 'web' 'DOMAIN' "$domain" "$vard" "$counter" counter=$backup_counter echo $counter } reset_web_counter() { user=$1 domain=$2 USER_DATA=$VESTA/data/users/$user varc=$3 vard="\$${varc}" update_object_value 'web' 'DOMAIN' "$domain" "$vard" "0" } get_web_counter() { user=$1 domain=$2 USER_DATA=$VESTA/data/users/$user varc=$3 vard="\$${varc}" counter=$(get_object_value 'web' 'DOMAIN' "$domain" "$vard") if [ -z "$counter" ]; then counter=0 fi echo $counter } # Simple chmod wrapper that skips symlink files after glob expand # Taken from HestiaCP no_symlink_chmod() { local filemode=$1; shift; for i in "$@"; do [[ -L ${i} ]] && continue chmod "${filemode}" "${i}" done } # $1 = subject # $2 = body send_email_to_admin() { email=$(grep CONTACT /usr/local/vesta/data/users/admin/user.conf) email=$(echo "$email" | cut -f 2 -d "'") if [ -z "$email" ]; then if [ ! -z "$NOTIFY_ADMIN_FULL_BACKUP" ]; then email=$NOTIFY_ADMIN_FULL_BACKUP fi fi if [ -z "$email" ]; then return; fi echo "$2" | $SENDMAIL -s "$1" "$email" 'yes' }