#!/bin/sh # Apache License 2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2020 Serhey Popovych # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This program name this_prog='certbot.sh' # User to run certbot _runas='letsencrypt' runas="${runas:-${_runas}}" # Group whose members able to $runas $this_prog _certmgr='certbot' certmgr="${certmgr:-${_certmgr}}" # Where to install this program and symlink wrappers install_to="/usr/local/lib/$this_prog" symlink_dirs='/usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin' ################################################################################ # Usage: installer ... installer() { # Requires: install(1), mktemp(1), ls(1), chmod(1), chown(1), mv(1), rm(1), # ln(1), cat(1), sed(1), cmp(1), # useradd(8), usermod(8), groupadd(8), id(1), # certbot, lighttpd(8), # systemd(timers) or crond(8), logrotate(8), killall(1) (psmisc) # # Optional: named(8) - to configure subdomain for TXT records managed by # certbot dns-rfc2136 plugin via dynamic updates # patch(1) - to apply dns-rfc2136 plugin CNAME/DNAME fix from # ~${runas}/extra/bind. # # Config: $this_prog, $runas, $certmgr, $install_to, $symlink_dirs # Runtime: $this, $this_dir, $prog_name # Usage: normalize_path() normalize_path() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-normalize_path}" local path="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" local file='' if [ ! -d "${path}" ]; then file="${path##*/}" [ -n "$file" ] || return path="${path%/*}/" [ -d "$path" ] || return fi cd "${path}" && path="${PWD%/}/${file}" && cd - >/dev/null || return echo "${path}" } # Usage: relative_path relative_path() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-relative_path}" local rp_src="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" local rp_dst="${2:?missing 2d arg to ${func}() ()}" # add last component from src if dst ends with '/' [ -n "${rp_dst##*/}" ] || rp_dst="${rp_dst}${rp_src##*/}" # normalize pathes first rp_src="$(normalize_path "${rp_src}")" || return rp_dst="$(normalize_path "${rp_dst}")" || return # strip leading and add trailing '/' rp_src="${rp_src#/}/" rp_dst="${rp_dst#/}/" while :; do [ "${rp_src%%/*}" = "${rp_dst%%/*}" ] || break rp_src="${rp_src#*/}" && [ -n "${rp_src}" ] || return rp_dst="${rp_dst#*/}" && [ -n "${rp_dst}" ] || return done # strip trailing '/' rp_dst="${rp_dst%/}" rp_src="${rp_src%/}" # add leading '/' for dst only: for src we will add with sed(1) ../ rp_dst="/${rp_dst}" # add leading '/' to dst, replace (/[^/])+ with ../ rp_dst="$(echo "${rp_dst%/*}" | \ sed -e 's|\(/[^/]\+\)|../|g')${rp_src}" || \ return echo "${rp_dst}" } # Usage: rights_human2octal rights_human2octal() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-rights_human2octal}" # rwxr-xr-x (755), rwsrwSrwT (7766) local rights="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() }" [ ${#rights} -eq 9 ] || return local val=0 local g v s c C r # groups: 3 2 1 0 # bits: sgtrwxrwxrwx for g in 2 1 0; do v=0 s=0 if [ $g -ge 1 ]; then c='s' && C='S' else c='t' && C='T' fi r="${rights#[r-][w-][xsStT-]}" r="${rights%$r}" # [r-] case "$r" in r??) v=$((4 + v)) ;; -??) ;; *) return 1 ;; esac # [w-] case "$r" in ?w?) v=$((2 + v)) ;; ?-?) ;; *) return 1 ;; esac # [xsStT-] case "$r" in ??x) v=$((1 + v)) ;; ??$c) v=$((1 + v)) && s=$((1 << g)) ;; ??$C) s=$((1 << g)) ;; ??-) ;; *) return 1 ;; esac val=$((val | v << (3 * g) | s << (3 * 3))) rights="${rights#$r}" done printf '%04o\n' "$val" } # Usage: file_rights_human file_rights_human() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-file_rights_human}" local file="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() }" [ -e "$file" ] || return set -- $(ls -l "$file") || return local rights="$1" rights="${rights#?}" [ ${#rights} -eq 9 ] || rights="${rights%?}" case "$rights" in [r-][w-][xsS-][r-][w-][xsS-][r-][w-][xtT-]) ;; *) return 1 ;; esac echo "$rights" } # Usage: file_rights_octal file_rights_octal() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-file_rights_octal}" local file="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() }" local rights rights="$(file_rights_human "$file")" || return rights_human2octal "$rights" } # Usage: file_owner_human file_owner_human() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-file_owner_human}" local file="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() }" [ -e "$file" ] || return set -- $(ls -l "$file") || return [ -n "$3" -a -n "$4" ] || return echo "$3:$4" } # Usage: file_owner_octal file_owner_octal() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-file_owner_octal}" local file="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() }" local owner uid gid owner="$(file_owner_human "$file")" || return uid="$(id -u "${owner%:*}")" || return gid="$(id -g "${owner#*:}")" || return echo "$uid:$gid" } # Usage: new [] [] [] new() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-new}" local target="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}()}" local owner="${2:-$runas}" local group="${3:-root}" local mode="${4-}" if [ -e "$target" ]; then # Directory or non-directory? if [ -n "${target%%*/}" ]; then [ -f "$target" ] || return else [ -d "$target" ] || return fi # Update ownership chown "$owner:$group" "$target" || return # Update permissions [ -z "$mode" ] || chmod "$mode" "$target" || return else # Catch recursive call, if any [ -z "${in_new-}" ] || return local in_new=1 # There might be broken symlink rm -f "$target" ||: # Directory or regular file? if [ -n "${target%%*/}" ]; then :>"$target" && new "$@" || return else install -d ${mode:+-m $mode} \ -o "$owner" -g "$group" "$target" || return fi fi } # Usage: put put() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-put}" local out="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" local t m o rc=0 t="$(mktemp "$out.XXXXXXXX")" || return if cat >"$t"; then if cmp -s "$t" "$out"; then : else if [ -e "$out" ]; then m="$(file_rights_octal "$out")" && chmod "$m" "$t" || rc=$? o="$(file_owner_human "$out")" && chown "$o" "$t" || rc=$? fi while [ $rc -eq 0 ]; do if [ -L "$out" ] || [ -e "$out" -a ! -f "$out" ]; then rm -f "$out" ||: fi if [ -e "$out" ]; then [ -z "${put__skip_existing-}" ] || break out="$out.certbotsh-new" fi mv -f "$t" "$out" || rc=$? break done fi else rc=$? fi [ ! -e "$t" ] || rm -f "$t" || rc=$((rc + $?)) return $rc } # Usage: server_http_conf [] [] server_http_conf() { local d="${2:-example.com}" local h="${1:-acme-le.gw.api.$d}" local log_root='/var/log/lighttpd' local server_root='/var/www' local conf_dir='/etc/lighttpd' local lighttpd_group='www-data' if ! id -g "$lighttpd_group" >/dev/null 2>&1; then lighttpd_group='lighttpd' if ! id -g "$lighttpd_group" >/dev/null 2>&1; then groupadd \ -r -f \ "$lighttpd_group" \ # fi fi # lighttpd_group local lighttpd_user='www-data' if ! id -u "$lighttpd_user" >/dev/null 2>&1; then lighttpd_user='lighttpd' if ! id -u "$lighttpd_user" >/dev/null 2>&1; then useradd \ -r \ -g "$lighttpd_group" \ -c 'lighttpd web server' \ -d "$server_root" \ -s '/bin/false' \ "$lighttpd_user" \ # fi fi # lighttpd_user local s t t="$conf_dir/" && new "$t" 'root' 'root' t="${t}lighttpd.conf" if [ -f "$t" ]; then s="$t.certbotsh-orig" [ -f "$s" ] || mv -f "$t" "$s" fi put "$t" < "text/html", "" => "application/octet-stream" ) ##### Access logging options ##### # Access log configuration. accesslog.filename = log_root + "/access.log" ##### SSL configuration ##### # Enable globally ssl.engine = "enable" ssl.cipher-list = "TLSv1.2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!LOW:!MEDIUM:!EXP:!kRSA:!AES256" # It is expected that global certificate is a wildcard # including second and above subdomains as subjectAltName (SAN) ssl.pemfile = pki_dir + "/wildcard/" + "cert.pem" ssl.privkey = pki_dir + "/wildcard/" + "privkey.pem" # 1.4.53+ ssl.ca-file = pki_dir + "/wildcard/" + "chain.pem" #ssl.dh-file = pki_dir + "/dh2048.pem" # Inherit global settings (not only SSL) in 1.4.46+ # https://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/Docs_SSL \$SERVER["socket"] == "" { ssl.engine = "enable" } \$SERVER["socket"] == "[::]:443" { ssl.engine = "enable" } ##### Virtual hosts ##### # Include vhosts configuration. include vhosts_d + "/*/conf" EOF new "$t" 'root' 'root' 0644 # $conf_dir/auth new "$conf_dir/auth/" 'root' 'root' # $conf_dir/pki t="$conf_dir/pki/" && new "$t" 'root' 'root' cd "$t" && ln -sf "../../letsencrypt/live/$h" && ln -sf "../../letsencrypt/live/$d" && ln -sf "$d" 'wildcard' && cd - >/dev/null # $conf_dir/vhosts.d/$h s="$conf_dir/vhosts.d/$h" new "$s/auth/" 'root' 'root' new "$s/conf.d/" 'root' 'root' # $conf_dir/vhosts.d/$h/pki ln -sf "../../pki/$h" "$s/pki" # $conf_dir/vhosts.d/$h/users.d t="$s/users.d/" && new "$t" 'root' 'root' # $conf_dir/vhosts.d/$h/xbin/users-conf.sh t="$s/xbin/" && new "$t" 'root' 'root' # $conf_dir/vhosts.d/$h/conf t="$s/conf" && put "$t" < "https://\${url.authority}\${url.path}\${qsa}" ) } \$HTTP["scheme"] == "https" { # SSL ssl.pemfile = pki_dir + "/cert.pem" ssl.privkey = pki_dir + "/privkey.pem" # 1.4.53+ ssl.ca-file = pki_dir + "/chain.pem" # HSTS setenv.add-response-header += ( "Strict-Transport-Security" => "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains" ) # Follow symlinks server.follow-symlink = "enable" # Make PKCS#12 accessible only from remote IPs of host they issued to $HTTP["remoteip"] =~ ".+" { url.rewrite-once = ( "^/(~[^/]+)((/[^/]+)*)/(([^/]+)\.p12)$" => "/$1/$5/%0$2/$4", "" => "/" ) } # Per IP connection limit evasive.max-conns-per-ip = 10 evasive.silent = "disable" # # Authentication # auth.backend = "htdigest" # auth.backend.htdigest.userfile = auth_dir + "/users.htdigest" # # auth.require = ( "" => # ( # "method" => "digest", # "realm" => "Restricted area", # "require" => "user=${runas}" # ) # ) } } EOF new "$t" 'root' 'root' 0644 # $server_root/empty t="$server_root/empty/" && new "$t" 'root' 'root' 0755 t="${t}index.html" && put "$t" <<'_EOF' _EOF new "$t" 'root' 'root' 0644 # $log_root/$h t="$log_root/" && new "$t" "$lighttpd_user" "$lighttpd_group" 0750 s="$log_root/$h/" && new "$s" "$lighttpd_user" "$lighttpd_group" 0750 # /etc/logrotate.d/lighttpd.$h t='/etc/logrotate.d/' && new "$t" 'root' 'root' t="${t}lighttpd.$h" && put "$t" </dev/null 2>&1 || : endscript } EOF new "$t" 'root' 'root' 0644 } # server_http_conf # Usage: server_cron_conf ... server_cron_conf() { local s t # Provide crontab entries for certificate renewal that bail out # on systemd(1) targets that assumed to use systemd.timer(5) and # executed on non systemd(1) targets. t='/etc/cron.d/' && new "$t" 'root' 'root' t="${t}certbot" && put "$t" <"/etc/systemd/system/$s" t="${s%.service}.timer" systemctl enable --now "$t" break done } # server_cron_conf # Usage: server_log_conf ... server_log_conf() { local s t # Configure logging s='/var/log/letsencrypt/' && new "$s" # Config logrotate t='/etc/logrotate.d/' && new "$t" 'root' 'root' t="${t}certbot" && put "$t" <>/etc/named.tsig.key \ -a hmac-sha256 acme-le.gw.api.example.com-key (make sure /etc/named.tsig.key included from named.conf or other file included from named.conf) 5) adjust values (espeically serial) in named._acme-le.example.com and restart named(8) service (e.g. service named restart); check its status 6) delegate subdomain _acme-le.example.com from example.com; this can be either done by configuring example.com zone file or using hosting provider control panel. For security reasons it is not recommended to run bind service to perform dns-01 authentications on same host where certbot is running (i.e. acme-le.gw.api.example.com): in case of any flaws in publicly available network service that host might be compromised giving access to certificate management communication channel. For same reason firewall must be configured on certbot host to restrict access to other services (e.g. http/ssh server). Instead dedicated server/container should be provisioned for that purpose. _EOF new "$t" "$runas" "$runas" 0644 # certbot s="$extradir/certbot/" t="$s" && new "$t" "$runas" "$runas" 0755 # dns-rfc2136 plugin patch (rebased for version 1.0.0 in EPEL7) local n='dns-rfc2136-cname-and-dname.patch' t="${s}${n}" && put "$t" <<'_EOF' From 3774046bd5fc58a6fb29fcfcdefbf66dc4cb517a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "H. Peter Anvin" Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 12:36:26 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] dns-rfc2136: find the correct zone/name when CNAME/DNAMEs are used Dynamic zones have significant problems with DNSSEC and with redundant servers (which, of course is highly desirable for DNS.) The obvious solution to that is to use a CNAME or DNAME record to point the _acme-challenge to a different zone which can have different NS and TTL properties. In particular, breaking DNSSEC support breaks exactly the chain of trust on which ACME depends, and is thus extremely undesirable. In order to find the correct base zone and name-in-zone when CNAME/DNAMEs might be present, search from the top down instead of the bottom up, and allow non-authoritative answers for anything other than the final SOA. There is no guarantee that the authentication server is authoritative for anything but the zone into which the TXT record is to be placed. If the authentication server disallows recursion, this code will this do the right thing as long as the server is authoritative for the dynamic zone and any zone which contains a CNAME or DNAME record. If that is not the case, then the server must support recursion for its dynamic clients; it obviously does not need to offer that service to the general public. If even this turns out to be unacceptable, then the solution would be to query the normal nameservers (using the system resolver), at least if an !AA !RA response is returned. The dns.resolver module has a zone_for_name() function, but unfortunately it does not return the name-in-zone, and to me its algorithm appears to be incorrect (at least for our purposes) in a way that is similar to the previous dns-rfc2136 code. This patch changes several levels of the interface to use dns.name.Name objects instead of strings, and passes dns.rdata.Rdata objects between _query_soa() and _find_domain(). This turns out to significantly simplify a fair number of things, but requires a fair number of changes to the test suite. Clean up the test suite by implementing a mock resolver with a mapping instead of a simple sequence of return values, and by precomputing dns.name.Name objects for (sub)domains and prefixes used. Signed-off-by: H. Peter Anvin --- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1679796 https://github.com/certbot/certbot/pull/7244 diff -urN a/dns_rfc2136.py b/dns_rfc2136.py --- a/dns_rfc2136.py +++ b/dns_rfc2136.py @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from certbot import errors from certbot import interfaces from certbot.plugins import dns_common +from collections import defaultdict logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @@ -109,11 +110,9 @@ :raises certbot.errors.PluginError: if an error occurs communicating with the DNS server """ - domain = self._find_domain(record_name) + logger.debug('Adding TXT record: %s %d "%s"', record_name, record_ttl, record_content) - n = dns.name.from_text(record_name) - o = dns.name.from_text(domain) - rel = n.relativize(o) + (rel, domain) = self._find_domain(record_name) update = dns.update.Update( domain, @@ -144,11 +143,7 @@ :raises certbot.errors.PluginError: if an error occurs communicating with the DNS server """ - domain = self._find_domain(record_name) - - n = dns.name.from_text(record_name) - o = dns.name.from_text(domain) - rel = n.relativize(o) + (rel, domain) = self._find_domain(record_name) update = dns.update.Update( domain, @@ -174,53 +169,156 @@ Find the closest domain with an SOA record for a given domain name. :param str record_name: The record name for which to find the closest SOA record. - :returns: The domain, if found. - :rtype: str - :raises certbot.errors.PluginError: if no SOA record can be found. + :returns: tuple of (`entry`, `zone`) where + `entry` - canonical relative entry into the target zone; + `zone` - canonical absolute name of the zone to be modified. + :rtype: (`dns.name.Name`, `dns.name.Name`) + :raises certbot.errors.PluginError: if the search failed for any reason. """ - domain_name_guesses = dns_common.base_domain_name_guesses(record_name) - - # Loop through until we find an authoritative SOA record - for guess in domain_name_guesses: - if self._query_soa(guess): - return guess + # Note: an absolute dns.name.Name ends in dns.name.root, which + # is non-empty. Therefore the first prefix.split(1) splits off + # dns.name.root, i.e. example.com. -> (example.com, .), not + # example.com. -> (example, com.). dns.name.empty, however, + # is an actual empty name, has a truth value of False, and is + # an identity element for the append operation; thus + # dns.name.root + dns.name.empty == dns.name.root. + # + # This code relies on these properties. + + domain = dns.name.from_text(record_name) + prefix = domain + suffix = dns.name.empty + found = None + domstr = str(domain) # For messages, may have a DNAME/CNAME added + + # The domains already queried and the corresponding results + domain_names_searched = dict() + + while prefix: + (prefix, next_label) = prefix.split(1) + suffix = next_label + suffix + + # Don't re-query if we have already been here (normal + # during DNAME/CNAME re-walk) + if suffix in domain_names_searched: + result = domain_names_searched[suffix] + else: + result = self._query_soa(suffix) + domain_names_searched[suffix] = result + + (auth, rr) = result + if rr is None: + # Nothing to do, just descend the DNS hierarchy + pass + elif rr.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.SOA: + # We found an SOA, authoritative or not + found = (auth, prefix, suffix) + else: + # We found a DNAME or CNAME. We need to start the walk over + # from the common point of departure. + target = rr.target + if target in domain_names_searched: + # DNAME/CNAME loop! + raise errors.PluginError('%s %s loops seeking SOA for %s', + suffix, repr(rr), domstr) + + # Restart from the root, replacing the current suffix + prefix = prefix + target + suffix = dns.name.empty + found = None + domstr = str(domain)+' ('+str(prefix)+')' # For messages + + if not found: + raise errors.PluginError('No SOA of any kind found for %s', + domstr) + + (auth, prefix, suffix) = found + if not auth: + raise errors.PluginError('SOA %s for %s not authoritative', + suffix, domstr) + return (prefix, suffix) - raise errors.PluginError('Unable to determine base domain for {0} using names: {1}.' - .format(record_name, domain_name_guesses)) - - def _query_soa(self, domain_name): + def _query_soa(self, domain): """ Query a domain name for an authoritative SOA record. - :param str domain_name: The domain name to query for an SOA record. - :returns: True if found, False otherwise. - :rtype: bool + :param dns.name.Name domain: The domain name to query for an SOA record. + :returns: (`authoritative`, `rdata`) if found + autoritative bool if response was authoritative + rdata dns.rdata.Rdata or None the returned record + :rtype: (`bool`, `dns.rdata.Rdata` or `None`) :raises certbot.errors.PluginError: if no response is received. """ - domain = dns.name.from_text(domain_name) + # In order to capture any possible CNAMEs, we have to do the + # search upward from the root. On the way, any time we find a + # SOA record, save it; the final SOA record captured is the + # target. If that SOA record is not authoritative, then + # we have a fatal error. + # + # As we want to know about either type, we request recursion + # from the target name server. If the target nameserver does + # not provide recursion services, it will still work for + # finding an authoritative SOA, DNAME or CNAME record + # in a zone for which the nameserver is authoritarive; this is + # expected to be the common case, although it is not 100% + # guaranteed. The only ways to avoid that, ultimately, is to use + # a trusted recursive nameserver instead if we get a !RA response + # (e.g. using dns.resolver?) or actually query the authoritative name + # servers all the way from the top. + # + # We intentionally only look in the answer section, not in + # the authority or additional sections, and only for records + # which match the requested domain name exactly. + # + # If we get more than one SOA, DNAME, or CNAME record of the + # same type and exactly matching the requested domain in the + # *answer* section we are really in an error situation (these + # are all singleton RRs), but try to make the best of the + # situation. request = dns.message.make_query(domain, dns.rdatatype.SOA, dns.rdataclass.IN) - # Turn off Recursion Desired bit in query - request.flags ^= dns.flags.RD try: + logmsg = 'Query '+str(domain) try: response = dns.query.tcp(request, self.server, self._default_timeout, self.port) except (OSError, dns.exception.Timeout) as e: logger.debug('TCP query failed, fallback to UDP: %s', e) response = dns.query.udp(request, self.server, self._default_timeout, self.port) rcode = response.rcode() + logmsg += ': '+dns.rcode.to_text(rcode) - # Authoritative Answer bit should be set - if (rcode == dns.rcode.NOERROR and response.get_rrset(response.answer, - domain, dns.rdataclass.IN, dns.rdatatype.SOA) and response.flags & dns.flags.AA): - logger.debug('Received authoritative SOA response for %s', domain_name) - return True - - logger.debug('No authoritative SOA record found for %s', domain_name) - return False + auth = (response.flags & dns.flags.AA) != 0 + if auth: + logmsg += ', authoritative' + else: + logmsg += ', non-authoritative' + + found = dict() + for rrset in response.answer: + if rrset.name != domain: continue + if rrset.rdclass != dns.rdataclass.IN: continue + for rr in rrset: + if not rr.rdtype in found: + found[rr.rdtype] = [rr] + elif not rr in found[rr.rdtype]: + # Explicitly ignore exact duplicate RRs + found[rr.rdtype].append(rr) + + for rdtype in found: + logmsg += ' %s %d' % (dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype), len(found[rdtype])) + + retrr = None + for rdtype in dns.rdatatype.SOA, dns.rdatatype.DNAME, dns.rdatatype.CNAME: + if rdtype in found: + retrr = found[rdtype][0] # Use the first one returned + break + + logmsg += ', returning '+repr(retrr) + logger.debug(logmsg) + return (auth, retrr) except Exception as e: raise errors.PluginError('Encountered error when making query: {0}' .format(e)) _EOF # """ patch makes crazy syntax highlighing in some editors new "$t" "$runas" "$runas" 0644 # README t="${s}README" && put "$t" </dev/null fi $ sudo /usr/bin/certbot -h all Follow RedHat bugzilla entry and upstream github.com pull/issue discussions for more details: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1679796 https://github.com/certbot/certbot/pull/7244 EOF new "$t" "$runas" "$runas" 0644 } # server_extra_conf # Usage: cli_ini ... cli_ini() { [ -d "$configdir" ] || return local t="$configdir/cli.ini" # cli.ini put "$t" < # TSIG key algorithm dns_rfc2136_algorithm = HMAC-SHA256 _EOF new "$t" "$runas" "$runas" 0400 } # rfc2136_ini # Usage: publish_cfg ... publish_cfg() { [ -d "$configdir" ] || return local t="$configdir/publish.cfg" # publish.cfg put "$t" <" {'pre_hook'|'deploy_hook'|'post_hook'}. # Therefore any valid shell statement is supported as part of hook. This can # be used to stack multiple commands in single hook by separating them with ";" # like shown in this example or use any other shell statement. # # Hooks can use 'cookie' variable (and only that one recognized to prevent code # injection) to communicate (pass data between invocations) with each other. For # instance pre hook implemented by certbotsh-hook can set running_=1 in # cookie if service was running and stopped successfuly, that post hook will # inspect and start service. # # In this particular example it is assumed that all certificates updated at same # time so that post hook of wildcard certificate triggers lighttpd stop/start. # If not uncomment post hook for each individual certificate. # # Note that first occurence of comment in multi command hook will implicitly # comment all lines that follow it. Thus it is suggested to comment only last # line. # ftp ftp_url='https://acme-le.gw.api.example.com/~letsencrypt' ftp_domain='ftp.example.com' ftp_ph='' ftp_deploy_hook=' runas=root certbotsh-hook deploy lighttpd; runas=root certbotsh-hook deploy vsftpd@ftp.example.com; ' ftp_post_hook=' runas=root certbotsh-hook post vsftpd@ftp.example.com; #runas=root certbotsh-hook post lighttpd; ' # www www_url='https://acme-le.gw.api.example.com/~letsencrypt' www_domain='www.example.com' www_ph='' www_deploy_hook='runas=root certbotsh-hook deploy lighttpd' #www_post_hook='runas=root certbotsh-hook post lighttpd' # wildcard wildcard_url='https://acme-le.gw.api.example.com/~letsencrypt' wildcard_domain='example.com' wildcard_ph='' wildcard_deploy_hook='runas=root certbotsh-hook deploy lighttpd' wildcard_post_hook='runas=root certbotsh-hook post lighttpd' EOF new "$t" "$runas" "$runas" 0400 } # update_cfg local put__skip_existing='' local homedir configdir cachedir extradir htdocsdir local t r local sudoers_line_runas sudoers_line_root sudoers_progs # Usage: usage ... usage() { local rc=$? cat >&2 <&2 exit $rc } if [ ! -f "$this" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: \"$this\" is not found (read from stdin or -c?)" exit 1 fi if [ x$(id -u) != x0 ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: must run as uid 0" exit 1 fi case "${1-}" in 'install') [ $# -le 2 ] || usage case "${2-}" in 'all') set -- "$1" '|client|server|' ;; '') set -- "$1" '|client|' ;; 'client'|'server') set -- "$1" "|$2|" ;; *) ! : || usage ;; esac if [ "$this" -ef "$install_to" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: already installed" exit 0 fi ;; 'update') update='1' if [ ! "$this" -ef "$install_to" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: not installed. Hint: run '$install_to'." exit 0 fi set -- "$1" '|update|' put__skip_existing="$2" ;; *) ! : || usage ;; esac # Sudoers(5) template sudoers_line_runas="%$certmgr ALL=($runas:$runas) SETENV:NOPASSWD: " sudoers_line_root="$runas ALL=(root:root) SETENV:NOPASSWD: " sudoers_progs='' # Add $certmgr group whose members able to $runas certbot via sudo(1) groupadd -r -f "$certmgr" # Add $runas unprivileged user and group homedir='/var/lib/letsencrypt' # Usage: _usermod _usermod() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-_usermod}" local runas="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" local home="${2:?missing 2d arg to ${func}() ()}" local comment='Lets Encrypt user' local shell="${shell:-/bin/sh}" local cmd='groupadd' args='-r -f' # Assert in case there is no shell exists. if [ ! -x "$shell" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: \"$shell\" interpreter doesn't executable" exit 1 fi # groupadd "$cmd" $args "$runas" # useradd or usermod if [ -n "$(id -u "$runas" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then cmd='usermod' args='' else cmd='useradd' args='-r -M' fi "$cmd" $args \ -g "$runas" \ -G "$certmgr" \ -d "$home" \ -c "$comment" \ -s "$shell" \ "$runas" \ # } eval '_usermod "$runas" "$homedir"' if [ -n "${2##*|update|*}" ]; then # Install self install -D -m 0750 -p -g "$certmgr" "$this" "$install_to" else # Update ownership and permissions on self new "$install_to" 'root' "$certmgr" 0750 fi # Working directory t='/etc/letsencrypt/' && new "$t" # Home directory. Must be writable (e.g. to put .certbot.lock) t="$homedir/" && new "$t" 'root' "$runas" 3775 # Letsencrypt user XDG .config, .cache and .local directories t="$homedir/.config/" && new "$t" 'root' "$runas" 2755 t="$t/letsencrypt/" && new "$t" 'root' "$runas" 2750 configdir="$(cd "$t" && echo "$PWD")" t="$homedir/.cache/" && new "$t" 'root' "$runas" 2755 t="$t/letsencrypt/" && new "$t" 'root' "$runas" 3730 cachedir="$(cd "$t" && echo "$PWD")" t="$homedir/.local/" && new "$t" 'root' "$runas" 2755 t="$t/bin/" && new "$t" 'root' "$runas" 2750 ln -sf '.local/bin' "$homedir/bin" if [ -z "${2##*|server|*}" ]; then # certbotsh-publish (deploy hook) t="${t}certbotsh-publish" && r="$(relative_path "$install_to" "$t")" ln -sf "$r" "$t" # Directory to publish PKCS#12 files t="$homedir/.htdocs/" && new "$t" 'root' "$runas" 3731 htdocsdir="${t%/}" # Letsencrypt user extra directory t="$homedir/extra/" && new "$t" "$runas" "$runas" 0755 extradir="$(cd "$t" && echo "$PWD")" # Write our applets configs publish_cfg # Configure http server server_http_conf "${httpd_hostname-}" "${httpd_domain-}" # Configure logrotate server_log_conf # Configure automated renewals server_cron_conf # Extra configuration examples server_extra_conf # Write certbot and it's plugins cli_ini rfc2136_ini # certbot alias for t in $symlink_dirs; do [ -d "$t" ] || continue t="$t/certbot" && r="$(relative_path "$install_to" "$t")" ln -sf "$r" "$t" sudoers_progs="$sudoers_progs $sudoers_line_runas$t" done fi # server if [ -z "${2##*|client|*}" ]; then # Write our applets config update_cfg # Add update crontab(8) file t='/etc/cron.d/' && new "$t" 'root' 'root' t="${t}certbotsh-update" && put "$t" < EOF new "$t" 'root' "$runas" 0640 # applets for t in $symlink_dirs; do [ -d "$t" ] || continue t="$t/certbotsh-update" && r="$(relative_path "$install_to" "$t")" ln -sf "$r" "$t" sudoers_progs="$sudoers_progs $sudoers_line_runas$t" done for t in $symlink_dirs; do [ -d "$t" ] || continue t="$t/certbotsh-hook" && r="$(relative_path "$install_to" "$t")" ln -sf "$r" "$t" sudoers_progs="$sudoers_progs $sudoers_line_root$t" done fi # client # sudoers(5) file t='/etc/sudoers.d/certbot' echo "$sudoers_progs" | put "$t" && new "$t" 'root' 'root' 0640 } # installer # Usage: applet ... applet() { # Requires: id(1), sudo(8) and applet specific utils (see _${real_prog}()) # # Config: $this_prog, $runas, $install_to, # Runtime: $this, $this_dir, $prog_name # Usage: cookie_get {|''} cookie_get() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-cookie_set}" local cookie_var="${1:-cookie}" && shift eval "local cookie=\"\${$cookie_var-}\"" && cookie="${cookie%;}" local name="${1:?missing 2d arg to ${func} ()}" && shift local t="$cookie" && t="${t:+;$t;}" local nw="$name=*" if [ -z "${t##*;$nw;*}" ]; then t="${t#*;${name}=}" && t="${t%%;*}" else t='' fi echo "$name='$t'" } # Usage: _cookie_mod {|''} [...] _cookie_mod() { local func="${func:-_cookie_mod}" local cookie_var="${1:-cookie}" && shift eval "local cookie=\"\${$cookie_var-}\"" && cookie="${cookie%;}" local name="${1:?missing 2d arg to ${func} ()}" && shift local t="$cookie" && t="${t:+;$t;}" local nw="$name=*" if [ -z "${t##*;$nw;*}" ]; then local a="${t%;$nw;*};" local b=";${t#*;$nw;}" if [ -n "${old-}" ]; then t="${t#$a}" && t="${t%$b}" && echo "$name='${t#${name}=}'" fi cookie="${a#;}${b#;}" && cookie="${cookie%;}" fi if [ -n "${new-}" ]; then cookie="${cookie:+$cookie;}${name}=${*-}" fi echo "$cookie_var='$cookie'" } # Usage: cookie_add {|''} [...] cookie_add() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-cookie_add}" local new=1 old='' _cookie_mod "$@" } # Usage: cookie_del {|''} cookie_del() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-cookie_del}" local new='' old='' _cookie_mod "$@" } # Usage: cookie_push {|''} cookie_push() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-cookie_push}" local new=1 old=1 _cookie_mod "$@" } # Usage: cookie_pull {|''} cookie_pull() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-cookie_pull}" local new='' old=1 _cookie_mod "$@" } # Usage: cookie_merge {|''} [name1=val1;name2=val2 ...] cookie_merge() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-cookie_merge}" local cookie_var="${1-}" && shift local new=1 old='' local ifs="$IFS" && IFS=';' && set -- $* && IFS="$ifs" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do if [ -n "$1" ]; then eval "$(_cookie_mod "$cookie_var" "${1%%=*}" "${1#*=}")" fi shift done } # Usage: make_shlvar_name make_shlvar_name() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-make_shlvar_name}" local str="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" echo "${str}" | sed -e 's/\W/_/g' || return } # Usage: get_ini get_ini() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-publish}" local file="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" shift # Make sure config is readable and non-empty local _ini=".config/letsencrypt/$file" local ini="$HOME/${_ini}" if [ ! -r "$ini" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: $ini isn't readable by $runas" return 1 fi if [ ! -s "$ini" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: $ini is empty" return 1 fi echo "$ini" } # do_exec ... do_exec() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-publish}" local ini="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" shift eval $( # Execute in new shell to eliminate functions real_prog="$(command -v '$real_prog')" || exit if [ ! -x "$real_prog" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: \"$real_prog\" is not executable" exit 1 fi if [ "$real_prog" -ef "$this" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: real program \"$real_prog\" and alias \"$this\" are the same" exit 1 fi echo "real_prog='$real_prog'" ) IN_USER_SH="$IN_USER_SH" exec "$real_prog" "$@" } # do_exec # Usage: _certbot ... _certbot() { # Requires: certbot do_exec "$@" } # Usage: _publish ... _publish() { # Requires: mktemp(1), mv(1), rm(1), ln(1), chmod(1), # getent(1), openssl(1), pwgen(1) local func="${FUNCNAME:-_publish}" local ini="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" && shift ini="$(get_ini "$ini")" || return ## Source and sanity check the config eval $( # Any shell code sourced from configuration file $runas # user in a subshell that effectively restricts it. if . "$ini" >/dev/null; then echo "local pubdir='${pubdir-}'" echo "local pwgen_opts='${pwgen_opts-}'" echo "local pkcs12_opts='${pkcs12_opts-}'" else echo "return $?" fi ) # Directory where live certificate lineages published pubdir=${pubdir:-~/.htdocs} # pwgen(1) options pwgen_opts="${pwgen_opts:--ncysB1 16}" # openssl pkcs(1) options pkcs12_opts="${pkcs12_opts:-\ -keypbe aes-256-cbc \ -certpbe aes-256-cbc \ -macalg sha256 \ }" if [ ! -d "$pubdir" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: no public directory \"$pubdir\" exists" exit 1 fi ## Enter renewed certificate lineage local domain pf local t tf td # Usage: exit_handler exit_handler() { local rc=$? # Do not interrupt exit hander set +e # Temporary output directory [ -z "${td-}" ] || rm -rf "$td" return $rc } trap 'exit_handler' EXIT cd "$RENEWED_LINEAGE" pf='privkey.passphrase' if ! [ -r "$pf" -a -s "$pf" ]; then rm -f "$pf" ||: pwgen $pwgen_opts -r \'\" >"$pf" && chmod o= "$pf" fi domain="${RENEWED_LINEAGE##*/}" t="$pubdir/$domain" td="$(mktemp -d "$pubdir/.$domain.XXXXXXXX")" tf="$td/$domain.p12" # Make PKCS#12 file openssl pkcs12 \ $pkcs12_opts \ -export \ -certfile 'chain.pem' -inkey 'privkey.pem' -in 'cert.pem' \ -passout "file:$pf" -out "$tf" \ # # Ensure file is readable chmod 0644 "$tf" ||: # Add to directory with PKCS#12 file symlinks to IP address(es) from { # ... DNS resource records (RRs) for hostname getent ahosts "$domain" # ... ".sticky" subdirectory if cd "$t/.sticky" 2>/dev/null; then td="$td/.sticky" && install -d -m 2775 "$td" for ip in *; do # It has invalid IP/IPv6 address symbols? [ -n "${ip##*[!0-9a-fA-F:.]*}" ] || continue if [ -L "$ip" ]; then # It is a symlink pointing to /dev/null? [ "$ip" -ef /dev/null ] || continue echo "-$ip" ln -sf /dev/null "$td/$ip" else # It is a regular file? [ -f "$ip" ] || continue echo "$ip" : >"$td/$ip" fi done cd - >/dev/null fi } |\ while read ip _; do if [ -n "${ip##-*}" ]; then ip="$td/$ip" && [ "$ip" -ef "$td" ] || ln -sf . "$ip" else ip="$td/${ip#-}" && rm -f "$ip" fi done # Install new (temporary) data if ! [ -e "$t" ] || mv -f "$t" "$td"; then if mv -f "$td" "$t"; then chmod 0755 "$t" ||: td="$t/$domain" else mv -f "$td/$domain" "$t" ||: fi fi ## Leave renewed certificate lineage cd - >/dev/null 2>&1 exit 0 } # _publish # Usage: _update ... _update() { # Requires: /bin/sh, install(1), mktemp(1), mv(1), rm(1), chmod(1), # cmp(1), openssl(1), wget(1)/curl(1) local func="${FUNCNAME:-_update}" local ini="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" && shift ini="$(get_ini "$ini")" || return # Usage: le_pkcs12_to_pem [] le_pkcs12_to_pem() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-le_pkcs12_to_pem}" local p12="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() }" local path="${2:?missing 2d arg to ${func}() }" local ph="${3-}" local cert_pem='-clcerts -nokeys' local chain_pem='-cacerts -nokeys' local fullchain_pem='-nokeys' local privkey_pem='-nocerts' local p args for p in 'cert' 'chain' 'fullchain' 'privkey'; do # Take appropriate arguments to control output eval "args=\"\$${p}_pem\"" # Passphrase is passed via environment ph="$ph" \ openssl pkcs12 \ $args \ -passin 'env:ph' \ -in "$p12" \ -nodes \ -out "$path/$p.pem" >/dev/null 2>&1 || return done # privkey.pem chmod 0600 "$path/$p.pem" || return return 0 } # Usage: get_cert_var [] get_cert_var() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-get_cert_var}" local c="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" local n="${2:?missing 2d arg to ${func}() ()}" local q="${3-}" local t v="${c}_${n}" local rc=0 eval "t=\"\${$v-}\" && [ -n \"\$t\" ]" || rc=$? printf -- 'local %s='\''%s'\''\n' "$n" "$t" if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then [ -n "$q" ] || echo >&2 "$prog_name: var \"$v\" is unset or empty" echo '! :' return 1 fi } # Usage: do_fetch do_fetch() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-do_fetch}" local file="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" && shift local url="${1:?missing 2d arg to ${func}() ()}" && shift # Hide @cookie variable contents from curl(1) for security. # It is used as communication mechanism by this environment # and hooks and may contain security sensitive information. # Having access to it by program with network access is a risk. local cookie='' # Additional arguments (e.g. username and password for HTTP # authentication) should be configured through utility specific # configuration file (e.g. ~$runas/.wgetrc or ~$runas/.curlrc). local wget_args='-q -O %s %s' local curl_args='-s -f -o %s %s' local args local fetch for fetch in \ 'wget' \ 'curl' \ # do # Installed? command -v "$fetch" >/dev/null 2>&1 || continue # Have args for it? eval "args=\"\${${fetch}_args-}\"" [ -n "$args" ] || continue # Make command line for $fetch args="$(printf -- "$args" "$file" "$url")" || continue # Fetch $file from $url "$fetch" $args && return ||: done return 1 } # Usage: do_hook ... do_hook() { local func="${FUNCNAME:-do_hook}" local name="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" && shift local cmd="${1-}" [ -n "$cmd" ] || return 0 shift local rc=125 # Strictly check input from hook execution to avoid injection # of commands in our execution. Only accept and set via "eval" # specific variables that known to be safe/useful in our # environment. eval $( { set +e /bin/sh -c "$cmd" "$name" "$@" echo "rc=$?" } |\ while read vv; do # cookie= if v="${vv##cookie=}" && [ "$v" != "$vv" ]; then v="${v#\'}" && v="${v%\'}" # No single quotes in cookie value if [ -n "${v##*\'*}" ]; then echo "cookie_merge 'cookie' '$v';" fi # rc=$? elif v="${vv##rc=}" && [ "$v" != "$vv" ]; then v="${v#\'}" && v="${v%\'}" # Make sure return code is valid (could be injected) if [ "$v" -ge 0 -o "$v" -lt 0 ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "rc='$v';" fi fi done && echo "cookie=\"\$cookie\"" ) return $rc } ## Source and sanity check the config eval $( # Any shell code sourced from configuration file $runas # user in a subshell that effectively restricts it. if . "$ini" >/dev/null; then _certs='' for c in $certs; do # Skip invalid shell variable names [ -n "${c##[0-9]*}" ] || continue [ -n "${c##*[![:alnum:]_]*}" ] || continue for n in \ 'url' \ 'domain' \ 'ph' \ 'pre_hook' \ 'deploy_hook' \ 'post_hook' \ # do eval " printf -- 'local %s_%s='\''%s'\''\n' \ '${c}' '${n}' \ \"\${${c}_${n}-}\" " done _certs="${_certs:+$_certs }${c}" done echo "local certs='${_certs}'" else echo "return $?" fi ) if [ -z "$certs" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: no certificates defined in $ini" exit 1 fi local datadir p12_dir live_dir shell # Let's encrypt cache directory datadir=~/.cache/letsencrypt # Cache directory to store .p12 files locally for compare p12_dir="$datadir/p12" if [ ! -d "$p12_dir" ]; then rm -f "$p12_dir" ||: install -d "$p12_dir" fi # Live directory for certbot compatibility to put PEM files live_dir='/etc/letsencrypt/live' if [ ! -d "$live_dir" ]; then rm -f "$live_dir" ||: install -d "$live_dir" fi exit_handler() { local rc=$? # Do not interrupt exit hander set +e # Temporary .p12 file [ -z "${tf-}" ] || rm -f "$tf" # Temporary .pem files directory [ -z "${td-}" ] || rm -rf "$td" return $rc } trap 'exit_handler' EXIT local url domain ph local c p t tf td rc local pre_hook deploy_hook post_hook # Use "export" since /bin/dash does not mark for export # environment variables prefixed function name (i.e. # RENEWED_LINEAGE= RENEWED_DOMAINS= do_hook ... "$cmd" # does not see variables, while they seen in do_hook()). # Provide compatibility with certbot hooks local RENEWED_LINEAGE RENEWED_DOMAINS export RENEWED_LINEAGE RENEWED_DOMAINS # Make sure cookie variable visible to hooks local cookie='' export cookie for c in $certs; do # Get domain variable eval "$(get_cert_var "$c" 'domain') || continue" # ... skip if certbot managed t="$live_dir/$domain" [ ! -L "$t/privkey.pem" ] || continue # Get other associated variables values eval "$(get_cert_var "$c" 'url') || continue" eval "$(get_cert_var "$c" 'ph') || continue" eval "$(get_cert_var "$c" 'pre_hook' q) ||:" eval "$(get_cert_var "$c" 'deploy_hook' q) ||:" eval "$(get_cert_var "$c" 'post_hook' q) ||:" # pre RENEWED_LINEAGE= RENEWED_DOMAINS= # @cookie preserved across certs to support single # stop/start for services with multiple certificates do_hook 'pre_hook' "$pre_hook" || continue # Fetch PKCS#12 file to check for update p="$domain.p12" tf="$(mktemp "$p12_dir/.$p.XXXXXXXX")" if do_fetch "$tf" "${url%/*.p12}/$p"; then # Is it differs from cached copy? if ! cmp -s "$tf" "$p12_dir/$p"; then # Unpack it td="$(mktemp -d "$live_dir/.$domain.XXXXXXXX")" if le_pkcs12_to_pem "$tf" "$td" "$ph"; then # Install new (temporary) data # ... live mv -f "$t" "$td" 2>/dev/null ||: if mv -f "$td" "$t"; then rc=0 # deploy RENEWED_LINEAGE="$t" RENEWED_DOMAINS="$domain" do_hook 'deploy_hook' "$deploy_hook" || rc=$? [ $rc -eq 0 ] || mv -f "$t" "$td" ||: else rc=$? fi if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then rm -rf "$t/$domain" && chmod 0755 "$t" ||: else mv -f "$td/$domain" "$t" 2>/dev/null ||: fi # ... p12 [ $rc -eq 0 ] && mv -f "$tf" "$p12_dir/$p" && tf='' ||: fi # Cleanup temporary directory rm -rf "$td" && td='' ||: fi fi # Cleanup temporary file rm -f "$tf" && tf='' ||: # post RENEWED_LINEAGE= RENEWED_DOMAINS= do_hook 'post_hook' "$post_hook" ||: done exit 0 } # _update # Usage: _hook ... _hook() { # Requires: cat(1), sed(1), service(8) local func="${FUNCNAME:-_hook}" local ini="${1:?missing 1st arg to ${func}() ()}" && shift local _registered_services local action local conf_dir conf_file pki_dir #### Helpers _registered_services='|' # Usage: register_service register_service() { [ -n "${1-}" ] || return [ -z "${_registered_services##*|${1}|*}" ] || _registered_services="${_registered_services}${1}|" } # Usage: unregister_service unregister_service() { local s="${1-}" local a="${_registered_services%%|${s}|*}" local b="${_registered_services##*|${s}|}" _registered_services="$a|$b" } # Usage: is_registered_service is_registered_service() { [ -n "${1-}" ] || return [ -z "${_registered_services##*|${1}|*}" ] || return } # Usage: registered_services_list registered_services_list() { local _rs="${_registered_services#|}" && _rs="${_rs%|}" local ifs="$IFS" && IFS='|' && set -- ${_rs} && IFS="$ifs" printf "'%s'\n" "$@" } # Usage: fatal_insane_config fatal_insane_config() { if [ "$1" = 'deploy' ]; then # Deploy hook caller should supply them if [ -z "${RENEWED_LINEAGE-}" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: $1: $2: RENEWED_LINEAGE unset" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${RENEWED_DOMAINS-}" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: $1: $2: RENEWED_DOMAINS unset" exit 1 fi else # Other hooks should not supply them if [ -n "${RENEWED_LINEAGE:+x}" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: $1: $2: RENEWED_LINEAGE is set" exit 1 fi if [ -n "${RENEWED_DOMAINS:+x}" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: $1: $2: RENEWED_DOMAINS is set" exit 1 fi fi } #### Services ## lighttpd # Usage: lighttpd_desc_fn lighttpd_desc_fn() { echo 'Secure, fast, compliant and very flexible web-server' } local lighttpd_desc='lighttpd_desc_fn' # Usage: _lighttpd_register _lighttpd_register() { register_service 'lighttpd' } _lighttpd_register ## nginx # Usage: nginx_desc_fn nginx_desc_fn() { echo 'A high performance web server and reverse proxy server' } local nginx_desc='nginx_desc_fn' # Usage: _nginx_register _nginx_register() { register_service 'nginx' } _nginx_register ## apache2 # Usage: apache2_desc_fn apache2_desc_fn() { echo 'The Apache HTTP Server is a powerful, efficient, and extensible web server' } local apache2_desc='apache2_desc_fn' # Usage: _apache2_register _apache2_register() { register_service 'apache2' } _apache2_register ## vsftpd # Usage: vsftpd_desc_fn vsftpd_desc_fn() { echo 'vsftpd is a Very Secure FTP daemon' } local vsftpd_desc='vsftpd_desc_fn' # Usage: _vsftpd_register _vsftpd_register() { register_service 'vsftpd' } _vsftpd_register #### Main # Usage: do_hook ... do_hook() { local h="$1" && shift local s="$1" && shift # Get service from systemd(1) instance s="${s%@*}" # Skip invalid shell variable names [ -n "${s##[0-9]*}" ] || return 0 [ -n "${s##*[![:alnum:]_]*}" ] || return 0 eval "local fn=\"\${${s}_${h}-}\"" [ -z "$fn" ] || "$fn" "$@" || return } # Usage: pre ... pre() { local rc=0 do_hook 'pre' "$@" || rc=$? [ $rc -ge 0 ] || return 0 # rc < 0 [ $rc -eq 0 ] || return $rc # rc > 0 local running=0 local cookie if service "$1" status; then service "$1" stop && running=1 || rc=$? fi >/dev/null 2>&1 cookie_add 'cookie' "running_$(make_shlvar_name "$1")" "$running" return $rc } # Usage: deploy ... deploy() { local rc=0 do_hook 'deploy' "$@" || rc=$? [ $rc -le 0 ] || return $rc # rc > 0 local cookie="${cookie-}" cookie_add 'cookie' "deploy_$(make_shlvar_name "$1")" '1' [ $rc -eq 0 ] || return 0 # rc < 0 return $rc } # Usage: post ... post() { local rc=0 do_hook 'post' "$@" || rc=$? [ $rc -ge 0 ] || return 0 # rc < 0 [ $rc -eq 0 ] || return $rc # rc > 0 # Usage: get_service_var get_service_var() { cookie_get 'cookie' "${1}_$(make_shlvar_name "$2")" | { read d d="${d#*\'}" d="${d%\'}" echo "${1}='$d'" } } local running deploy local cookie="${cookie-}" eval "$(get_service_var 'running' "$1")" if [ -z "$running" ]; then running=0 eval "$(get_service_var 'deploy' "$1")" if [ ${deploy:-0} -gt 0 ]; then if service "$1" status; then service "$1" stop && running=1 || rc=$? fi fi >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ $running -gt 0 ]; then if service "$1" start && service "$1" status; then : else rc=$? running=0 fi fi >/dev/null 2>&1 cookie_add 'cookie' "running_$(make_shlvar_name "$1")" "$running" return $rc } # Usage: help ... help() { local rc=0 do_hook 'help' "$@" || rc=$? [ $rc -ge 0 ] || return 0 # rc < 0 [ $rc -eq 0 ] || return $rc # rc > 0 cat <<'_EOF' To maintain compatibility with certbot and support SSL/TLS configuration for virtually any service type assume that configuration references certificate files in /etc/letsencrypt/live/ either directly or indirectly via symlink that points to this location. For example it might be useful to have symlink to /etc/letsencrypt/live in service configuration directory like following for lighttpd: /etc/lighttpd/pki -> /etc/letsencrypt/live and use that symlink in service configuration files: ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/pki/example.com/cert.pem" ssl.privkey = "/etc/lighttpd/pki/example.com/privkey.pem" ssl.ca-file = "/etc/lighttpd/pki/example.com/chain.pem" Another example might be useful when multiple virtual hosts with certs from different authorities served by same httpd instance: /etc/lighttpd/pki/ wildcard -> example.com example.com -> ../../live/example.com www.example.com -> ../../live/www.example.com w01.example.com/ # Non LetsEncrypt CA w02.example.com/ # Non LetsEncrypt CA /etc/letsencrypt/live/ example.com/ # LetsEncrypt CA www.example.com/ # LetsEncrypt CA In this case LetsEncrypt served domains symlinked to /etc/letsencrypt/live. By default service(8) wrapper is used in pre/deploy/post hooks to support multiple platforms with different system/services init manager (e.g. systemd, sysvinit, upstart). Custom service hooks can be implemented that complements or replaces generic hooks functionality when specific actions required to install/update certificates. _EOF return $rc } # Usage: list list() { eval set -- $(registered_services_list) echo 'Supported services:' echo "\ - Any service(8) supporting start, stop and status commands " while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do echo " ${1} - $(eval \$${1}_desc "${1}")" shift done } # Usage: usage usage() { local rc=$? echo >&2 "usage: $prog_name { {pre|deploy|post|help} ... | list }" exit $rc } # See how we've called case "${action:=${1-}}" in 'pre'|'deploy'|'post'|'help') # Service name [ -n "${2-}" ] || usage # Make sure service config is sane [ "$1" = 'help' ] || fatal_insane_config "$1" "$2" ;; 'list'|'usage') # No extra args [ $# -eq 1 ] || usage ;; *) ! : || usage ;; esac shift # Execute action "$action" "$@" # Exit explicitly exit } # _hook if [ ! "$this" -ef "$install_to" ]; then echo >&2 "$prog_name: not installed" exit 1 fi # Make sure we $runas user if [ "$(id -u -n)" != "$runas" ]; then if [ -n "${IN_USER_SH-x}" ]; then local IN_USER_SH= else echo >&2 "$prog_name: not running as \"$runas\" user after sudo(8)" exit 1 fi { # Do not pass these variables directly via sudo(8) command line # arguments as they (e.g. cookie) may contain security sensitive # information. At this moment only two variables must and safe to # be passed via sudo(8) command line: $runas and $IN_USER_SH. # # Sanity check variable value and enclose it into single quotas to # avoid injection in all cases (e.g. compromised $runas user has # configured sudoers(5) entry that allows them to execute # certbotsh-hook that accepts runas='root' from environment). # Usage: echo_vv echo_vv() { local var="${1-}" [ -n "$var" ] || return 0 eval " if [ -n \"\${$var+x}\" ]; then local val=\"\$$var\" # No single quotes in value if [ -n \"\${val##*\\'*}\" ]; then echo \"$var='\$val'\" fi fi " } echo_vv 'RENEWED_LINEAGE' echo_vv 'RENEWED_DOMAINS' echo_vv 'cookie' } | sudo -H -u "$runas" runas="$runas" IN_USER_SH="$$" "$this" "$@" exit fi local t if [ "${IN_USER_SH-}" != "$this" ]; then local IN_USER_SH="${IN_USER_SH-}" # Fetch and evaluate commands (variable assignments) from standard input # is safe as we $runas user that makes command injection meaningless. if [ -n "${IN_USER_SH##*[!0-9]*}" ] && kill -0 "$IN_USER_SH" 2>/dev/null then while read -r t; do eval "$t" done fi IN_USER_SH="$this" else echo >&2 "$prog_name: exec loop detected: failed" exit 1 fi local real_name ini real_prog="${prog_name#certbotsh-}" case "$real_prog" in # functions 'publish'|'update'|'hook') ini="$real_prog.cfg" # Make sure symlink target directories always in $PATH for applets PATH=":$PATH:" for t in $symlink_dirs; do [ -d "$t" ] || continue [ -z "${PATH##*:$t:*}" ] || PATH=":$t$PATH" done PATH="${PATH#:}" && PATH="${PATH%:}" ;; # aliases 'certbot') ini='cli.ini' # Make sure NO symlink target directories in $PATH for aliases PATH=":$PATH:" for t in $symlink_dirs; do [ -z "${PATH##*:$t:*}" ] || continue PATH="${t%:$t:*}:" && PATH="$PATH${t#*:$t:}" done PATH="${PATH#:}" && PATH="${PATH%:}" ;; *) echo >&2 "$this_prog: unknown applet \"$prog_name\"" ;; esac # Call applet (function) "_${real_prog}" "$ini" "$@" # Never reached since applet function MUST never return exit 125 } # applet ################################################################################ #set -x set -e set -u if [ ! -e "$0" -o "$0" -ef "/proc/$$/exe" ]; then # Executed script is # a) read from stdin through pipe # b) specified via -c option # d) sourced this="$this_prog" this_dir='./' else # Executed script exists and it's inode differs # from process exe symlink (Linux specific) this="$0" this_dir="${this%/*}/" fi this_dir="$(cd "$this_dir" && echo "$PWD")" # Set program name prog_name="${this##*/}" this="$this_dir/$prog_name" # Installing or running applet? if [ ! -L "$this" ]; then installer "$@" else applet "$@" fi