; AhkSpy ; Автор - serzh82saratov ; E-Mail: serzh82saratov@mail.ru ; Спасибо wisgest за помощь в создании HTML интерфейса ; Также благодарность teadrinker, Malcev, YMP, Irbis за их решения ; Описание - http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=72459#p72459 ; Обсуждение - http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=72244#p72244 ; GitHub - https://github.com/serzh82saratov/AhkSpy/blob/master/AhkSpy.ahk #NoTrayIcon #SingleInstance Force #NoEnv SetBatchLines, -1 ListLines, Off DetectHiddenWindows, On CoordMode, Pixel Global AhkSpyVersion := 2.52 Gosub, CheckAhkVersion Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel Menu, Tray, Icon, Shell32.dll, % A_OSVersion = "WIN_XP" ? 222 : 278 Global ThisMode := "Mouse" ; Стартовый режим - Win|Mouse|Hotkey , MemoryFontSize := IniRead("MemoryFontSize", 0) , FontSize := MemoryFontSize ? IniRead("FontSize", "15") : 15 ; Размер шрифта , FontFamily := "Arial" ; Шрифт - Times New Roman | Georgia | Myriad Pro | Arial , ColorFont := "" ; Цвет шрифта , ColorBg := ColorBgOriginal := "F8F8F8" ; Цвет фона "F0F0F0" E4E4E4 , ColorBgPaused := "F0F0F0" ; Цвет фона при паузе , ColorSelMouseHover := "#96C3DC" ; Цвет фона элемента при наведении мыши , ColorDelimiter := "E14B30" ; Цвет шрифта разделителя заголовков и параметров , ColorTitle := "27419B" ; Цвет шрифта заголовка , ColorParam := "189200" ; Цвет шрифта параметров , # := "▪" ; Символ разделителя заголовков - • | ▪ , DP := " " # " ", D1, D2, DB , copy_button := "" , ThisMode := IniRead("StartMode", "Mouse"), ThisMode := ThisMode = "LastMode" ? IniRead("LastMode", "Mouse") : ThisMode , ActiveNoPause := IniRead("ActiveNoPause", 0), MemoryPos := IniRead("MemoryPos", 0), MemorySize := IniRead("MemorySize", 0) , MemoryZoomSize := IniRead("MemoryZoomSize", 0), MemoryStateZoom := IniRead("MemoryStateZoom", 0), StateLight := IniRead("StateLight", 1) , StateLightAcc := IniRead("StateLightAcc", 1), SendCode := IniRead("SendCode", "vk"), StateLightMarker := IniRead("StateLightMarker", 1) , StateUpdate := IniRead("StateUpdate", 1), SendMode := IniRead("SendMode", "send"), SendModeStr := Format("{:L}", SendMode) , StateAllwaysSpot := IniRead("AllwaysSpot", 0), ScrollPos := {}, AccCoord := [], oOther := {}, oFind := {}, Edits := [], oMS := {} , hGui, hActiveX, hMarkerGui, hMarkerAccGui, hFindGui, oDoc, ShowMarker, isFindView, isIE, isPaused, w_ShowStyles, MsgAhkSpyZoom, Sleep , HTML_Win, HTML_Mouse, HTML_Hotkey, o_edithotkey, o_editkeyname, rmCtrlX, rmCtrlY, widthTB, HeigtButton, FullScreenMode , pause_button := "" , set_button_pos := " " : "" , m_run_iWB2Learner := ExtraFile("iWB2 Learner") ? DB " " : "" , m_run_AhkSpyZoom := ExtraFile("AhkSpyZoom") ? " " DB " " : "" FixIE() SeDebugPrivilege() Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +HWNDhGui +ReSize -DPIScale Gui, Color, %ColorBgPaused% Gui, Add, ActiveX, Border voDoc HWNDhActiveX x0 y+0, HTMLFile ComObjError(false), ComObjConnect(oDoc, Events) OnMessage(0x133, "WM_CTLCOLOREDIT") OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN") OnMessage(0xA1, "WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN") OnMessage(0x7B, "WM_CONTEXTMENU") OnMessage(0x6, "WM_ACTIVATE") OnMessage(0x03, "WM_MOVE") OnMessage(0x05, "WM_SIZE") OnExit, Exit OnMessage(MsgAhkSpyZoom := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", "Str", "MsgAhkSpyZoom"), "MsgZoom") DllCall("RegisterShellHookWindow", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd) OnMessage(DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", "str", "SHELLHOOK"), "ShellProc") DllCall("PostMessage", "Ptr", A_ScriptHWND, "UInt", 0x50, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x409) ; eng layout Gui, TB: +HWNDhTBGui -Caption -DPIScale +Parent%hGui% +E0x08000000 +0x40000000 -0x80000000 Gui, TB: Font, % " s" (A_ScreenDPI = 120 ? 8 : 10), Verdana Gui, TB: Add, Button, x0 y0 h%HeigtButton% w%wKey% vBut1 gMode_Win, Window Gui, TB: Add, Button, x+0 yp hp wp vBut2 gMode_Mouse, Mouse && Control Gui, TB: Add, Progress, x+0 yp hp w%wColor% vColorProgress cWhite, 100 Gui, TB: Add, Button, x+0 yp hp w%wKey% vBut3 gMode_Hotkey, Button Gui, TB: Show, % "x0 y0 NA h" HeigtButton " w" widthTB := wKey*3+wColor Gui, F: +HWNDhFindGui -Caption -DPIScale +Parent%hGui% +0x40000000 -0x80000000 Gui, F: Color, %ColorBgPaused% Gui, F: Font, % " s" (A_ScreenDPI = 120 ? 10 : 12) Gui, F: Add, Edit, x1 y0 w180 h26 gFindNew WantTab HWNDhFindEdit SendMessage, 0x1501, 1, "Find to page",, ahk_id %hFindEdit% ; EM_SETCUEBANNER Gui, F: Add, UpDown, -16 Horz Range0-1 x+0 yp h26 w52 gFindNext vFindUpDown GuiControl, F: Move, FindUpDown, h26 w52 Gui, F: Font, % (A_ScreenDPI = 120 ? "" : "s10") Gui, F: Add, Text, x+10 yp+1 h24 c2F2F2F +0x201 gFindOption, % " case sensitive " Gui, F: Add, Text, x+10 yp hp c2F2F2F +0x201 gFindOption, % " whole word " Gui, F: Add, Text, x+3 yp hp +0x201 w52 vFindMatches Gui, F: Add, Button, % "+0x300 +0xC00 y3 h20 w20 gFindHide x" widthTB - 21, X Gui, M: Margin, 0, 0 Gui, M: -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop +HWNDhMarkerGui +E0x08000000 +E0x20 -Caption +Owner +0x40000000 -0x80000000 Gui, M: Color, E14B30 WinSet, TransParent, 250, ahk_id %hMarkerGui% Gui, AcM: Margin, 0, 0 Gui, AcM: -DPIScale +AlwaysOnTop +HWNDhMarkerAccGui +E0x08000000 +E0x20 -Caption +Owner +0x40000000 -0x80000000 Gui, AcM: Color, 26419F WinSet, TransParent, 250, ahk_id %hMarkerAccGui% ShowMarker(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), ShowAccMarker(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), HideMarker(), HideAccMarker() Menu, Sys, Add, Backlight allways, Sys_Backlight Menu, Sys, Add, Backlight hold shift button, Sys_Backlight Menu, Sys, Add, Backlight disable, Sys_Backlight Menu, Sys, Check, % BLGroup[StateLight] Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Sys, Add, Window or control backlight, Sys_WClight Menu, Sys, % StateLightMarker ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Window or control backlight Menu, Sys, Add, Acc object backlight, Sys_Acclight Menu, Sys, % StateLightAcc ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Acc object backlight Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Sys, Add, Spot together (low speed), Spot_Together Menu, Sys, % StateAllwaysSpot ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Spot together (low speed) Menu, Sys, Add, Work with the active window, Active_No_Pause Menu, Sys, % ActiveNoPause ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Work with the active window Menu, Sys, Add If !A_IsCompiled { Menu, Sys, Add, Check updates, CheckUpdate Menu, Sys, % StateUpdate ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Check updates Menu, Sys, Add If StateUpdate SetTimer, UpdateAhkSpy, -1000 } Else StateUpdate := IniWrite(0, "StateUpdate") Menu, Startmode, Add, Window, SelStartMode Menu, Startmode, Add, Mouse && Control, SelStartMode Menu, Startmode, Add, Button, SelStartMode Menu, Startmode, Add Menu, Startmode, Add, Last Mode, SelStartMode Menu, Sys, Add, Start mode, :Startmode Menu, Startmode, Check, % {"Win":"Window","Mouse":"Mouse && Control","Hotkey":"Button","LastMode":"Last Mode"}[IniRead("StartMode", "Mouse")] Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Sys, Add, Remember position, MemoryPos Menu, Sys, % MemoryPos ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember position Menu, Sys, Add, Remember size, MemorySize Menu, Sys, % MemorySize ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember size Menu, Sys, Add, Remember font size, MemoryFontSize Menu, Sys, % MemoryFontSize ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember font size If m_run_AhkSpyZoom != { Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Sys, Add, Remember state zoom, MemoryStateZoom Menu, Sys, % MemoryStateZoom ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember state zoom Menu, Sys, Add, Remember zoom size, MemoryZoomSize Menu, Sys, % MemoryZoomSize ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember zoom size } Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Sys, Add, Full screen, FullScreenMode Menu, Sys, Add, Default size, DefaultSize Menu, Sys, Add, Open script dir, Sys_OpenScriptDir Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Help, Add, About, Sys_Help Menu, Help, Add If FileExist(SubStr(A_AhkPath,1,InStr(A_AhkPath,"\",,0,1)) "AutoHotkey.chm") Menu, Help, Add, AutoHotKey help file, LaunchHelp Menu, Help, Add, AutoHotKey official help online, Sys_Help Menu, Help, Add, AutoHotKey russian help online, Sys_Help Menu, Sys, Add, Help, :Help Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Sys, Add, Reload, Reload Menu, Sys, Add, Suspend hotkeys, Suspend Menu, Sys, Add, Pause, PausedScript Menu, Sys, Add, Exit, Exit Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Sys, Add, Find to page, FindView Menu, Sys, Add, Word wrap, WordWrap Menu, Sys, % WordWrap ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Word wrap Menu, Sys, Color, % ColorBgOriginal Gui, Show, % "NA" (MemoryPos ? " x" IniRead("MemoryPosX", "Center") " y" IniRead("MemoryPosY", "Center") : "") . (MemorySize ? " h" IniRead("MemorySizeH", HeightStart) " w" IniRead("MemorySizeW", widthTB) : " h" HeightStart " w" widthTB) Gui, % "+MinSize" widthTB "x" HeigtButton Hotkey_Init("Write_Hotkey", "MLRJ") Gosub, Mode_%ThisMode% If (m_run_AhkSpyZoom != "" && MemoryStateZoom && IniRead("ZoomShow", 0)) AhkSpyZoomShow() #Include *i %A_ScriptDir%\AhkSpyInclude.ahk Return ; _________________________________________________ Hotkey`s _________________________________________________ #If ActiveNoPause +Tab:: Goto PausedScript #If (Sleep != 1 && !isPaused && ThisMode != "Hotkey") +Tab:: SpotProc: (ThisMode = "Mouse" ? (Spot_Mouse() (StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Win() : 0) Write_Mouse()) : (Spot_Win() (StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Mouse() : 0) Write_Win())) If !WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) { ZoomMsg(1) WinActivate ahk_id %hGui% GuiControl, 1:Focus, oDoc } Else ZoomMsg(2) Return #If ShowMarker && (StateLight = 3 || WinActive("ahk_id" hGui)) ~RShift Up:: ~LShift Up:: HideMarker(), HideAccMarker() #If Sleep != 1 Break:: Pause:: PausedScript: isPaused := !isPaused oDoc.body.style.backgroundColor := (ColorBg := isPaused ? ColorBgPaused : ColorBgOriginal) Try SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, % isPaused ? "Off" : "On" If (ThisMode = "Hotkey" && WinActive("ahk_id" hGui)) Hotkey_Hook(!isPaused) If (isPaused && !WinActive("ahk_id" hGui)) (ThisMode = "Mouse" ? Spot_Win() : ThisMode = "Win" ? Spot_Mouse() : 0) HideMarker(), HideAccMarker() Menu, Sys, % isPaused ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Pause ZoomMsg(isPaused || (!ActiveNoPause && WinActive("ahk_id" hGui)) ? 1 : 0) ZoomMsg(7, isPaused) isPaused ? TaskbarProgress(4, hGui, 100) : TaskbarProgress(0, hGui) Return ~RShift Up:: ~LShift Up:: CheckHideMarker() #If WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) ^WheelUp:: ^WheelDown:: FontSize := InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "Up") ? ++FontSize : --FontSize FontSize := FontSize < 1 ? 1 : FontSize > 32 ? 32 : FontSize oDoc.getElementById("pre").style.fontSize := FontSize TitleText("FontSize: " FontSize) IniWrite(FontSize, "FontSize") Return F1:: +WheelUp:: NextLink("-") F2:: +WheelDown:: NextLink() F3:: ~!WheelUp:: WheelLeft F4:: ~!WheelDown:: WheelRight F5:: oDoc.body.innerHTML := HTML_%ThisMode%, oDoc.body.scrollLeft := 0 ; Return original HTML F6:: AppsKey F7::Menu, Sys, Show, 5, 5 !Space:: SetTimer, ShowSys, -1 Esc:: If isFindView FindHide() Else If FullScreenMode FullScreenMode() Else GoSub, Exit Return F8:: ^vk46:: FindView() ; Ctrl+F F11::FullScreenMode() #If WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && IsIEFocus() ^vk5A:: oDoc.execCommand("Undo") ; Ctrl+Z ^vk59:: oDoc.execCommand("Redo") ; Ctrl+Y ^vk43:: Clipboard := oDoc.selection.createRange().text ; Ctrl+C ^vk56:: oDoc.execCommand("Paste") ; Ctrl+V ~^vk41:: oDoc.execCommand("SelectAll") ; Ctrl+A ^vk58:: oDoc.execCommand("Cut") ; Ctrl+X Del:: oDoc.execCommand("Delete") ; Delete Enter:: oDoc.selection.createRange().text := " `n" ; ­ Tab:: oDoc.selection.createRange().text := " " ; &emsp #If (WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && !Hotkey_Arr("Hook") && IsIEFocus()) #RButton:: ClipPaste() #If (Sleep != 1 && ThisMode != "Hotkey" && oMS.ELSel) && (oMS.ELSel.OuterText != "" || MS_Cancel()) RButton:: ^RButton:: ToolTip("copy", 300) CopyText := oMS.ELSel.OuterText If (A_ThisHotkey = "^RButton") CopyText := CopyCommaParam(CopyText) Clipboard := CopyText TitleText(CopyText) Return +RButton:: ClipAdd(CopyText := oMS.ELSel.OuterText, 1), TitleText(CopyText) ^+RButton:: ClipAdd(CopyText := CopyCommaParam(oMS.ELSel.OuterText), 1), TitleText(CopyText) #If (Sleep != 1 && oMS.ELSel) && (oMS.ELSel.OuterText != "" || MS_Cancel()) ; Mode = Hotkey RButton:: CopyText := oMS.ELSel.OuterText KeyWait, RButton, T0.3 If ErrorLevel ClipAdd(CopyText, 1) Else Clipboard := CopyText, ToolTip("copy", 300) TitleText(CopyText) Return #If WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && ExistSelectedText(CopyText) ^RButton:: RButton:: CopyText: ToolTip("copy", 300) If (A_ThisHotkey = "^RButton") CopyText := CopyCommaParam(CopyText) Clipboard := CopyText TitleText(CopyText) Return +RButton:: ClipAdd(CopyText, 1), TitleText(CopyText) ^+RButton:: ClipAdd(CopyText := CopyCommaParam(CopyText), 1), TitleText(CopyText) #If (Sleep != 1 && !DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr", oOther.hZoom)) +#Up::MouseStep(0, -1) +#Down::MouseStep(0, 1) +#Left::MouseStep(-1, 0) +#Right::MouseStep(1, 0) #If ; _________________________________________________ Mode_Win _________________________________________________ Mode_Win: If A_GuiControl GuiControl, 1:Focus, oDoc oDoc.body.createTextRange().execCommand("RemoveFormat") GuiControl, TB: -0x0001, But1 If ThisMode = Win oDoc.body.scrollLeft := 0 If (ThisMode = "Hotkey") Hotkey_Hook(0) Try SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, Off ScrollPos[ThisMode,1] := oDoc.body.scrollLeft, ScrollPos[ThisMode,2] := oDoc.body.scrollTop If ThisMode != Win HTML_%ThisMode% := oDoc.body.innerHTML ThisMode := "Win" If (HTML_Win = "") Spot_Win(1) TitleText := "AhkSpy - Window" TitleTextP2 SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &TitleText, , ahk_id %hGui% Write_Win(), oDoc.body.scrollLeft := ScrollPos[ThisMode,1], oDoc.body.scrollTop := ScrollPos[ThisMode,2] IniWrite(ThisMode, "LastMode") If isFindView FindSearch(1) Loop_Win: If ((WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && !ActiveNoPause) || Sleep = 1) GoTo Repeat_Loop_Win If Spot_Win() Write_Win(), StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Mouse() : 0 Repeat_Loop_Win: If !isPaused SetTimer, Loop_Win, -%RangeTimer% Return Spot_Win(NotHTML = 0) { Static PrWinPID, ComLine, WinProcessPath, ProcessBitSize, WinProcessName If NotHTML GoTo HTML_Win MouseGetPos,,,WinID If (WinID = hGui || WinID = oOther.hZoom) Return HideMarker(), HideAccMarker() WinGetTitle, WinTitle, ahk_id %WinID% WinTitle := TransformHTML(WinTitle) WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, WinWidth, WinHeight, ahk_id %WinID% WinX2 := WinX + WinWidth, WinY2 := WinY + WinHeight WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %WinID% WinGet, WinPID, PID, ahk_id %WinID% If (WinPID != PrWinPID) { GetCommandLineProc(WinPID, ComLine, ProcessBitSize) ComLine := TransformHTML(ComLine), PrWinPID := WinPID WinGet, WinProcessPath, ProcessPath, ahk_pid %WinPID% Loop, %WinProcessPath% WinProcessPath = %A_LoopFileLongPath% SplitPath, WinProcessPath, WinProcessName } If (WinClass ~= "(Cabinet|Explore)WClass") CLSID := GetCLSIDExplorer(WinID) WinGet, WinCountProcess, Count, ahk_pid %WinPID% WinGet, WinStyle, Style, ahk_id %WinID% WinGet, WinExStyle, ExStyle, ahk_id %WinID% WinGet, WinTransparent, Transparent, ahk_id %WinID% If WinTransparent != WinTransparent := "`nTransparent: " WinTransparent "" WinGet, WinTransColor, TransColor, ahk_id %WinID% If WinTransColor != WinTransColor := (WinTransparent = "" ? "`n" : DP) "TransColor: " WinTransColor "" WinGet, CountControl, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %WinID% RegExReplace(CountControl, "m`a)$", "", CountControl) GetClientPos(WinID, caX, caY, caW, caH) caWinRight := WinWidth - caW - caX , caWinBottom := WinHeight - caH - caY Loop { StatusBarGetText, SBFieldText, %A_Index%, ahk_id %WinID% If SBFieldText = Break SBFieldText := TransformHTML(SBFieldText "`r`n") SBText = %SBText%(%A_Index%): %SBFieldText% } If SBText != SBText := "`n" D1 " ( StatusBarText ) " DB " " copy_button " " D2 "`n" (SubStr(SBText, 1, -13) "") "" WinGetText, WinText, ahk_id %WinID% If WinText != WinText := "`n" D1 " ( Window Text ) " D2 "`n" TransformHTML(RTrim(WinText, "`r`n")) "" CoordMode, Mouse MouseGetPos, WinXS, WinYS PixelGetColor, ColorRGB, %WinXS%, %WinYS%, RGB GuiControl, TB: -Redraw, ColorProgress GuiControl, % "TB: +c" SubStr(ColorRGB, 3), ColorProgress GuiControl, TB: +Redraw, ColorProgress If w_ShowStyles WinStyles := GetStyles(WinStyle, WinExStyle), ButStyleTip := "hide styles" If WordWrap Break := "word-wrap: break-word;" HTML_Win: ButStyleTip := !w_ShowStyles ? "show styles" : ButStyleTip HTML_Win = ( Ltrim
	%D1% ( Title ) %DB% %pause_button%%m_run_AhkSpyZoom% %D2%
	%D1% ( Class ) %D2%
	ahk_class %WinClass%
	%D1% ( ProcessName ) %DB%  %D2%
	ahk_exe %WinProcessName%
	%D1% ( ProcessPath ) %DB%     %D2%
	ahk_exe %WinProcessPath%
	%D1% ( CommandLine ) %DB%   %D2%
	%D1% ( Position ) %D2%
	%set_button_pos%Pos:  x%WinX% y%WinY%%DP%x²%WinX2% y²%WinY2%%DP%%set_button_pos%Size:  w%WinWidth% h%WinHeight%%DP%%WinX%, %WinY%, %WinX2%, %WinY2%%DP%%WinX%, %WinY%, %WinWidth%, %WinHeight%
	Client area size:  w%caW% h%caH%%DP%left %caX% top %caY% right %caWinRight% bottom %caWinBottom%
	%D1% ( Other ) %D2%
	PID:  %WinPID%%DP%%ProcessBitSize%Window count this PID: %WinCountProcess%%DP%
	HWND:  %WinID%%DP%%DP%Control count:  %CountControl%
	Style:  %WinStyle%%DP%ExStyle:  %WinExStyle%%DP%%WinTransparent%%WinTransColor%%CLSID%%WinStyles%%SBText%%WinText%
) oOther.WinPID := WinPID oOther.WinID := WinID If StateLightMarker && (ThisMode = "Win") && (StateLight = 1 || (StateLight = 3 && GetKeyState("Shift", "P"))) ShowMarker(WinX, WinY, WinWidth, WinHeight, 5) Return 1 } Write_Win() { oDoc.body.innerHTML := HTML_Win, oDoc.getElementById("pre").style.fontSize := FontSize oDoc.getElementById("pre").style.wordWrap := WordWrap ? "break-word" : "normal" Return 1 } ; _________________________________________________ Mode_Mouse _________________________________________________ Mode_Mouse: If A_GuiControl GuiControl, 1:Focus, oDoc oDoc.body.createTextRange().execCommand("RemoveFormat") GuiControl, TB: -0x0001, But2 If (ThisMode = "Hotkey") Hotkey_Hook(0) If ThisMode = Mouse oDoc.body.scrollLeft := 0 Try SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, Off ScrollPos[ThisMode,1] := oDoc.body.scrollLeft, ScrollPos[ThisMode,2] := oDoc.body.scrollTop If ThisMode != Mouse HTML_%ThisMode% := oDoc.body.innerHTML ThisMode := "Mouse" If (HTML_Mouse = "") Spot_Mouse(1) TitleText := "AhkSpy - Mouse & Control" TitleTextP2 SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &TitleText, , ahk_id %hGui% Write_Mouse(), oDoc.body.scrollLeft := ScrollPos[ThisMode,1], oDoc.body.scrollTop := ScrollPos[ThisMode,2] IniWrite(ThisMode, "LastMode") If isFindView FindSearch(1) Loop_Mouse: If (WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && !ActiveNoPause) || Sleep = 1 GoTo Repeat_Loop_Mouse If Spot_Mouse() Write_Mouse(), StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Win() : 0 Repeat_Loop_Mouse: If !isPaused SetTimer, Loop_Mouse, -%RangeTimer% Return Spot_Mouse(NotHTML = 0) { If NotHTML GoTo HTML_Mouse WinGet, ProcessName_A, ProcessName, A WinGet, HWND_A, ID, A WinGetClass, WinClass_A, A CoordMode, Mouse MouseGetPos, MXS, MYS, WinID, tControlNN CoordMode, Mouse, Window MouseGetPos, MXWA, MYWA, , tControlID, 2 If (WinID = hGui || WinID = oOther.hZoom) Return HideMarker(), HideAccMarker() CtrlInfo := "", isIE := 0 ControlNN := tControlNN, ControlID := tControlID WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, , , ahk_id %WinID% RWinX := MXS - WinX, RWinY := MYS - WinY GetClientPos(WinID, caX, caY, caW, caH) MXC := RWinX - caX, MYC := RWinY - caY PixelGetColor, ColorBGR, %MXS%, %MYS% ColorRGB := Format("0x{:06X}", (ColorBGR & 0xFF) << 16 | (ColorBGR & 0xFF00) | (ColorBGR >> 16)) sColorBGR := SubStr(ColorBGR, 3) sColorRGB := SubStr(ColorRGB, 3) GuiControl, TB: -Redraw, ColorProgress GuiControl, % "TB: +c" sColorRGB, ColorProgress GuiControl, TB: +Redraw, ColorProgress WinGetPos, WinX2, WinY2, WinW, WinH, ahk_id %WinID% WithRespectWin := "`n" set_button_mouse_pos "Relative window: " . Round(RWinX / WinW, 4) ", " Round(RWinY / WinH, 4) " for w" WinW " h" WinH "" ControlGetPos, CtrlX, CtrlY, CtrlW, CtrlH,, ahk_id %ControlID% CtrlCAX := CtrlX - caX, CtrlCAY := CtrlY - caY CtrlX2 := CtrlX+CtrlW, CtrlY2 := CtrlY+CtrlH CtrlCAX2 := CtrlX2-caX, CtrlCAY2 := CtrlY2-caY WithRespectClient := set_button_mouse_pos "Relative client: " Round(MXC / caW, 4) ", " Round(MYC / caH, 4) . " for w" caW " h" caH "" ControlGetText, CtrlText, , ahk_id %ControlID% If CtrlText != CtrlText := "`n" D1 " ( Control Text ) " D2 "`n" TransformHTML(CtrlText) "" AccText := AccInfoUnderMouse(MXS, MYS, WinX, WinY, CtrlX, CtrlY) If AccText != AccText = `n%D1% ( AccInfo ) %m_run_AccViewer%%D2%%AccText% If ControlNN != { rmCtrlX := MXS - WinX - CtrlX, rmCtrlY := MYS - WinY - CtrlY ControlNN_Sub := RegExReplace(ControlNN, "S)\d+| ") If IsFunc("GetInfo_" ControlNN_Sub) { CtrlInfo := GetInfo_%ControlNN_Sub%(ControlID, ClassNN), ml_run_iWB2Learner := isIE ? m_run_iWB2Learner : "" If CtrlInfo != CtrlInfo = `n%D1% ( Info - %ClassNN% ) %ml_run_iWB2Learner%%D2%%CtrlInfo% } WithRespectControl := DP "" Round(rmCtrlX / CtrlW, 4) ", " Round(rmCtrlY / CtrlH, 4) "" } Else rmCtrlX := rmCtrlY := "" If (!isIE && ThisMode = "Mouse" && (StateLight = 1 || (StateLight = 3 && GetKeyState("Shift", "P")))) { StateLightMarker ? ShowMarker(WinX2+CtrlX, WinY2+CtrlY, CtrlW, CtrlH) : 0 StateLightAcc ? ShowAccMarker(AccCoord[1], AccCoord[2], AccCoord[3], AccCoord[4]) : 0 } ControlGet, CtrlStyle, Style,,, ahk_id %ControlID% ControlGet, CtrlExStyle, ExStyle,,, ahk_id %ControlID% WinGetClass, CtrlClass, ahk_id %ControlID% ControlGetFocus, CtrlFocus, ahk_id %WinID% WinGet, ProcessName, ProcessName, ahk_id %WinID% WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %WinID% If WordWrap Break := "word-wrap: break-word;" HTML_Mouse: HTML_Mouse = ( Ltrim
	%D1% ( Mouse ) %DB% %pause_button%%m_run_AhkSpyZoom% %D2%
	%set_button_mouse_pos%Screen:  x%MXS% y%MYS%%DP%%set_button_mouse_pos%Window:  x%RWinX% y%RWinY%%DP%%set_button_mouse_pos%Client:  x%MXC% y%MYC%%WithRespectWin%%DP%%WithRespectClient%
	Relative active window:  x%MXWA% y%MYWA%%DP%exe %ProcessName_A% class %WinClass_A% hwnd %HWND_A%
	%D1% ( PixelGetColor ) %D2%
	RGB:  %ColorRGB%%DP%#%sColorRGB%%DP%BGR:  %ColorBGR%%DP%#%sColorBGR%
	%D1% ( Window: Class & Process & HWND ) %D2%
	ahk_class %WinClass% ahk_exe %ProcessName% ahk_id %WinID%
	%D1% ( Control ) %D2%
	Class NN:  %ControlNN%%DP%Win class:  %CtrlClass%
	%set_button_pos%Pos:  x%CtrlX% y%CtrlY%%DP%x²%CtrlX2% y²%CtrlY2%%DP%%set_button_pos%Size:  w%CtrlW% h%CtrlH%%DP%%CtrlX%, %CtrlY%, %CtrlX2%, %CtrlY2%%DP%%CtrlX%, %CtrlY%, %CtrlW%, %CtrlH%
	Pos relative client area:  x%CtrlCAX% y%CtrlCAY%%DP%x²%CtrlCAX2% y²%CtrlCAY2%%DP%%CtrlCAX%, %CtrlCAY%, %CtrlCAX2%, %CtrlCAY2%%DP%%CtrlCAX%, %CtrlCAY%, %CtrlW%, %CtrlH%
	%set_button_mouse_pos%Mouse relative control:  x%rmCtrlX% y%rmCtrlY%%WithRespectControl%%DP%Client area:  x%caX% y%caY% w%caW% h%caH%
	HWND:  %ControlID%%DP%Style:  %CtrlStyle%%DP%ExStyle:  %CtrlExStyle%
	%set_button_focus_ctrl%Focus control:  %CtrlFocus%%DP%Cursor type:  %A_Cursor%%DP%Caret pos:  x%A_CaretX% y%A_CaretY%%CtrlInfo%%CtrlText%%AccText%
) oOther.MouseControlID := ControlID oOther.MouseWinID := WinID Return 1 } Write_Mouse() { oDoc.body.innerHTML := HTML_Mouse, oDoc.getElementById("pre").style.fontSize := FontSize oDoc.getElementById("pre").style.wordWrap := WordWrap ? "break-word" : "normal" Return 1 } ; _________________________________________________ Get Info Control _________________________________________________ GetInfo_SysListView(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN := "SysListView32" ControlGet, ListText, List,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, RowCount, List, Count,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, ColCount, List, Count Col,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, SelectedCount, List, Count Selected,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, FocusedCount, List, Count Focused,, ahk_id %hwnd% Return "`nRow count: " RowCount "" DP . "Column count: " ColCount "`n" . "Selected count: " SelectedCount "" DP . "Focused row: " FocusedCount "" . "`n" D1 " ( Content ) " D2 "`n" TransformHTML(ListText) "" } GetInfo_SysTreeView(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN := "SysTreeView32" SendMessage 0x1105, 0, 0, , ahk_id %hwnd% ; TVM_GETCOUNT ItemCount := ErrorLevel Return "`nItem count: " ItemCount "" } GetInfo_ListBox(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN = ListBox Return GetInfo_ComboBox(hwnd, "") } GetInfo_TListBox(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN = TListBox Return GetInfo_ComboBox(hwnd, "") } GetInfo_TComboBox(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN = TComboBox Return GetInfo_ComboBox(hwnd, "") } GetInfo_ComboBox(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN = ComboBox ControlGet, ListText, List,,, ahk_id %hwnd% SendMessage, 0x147, 0, 0, , ahk_id %hwnd% ; CB_GETCURSEL SelPos := ErrorLevel SelPos := SelPos = 0xffffffff || SelPos < 0 ? "NoSelect" : SelPos + 1 RegExReplace(ListText, "m`a)$", "", RowCount) Return "`nRow count: " RowCount "" DP . "Row selected: " SelPos "" . "`n" D1 " ( Content ) " D2 "`n" TransformHTML(ListText) "" } GetInfo_CtrlNotifySink(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN = CtrlNotifySink Return GetInfo_Scintilla(hwnd, "") } ; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=117128#p117128 ; https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms645478(v=vs.85).aspx GetInfo_Edit(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN = Edit Return GetInfo_Scintilla(hwnd, "") "`nDlgCtrlID: " DllCall("GetDlgCtrlID", Ptr, hwnd) "" } GetInfo_Scintilla(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN = Scintilla ControlGet, LineCount, LineCount,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, CurrentCol, CurrentCol,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, CurrentLine, CurrentLine,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, Selected, Selected,,, ahk_id %hwnd% SendMessage, 0x00B0, , , , ahk_id %hwnd% ; EM_GETSEL EM_GETSEL := ErrorLevel >> 16 SendMessage, 0x00CE, , , , ahk_id %hwnd% ; EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE := ErrorLevel + 1 ; Control_GetFont(hwnd, FName, FSize) Return "`nRow count: " LineCount "" DP . "Selected length: " StrLen(Selected) "" . "`nCurrent row: " CurrentLine "" DP . "Current column: " CurrentCol "" . "`nCurrent select: " EM_GETSEL "" DP . "First visible line: " EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE "" ; . "`nFontSize: " FSize DP "FontName: " FName } Control_GetFont(hwnd, byref FontName, byref FontSize) { SendMessage 0x31, 0, 0, , ahk_id %hwnd% ; WM_GETFONT IfEqual, ErrorLevel, FAIL, Return hFont := Errorlevel, VarSetCapacity(LF, szLF := 60 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)) DllCall("GetObject", UInt, hFont, Int, szLF, UInt, &LF) hDC := DllCall("GetDC", UInt,hwnd ), DPI := DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", UInt, hDC, Int, 90) DllCall("ReleaseDC", Int, 0, UInt, hDC), S := Round((-NumGet(LF, 0, "Int") * 72) / DPI) FontName := DllCall("MulDiv", Int, &LF + 28, Int, 1, Int, 1, Str) DllCall("SetLastError", UInt, S), FontSize := A_LastError } GetInfo_msctls_progress(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN := "msctls_progress32" SendMessage, 0x0400+7,"TRUE",,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; PBM_GETRANGE PBM_GETRANGEMIN := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x0400+7,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; PBM_GETRANGE PBM_GETRANGEMAX := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x0400+8,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; PBM_GETPOS PBM_GETPOS := ErrorLevel Return "`nLevel: " PBM_GETPOS "" DP . "Range: Min: " PBM_GETRANGEMIN "" . " Max: " PBM_GETRANGEMAX "" } GetInfo_msctls_trackbar(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN := "msctls_trackbar32" SendMessage, 0x0400+1,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; TBM_GETRANGEMIN TBM_GETRANGEMIN := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x0400+2,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; TBM_GETRANGEMAX TBM_GETRANGEMAX := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x0400,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; TBM_GETPOS TBM_GETPOS := ErrorLevel ControlGet, CtrlStyle, Style,,, ahk_id %hwnd% (!(CtrlStyle & 0x0200)) ? (TBS_REVERSED := "No") : (TBM_GETPOS := TBM_GETRANGEMAX - (TBM_GETPOS - TBM_GETRANGEMIN), TBS_REVERSED := "Yes") Return "`nLevel: " TBM_GETPOS "" DP . "Invert style:" TBS_REVERSED . "`nRange: Min: " TBM_GETRANGEMIN "" DP . "Max: " TBM_GETRANGEMAX "" } GetInfo_msctls_updown(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN := "msctls_updown32" SendMessage, 0x0400+102,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; UDM_GETRANGE UDM_GETRANGE := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x400+114,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; UDM_GETPOS32 UDM_GETPOS32 := ErrorLevel Return "`nLevel: " UDM_GETPOS32 "" DP . "Range: Min: " UDM_GETRANGE >> 16 "" . " Max: " UDM_GETRANGE & 0xFFFF "" } GetInfo_SysTabControl(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN := "SysTabControl32" ControlGet, SelTab, Tab,,, ahk_id %hwnd% SendMessage, 0x1300+44,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; TCM_GETROWCOUNT TCM_GETROWCOUNT := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x1300+4,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; TCM_GETITEMCOUNT TCM_GETITEMCOUNT := ErrorLevel Return "`nItem count: " TCM_GETITEMCOUNT "" DP . "Row count: " TCM_GETROWCOUNT "" DP . "Selected item: " SelTab "" } GetInfo_ToolbarWindow(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN := "ToolbarWindow32" SendMessage, 0x0418,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ; TB_BUTTONCOUNT BUTTONCOUNT := ErrorLevel Return "`nButton count: " BUTTONCOUNT "" } ; _________________________________________________ Get Internet Explorer Info _________________________________________________ ; http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/84258-iwb2-learner-iwebbrowser2/ GetInfo_AtlAxWin(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { ClassNN = AtlAxWin Return GetInfo_InternetExplorer_Server(hwnd, "") } GetInfo_InternetExplorer_Server(hwnd, ByRef ClassNN) { Static IID_IWebBrowserApp := "{0002DF05-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" , ratios := [], IID_IHTMLWindow2 := "{332C4427-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}" isIE := 1, ClassNN := "Internet Explorer_Server" MouseGetPos, , , , hwnd, 3 If !(pwin := WBGet(hwnd)) Return If !ratios[hwnd] { ratio := pwin.window.screen.deviceXDPI / pwin.window.screen.logicalXDPI Sleep 10 ; при частом запросе deviceXDPI, возвращает пусто !ratio && (ratio := 1) ratios[hwnd] := ratio } ratio := ratios[hwnd] pelt := pwin.document.elementFromPoint(rmCtrlX / ratio, rmCtrlY / ratio) Tag := pelt.TagName If (Tag = "IFRAME" || Tag = "FRAME") { If pFrame := ComObjQuery(pwin.document.parentWindow.frames[pelt.id], IID_IHTMLWindow2, IID_IHTMLWindow2) iFrame := ComObject(9, pFrame, 1) Else iFrame := ComObj(9, ComObjQuery(pelt.contentWindow, IID_IHTMLWindow2, IID_IHTMLWindow2), 1) WB2 := ComObject(9, ComObjQuery(pelt.contentWindow, IID_IWebBrowserApp, IID_IWebBrowserApp), 1) If ((Var := WB2.LocationName) != "") Frame .= "`nTitle: " Var "" If ((Var := WB2.LocationURL) != "") Frame .= "`nURL: " Var "" If (iFrame.length) Frame .= "`nCount frames: " iFrame.length "" If (Tag != "") Frame .= "`nTagName: " Tag "" If ((Var := pelt.id) != "") Frame .= "`nID: " Var "" If ((Var := pelt.ClassName) != "") Frame .= "`nClass: " Var "" If ((Var := pelt.sourceIndex) != "") Frame .= "`nIndex: " Var "" If ((Var := pelt.name) != "") Frame .= "`nName: " TransformHTML(Var) "" If ((Var := pelt.OuterHtml) != "") { code = `n%D1% ( Outer HTML ) %D2%`n Frame .= code "" TransformHTML(Var) "" } If ((Var := pelt.OuterText) != "") { code = `n%D1% ( Outer Text ) %D2%`n Frame .= code "" TransformHTML(Var) "" } If Frame != Frame = `n%D1% ( FrameInfo ) %D2%%Frame% _pbrt := pelt.getBoundingClientRect() pelt := iFrame.document.elementFromPoint((rmCtrlX / ratio) - _pbrt.left, (rmCtrlY / ratio) - _pbrt.top) __pbrt := pelt.getBoundingClientRect(), pbrt := {} pbrt.left := __pbrt.left + _pbrt.left, pbrt.right := __pbrt.right + _pbrt.left pbrt.top := __pbrt.top + _pbrt.top, pbrt.bottom := __pbrt.bottom + _pbrt.top } Else pbrt := pelt.getBoundingClientRect() WB2 := ComObject(9, ComObjQuery(pwin, IID_IWebBrowserApp, IID_IWebBrowserApp), 1) If ((Location := WB2.LocationName) != "") Location = `nTitle: %Location% If ((URL := WB2.LocationURL) != "") URL = `nURL: %URL% If ((Var := pelt.id) != "") Info .= "`nID: " Var "" If ((Var := pelt.ClassName) != "") Info .= "`nClass: " Var "" If ((Var := pelt.sourceIndex) != "") Info .= "`nIndex: " Var "" If ((Var := pelt.name) != "") Info .= "`nName: " TransformHTML(Var) "" If ((Var := pelt.OuterHtml) != "") { code = `n%D1% ( Outer HTML ) %D2%`n Info .= code "" TransformHTML(Var) "" } If ((Var := pelt.OuterText) != "") { code = `n%D1% ( Outer Text ) %D2%`n Info .= code "" TransformHTML(Var) "" } x1 := pbrt.left * ratio, y1 := pbrt.top * ratio x2 := pbrt.right * ratio, y2 := pbrt.bottom * ratio If (ThisMode = "Mouse") && (StateLight = 1 || (StateLight = 3 && GetKeyState("Shift", "P"))) { WinGetPos, sX, sY, , , ahk_id %hwnd% StateLightMarker ? ShowMarker(sX + x1, sY + y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1) : 0 StateLightAcc ? ShowAccMarker(AccCoord[1], AccCoord[2], AccCoord[3], AccCoord[4]) : 0 } If Info != Info := "`n" D1 " ( Tag name: " pelt.TagName " )" (Frame ? " " # " ( in frame )" : "") " " D2 . "`nPos: x" Round(x1) " y" Round(y1) "" . DP "Size: w" Round(x2 - x1) " h" Round(y2 - y1) "" Info ObjRelease(pwin), ObjRelease(pelt), ObjRelease(WB2), ObjRelease(iFrame), ObjRelease(pbrt) Return Location URL Info Frame } WBGet(hwnd) { Static Msg := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", "Str", "WM_HTML_GETOBJECT") , IID_IHTMLWindow2 := "{332C4427-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}" SendMessage, Msg, , , , ahk_id %hwnd% DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "Ptr", ErrorLevel, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, PtrP, pdoc) Return ComObj(9, ComObjQuery(pdoc, IID_IHTMLWindow2, IID_IHTMLWindow2), 1), ObjRelease(pdoc) } ; _________________________________________________ Get Acc Info _________________________________________________ ; http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/77888-accessible-info-viewer-alpha-release-2012-09-20/ AccInfoUnderMouse(x, y, wx, wy, cx, cy) { Static h If Not h h := DllCall("LoadLibrary","Str","oleacc","Ptr") If DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromPoint" , "Int64", x&0xFFFFFFFF|y<<32, "Ptr*", pacc , "Ptr", VarSetCapacity(varChild,8+2*A_PtrSize,0)*0+&varChild) = 0 Acc := ComObjEnwrap(9,pacc,1), child := NumGet(varChild,8,"UInt") If !IsObject(Acc) Return Type := child ? "Child" DP "Id: " child "" : "Parent" DP "ChildCount: " ((C := Acc.accChildCount) != "" ? "" C "" : "N/A") code = `nType: %Type% code = %code%`n%D1% ( Position relative ) %D2%`n code .= "Screen: " AccGetLocation(Acc, child) . "`nMouse: x" x - AccCoord[1] " y" y - AccCoord[2] "" . DP "Window: x" AccCoord[1] - wx " y" AccCoord[2] - wy "" . (cx != "" ? DP "Control: x" (AccCoord[1] - wx - cx) " y" (AccCoord[2] - wy - cy) "" : "") If ((Name := Acc.accName(child)) != "") { code = %code%`n%D1% ( Name ) %D2%`n code .= "" TransformHTML(Name) "" } If ((Value := Acc.accValue(child)) != "") { code = %code%`n%D1% ( Value ) %D2%`n code .= "" TransformHTML(Value) "" } If ((State := AccGetStateText(StateCode := Acc.accState(child))) != "") { code = %code%`n%D1% ( State ) %D2%`n code .= "" TransformHTML(State) "" . DP "code: " StateCode "" } If ((Role := AccRole(Acc, child)) != "") { code = %code%`n%D1% ( Role ) %D2%`n code .= "" TransformHTML(Role) "" . DP "code: " Acc.accRole(child) "" } If (child &&(ObjRole := AccRole(Acc)) != "") { code = %code%`n%D1% ( Role - parent ) %D2%`n code .= "" TransformHTML(ObjRole) "" . DP "code: " Acc.accRole(0) "" } If ((Action := Acc.accDefaultAction(child)) != "") { code = %code%`n%D1% ( Action ) %D2%`n code .= "" TransformHTML(Action) "" } If ((Selection := Acc.accSelection) > 0) { code = %code%`n%D1% ( Selection - parent ) %D2%`n code .= "" TransformHTML(Selection) "" } If ((Focus := Acc.accFocus) > 0) { code = %code%`n%D1% ( Focus - parent ) %D2%`n code .= "" TransformHTML(Focus) "" } If ((Description := Acc.accDescription(child)) != "") { code = %code%`n%D1% ( Description ) %D2%`n code .= "" TransformHTML(Description) "" } If ((ShortCut := Acc.accKeyboardShortCut(child)) != "") { code = %code%`n%D1% ( ShortCut ) %D2%`n code .= "" TransformHTML(ShortCut) "" } If ((Help := Acc.accHelp(child)) != "") { code = %code%`n%D1% ( Help ) %D2%`n code .= "" TransformHTML(Help) "" } If ((HelpTopic := Acc.AccHelpTopic(child))) { code = %code%`n%D1% ( HelpTopic ) %D2%`n code .= "" TransformHTML(HelpTopic) "" } Return code } AccRole(Acc, ChildId=0) { Return ComObjType(Acc, "Name") = "IAccessible" ? AccGetRoleText(Acc.accRole(ChildId)) : "" } AccGetRoleText(nRole) { nSize := DllCall("oleacc\GetRoleText", "UInt", nRole, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0) VarSetCapacity(sRole, (A_IsUnicode?2:1)*nSize) DllCall("oleacc\GetRoleText", "UInt", nRole, "str", sRole, "UInt", nSize+1) Return sRole } AccGetStateText(nState) { nSize := DllCall("oleacc\GetStateText", "UInt", nState, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0) VarSetCapacity(sState, (A_IsUnicode?2:1)*nSize) DllCall("oleacc\GetStateText", "UInt", nState, "str", sState, "UInt", nSize+1) Return sState } AccGetLocation(Acc, Child=0) { Acc.accLocation(ComObj(0x4003,&x:=0), ComObj(0x4003,&y:=0), ComObj(0x4003,&w:=0), ComObj(0x4003,&h:=0), Child) Return "x" (AccCoord[1]:=NumGet(x,0,"int")) " y" (AccCoord[2]:=NumGet(y,0,"int")) "" . DP "Size: w" (AccCoord[3]:=NumGet(w,0,"int")) " h" (AccCoord[4]:=NumGet(h,0,"int")) "" } ; _________________________________________________ Mode_Hotkey _________________________________________________ Mode_Hotkey: Try SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, Off If ThisMode = Hotkey oDoc.body.scrollLeft := 0 oDoc.body.createTextRange().execCommand("RemoveFormat") ScrollPos[ThisMode,1] := oDoc.body.scrollLeft, ScrollPos[ThisMode,2] := oDoc.body.scrollTop If ThisMode != Hotkey HTML_%ThisMode% := oDoc.body.innerHTML ThisMode := "Hotkey", Hotkey_Hook(!isPaused), TitleText := "AhkSpy - Button" TitleTextP2 oDoc.body.scrollLeft := ScrollPos[ThisMode,1], oDoc.body.scrollTop := ScrollPos[ThisMode,2] ShowMarker ? (HideMarker(), HideAccMarker()) : 0 (HTML_Hotkey != "") ? Write_HotkeyHTML() : Write_Hotkey({Mods:"Waiting pushed buttons..."}) SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &TitleText, , ahk_id %hGui% GuiControl, TB: -0x0001, But3 WinActivate ahk_id %hGui% GuiControl, 1:Focus, oDoc IniWrite(ThisMode, "LastMode") If isFindView FindSearch(1) Return Write_Hotkey(K) { Static PrHK1, PrHK2, PrKeysComm, KeysComm, Name ; , PrKeys1, PrKeys2 Mods := K.Mods, KeyName := K.Name Prefix := K.Pref, Hotkey := K.HK LRMods := K.LRMods, LRPref := TransformHTML(K.LRPref) ThisKey := K.TK, VKCode := K.VK, SCCode := K.SC If (K.NFP && Mods KeyName != "") NotPhysical := " " DP " Not a physical press " HK1 := K.IsCode ? Hotkey : ThisKey HK2 := HK1 = PrHK1 ? PrHK2 : PrHK1, PrHK1 := HK1, PrHK2 := HK2 HKComm1 := " `; """ (StrLen(Name := GetKeyName(HK2)) = 1 ? Format("{:U}", Name) : Name) HKComm2 := (StrLen(Name := GetKeyName(HK1)) = 1 ? Format("{:U}", Name) : Name) """" ; If ((Keys1 := Prefix Hotkey) != "" && Keys1 != PrKeys1) ; Keys2 := PrKeys1, PrKeys1 := Keys1 ; , KeysComm := " `; """ PrKeysComm " >> " Mods KeyName """" ; , PrKeysComm := Mods KeyName, PrKeys2 := Keys2 ; Else ; Keys1 := PrKeys1, Keys2 := PrKeys2 If K.IsCode Comment := " `; """ KeyName """" If (Hotkey != "") FComment := " `; """ Mods KeyName """" If (LRMods != "") { LRMStr := "" LRMods KeyName "" If (Hotkey != "") LRPStr := " " DP " " LRPref Hotkey ":: `; """ LRMods KeyName """" } inp_hk := o_edithotkey.value, inp_kn := o_editkeyname.value If Prefix != DUMods := (K.MLCtrl ? "{LCtrl Down}" : "") (K.MRCtrl ? "{RCtrl Down}" : "") . (K.MLAlt ? "{LAlt Down}" : "") (K.MRAlt ? "{RAlt Down}" : "") . (K.MLShift ? "{LShift Down}" : "") (K.MRShift ? "{RShift Down}" : "") . (K.MLWin ? "{LWin Down}" : "") (K.MRWin ? "{RWin Down}" : "") . "{" Hotkey "}" . (K.MLCtrl ? "{LCtrl Up}" : "") (K.MRCtrl ? "{RCtrl Up}" : "") . (K.MLAlt ? "{LAlt Up}" : "") (K.MRAlt ? "{RAlt Up}" : "") . (K.MLShift ? "{LShift Up}" : "") (K.MRShift ? "{RShift Up}" : "") . (K.MLWin ? "{LWin Up}" : "") (K.MRWin ? "{RWin Up}" : "") SendHotkey := Hotkey = "" ? ThisKey : Hotkey ControlSend := DUMods = "" ? "{" SendHotkey "}" : DUMods If (DUMods != "") LRSend := " " DP " " SendMode " " DUMods "" Comment "" If SCCode != ThisKeySC := " " DP " " VKCode " " DP " " SCCode " " . DP " 0x" SubStr(VKCode, 3) " " DP " 0x" SubStr(SCCode, 3) "" Else ThisKeySC := " " DP " 0x" SubStr(VKCode, 3) "" If WordWrap Break := "word-wrap: break-word;" HTML_Hotkey = ( Ltrim
	%D1% ( Pushed buttons ) %DB% %pause_button% %D2%



	%D1% ( Command syntax ) %DB%    %DB%   %D2%

	%SendMode% %Prefix%{%SendHotkey%}%Comment%  %DP%  ControlSend, ahk_parent, %ControlSend%, WinTitle%Comment%
	GetKeyState("%SendHotkey%", "P")%Comment%   %DP%   KeyWait, %SendHotkey%, D T0.5%Comment%
	%HK2% & %HK1%::%HKComm1% & %HKComm2%   %DP%   %HK2%::%HK1%%HKComm1% >> %HKComm2%
	%D1% ( Key ) %DB%    %D2%

	%ThisKey%   %DP%   %VKCode%%SCCode%%ThisKeySC%

	%D1% ( GetKeyNameOrCode ) %DB%  %D2%


) ; %DB% ; %DP% %Keys2%:: %Keys1%%KeysComm% Write_HotkeyHTML() } Write_HotkeyHTML() { oDoc.body.innerHTML := HTML_Hotkey, oDoc.getElementById("pre").style.fontSize := FontSize ComObjConnect(o_edithotkey := oDoc.getElementById("edithotkey"), Events) ComObjConnect(o_editkeyname := oDoc.getElementById("editkeyname"), Events) oDoc.getElementById("pre").style.wordWrap := WordWrap ? "break-word" : "normal" } ; _________________________________________________ Hotkey Functions _________________________________________________ ; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=69765#p69765 Hotkey_Init(Func, Options = "") { #HotkeyInterval 0 Hotkey_Arr("Func", Func) Hotkey_Arr("Up", !!InStr(Options, "U")) Hotkey_MouseAndJoyInit(Options) OnExit("Hotkey_SetHook"), Hotkey_SetHook() Hotkey_Arr("Hook") ? (Hotkey_Hook(0), Hotkey_Hook(1)) : 0 } Hotkey_Main(In) { Static Prefix := {"LAlt":"!","RCtrl":">^","RShift":">+","RWin":">#"}, K := {}, ModsOnly Local IsMod, sIsMod IsMod := In.IsMod If (In.Opt = "Down") { If (K["M" IsMod] != "") Return 1 sIsMod := SubStr(IsMod, 2) K["M" sIsMod] := sIsMod "+", K["P" sIsMod] := SubStr(Prefix[IsMod], 2) K["M" IsMod] := IsMod "+", K["P" IsMod] := Prefix[IsMod] } Else If (In.Opt = "Up") { sIsMod := SubStr(IsMod, 2) K.ModUp := 1, K["M" IsMod] := K["P" IsMod] := "" If (K["ML" sIsMod] = "" && K["MR" sIsMod] = "") K["M" sIsMod] := K["P" sIsMod] := "" If (!Hotkey_Arr("Up") && K.HK != "") Return 1 } Else If (In.Opt = "OnlyMods") { If !ModsOnly Return 0 K.MCtrl := K.MAlt := K.MShift := K.MWin := K.Mods := "" K.PCtrl := K.PAlt := K.PShift := K.PWin := K.Pref := "" K.PRCtrl := K.PRAlt := K.PRShift := K.PRWin := "" K.PLCtrl := K.PLAlt := K.PLShift := K.PLWin := K.LRPref := "" K.MRCtrl := K.MRAlt := K.MRShift := K.MRWin := "" K.MLCtrl := K.MLAlt := K.MLShift := K.MLWin := K.LRMods := "" Func(Hotkey_Arr("Func")).Call(K) Return ModsOnly := 0 } Else If (In.Opt = "GetMod") Return !!(K.PCtrl K.PAlt K.PShift K.PWin) K.UP := In.UP, K.IsJM := 0, K.Time := In.Time, K.NFP := In.NFP, K.IsMod := IsMod K.VK := In.VK, K.SC := In.SC K.Mods := K.MCtrl K.MAlt K.MShift K.MWin K.LRMods := K.MLCtrl K.MRCtrl K.MLAlt K.MRAlt K.MLShift K.MRShift K.MLWin K.MRWin K.TK := GetKeyName(K.VK K.SC), K.TK := K.TK = "" ? K.VK K.SC : (StrLen(K.TK) = 1 ? Format("{:U}", K.TK) : K.TK) (IsMod) ? (K.HK := K.Pref := K.LRPref := K.Name := K.IsCode := "", ModsOnly := K.Mods = "" ? 0 : 1) : (K.IsCode := (SendCode != "none" && StrLen(K.TK) = 1) ; && !Instr("1234567890-=", K.TK) , K.HK := K.IsCode ? K[SendCode] : K.TK , K.Name := K.HK = "vkBF" ? "/" : K.TK , K.Pref := K.PCtrl K.PAlt K.PShift K.PWin , K.LRPref := K.PLCtrl K.PRCtrl K.PLAlt K.PRAlt K.PLShift K.PRShift K.PLWin K.PRWin , ModsOnly := 0) Func(Hotkey_Arr("Func")).Call(K) Return 1 Hotkey_PressJoy: Hotkey_PressMouse: K.Time := A_TickCount K.Mods := K.MCtrl K.MAlt K.MShift K.MWin K.LRMods := K.MLCtrl K.MRCtrl K.MLAlt K.MRAlt K.MLShift K.MRShift K.MLWin K.MRWin K.Pref := K.PCtrl K.PAlt K.PShift K.PWin K.LRPref := K.PLCtrl K.PRCtrl K.PLAlt K.PRAlt K.PLShift K.PRShift K.PLWin K.PRWin K.HK := K.Name := K.TK := A_ThisHotkey, ModsOnly := K.NFP := K.UP := K.IsCode := 0, K.IsMod := K.SC := "" K.IsJM := A_ThisLabel = "Hotkey_PressJoy" ? 1 : 2 K.VK := A_ThisLabel = "Hotkey_PressJoy" ? "" : Format("vk{:X}", GetKeyVK(A_ThisHotkey)) Func(Hotkey_Arr("Func")).Call(K) Return 1 } Hotkey_MouseAndJoyInit(Options) { Static MouseKey := "MButton|WheelDown|WheelUp|WheelRight|WheelLeft|XButton1|XButton2" Local S_FormatInteger, Option #If Hotkey_Arr("Hook") #If Hotkey_Arr("Hook") && !Hotkey_Main({Opt:"GetMod"}) #If Hotkey_Arr("Hook") && GetKeyState("RButton", "P") #If Option := InStr(Options, "M") ? "On" : "Off" Hotkey, IF, Hotkey_Arr("Hook") Loop, Parse, MouseKey, | Hotkey, %A_LoopField%, Hotkey_PressMouse, % Option Option := InStr(Options, "L") ? "On" : "Off" Hotkey, IF, Hotkey_Arr("Hook") && GetKeyState("RButton"`, "P") Hotkey, LButton, Hotkey_PressMouse, % Option Option := InStr(Options, "R") ? "On" : "Off" Hotkey, IF, Hotkey_Arr("Hook") Hotkey, RButton, Hotkey_PressMouse, % Option Option := InStr(Options, "J") ? "On" : "Off" S_FormatInteger := A_FormatInteger SetFormat, IntegerFast, D Hotkey, IF, Hotkey_Arr("Hook") && !Hotkey_Main({Opt:"GetMod"}) Loop, 128 Hotkey % Ceil(A_Index / 32) "Joy" Mod(A_Index - 1, 32) + 1, Hotkey_PressJoy, % Option SetFormat, IntegerFast, %S_FormatInteger% Hotkey, IF } Hotkey_Hook(Val = 1) { Hotkey_Arr("Hook", Val) !Val && Hotkey_Main({Opt:"OnlyMods"}) } Hotkey_Arr(P*) { Static Arr := {} Return P.MaxIndex() = 1 ? Arr[P[1]] : (Arr[P[1]] := P[2]) } ; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?id=6350 Hotkey_LowLevelKeyboardProc(nCode, wParam, lParam) { Static Mods := {"vkA4":"LAlt","vkA5":"RAlt","vkA2":"LCtrl","vkA3":"RCtrl" ,"vkA0":"LShift","vkA1":"RShift","vk5B":"LWin","vk5C":"RWin"}, oMem := [] , HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY := 0x8, Size := 16, hHeap := DllCall("GetProcessHeap", Ptr) Local pHeap, Lp, Ext, VK, SC, SC1, SC2, IsMod, Time, NFP, KeyUp Critical If !Hotkey_Arr("Hook") Return DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "Ptr", 0, "Int", nCode, "UInt", wParam, "UInt", lParam) pHeap := DllCall("HeapAlloc", Ptr, hHeap, UInt, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Ptr, Size, Ptr) DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", Ptr, pHeap, Ptr, lParam, Ptr, Size), oMem.Push(pHeap) SetTimer, Hotkey_HookProcWork, -10 Return nCode < 0 ? DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "Ptr", 0, "Int", nCode, "UInt", wParam, "UInt", lParam) : 1 Hotkey_HookProcWork: While (oMem[1] != "") { If Hotkey_Arr("Hook") { Lp := oMem[1] VK := Format("vk{:X}", NumGet(Lp + 0, "UInt")) Ext := NumGet(Lp + 0, 8, "UInt") SC1 := NumGet(Lp + 0, 4, "UInt") NFP := (Ext >> 4) & 1 ; Не физическое нажатие KeyUp := Ext >> 7 ; Time := NumGet(Lp + 12, "UInt") IsMod := Mods[VK] If !SC1 SC2 := GetKeySC(VK), SC := SC2 = "" ? "" : Format("sc{:X}", SC2) Else SC := Format("sc{:X}", (Ext & 1) << 8 | SC1) If !KeyUp IsMod ? Hotkey_Main({VK:VK, SC:SC, Opt:"Down", IsMod:IsMod, NFP:NFP, Time:Time, UP:0}) : Hotkey_Main({VK:VK, SC:SC, NFP:NFP, Time:Time, UP:0}) Else IsMod ? Hotkey_Main({VK:VK, SC:SC, Opt:"Up", IsMod:IsMod, NFP:NFP, Time:Time, UP:1}) : (Hotkey_Arr("Up") ? Hotkey_Main({VK:VK, SC:SC, NFP:NFP, Time:Time, UP:1}) : 0) } DllCall("HeapFree", Ptr, hHeap, UInt, 0, Ptr, Lp) oMem.RemoveAt(1) } Return } Hotkey_SetHook(On = 1) { Static hHook If (On = 1 && !hHook) hHook := DllCall("SetWindowsHookEx" . (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A") , "Int", 13 ; WH_KEYBOARD_LL , "Ptr", RegisterCallback("Hotkey_LowLevelKeyboardProc", "Fast") , "Ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "UInt", 0, "Ptr") , "UInt", 0, "Ptr") Else If (On != 1) DllCall("UnhookWindowsHookEx", "Ptr", hHook), hHook := "", Hotkey_Hook(0) } ; _________________________________________________ Labels _________________________________________________ GuiSize: Sleep := A_EventInfo If Sleep != 1 ControlsMove(A_GuiWidth, A_GuiHeight) Else ZoomMsg(1), HideMarker(), HideAccMarker() Try SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, % Sleep = 1 || isPaused ? "Off" : "On" Return Exit: GuiClose: oDoc := "" DllCall("DeregisterShellHookWindow", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd) ExitApp TitleShow: SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &TitleText, , ahk_id %hGui% Return CheckAhkVersion: If A_AhkVersion < { MsgBox Requires AutoHotkey_L version RunPath("http://ahkscript.org/download/") ExitApp } Return LaunchHelp: IfWinNotExist AutoHotkey Help ahk_class HH Parent ahk_exe hh.exe Run % SubStr(A_AhkPath,1,InStr(A_AhkPath,"\",,0,1)) "AutoHotkey.chm" WinActivate Minimize() Return DefaultSize: If FullScreenMode { FullScreenMode() Gui, 1: Restore Sleep 200 } Gui, 1: Show, % "NA w" widthTB "h" HeightStart ZoomMsg(6) If !MemoryFontSize oDoc.getElementById("pre").style.fontSize := FontSize := 15 Return Reload: Reload Return Suspend: Suspend Menu, Sys, % A_IsSuspended ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % A_ThisMenuItem Return UpdateAhkSpy: Update() Return CheckUpdate: StateUpdate := IniWrite(!StateUpdate, "StateUpdate") Menu, Sys, % StateUpdate ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Check updates If StateUpdate GoSub, UpdateAhkSpy Return SelStartMode: Menu, Startmode, UnCheck, Window Menu, Startmode, UnCheck, Mouse && Control Menu, Startmode, UnCheck, Button Menu, Startmode, UnCheck, Last Mode IniWrite({"Window":"Win","Mouse && Control":"Mouse","Button":"Hotkey","Last Mode":"LastMode"}[A_ThisMenuItem], "StartMode") Menu, Startmode, Check, % A_ThisMenuItem Return ShowSys: Menu, Sys, Show Return Sys_Backlight: Menu, Sys, UnCheck, % BLGroup[StateLight] Menu, Sys, Check, % A_ThisMenuItem IniWrite((StateLight := InArr(A_ThisMenuItem, BLGroup*)), "StateLight") Return Sys_Acclight: StateLightAcc := IniWrite(!StateLightAcc, "StateLightAcc"), HideAccMarker() Menu, Sys, % StateLightAcc ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Acc object backlight Return Sys_WClight: StateLightMarker := IniWrite(!StateLightMarker, "StateLightMarker"), HideMarker() Menu, Sys, % StateLightMarker ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Window or control backlight Return Sys_Help: If A_ThisMenuItem = AutoHotKey official help online RunPath("http://ahkscript.org/docs/AutoHotkey.htm") Else If A_ThisMenuItem = AutoHotKey russian help online RunPath("http://www.script-coding.com/AutoHotkeyTranslation.html") Else If A_ThisMenuItem = About RunPath("http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=72459#p72459") Return Sys_OpenScriptDir: SelectFilePath(A_ScriptFullPath) Minimize() Return Spot_Together: StateAllwaysSpot := IniWrite(!StateAllwaysSpot, "AllwaysSpot") Menu, Sys, % StateAllwaysSpot ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Spot together (low speed) Return Active_No_Pause: ActiveNoPause := IniWrite(!ActiveNoPause, "ActiveNoPause") Menu, Sys, % ActiveNoPause ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Work with the active window ZoomMsg(8, ActiveNoPause) (ActiveNoPause && Sleep != 1 && !isPaused) && ZoomMsg(0) Return MemoryPos: IniWrite(MemoryPos := !MemoryPos, "MemoryPos") Menu, Sys, % MemoryPos ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember position SavePos() Return MemorySize: IniWrite(MemorySize := !MemorySize, "MemorySize") Menu, Sys, % MemorySize ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember size SaveSize() Return MemoryFontSize: IniWrite(MemoryFontSize := !MemoryFontSize, "MemoryFontSize") Menu, Sys, % MemoryFontSize ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember font size If MemoryFontSize IniWrite(FontSize, "FontSize") Return MemoryZoomSize: IniWrite(MemoryZoomSize := !MemoryZoomSize, "MemoryZoomSize") Menu, Sys, % MemoryZoomSize ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember zoom size ZoomMsg(5, MemoryZoomSize) Return MemoryStateZoom: IniWrite(MemoryStateZoom := !MemoryStateZoom, "MemoryStateZoom") Menu, Sys, % MemoryStateZoom ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember state zoom IniWrite(DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr", oOther.hZoom) ? 1 : 0, "ZoomShow") Return WordWrap: IniWrite(WordWrap := !WordWrap, "WordWrap") Menu, Sys, % WordWrap ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Word wrap oDoc.getElementById("pre").style.wordWrap := WordWrap ? "break-word" : "normal" Return ; _________________________________________________ Functions _________________________________________________ ShellProc(nCode, wParam) { If (nCode = 4) { If (wParam = hGui) (ThisMode = "Hotkey" && !isPaused ? Hotkey_Hook(1) : ""), HideMarker(), HideAccMarker(), CheckHideMarker() Else If Hotkey_Arr("Hook") Hotkey_Hook(0) ZoomMsg(!ActiveNoPause && wParam = hGui ? 1 : Sleep != 1 && !isPaused ? 0 : 1) } } WM_ACTIVATE(wp) { Critical If (wp & 0xFFFF) (ThisMode = "Hotkey" && !isPaused ? Hotkey_Hook(1) : 0), HideMarker(), HideAccMarker(), CheckHideMarker() Else If (wp & 0xFFFF = 0 && Hotkey_Arr("Hook")) Hotkey_Hook(0) ZoomMsg(!ActiveNoPause && (wp & 0xFFFF) ? 1 : Sleep != 1 && !isPaused ? 0 : 1) } WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN(wp) { Static HTMINBUTTON := 8 If (wp = HTMINBUTTON) { SetTimer, Minimize, -10 Return 0 } } WM_LBUTTONDOWN() { If A_GuiControl = ColorProgress { If ThisMode = Hotkey oDoc.execCommand("Paste"), ToolTip("Paste", 300) Else { SendInput {LAlt Down}{Escape}{LAlt Up} If (Sleep != 1 && !isPaused) ZoomMsg(0) ToolTip("Alt+Escape", 300) } } } WM_CONTEXTMENU() { MouseGetPos, , , wid, cid, 2 If (cid != hActiveX && wid = hGui) { SetTimer, ShowSys, -1 Return 0 } } WM_MOVE() { If MemoryPos SetTimer, SavePos, -200 } WM_SIZE() { If MemorySize SetTimer, SaveSize, -200 } ControlsMove(Width, Height) { Gui, TB: Show, % "NA y0 x" (Width - widthTB) // 2.2 If isFindView Gui, F: Show, % "NA x" (Width - widthTB) // 2.2 " y" (Height - (Height < HeigtButton * 2 ? -2 : 27)) WinMove, ahk_id %hActiveX%, , 0, HeigtButton, Width, Height - HeigtButton - (isFindView ? 28 : 0) } Minimize() { Sleep := 1 ZoomMsg(1) Gui, 1: Minimize } ZoomSpot() { If (!isPaused && Sleep != 1 && WinActive("ahk_id" hGui)) (ThisMode = "Mouse" ? (Spot_Mouse() (StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Win() : 0) Write_Mouse()) : (Spot_Win() (StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Mouse() : 0) Write_Win())) } MsgZoom(wParam, lParam) { If (wParam = 1) { SetTimer, ZoomSpot, -10 Return 1 } oOther.hZoom := lParam ZoomMsg(Sleep != 1 && !isPaused && (!WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) || ActiveNoPause) ? 0 : 1) } ZoomMsg(wParam = -1, lParam = -1) { If WinExist("AhkSpyZoom ahk_id" oOther.hZoom) PostMessage, % MsgAhkSpyZoom, wParam, lParam, , % "ahk_id" oOther.hZoom } SavePos() { If FullScreenMode Return WinGet, Min, MinMax, ahk_id %hGui% If (Min = 0) { WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, , , ahk_id %hGui% IniWrite(WinX, "MemoryPosX"), IniWrite(WinY, "MemoryPosY") } } SaveSize() { If FullScreenMode Return WinGet, Min, MinMax, ahk_id %hGui% If (Min = 0) { GetClientPos(hGui, _, _, WinWidth, WinHeight) IniWrite(WinWidth, "MemorySizeW"), IniWrite(WinHeight, "MemorySizeH") } } ; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=87817#p87817 ; http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/93660-embedded-ie-shellexplorer-render-issues-fix-force-it-to-use-a-newer-render-engine/ FixIE() { Static Key := "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION" If A_IsCompiled ExeName := A_ScriptName Else SplitPath, A_AhkPath, ExeName RegRead, Value, HKCU, %Key%, %ExeName% If (Value != "") RegDelete, HKCU, %Key%, %ExeName% } RunPath(Link, WorkingDir = "", Option = "") { Run %Link%, %WorkingDir%, %Option% Minimize() } ExtraFile(Name, GetNoCompile = 0) { Static Dir := A_ScriptDir If GetNoCompile Return Dir "\" Name ".ahk" If FileExist(Dir "\" Name ".exe") Return Dir "\" Name ".exe" If FileExist(Dir "\" Name ".ahk") Return Dir "\" Name ".ahk" } RunRealPath(Path) { SplitPath, Path, , Dir Dir := LTrim(Dir, """") While !InStr(FileExist(Dir), "D") Dir := SubStr(Dir, 1, -1) Run, %Path%, %Dir% } ShowMarker(x, y, w, h, b := 4) { w < 8 || h < 8 ? b := 2 : 0 Gui, M: +AlwaysOnTop Try Gui, M: Show, NA x%x% y%y% w%w% h%h% Catch Return HideMarker(), ShowMarker := 0 ShowMarker := 1 WinSet, Region, % "0-0 " w "-0 " w "-" h " 0-" h " 0-0 " b "-" b . " " w-b "-" b " " w-b "-" h-b " " b "-" h-b " " b "-" b, ahk_id %hMarkerGui% } ShowAccMarker(x, y, w, h, b := 2) { Gui, AcM: +AlwaysOnTop Try Gui, AcM: Show, NA x%x% y%y% w%w% h%h% Catch Return HideAccMarker(), (ShowMarker := ShowMarker ? 1 : 0) ShowMarker := 1 WinSet, Region, % "0-0 " w "-0 " w "-" h " 0-" h " 0-0 " b "-" b . " " w-b "-" b " " w-b "-" h-b " " b "-" h-b " " b "-" b, ahk_id %hMarkerAccGui% } HideMarker() { Gui, M: Show, Hide } HideAccMarker() { Gui, AcM: Show, Hide } CheckHideMarker() { Static Try := 0 SetTimer, CheckHideMarker, -150 Return CheckHideMarker: If !(Try := ++Try > 2 ? 0 : Try) Return WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) ? (HideMarker(), HideAccMarker()) : 0 SetTimer, CheckHideMarker, -250 Return } SetEditColor(hwnd, BG, FG) { Edits[hwnd] := {BG:BG,FG:FG} WM_CTLCOLOREDIT(DllCall("GetDC", "Ptr", hwnd), hwnd) DllCall("RedrawWindow", "Ptr", hwnd, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0x1|0x4) } WM_CTLCOLOREDIT(wParam, lParam) { If !Edits.HasKey(lParam) Return 0 hBrush := DllCall("CreateSolidBrush", UInt, Edits[lParam].BG) DllCall("SetTextColor", Ptr, wParam, UInt, Edits[lParam].FG) DllCall("SetBkColor", Ptr, wParam, UInt, Edits[lParam].BG) DllCall("SetBkMode", Ptr, wParam, UInt, 2) Return hBrush } IniRead(Key, Error := " ") { IniRead, Value, %A_AppData%\AhkSpy.ini, AhkSpy, %Key%, %Error% Return Value } IniWrite(Value, Key) { IniWrite, %Value%, %A_AppData%\AhkSpy.ini, AhkSpy, %Key% Return Value } InArr(Val, Arr*) { For k, v in Arr If (v == Val) Return k } TransformHTML(str) { StringReplace, str, str, `r`n, `n, 1 StringReplace, str, str, `n, `r`n, 1 Transform, str, HTML, %str%, 3 Return str } ExistSelectedText(byref Copy) { MouseGetPos, , , , ControlID, 2 If (ControlID != hActiveX) Return 0 Copy := oDoc.selection.createRange().text If Copy is space Return 0 ; html := oDoc.selection.createRange().htmlText ; While pos := RegExMatch(html, "i)(.)(.)(\d+)", m, pos) ; Copy := StrReplace(Copy, m1 m2 m3, m1 m3, , 1), pos++ Copy := RegExReplace(Copy, Chr(9642) "+", Chr(9642)) ; StringReplace, Copy, Copy, % Chr(9642), #, 1 ; StringReplace, Copy, Copy, #!# copy #!#, #!#, 1 ; StringReplace, Copy, Copy, #!# pause #!#, #!# Return 1 } TitleText(Text, Time = 1000) { StringReplace, Text, Text, `r`n, % Chr(8629), 1 SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &Text, , ahk_id %hGui% SetTimer, TitleShow, -%Time% } ClipAdd(Text, AddTip = 0) { If ClipAdd_Before Clipboard := Text ClipAdd_Delimiter Clipboard Else Clipboard := Clipboard ClipAdd_Delimiter Text If AddTip ToolTip("add", 300) } ClipPaste() { If oMS.ELSel && (oMS.ELSel.OuterText != "" || MS_Cancel()) oMS.ELSel.innerHTML := TransformHTML(Clipboard), oMS.ELSel.Name := "MS:" Else oDoc.execCommand("Paste") } CopyCommaParam(Text) { If !(Text ~= "(x|y|w|h|" Chr(178) ")-*\d+") Return Text Text := RegExReplace(Text, "i)(x|y|w|h|#|\s|" Chr(178) "|" Chr(9642) ")+", " ") Text := TRim(Text, " "), Text := RegExReplace(Text, "(\s|,)+", ", ") Return Text } ; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=53516#p53516 ; GetCommandLineProc(pid) { ; ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = " pid)._NewEnum.next(X) ; Return Trim(X.CommandLine) ; } ; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=111775#p111775 GetCommandLineProc(PID, ByRef Cmd, ByRef Bit) { Static PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION := 0x400, PROCESS_VM_READ := 0x10, STATUS_SUCCESS := 0 hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", UInt, PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION|PROCESS_VM_READ, Int, 0, UInt, PID, Ptr) if A_Is64bitOS DllCall("IsWow64Process", Ptr, hProc, UIntP, IsWow64), Bit := (IsWow64 ? "32" : "64") " bit" DP if (!A_Is64bitOS || IsWow64) PtrSize := 4, PtrType := "UInt", pPtr := "UIntP", offsetCMD := 0x40 else PtrSize := 8, PtrType := "Int64", pPtr := "Int64P", offsetCMD := 0x70 hModule := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "Ntdll", Ptr) if (A_PtrSize < PtrSize) { ; скрипт 32, целевой процесс 64 if !QueryInformationProcess := DllCall("GetProcAddress", Ptr, hModule, AStr, "NtWow64QueryInformationProcess64", Ptr) failed := "NtWow64QueryInformationProcess64" if !ReadProcessMemory := DllCall("GetProcAddress", Ptr, hModule, AStr, "NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64", Ptr) failed := "NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64" info := 0, szPBI := 48, offsetPEB := 8 } else { if !QueryInformationProcess := DllCall("GetProcAddress", Ptr, hModule, AStr, "NtQueryInformationProcess", Ptr) failed := "NtQueryInformationProcess" ReadProcessMemory := "ReadProcessMemory" if (A_PtrSize > PtrSize) ; скрипт 64, целевой процесс 32 info := 26, szPBI := 8, offsetPEB := 0 else ; скрипт и целевой процесс одной битности info := 0, szPBI := PtrSize * 6, offsetPEB := PtrSize } if failed { DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, hProc) Return } VarSetCapacity(PBI, 48, 0) if DllCall(QueryInformationProcess, Ptr, hProc, UInt, info, Ptr, &PBI, UInt, szPBI, UIntP, bytes) != STATUS_SUCCESS { DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, hProc) Return } pPEB := NumGet(&PBI + offsetPEB, PtrType) DllCall(ReadProcessMemory, Ptr, hProc, PtrType, pPEB + PtrSize * 4, pPtr, pRUPP, PtrType, PtrSize, UIntP, bytes) DllCall(ReadProcessMemory, Ptr, hProc, PtrType, pRUPP + offsetCMD, UShortP, szCMD, PtrType, 2, UIntP, bytes) DllCall(ReadProcessMemory, Ptr, hProc, PtrType, pRUPP + offsetCMD + PtrSize, pPtr, pCMD, PtrType, PtrSize, UIntP, bytes) VarSetCapacity(buff, szCMD, 0) DllCall(ReadProcessMemory, Ptr, hProc, PtrType, pCMD, Ptr, &buff, PtrType, szCMD, UIntP, bytes) Cmd := StrGet(&buff, "UTF-16") DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, hProc) } SeDebugPrivilege() { Static PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION := 0x400, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES := 0x20, SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED := 0x2 hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", UInt, PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, Int, false, UInt, DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId"), Ptr) DllCall("Advapi32\OpenProcessToken", Ptr, hProc, UInt, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, PtrP, token) DllCall("Advapi32\LookupPrivilegeValue", Ptr, 0, Str, "SeDebugPrivilege", Int64P, luid) VarSetCapacity(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, 16, 0) NumPut(1, TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, "UInt") NumPut(luid, TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, 4, "Int64") NumPut(SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED, TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, 12, "UInt") DllCall("Advapi32\AdjustTokenPrivileges", Ptr, token, Int, false, Ptr, &TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, UInt, 0, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0) res := A_LastError DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, token) DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, hProc) Return res ; в случае удачи 0 } ; http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/69254-func-api-getwindowinfo-ahk-l/#entry438372 GetClientPos(hwnd, ByRef left, ByRef top, ByRef w, ByRef h) { VarSetCapacity(pwi, 60, 0), NumPut(60, pwi, 0, "UInt") DllCall("GetWindowInfo", "Ptr", hwnd, "UInt", &pwi) top := NumGet(pwi, 24, "Int") - NumGet(pwi, 8, "Int") left := NumGet(pwi, 52, "Int") w := NumGet(pwi, 28, "Int") - NumGet(pwi, 20, "Int") h := NumGet(pwi, 32, "Int") - NumGet(pwi, 24, "Int") } ; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=81833#p81833 SelectFilePath(FilePath) { If !FileExist(FilePath) Return SplitPath, FilePath,, Dir for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows { ShellFolderView := window.Document Try If ((Folder := ShellFolderView.Folder).Self.Path != Dir) Continue Catch Continue for item in Folder.Items { If (item.Path != FilePath) Continue ShellFolderView.SelectItem(item, 1|4|8|16) WinActivate, % "ahk_id" window.hwnd Return } } Run, %A_WinDir%\explorer.exe /select`, "%FilePath%", , UseErrorLevel } GetCLSIDExplorer(hwnd) { for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows If (window.hwnd = hwnd) Return (CLSID := window.Document.Folder.Self.Path) ~= "^::\{" ? "`nCLSID: " CLSID "": "" } ViewStyles(elem) { elem.innerText := (w_ShowStyles := !w_ShowStyles) ? "hide styles" : "show styles" If w_ShowStyles { Styles := GetStyles(oDoc.getElementById("c_Style").innerText, oDoc.getElementById("c_ExStyle").innerText) HTML_Win := oDoc.body.innerHTML StringReplace, HTML_Win, HTML_Win, , %Styles% oDoc.body.innerHTML := HTML_Win } Else oDoc.getElementById("AllWinStyles").innerHTML := "", HTML_Win := oDoc.body.innerHTML } ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms632600(v=vs.85).aspx ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff700543(v=vs.85).aspx GetStyles(Style, ExStyle) { Static Styles := {"WS_BORDER":"0x00800000", "WS_CAPTION":"0x00C00000", "WS_CHILD":"0x40000000", "WS_CHILDWINDOW":"0x40000000" , "WS_CLIPCHILDREN":"0x02000000", "WS_CLIPSIBLINGS":"0x04000000", "WS_DISABLED":"0x08000000", "WS_DLGFRAME":"0x00400000" , "WS_GROUP":"0x00020000", "WS_HSCROLL":"0x00100000", "WS_ICONIC":"0x20000000", "WS_MAXIMIZE":"0x01000000" , "WS_MAXIMIZEBOX":"0x00010000", "WS_MINIMIZE":"0x20000000", "WS_MINIMIZEBOX":"0x00020000", "WS_POPUP":"0x80000000" , "WS_OVERLAPPED":"0x00000000", "WS_SIZEBOX":"0x00040000", "WS_SYSMENU":"0x00080000", "WS_TABSTOP":"0x00010000" , "WS_THICKFRAME":"0x00040000", "WS_TILED":"0x00000000", "WS_VISIBLE":"0x10000000", "WS_VSCROLL":"0x00200000"} , ExStyles := {"WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES":"0x00000010", "WS_EX_APPWINDOW":"0x00040000", "WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE":"0x00000200" , "WS_EX_COMPOSITED":"0x02000000", "WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP":"0x00000400", "WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT":"0x00010000" , "WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME":"0x00000001", "WS_EX_LAYERED":"0x00080000", "WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL":"0x00400000" , "WS_EX_LEFT":"0x00000000", "WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR":"0x00004000", "WS_EX_LTRREADING":"0x00000000" , "WS_EX_MDICHILD":"0x00000040", "WS_EX_NOACTIVATE":"0x08000000", "WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT":"0x00100000" , "WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY":"0x00000004", "WS_EX_NOREDIRECTIONBITMAP":"0x00200000", "WS_EX_RIGHT":"0x00001000" , "WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR":"0x00000000", "WS_EX_RTLREADING":"0x00002000", "WS_EX_STATICEDGE":"0x00020000" , "WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW":"0x00000080", "WS_EX_TOPMOST":"0x00000008", "WS_EX_TRANSPARENT":"0x00000020" , "WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE":"0x00000100"} For K, V In Styles Ret .= Style & V ? "" K " := " V "`r`n" : "" For K, V In ExStyles RetEx .= ExStyle & V ? "" K " := " V "`r`n" : "" If Ret != Res .= D1 " ( Styles ) " D2 "`r`n" Ret If RetEx != Res .= D1 " ( ExStyles ) " D2 "`r`n" RetEx Return (Res = "" ? "" : "`r`n") . RTrim(Res, "`r`n") } GetLangName(hWnd) { Static LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE := 0x1001 Locale := DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", Ptr, DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", Ptr, hWnd, UInt, 0, Ptr), Ptr) & 0xFFFF Size := DllCall("GetLocaleInfo", UInt, Locale, UInt, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, UInt, 0, UInt, 0) * 2 VarSetCapacity(lpLCData, Size, 0) DllCall("GetLocaleInfo", UInt, Locale, UInt, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, Str, lpLCData, UInt, Size) Return lpLCData } ChangeLocal(hWnd) { Static WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST := 0x0050, INPUTLANGCHANGE_FORWARD := 0x0002 SendMessage, WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST, INPUTLANGCHANGE_FORWARD, , , % "ahk_id" hWnd } ToolTip(text, time) { CoordMode, Mouse CoordMode, ToolTip MouseGetPos, X, Y ToolTip, %text%, X-10, Y-45 SetTimer, HideToolTip, -%time% Return 1 HideToolTip: ToolTip Return } MouseStep(x, y) { MouseMove, x, y, 0, R If (Sleep != 1 && !isPaused && ThisMode != "Hotkey" && WinActive("ahk_id" hGui)) { (ThisMode = "Mouse" ? (Spot_Mouse() (StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Win() : 0) Write_Mouse()) : (Spot_Win() (StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Mouse() : 0) Write_Win())) ZoomMsg(2) } } AhkSpyZoomShow() { WindowVisible := DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr", oOther.hZoom) ; If (!isPaused && !WindowVisible) ; SendInput {LAlt Down}{Escape}{LAlt Up} If !WinExist("AhkSpyZoom ahk_id" oOther.hZoom) && IniWrite(1, "ZoomShow") Run % """" ExtraFile("AhkSpyZoom") """" " " hGui " " ActiveNoPause Else If WindowVisible ZoomMsg(3), IniWrite(0, "ZoomShow") Else ZoomMsg(4), IniWrite(1, "ZoomShow") ZoomMsg(7, isPaused), ZoomMsg(8, ActiveNoPause) ZoomMsg(Sleep != 1 && !isPaused && (!WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) || ActiveNoPause) ? 0 : 1) } IsIEFocus() { ControlGetFocus, Focus Return InStr(Focus, "Internet") } NextLink(s = "") { curpos := oDoc.body.scrollTop, oDoc.body.scrollLeft := 0 If (!curpos && s = "-") Return While (pos := oDoc.getElementsByTagName("a").item(A_Index-1).getBoundingClientRect().top) != "" (s 1) * pos > 0 && (!res || abs(res) > abs(pos)) ? res := pos : "" ; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=82360#p82360 If (res = "" && s = "") Return st := !res ? -curpos : res, co := abs(st) > 150 ? 80 : 30 Loop % co oDoc.body.scrollTop := curpos + (st*(A_Index/co)) oDoc.body.scrollTop := curpos + res } Update(in = 1) { Static att, Ver, req , url1 := "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serzh82saratov/AhkSpy/master/Readme.txt" , url2 := "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serzh82saratov/AhkSpy/master/AhkSpy.ahk" , urlZoom := "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serzh82saratov/AhkSpy/master/Extra/AhkSpyZoom.ahk" If !req req := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1"), req.Option(6) := 0 req.open("GET", url%in%, 1), req.send(), att := 0 SetTimer, Upd_Verifi, -3000 Return Upd_Verifi: If (Status := req.Status) = 200 { Text := req.responseText If (req.Option(1) = url1) Return (Ver := RegExReplace(Text, "i).*?version\s*(.*?)\R.*", "$1")) > AhkSpyVersion ? Update(2) : 0 If (!InStr(Text, "AhkSpyVersion")) Return If InStr(FileExist(A_ScriptFullPath), "R") { MsgBox, % 16+262144+8192, AhkSpy, Exist new version %Ver%!`n`nBut the file has an attribute "READONLY".`nUpdate imposible. Return } MsgBox, % 4+32+262144+8192, AhkSpy, Exist new version!`nUpdate v%AhkSpyVersion% to v%Ver%? IfMsgBox, No Return File := FileOpen(A_ScriptFullPath, "w", "UTF-8") File.Length := 0, File.Write(Text), File.Close() If FileExist(ExtraFile("AhkSpyZoom", 1)) { req.open("GET", urlZoom, 0), req.send() Text := req.responseText File := FileOpen(ExtraFile("AhkSpyZoom", 1), "w", "UTF-8") File.Length := 0, File.Write(Text), File.Close() } Reload } Error := (++att = 20 || Status != "") SetTimer, % Error ? "UpdateAhkSpy" : "Upd_Verifi", % Error ? -60000 : -3000 Return } TaskbarProgress(state, hwnd, pct = "") { static tbl if !tbl { try tbl := ComObjCreate("{56FDF344-FD6D-11d0-958A-006097C9A090}", "{ea1afb91-9e28-4b86-90e9-9e9f8a5eefaf}") catch tbl := "error" } if tbl = error Return DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(tbl+0)+10*A_PtrSize), "ptr", tbl, "ptr", hwnd, "uint", state) if pct != DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(tbl+0)+9*A_PtrSize), "ptr", tbl, "ptr", hwnd, "int64", pct, "int64", 100) } HighLight(elem, time = "", RemoveFormat = 1) { Try SetTimer, UnHighLight, % "-" time R := oDoc.body.createTextRange() RemoveFormat ? R.execCommand("RemoveFormat") : 0 R.moveToElementText(elem) R.collapse(1), R.select() R.moveToElementText(elem) R.execCommand("BackColor", 0, "3399FF") R.execCommand("ForeColor", 0, "FFEEFF") Return UnHighLight: oDoc.body.createTextRange().execCommand("RemoveFormat") Return } ; _________________________________________________ FullScreen _________________________________________________ FullScreenMode() { Static Max, hFunc hwnd := WinExist("ahk_id" hGui) If !FullScreenMode { FullScreenMode := 1 Menu, Sys, Check, Full screen WinGetNormalPos(hwnd, X, Y, W, H) WinGet, Max, MinMax, ahk_id %hwnd% If Max = 1 WinSet, Style, -0x01000000 ; WS_MAXIMIZE Gui, 1: -ReSize -Caption Gui, 1: Show, x0 y0 w%A_ScreenWidth% h%A_ScreenHeight% Gui, 1: Maximize WinSetNormalPos(hwnd, X, Y, W, H) hFunc := Func("ControlsMove").Bind(A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight) } Else { Gui, 1: +ReSize +Caption If Max = 1 { WinGetNormalPos(hwnd, X, Y, W, H) Gui, 1: Maximize WinSetNormalPos(hwnd, X, Y, W, H) } Else Gui, 1: Restore Sleep 20 GetClientPos(hwnd, _, _, Width, Height) hFunc := Func("ControlsMove").Bind(Width, Height) FullScreenMode := 0 Menu, Sys, UnCheck, Full screen } SetTimer, % hFunc, % Max ? -150 : -50 } WinGetNormalPos(hwnd, ByRef x, ByRef y, ByRef w, ByRef h) { VarSetCapacity(wp, 44), NumPut(44, wp) DllCall("GetWindowPlacement", "Ptr", hwnd, "Ptr", &wp) x := NumGet(wp, 28, "int"), y := NumGet(wp, 32, "int") w := NumGet(wp, 36, "int") - x, h := NumGet(wp, 40, "int") - y } WinSetNormalPos(hwnd, x, y, w, h) { VarSetCapacity(wp, 44, 0), NumPut(44, wp, 0, "uint") DllCall("GetWindowPlacement", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", &wp) NumPut(x, wp, 28, "int"), NumPut(y, wp, 32, "int") NumPut(w + x, wp, 36, "int"), NumPut(h + y, wp, 40, "int") DllCall("SetWindowPlacement", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", &wp) } ; _________________________________________________ Find _________________________________________________ FindView() { If !isFindView { GuiControlGet, p, 1:Pos, %hActiveX% GuiControl, 1:Move, %hActiveX%, % "x" pX " y" pY " w" pW " h" pH - 28 Gui, F: Show, % "NA x" (pW - widthTB) // 2.2 " h26 y" (pY + pH - 27) isFindView := 1 } GuiControl, F:Focus, Edit1 FindSearch(1) } FindHide() { Gui, F: Show, Hide GuiControlGet, a, 1:Pos, %hActiveX% GuiControl, 1:Move, %hActiveX%, % "x" aX "y" aY "w" aW "h" aH + 28 isFindView := 0 GuiControl, Focus, %hActiveX% } FindOption(Hwnd) { GuiControlGet, p, Pos, %Hwnd% If pX = Return ControlGet, Style, Style,, , ahk_id %Hwnd% ControlGetText, Text, , ahk_id %Hwnd% DllCall("DestroyWindow", "Ptr", Hwnd) Gui, %A_Gui%: Add, Text, % "x" pX " y" pY " w" pW " h" pH " g" A_ThisFunc " " (Style & 0x1000 ? "c2F2F2F +0x0201" : "+Border +0x1201"), % Text InStr(Text, "sensitive") ? (oFind.Registr := !(Style & 0x1000)) : (oFind.Whole := !(Style & 0x1000)) FindSearch(1) FindAll() } FindNew(Hwnd) { ControlGetText, Text, , ahk_id %Hwnd% oFind.Text := Text hFunc := Func("FindSearch").Bind(1) SetTimer, FindAll, -150 SetTimer, % hFunc, -150 } FindNext(Hwnd) { SendMessage, 0x400+114,,,, ahk_id %Hwnd% ; UDM_GETPOS32 Back := !ErrorLevel FindSearch(0, Back) } FindAll() { If (oFind.Text = "") { GuiControl, F:Text, FindMatches Return } R := oDoc.selection.createRange(), Matches := 0 R.moveToElementText(oDoc.getElementById("pre")), R.collapse(1) Option := (oFind.Whole ? 2 : 0) ^ (oFind.Registr ? 4 : 0) Loop { F := R.findText(oFind.Text, 1, Option) If (F = 0) Break El := R.parentElement() If (El.TagName ~= "^(BUTTON|INPUT)$" || El.ID ~= "^(delimiter|title|param)$") && !R.collapse(0) Continue ; R.execCommand("BackColor", 0, "EF0FFF") ; R.execCommand("ForeColor", 0, "FFEEFF") R.collapse(0), ++Matches } GuiControl, F:Text, FindMatches, % Matches ? Matches : "" } FindSearch(This, Back = 0) { Global hFindEdit R := oDoc.selection.createRange(), sR := R.duplicate() R.collapse(This || Back ? 1 : 0) If (oFind.Text = "" && !R.select()) SetEditColor(hFindEdit, 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000) Else { Option := (Back ? 1 : 0) ^ (oFind.Whole ? 2 : 0) ^ (oFind.Registr ? 4 : 0) Loop { F := R.findText(oFind.Text, 1, Option) If (F = 0) { If !A { R.moveToElementText(oDoc.getElementById("pre")), R.collapse(!Back), A := 1 Continue } If This sR.collapse(1), sR.select() Break } If (!This && R.isEqual(sR)) { If A { hFunc := Func("SetEditColor").Bind(hFindEdit, 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000) SetTimer, % hFunc, -200 } Break } El := R.parentElement() If (El.TagName ~= "^(BUTTON|INPUT)$" || El.ID ~= "^(delimiter|title|param)$") && !R.collapse(Back) Continue R.select(), F := 1 Break } If (F != 1) SetEditColor(hFindEdit, 0x6666FF, 0x000000) Else SetEditColor(hFindEdit, 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000) } } ; _________________________________________________ Mouse hover selection _________________________________________________ MS_Cancel() { If oMS.ELSel oMS.ELSel.style.backgroundColor := "", oMS.ELSel := "" } MS_SelectionCheck() { Selection := oDoc.selection.createRange().text != "" If Selection (!oMS.Selection && MS_Cancel()) Else If oMS.Selection && MS_IsSelect(EL := oDoc.elementFromPoint(oMS.SCX, oMS.SCY)) MS_Select(EL) oMS.Selection := Selection } MS_MouseOver() { EL := oMS.EL If !MS_IsSelect(EL) Return MS_Select(EL) } MS_IsSelect(EL) { If InStr(EL.Name, "MS:") Return 1 } MS_Select(EL) { If InStr(EL.Name, ":S") oMS.ELSel := EL.ParentElement, oMS.ELSel.style.background := ColorSelMouseHover Else If InStr(EL.Name, ":N") oMS.ELSel := oDoc.all.item(EL.sourceIndex + 1), oMS.ELSel.style.background := ColorSelMouseHover Else If InStr(EL.Name, ":P") oMS.ELSel := oDoc.all.item(EL.sourceIndex - 1).ParentElement, oMS.ELSel.style.background := ColorSelMouseHover Else oMS.ELSel := EL, EL.style.background := ColorSelMouseHover } ; _________________________________________________ Doc Events _________________________________________________ ; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=82283#p82283 Class Events { onclick() { Global CopyText oevent := oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement tagname := oevent.tagname If (tagname = "BUTTON") { thisid := oevent.id oDoc.body.focus() If (thisid = "copy_button" || thisid = "copy_button_1") o := oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 2 + (thisid = "copy_button_1")) , GetKeyState("Shift", "P") ? ClipAdd(o.OuterText, 1) : (Clipboard := o.OuterText), HighLight(o, 500) Else If thisid = copy_alltitle { Text := (t:=oDoc.getElementById("wintitle1").OuterText) . (t = "" ? "" : " ") . oDoc.getElementById("wintitle2").OuterText " " . oDoc.getElementById("wintitle3").OuterText GetKeyState("Shift", "P") ? ClipAdd(Text, 1) : (Clipboard := Text) HighLight(oDoc.getElementById("wintitle1"), 500) HighLight(oDoc.getElementById("wintitle2"), 500, 0) HighLight(oDoc.getElementById("wintitle3"), 500, 0) } Else If thisid = keyname { v_edit := Format("{:L}", o_edithotkey.value), name := GetKeyName(v_edit) If (name = v_edit) o_editkeyname.value := Format("vk{:X}", GetKeyVK(v_edit)) (!(sc := GetKeySC(v_edit)) ? "" : Format("sc{:X}", sc)) Else o_editkeyname.value := (StrLen(name) = 1 ? (Format("{:U}", name)) : name) o := name = "" ? o_edithotkey : o_editkeyname o.focus(), o.createTextRange().select() } Else If thisid = pause_button Gosub, PausedScript Else If thisid = w_folder { If FileExist(FilePath := oDoc.getElementById("copy_processpath").OuterText) SelectFilePath(FilePath), Minimize() Else ToolTip("Not file exist", 500) } Else If thisid = paste_process_path oDoc.getElementById("copy_processpath").innerHTML := TransformHTML(Trim(Trim(Clipboard), """")) Else If thisid = w_command_line RunRealPath(oDoc.getElementById("c_command_line").OuterText) Else If thisid = paste_command_line oDoc.getElementById("c_command_line").innerHTML := TransformHTML(Clipboard) Else If thisid = process_close Process, Close, % oOther.WinPID Else If thisid = win_close WinClose, % "ahk_id" oOther.WinID Else If (thisid = "SendCode") Events.SendCode() Else If (thisid = "SendMode") Events.SendMode() Else If (thisid = "numlock" || thisid = "scrolllock") Events.num_scroll(thisid) Else If thisid = locale_change ToolTip(ChangeLocal(hActiveX) GetLangName(hActiveX), 500) Else If thisid = paste_keyname o_edithotkey.value := "", o_edithotkey.focus(), oDoc.execCommand("Paste"), oDoc.getElementById("keyname").click() Else If (thisid = "copy_selected" && ExistSelectedText(CopyText) && ToolTip("copy", 500)) GoSub CopyText Else If thisid = get_styles ViewStyles(oevent) Else If thisid = run_AccViewer RunPath(ExtraFile("AccViewer Source")) Else If thisid = run_iWB2Learner RunPath(ExtraFile("iWB2 Learner")) Else If thisid = set_button_pos { HayStack := oevent.OuterText = "Pos:" ? oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 1).OuterText " " oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 7).OuterText : oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex - 5).OuterText " " oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 1).OuterText RegExMatch(HayStack, "(-*\d+[\.\d+]*).*\s+.*?(-*\d+[\.\d+]*).*\s+.*?(-*\d+[\.\d+]*).*\s+.*?(-*\d+[\.\d+]*)", p) If (p1 + 0 = "" || p2 + 0 = "" || p3 + 0 = "" || p4 + 0 = "") Return ToolTip("Invalid parametrs", 500) If (ThisMode = "Win") WinMove, % "ahk_id " oOther.WinID, , p1, p2, p3, p4 Else ControlMove, , p1, p2, p3, p4, % "ahk_id " oOther.MouseControlID } Else If thisid = set_button_focus_ctrl { hWnd := oOther.MouseControlID ControlFocus, , ahk_id %hWnd% WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %hWnd% If (X + Y != "") DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", X + W // 2, "Uint", Y + H // 2) } Else If thisid = set_button_mouse_pos { thisbutton := oevent.OuterText If thisbutton != Screen: { hWnd := oOther.MouseWinID If !WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd) Return ToolTip("Window not exist", 500) WinGet, Min, MinMax, % "ahk_id " hwnd If Min = -1 Return ToolTip("Window minimize", 500) WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %hWnd% } If thisbutton = Relative window: { RegExMatch(oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 1).OuterText, "(-*\d+[\.\d+]*).*\s+.*?(-*\d+[\.\d+]*)", p) If (p1 + 0 = "" || p2 + 0 = "") Return ToolTip("Invalid parametrs", 500) BlockInput, MouseMove DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", X + Round(W * p1), "Uint", Y + Round(H * p2)) } Else If thisbutton = Relative client: { RegExMatch(oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 1).OuterText, "(-*\d+[\.\d+]*).*\s+.*?(-*\d+[\.\d+]*)", p) If (p1 + 0 = "" || p2 + 0 = "") Return ToolTip("Invalid parametrs", 500) GetClientPos(hWnd, caX, caY, caW, caH) DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", X + Round(caW * p1) + caX, "Uint", Y + Round(caH * p2) + caY) } Else { RegExMatch(oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 1).OuterText, "(-*\d+[\.\d+]*).*\s+.*?(-*\d+[\.\d+]*)", p) If (p1 + 0 = "" || p2 + 0 = "") Return ToolTip("Invalid parametrs", 500) BlockInput, MouseMove If thisbutton = Screen: DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", p1, "Uint", p2) Else If thisbutton = Window: DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", X + p1, "Uint", Y + p2) Else If thisbutton = Mouse relative control: { hWnd := oOther.MouseControlID If !WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd) Return ToolTip("Control not exist", 500) WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %hWnd% DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", X + p1, "Uint", Y + p2) } Else If thisbutton = Client: { GetClientPos(hWnd, caX, caY, caW, caH) DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", X + p1 + caX, "Uint", Y + p2 + caY) } } If isPaused { BlockInput, MouseMoveOff Return } GoSub, SpotProc Sleep 350 HideMarker(), HideAccMarker() BlockInput, MouseMoveOff } Else If thisid = run_AhkSpyZoom AhkSpyZoomShow() } Else If (ThisMode = "Hotkey" && !Hotkey_Arr("Hook") && !isPaused && tagname ~= "PRE|SPAN") Hotkey_Hook(1) } ondblclick() { oevent := oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement If (oevent.isContentEditable && oevent.tagname != "input" && (rng := oDoc.selection.createRange()).text != "") { While !t rng.moveEnd("character", 1), (SubStr(rng.text, 0) = "_" ? rng.moveEnd("word", 1) : (rng.moveEnd("character", -1), t := 1)) While t rng.moveStart("character", -1), (SubStr(rng.text, 1, 1) = "_" ? rng.moveStart("word", -1) : (rng.moveStart("character", 1), t := 0)) sel := rng.text, rng.moveEnd("character", StrLen(RTrim(sel)) - StrLen(sel)), rng.select() } Else If (oevent.tagname = "BUTTON") { thisid := oevent.id oDoc.body.focus() If (thisid = "numlock" || thisid = "scrolllock") Events.num_scroll(thisid) Else If (thisid = "SendCode") Events.SendCode() Else If (thisid = "SendMode") Events.SendMode() Else If thisid = pause_button Gosub, PausedScript Else If thisid = get_styles ViewStyles(oevent) Else If thisid = run_AhkSpyZoom AhkSpyZoomShow() Else If thisid = locale_change ToolTip(ChangeLocal(hActiveX) GetLangName(hActiveX), 500) } } SendMode() { IniWrite(SendMode := {Send:"SendInput",SendInput:"SendPlay",SendPlay:"SendEvent",SendEvent:"Send"}[SendMode], "SendMode") SendModeStr := Format("{:L}", SendMode), oDoc.getElementById("SendMode").innerText := SendModeStr } SendCode() { IniWrite(SendCode := {vk:"sc",sc:"none",none:"vk"}[SendCode], "SendCode") oDoc.getElementById("SendCode").innerText := SendCode " code" } num_scroll(thisid) { (OnHook := Hotkey_Arr("Hook")) ? Hotkey_Hook(0) : 0 SendInput, {%thisid%} (OnHook ? Hotkey_Hook(1) : 0) ToolTip(thisid " " (GetKeyState(thisid, "T") ? "On" : "Off"), 500) } onfocus() { Sleep 100 Hotkey_Hook(0) } onblur() { Sleep 100 If (WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && !isPaused && ThisMode = "Hotkey") Hotkey_Hook(1) } onmouseover() { If oMS.Selection Return oMS.EL := oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement SetTimer, MS_MouseOver, -50 } onmouseout() { MS_Cancel() } onselectionchange() { e := oDoc.parentWindow.event oMS.SCX := e.clientX, oMS.SCY := e.clientY SetTimer, MS_SelectionCheck, -70 } onselectstart() { SetTimer, MS_Cancel, -8 } } ;)