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IniRead("FontSize", "15") : 15 ;; Размер шрифта , FontFamily := "Arial" ;; Шрифт - Times New Roman | Georgia | Myriad Pro | Arial , FontWeight := FontBold ? 900 : 500 ;; Насыщенность шрифта , HeigtButton := 32 ;; Высота кнопок , RangeTimer := 100 ;; Период опроса данных, увеличьте на слабом ПК HeightStart := 530 ;; Высота окна при старте wKey := 142 ;; Ширина кнопок wColor := wKey // 2 ;; Ширина цветного фрагмента DarkTheme := IniRead("DarkTheme", 0) If !DarkTheme { Global ColorFont := "000000" ;; Цвет шрифта , ColorBg := "FFFFFF" ;; Цвет фона "F0F0F0" E4E4E4 F8F8F8 , ColorBgPaused := "f7f7f7" ;; Цвет фона при паузе F0F0F0 , ColorSelMouseHover := "3399FF" ;; Цвет фона элемента при наведении мыши 3399FF 96C3DC F9D886 8FC5FC AEC7E1 , ColorSelButton := "96C3DC" ;; Цвет фона при нажатии на кнопки , ColorSelAnchor := "FFFF80" ;; Цвет фона заголовка для якоря , ColorHighLightBckg := "FFE0E0" ;; Цвет фона некоторых абзацев , ColorDelimiter := "E14B30" ;; Цвет шрифта разделителя заголовков и параметров , ColorTitle := "27419B" ;; Цвет шрифта заголовка , ColorLineTitles := "ff0000" ;; Цвет линии заголовка , ColorParam := "189200" ;; Цвет шрифта параметров , ColorErrorAccPath := "ff0000" , ColorErrorAccMarquee := "ffcc00" , ColorErrorAccMarquee := "ffcc00" , ColorStyleComment1 := "f0f0f0" , ColorStyleComment2 := "C0C0C0" , ColorSelectedFind := "6666FF" , ColorBorderHoverInput := "4A8DFF" , ColorPreOverflowHide := "E2E2E2" , ColorScrollArrows := "686868" , ColorScrollBack := "F0F0F0" , ColorScrollFace := "CDCDCD" } Else { Global ColorFont := "FFFFFF" ;; Цвет шрифта , ColorBg := "000000" ;; Цвет фона "F0F0F0" E4E4E4 F8F8F8 , ColorBgPaused := "080808" ;; Цвет фона при паузе F0F0F0 , ColorSelMouseHover := "703A03" ;; Цвет фона элемента при наведении мыши 96C3DC F9D886 8FC5FC AEC7E1 , ColorSelButton := "693C23" ;; Цвет фона при нажатии на кнопки , ColorSelAnchor := "E14B30" ;; Цвет фона заголовка для якоря , ColorHighLightBckg := "001F1F" ;; Цвет фона некоторых абзацев , ColorDelimiter := "1EB4CF" ;; Цвет шрифта разделителя заголовков и параметров , ColorTitle := "D8BE64" ;; Цвет шрифта заголовка , ColorLineTitles := "00FFFF" ;; Цвет линии заголовка , ColorParam := "E76DFF" ;; Цвет шрифта параметров , ColorErrorAccPath := "00FFFF" , ColorErrorAccMarquee := "0033FF" , ColorErrorAccMarquee := "0033FF" , ColorStyleComment1 := "0F0F0F" , ColorStyleComment2 := "3F3F3F" , ColorSelectedFind := "999900" , ColorBorderHoverInput := "B57200" , ColorPreOverflowHide := "1D1D1D" , ColorScrollArrows := "979797" , ColorScrollBack := "0F0F0F" , ColorScrollFace := "323232" } Global ColorBgOriginal := ColorBg Global ThisMode := IniRead("StartMode", "Control"), LastModeSave := (ThisMode = "LastMode") , ThisMode := ThisMode = "LastMode" ? IniRead("LastMode", "Control") : ThisMode , ActiveNoPause := IniRead("ActiveNoPause", 0), MemoryPos := IniRead("MemoryPos", 0), MemorySize := IniRead("MemorySize", 0) , MemoryZoomSize := IniRead("MemoryZoomSize", 0), MemoryStateZoom := IniRead("MemoryStateZoom", 0), StateLight := IniRead("StateLight", 1) , StateLightAcc := IniRead("StateLightAcc", 1), SendCode := IniRead("SendCode", "vk"), StateLightMarker := IniRead("StateLightMarker", 1) , StateUpdate := IniRead("StateUpdate", 0), SendMode := IniRead("SendMode", "send"), SendModeStr := Format("{:L}", SendMode) , AnchorFullScroll := IniRead("AnchorFullScroll", 1), MemoryAnchor := IniRead("MemoryAnchor", 1), MenuIdView := IniRead("MenuIdView", 0) , StateAllwaysSpot := IniRead("AllwaysSpot", 0), w_ShowStyles := IniRead("w_ShowStyles", 0), MarkerInvertFrame := IniRead("MarkerInvertFrame", 1) , c_ShowStyles := IniRead("c_ShowStyles", 0), ViewStrPos := IniRead("ViewStrPos", 0), OnlyShiftTab := IniRead("OnlyShiftTab", 0) , WordWrap := IniRead("WordWrap", 0), PreMaxHeightStr := IniRead("MaxHeightOverFlow", "1 / 3"), UpdRegister := IniRead("UpdRegister2", 0) , UseUIA := IniRead("UseUIA", 0), UIAAlienDetect := IniRead("UIAAlienDetect", 0), MinimizeEscape := IniRead("MinimizeEscape", 0) , DetectHiddenText := IniRead("DetectHiddenText", "on"), MoveTitles := IniRead("MoveTitles", 1) , DynamicControlPath := IniRead("DynamicControlPath", 0), DynamicAccPath := IniRead("DynamicAccPath", 0) , UpdRegisterLink := "https://u.to/zeONFA", testvar, oDivOld, oDivNew, DivWorkIndex, oDivWork1, oDivWork2 , FontDPI := {96:12,120:10,144:8,168:6}[A_ScreenDPI], ScrollPos := {}, AccCoord := [], oOther := {}, oFind := {}, Edits := [], oMS := {}, oMenu := {}, oPubObj := {} , ClipAdd_Before := 0, ClipAdd_Delimiter := "`r`n" , HTML_Win, HTML_Control, HTML_Hotkey, rmCtrlX, rmCtrlY, widthTB, FullScreenMode, hColorProgress, hFindAllText, MsgAhkSpyZoom , hGui, hTBGui, hActiveX, hFindGui, oDoc, ShowMarker, isFindView, isIE, isPaused, PreMaxHeight := MaxHeightStrToNum(), PreOverflowHide := !!PreMaxHeight, DecimalCode, GetVKCodeNameStr, GetSCCodeNameStr , oDocEl, oPubObjGUID, oJScript, oBody, isConfirm, isAhkSpy := 1, TitleText, FreezeTitleText, TitleTextP1, oUIAInterface, Shift_Tab_Down, hButtonButton, hButtonControl, hButtonWindow , TitleTextP2 := TitleTextP2_Reserved := " ( Shift+Tab - Freeze | RButton - CopySelected | Pause - Pause ) v" AhkSpyVersion , Sleep, oShowMarkers, oShowAccMarkers, oShowMarkersEx, hDCMarkerInvert, hMarkerGui #Include *i %A_AppData%\AhkSpy\IncludeSettings.ahk Global _S1 := "", _S2 := "", _DB := "" , _BT1 := " " , _StIf := " " , _BR := "

", _DN := "`n" , _PreOverflowHideCSS := ".lpre {max-width: 99`%; max-height: " PreMaxHeight "px; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid #" ColorPreOverflowHide ";}" , _BodyWrapCSS := "body, .divwork {word-wrap: break-word`; overflow-x: 'hidden';} .lpre {overflow-x: hidden`;}" , _ButAccViewer := ExtraFile("AccViewer Source") ? _DB _BT1 " id='run_AccViewer'> run accviewer " _BT2 : "" , _ButiWB2Learner := ExtraFile("iWB2 Learner") ? _DB _BT1 " id='run_iWB2Learner'> run iwb2 learner " _BT2 : "" , _ButWindow_Detective := FileExist(Path_User "\Window Detective.lnk") ? _DB _BT1 " id='run_Window_Detective'> run window detective " _BT2 : "" If UseUIA oUIAInterface := UIA_Interface() BLGroup := ["Backlight allways","Backlight disable","Backlight hold shift button"] oOther.anchor := {}, oOther.CurrentProcessId := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId") If MemoryAnchor { If oOther.anchor["Win_text"] := IniRead("Win_Anchor") oOther.anchor["Win"] := 1 If oOther.anchor["Control_text"] := IniRead("Control_Anchor") oOther.anchor["Control"] := 1 } ; ObjRegisterActive(oPubObj, oPubObjGUID := CreateGUID()) FixIE() SeDebugPrivilege() OnExit("Exit") CreateMarkerInvert() ShowMarkersCreate("oShowAccMarkers", "26419F") ShowMarkersCreate("oShowMarkers", "E14B30") Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +HWNDhGui +ReSize -DPIScale +Owner%hMarkerGui% +E%WS_EX_APPWINDOW% ; +E%WS_EX_NOACTIVATE% Gui, Color, %ColorBgPaused% Gui, Add, ActiveX, Border voDoc HWNDhActiveX x0 y+0, HTMLFile ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.forms.htmlwindow?view=netframework-4.8 ;; https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document_Object_Model LoadJScript() oBody := oDoc.body oDocEl := oDoc.documentElement oJScript := oDoc.Script oJScript.WordWrap := WordWrap oJScript.MoveTitles := MoveTitles ComObjConnect(oDoc, Events) OnMessage(0x133, "WM_CTLCOLOREDIT") OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN") OnMessage(0x208, "WM_MBUTTONUP") OnMessage(0x7B, "WM_CONTEXTMENU") OnMessage(0xA1, "WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN") OnMessage(0x6, "WM_ACTIVATE") OnMessage(0x47, "WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED") ;; OnMessage(WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING := 0x46, "WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED") ;; OnMessage(WM_MOVING := 0x216, "WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED") ;; OnMessage(WM_MOVE := 0x03, "WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED") OnMessage(MsgAhkSpyZoom := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", "Str", "MsgAhkSpyZoom"), "MsgZoom") DllCall("PostMessage", "Ptr", A_ScriptHWND, "UInt", 0x50, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x409) ;; eng layout SetWinEventHook("EVENT_OBJECT_CLOAKED", 0x8017) SetWinEventHook("EVENT_OBJECT_UNCLOAKED", 0x8018) Gui, TB: +HWNDhTBGui -Caption -DPIScale +Parent%hGui% +%WS_CHILDWINDOW% -%WS_POPUP% +E%WS_EX_NOACTIVATE% Gui, TB: Font, % " s" FontDPI, Verdana Gui, TB: Add, Button, x0 y0 h%HeigtButton% w%wKey% vBut1 gMode_Win hwndhButtonWindow, Window Gui, TB: Add, Button, x+0 yp hp wp vBut2 gMode_Control hwndhButtonControl, Control Gui, TB: Add, Progress, x+0 yp hp w%wColor% vColorProgress HWNDhColorProgress c%ColorBgOriginal%, 100 Gui, TB: Add, Button, x+0 yp hp w%wKey% vBut3 gMode_Hotkey hwndhButtonButton, Button Gui, TB: Show, % "x0 y0 NA h" HeigtButton " w" widthTB := wKey*3+wColor Gui, F: +HWNDhFindGui -Caption -DPIScale +Parent%hGui% +%WS_CHILDWINDOW% -%WS_POPUP% Gui, F: Color, %ColorBgPaused% Gui, F: Font, % " s" FontDPI Gui, F: Add, Edit, x1 y0 w180 h26 gFindNew WantTab HWNDhFindEdit SendMessage, 0x1501, 1, "Find to page",, ahk_id %hFindEdit% ;; EM_SETCUEBANNER Gui, F: Add, UpDown, -16 Horz Range0-1 x+0 yp h26 w52 gFindNext vFindUpDown GuiControl, F: Move, FindUpDown, h26 w52 Gui, F: Font, % " s" FontDPI ; 0x201 CENTER wh Gui, F: Add, Text, x+10 yp+1 h24 +0x201 gFindOption c%ColorFont%, % " case sensitive " Gui, F: Add, Text, x+10 yp hp +0x201 gFindOption c%ColorFont%, % " whole word " ; BS_VCENTER := 0xC00, BS_CENTER := 0x300 Gui, F: Add, Button, % "+0x300 +0xC00 yp hp w20 gFindHide x" widthTB - 21 c%ColorFont%, X Gui, F: Add, Text, x+10 yp hp +0x201 w152 vFindMatches Left HWNDhFindAllText c%ColorFont% ;; _________________________________________________ Menu Create _________________________________________________ Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Backlight allways", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "_Sys_Backlight" Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Backlight hold shift button", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "_Sys_Backlight" Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Backlight disable", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "_Sys_Backlight" Menu, Sys, Check, % BLGroup[StateLight] Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Window or control backlight", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "_Sys_WClight" Menu, Sys, % StateLightMarker ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Acc object backlight", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "_Sys_Acclight" Menu, Sys, % StateLightAcc ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Spot together (low speed)", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "_Spot_Together" Menu, Sys, % StateAllwaysSpot ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Work with the active window", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "_Active_No_Pause" Menu, Sys, % ActiveNoPause ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Spot only Shift+Tab", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "_OnlyShiftTab" Menu, Sys, % OnlyShiftTab ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name If !A_IsCompiled { Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Check updates", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "_CheckUpdate" Menu, Sys, % StateUpdate ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name If StateUpdate SetTimer, UpdateAhkSpy, -1000 } Else StateUpdate := 0 Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Startmode, Add, % name := "Window", % oMenu.Startmode[name] := "_SelStartMode" Menu, Startmode, Add, % name := "Control", % oMenu.Startmode[name] := "_SelStartMode" Menu, Startmode, Add, % name := "Button", % oMenu.Startmode[name] := "_SelStartMode" Menu, Startmode, Add Menu, Startmode, Add, % name := "Last Mode", % oMenu.Startmode[name] := "_SelStartMode" Menu, View, Add, % name := "Remember position", % oMenu.View[name] := "_MemoryPos" Menu, View, % MemoryPos ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "Remember size", % oMenu.View[name] := "_MemorySize" Menu, View, % MemorySize ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "Remember font size", % oMenu.View[name] := "_MemoryFontSize" Menu, View, % MemoryFontSize ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "Remember state zoom", % oMenu.View[name] := "_MemoryStateZoom" Menu, View, % MemoryStateZoom ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "Remember zoom size", % oMenu.View[name] := "_MemoryZoomSize" Menu, View, % MemoryZoomSize ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "Remember anchor", % oMenu.View[name] := "_MemoryAnchor" Menu, View, % MemoryAnchor ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add Menu, View, Add, % name := "Dynamic control path (low speed)", % oMenu.View[name] := "_DynamicControlPath" Menu, View, % DynamicControlPath ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "Dynamic accesible path (low speed, not recommended)", % oMenu.View[name] := "_DynamicAccPath" Menu, View, % DynamicAccPath ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add Menu, View, Add, % name := "Use UI Automation interface", % oMenu.View[name] := "_UseUIA" Menu, View, % UseUIA ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "UIA change background for different hwnd", % oMenu.View[name] := "_UIAAlienDetect" Menu, View, % UIAAlienDetect ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add Menu, View, Add, % name := "Dark theme (reload needed)", % oMenu.View[name] := "_DarkTheme" Menu, View, % DarkTheme ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "Font bold (reload needed)", % oMenu.View[name] := "_FontBold" Menu, View, % FontBold ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "Word wrap", % oMenu.View[name] := "_WordWrap" Menu, View, % WordWrap ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "View coordinates string extended", % oMenu.View[name] := "_ViewStrPos" Menu, View, % ViewStrPos ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "Flash edge", % oMenu.View[name] := "_MarkerInvertFrame" Menu, View, % MarkerInvertFrame ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "Full scroll with existing anchor", % oMenu.View[name] := "_AnchorFullScroll" Menu, View, % AnchorFullScroll ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, View, Add, % name := "Moving titles", % oMenu.View[name] := "_MoveTitles" Menu, View, % MoveTitles ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, Sys, Add, View settings, :View Menu, Overflow, Add, % name := "Switch off", % oMenu.Overflow[name] := "_MenuOverflowLabel" Menu, Overflow, Add, % name := "1 / 1", % oMenu.Overflow[name] := "_MenuOverflowLabel" Menu, Overflow, Add, % name := "1 / 2", % oMenu.Overflow[name] := "_MenuOverflowLabel" Menu, Overflow, Add, % name := "1 / 3", % oMenu.Overflow[name] := "_MenuOverflowLabel" Menu, Overflow, Add, % name := "1 / 4", % oMenu.Overflow[name] := "_MenuOverflowLabel" Menu, Overflow, Add, % name := "1 / 5", % oMenu.Overflow[name] := "_MenuOverflowLabel" Menu, Overflow, Add, % name := "1 / 6", % oMenu.Overflow[name] := "_MenuOverflowLabel" Menu, Overflow, Add, % name := "1 / 8", % oMenu.Overflow[name] := "_MenuOverflowLabel" Menu, Overflow, Add, % name := "1 / 10", % oMenu.Overflow[name] := "_MenuOverflowLabel" Menu, Overflow, Add, % name := "1 / 15", % oMenu.Overflow[name] := "_MenuOverflowLabel" Menu, Overflow, Check, %PreMaxHeightStr% ; Menu, Overflow, Color, % ColorBgOriginal Menu, View, Add, Big text overflow hide, :Overflow Menu, Sys, Add, Start mode, :Startmode Menu, Startmode, Check, % {"Win":"Window","Control":"Control","Hotkey":"Button","LastMode":"Last Mode"}[IniRead("StartMode", "Control")] If FileExist(SubStr(A_AhkPath,1,InStr(A_AhkPath,"\",,0,1)) "AutoHotkey.chm") Menu, Help, Add, % name := "AutoHotKey help file", % oMenu.Help[name] := "LaunchHelp" Menu, Help, Add, % name := "AutoHotKey official help online", % oMenu.Help[name] := "Sys_Help" Menu, Help, Add, % name := "AutoHotKey russian help online", % oMenu.Help[name] := "Sys_Help" Menu, Help, Add Menu, Help, Add, % name := "About", % oMenu.Help[name] := "Sys_Help" Menu, Help, Add, % name := "About english", % oMenu.Help[name] := "Sys_Help" Menu, Sys, Add, Help, :Help Menu, Script, Add, % name := "Open script dir", % oMenu.Script[name] := "Help_OpenScriptDir" Menu, Script, Add, % name := "Open user dir", % oMenu.Script[name] := "Help_OpenUserDir" Menu, Script, Add Menu, Script, Add, % name := "Escape button to minimize", % oMenu.Script[name] := "_MinimizeEscape" Menu, Script, % MinimizeEscape ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % name Menu, Script, Add Menu, Script, Add, Reload, Reload Menu, Script, Add, Exit, Exit Menu, Sys, Add, Script, :Script Menu, Sys, Add Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Pause", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "_PausedScript" Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Suspend hotkeys", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "_Suspend" Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Default size", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "DefaultSize" Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Full screen", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "FullScreenMode" Menu, Sys, Add, % name := "Find to page", % oMenu.Sys[name] := "_FindView" ; Menu, Sys, Color, % ColorBgOriginal #Include *i %A_AppData%\AhkSpy\Include.ahk ;; Для продолжения выполнения кода используйте GoTo IncludeLabel IncludeLabel: Gui, Show, % "NA " (MemoryPos ? " x" IniRead("MemoryPosX", "Center") " y" IniRead("MemoryPosY", "Center") : "") . (MemorySize ? " h" IniRead("MemorySizeH", HeightStart) " w" IniRead("MemorySizeW", widthTB) : " h" HeightStart " w" widthTB) Gui, % "+MinSize" widthTB "x" 313 If ThisMode = Hotkey Gui, Show Gosub, Mode_%ThisMode% Hotkey_Init("Write_HotkeyHTML", "MLRJ") If (MemoryStateZoom && IniRead("ZoomShow", 0)) AhkSpyZoomShow() WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, WinWidth, WinHeight, ahk_id %hGui% If !DllCall("WindowFromPoint", "Int64", WinX & 0xFFFFFFFF | WinY << 32) && !DllCall("WindowFromPoint", "Int64", (WinX + WinWidth) & 0xFFFFFFFF | (WinY) << 32) && !DllCall("WindowFromPoint", "Int64", (WinX + WinWidth) & 0xFFFFFFFF | (WinY + WinHeight) << 32) && !DllCall("WindowFromPoint", "Int64", (WinX) & 0xFFFFFFFF | (WinY + WinHeight) << 32) Gui, Show, NA xCenter yCenter If !UpdRegister SetTimer, UpdRegister, -1000 WinSet, TransParent, 255, ahk_id %hGui% ; MsgBox % oDoc.documentMode "`n" oDoc.compatMode Return ;; _________________________________________________ Hotkey`s _________________________________________________ #If Shift_Tab_Work +Tab:: Return #If isAhkSpy && Sleep != 1 && ActiveNoPause +Tab:: Goto PausedScript #If (isAhkSpy && Sleep != 1 && !isPaused && ThisMode != "Hotkey") +Tab:: SpotProc: SpotProc2: Shift_Tab_Work := 1 If (A_ThisHotkey != "") Shift_Tab_Down := 1 If (ThisMode = "Control") Spot_Control(), (StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Win() : 0), Write_Control() Else Spot_Win(), (StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Control() : 0), Write_Win() If (!WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && A_ThisLabel != "SpotProc2" && !OnlyShiftTab) { WinActivate ahk_id %hGui% GuiControl, 1:Focus, oDoc } Else ZoomMsg(3) KeyWait, Tab, T0.1 Sleep(10) Shift_Tab_Work := 0 Return #Tab Up:: F8 Up:: ChangeMode() #If isAhkSpy && (StateLight = 3 || Shift_Tab_Down) ~*RShift Up:: ~*LShift Up:: ShiftUpHide: HideAllMarkers(), Shift_Tab_Down := 0, CheckHideMarker() Return #If isAhkSpy && Sleep != 1 Break:: Pause:: PausedScript: _PausedScript: If isConfirm Return isPaused := !isPaused Try SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, % isPaused ? "Off" : "On" ZoomMsg(2, isPaused) ColorBg := isPaused ? ColorBgPaused : ColorBgOriginal oBody.style.backgroundColor := "#" ColorBg ChangeCSS("css_ColorBg", ".title, .button, .divwork {background-color: #" ColorBg ";}") If (ThisMode = "Hotkey" && WinActive("ahk_id" hGui)) Hotkey_Hook(!isPaused) If (isPaused && !WinActive("ahk_id" hGui)) (ThisMode = "Control" ? Spot_Win() : ThisMode = "Win" ? Spot_Control() : 0) HideAllMarkers(), CheckHideMarker() Menu, Sys, % (isPaused ? "Check" : "UnCheck"), Pause isPaused ? TaskbarProgress(4, hGui, 100) : TaskbarProgress(0, hGui) TitleText := (TitleTextP1 := "AhkSpy - " ({"Win":"Window","Control":"Control","Hotkey":"Button"}[ThisMode])) . (TitleTextP2 := (isPaused ? " Paused..." : TitleTextP2_Reserved)) SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &TitleText, , ahk_id %hGui% PausedTitleText() Return #If isAhkSpy && Sleep != 1 && WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) ^WheelUp:: ^WheelDown:: FontSize := InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "Up") ? ++FontSize : --FontSize FontSize := FontSize < 10 ? 10 : FontSize > 24 ? 24 : FontSize oDivWork1.Style.fontSize := FontSize "px" oDivWork2.Style.fontSize := FontSize "px" TitleText("FontSize: " FontSize) If MemoryFontSize IniWrite(FontSize, "FontSize") SetTimer, AnchorScroll, -500 Return F1:: +WheelUp:: NextLink("-") F2:: +WheelDown:: NextLink() F3:: ~!WheelUp:: WheelLeft F4:: ~!WheelDown:: WheelRight F5:: Write_%ThisMode%() ;; Return original HTML F6:: ^vk46:: _FindView() ;; Ctrl+F F7:: AnchorScroll() F11:: FullScreenMode() F12:: MouseGetPosScreen(x, y), ShowSys(x + 5, y + 5) !Space:: SetTimer, ShowSys, -1 Esc:: If isFindView FindHide() Else If FullScreenMode FullScreenMode() Else GuiClose() Return +#Tab:: AhkSpyZoomShow() #If isAhkSpy && Sleep != 1 && IsIEFocus() && (oDoc.selection.createRange().parentElement.isContentEditable) ~^+vk41:: oDoc.execCommand("SelectAll") ;; Ctrl+Shift+A ~^vk41:: oBody.createTextRange().select() ;; Ctrl+A #If isAhkSpy && Sleep != 1 && IsIEFocus() ^vk5A:: oDoc.execCommand("Undo") ;; Ctrl+Z ^vk59:: oDoc.execCommand("Redo") ;; Ctrl+Y ^vk43:: GetSelected(CopyText) && ((Clipboard := CopyText), ToolTip("copy", 300)) ;; Ctrl+C ^vk56:: ClipPaste() ;; Ctrl+V ^vk58:: CutSelection() ;; Ctrl+X Del:: DeleteSelection() ;; Delete Tab:: PasteStrSelection(" ") ;; &emsp " " PasteStrSelection(" ") Enter:: PasteHTMLSelection("
") #If isAhkSpy && Sleep != 1 && ThisMode != "Hotkey" && (IsIEFocus() || MS_IsSelection()) #RButton:: ClipPaste() #If isAhkSpy && Sleep != 1 && ThisMode != "Hotkey" && (IsIEFocus() || MS_IsSelection()) && IsTextArea() && GetSelected(CopyText) RButton:: ^RButton:: If (A_ThisHotkey = "^RButton") CopyText := CopyCommaParam(CopyText) Clipboard := CopyText ToolTip("copy", 300) Return +RButton:: ClipAdd(CopyText, 1) ^+RButton:: ClipAdd(CopyCommaParam(CopyText), 1) #If isAhkSpy && Sleep != 1 && ThisMode = "Hotkey" && (IsIEFocus() || MS_IsSelection()) && IsTextArea() && GetSelected(CopyText) ;; Mode = Hotkey RButton:: KeyWait, RButton, T0.3 If ErrorLevel ClipAdd(CopyText, 1) Else Clipboard := CopyText, ToolTip("copy", 300) Return #If (isAhkSpy && Sleep != 1 && !isPaused && ThisMode != "Hotkey") +#Up:: MouseStep(0, -1) +#Down:: MouseStep(0, 1) +#Left:: MouseStep(-1, 0) +#Right:: MouseStep(1, 0) ^+#Up:: MouseStep(0, -10) ^+#Down:: MouseStep(0, 10) ^+#Left:: MouseStep(-10, 0) ^+#Right:: MouseStep(10, 0) #If oJScript.ButtonOver +LButton:: oJScript.onmousedown(oJScript.ButtonOver) KeyWait LButton if !oJScript.ButtonOver return obj := Func("ButtonClick").Bind(oJScript.ButtonOver) SetTimer, % obj, -100 ; ButtonClick(oJScript.ButtonOver) oJScript.onmouseup(oJScript.ButtonOver, 1) Return #If !WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && IsAhkSpyUnderMouse(hc) +LButton:: If (hc = hButtonButton) SetTimer, Mode_Hotkey, -1 Else If (hc = hButtonControl) SetTimer, Mode_Control, -1 Else If (hc = hButtonWindow) SetTimer, Mode_Win, -1 Return #If IsAhkSpyUnderMouse(Byref hc) { MouseGetPos, , , hw, hc, 2 Return (hw = hGui) } ;; _________________________________________________ Mode_Win _________________________________________________ Mode_Win: If A_GuiControl GuiControl, 1:Focus, oDoc ZoomMsg(10, 0) ; oBody.createTextRange().execCommand("RemoveFormat") GuiControl, TB: -0x0001, But1 If (ThisMode = "Hotkey") Hotkey_Hook(0) Try SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, Off ScrollPos[ThisMode, 1] := oDivNew.scrollLeft ScrollPos[ThisMode, 2] := oDivNew.scrollTop If ThisMode != Win HTML_%ThisMode% := oDivNew.innerHTML, prNotThisMode := 1 ThisMode := "Win" If (HTML_Win = "") Spot_Win(1) Write_Win(prNotThisMode) TitleText := (TitleTextP1 := "AhkSpy - Window") . TitleTextP2 SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &TitleText, , ahk_id %hGui% If isFindView FindNewText() Loop_Win: If ((WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && !ActiveNoPause) || Sleep = 1) GoTo Repeat_Loop_Win If !OnlyShiftTab && Spot_Win() Write_Win(), StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Control() : 0 Repeat_Loop_Win: If (!isPaused && ThisMode = "Win" && !OnlyShiftTab) SetTimer, Loop_Win, -%RangeTimer% Return Spot_Win(NotHTML = 0) { Static PrWinPID, ComLine, ProcessBitSize, IsAdmin, WinProcessPath, WinProcessName If NotHTML GoTo HTML_Win MouseGetPos, , , WinID, hChild, 3 If (WinID = hGui || WinID = oOther.hZoom || WinID = oOther.hZoomLW) Return HideAllMarkers() WinGetTitle, WinTitle, ahk_id %WinID% WinTitle := TransformHTML(WinTitle) WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, WinWidth, WinHeight, ahk_id %WinID% WinX2 := WinX + WinWidth - 1, WinY2 := WinY + WinHeight - 1 WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %WinID% oOther.WinClass := WinClass WinGet, WinPID, PID, ahk_id %WinID% If (WinPID != PrWinPID) { GetCommandLineProc(WinPID, ComLine, ProcessBitSize, IsAdmin) ComLine := TransformHTML(ComLine), PrWinPID := WinPID WinGet, WinProcessPath, ProcessPath, ahk_id %WinID% Loop, %WinProcessPath% WinProcessPath = %A_LoopFileLongPath% SplitPath, WinProcessPath, WinProcessName } If (WinClass ~= "(Cabinet|Explore)WClass") CLSID := GetCLSIDExplorer(WinID) WinGet, WinCountProcess, Count, ahk_pid %WinPID% WinGet, WinStyle, Style, ahk_id %WinID% WinGet, WinExStyle, ExStyle, ahk_id %WinID% { WinGet, WinTransparent, Transparent, ahk_id %WinID% If WinTransparent != TransparentStr := _BP1 "id='set_button_Transparent'>Transparent:
" _BP2 " " WinTransparent "" WinGet, WinTransColor, TransColor, ahk_id %WinID% If WinTransColor != TransColorStr := _BP1 "id='set_button_TransColor'>TransColor:" _BP2 " " WinTransColor "" OwnedId := DllCall("GetWindow", "Ptr", WinID, UInt, 4, "Ptr") If OwnedId OwnedIdStr := "Owned Id: " Format("0x{:x}", OwnedId) "" EX1Str := Add_DP(1, OwnedIdStr, TransparentStr, TransColorStr) } WinGet, CountControl, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %WinID% RegExReplace(CountControl, "m`a)$", "", CountControl) GetClientPos(WinID, caX, caY, caW, caH) caWinRight := WinWidth - caW - caX , caWinBottom := WinHeight - caH - caY loop 1000 { StatusBarGetText, SBFieldText, %A_Index%, ahk_id %WinID% if ErrorLevel Break (!sb_fields && sb_fields := []), sb_fields[A_Index] := SBFieldText } if sb_fields.maxindex() { while (sb_max := sb_fields.maxindex()) && (sb_fields[sb_max] = "") sb_fields.Delete(sb_max) for k, v in sb_fields SBText .= "(" k "): " TransformHTML(v "") "`n" If SBText != SBText := _T1 " id='__StatusBarText'> ( StatusBarText ) " _BT1 " id='copy_sbtext' name='" sb_max "'> copy " _BT2 _T2 _PRE1 "" SBText "" _PRE2 } DetectHiddenText, % DetectHiddenText WinGetText, WinText, ahk_id %WinID% If WinText != WinText := _T1 " id='__WindowText'> ( Window Text ) " _BT1 " id='copy_wintext'> copy " _BT2 _DB _BT1 " id='wintext_hidden'> hidden - " DetectHiddenText " " _BT2 _T2 . _LPRE ">
" TransformHTML(WinText) "
" _PRE2 MenuText := GetMenu(WinID) If ViewStrPos ViewStrPos1 := _DP "" WinX ", " WinY ", " WinX2 ", " WinY2 "" _DP "" WinX ", " WinY ", " WinWidth ", " WinHeight "" IsWindowUnicodeStr := _DP "Is unicode: " (DllCall("user32\IsWindowUnicode", "Ptr", WinID) ? "True" : "False") "" CoordMode, Mouse MouseGetPos, WinXS, WinYS, h If (h = hGui || h = oOther.hZoom || h = oOther.hZoomLW) Return HideAllMarkers() PixelGetColor, ColorRGB, %WinXS%, %WinYS%, RGB GuiControl, TB: -Redraw, ColorProgress GuiControl, % "TB: +c" SubStr(ColorRGB, 3), ColorProgress GuiControl, TB: +Redraw, ColorProgress If (hParent := DllCall("GetAncestor", "Ptr", WinID, Uint, 1)) && (hParent != WinID) { WinGet, ParentProcessName, ProcessName, ahk_id %hParent% WinGetClass, ParentClass, ahk_id %hParent% _ParentWindow := "`nParent window: " ParentClass "" . _DP " " ParentProcessName "" _DP "" Format("0x{:x}", hParent) "" } ;; _________________________________________________ HTML_Win _________________________________________________ HTML_Win: If w_ShowStyles WinStyles := GetStyles(WinClass, WinStyle, WinExStyle, WinID) HTML_Win := "" . _T1 " id='__Title'> ( Title ) " _BT1 " id='pause_button'> pause " _BT2 _DB _DB _BT1 " id='run_zoom'> zoom " _BT2 _T2 _BR . _PRE1 "" WinTitle "" _PRE2 . _T1 " id='__Class'> ( Class ) " _T2 . _PRE1 "ahk_class " WinClass "" _PRE2 . _T1 " id='__ProcessName'> ( ProcessName ) " _BT1 " id='copy_alltitle'> copy titles " _BT2 _T2 . _PRE1 "ahk_exe " WinProcessName "" _PRE2 . _T1 " id='__ProcessPath'> ( ProcessPath ) " _BT1 " id='infolder'> in folder " _BT2 _DB _BT1 " id='paste_process_path'> paste " _BT2 _T2 . _PRE1 "ahk_exe " WinProcessPath "" _PRE2 . _T1 " id='__CommandLine'> ( CommandLine ) " _BT1 " id='w_command_line'> launch " _BT2 _DB . _BT1 " id='paste_command_line'> paste " _BT2 _DB _BT1 " id='clean_command_line'> clean " _BT2 _DB _BT1 " id='command_line_infolder'> in folder " _BT2 _T2 . _PRE1 "" ComLine "" _PRE2 . _T1 " id='__Position'> ( Position ) " _T2 . _PRE1 _BP1 " id='set_button_pos'>Pos:" _BP2 " x" WinX " y" WinY "" . _DP "x²" WinX2 " y²" WinY2 "" . _DP _BP1 " id='set_button_pos'>Size:" _BP2 " w" WinWidth " h" WinHeight "" ViewStrPos1 . "`nClient area size: w" caW " h" caH "" . _DP "left " caX " top " caY . " right " caWinRight " bottom " caWinBottom _PRE2 . _T1 " id='__Other'> ( Other ) " _BT1 " id='flash_window'> flash " _BT2 _ButWindow_Detective _T2 . _PRE1 "PID: " WinPID "" . _DP ProcessBitSize IsAdmin "Window count: " WinCountProcess . _DP _BB1 " id='process_close'> process close " _BB2 . "`nHWND: " WinID "" _DP _BB1 " id='window_show_hide'> show / hide " _BB2 . _DP _BB1 " id='win_close'> destroy " _BB2 _DP "Control count: " . CountControl IsWindowUnicodeStr _ParentWindow EX1Str CLSID . "`nStyle: " WinStyle "" . _DP "ExStyle: " WinExStyle "" . _DP _BB1 " id='get_styles_w'> " (!w_ShowStyles ? "show" : "hide" ) " styles " _BB2 . _DP _BB1 " id='update_styles_w'> update styles " _BB2 _PRE2 . "`n" WinStyles "" SBText WinText MenuText "" _T0 oOther.WinPID := WinPID oOther.WinID := WinID oOther.ChildID := hChild If StateLightMarker && (ThisMode = "Win") && (StateLight = 1 || (StateLight = 3 && GetKeyState("Shift"))) ShowMarker(WinX, WinY, WinWidth, WinHeight, 5) Return 1 } Write_Win(scroll = 0) { If (ThisMode != "Win") Return 0 oDivOld := oDivWork%DivWorkIndex% DivWorkIndex := DivWorkIndex = 1 ? 2 : 1 oDivNew := oDivWork%DivWorkIndex% oDivNew.innerHTML := HTML_Win If oOther.anchor[ThisMode] AnchorScroll(AnchorColor()) Else oDivNew.scrollTop := scroll ? ScrollPos[ThisMode, 2] : (ScrollPos[ThisMode, 2] := oDivOld.scrollTop) If oDivNew.scrollLeft oDivNew.scrollLeft := 0 oDivNew.style.zIndex := 1 oDivOld.style.zIndex := 0 oDivNew.style.visibility := "visible" oDivOld.innerHTML := "" Return 1 } ;; _________________________________________________ Mode_Control _________________________________________________ Mode_Control: If A_GuiControl GuiControl, 1:Focus, oDoc ZoomMsg(10, 0) ; oBody.createTextRange().execCommand("RemoveFormat") GuiControl, TB: -0x0001, But2 If (ThisMode = "Hotkey") Hotkey_Hook(0) Try SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, Off ScrollPos[ThisMode, 1] := oDivNew.scrollLeft ScrollPos[ThisMode, 2] := oDivNew.scrollTop If ThisMode != Control HTML_%ThisMode% := oDivNew.innerHTML, prNotThisMode := 1 ThisMode := "Control" If (HTML_Control = "") Spot_Control(1) Write_Control(prNotThisMode) TitleText := (TitleTextP1 := "AhkSpy - Control") . TitleTextP2 SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &TitleText, , ahk_id %hGui% If isFindView FindNewText() Loop_Control: If (WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && !ActiveNoPause) || Sleep = 1 GoTo Repeat_Loop_Control If !OnlyShiftTab && Spot_Control() Write_Control(), StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Win() : 0 Repeat_Loop_Control: If (!isPaused && ThisMode = "Control" && !OnlyShiftTab) SetTimer, Loop_Control, -%RangeTimer% Return Spot_Control(NotHTML = 0) { If NotHTML GoTo HTML_Control CoordMode, Mouse, Screen MouseGetPos, MXS, MYS, WinID, tControlNN If (WinID = hGui || WinID = oOther.hZoom || WinID = oOther.hZoomLW) Return 0, HideAllMarkers() CoordMode, Mouse, Window MouseGetPos, MXWA, MYWA, , tControlID, 2 WinGet, ProcessName_A, ProcessName, A WinGet, HWND_A, ID, A WinGetClass, WinClass_A, A CtrlInfo := "", isIE := 0 ControlNN := tControlNN, ControlID := tControlID WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, WinW, WinH, ahk_id %WinID% WinGet, WinPID, PID, ahk_id %WinID% RWinX := MXS - WinX, RWinY := MYS - WinY GetClientPos(WinID, caX, caY, caW, caH) MXC := RWinX - caX, MYC := RWinY - caY cc := _DP "" _BB1 " name='x" RWinX " y" RWinY "' id='control_click'> control click " _BB2 WithRespectWin := cc "`n" _BP1 " id='set_pos'>Relative window:" _BP2 " " . Round(RWinX / WinW, 4) ", " Round(RWinY / WinH, 4) " for w" WinW " h" WinH "" _DP WithRespectClient := _BP1 " id='set_pos'>Relative client:" _BP2 " " Round(MXC / caW, 4) ", " Round(MYC / caH, 4) . " for w" caW " h" caH "" ControlGetPos, CtrlX, CtrlY, CtrlW, CtrlH,, ahk_id %ControlID% AccText := AccInfoUnderMouse(MXS, MYS, WinX, WinY, CtrlX, CtrlY, caX, caY, WinID, ControlID) If AccText != AccText := _T1 " id='__AccInfo'> ( Accessible ) " _BT1 " id='flash_acc'> flash " _BT2 _ButAccViewer _T2 AccText If ControlID { CtrlCAX := CtrlX - caX, CtrlCAY := CtrlY - caY CtrlX2 := CtrlX + CtrlW - 1, CtrlY2 := CtrlY + CtrlH - 1 CtrlCAX2 := CtrlX2 - caX, CtrlCAY2 := CtrlY2 - caY CtrlSCX := WinX + CtrlX, CtrlSCY := WinY + CtrlY CtrlSCX2 := CtrlSCX + CtrlW - 1, CtrlSCY2 := CtrlSCY + CtrlH - 1 ControlGetText, CtrlText, , ahk_id %ControlID% If CtrlText != CtrlText := _T1 " id='__Control_Text'> ( Control Text ) " _BT1 " id='settext_button' value=`" ControlID "`> set " _BT2 . _DB _BT1 " id='copy_button'> copy " _BT2 _T2 _LPRE ">" TransformHTML(CtrlText) _PRE2 ControlGet, CtrlStyle, Style,,, ahk_id %ControlID% ControlGet, CtrlExStyle, ExStyle,,, ahk_id %ControlID% WinGetClass, CtrlClass, ahk_id %ControlID% If (hParent := DllCall("GetParent", "Ptr", ControlID)) && (hParent != WinID) { WinGetClass, ParentClass, ahk_id %hParent% _ParentControl := _DP "Parent control: " ParentClass "" _DP "" Format("0x{:x}", hParent) "" } If ViewStrPos ViewStrPos1 := _DP "" CtrlX ", " CtrlY ", " CtrlX2 ", " CtrlY2 "" _DP "" CtrlX ", " CtrlY ", " CtrlW ", " CtrlH "" , ViewStrPos2 := _DP "" CtrlCAX ", " CtrlCAY ", " CtrlCAX2 ", " CtrlCAY2 "" _DP "" CtrlCAX ", " CtrlCAY ", " CtrlW ", " CtrlH "" . _DP "" CtrlSCX ", " CtrlSCY ", " CtrlSCX2 ", " CtrlSCY2 "" _DP "" CtrlSCX ", " CtrlSCY ", " CtrlW ", " CtrlH "" If DynamicControlPath ChildToPath(ControlID), control_path_value := SaveChildPath() } If ControlNN != { rmCtrlX := MXS - WinX - CtrlX, rmCtrlY := MYS - WinY - CtrlY ControlNN_Sub := RegExReplace(ControlNN, "S)\d+| ") ;; Scintilla,Edit,SysListView,SysTreeView,ListBox,ComboBox,CtrlNotfySink,msctls_progress ;; ,msctls_trackbar,msctls_updown,SysTabControl,ToolbarWindow,AtlAxWin,InternetExplorer_Server If IsFunc("GetInfo_" ControlNN_Sub) Func := ControlNN_Sub Else If RegExMatch(ControlNN_Sub, "i)(TreeView|ListView|ListBox|ComboBox|NotfySink|Edit|Scintilla|progress|trackbar|updown|Tab|Toolbar|RichEd)", Match) Func := IsFunc("GetInfo_" Match) ? Match : {RichEd:"Scintilla",TreeView:"SysTreeView", ListView:"SysListView", NotfySink:"CtrlNotfySink" , progress:"msctls_progress", trackbar:"msctls_trackbar", updown:"msctls_updown", Tab:"SysTabControl", Toolbar:"ToolbarWindow"}[Match] If Func { CtrlInfo := GetInfo_%Func%(ControlID, ClassName) If CtrlInfo != { If isIE CtrlInfo = %_T1% id='__Info_Class'> ( Info - %CtrlClass% ) %_BT1% id='flash_IE'> flash %_BT2%%_ButiWB2Learner%%_T2%%CtrlInfo% Else CtrlInfo = %_T1% id='__Info_Class'> ( Info - %CtrlClass% ) %_T2%%_PRE1%%CtrlInfo%%_PRE2% } } WithRespectControl := _DP "" Round(rmCtrlX / CtrlW, 4) ", " Round(rmCtrlY / CtrlH, 4) "" } Else rmCtrlX := rmCtrlY := "" ControlGetFocus, CtrlFocus, ahk_id %WinID% WinGet, ProcessName, ProcessName, ahk_id %WinID% WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %WinID% MouseGetPos, , , h If (h = hGui || h = oOther.hZoom || h = oOther.hZoomLW) Return HideAllMarkers() If UseUIA { UIAElement := oUIAInterface.ElementFromPoint(MXS, MYS) UIAPID := UIAElement.CurrentProcessId CurrentControlTypeIndex := Format("0x{:X}", UIAElement.CurrentControlType) CurrentControlTypeName := UIA_ControlType(CurrentControlTypeIndex) CurrentAutomationId := UIAElement.CurrentAutomationId CurrentLocalizedControlType := UIAElement.CurrentLocalizedControlType UIAHWND := UIAElement.CurrentNativeWindowHandle WinGet, UIAProcessName, ProcessName, ahk_pid %UIAPID% WinGet, UIAProcessPath, ProcessPath, ahk_pid %UIAPID% Loop, %UIAProcessPath% UIAProcessPath = %A_LoopFileLongPath% If UIAAlienDetect && ((UIAPID != WinPID) || (ControlID && ControlID != UIAHWND) || (!ControlID && WinID != UIAHWND)) bc = style='background-color: #%ColorHighLightBckg%' UseUIAStr := "`n" _T1 " id='P__UIA_Object'> ( UIA Interface ) " _T2 . _PRE1 "
PID: " UIAPID "" . (UIAHWND ? _DP . "HWND: " Format("0x{:x}", UIAHWND) "" . _DP "ControlClass: " TransformHTML(UIAElement.CurrentClassName) "" : _DP "HWND undefined") . _DN . (CurrentControlTypeIndex != "" ? "" . "ControlType: " CurrentControlTypeName "" . _DP " " CurrentControlTypeIndex "" : "ControlType undefined") . (CurrentAutomationId != "" ? _DP . "AutomationId: " CurrentAutomationId "" : _DP "AutomationId undefined") . (CurrentLocalizedControlType != "" ? _DP . "LocalizedControlType: " CurrentLocalizedControlType "" : _DP "LocalizedControlType undefined") . _DN "ProcessName: " TransformHTML(UIAProcessName) "" . _DP "ProcessPath: " TransformHTML(UIAProcessPath) "
" _PRE2 } PixelGetColor, ColorBGR, %MXS%, %MYS% ColorRGB := Format("0x{:06X}", (ColorBGR & 0xFF) << 16 | (ColorBGR & 0xFF00) | (ColorBGR >> 16)) sInvert_RGB := Format("{:06X}", ColorRGB ^ 0xFFFFFF) sColorRGB := SubStr(ColorRGB, 3) GuiControl, TB: -Redraw, ColorProgress GuiControl, % "TB: +c" sColorRGB, ColorProgress GuiControl, TB: +Redraw, ColorProgress If (!isIE && ThisMode = "Control" && (StateLight = 1 || (StateLight = 3 && GetKeyState("Shift")))) { If ControlID && StateLightMarker ShowMarker(CtrlSCX, CtrlSCY, CtrlW, CtrlH) Else HideMarker() StateLightAcc ? ShowAccMarker(AccCoord[1], AccCoord[2], AccCoord[3], AccCoord[4]) : 0 } If ((S_CaretX := A_CaretX) != "") CaretPosStr = Caret: x%S_CaretX% y%A_CaretY% Else CaretPosStr = Caret position undefined ;; _________________________________________________ HTML_Control _________________________________________________ HTML_Control: If ControlID { If c_ShowStyles ControlStyles := GetStyles(CtrlClass, CtrlStyle, CtrlExStyle, ControlID) . _DP _BB1 " id='update_styles_c'> update styles " _BB2 HTML_ControlExist := "" . _T1 " id='__Control'> ( Control ) " _BT1 " id='flash_control'> flash " _BT2 _ButWindow_Detective _T2 . _PRE1 "ClassNN: " ControlNN "" . _DP "Class: " CtrlClass "" . "`n" _BP1 " id='set_button_pos'>Pos:" _BP2 " x" CtrlX " y" CtrlY "" . _DP "x²" CtrlX2 " y²" CtrlY2 "" _DP _BP1 " id='set_button_pos'>Size:" _BP2 . " w" CtrlW " h" CtrlH "" ViewStrPos1 . "`n" "Relative client area: x" CtrlCAX " y" CtrlCAY "" . _DP "x²" CtrlCAX2 " y²" CtrlCAY2 "" . _DP "Relative screen: x" CtrlSCX " y" CtrlSCY "" . _DP "x²" CtrlSCX2 " y²" CtrlSCY2 "" . ViewStrPos2 . "`n" _BP1 " id='set_pos'>Mouse relative control:" _BP2 " x" rmCtrlX " y" rmCtrlY "" WithRespectControl . "`nHWND: " ControlID "" _DP _BB1 " id='control_show_hide'> show / hide " _BB2 . _DP _BB1 " id='control_destroy'> destroy " _BB2 _DP _BP1 " id='control_path'> Get path " _BP2 . "" _ParentControl . "`nStyle: " CtrlStyle "" . _DP "ExStyle: " CtrlExStyle "" . _DP _BB1 " id='get_styles_c'> " (!c_ShowStyles ? "show styles" : "hide styles") " " _BB2 _PRE2 . "`n" control_path_value "" . "`n" ControlStyles "" } HTML_Control := "" . _T1 " id='__Mouse'> ( Mouse ) " _BT1 " id='pause_button'> pause " _BT2 _DB _DB _BT1 " id='run_zoom'> zoom " _BT2 _T2 . _PRE1 _BP1 " id='set_pos'>Screen:" _BP2 " x" MXS " y" MYS "" _DP _BP1 " id='set_pos'>Window:" _BP2 . " x" RWinX " y" RWinY "" _DP _BP1 " id='set_pos'>Client:" _BP2 . " x" MXC " y" MYC "" WithRespectWin WithRespectClient . "`nRelative active window: x" MXWA " y" MYWA "" . _DP "class " WinClass_A . " exe " ProcessName_A . " hwnd " HWND_A "" _PRE2 . _T1 " id='__PixelColor'> ( PixelColor ) " _T2 . _PRE1 "RGB: " ColorRGB "" . _DP "#" sColorRGB "" _DP "BGR: " ColorBGR "" . _DP "#" SubStr(ColorBGR, 3) "" . _DP "Invert RGB: 0x" sInvert_RGB "" . _DP "#" sInvert_RGB "" _DP " " _PRE2 . _T1 " id='__Window'> ( Window ) " _BT1 " id='flash_ctrl_window'> flash " _BT2 _T2 . _PRE1 "ahk_class " WinClass " " . "ahk_exe " ProcessName " " . "ahk_id " WinID " " . "ahk_pid " WinPID "" . "`nCursor: " A_Cursor "" . _DP CaretPosStr _DP "Client area: x" caX " y" caY " w" caW " h" caH "" . "`n" _BP1 " id='set_button_focus_ctrl'>Focus control:" _BP2 " " CtrlFocus "" _PRE2 . "`n" HTML_ControlExist . "`n" CtrlInfo CtrlText UseUIAStr AccText "" _T0 oOther.ControlID := ControlID oOther.MouseWinID := WinID oOther.CtrlClass := CtrlClass Return 1 } Write_Control(scroll = 0) { If (ThisMode != "Control") Return 0 oDivOld := oDivWork%DivWorkIndex% DivWorkIndex := DivWorkIndex = 1 ? 2 : 1 oDivNew := oDivWork%DivWorkIndex% oDivNew.innerHTML := HTML_Control If oOther.anchor[ThisMode] AnchorScroll(AnchorColor()) Else oDivNew.scrollTop := scroll ? ScrollPos[ThisMode, 2] : (ScrollPos[ThisMode, 2] := oDivOld.scrollTop) If oDivNew.scrollLeft oDivNew.scrollLeft := 0 oDivNew.style.zIndex := 1 oDivOld.style.zIndex := 0 oDivNew.style.visibility := "visible" oDivOld.innerHTML := "" Return 1 } ;; _________________________________________________ Get Menu _________________________________________________ GetMenu(hWnd) { ;; Static prhWnd, MenuText ;; If (hWnd = prhWnd) ;; Return MenuText ;; prhWnd := hWnd SendMessage, 0x1E1, 0, 0, , ahk_id %hWnd% ;; MN_GETHMENU hMenu := ErrorLevel If !hMenu || (hMenu + 0 = "") Return Return _T1 " id='__Menu_text'> ( Menu text ) " _BT1 " id='copy_menutext'> copy " _BT2 _DB . _BT1 " id='menu_idview'> id - " (MenuIdView ? "view" : "hide") " " _BT2 _T2 _LPRE " id='pre_menutext'>" RTrim(GetMenuText(hMenu), "`n") _PRE2 } GetMenuText(hMenu, child = 0) { Loop, % DllCall("GetMenuItemCount", "Ptr", hMenu) { idx := A_Index - 1 nSize++ := DllCall("GetMenuString", "Ptr", hMenu, "int", idx, "Uint", 0, "int", 0, "Uint", 0x400) ;; MF_BYPOSITION nSize := (nSize * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)) VarSetCapacity(sString, nSize) DllCall("GetMenuString", "Ptr", hMenu, "int", idx, "str", sString, "int", nSize, "Uint", 0x400) ;; MF_BYPOSITION sString := TransformHTML(sString) idn := DllCall("GetMenuItemID", "Ptr", hMenu, "int", idx) IdItem := "`t`t`t" idn "" isSubMenu := (idn = -1) && (hSubMenu := DllCall("GetSubMenu", "Ptr", hMenu, "int", idx)) ? 1 : 0 If isSubMenu sContents .= AddTab(child) "" idx + 1 ": " sString "" IdItem "`n" Else If (sString = "") sContents .= AddTab(child) "" idx + 1 ": — — — — — — —" IdItem "`n" Else sContents .= AddTab(child) "" idx + 1 ": " sString "" IdItem "`n" If isSubMenu sContents .= GetMenuText(hSubMenu, ++child), --child } Return sContents } AddTab(c) { loop % c Tab .= "↓`t" Return Tab } ;; _________________________________________________ Get Info Control _________________________________________________ ;; Scintilla,Edit,SysListView,SysTreeView,ListBox,ComboBox,CtrlNotfySink,msctls_progress ;; ,msctls_trackbar,msctls_updown,SysTabControl,ToolbarWindow,AtlAxWin,InternetExplorer_Server ;; TreeView, ListView, NotfySink, progress, trackbar, updown, Tab, Toolbar GetInfo_SysListView(hwnd) { ControlGet, ListText, List,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, RowCount, List, Count,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, ColCount, List, Count Col,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, SelectedCount, List, Count Selected,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, FocusedCount, List, Count Focused,, ahk_id %hwnd% Return "Row count: " RowCount "" _DP . "Column count: " ColCount "`n" . "Selected count: " SelectedCount "" _DP . "Focused row: " FocusedCount "" _PRE2 . _T1 " id='__Content_SysListView'> ( Content ) " _BT1 " id='copy_button'> copy " _BT2 _T2 _LPRE ">" TransformHTML(ListText) } GetInfo_SysTreeView(hwnd) { SendMessage 0x1105, 0, 0, , ahk_id %hwnd% ;; TVM_GETCOUNT ItemCount := ErrorLevel Return "Item count: " ItemCount "" } GetInfo_ListBox(hwnd) { Return GetInfo_ComboBox(hwnd, 1) } GetInfo_ComboBox(hwnd, ListBox = 0) { ControlGet, ListText, List,,, ahk_id %hwnd% SendMessage, (ListBox ? 0x188 : 0x147), 0, 0, , ahk_id %hwnd% ;; 0x188 - LB_GETCURSEL, 0x147 - CB_GETCURSEL SelPos := ErrorLevel SelPos := SelPos = 0xffffffff || SelPos < 0 ? "NoSelect" : SelPos + 1 RegExReplace(ListText, "m`a)$", "", RowCount) Return "Row count: " RowCount "" _DP . "Row selected: " SelPos "" _PRE2 . _T1 " id='__Content_ComboBox'> ( Content ) " _BT1 " id='copy_button'> copy " _BT2 _T2 _LPRE ">" TransformHTML(ListText) } GetInfo_CtrlNotifySink(hwnd) { Return GetInfo_Scintilla(hwnd) } ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=117128#p117128 ;; https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms645478(v=vs.85).aspx GetInfo_Edit(hwnd) { Edit_GetFont(hwnd, FName, FSize) Return GetInfo_Scintilla(hwnd) "`nFontSize: " FSize "" . _DP "FontName: " FName "" . "`nDlgCtrlID: " DllCall("GetDlgCtrlID", Ptr, hwnd) "" } Edit_GetFont(hwnd, byref FontName, byref FontSize) { SendMessage 0x31, 0, 0, , ahk_id %hwnd% ;; WM_GETFONT If ErrorLevel = FAIL Return hFont := Errorlevel, VarSetCapacity(LF, szLF := 60 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)) DllCall("GetObject", UInt, hFont, Int, szLF, UInt, &LF) hDC := DllCall("GetDC", UInt, hwnd), DPI := DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", UInt, hDC, Int, 90) DllCall("ReleaseDC", Int, 0, UInt, hDC), FontSize := Round((-NumGet(LF, 0, "Int") * 72) / DPI) FontName := DllCall("MulDiv", Int, &LF + 28, Int, 1, Int, 1, Str) } GetInfo_Scintilla(hwnd) { ControlGet, LineCount, LineCount,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, CurrentCol, CurrentCol,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, CurrentLine, CurrentLine,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ControlGet, Selected, Selected,,, ahk_id %hwnd% SendMessage, 0x00B0, , , , ahk_id %hwnd% ;; EM_GETSEL EM_GETSEL := ErrorLevel >> 16 SendMessage, 0x00CE, , , , ahk_id %hwnd% ;; EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE := ErrorLevel + 1 Return "Row count: " LineCount "" _DP . "Selected length: " StrLen(Selected) "" . "`nCurrent row: " CurrentLine "" _DP . "Current column: " CurrentCol "" . "`nCurrent select: " EM_GETSEL "" _DP . "First visible line: " EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE "" } GetInfo_msctls_progress(hwnd) { SendMessage, 0x0400+7,"TRUE",,, ahk_id %hwnd% ;; PBM_GETRANGE PBM_GETRANGEMIN := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x0400+7,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ;; PBM_GETRANGE PBM_GETRANGEMAX := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x0400+8,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ;; PBM_GETPOS PBM_GETPOS := ErrorLevel Return "Level: " PBM_GETPOS "" _DP . "Range: Min: " PBM_GETRANGEMIN "" . " Max: " PBM_GETRANGEMAX "" } GetInfo_msctls_trackbar(hwnd) { SendMessage, 0x0400+1,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ;; TBM_GETRANGEMIN TBM_GETRANGEMIN := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x0400+2,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ;; TBM_GETRANGEMAX TBM_GETRANGEMAX := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x0400,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ;; TBM_GETPOS TBM_GETPOS := ErrorLevel ControlGet, CtrlStyle, Style,,, ahk_id %hwnd% (!(CtrlStyle & 0x0200)) ? (TBS_REVERSED := "No") : (TBM_GETPOS := TBM_GETRANGEMAX - (TBM_GETPOS - TBM_GETRANGEMIN), TBS_REVERSED := "Yes") Return "Level: " TBM_GETPOS "" _DP . "Invert style:" TBS_REVERSED . "`nRange: Min: " TBM_GETRANGEMIN "" _DP . "Max: " TBM_GETRANGEMAX "" } GetInfo_msctls_updown(hwnd) { SendMessage, 0x0400+102,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ;; UDM_GETRANGE UDM_GETRANGE := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x400+114,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ;; UDM_GETPOS32 UDM_GETPOS32 := ErrorLevel Return "Level: " UDM_GETPOS32 "" _DP . "Range: Min: " UDM_GETRANGE >> 16 "" . " Max: " UDM_GETRANGE & 0xFFFF "" } GetInfo_SysTabControl(hwnd) { ControlGet, SelTab, Tab,,, ahk_id %hwnd% SendMessage, 0x1300+44,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ;; TCM_GETROWCOUNT TCM_GETROWCOUNT := ErrorLevel SendMessage, 0x1300+4,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ;; TCM_GETITEMCOUNT TCM_GETITEMCOUNT := ErrorLevel Return "Item count: " TCM_GETITEMCOUNT "" _DP . "Row count: " TCM_GETROWCOUNT "" _DP . "Selected item: " SelTab "" } GetInfo_ToolbarWindow(hwnd) { SendMessage, 0x0418,,,, ahk_id %hwnd% ;; TB_BUTTONCOUNT BUTTONCOUNT := ErrorLevel Return "Button count: " BUTTONCOUNT "" } ;; _________________________________________________ Get Internet Explorer Info _________________________________________________ ;; http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/84258-iwb2-learner-iwebbrowser2/ GetInfo_AtlAxWin(hwnd) { Return GetInfo_InternetExplorer_Server(hwnd) } GetInfo_InternetExplorer_Server(hwnd) { Static IID_IWebBrowserApp := "{0002DF05-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" , ratios := [], IID_IHTMLWindow2 := "{332C4427-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}" isIE := 1 MouseGetPos, , , , hwnd, 3 If !(pwin := WBGet(hwnd)) Return If !ratios[hwnd] { ratio := pwin.window.screen.deviceXDPI / pwin.window.screen.logicalXDPI Sleep 10 ;; при частом запросе deviceXDPI, возвращает пусто !ratio && (ratio := 1) ratios[hwnd] := ratio } ratio := ratios[hwnd] pelt := pwin.document.elementFromPoint(rmCtrlX / ratio, rmCtrlY / ratio) Tag := pelt.TagName If (Tag = "IFRAME" || Tag = "FRAME") { If pFrame := ComObjQuery(pwin.document.parentWindow.frames[pelt.id], IID_IHTMLWindow2, IID_IHTMLWindow2) iFrame := ComObject(9, pFrame, 1) Else iFrame := ComObj(9, ComObjQuery(pelt.contentWindow, IID_IHTMLWindow2, IID_IHTMLWindow2), 1) WB2 := ComObject(9, ComObjQuery(pelt.contentWindow, IID_IWebBrowserApp, IID_IWebBrowserApp), 1) If ((Var := WB2.LocationName) != "") Frame .= "`nTitle: " TransformHTML(Var) "" If ((Var := WB2.LocationURL) != "") Frame .= "`nURL: " TransformHTML(Var) "" If (iFrame.length) Frame .= "`nCount frames: " TransformHTML(iFrame.length) "" If (Tag != "") Frame .= "`nTagName: " TransformHTML(Tag) "" If ((Var := pelt.id) != "") Frame .= "`nID: " TransformHTML(Var) "" If ((Var := pelt.className) != "") Frame .= "`nClass: " TransformHTML(Var) "" If ((Var := pelt.sourceIndex) != "") Frame .= "`nIndex: " TransformHTML(Var) "" If ((Var := pelt.name) != "") Frame .= "`nName: " TransformHTML(Var) "" If ((Var := pelt.OuterHtml) != "") HTML := _T1 " id='P__Outer_HTML_FRAME'" _T1P "> ( Outer HTML ) " _BT1 " id='copy_button'> copy " _BT2 _T2 _LPRE ">" TransformHTML(Var) _PRE2 If ((Var := pelt.OuterText) != "") Text := _T1 " id='P__Outer_Text_FRAME'" _T1P "> ( Outer Text ) " _BT1 " id='copy_button'> copy " _BT2 _T2 _LPRE ">" TransformHTML(Var) _PRE2 If Frame != Frame := _T1 " id='__FrameInfo_FRAME'> ( FrameInfo ) " _T2 "" _PRE1 Frame _PRE2 HTML Text _pbrt := pelt.getBoundingClientRect() pelt := iFrame.document.elementFromPoint((rmCtrlX / ratio) - _pbrt.left, (rmCtrlY / ratio) - _pbrt.top) __pbrt := pelt.getBoundingClientRect(), pbrt := {} pbrt.left := __pbrt.left + _pbrt.left, pbrt.right := __pbrt.right + _pbrt.left pbrt.top := __pbrt.top + _pbrt.top, pbrt.bottom := __pbrt.bottom + _pbrt.top } Else pbrt := pelt.getBoundingClientRect() WB2 := ComObject(9, ComObjQuery(pwin, IID_IWebBrowserApp, IID_IWebBrowserApp), 1) If ((Location := WB2.LocationName) != "") Topic .= "Title: " TransformHTML(Location) "`n" If ((URL := WB2.LocationURL) != "") Topic .= "URL: " TransformHTML(URL) "" If Topic != Topic := _PRE1 Topic _PRE2 If ((Var := pelt.id) != "") Info .= "`nID: " Var "" If ((Var := pelt.className) != "") Info .= "`nClass: " Var "" If ((Var := pelt.sourceIndex) != "") Info .= "`nIndex: " Var "" If ((Var := pelt.name) != "") Info .= "`nName: " TransformHTML(Var) "" If ((Var := pelt.OuterHtml) != "") HTML := _T1 " id='P__Outer_HTML'" _T1P "> ( Outer HTML ) " _BT1 " id='copy_button'> copy " _BT2 _T2 _LPRE ">" TransformHTML(Var) _PRE2 If ((Var := pelt.OuterText) != "") Text := _T1 " id='P__Outer_Text'" _T1P "> ( Outer Text ) " _BT1 " id='copy_button'> copy " _BT2 _T2 _LPRE ">" TransformHTML(Var) _PRE2 x1 := pbrt.left * ratio, y1 := pbrt.top * ratio x2 := pbrt.right * ratio, y2 := pbrt.bottom * ratio ObjRelease(pwin), ObjRelease(pelt), ObjRelease(WB2), ObjRelease(iFrame), ObjRelease(pbrt) If (ThisMode = "Control") && (StateLight = 1 || (StateLight = 3 && GetKeyState("Shift"))) { WinGetPos, sX, sY, , , ahk_id %hwnd% StateLightMarker ? ShowMarker(sX + x1, sY + y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1) : 0 StateLightAcc ? ShowAccMarker(AccCoord[1], AccCoord[2], AccCoord[3], AccCoord[4]) : 0 } If (pelt.TagName) Info := _T1 " id='P__Tag_name' name='MS:N'> ( Tag name: " . pelt.TagName "" (Frame ? " - (in frame)" : "") " ) " _T2 . _PRE1 "Pos: x" Round(x1) " y" Round(y1) "" . _DP "x²" Round(x2) - 1 " y²" Round(y2) - 1 "" . _DP "Size: w" Round(x2 - x1) " h" Round(y2 - y1) "" Info _PRE2 oPubObj.IEElement := {Pos:[sX + x1, sY + y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1], hwnd:hwnd} Return Topic Info HTML Text Frame } WBGet(hwnd) { Static Msg := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", "Str", "WM_HTML_GETOBJECT") , IID_IHTMLWindow2 := "{332C4427-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}", GUID, _ := VarSetCapacity(GUID,16,0) SendMessage, Msg, , , , ahk_id %hwnd% DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "Ptr", ErrorLevel, "Ptr", &GUID, "Ptr", 0, PtrP, pdoc) Return ComObj(9, ComObjQuery(pdoc, IID_IHTMLWindow2, IID_IHTMLWindow2), 1), ObjRelease(pdoc) } ;; _________________________________________________ Get Acc Info _________________________________________________ ;; http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/77888-accessible-info-viewer-alpha-release-2012-09-20/ AccInfoUnderMouse(mx, my, wx, wy, cx, cy, caX, caY, WinID, ControlID) { Static h, WM_GETOBJECT := 0x003D Global AccObj If Not h h := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "oleacc", "Ptr") ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/oleacc/nf-oleacc-accessibleobjectfrompoint If DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromPoint" , "Int64", mx&0xFFFFFFFF|my<<32, "Ptr*", pAccObj , "Ptr", VarSetCapacity(varChild,8+2*A_PtrSize,0)*0+&varChild) = 0 ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=139109#p139109 ; Acc := ComObjEnwrap(9, pacc, 1), child := NumGet(varChild,8,"UInt") AccObj := ComObject(9, pAccObj, 1) ObjAddRef(pAccObj) child := NumGet(varChild, 8, "UInt") If !IsObject(AccObj) Return SendMessage, WM_GETOBJECT, 0, 1, , ahk_id %ControlID% oPubObj.Acc := {AccObj: Object(AccObj), child: child, WinID: WinID, ControlID: ControlID, pAccObj: pAccObj} ChildCount := AccObj.accChildCount If child Var := "Simple Element" _DP "Id: " child Else If ChildCount Var := "Container" _DP "ChildCount: " ChildCount _DP "Id: " child Else Var := "Real Object" _DP "Id: " child ;; _DP "Container child count: " ChildCount If DynamicAccPath { If acc_path_func(0) acc_path_value := SaveAccPath() Else error := " path not found" } pathbutton := _DP _BP1 " id='acc_path'> Get path " _BP2 "" error "" code := _PRE1 "Type: " Var pathbutton _PRE2 "" acc_path_value "" AccGetLocation(AccObj, child) x := AccCoord[1], y := AccCoord[2], w := AccCoord[3], h := AccCoord[4] code .= _T1 " id='P__Position_relative_Acc'" _T1P "> ( Position relative ) " _T2 _PRE1 "Screen: " . "x" x " y" y "" . _DP "x²" x + w - 1 " y²" y + h - 1 "" . _DP "Size: w" w " h" h "" . _DP "Mouse: x" mx - AccCoord[1] " y" my - AccCoord[2] "`n" . "Window: x" x - wx " y" y - wy "" . _DP "x²" x - wx + w - 1 " y²" y - wy + h - 1 "" . _DP "Client: x" x - wx - caX " y" y - wy - caY "" . _DP "x²" x - wx + w - 1 - caX " y²" y - wy + h - 1 - caY "" . (cx != "" ? _DP "Control: x" (x - wx - cx) " y" (y - wy - cy) "" . _DP "x²" (x - wx - cx) + w - 1 " y²" (y - wy - cy) + h - 1 "" : "") _PRE2 If ((Hwnd := AccWindowFromObject(pAccObj)) != ControlID && Hwnd != WinID) { ; можно Acc вместо pAccObj, then ComObjValue WinGetClass, CtrlClass, ahk_id %Hwnd% WinGet, WinProcess, ProcessName, ahk_id %Hwnd% WinGet, WinPID, PID, ahk_id %Hwnd% code .= _T1 " id='P__WindowFromObject'" _T1P "> ( WindowFromObject ) " _T2 _PRE1 . "
HWND: " Format("0x{:x}", Hwnd) "" . _DP "Class: " TransformHTML(CtrlClass) "" . _DP "Exe: " TransformHTML(WinProcess) "" . _DP "PID: " WinPID "
" _PRE2 } If ((Var := AccObj.accName(child)) != "") code .= _T1 " id='P__Name_Acc'" _T1P "> ( Name ) " _BT1 " id='copy_button'> copy " _BT2 _T2 _LPRE ">" TransformHTML(Var) _PRE2 If ((Var := AccObj.accValue(child)) != "") code .= _T1 " id='P__Value_Acc'" _T1P "> ( Value ) " _BT1 " id='copy_button'> copy " _BT2 _T2 _LPRE ">" TransformHTML(Var) _PRE2 AccState(AccObj, child, style, strstyles) If (strstyles != "") code .= _T1 " id='P__State_Acc'" _T1P "> ( State: " style " ) " _T2 _PRE1 strstyles _PRE2 If ((Var := AccRole(AccObj, child)) != "") code .= _T1 " id='P__Role_Acc'" _T1P "> ( Role ) " _T2 _PRE1 "" TransformHTML(Var) "" . _DP "code: " AccObj.accRole(child) "" _PRE2 If (child &&(Var := AccRole(AccObj)) != "") code .= _T1 " id='P__Role_parent_Acc'" _T1P "> ( Role - parent ) " _T2 _PRE1 "" TransformHTML(Var) "" . _DP "code: " AccObj.accRole(0) "" _PRE2 If ((Var := AccObj.accDefaultAction(child)) != "") code .= _T1 " id='P__Action_Acc'" _T1P "> ( Action ) " _T2 _PRE1 "" TransformHTML(Var) "" . _DP _BP1 " id='acc_DoDefaultAction'> Execute " _BP2 _PRE2 If ((Var := AccObj.accSelection) > 0) code .= _T1 " id='P__Selection_parent_Acc'" _T1P "> ( Selection - parent ) " _T2 _PRE1 "" TransformHTML(Var) "" _PRE2 If ((Var := AccObj.accDescription(child)) != "") code .= _T1 " id='P__Description_Acc'" _T1P "> ( Description ) " _T2 _PRE1 "" TransformHTML(Var) "" _PRE2 If ((Var := AccObj.accKeyboardShortCut(child)) != "") code .= _T1 " id='P__ShortCut_Acc'" _T1P "> ( ShortCut ) " _T2 _PRE1 "" TransformHTML(Var) "" _PRE2 If ((Var := AccObj.accHelp(child)) != "") code .= _T1 " id='P__Help_Acc'" _T1P "> ( Help ) " _T2 _PRE1 "" TransformHTML(Var) "" _PRE2 If ((Var := AccObj.AccHelpTopic(child))) code .= _T1 " id='P__HelpTopic_Acc'" _T1P "> ( HelpTopic ) " _T2 _PRE1 "" TransformHTML(Var) "" _PRE2 AccAccFocus(WinID, accFocusName, accFocusValue, role, irole) If (accFocusName != "") code .= _T1 " id='P__Focus_name_Acc'" _T1P "> ( Focus - name ) " . _BT1 " id='copy_button'> copy " _BT2 _T2 _LPRE ">" TransformHTML(accFocusName) _PRE2 If (accFocusValue != "") code .= _T1 " id='P__Focus_value_Acc'" _T1P "> ( Focus - value ) " . _BT1 " id='copy_button'> copy " _BT2 _T2 _LPRE ">" TransformHTML(accFocusValue) _PRE2 If (role != "" && irole != "") , code .= _T1 " id='P__Focus__Role_Acc'" _T1P "> ( Focus - Role ) " _T2 _PRE1 "" TransformHTML(role) "" . _DP "code: " irole "" _PRE2 ObjRelease(pAccObj) Return code } CL() { If !oPubObj.Acc.CLOAKED Return Exit } EVENT_OBJECT_CLOAKED(hWinEventHook, event, hwnd, idObject, idChild) { Global AccObj Critical If (idObject || idChild) || (hwnd != oPubObj.Acc.WinID) Return ; ToolTip % ComObjType(AccObj, "Name") "`n" A_ThisFunc AccObj := "" oPubObj.Acc.CLOAKED := 1 } EVENT_OBJECT_UNCLOAKED(hWinEventHook, event, hwnd, idObject, idChild) { Critical If (idObject || idChild) || (hwnd != oPubObj.Acc.WinID) Return ; ToolTip % "`n" A_ThisFunc ObjRelease(oPubObj.Acc.pAccObj) oPubObj.Acc.CLOAKED := 0 } accDoDefaultAction() { If oPubObj.Acc.CLOAKED Return 0, ToolTip("CLOAKED", 500) Acc := Object(oPubObj.Acc.AccObj) Acc.accDoDefaultAction(oPubObj.Acc.child) } ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows/desktop/WinAuto/object-state-constants ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=130762#p130762 AccState(Acc, child, byref style, byref str, i := 1) { style := Format("0x{1:08X}", Acc.accState(child)) If (style = 0) Return "", str := "" AccGetStateText(0) "" _DP "" 0x00000000 "`n" While (i <= style) { if (i & style) str .= "" AccGetStateText(i) "" _DP "" Format("0x{1:08X}", i) "`n" i <<= 1 } } AccWindowFromObject(pacc) { If DllCall("oleacc\WindowFromAccessibleObject", "Ptr", IsObject(pacc) ? ComObjValue(pacc) : pacc, "Ptr*", hWnd) = 0 Return hWnd } ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=130762#p130762 AccAccFocus(hWnd, byref name, byref value, byref role, byref irole) { Acc := Acc_ObjectFromWindow(hWnd) While IsObject(Acc.accFocus) Acc := Acc.accFocus try { child := Acc.accFocus name := Acc.accName(child) value := Acc.accValue(child) role := AccRole(Acc, child) irole := Acc.accRole(0) } } AccRole(Acc, ChildId=0) { Return ComObjType(Acc, "Name") = "IAccessible" ? AccGetRoleText(Acc.accRole(ChildId)) : "" } AccGetRoleText(nRole) { nSize := DllCall("oleacc\GetRoleText", "UInt", nRole, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0) VarSetCapacity(sRole, (A_IsUnicode?2:1)*nSize) DllCall("oleacc\GetRoleText", "UInt", nRole, "str", sRole, "UInt", nSize+1) Return sRole } AccGetStateText(nState) { nSize := DllCall("oleacc\GetStateText", "UInt", nState, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 0) VarSetCapacity(sState, (A_IsUnicode?2:1)*nSize) DllCall("oleacc\GetStateText", "UInt", nState, "str", sState, "UInt", nSize+1) Return sState } SaveAccPath(Path = "") { Static p If Path = Return p p := Path } AddSpace(c) { loop % c Tab .= "" Return Tab } GetAccPath() { if !Acc_GetPath(arr) Return 0 for k, v in arr { tree .= AddSpace(k - 1) "" v.Path "" _DP "" v.Hwnd "" . _DP "" v.WinClass "" _DP "" v.ProcessName " " . _DP _BP1 " id='b_hwnd_flash' value='" v.Hwnd "'> flash " _BP2 "`n" } tree := _T1 " id='P__Tree_Acc_Path'" _T1P "> ( Accessible path ) " _T2 _PRE1 "" tree "" _PRE2 SaveAccPath(tree) Return 1 } Acc_GetPath(byref arr) { Static DesktopHwnd := DllCall("User32.dll\GetDesktopWindow", "ptr") If oPubObj.Acc.CLOAKED Return 0 Acc := Object(oPubObj.Acc.AccObj) arr := [] While Hwnd := Acc_WindowFromObject(Parent := Acc_Parent(Acc)) { If (DesktopHwnd != Hwnd) t1 := GetEnumIndex(Acc) If t1 = -1 Return arr := "" If (PrHwnd != "" && Hwnd != PrHwnd) { PrHwnd := Format("0x{:06X}", PrHwnd) WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %PrHwnd% WinGet, ProcessName, ProcessName, ahk_id %PrHwnd% arr.InsertAt(1, {Hwnd: PrHwnd, Path: SubStr(t2, 1, -1), WinClass: WinClass, ProcessName: ProcessName}) } if (t1 = "" || Hwnd = DesktopHwnd) break t2 := t1 "." t2 PrHwnd := Hwnd Acc := Parent } Return arr.Count() } GetEnumIndex(Acc) { If oPubObj.Acc.CLOAKED Return -1 For Each, child in Acc_Children(Acc_Parent(Acc)) { if IsObject(child) && (Acc_Location(child) = Acc_Location(Acc)) && (child.accDefaultAction(0) = Acc.accDefaultAction(0)) && (child.accDescription(0) = Acc.accDescription(0)) && (child.accHelp(0) = Acc.accHelp(0)) && (child.accKeyboardShortcut(0) = Acc.accKeyboardShortcut(0)) && (child.accChildCount = Acc.accChildCount) && (child.accName(0) = Acc.accName(0)) && (child.accRole(0) = Acc.accRole(0)) && (child.accState(0) = Acc.accState(0)) && (child.accValue(0) = Acc.accValue(0)) return A_Index } } Acc_Children(Acc) { if ComObjType(Acc, "Name") != "IAccessible" return else { cChildren := Acc.accChildCount, Children := [] if DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleChildren" , "Ptr", ComObjValue(Acc) , "Int", 0, "Int", cChildren , "Ptr", VarSetCapacity(varChildren, cChildren * (8 + 2 * A_PtrSize), 0) * 0 + &varChildren , "Int*", cChildren) = 0 { Loop %cChildren% i := (A_Index - 1) * (A_PtrSize * 2 + 8) + 8 , child := NumGet(varChildren, i) , Children.Insert(NumGet(varChildren, i - 8) = 9 ? Acc_Query(child) : child) , NumGet(varChildren, i - 8) = 9 ? ObjRelease(child) : "" return Children.MaxIndex() ? Children : "" } } } AccGetLocation(Acc, ChildId=0) { Static x := 0, y := 0, w := 0, h := 0 try Acc.accLocation(ComObj(0x4003,&x), ComObj(0x4003,&y), ComObj(0x4003,&w), ComObj(0x4003,&h), ChildId) AccCoord[1]:=NumGet(x,0,"int"), AccCoord[2]:=NumGet(y,0,"int"), AccCoord[3]:=NumGet(w,0,"int"), AccCoord[4]:=NumGet(h,0,"int") } Acc_Location(Acc, ChildId=0) { Static x := 0, y := 0, w := 0, h := 0 try Acc.accLocation(ComObj(0x4003,&x), ComObj(0x4003,&y), ComObj(0x4003,&w), ComObj(0x4003,&h), ChildId) return "x" NumGet(x, 0, "int") " y" NumGet(y, 0, "int") " w" NumGet(w, 0, "int") " h" NumGet(h, 0, "int") } Acc_ObjectFromPoint(ByRef _idChild_ = "", x = "", y = "") { If DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromPoint", "Int64", x==""||y==""?0*DllCall("GetCursorPos","Int64*",pt)+pt:x&0xFFFFFFFF|y<<32 , "Ptr*", pacc, "Ptr", VarSetCapacity(varChild,8+2*A_PtrSize,0)*0+&varChild)=0 Return ComObjEnwrap(9,pacc,1), _idChild_:=NumGet(varChild,8,"UInt") } Acc_ObjectFromWindow(hWnd, idObject = 0) { If DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", idObject&=0xFFFFFFFF , "Ptr", -VarSetCapacity(IID,16)+NumPut(idObject==0xFFFFFFF0?0x46000000000000C0:0x719B3800AA000C81,NumPut(idObject==0xFFFFFFF0?0x0000000000020400:0x11CF3C3D618736E0,IID,"Int64"),"Int64"), "Ptr*", pacc)=0 Return ComObjEnwrap(9,pacc,1) } Acc_WindowFromObject(pacc) { If DllCall("oleacc\WindowFromAccessibleObject", "Ptr", IsObject(pacc) ? ComObjValue(pacc) : pacc, "Ptr*", hWnd)=0 Return hWnd } Acc_Parent(Acc) { try parent := Acc.accParent return parent ? Acc_Query(parent) : "" } Acc_Query(Acc) { try return ComObj(9, ComObjQuery(Acc, "{618736e0-3c3d-11cf-810c-00aa00389b71}"), 1) } ;; _________________________________________________ Mode_Hotkey _________________________________________________ Mode_Hotkey: Try SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, Off ZoomMsg(10, 1) ShowMarker ? (HideAllMarkers()) : 0 ; oBody.createTextRange().execCommand("RemoveFormat") ScrollPos[ThisMode, 1] := oDivNew.scrollLeft ScrollPos[ThisMode, 2] := oDivNew.scrollTop If ThisMode != Hotkey HTML_%ThisMode% := oDivNew.innerHTML, prNotThisMode := 1 ThisMode := "Hotkey" If A_GuiControl ;; WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) Hotkey_Hook(!isPaused) If (HTML_Hotkey = "") Write_HotkeyHTML({Mods:"Waiting pushed buttons..."}, 1) Else Write_Hotkey(prNotThisMode) TitleText := (TitleTextP1 := "AhkSpy - Button") . TitleTextP2 SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &TitleText, , ahk_id %hGui% GuiControl, TB: -0x0001, But3 ;; WinActivate ahk_id %hGui% GuiControl, 1:Focus, oDoc If isFindView FindNewText() Return Write_HotkeyHTML(K, scroll = 0) { Static PrHK1, PrHK2, Name Mods := K.Mods, KeyName := K.Name Prefix := K.Pref Hotkey := K.HK = "" ? K.TK : K.HK LRMods := K.LRMods, LRPref := TransformHTML(K.LRPref) ThisKey := K.TK, VKCode := K.VK, SCCode := K.SC If (K.NFP && Mods KeyName != "") NotPhysical := " " _DP " Emulated" HK1 := K.IsCode ? Hotkey : ThisKey HK2 := HK1 = PrHK1 ? PrHK2 : PrHK1, PrHK1 := HK1, PrHK2 := HK2 HKComm1 := " `; """ (StrLen(Name := GetKeyName(HK2)) = 1 ? Format("{:U}", Name) : Name) HKComm2 := (StrLen(Name := GetKeyName(HK1)) = 1 ? Format("{:U}", Name) : Name) """" If K.IsCode Comment := " `; """ KeyName """" If (Hotkey != "") FComment := " `; """ (K.HK = "" ? K.TK : Mods KeyName) """" If (LRMods != "") { LRMStr := "" LRMods KeyName "" If (K.HK != "") LRPStr := " " _DP " " LRPref Hotkey ":: `; """ LRMods KeyName """" } If Prefix != DUMods := (K.MLCtrl ? "{LCtrl Down}" : "") (K.MRCtrl ? "{RCtrl Down}" : "") . (K.MLShift ? "{LShift Down}" : "") (K.MRShift ? "{RShift Down}" : "") . (K.MLAlt ? "{LAlt Down}" : "") (K.MRAlt ? "{RAlt Down}" : "") . (K.MLWin ? "{LWin Down}" : "") (K.MRWin ? "{RWin Down}" : "") . "{" Hotkey "}" . (K.MLCtrl ? "{LCtrl Up}" : "") (K.MRCtrl ? "{RCtrl Up}" : "") . (K.MLShift ? "{LShift Up}" : "") (K.MRShift ? "{RShift Up}" : "") . (K.MLAlt ? "{LAlt Up}" : "") (K.MRAlt ? "{RAlt Up}" : "") . (K.MLWin ? "{LWin Up}" : "") (K.MRWin ? "{RWin Up}" : "") SendHotkey := Hotkey ControlSend := DUMods = "" ? "{" SendHotkey "}" : DUMods VKCode_ := "0x" SubStr(VKCode, 3) SCCode_ := "0x" SubStr(SCCode, 3) If DecimalCode (VKCode_ += 0), SCCode_ += 0 s_DecimalCode := DecimalCode ? "dec" : "hex" If (DUMods != "") LRSend := " " _DP " " SendMode " " DUMods "" Comment "" If SCCode != ThisKeySC := " " _DP " " VKCode " " _DP " " SCCode " " . _DP " " VKCode_ " " _DP " " SCCode_ "" Else ThisKeySC := " " _DP " " VKCode_ "" HTML_Hotkey := "" . _T1 "> ( Pushed buttons ) " _BT1 " id='pause_button'> pause " _BT2 _DB _BT1 " id='LButton_Hotkey'> LButton " _BT2 _T2 . _PRE1 "
" Mods KeyName "" NotPhysical "

" LRMStr "
" _PRE2 . _T1 "> ( Command syntax ) " _BT1 " id='SendCode'> " SendCode " " _BT2 _DB _BT1 " id='SendMode'> " SendModeStr " " _BT2 _T2 . _PRE1 "
" Prefix Hotkey "::" FComment "" LRPStr . "`n " . "`n" SendMode " " Prefix "{" SendHotkey "}" Comment "" LRSend . "`n " . "`nControlSend, ahk_parent, " ControlSend ", WinTitle" Comment "" . "`n " . "`nGetKeyState(""" SendHotkey """, ""P"")" Comment " " . _DP " KeyWait, " SendHotkey ", D T0.5" Comment "" . "`n " . "`n" HK2 " & " HK1 "::" HKComm1 " & " HKComm2 " " . _DP " " HK2 "::" HK1 "" HKComm1 " › › " HKComm2 "" . "`n " _PRE2 . _T1 "> ( Key ) " _BT1 " id='numlock'> num " _BT2 _DB _BT1 " id='locale_change'> locale " _BT2 . _DB _BT1 " id='hook_reload'> hook reload " _BT2 _DB _BT1 " id='b_DecimalCode'> " s_DecimalCode " " _BT2 _T2 . _PRE1 "
" ThisKey " " _DP " " VKCode SCCode "" ThisKeySC . "`n`n" _PRE2 . _T1 "> ( GetKeyName ) " _BT1 " id='paste_keyname'> paste " _BT2 _T2 . "
" . "" . "" . "
" . "
" . "" GetVKCodeNameStr "" GetSCCodeNameStr "" . _T0 HTML_Hotkey = %HTML_Hotkey% ( ) Write_Hotkey(scroll) } Write_Hotkey(scroll = 0) { oDivOld := oDivWork%DivWorkIndex% DivWorkIndex := DivWorkIndex = 1 ? 2 : 1 oDivNew := oDivWork%DivWorkIndex% oDivNew.innerHTML := HTML_Hotkey oDivNew.scrollTop := scroll ? ScrollPos[ThisMode, 2] : (ScrollPos[ThisMode, 2] := oDivOld.scrollTop) If oDivNew.scrollLeft oDivNew.scrollLeft := 0 oDivNew.style.zIndex := 1 oDivOld.style.zIndex := 0 oDivNew.style.visibility := "visible" oDivOld.innerHTML := "" Return 1 } ;; _________________________________________________ Hotkey Functions _________________________________________________ ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=69765#p69765 Hotkey_Init(Func, Options = "") { #HotkeyInterval 0 Hotkey_Arr("Func", Func) Hotkey_Arr("Up", !!InStr(Options, "U")) Hotkey_MouseAndJoyInit(Options) Hotkey_SetHook() Hotkey_Arr("Hook") ? (Hotkey_Hook(0), Hotkey_Hook(1)) : 0 } Hotkey_Main(In) { Static Prefix := {"LCtrl":"<^","LShift":"<+","LAlt":"^","RShift":">+","RAlt":">!","RWin":">#"}, K := {}, ModsOnly Local IsMod, sIsMod IsMod := In.IsMod If (In.Opt = "Down") { If (K["M" IsMod] != "") Return 1 sIsMod := SubStr(IsMod, 2) K["M" sIsMod] := sIsMod "+", K["P" sIsMod] := SubStr(Prefix[IsMod], 2) K["M" IsMod] := IsMod "+", K["P" IsMod] := Prefix[IsMod] } Else If (In.Opt = "Up") { sIsMod := SubStr(IsMod, 2) K.ModUp := 1, K["M" IsMod] := K["P" IsMod] := "" If (K["ML" sIsMod] = "" && K["MR" sIsMod] = "") K["M" sIsMod] := K["P" sIsMod] := "" If (!Hotkey_Arr("Up") && K.HK != "") Return 1 } Else If (In.Opt = "OnlyMods") { If !ModsOnly Return 0 K.MCtrl := K.MShift := K.MAlt := K.MWin := K.Mods := "" K.PCtrl := K.PShift := K.PAlt := K.PWin := K.Pref := "" K.PRCtrl := K.PRShift := K.PRAlt := K.PRWin := "" K.PLCtrl := K.PLShift := K.PLAlt := K.PLWin := K.LRPref := "" K.MRCtrl := K.MRShift := K.MRAlt := K.MRWin := "" K.MLCtrl := K.MLShift := K.MLAlt := K.MLWin := K.LRMods := "" Func(Hotkey_Arr("Func")).Call(K) Return ModsOnly := 0 } Else If (In.Opt = "GetMod") Return !!(K.PCtrl K.PShift K.PAlt K.PWin) Else If (In = "LButton") GoTo, Hotkey_PressLButton K.UP := In.UP, K.IsJM := 0, K.Time := In.Time, K.NFP := In.NFP, K.IsMod := IsMod K.Mods := K.MCtrl K.MShift K.MAlt K.MWin K.LRMods := K.MLCtrl K.MRCtrl K.MLShift K.MRShift K.MLAlt K.MRAlt K.MLWin K.MRWin K.VK := "vk" In.VK, K.SC := "sc" In.SC, K.TK := GetKeyName(K.VK K.SC) K.TK := K.TK = "" ? K.VK K.SC : (StrLen(K.TK) = 1 ? Format("{:U}", K.TK) : K.TK) (IsMod) ? (K.HK := K.Pref := K.LRPref := K.Name := K.IsCode := "", ModsOnly := K.Mods = "" ? 0 : 1) : (K.IsCode := (SendCode != "name" && StrLen(K.TK) = 1) ;; && !Instr("1234567890-=", K.TK) , K.HK := K.IsCode ? K[SendCode] : K.TK , K.Name := K.HK = "vkBF" ? "/" : K.TK , K.Pref := K.PCtrl K.PShift K.PAlt K.PWin , K.LRPref := K.PLCtrl K.PRCtrl K.PLShift K.PRShift K.PLAlt K.PRAlt K.PLWin K.PRWin , ModsOnly := 0) Func(Hotkey_Arr("Func")).Call(K) Return 1 Hotkey_PressLButton: ThisHotkey := "LButton" K.NFP := !GetKeyState(ThisHotkey, "P") GoTo, Hotkey_Drop Hotkey_PressMouseRButton: If !WM_CONTEXTMENU() && !Hotkey_Hook(0) Return Hotkey_PressJoy: Hotkey_PressMouse: ThisHotkey := A_ThisHotkey K.NFP := !GetKeyState(ThisHotkey, "P") Hotkey_Drop: K.Time := A_TickCount K.Mods := K.MCtrl K.MShift K.MAlt K.MWin K.LRMods := K.MLCtrl K.MRCtrl K.MLShift K.MRShift K.MLAlt K.MRAlt K.MLWin K.MRWin K.Pref := K.PCtrl K.PShift K.PAlt K.PWin K.LRPref := K.PLCtrl K.PRCtrl K.PLShift K.PRShift K.PLAlt K.PRAlt K.PLWin K.PRWin K.HK := K.Name := K.TK := ThisHotkey, ModsOnly := K.UP := K.IsCode := 0, K.IsMod := K.SC := "" K.IsJM := A_ThisLabel = "Hotkey_PressJoy" ? 1 : 2 K.VK := A_ThisLabel = "Hotkey_PressJoy" ? "" : Format("vk{:X}", GetKeyVK(ThisHotkey)) Func(Hotkey_Arr("Func")).Call(K) Return 1 } #If Hotkey_Arr("Hook") #If Hotkey_Arr("Hook") && GetKeyState("RButton", "P") #If Hotkey_Arr("Hook") && !Hotkey_Main({Opt:"GetMod"}) #If Hotkey_MouseAndJoyInit(Options) { Static MouseKey := "MButton|WheelDown|WheelUp|WheelRight|WheelLeft|XButton1|XButton2" Local S_FormatInteger, Option Option := InStr(Options, "M") ? "On" : "Off" Hotkey, IF, Hotkey_Arr("Hook") Loop, Parse, MouseKey, | Hotkey, %A_LoopField%, Hotkey_PressMouse, % Option Option := InStr(Options, "L") ? "On" : "Off" Hotkey, IF, Hotkey_Arr("Hook") && GetKeyState("RButton"`, "P") Hotkey, LButton, Hotkey_PressMouse, % Option Option := InStr(Options, "R") ? "On" : "Off" Hotkey, IF, Hotkey_Arr("Hook") Hotkey, RButton, Hotkey_PressMouseRButton, % Option Option := InStr(Options, "J") ? "On" : "Off" S_FormatInteger := A_FormatInteger SetFormat, IntegerFast, D Hotkey, IF, Hotkey_Arr("Hook") && !Hotkey_Main({Opt:"GetMod"}) Loop, 128 Hotkey % Ceil(A_Index / 32) "Joy" Mod(A_Index - 1, 32) + 1, Hotkey_PressJoy, % Option SetFormat, IntegerFast, %S_FormatInteger% Hotkey, IF } Hotkey_Hook(Val = 1) { Hotkey_Arr("Hook", Val) !Val && Hotkey_Main({Opt:"OnlyMods"}) } Hotkey_Arr(P*) { Static Arr := {} Return P.MaxIndex() = 1 ? Arr[P[1]] : (Arr[P[1]] := P[2]) } ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?id=6350 Hotkey_LowLevelKeyboardProc(nCode, wParam, lParam) { Static Mods := {"A4":"LAlt","A5":"RAlt","A2":"LCtrl","A3":"RCtrl" ,"A0":"LShift","A1":"RShift","5B":"LWin","5C":"RWin"}, oMem := [] , HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY := 0x8, Size := 16, hHeap := DllCall("GetProcessHeap", Ptr) Local pHeap, Lp, Ext, VK, SC, SC1, SC2, IsMod, Time, NFP, KeyUp Critical If !Hotkey_Arr("Hook") Return DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "Ptr", 0, "Int", nCode, "UInt", wParam, "UInt", lParam) pHeap := DllCall("HeapAlloc", Ptr, hHeap, UInt, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Ptr, Size, Ptr) DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", Ptr, pHeap, Ptr, lParam, Ptr, Size), oMem.Push(pHeap) SetTimer, Hotkey_HookProcWork, -10 Return nCode < 0 ? DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "Ptr", 0, "Int", nCode, "UInt", wParam, "UInt", lParam) : 1 Hotkey_HookProcWork: While (oMem[1] != "") { If Hotkey_Arr("Hook") { Lp := oMem[1] VK := Format("{:X}", NumGet(Lp + 0, "UInt")) Ext := NumGet(Lp + 0, 8, "UInt") SC1 := NumGet(Lp + 0, 4, "UInt") NFP := (Ext >> 4) & 1 ;; Не физическое нажатие KeyUp := Ext >> 7 ;; Time := NumGet(Lp + 12, "UInt") IsMod := Mods[VK] If !SC1 SC2 := GetKeySC("vk" VK), SC := SC2 = "" ? "" : Format("{:X}", SC2) Else SC := Format("{:X}", (Ext & 1) << 8 | SC1) If !KeyUp IsMod ? Hotkey_Main({VK:VK, SC:SC, Opt:"Down", IsMod:IsMod, NFP:NFP, Time:Time, UP:0}) : Hotkey_Main({VK:VK, SC:SC, NFP:NFP, Time:Time, UP:0}) Else IsMod ? Hotkey_Main({VK:VK, SC:SC, Opt:"Up", IsMod:IsMod, NFP:NFP, Time:Time, UP:1}) : (Hotkey_Arr("Up") ? Hotkey_Main({VK:VK, SC:SC, NFP:NFP, Time:Time, UP:1}) : 0) } DllCall("HeapFree", Ptr, hHeap, UInt, 0, Ptr, Lp) oMem.RemoveAt(1) } Return } Hotkey_SetHook(On = 1) { Static hHook If (On = 1 && !hHook) hHook := DllCall("SetWindowsHookEx" . (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A") , "Int", 13 ;; WH_KEYBOARD_LL , "Ptr", RegisterCallback("Hotkey_LowLevelKeyboardProc", "Fast") , "Ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "UInt", 0, "Ptr") , "UInt", 0, "Ptr") Else If !On DllCall("UnhookWindowsHookEx", "Ptr", hHook), hHook := "", Hotkey_Hook(0) } GetVKCodeName(id) { ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/inputdev/virtual-key-codes ;; http://www.kbdedit.com/manual/low_level_vk_list.html Static Start, VK_, Chr, Num, Undefined, Reserved, Unassigned, VK_Names If !Start { Start := 1 VK_ := {01:"VK_LBUTTON",02:"VK_RBUTTON",03:"VK_CANCEL",04:"VK_MBUTTON",05:"VK_XBUTTON1",06:"VK_XBUTTON2",08:"VK_BACK",09:"VK_TAB",0C:"VK_CLEAR",0D:"VK_RETURN",10:"VK_SHIFT" ,11:"VK_CONTROL",12:"VK_MENU",13:"VK_PAUSE",14:"VK_CAPITAL",15:"VK_KANA := VK_HANGEUL := VK_HANGUL := VK_HANGUEL",17:"VK_JUNJA",18:"VK_FINAL",19:"VK_HANJA := VK_KANJI",1B:"VK_ESCAPE" ,1C:"VK_CONVERT",1D:"VK_NONCONVERT",1E:"VK_ACCEPT",1F:"VK_MODECHANGE",20:"VK_SPACE",21:"VK_PRIOR",22:"VK_NEXT",23:"VK_END",24:"VK_HOME",25:"VK_LEFT",26:"VK_UP",27:"VK_RIGHT" ,28:"VK_DOWN",29:"VK_SELECT",2A:"VK_PRINT",2B:"VK_EXECUTE",2C:"VK_SNAPSHOT",2D:"VK_INSERT",2E:"VK_DELETE",2F:"VK_HELP",30:"VK_KEY_0",31:"VK_KEY_1",32:"VK_KEY_2",33:"VK_KEY_3" ,34:"VK_KEY_4",35:"VK_KEY_5",36:"VK_KEY_6",37:"VK_KEY_7",38:"VK_KEY_8",39:"VK_KEY_9",41:"VK_KEY_A",42:"VK_KEY_B",43:"VK_KEY_C",44:"VK_KEY_D",45:"VK_KEY_E",46:"VK_KEY_F" ,47:"VK_KEY_G",48:"VK_KEY_H",49:"VK_KEY_I",4A:"VK_KEY_J",4B:"VK_KEY_K",4C:"VK_KEY_L",4D:"VK_KEY_M",4E:"VK_KEY_N",4F:"VK_KEY_O",50:"VK_KEY_P",51:"VK_KEY_Q",52:"VK_KEY_R" ,53:"VK_KEY_S",54:"VK_KEY_T",55:"VK_KEY_U",56:"VK_KEY_V",57:"VK_KEY_W",58:"VK_KEY_X",59:"VK_KEY_Y",5A:"VK_KEY_Z",5B:"VK_LWIN",5C:"VK_RWIN",5D:"VK_APPS",5F:"VK_SLEEP" ,60:"VK_NUMPAD0",61:"VK_NUMPAD1",62:"VK_NUMPAD2",63:"VK_NUMPAD3",64:"VK_NUMPAD4",65:"VK_NUMPAD5",66:"VK_NUMPAD6",67:"VK_NUMPAD7",68:"VK_NUMPAD8",69:"VK_NUMPAD9",6A:"VK_MULTIPLY" ,6B:"VK_ADD",6C:"VK_SEPARATOR",6D:"VK_SUBTRACT",6E:"VK_DECIMAL",6F:"VK_DIVIDE",70:"VK_F1",71:"VK_F2",72:"VK_F3",73:"VK_F4",74:"VK_F5",75:"VK_F6",76:"VK_F7",77:"VK_F8",78:"VK_F9" ,79:"VK_F10",7A:"VK_F11",7B:"VK_F12",7C:"VK_F13",7D:"VK_F14",7E:"VK_F15",7F:"VK_F16",80:"VK_F17",81:"VK_F18",82:"VK_F19",83:"VK_F20",84:"VK_F21",85:"VK_F22",86:"VK_F23",87:"VK_F24"} VK__ := {90:"VK_NUMLOCK",91:"VK_SCROLL",92:"VK_OEM_FJ_JISHO := VK_OEM_NEC_EQUAL",93:"VK_OEM_FJ_MASSHOU",94:"VK_OEM_FJ_TOUROKU",95:"VK_OEM_FJ_LOYA",96:"VK_OEM_FJ_ROYA",A0:"VK_LSHIFT",A1:"VK_RSHIFT",A2:"VK_LCONTROL" ,A3:"VK_RCONTROL",A4:"VK_LMENU",A5:"VK_RMENU",A6:"VK_BROWSER_BACK",A7:"VK_BROWSER_FORWARD",A8:"VK_BROWSER_REFRESH",A9:"VK_BROWSER_STOP",AA:"VK_BROWSER_SEARCH",AB:"VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES" ,AC:"VK_BROWSER_HOME",AD:"VK_VOLUME_MUTE",AE:"VK_VOLUME_DOWN",AF:"VK_VOLUME_UP",B0:"VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK",B1:"VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK",B2:"VK_MEDIA_STOP",B3:"VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE",B4:"VK_LAUNCH_MAIL" ,B5:"VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT",B6:"VK_LAUNCH_APP1",B7:"VK_LAUNCH_APP2",BA:"VK_OEM_1",BB:"VK_OEM_PLUS",BC:"VK_OEM_COMMA",BD:"VK_OEM_MINUS",BE:"VK_OEM_PERIOD",BF:"VK_OEM_2",C0:"VK_OEM_3",C1:"VK_ABNT_C1",C2:"VK_ABNT_C2",DB:"VK_OEM_4" ,DC:"VK_OEM_5",DD:"VK_OEM_6",DE:"VK_OEM_7",DF:"VK_OEM_8",E1:"VK_OEM_AX",E2:"VK_OEM_102",E3:"VK_ICO_HELP",E4:"VK_ICO_00",E5:"VK_PROCESSKEY",E6:"VK_ICO_CLEAR",E7:"VK_PACKET",E9:"VK_OEM_RESET" ,EA:"VK_OEM_JUMP",EB:"VK_OEM_PA1",EC:"VK_OEM_PA2",ED:"VK_OEM_PA3",EE:"VK_OEM_WSCTRL",EF:"VK_OEM_CUSEL",F0:"VK_OEM_ATTN",F1:"VK_OEM_FINISH",F2:"VK_OEM_COPY",F3:"VK_OEM_AUTO",F4:"VK_OEM_ENLW",F5:"VK_OEM_BACKTAB" ,F6:"VK_ATTN",F7:"VK_CRSEL",F8:"VK_EXSEL",F9:"VK_EREOF",FA:"VK_PLAY",FB:"VK_ZOOM",FC:"VK_NONAME",FD:"VK_PA1",FE:"VK_OEM_CLEAR",FF:"VK__none_"} for k, v in VK__ VK_[k] := v VK_Names := {} for k, v in VK_ for a, b in StrSplit(v, ":=", " ") VK_Names[b] := k Undefined := "07|0E|0F|16|1A|3A|3B|3C|3D|3E|3F|40" Reserved := "0A|0B|5E|B8|B9|C3|C4|C5|C6|C7|C8|C9|CA|CB|CC|CD|CE|CF|D0|D1|D2|D3|D4|D5|D6|D7|E0" Unassigned := "88|89|8A|8B|8C|8D|8E|8F|97|98|99|9A|9B|9C|9D|9E|9F|D8|D9|DA|E8" } If (id ~= "i)^vk_") && VK_Names.HasKey(id) Return QVK(oDoc.getElementById("edithotkey").value := Format("{:U}", id), "0x" VK_Names[id]) ;; vK_EreOF If VK := GetKeyVK(id) id := Format("0x{:02X}", VK) Else If (id ~= "i)^vk") id := "0x" RegExReplace(id, "i)(^vk([0-9a-f]+)).*", "$2") If !(InStr(id, "0x") && id > 0 && id < 256) Return ;; "Is not virtual key code" id := Format("{:02X}", id) If VK_[id] Return QVK(VK_[id], "0x" id) If InStr("|" Undefined "|", "|" id "|") Return QVK("0x" id " is Undefined", "", 0) If InStr("|" Reserved "|", "|" id "|") Return QVK("0x" id " is Reserved", "", 0) If InStr("|" Unassigned "|", "|" id "|") Return QVK("0x" id " is Unassigned", "", 0) } QVK(key, value, VK = 1) { Static S, T, Description1, Description2 If !S && S := 1 T := _T1 "> ( GetKeyVK ) " _T2 "
" , Description1 := "Virtual-key code symbolic names: " , Description2 := "Virtual-key code symbolic names: " If VK Return T _PRE1 Description1 "" key " := " value "
" _PRE2 Return T _PRE1 Description2 "" key "
" _PRE2 } GetScanCode(id) { If SC := GetKeySC(id) Return _T1 "> ( GetKeySC ) " _T2 "
" _PRE1 "" Format("0x{:03X}", SC) "
" _PRE2 } ;; _________________________________________________ Menu Labels _________________________________________________ ShowSys(x, y) { ShowSys: ZoomMsg(9, 1) DllCall("SetTimer", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd, "Ptr", 1, "UInt", 116, "Ptr", RegisterCallback("MenuCheck", "Fast")) Menu, Sys, Show, % x, % y ZoomMsg(9, 0) Return } MenuCheck() { DllCall("KillTimer", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd, "Ptr", 1) If !WinExist("ahk_class #32768 ahk_pid " oOther.CurrentProcessId) Return If GetKeyState("RButton") { MouseGetPos, , , WinID Menu := MenuGetName(GetMenuForMenu(WinID)) If Menu && (F := oMenu[Menu][oOther.ThisMenuItem := AccUnderMouse(WinID, Id).accName(Id)]) && (F ~= "^_") { ;; If !(F ~= "^_") ;; Return DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x0002|0x0004) ;; WinClose("ahk_class #32768 ahk_pid " oOther.CurrentProcessId), SetTimer(F, -1) oOther.MenuItemExist := 1 If IsLabel(F) GoSub, % F Else %F%() oOther.MenuItemExist := 0 } KeyWait, RButton } DllCall("SetTimer", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd, "Ptr", 1, "UInt", 16, "Ptr", RegisterCallback("MenuCheck", "Fast")) } GetMenuForMenu(hWnd) { SendMessage, 0x1E1, 0, 0, , ahk_id %hWnd% ;; MN_GETHMENU hMenu := ErrorLevel If (hMenu + 0) Return hMenu } AccUnderMouse(WinID, ByRef child) { Static h If Not h h := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "oleacc", "Ptr") If DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromPoint" , "Int64", 0 * DllCall("GetCursorPos", "Int64*", pt) + pt, "Ptr*", pacc , "Ptr", VarSetCapacity(varChild, 8 + 2 * A_PtrSize, 0) * 0 + &varChild) = 0 Acc := ComObjEnwrap(9, pacc, 1) If IsObject(Acc) Return Acc, child := NumGet(varChild, 8, "UInt") } MaxHeightStrToNum() { Return Round(A_ScreenHeight / SubStr(PreMaxHeightStr, 5)) } _DarkTheme: IniWrite(DarkTheme := !DarkTheme, "DarkTheme") Menu, View, % DarkTheme ? "Check" : "UnCheck" , % oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem Return _FontBold: IniWrite(FontBold := !FontBold, "FontBold") Menu, View, % FontBold ? "Check" : "UnCheck" , % oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem Return _ViewStrPos: IniWrite(ViewStrPos := !ViewStrPos, "ViewStrPos") Menu, View, % ViewStrPos ? "Check" : "UnCheck" , % oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem Return _MenuOverflowLabel: ThisMenuItem := oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem PreOverflowHide := ThisMenuItem = "Switch off" ? 0 : 1 IniWrite(ThisMenuItem, "MaxHeightOverFlow") for k, v in ["Switch off","1 / 1","1 / 2","1 / 3","1 / 4","1 / 5","1 / 6","1 / 8","1 / 10","1 / 15"] Menu, Overflow, UnCheck, % v Menu, Overflow, Check, % PreMaxHeightStr := ThisMenuItem PreMaxHeight := MaxHeightStrToNum() _PreOverflowHideCSS := ".lpre {max-width: 99`%; max-height: " PreMaxHeight "px; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid #" ColorPreOverflowHide ";}" ChangeCSS("css_PreOverflowHide", PreOverflowHide ? _PreOverflowHideCSS : "") AnchorFitScroll() Return _Sys_Backlight: ThisMenuItem := oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem Menu, Sys, UnCheck, % BLGroup[StateLight] Menu, Sys, Check, % ThisMenuItem IniWrite((StateLight := InArr(ThisMenuItem, BLGroup)), "StateLight") Return _MemoryAnchor: IniWrite(MemoryAnchor := !MemoryAnchor, "MemoryAnchor") If MemoryAnchor IniWrite(oOther.anchor["Win_text"], "Win_Anchor") , IniWrite(oOther.anchor["Control_text"], "Control_Anchor") Menu, View, % MemoryAnchor ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember anchor Return _AnchorFullScroll: ThisMenuItem := oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem IniWrite(AnchorFullScroll := !AnchorFullScroll, "AnchorFullScroll") Menu, View, % AnchorFullScroll ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % ThisMenuItem If AnchorFullScroll AnchorScroll() Else oJScript.QS(oDivNew, "#id_T0").style.height := 0 "px" oDivNew.scrollTop := oDivNew.scrollTop + oDoc.getElementById("anchor").getBoundingClientRect().top - 6 Return _DynamicControlPath: ThisMenuItem := oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem IniWrite(DynamicControlPath := !DynamicControlPath, "DynamicControlPath") Menu, View, % DynamicControlPath ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % ThisMenuItem Return _DynamicAccPath: ThisMenuItem := oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem IniWrite(DynamicAccPath := !DynamicAccPath, "DynamicAccPath") Menu, View, % DynamicAccPath ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % ThisMenuItem Return _UseUIA: ThisMenuItem := oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem IniWrite(UseUIA := !UseUIA, "UseUIA") If UseUIA && !IsObject(oUIAInterface) oUIAInterface := UIA_Interface() Menu, View, % UseUIA ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % ThisMenuItem Return _UIAAlienDetect: ThisMenuItem := oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem IniWrite(UIAAlienDetect := !UIAAlienDetect, "UIAAlienDetect") Menu, View, % UIAAlienDetect ? "Check" : "UnCheck", % ThisMenuItem Return _SelStartMode: ThisMenuItem := oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem for k, v in ["Window","Control","Button","Last Mode"] Menu, Startmode, UnCheck, % v IniWrite({"Window":"Win","Control":"Control","Button":"Hotkey","Last Mode":"LastMode"}[ThisMenuItem], "StartMode") LastModeSave := (ThisMenuItem = "Last Mode") Menu, Startmode, Check, % ThisMenuItem Return _OnlyShiftTab: IniWrite(OnlyShiftTab := !OnlyShiftTab, "OnlyShiftTab") Menu, Sys, % (OnlyShiftTab ? "Check" : "UnCheck"), Spot only Shift+Tab ZoomMsg(12, OnlyShiftTab) If !OnlyShiftTab Try SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, -100 If OnlyShiftTab && ActiveNoPause GoSub _Active_No_Pause Return _Active_No_Pause: ActiveNoPause := IniWrite(!ActiveNoPause, "ActiveNoPause") Menu, Sys, % (ActiveNoPause ? "Check" : "UnCheck"), Work with the active window ZoomMsg(6, ActiveNoPause) If OnlyShiftTab && ActiveNoPause GoSub _OnlyShiftTab Return _Suspend: isAhkSpy := !isAhkSpy Menu, Sys, % !isAhkSpy ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Suspend hotkeys ZoomMsg(8, !isAhkSpy) Return _CheckUpdate: StateUpdate := IniWrite(!StateUpdate, "StateUpdate") Menu, Sys, % (StateUpdate ? "Check" : "UnCheck"), Check updates If StateUpdate SetTimer, UpdateAhkSpy, -1 Else { SetTimer, UpdateAhkSpy, Off SetTimer, Upd_Verifi, Off } Return _Sys_Acclight: StateLightAcc := IniWrite(!StateLightAcc, "StateLightAcc"), HideAccMarker() Menu, Sys, % (StateLightAcc ? "Check" : "UnCheck"), Acc object backlight Return _Sys_WClight: StateLightMarker := IniWrite(!StateLightMarker, "StateLightMarker"), HideMarker() Menu, Sys, % (StateLightMarker ? "Check" : "UnCheck"), Window or control backlight Return _Spot_Together: StateAllwaysSpot := IniWrite(!StateAllwaysSpot, "AllwaysSpot") Menu, Sys, % (StateAllwaysSpot ? "Check" : "UnCheck"), Spot together (low speed) Return _MemoryPos: IniWrite(MemoryPos := !MemoryPos, "MemoryPos") Menu, View, % MemoryPos ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember position SavePos() Return _MemorySize: IniWrite(MemorySize := !MemorySize, "MemorySize") Menu, View, % MemorySize ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember size SaveSize() Return _MemoryFontSize: IniWrite(MemoryFontSize := !MemoryFontSize, "MemoryFontSize") Menu, View, % MemoryFontSize ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember font size If MemoryFontSize IniWrite(FontSize, "FontSize") Return _MemoryZoomSize: IniWrite(MemoryZoomSize := !MemoryZoomSize, "MemoryZoomSize") Menu, View, % MemoryZoomSize ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember zoom size ZoomMsg(4, MemoryZoomSize) Return _MinimizeEscape: ThisMenuItem := oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem IniWrite(MinimizeEscape := !MinimizeEscape, "MinimizeEscape") Menu, Script, % MinimizeEscape ? "Check" : "UnCheck", %ThisMenuItem% Return _MoveTitles: IniWrite(MoveTitles := !MoveTitles, "MoveTitles") Menu, View, % MoveTitles ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Moving titles if oJScript.MoveTitles := MoveTitles oJScript.shift(0) else oDivNew.scrollLeft := 0, oJScript.conleft30() Return _MarkerInvertFrame: IniWrite(MarkerInvertFrame := !MarkerInvertFrame, "MarkerInvertFrame") Menu, View, % MarkerInvertFrame ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Flash edge WinSet, Region, , ahk_id %hMarkerGui% Return _MemoryStateZoom: IniWrite(MemoryStateZoom := !MemoryStateZoom, "MemoryStateZoom") Menu, View, % MemoryStateZoom ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Remember state zoom IniWrite(oOther.ZoomShow, "ZoomShow") Return _WordWrap: IniWrite(WordWrap := !WordWrap, "WordWrap") Menu, View, % WordWrap ? "Check" : "UnCheck", Word wrap If WordWrap oDivNew.scrollLeft := 0 oJScript.WordWrap := WordWrap ChangeCSS("css_Body", WordWrap ? _BodyWrapCSS : "") Return Sys_Help: ThisMenuItem := oOther.MenuItemExist ? oOther.ThisMenuItem : A_ThisMenuItem If ThisMenuItem = AutoHotKey official help online RunPath("http://ahkscript.org/docs/AutoHotkey.htm") Else If ThisMenuItem = AutoHotKey russian help online RunPath("http://www.script-coding.com/AutoHotkeyTranslation.html") Else If ThisMenuItem = About RunPath("http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=72459#p72459") Else If ThisMenuItem = About english RunPath("https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=52872") Return LaunchHelp: If !FileExist(SubStr(A_AhkPath,1,InStr(A_AhkPath,"\",,0,1)) "AutoHotkey.chm") Return IfWinNotExist AutoHotkey Help ahk_class HH Parent ahk_exe hh.exe Run % SubStr(A_AhkPath,1,InStr(A_AhkPath,"\",,0,1)) "AutoHotkey.chm" WinActivate Minimize() Return DefaultSize: If FullScreenMode { FullScreenMode() Gui, 1: Restore Sleep 200 } Gui, 1: Show, % "NA w" widthTB "h" HeightStart ZoomMsg(5) If !MemoryFontSize oDoc.getElementById("pre").style.fontSize := FontSize := 15 Return Reload: Reload Return Help_OpenUserDir: RunPath(Path_User) Return Help_OpenScriptDir: SelectFilePath(A_ScriptFullPath) Minimize() Return ;; _________________________________________________ Functions _________________________________________________ WM_ACTIVATE(wp, lp) { Critical If isConfirm Return If ((wp & 0xFFFF = 0) && lp != hGui) ;; Deactivated { ZoomMsg(7, 0) If Hotkey_Arr("Hook") Hotkey_Hook(0) } Else If (wp & 0xFFFF != 0 && WinActive("ahk_id" hGui)) ;; Activated { ZoomMsg(7, 1) If (ThisMode = "Hotkey" && !isPaused) Hotkey_Hook(1) If !ActiveNoPause HideAllMarkers(), CheckHideMarker() } } WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED(Wp, Lp) { Static PtrAdd := A_PtrSize = 8 ? 8 : 0 Critical If (NumGet(Lp + 0, 0, "Ptr") != hGui) || Sleep = 1 Return If oOther.ZoomShow { x := NumGet(Lp + 0, 8 + PtrAdd, "UInt") y := NumGet(Lp + 0, 12 + PtrAdd, "UInt") w := NumGet(Lp + 0, 16 + PtrAdd, "UInt") hDWP := DllCall("BeginDeferWindowPos", "Int", 3) hDWP := DllCall("DeferWindowPos" , "Ptr", hDWP, "Ptr", hGui, "UInt", -1 ;; for +AlwaysOnTop , "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0 , "UInt", 0x0003) ;; SWP_NOMOVE := 0x0002 | SWP_NOSIZE := 0x0001 hDWP := DllCall("DeferWindowPos" , "Ptr", hDWP, "Ptr", oOther.hZoom, "UInt", 0 , "Int", x + w, "Int", y, "Int", 0, "Int", 0 , "UInt", 0x0011) ;; 0x0010 := SWP_NOACTIVATE | 0x0001 := SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER := 0x0200 hDWP := DllCall("DeferWindowPos" , "Ptr", hDWP, "Ptr", oOther.hZoomLW, "UInt", 0 , "Int", x + w + 1, "Int", y + 46, "Int", 0, "Int", 0 , "UInt", 0x0211) ;; 0x0010 := SWP_NOACTIVATE | 0x0001 := SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER := 0x0200 DllCall("EndDeferWindowPos", "Ptr", hDWP) } If MemoryPos SetTimer, SavePos, -400 } GuiSize: If A_Gui != 1 Return If A_EventInfo = 1 ZoomMsg(11, 1) Sleep := A_EventInfo ;; = 1 minimize If A_EventInfo != 1 { ControlsMove(A_GuiWidth, A_GuiHeight) If MemorySize SetTimer, SaveSize, -400 } Else HideAllMarkers(), CheckHideMarker() Try SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, % A_EventInfo = 1 || isPaused ? "Off" : "On" Return Minimize() { Sleep := 1 Gui, 1: Minimize } TimerFunc(hFunc, Time) { Try SetTimer, % hFunc, % Time } Exit() { Gui, %hGui%:, Hide Hotkey_SetHook(0) If LastModeSave IniWrite(ThisMode, "LastMode") oDoc := "" DllCall("ReleaseDC", "UPtr", 0, "UPtr", hDCMarkerInvert) ExitApp } GuiClose() { If MinimizeEscape && GetKeyState("Esc", "P") Return 1, Minimize() ExitApp } CheckAhkVersion: If A_AhkVersion < { MsgBox Requires AutoHotkey_L version RunPath("http://ahkscript.org/download/") ExitApp } Return ChangeMode() { Try SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, Off HideAllMarkers(), MS_Cancel() GoSub % "Mode_" (ThisMode = "Control" ? "Win" : "Control") } WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN(wp) { Static HTMINBUTTON := 8 If (wp = HTMINBUTTON) { SetTimer, Minimize, -10 Return 0 } } WM_LBUTTONDOWN(wp, lp, msg, hwnd) { If (hwnd = hFindGui) { MouseGetPos, , , , hControl, 2 If (hControl = hFindAllText) SetTimer, FindAll, -250 Return } If A_GuiControl = ColorProgress { If ThisMode = Hotkey oDoc.execCommand("Paste"), ToolTip("Paste", 300) Else { SendInput {LAlt Down}{Escape}{LAlt Up} ToolTip("Alt+Escape", 300) ZoomMsg(7, 0) If (OnlyShiftTab && !isPaused) { OnlyShiftTab := 0 ZoomMsg(12, 0) SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, -1 SetTimer, OnlyShiftTab_LButton_Up_Wait, -1 } } } } OnlyShiftTab_LButton_Up_Wait: KeyWait, LButton OnlyShiftTab := 1 ZoomMsg(12, 1) SetTimer, Loop_%ThisMode%, Off SetTimer, ShiftUpHide, -300 return ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=131490#p131490 /* ChildFromPath(str, hwnd) { Static GW_HWNDNEXT := 2, GW_CHILD := 5 hwnd := DllCall("GetWindow", "Ptr", hwnd, UInt, GW_CHILD, "Ptr") arr := StrSplit(str, "."), off := 1, i := 1 Loop { If (i = arr[off]) { If (off = arr.Count()) return hwnd hwnd := DllCall("GetWindow", "Ptr", hwnd, UInt, GW_CHILD, "Ptr"), ++off, i := 1 } Else If (++i) && !(hwnd := DllCall("GetWindow", "Ptr", hwnd, UInt, GW_HWNDNEXT, "Ptr")) return } } */ ChildToPath(hwnd) { If !WinExist("ahk_id" hwnd) Return 0 arr := [] _ChildToPath(hwnd, arr) for k, v in arr { Hwnd := Format("0x{:06X}", v.Hwnd) WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %Hwnd% WinGet, ProcessName, ProcessName, ahk_id %Hwnd% tree .= AddSpace2(k - 1) "" v.Path "" _DP "" Hwnd "" . _DP "" WinClass "" _DP "" ProcessName " " . _DP _BP1 " id='b_hwnd_flash' value='" Hwnd "'> flash " _BP2 "`n" } tree := _T1 " id='P__Tree_Control_Path'" _T1P "> ( Control path ) " _T2 _PRE1 "" tree "" _PRE2 SaveChildPath(tree) Return 1 } _ChildToPath(hwnd, arr, i = 1) { Static GA_PARENT := 1, GA_ROOT := 2, GW_HWNDPREV := 3 Static DesktopHwnd := DllCall("User32.dll\GetDesktopWindow", "ptr") While hPrev := DllCall("GetWindow", "Ptr", hwnd, UInt, GW_HWNDPREV, "Ptr") ++i, hwnd := hPrev ;; DllCall("GetParent", "Ptr", hwnd) hParent := DllCall("GetAncestor", "Ptr", hwnd, Uint, GA_PARENT) if !hParent || (hParent = DesktopHwnd) return arr.InsertAt(1, {Hwnd:hParent,Path: RTrim(i "." arr[1].Path, ".")}) return _ChildToPath(hParent, arr, 1) } AddSpace2(c) { loop % c Tab .= "" Return Tab } SaveChildPath(Path = "") { Static p If Path = Return p p := Path } ActivateUnderMouse() { MouseGetPos, , , WinID WinActivate, ahk_id %WinID% } MouseGetPosScreen(ByRef x, ByRef y) { VarSetCapacity(POINT, 8, 0) NumPut(x, &POINT, 0, "Int") NumPut(y, &POINT, 4, "Int") DllCall("GetCursorPos", "Ptr", &POINT) x := NumGet(POINT, 0, "Int"), y := NumGet(POINT, 4, "Int") } WM_MBUTTONUP(wp) { If (A_GuiControl = "ColorProgress") Return 0, ToolTip("Zoom", 300), AhkSpyZoomShow() } WM_CONTEXTMENU() { MouseGetPos, , , wid, cid, 2 If (hColorProgress = cid) { Gosub, PausedScript ToolTip("Pause", 300) Return 0 } Else If (cid != hActiveX && wid = hGui) { SetTimer, ShowSys, -1 Return 0 } Return 1 } IsTextArea() { MouseGetPos, , , , cid, 3 Return (DllCall("GetParent", Ptr, cid) = hActiveX) } ControlsMove(Width, Height) { hDWP := DllCall("BeginDeferWindowPos", "Int", isFindView ? 3 : 2) hDWP := DllCall("DeferWindowPos" , "Ptr", hDWP, "Ptr", hTBGui, "UInt", 0 , "Int", (Width - widthTB) // 2.2, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0 , "UInt", 0x0011) ;; 0x0010 := SWP_NOACTIVATE | 0x0001 := SWP_NOSIZE hDWP := DllCall("DeferWindowPos" , "Ptr", hDWP, "Ptr", hActiveX, "UInt", 0 , "Int", 0, "Int", HeigtButton , "Int", Width, "Int", Height - HeigtButton - (isFindView ? 28 : 0) , "UInt", 0x0010) ;; 0x0010 := SWP_NOACTIVATE If isFindView hDWP := DllCall("DeferWindowPos" , "Ptr", hDWP, "Ptr", hFindGui, "UInt", 0 , "Int", (Width - widthTB) // 2.2, "Int", (Height - (Height < HeigtButton * 2 ? -2 : 27)) , "Int", 0, "Int", 0 , "UInt", 0x0011) ;; 0x0010 := SWP_NOACTIVATE | 0x0001 := SWP_NOSIZE DllCall("EndDeferWindowPos", "Ptr", hDWP) SetTimer, AnchorFitScroll, -500 } ZoomSpot() { If (!isPaused && Sleep != 1 && WinActive("ahk_id" hGui)) (ThisMode = "Control" ? (Spot_Control() (StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Win() : 0) Write_Control()) : (Spot_Win() (StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Control() : 0) Write_Win())) } MsgZoom(wParam, lParam) { ;; получает If (wParam = 1) ;; шаг мыши SetTimer, ZoomSpot, -1 Else If (wParam = 2) ;; ZoomShow oOther.ZoomShow := lParam, (MemoryStateZoom && IniWrite(lParam, "ZoomShow")) Else If (wParam = 0) ;; хэндл окна oOther.hZoom := lParam Else If (wParam = 3) ;; хэндл окна LW oOther.hZoomLW := lParam } ZoomMsg(wParam = -1, lParam = -1) { ;; отправляет If WinExist("AhkSpyZoom ahk_id" oOther.hZoom) SendMessage, % MsgAhkSpyZoom, wParam, lParam, , % "ahk_id" oOther.hZoom } AhkSpyZoomShow() { If !WinExist("ahk_id" oOther.hZoom) { Hotkey := ThisMode = "Hotkey" Suspend := !isAhkSpy If A_IsCompiled Run "%A_ScriptFullPath%" "Zoom" "%hGui%" "%ActiveNoPause%" "%isPaused%" "%Suspend%" "%Hotkey%" "%OnlyShiftTab%", , , PID Else Run "%A_AHKPath%" "%A_ScriptFullPath%" "Zoom" "%hGui%" "%ActiveNoPause%" "%isPaused%" "%Suspend%" "%Hotkey%" "%OnlyShiftTab%", , , PID WinWait, % "ahk_pid" PID, , 1 } Else If DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr", oOther.hZoom) ZoomMsg(0) Else ZoomMsg(1) } SavePos() { If FullScreenMode || !MemoryPos Return WinGet, Min, MinMax, ahk_id %hGui% If (Min = 0) { WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, , , ahk_id %hGui% IniWrite(WinX, "MemoryPosX"), IniWrite(WinY, "MemoryPosY") } } SaveSize() { If FullScreenMode || !MemorySize Return WinGet, Min, MinMax, ahk_id %hGui% If (Min = 0) { GetClientPos(hGui, _, _, WinWidth, WinHeight) IniWrite(WinWidth, "MemorySizeW"), IniWrite(WinHeight, "MemorySizeH") } } ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=87817#p87817 ;; http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/93660-embedded-ie-shellexplorer-render-issues-fix-force-it-to-use-a-newer-render-engine/ ; +1:: MsgBox % oDoc.compatMode "`n" oDoc.documentMode FixIE() { Key := "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN" . "\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION", ver := 8000 If A_IsCompiled ExeName := A_ScriptName Else SplitPath, A_AhkPath, ExeName RegRead, value, HKCU, %Key%, %ExeName% If (value != ver) RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKCU, %Key%, %ExeName%, %ver% } ObjRegisterActive(Object, CLSID, Flags := 0) { static cookieJar := {} if !CLSID { if (( cookie := cookieJar.Delete(Object) ) != "") DllCall("oleaut32\RevokeActiveObject", UInt, cookie, Ptr, 0) Return } if cookieJar[Object] throw Exception("Object is already registered", -1) VarSetCapacity(_clsid, 16, 0) if (hr := DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", WStr, CLSID, Ptr, &_clsid)) < 0 throw Exception("Invalid CLSID", -1, CLSID) hr := DllCall("oleaut32\RegisterActiveObject", Ptr, &Object, Ptr, &_clsid, UInt, Flags, UIntP, cookie, UInt) if hr < 0 throw Exception(format("Error 0x{:x}", hr), -1) cookieJar[Object] := cookie } CreateGUID() { VarSetCapacity(pguid, 16, 0) if !DllCall("ole32.dll\CoCreateGuid", Ptr, &pguid) { size := VarSetCapacity(sguid, (38 << !!A_IsUnicode) + 1, 0) if DllCall("ole32.dll\StringFromGUID2", Ptr, &pguid, Ptr, &sguid, UInt, size) Return StrGet(&sguid) } } RunPath(Link, WorkingDir = "", Option = "") { Run %Link%, %WorkingDir%, %Option% Minimize() } RunRealPath(Path) { SplitPath, Path, , Dir Dir := LTrim(Dir, """") While !InStr(FileExist(Dir), "D") Dir := SubStr(Dir, 1, -1) Run, %Path%, %Dir% } RunAhkPath(Path, Param = "") { SplitPath, Path, , , Extension If Extension = exe RunPath(Path) Else If (!A_IsCompiled && Extension = "ahk") RunPath("""" A_AHKPath """ """ Path """ """ Param """") } RunShell(Path) { ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell").Exec(Path) } ExtraFile(Name, GetNoCompile = 0) { If FileExist(Path_User "\" Name ".exe") Return Path_User "\" Name ".exe" If !A_IsCompiled && FileExist(Path_User "\" Name ".ahk") Return Path_User "\" Name ".ahk" } ShowMarker(x, y, w, h, b := 4) { (w < 8 || h < 8) && (b := 2) ShowMarkers(oShowMarkers, x, y, w, h, b) } ShowAccMarker(x, y, w, h, b := 2) { ShowMarkers(oShowAccMarkers, x, y, w, h, b) } ShowMarkerEx(x, y, w, h, b := 4) { (w < 8 || h < 8) && (b := 2) ShowMarkers(oShowMarkersEx, x, y, w, h, b) } HideMarker() { HideMarkers(oShowMarkers) } HideAccMarker() { HideMarkers(oShowAccMarkers) } HideMarkerEx() { HideMarkers(oShowMarkersEx) } HideAllMarkers() { HideMarker(), HideAccMarker() } ShowMarkers(arr, x, y, w, h, b) { hDWP := DllCall("BeginDeferWindowPos", "Int", 4) for k, v in [[x, y, b, h],[x, y+h-b, w, b],[x+w-b, y, b, h],[x, y, w, b]] { hDWP := DllCall("DeferWindowPos" , "Ptr", hDWP, "Ptr", arr[k], "UInt", -1 ;; -1 := HWND_TOPMOST , "Int", v[1], "Int", v[2], "Int", v[3], "Int", v[4] , "UInt", 0x0250) ;; 0x0010 := SWP_NOACTIVATE | 0x0040 := SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER := 0x0200 } DllCall("EndDeferWindowPos", "Ptr", hDWP) ShowMarker := 1 } HideMarkers(arr) { hDWP := DllCall("BeginDeferWindowPos", "Int", 4) Loop 4 hDWP := DllCall("DeferWindowPos" , "Ptr", hDWP, "Ptr", arr[A_Index], "UInt", 0 , "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0 , "UInt", 0x0083) ;; 0x0080 := SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOMOVE := 0x0002 | SWP_NOSIZE := 0x0001 DllCall("EndDeferWindowPos", "Ptr", hDWP) ShowMarker := 0 } ShowMarkersCreate(arr, color) { If !!%arr% Return S_DefaultGui := A_DefaultGui, %arr% := {} loop 4 { Gui, New Gui, Margin, 0, 0 Gui, -DPIScale +Owner +HWNDHWND -Caption +%WS_CHILDWINDOW% +E%WS_EX_NOACTIVATE% +ToolWindow -%WS_POPUP% +AlwaysOnTop +E%WS_EX_TRANSPARENT% Gui, Color, %color% WinSet, TransParent, 250, ahk_id %HWND% %arr%[A_Index] := HWND Gui, Show, NA Hide } Gui, %S_DefaultGui%:Default } CheckHideMarker() { Static Try Try := 0 SetTimer, __CheckHideMarker, -50 Return __CheckHideMarker: If (Sleep = 1 || (WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && !ActiveNoPause) || isPaused) HideAllMarkers() If (Try := ++Try > 2 ? 0 : Try) SetTimer, __CheckHideMarker, -150 Return } FlashArea(x, y, w, h, att = 1) { Static hFunc, max := 6 If (att = 1) Try SetTimer, % hFunc, Off Mod(att, 2) ? ShowMarkerInvert(x, y, w, h, 5) : HideMarkerInvert() If (att = max) Return hFunc := Func("FlashArea").Bind(x, y, w, h, ++att) SetTimer, % hFunc, -100 } CreateMarkerInvert() { Gui, MI: -DPIScale +HWNDhMarkerGui -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +E%WS_EX_TRANSPARENT% hDCMarkerInvert := DllCall("GetDC", "Ptr", hMarkerGui) WinSet, TransParent, 0, ahk_id %hMarkerGui% } HideMarkerInvert() { WinSet, TransParent, 0, ahk_id %hMarkerGui% Gui, MI: Show, Hide } ShowMarkerInvert(x, y, w, h, b := 6) { Try Gui, MI: Show, NA x%x% y%y% w%w% h%h% If MarkerInvertFrame { w < 16 || h < 16 ? b := 2 : 0 WinSet, Region, % "0-0 " w "-0 " w "-" h " 0-" h " 0-0 " b "-" b . " " w-b "-" b " " w-b "-" h-b " " b "-" h-b " " b "-" b, ahk_id %hMarkerGui% } hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr") DllCall("BitBlt", "Ptr", hDCMarkerInvert, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", w, "int", h , "Ptr", hDC, "int", X, "int", Y, "Uint", 0x00330008) ;; NOTSRCCOPY WinSet, TransParent, 255, ahk_id %hMarkerGui% Gui, MI: +AlwaysOnTop DllCall("ReleaseDC", "UPtr", 0, "UPtr", hDC) } SetEditColor(hwnd, BG, FG) { Edits[hwnd] := {BG:BG,FG:FG} WM_CTLCOLOREDIT(DllCall("GetDC", "Ptr", hwnd), hwnd) DllCall("RedrawWindow", "Ptr", hwnd, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0x1|0x4) } WM_CTLCOLOREDIT(wParam, lParam) { If !Edits.HasKey(lParam) Return 0 hBrush := DllCall("CreateSolidBrush", UInt, Edits[lParam].BG) DllCall("SetTextColor", Ptr, wParam, UInt, Edits[lParam].FG) DllCall("SetBkColor", Ptr, wParam, UInt, Edits[lParam].BG) DllCall("SetBkMode", Ptr, wParam, UInt, 2) Return hBrush } InArr(Val, Arr) { For k, v in Arr If (v == Val) Return k } TransformHTML(str) { Transform, str, HTML, %str%, 3 StringReplace, str, str,
, , 1 Return str } PausedTitleText() { Static i := 0, Str := " Paused..." If !isPaused Return i := 0 i := i > 20 ? 2 : i + 1 TitleTextP2 := " " SubStr(Str, i) . SubStr(Str, 1, i - 1) TitleText := TitleTextP1 . TitleTextP2 If !FreezeTitleText SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &TitleText, , ahk_id %hGui% SetTimer, PausedTitleText, -200 } TitleText(Text, Time = 1000) { FreezeTitleText := 1 StringReplace, Text, Text, `r`n, % Chr(8629), 1 StringReplace, Text, Text, %A_Tab%, % " ", 1 SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &Text, , ahk_id %hGui% SetTimer, TitleShow, -%Time% } TitleShow: SendMessage, 0xC, 0, &TitleText, , ahk_id %hGui% FreezeTitleText := 0 Return ClipAdd(Text, AddTip = 0) { If ClipAdd_Before Clipboard := Text ClipAdd_Delimiter Clipboard Else Clipboard := Clipboard ClipAdd_Delimiter Text If AddTip ToolTip("add", 300) } ClipPaste() { If oMS.ELSel && (oMS.ELSel.OuterText != "" || MS_Cancel()) oMS.ELSel.innerHTML := TransformHTML(Clipboard), oMS.ELSel.Name := "MS:" , MoveCaretToSelection(0) Else oDoc.execCommand("Paste") ToolTip("paste", 300) } CutSelection() { If MS_IsSelection() MoveCaretToSelection(0), Clipboard := oMS.ELSel.OuterText , oMS.ELSel.OuterText := "", MS_Cancel() Else oDoc.execCommand("Cut") ToolTip("cut", 300) } DeleteSelection() { If MS_IsSelection() MoveCaretToSelection(0), oMS.ELSel.OuterText := "", MS_Cancel() Else oDoc.execCommand("Delete") } PasteStrSelection(Str) { If MS_IsSelection() MoveCaretToSelection(0), oMS.ELSel.OuterText := TransformHTML(Str), MS_Cancel() Else oDoc.selection.createRange().text := Str } PasteTab() { TempClipboard := ClipboardAll Clipboard := "" A_Tab "" oDoc.execCommand("Paste") Clipboard := TempClipboard } PasteHTMLSelection(Str) { If MS_IsSelection() oMS.ELSel.innerHTML := Str, MoveCaretToSelection(0) Else oDoc.selection.createRange().pasteHTML(Str) } MoveCaretToSelection(start) { R := oBody.createTextRange(), R.moveToElementText(oMS.ELSel), R.collapse(start), R.select() } GetSelected(ByRef Text, ByRef IsoMS = "") { Text := oMS.ELSel.OuterText If (Text != "") IsoMS := 1 Else Text := oDoc.selection.createRange().text, IsoMS := 0 Return (Text != "") } CopyCommaParam(Text) { If !(Text ~= "(x|y|w|h|" Chr(178) ")-*\d+") Return Text Text := RegExReplace(Text, "i)(x|y|w|h|#|\s|" Chr(178) "|" Chr(9642) ")+", " ") Text := TRim(Text, " "), Text := RegExReplace(Text, "(\s|,)+", ", ") Return Text } Add_DP(addN, Items*) { For k, v in Items If v != Ret .= v _DP If Ret = Return Return (addN ? "`n" : "") SubStr(Ret, 1, -StrLen(_DP)) } ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=53516#p53516 ;; GetCommandLineProc(pid) { ;; ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = " pid)._NewEnum.next(X) ;; Return Trim(X.CommandLine) ;; } ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=111775#p111775 GetCommandLineProc(PID, ByRef Cmd, ByRef Bit, ByRef IsAdmin) { Static PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION := 0x400, PROCESS_VM_READ := 0x10, STATUS_SUCCESS := 0 hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", UInt, PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION|PROCESS_VM_READ, Int, 0, UInt, PID, Ptr) if A_Is64bitOS DllCall("IsWow64Process", Ptr, hProc, UIntP, IsWow64), Bit := (IsWow64 ? "32" : "64") " bit" _DP if (!A_Is64bitOS || IsWow64) PtrSize := 4, PtrType := "UInt", pPtr := "UIntP", offsetCMD := 0x40 else PtrSize := 8, PtrType := "Int64", pPtr := "Int64P", offsetCMD := 0x70 hModule := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "Ntdll", Ptr) if (A_PtrSize < PtrSize) { ;; скрипт 32, целевой процесс 64 if !QueryInformationProcess := DllCall("GetProcAddress", Ptr, hModule, AStr, "NtWow64QueryInformationProcess64", Ptr) failed := "NtWow64QueryInformationProcess64" if !ReadProcessMemory := DllCall("GetProcAddress", Ptr, hModule, AStr, "NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64", Ptr) failed := "NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64" info := 0, szPBI := 48, offsetPEB := 8 } else { if !QueryInformationProcess := DllCall("GetProcAddress", Ptr, hModule, AStr, "NtQueryInformationProcess", Ptr) failed := "NtQueryInformationProcess" ReadProcessMemory := "ReadProcessMemory" if (A_PtrSize > PtrSize) ;; скрипт 64, целевой процесс 32 info := 26, szPBI := 8, offsetPEB := 0 else ;; скрипт и целевой процесс одной битности info := 0, szPBI := PtrSize * 6, offsetPEB := PtrSize } if failed { DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, hProc) Return } VarSetCapacity(PBI, 48, 0) if DllCall(QueryInformationProcess, Ptr, hProc, UInt, info, Ptr, &PBI, UInt, szPBI, UIntP, bytes) != STATUS_SUCCESS { DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, hProc) Return } pPEB := NumGet(&PBI + offsetPEB, PtrType) DllCall(ReadProcessMemory, Ptr, hProc, PtrType, pPEB + PtrSize * 4, pPtr, pRUPP, PtrType, PtrSize, UIntP, bytes) DllCall(ReadProcessMemory, Ptr, hProc, PtrType, pRUPP + offsetCMD, UShortP, szCMD, PtrType, 2, UIntP, bytes) DllCall(ReadProcessMemory, Ptr, hProc, PtrType, pRUPP + offsetCMD + PtrSize, pPtr, pCMD, PtrType, PtrSize, UIntP, bytes) VarSetCapacity(buff, szCMD, 0) DllCall(ReadProcessMemory, Ptr, hProc, PtrType, pCMD, Ptr, &buff, PtrType, szCMD, UIntP, bytes) Cmd := StrGet(&buff, "UTF-16") DllCall("advapi32\OpenProcessToken", "ptr", hProc, "uint", 0x0008, "ptr*", hToken) DllCall("advapi32\GetTokenInformation", "ptr", hToken, "int", 20, "uint*", IsAdmin, "uint", 4, "uint*", size) DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", hToken) IsAdmin := (IsAdmin ? "Admin" _DP : "") DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, hProc) } SeDebugPrivilege() { Static PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION := 0x400, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES := 0x20, SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED := 0x2 hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", UInt, PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, Int, false, UInt, oOther.CurrentProcessId, Ptr) DllCall("Advapi32\OpenProcessToken", Ptr, hProc, UInt, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, PtrP, token) DllCall("Advapi32\LookupPrivilegeValue", Ptr, 0, Str, "SeDebugPrivilege", Int64P, luid) VarSetCapacity(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, 16, 0) NumPut(1, TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, "UInt") NumPut(luid, TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, 4, "Int64") NumPut(SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED, TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, 12, "UInt") DllCall("Advapi32\AdjustTokenPrivileges", Ptr, token, Int, false, Ptr, &TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, UInt, 0, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0) res := A_LastError DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, token) DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, hProc) Return res ;; в случае удачи 0 } ;; http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/69254-func-api-getwindowinfo-ahk-l/#entry438372 GetClientPos(hwnd, ByRef left, ByRef top, ByRef w, ByRef h) { Static _ := VarSetCapacity(pwi, 60, 0) DllCall("GetWindowInfo", "Ptr", hwnd, "Ptr", &pwi) left := NumGet(pwi, 20, "Int") - NumGet(pwi, 4, "Int") top := NumGet(pwi, 24, "Int") - NumGet(pwi, 8, "Int") w := NumGet(pwi, 28, "Int") - NumGet(pwi, 20, "Int") h := NumGet(pwi, 32, "Int") - NumGet(pwi, 24, "Int") } ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=81833#p81833 SelectFilePath(FilePath) { If !FileExist(FilePath) Return SplitPath, FilePath,, Dir for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows { ShellFolderView := window.Document Try If ((Folder := ShellFolderView.Folder).Self.Path != Dir) Continue Catch Continue for item in Folder.Items { If (item.Path != FilePath) Continue ShellFolderView.SelectItem(item, 1|4|8|16) WinActivate, % "ahk_id" window.hwnd Return } } Run, %A_WinDir%\explorer.exe /select`, "%FilePath%", , UseErrorLevel } GetCLSIDExplorer(hwnd) { for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows If (window.hwnd = hwnd) Return (CLSID := window.Document.Folder.Self.Path) ~= "^::\{" ? "`nCLSID: " CLSID "": "" } ChangeLocal(hWnd) { Static WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST := 0x0050, INPUTLANGCHANGE_FORWARD := 0x0002 SendMessage, WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST, INPUTLANGCHANGE_FORWARD, , , % "ahk_id" hWnd } GetLangName(hWnd) { Static LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE := 0x1001 Locale := DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", Ptr, DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", Ptr, hWnd, UInt, 0, Ptr), Ptr) & 0xFFFF Size := DllCall("GetLocaleInfo", UInt, Locale, UInt, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, UInt, 0, UInt, 0) * 2 VarSetCapacity(lpLCData, Size, 0) DllCall("GetLocaleInfo", UInt, Locale, UInt, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, Str, lpLCData, UInt, Size) Return lpLCData } ConfirmAction(Action) { If !WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) || GetKeyState("Shift") Return If (!isPaused && bool := 1) Gosub, PausedScript isConfirm := 1 bool2 := MsgConfirm(Action, "AhkSpy", hGui) isConfirm := 0 If bool Gosub, PausedScript If !bool2 Exit Return 1 } MsgConfirm(Info, Title, hWnd) { Static IsStart, hMsgBox, Text, Yes, No, WinW, WinH If !IsStart && (IsStart := 1) { Gui, MsgBox:+HWNDhMsgBox -DPIScale -SysMenu +Owner%hWnd% +AlwaysOnTop Gui, MsgBox:Font, % "s" FontDPI Gui, MsgBox:Color, %ColorBgOriginal% Gui, MsgBox:Add, Text, w200 vText r1 Center Gui, MsgBox:Add, Button, w88 vYes xp+4 y+20 gMsgBoxLabel, Yes Gui, MsgBox:Add, Button, w88 vNo x+20 gMsgBoxLabel, No Gui, MsgBox:Show, Hide NA Gui, MsgBox:Show, Hide AutoSize WinGetPos, , , WinW, WinH, ahk_id %hMsgBox% } Gui, MsgBox:+Owner%hWnd% +AlwaysOnTop Gui, %hWnd%:+Disabled GuiControl, MsgBox:Text, Text, % Info CoordMode, Mouse MouseGetPos, X, Y x := X - (WinW / 2) y := Y - WinH - 10 Gui, MsgBox: Show, NA Hide x%x% y%y%, % Title Gui, MsgBox: Show, x%x% y%y%, % Title GuiControl, MsgBox:+Default, No GuiControl, MsgBox:Focus, No While (RetValue = "") Sleep 30 Gui, %hWnd%:-Disabled Gui, MsgBox: Show, Hide Return RetValue MsgBoxLabel: RetValue := {Yes:1,No:0}[A_GuiControl] Return } MouseStep(x, y) { MouseMove, x, y, 0, R If (WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && !ActiveNoPause) || OnlyShiftTab { (ThisMode = "Control" ? (Spot_Control() (StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Win() : 0) Write_Control()) : (Spot_Win() (StateAllwaysSpot ? Spot_Control() : 0) Write_Win())) If DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr", oOther.hZoom) ZoomMsg(3) } Shift_Tab_Down := 1 } IsIEFocus() { If !WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) Return 0 ControlGetFocus, Focus Return InStr(Focus, "Internet") } NextLink(s = "") { curpos := oDivNew.scrollTop, oDivNew.scrollLeft := 0 If (!curpos && s = "-") Return While (pos := oDoc.getElementsByTagName("a").item(A_Index-1).getBoundingClientRect().top) != "" (s 1) * pos > 0 && (!res || abs(res) > abs(pos)) ? res := pos : "" ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=82360#p82360 If (res = "" && s = "") Return st := !res ? -curpos : res, co := abs(st) > 150 ? 20 : 10 Loop % co oDivNew.scrollTop := curpos + (st*(A_Index/co)) oDivNew.scrollTop := curpos + res } AnchorColor() { If !oOther.anchor[ThisMode] Return el := GetAnchor() el.parentElement.parentElement.firstChild.style.backgroundColor := "#" ColorSelAnchor Return el } GetAnchor() { If !oOther.anchor[ThisMode "_text"] Return Return oJScript.QS(oDivNew, "#" oOther.anchor[ThisMode "_text"]) ; .parentElement.parentElement.firstChild } AnchorScroll(EL = "") { If !oOther.anchor[ThisMode] Return If !EL el := GetAnchor() _AnchorFitScroll(EL) oDivNew.scrollTop := oDivNew.scrollTop + EL.getBoundingClientRect().top - 6 } _AnchorFitScroll(EL, off = 0) { If !AnchorFullScroll Return ta := EL.getBoundingClientRect().top ELLast := oJScript.QS(oDivNew, "#id_T0") tl := ELLast.getBoundingClientRect().top clH := oDivNew.clientHeight res := clH - (tl - ta) If res < 0 res := 0 ; ToolTip % clH "`n" tl "`n" ba "`n" "`n" res, , , 2 ELLast.style.height := res "px" Return 1 } AnchorFitScroll() { _AnchorFitScroll(GetAnchor()) } TaskbarProgress(state, hwnd, pct = "") { static tbl if !tbl { try tbl := ComObjCreate("{56FDF344-FD6D-11d0-958A-006097C9A090}", "{ea1afb91-9e28-4b86-90e9-9e9f8a5eefaf}") catch tbl := "error" } if tbl = error Return DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(tbl+0)+10*A_PtrSize), "ptr", tbl, "ptr", hwnd, "uint", state) if pct != DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(tbl+0)+9*A_PtrSize), "ptr", tbl, "ptr", hwnd, "int64", pct, "int64", 100) } HighLight(elem, time = "", RemoveFormat = 1) { If (elem.OuterText = "") Return Try SetTimer, UnHighLight, % "-" time R := oBody.createTextRange() (RemoveFormat ? R.execCommand("RemoveFormat") : 0) R.collapse(1), R.select() R.moveToElementText(elem) ; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/platform-apis/hh801229(v=vs.85)#forecolor R.execCommand("ForeColor", 0, ColorBgOriginal) ; неработает R.execCommand("BackColor", 0, ColorSelMouseHover) Return UnHighLight: oBody.createTextRange().execCommand("RemoveFormat") Return } ;; _________________________________________________ Command as function _________________________________________________ IniRead(Key, Error := " ") { IniRead, Value, %A_AppData%\AhkSpy\Settings.ini, AhkSpy, %Key%, %Error% If (Value = "" && Error != " ") Value := Error Return Value } IniWrite(Value, Key) { IniWrite, %Value%, %A_AppData%\AhkSpy\Settings.ini, AhkSpy, %Key% Return Value } MsgBox(msg) { MsgBox %msg% } WinClose(title) { WinClose % title } Sleep(time) { Sleep time } SendInput(key) { SendInput % key } SetTimer(funcorlabel, time) { SetTimer, % funcorlabel, % time } ToolTip(text, time = 500) { CoordMode, Mouse CoordMode, ToolTip MouseGetPos, X, Y ToolTip, %text%, X-10, Y-45 SetTimer, HideToolTip, -%time% Return 1 HideToolTip: ToolTip Return } ;; _________________________________________________ Update _________________________________________________ UpdateAhkSpy(in = 1) { Static att, Ver, req , url1 := "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serzh82saratov/AhkSpy/master/Readme.txt" , url2 := "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serzh82saratov/AhkSpy/master/AhkSpy.ahk" If !req req := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1"), req.Option(6) := 0 req.open("GET", url%in%, 1), req.send(), att := 0 SetTimer, Upd_Verifi, -3000 Return Upd_Verifi: If (Status := req.Status) = 200 { Text := req.responseText If (req.Option(1) = url1) Return (Ver := RegExReplace(Text, "i).*?version\s*(.*?)\R.*", "$1")) > AhkSpyVersion ? UpdateAhkSpy(2) : 0 If (!InStr(Text, "AhkSpyVersion")) Return HideAllMarkers() If InStr(FileExist(A_ScriptFullPath), "R") { MsgBox, % 16+262144+8192, AhkSpy, Exist new version %Ver%!`n`nBut the file has an attribute "READONLY".`nUpdate imposible. Return } MsgBox, % 4+32+262144+8192, AhkSpy, Exist new version!`nUpdate v%AhkSpyVersion% to v%Ver%? IfMsgBox, No Return File := FileOpen(A_ScriptFullPath, "w", "UTF-8") File.Length := 0, File.Write(Text), File.Close() Reload } Error := (++att = 20 || Status != "") SetTimer, % Error ? "UpdateAhkSpy" : "Upd_Verifi", % Error ? -60000 : -3000 Return } UpdRegister() { Static req, att := 0 req := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") req.open("post", UpdRegisterLink, 1), req.send() SetTimer, UpdRegister_Verifi, -2000 Return UpdRegister_Verifi: ++att If (req.Status = 200) IniWrite(1, "UpdRegister2") Else If (att <= 3) SetTimer, UpdRegister_Verifi, -2000 Return } ;; _________________________________________________ WindowStyles _________________________________________________ ViewStylesWin(update = 0) { ;; If update { WinGet, WinStyle, Style, % "ahk_id" oOther.WinID WinGet, WinExStyle, ExStyle, % "ahk_id" oOther.WinID If (WinStyle WinExStyle = "") Return ToolTip("Window not exist", 500) oDoc.getElementById("w_Style").innerText := WinStyle oDoc.getElementById("w_ExStyle").innerText := WinExStyle w_ShowStyles := 0 } oDoc.getElementById("get_styles_w").innerText := !(w_ShowStyles := !w_ShowStyles) ? " show styles " : " hide styles " IniWrite(w_ShowStyles, "w_ShowStyles") If w_ShowStyles || update Styles := "" GetStyles(oOther.WinClass , oDoc.getElementById("w_Style").innerText , oDoc.getElementById("w_ExStyle").innerText , oOther.WinID) oDoc.getElementById("WinStyles").innerHTML := Styles HTML_Win := oDivNew.innerHTML } ViewStylesControl(update = 0) { ;; If update { ControlGet, CtrlStyle, Style,,, % "ahk_id" oOther.ControlID ControlGet, CtrlExStyle, ExStyle,,, % "ahk_id" oOther.ControlID If (CtrlStyle CtrlExStyle = "") Return ToolTip("Window not exist", 500) oDoc.getElementById("c_Style").innerText := CtrlStyle oDoc.getElementById("c_ExStyle").innerText := CtrlExStyle c_ShowStyles := 0 } oDoc.getElementById("get_styles_c").innerText := !(c_ShowStyles := !c_ShowStyles) ? " show styles " : " hide styles " IniWrite(c_ShowStyles, "c_ShowStyles") If c_ShowStyles Styles := "" GetStyles(oOther.CtrlClass , oDoc.getElementById("c_Style").innerText , oDoc.getElementById("c_ExStyle").innerText , oOther.ControlID) oDoc.getElementById("ControlStyles").innerHTML := Styles HTML_Control := oDivNew.innerHTML } GetStyles(Class, Style, ExStyle, hWnd, IsChild = 0, IsChildInfoExist = 0) { ;; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms632600(v=vs.85).aspx Styles ;; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff700543(v=vs.85).aspx ExStyles ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25880#p25880 Forum Constants ;; https://github.com/AHK-just-me/AHK_Gui_Constants/tree/master/Sources GitHub Constants ;; http://www.frolov-lib.ru/books/bsp/v11/ch3_2.htm русский фак по стилям ;; https://github.com/strobejb/winspy/blob/master/src/DisplayStyleInfo.c Логика WinSpy++ ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=130846#p130846 Static Styles, ExStyles, ClassStyles, DlgStyles, ToolTipStyles, GCL_STYLE := -26 If !hWnd Return If !Styles ;; В массивах стили без условий Styles := {"WS_BORDER":"0x00800000", "WS_SYSMENU":"0x00080000" , "WS_CLIPCHILDREN":"0x02000000", "WS_CLIPSIBLINGS":"0x04000000", "WS_DISABLED":"0x08000000" , "WS_HSCROLL":"0x00100000", "WS_MAXIMIZE":"0x01000000" , "WS_VISIBLE":"0x10000000", "WS_VSCROLL":"0x00200000"} , ExStyles := {"WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES":"0x00000010", "WS_EX_APPWINDOW":"0x00040000", "WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE":"0x00000200" , "WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT":"0x00010000", "WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME":"0x00000001", "WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL":"0x00400000" , "WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR":"0x00004000", "WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE":"0x00000100" , "WS_EX_MDICHILD":"0x00000040", "WS_EX_NOACTIVATE":"0x08000000", "WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT":"0x00100000" , "WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY":"0x00000004", "WS_EX_NOREDIRECTIONBITMAP":"0x00200000", "WS_EX_RIGHT":"0x00001000" , "WS_EX_RTLREADING":"0x00002000", "WS_EX_STATICEDGE":"0x00020000" , "WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW":"0x00000080", "WS_EX_TOPMOST":"0x00000008", "WS_EX_TRANSPARENT":"0x00000020"} , ClassStyles := {"CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT":"0x00001000", "CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW":"0x00002000", "CS_CLASSDC":"0x00000040", "CS_IME":"0x00010000" , "CS_DBLCLKS":"0x00000008", "CS_DROPSHADOW":"0x00020000", "CS_GLOBALCLASS":"0x00004000", "CS_HREDRAW":"0x00000002" , "CS_NOCLOSE":"0x00000200", "CS_OWNDC":"0x00000020", "CS_PARENTDC":"0x00000080", "CS_SAVEBITS":"0x00000800", "CS_VREDRAW":"0x00000001"} orStyle := Style Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff0000 IF (Style & 0x00C00000) = 0x00C00000 && (WS_CAPTION := 1, WS_BORDER := 1, Style -= 0x00C00000) ;; WS_CAPTION && WS_BORDER Ret .= QStyle("WS_CAPTION", "0x00C00000") QStyle("WS_BORDER", "0x00800000") IF !WS_CAPTION && (Style & 0x00400000) && (WS_DLGFRAME := 1, Style -= 0x00400000) ;; WS_DLGFRAME Ret .= QStyle("WS_DLGFRAME", "0x00400000", "!(WS_CAPTION)") For K, V In Styles If (Style & V) = V && (%K% := 1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF (Style & 0x00040000) && (WS_SIZEBOX := 1, WS_THICKFRAME := 1, Style -= 0x00040000) ;; WS_SIZEBOX := WS_THICKFRAME Ret .= QStyle("WS_SIZEBOX := WS_THICKFRAME", "0x00040000") IF (Style & 0x40000000) && (WS_CHILD := 1, Style -= 0x40000000) ;; WS_CHILD := WS_CHILDWINDOW := 0x40000000 Ret .= QStyle("WS_CHILD := WS_CHILDWINDOW", "0x40000000") IF (Style & 0x00010000) && (WS_TABSTOP := 1, Style -= 0x00010000) ;; WS_TABSTOP Ret .= QStyle("WS_TABSTOP", "0x00010000") ;; , "(WS_CHILD)" IF (Style & 0x00020000) && WS_CHILD && (WS_GROUP := 1, Style -= 0x00020000) ;; WS_GROUP Ret .= QStyle("WS_GROUP", "0x00020000", "(WS_CHILD)") IF (Style & 0x20000000) && (WS_MINIMIZE := 1, Style -= 0x20000000) ;; WS_MINIMIZE := WS_ICONIC Ret .= QStyle("WS_MINIMIZE := WS_ICONIC", "0x20000000") IF (Style & 0x80000000) && !WS_CHILD && (WS_POPUP := 1, Style -= 0x80000000) ;; WS_POPUP Ret .= QStyle("WS_POPUP", "0x80000000", "!(WS_CHILD)") IF (WS_POPUP && WS_BORDER && WS_SYSMENU) && (WS_POPUPWINDOW := 1) ;; WS_POPUPWINDOW Ret .= QStyle("WS_POPUPWINDOW", "0x80880000", "(WS_POPUP | WS_BORDER | WS_SYSMENU)") IF !WS_POPUP && !WS_CHILD && WS_BORDER && WS_CAPTION && (WS_OVERLAPPED := 1) ;; WS_OVERLAPPED := WS_TILED Ret .= QStyle("WS_OVERLAPPED := WS_TILED", "0x00000000", "(WS_BORDER | WS_CAPTION) & !(WS_POPUP | WS_CHILD)") IF WS_SYSMENU && (sStyle & 0x00020000) && (WS_MINIMIZEBOX := 1, (Style & 0x00020000) && (Style -= 0x00020000)) ;; WS_MINIMIZEBOX Ret .= QStyle("WS_MINIMIZEBOX", "0x00020000", "(WS_SYSMENU)") IF WS_SYSMENU && (sStyle & 0x00010000) && (WS_MAXIMIZEBOX := 1) ;; WS_MAXIMIZEBOX Ret .= QStyle("WS_MAXIMIZEBOX", "0x00010000", "(WS_SYSMENU)") If (WS_OVERLAPPED && WS_SIZEBOX && WS_SYSMENU && WS_MINIMIZEBOX && WS_MAXIMIZEBOX) ;; WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW := WS_TILEDWINDOW Ret .= QStyle("WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW := WS_TILEDWINDOW", "0x00CF0000", "(WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_SIZEBOX | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)") If IsFunc("GetStyle_" Class) ChildStyles := GetStyle_%Class%(orStyle, hWnd, ChildExStyles) sExStyle := ExStyle For K, V In ExStyles If (ExStyle & V) && (%K% := 1, ExStyle -= V) RetEx .= QStyle(K, V) IF !CS_OWNDC && !CS_CLASSDC && (ExStyle & 0x02000000) && (1, ExStyle -= 0x02000000) ;; WS_EX_COMPOSITED RetEx .= QStyle("WS_EX_COMPOSITED", "0x02000000", "!(CS_OWNDC | CS_CLASSDC)") IF !WS_MAXIMIZEBOX && !WS_MINIMIZEBOX && (ExStyle & 0x00000400) && (1, ExStyle -= 0x00000400) ;; WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP RetEx .= QStyle("WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP", "0x00000400", "!(WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | WS_MINIMIZEBOX)") IF !CS_OWNDC && !CS_CLASSDC && (ExStyle & 0x00080000) && (1, ExStyle -= 0x00080000) ;; WS_EX_LAYERED RetEx .= QStyle("WS_EX_LAYERED", "0x00080000", "!(CS_OWNDC | CS_CLASSDC)") IF !WS_EX_RIGHT ;; WS_EX_LEFT RetEx .= QStyle("WS_EX_LEFT", "0x00000000", "!(WS_EX_RIGHT)") IF !WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR ;; WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR RetEx .= QStyle("WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR", "0x00000000", "!(WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR)") IF !WS_EX_RTLREADING ;; WS_EX_LTRREADING RetEx .= QStyle("WS_EX_LTRREADING", "0x00000000", "!(WS_EX_RTLREADING)") IF WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE && WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE ;; WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW RetEx .= QStyle("WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW", "0x00000300", "(WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE | WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)") IF WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE && WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW && WS_EX_TOPMOST ;; WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW RetEx .= QStyle("WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW", "0x00000188", "(WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE | WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | WS_EX_TOPMOST)") IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(8, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Win'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Res .= ChildStyles IF ExStyle RetEx .= QStyleRest(8, ExStyle) If RetEx != Res .= _T1 " id='__ExStyles_Win'>" QStyleTitle("ExStyles", "", 8, sExStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 RetEx _PRE2 Res .= ChildExStyles ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/winuser/nf-winuser-setclasslongw StyleBits := DllCall("GetClassLong", "Ptr", hWnd, "int", GCL_STYLE) For K, V In ClassStyles If (StyleBits & V) && (%K% := 1) RetClass .= QStyle(K, V) If RetClass != Res .= _T1 " id='__ClassStyles_Win'>" QStyleTitle("Class Styles", "", 8, StyleBits) "" _T2 _PRE1 RetClass _PRE2 Return Res } QStyleTitle(Title, Name, F, V) { If Name != Return " ( " Title " - " Name ": " Format("0x{:0" F "X}", V) " ) " Return " ( " Title ": " Format("0x{:0" F "X}", V) " ) " } QStyleRest(F, V) { Return "" Format("0x{1:0" F "X}", V) "`n" } QStyle(k, v, q = "") { Return "" k " := " v "" . (q != "" ? _StIf q "`n" : "`n") } ;; _________________________________________________ ControlStyles _________________________________________________ /* Added: Button, Edit, Static, SysListView32, SysTabControl32, SysDateTimePick32, SysMonthCal32, ComboBox, ListBox , msctls_trackbar32, msctls_statusbar32, msctls_progress32, msctls_updown32, SysLink, SysHeader32 , ToolbarWindow32, SysTreeView32, ReBarWindow32, SysAnimate32, SysPager, #32770, tooltips_class32 */ GetStyle_#32770(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/dlgbox/dialog-box-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"DS_3DLOOK":"0x00000004","DS_ABSALIGN":"0x00000001","DS_CENTER":"0x00000800","DS_CENTERMOUSE":"0x00001000","DS_CONTEXTHELP":"0x00002000" ,"DS_CONTROL":"0x00000400","DS_FIXEDSYS":"0x00000008","DS_LOCALEDIT":"0x00000020","DS_MODALFRAME":"0x00000080","DS_NOFAILCREATE":"0x00000010" ,"DS_NOIDLEMSG":"0x00000100","DS_SETFONT":"0x00000040","DS_SETFOREGROUND":"0x00000200","DS_SHELLFONT":"0x00000048","DS_SYSMODAL":"0x00000002"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "#32770", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_tooltips_class32(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/tooltip-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"TTS_ALWAYSTIP":"0x00000001","TTS_BALLOON":"0x00000040","TTS_CLOSE":"0x00000080","TTS_NOANIMATE":"0x00000010","TTS_NOFADE":"0x00000020" ,"TTS_NOPREFIX":"0x00000002","TTS_USEVISUALSTYLE":"0x00000100"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "tooltips_class32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_Static(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25869#p25869 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/static-control-styles Static oStyles, oEx If !oStyles oStyles := {"SS_ELLIPSISMASK":"0xC000" ,"SS_REALSIZECONTROL":"0x0040","SS_NOPREFIX":"0x0080","SS_NOTIFY":"0x0100","SS_CENTERIMAGE":"0x0200","SS_RIGHTJUST":"0x0400" ,"SS_REALSIZEIMAGE":"0x0800","SS_SUNKEN":"0x1000","SS_EDITCONTROL":"0x2000","SS_ENDELLIPSIS":"0x4000","SS_PATHELLIPSIS":"0x8000" ,"SS_WORDELLIPSIS":"0xC000"} , oEx := {"SS_CENTER":"0x0001","SS_RIGHT":"0x0002","SS_ICON":"0x0003","SS_BLACKRECT":"0x0004" ,"SS_GRAYRECT":"0x0005","SS_WHITERECT":"0x0006","SS_BLACKFRAME":"0x0007","SS_GRAYFRAME":"0x0008","SS_WHITEFRAME":"0x0009" ,"SS_USERITEM":"0x000A","SS_SIMPLE":"0x000B","SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP":"0x000C","SS_OWNERDRAW":"0x000D","SS_BITMAP":"0x000E" ,"SS_ENHMETAFILE":"0x000F","SS_ETCHEDHORZ":"0x0010","SS_ETCHEDVERT":"0x0011","SS_ETCHEDFRAME":"0x0012","SS_TYPEMASK":"0x001F"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oEx If ((Style & 0x1F) = V) && (%K% := 1, Style -= V) { Ret .= QStyle(K, V) Break } For K, V In oStyles If Style && ((Style & V) = V) && (%K% := 1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF !SS_CENTER && !SS_RIGHT ;; SS_LEFT Ret .= QStyle("SS_LEFT", "0x0000", "!(SS_CENTER | SS_RIGHT)") IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "Static", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_Button(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25841#p25841 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/button-styles Static oStyles, oEx If !oStyles oStyles := {"BS_ICON":"0x0040","BS_BITMAP":"0x0080","BS_LEFT":"0x0100","BS_RIGHT":"0x0200","BS_CENTER":"0x0300" ,"BS_TOP":"0x0400","BS_BOTTOM":"0x0800","BS_VCENTER":"0x0C00","BS_PUSHLIKE":"0x1000","BS_MULTILINE":"0x2000" ,"BS_NOTIFY":"0x4000","BS_FLAT":"0x8000"} , oEx := {"BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON":"0x0001","BS_CHECKBOX":"0x0002","BS_AUTOCHECKBOX":"0x0003" ,"BS_RADIOBUTTON":"0x0004","BS_3STATE":"0x0005","BS_AUTO3STATE":"0x0006","BS_GROUPBOX":"0x0007","BS_USERBUTTON":"0x0008" ,"BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON":"0x0009","BS_PUSHBOX":"0x000A","BS_OWNERDRAW":"0x000B","BS_COMMANDLINK":"0x000E" ,"BS_DEFCOMMANDLINK":"0x000F","BS_SPLITBUTTON":"0x000C","BS_DEFSPLITBUTTON":"0x000D","BS_PUSHBUTTON":"0x0000","BS_TEXT":"0x0000"} ;; "BS_TYPEMASK":"0x000F" Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oEx If ((Style & 0xF) = V) && (%K% := 1, Style -= V) { Ret .= QStyle(K, V) Break } If ((Style & 0x0020) = 0x0020) ;; BS_LEFTTEXT ;; BS_RIGHTBUTTON Ret .= QStyle("BS_LEFTTEXT := BS_RIGHTBUTTON", "0x0020") For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (%K% := 1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF !BS_ICON && !BS_BITMAP && !BS_AUTOCHECKBOX && !BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON && !BS_CHECKBOX && !BS_RADIOBUTTON ;; BS_TEXT Ret .= QStyle("BS_TEXT", "0x0000", "!(BS_ICON | BS_BITMAP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | BS_CHECKBOX | BS_RADIOBUTTON)") IF !BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON && !BS_CHECKBOX && !BS_AUTOCHECKBOX && !BS_RADIOBUTTON && !BS_GROUPBOX && !BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON ;; BS_PUSHBUTTON Ret .= QStyle("BS_PUSHBUTTON", "0x0000", "!(BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON | BS_CHECKBOX | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_RADIOBUTTON | BS_GROUPBOX | BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON)") IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "Button", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_Edit(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25848#p25848 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/edit-control-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"ES_CENTER":"0x0001","ES_RIGHT":"0x0002","ES_MULTILINE":"0x0004" ,"ES_UPPERCASE":"0x0008","ES_LOWERCASE":"0x0010","ES_PASSWORD":"0x0020","ES_AUTOVSCROLL":"0x0040" ,"ES_AUTOHSCROLL":"0x0080","ES_NOHIDESEL":"0x0100","ES_OEMCONVERT":"0x0400","ES_READONLY":"0x0800" ,"ES_WANTRETURN":"0x1000","ES_NUMBER":"0x2000"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (%K% := 1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF !ES_CENTER && !ES_RIGHT ;; ES_LEFT Ret .= QStyle("ES_LEFT", "0x0000", "!(ES_CENTER | ES_RIGHT)") IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "Edit", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_ComboLBox(Style, hWnd) { Return GetStyle_ListBox(Style, hWnd) } GetStyle_ListBox(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25855#p25855 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/list-box-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"LBS_NOTIFY":"0x0001","LBS_SORT":"0x0002","LBS_NOREDRAW":"0x0004","LBS_MULTIPLESEL":"0x0008" ,"LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED":"0x0010","LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE":"0x0020","LBS_HASSTRINGS":"0x0040" ,"LBS_USETABSTOPS":"0x0080","LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT":"0x0100","LBS_MULTICOLUMN":"0x0200" ,"LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT":"0x0400","LBS_EXTENDEDSEL":"0x0800","LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL":"0x1000","LBS_NODATA":"0x2000" ,"LBS_NOSEL":"0x4000","LBS_COMBOBOX":"0x8000"} , WS_VSCROLL := 0x200000, WS_BORDER := 0x800000 wStyle := Style, Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (%K% := 1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF LBS_NOTIFY && LBS_SORT && (wStyle & WS_VSCROLL) && (wStyle & WS_BORDER) && (1, Style -= 0x0003) ;; LBS_STANDARD Ret .= QStyle("LBS_STANDARD", "0xA00003", "(LBS_NOTIFY | LBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_BORDER)") IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "ListBox", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_SysAnimate32(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/animation-control-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"ACS_CENTER":"0x0001","ACS_TRANSPARENT":"0x0002","ACS_AUTOPLAY":"0x0004","ACS_TIMER":"0x0008"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "SysAnimate32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_SysPager(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/pager-control-styles Static oStyles, oEx If !oStyles oStyles := {"PGS_HORZ":"0x0001","PGS_AUTOSCROLL":"0x0002","PGS_DRAGNDROP":"0x0004"} , oEx := {"PGS_VERT":"0x0000"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff If !(Style & oStyles.PGS_HORZ) Ret .= "PGS_VERT := 0x0000 !(PGS_HORZ)`n" For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "SysPager", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_msctls_updown32(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25878#p25878 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/up-down-control-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"UDS_WRAP":"0x0001","UDS_SETBUDDYINT":"0x0002","UDS_ALIGNRIGHT":"0x0004","UDS_ALIGNLEFT":"0x0008" ,"UDS_AUTOBUDDY":"0x0010","UDS_ARROWKEYS":"0x0020","UDS_HORZ":"0x0040","UDS_NOTHOUSANDS":"0x0080","UDS_HOTTRACK":"0x0100"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "msctls_updown32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_SysDateTimePick32(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25878#p25878 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/date-and-time-picker-control-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"DTS_UPDOWN":"0x0001","DTS_SHOWNONE":"0x0002","DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT":"0x0004","DTS_TIMEFORMAT":"0x0009" ,"DTS_SHORTDATECENTURYFORMAT":"0x000C","DTS_APPCANPARSE":"0x0010","DTS_RIGHTALIGN":"0x0020"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (%K% := 1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF !DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT ;; DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT Ret .= QStyle("DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT", "0x0000", "!(DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT)") IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "SysDateTimePick32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_SysMonthCal32(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25861#p25861 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/month-calendar-control-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"MCS_DAYSTATE":"0x0001","MCS_MULTISELECT":"0x0002","MCS_WEEKNUMBERS":"0x0004","MCS_NOTODAYCIRCLE":"0x0008" ,"MCS_NOTODAY":"0x0010","MCS_NOTRAILINGDATES":"0x0040","MCS_SHORTDAYSOFWEEK":"0x0080","MCS_NOSELCHANGEONNAV":"0x0100"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "SysMonthCal32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_msctls_trackbar32(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25875#p25875 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/trackbar-control-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"TBS_AUTOTICKS":"0x0001","TBS_VERT":"0x0002" ,"TBS_BOTH":"0x0008","TBS_NOTICKS":"0x0010","TBS_ENABLESELRANGE":"0x0020" ,"TBS_FIXEDLENGTH":"0x0040","TBS_NOTHUMB":"0x0080","TBS_TOOLTIPS":"0x0100","TBS_REVERSED":"0x0200" ,"TBS_DOWNISLEFT":"0x0400","TBS_NOTIFYBEFOREMOVE":"0x0800","TBS_TRANSPARENTBKGND":"0x1000"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (%K% := 1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF !TBS_VERT { Ret .= QStyle("TBS_HORZ", "0x0000", "!(TBS_VERT)") ;; TBS_HORZ IF ((Style & 0x0004) = 0x0004) && (1, Style -= 0x0004) ;; TBS_TOP Ret .= QStyle("TBS_TOP", "0x0004", "(TBS_HORZ)") IF !TBS_TOP ;; TBS_BOTTOM Ret .= QStyle("TBS_BOTTOM", "0x0000", "!(TBS_TOP) && (TBS_HORZ)") } Else { IF ((Style & 0x0004) = 0x0004) && (TBS_LEFT := 1, Style -= 0x0004) ;; TBS_LEFT Ret .= QStyle("TBS_LEFT", "0x0004", "(TBS_VERT)") IF !TBS_LEFT ;; TBS_RIGHT Ret .= QStyle("TBS_RIGHT", "0x0000", "!(TBS_LEFT) && (TBS_VERT)") } IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "msctls_trackbar32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_msctls_statusbar32(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25870#p25870 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/status-bar-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"SBARS_SIZEGRIP":"0x0100","SBARS_TOOLTIPS":"0x0800"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "msctls_statusbar32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_msctls_progress32(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25864#p25864 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/progress-bar-control-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"PBS_SMOOTH":"0x0001","PBS_VERTICAL":"0x0004","PBS_MARQUEE":"0x0008","PBS_SMOOTHREVERSE":"0x0010"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "msctls_progress32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_SysHeader32(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25850#p25850 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/header-control-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"HDS_BUTTONS":"0x0002","HDS_CHECKBOXES":"0x0400","HDS_DRAGDROP":"0x0040","HDS_FILTERBAR":"0x0100","HDS_FLAT":"0x0200" ,"HDS_FULLDRAG":"0x0080","HDS_HIDDEN":"0x0008","HDS_HORZ":"0x0000","HDS_HOTTRACK":"0x0004","HDS_NOSIZING":"0x0800","HDS_OVERFLOW":"0x1000"} ;; Style := DllCall("GetWindowLong", "Ptr", hWnd, "int", GWL_STYLE := -16) Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "SysHeader32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_SysLink(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25859#p25859 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/syslink-control-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"LWS_IGNORERETURN":"0x0002","LWS_NOPREFIX":"0x0004","LWS_RIGHT":"0x0020","LWS_TRANSPARENT":"0x0001","LWS_USECUSTOMTEXT":"0x0010","LWS_USEVISUALSTYLE":"0x0008"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "SysLink", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_ReBarWindow32(Style, hWnd) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25865#p25865 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/rebar-control-styles Static oStyles If !oStyles oStyles := {"RBS_AUTOSIZE":"0x2000","RBS_BANDBORDERS":"0x0400","RBS_DBLCLKTOGGLE":"0x8000","RBS_FIXEDORDER":"0x0800" ,"RBS_REGISTERDROP":"0x1000","RBS_TOOLTIPS":"0x0100","RBS_VARHEIGHT":"0x0200","RBS_VERTICALGRIPPER":"0x4000"} Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "ReBarWindow32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, ByRef NewStyle) { ;; Остаток от стилей контролов ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25846#p25846 Static oStyles, oEx If !oStyles oStyles := {"CCS_ADJUSTABLE":"0x0020","CCS_BOTTOM":"0x0003","CCS_NODIVIDER":"0x0040","CCS_NOMOVEY":"0x0002" ,"CCS_NOPARENTALIGN":"0x0008","CCS_NORESIZE":"0x0004","CCS_TOP":"0x0001","CCS_VERT":"0x0080"} ,oEx := {"CCS_LEFT":"0x0081","CCS_NOMOVEX":"0x0082","CCS_RIGHT":"0x0083"} NewStyle := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((NewStyle & V) = V) && (%K% := 1, NewStyle -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF !CCS_VERT && !CCS_TOP && (NewStyle & oEx.CCS_LEFT) && (1, NewStyle -= oEx.CCS_LEFT) ;; CCS_LEFT Ret .= QStyle("CCS_LEFT", "0x0081", "!(CCS_VERT | CCS_TOP)") IF !CCS_VERT && !CCS_NOMOVEY && (NewStyle & oEx.CCS_NOMOVEX) && (1, NewStyle -= oEx.CCS_NOMOVEX) ;; CCS_NOMOVEX Ret .= QStyle("CCS_NOMOVEX", "0x0082", "!(CCS_VERT | CCS_NOMOVEY)") IF !CCS_VERT && !CCS_BOTTOM && (NewStyle & oEx.CCS_RIGHT) && (1, NewStyle -= oEx.CCS_RIGHT) ;; CCS_RIGHT Ret .= QStyle("CCS_RIGHT", "0x0083", "!(CCS_VERT | CCS_BOTTOM)") Return Ret } GetStyle_SysListView32(Style, hWnd, byref ResEx) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25857#p25857 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/list-view-window-styles ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/extended-list-view-styles Static oStyles, oExStyles, oEx, LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE := 0x1037 If !oStyles oStyles := {"LVS_AUTOARRANGE":"0x0100","LVS_EDITLABELS":"0x0200" ,"LVS_NOLABELWRAP":"0x0080","LVS_NOSCROLL":"0x2000" ,"LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED":"0x0400","LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS":"0x0040","LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS":"0x0008","LVS_SINGLESEL":"0x0004","LVS_OWNERDATA":"0x1000" ,"LVS_SORTASCENDING":"0x0010","LVS_SORTDESCENDING":"0x0020"} , oExStyles := {"LVS_EX_AUTOAUTOARRANGE":"0x01000000","LVS_EX_AUTOCHECKSELECT":"0x08000000","LVS_EX_AUTOSIZECOLUMNS":"0x10000000","LVS_EX_BORDERSELECT":"0x00008000" ,"LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES":"0x00000004","LVS_EX_COLUMNOVERFLOW":"0x80000000","LVS_EX_COLUMNSNAPPOINTS":"0x40000000","LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER":"0x00010000","LVS_EX_FLATSB":"0x00000100" ,"LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT":"0x00000020","LVS_EX_GRIDLINES":"0x00000001","LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP":"0x00000010","LVS_EX_HEADERINALLVIEWS":"0x02000000","LVS_EX_HIDELABELS":"0x00020000" ,"LVS_EX_INFOTIP":"0x00000400","LVS_EX_JUSTIFYCOLUMNS":"0x00200000","LVS_EX_LABELTIP":"0x00004000","LVS_EX_MULTIWORKAREAS":"0x00002000","LVS_EX_ONECLICKACTIVATE":"0x00000040" ,"LVS_EX_REGIONAL":"0x00000200","LVS_EX_SIMPLESELECT":"0x00100000","LVS_EX_SINGLEROW":"0x00040000","LVS_EX_SNAPTOGRID":"0x00080000","LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES":"0x00000002" ,"LVS_EX_TRACKSELECT":"0x00000008","LVS_EX_TRANSPARENTBKGND":"0x00400000","LVS_EX_TRANSPARENTSHADOWTEXT":"0x00800000","LVS_EX_TWOCLICKACTIVATE":"0x00000080" ,"LVS_EX_UNDERLINECOLD":"0x00001000","LVS_EX_UNDERLINEHOT":"0x00000800"} ,oEx := {"LVS_TYPEMASK":"0x0003","LVS_ICON":"0x0000","LVS_REPORT":"0x0001","LVS_SMALLICON":"0x0002","LVS_LIST":"0x0003" ,"LVS_ALIGNMASK":"0x0C00","LVS_ALIGNTOP":"0x0000","LVS_ALIGNLEFT":"0x0800" ,"LVS_TYPESTYLEMASK":"0xFC00","LVS_NOSORTHEADER":"0x8000","LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER":"0x4000"} SendMessage, LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hWnd% ExStyle := sExStyle := ErrorLevel Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((sStyle & V) = V) && (%K% := 1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF ((sStyle & oEx.LVS_TYPEMASK) = oEx.LVS_REPORT) && (LVS_REPORT := 1, Style -= oEx.LVS_REPORT) ;; LVS_REPORT Ret .= QStyle("LVS_REPORT", "0x0001", "(LVS_TYPEMASK = 0x0001)") IF ((sStyle & oEx.LVS_TYPEMASK) = oEx.LVS_SMALLICON) && (LVS_SMALLICON := 1, Style -= oEx.LVS_SMALLICON) ;; LVS_SMALLICON Ret .= QStyle("LVS_SMALLICON", "0x0002", "(LVS_TYPEMASK = 0x0002)") IF ((sStyle & oEx.LVS_TYPEMASK) = oEx.LVS_LIST) && (LVS_LIST := 1, Style -= oEx.LVS_LIST) ;; LVS_LIST Ret .= QStyle("LVS_LIST", "0x0003", "(LVS_TYPEMASK = 0x0003)") IF ((sStyle & oEx.LVS_TYPEMASK) = oEx.LVS_ICON) && !LVS_REPORT && !LVS_SMALLICON && !LVS_LIST && (LVS_ICON := 1) ;; LVS_ICON Ret .= QStyle("LVS_ICON", "0x0000", "!(LVS_REPORT | LVS_SMALLICON | LVS_LIST)") IF ((sStyle & oEx.LVS_ALIGNMASK) = oEx.LVS_ALIGNLEFT) && (LVS_ALIGNLEFT := 1, Style -= oEx.LVS_ALIGNLEFT) ;; LVS_ALIGNLEFT Ret .= QStyle("LVS_ALIGNLEFT", "0x0800", "(LVS_ALIGNMASK = 0x0800)") IF ((sStyle & oEx.LVS_ALIGNMASK) = oEx.LVS_ALIGNTOP) && (LVS_SMALLICON || LVS_ICON) && (LVS_ALIGNTOP := 1, Style -= oEx.LVS_ALIGNTOP) ;; LVS_ALIGNTOP Ret .= QStyle("LVS_ALIGNTOP", "0x0000", "(LVS_SMALLICON || LVS_ICON)") IF ((sStyle & oEx.LVS_NOSORTHEADER) = oEx.LVS_NOSORTHEADER) && (LVS_NOSORTHEADER := 1, Style -= oEx.LVS_NOSORTHEADER) ;; LVS_NOSORTHEADER Ret .= QStyle("LVS_NOSORTHEADER", "0x8000", "(LVS_TYPEMASK = 0x0003)") IF ((sStyle & oEx.LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER) = oEx.LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER) && (LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER := 1, Style -= oEx.LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER) ;; LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER Ret .= QStyle("LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER", "0x4000") IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "SysListView32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 For K, V In oExStyles If ((ExStyle & V) = V) && (%K% := 1, ExStyle -= V) RetEx .= QStyle(K, V) IF ExStyle RetEx .= QStyleRest(8, ExStyle) If RetEx != ResEx := _T1 " id='__ExStyles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("ExStyles", "SysListView32", 8, sExStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 RetEx _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_SysTreeView32(Style, hWnd, byref ResEx) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25876#p25876 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/tree-view-control-window-styles ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/tree-view-control-window-extended-styles Static oStyles, oExStyles, TVM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE := 0x112D If !oStyles oStyles := {"TVS_CHECKBOXES":"0x0100","TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP":"0x0010","TVS_EDITLABELS":"0x0008","TVS_FULLROWSELECT":"0x1000","TVS_HASBUTTONS":"0x0001" ,"TVS_HASLINES":"0x0002","TVS_INFOTIP":"0x0800","TVS_LINESATROOT":"0x0004","TVS_NOHSCROLL":"0x8000","TVS_NONEVENHEIGHT":"0x4000","TVS_NOSCROLL":"0x2000" ,"TVS_NOTOOLTIPS":"0x0080","TVS_RTLREADING":"0x0040","TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS":"0x0020","TVS_SINGLEEXPAND":"0x0400","TVS_TRACKSELECT":"0x0200"} , oExStyles := {"TVS_EX_AUTOHSCROLL":"0x0020","TVS_EX_DIMMEDCHECKBOXES":"0x0200","TVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER":"0x0004","TVS_EX_DRAWIMAGEASYNC":"0x0400" ,"TVS_EX_EXCLUSIONCHECKBOXES":"0x0100","TVS_EX_FADEINOUTEXPANDOS":"0x0040","TVS_EX_MULTISELECT":"0x0002","TVS_EX_NOINDENTSTATE":"0x0008" ,"TVS_EX_NOSINGLECOLLAPSE":"0x0001","TVS_EX_PARTIALCHECKBOXES":"0x0080","TVS_EX_RICHTOOLTIP":"0x0010"} SendMessage, TVM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hWnd% ExStyle := sExStyle := ErrorLevel Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((sStyle & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "SysTreeView32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 For K, V In oExStyles If ((ExStyle & V) = V) && (1, ExStyle -= V) RetEx .= QStyle(K, V) IF ExStyle RetEx .= QStyleRest(8, ExStyle) If RetEx != ResEx := _T1 " id='__ExStyles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("ExStyles", "SysTreeView32", 8, sExStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 RetEx _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_SysTabControl32(Style, hWnd, byref ResEx) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25871#p25871 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/tab-control-styles ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/tab-control-extended-styles Static oStyles, TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE := 0x1335 If !oStyles oStyles := {"TCS_SCROLLOPPOSITE":"0x0001","TCS_MULTISELECT":"0x0004","TCS_FLATBUTTONS":"0x0008" ,"TCS_FORCELABELLEFT":"0x0020","TCS_HOTTRACK":"0x0040","TCS_BUTTONS":"0x0100","TCS_MULTILINE":"0x0200" ,"TCS_FORCEICONLEFT":"0x0010","TCS_FIXEDWIDTH":"0x0400","TCS_RAGGEDRIGHT":"0x0800","TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN":"0x1000" ,"TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED":"0x2000","TCS_TOOLTIPS":"0x4000","TCS_FOCUSNEVER":"0x8000"} SendMessage, TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hWnd% ExStyle := sExStyle := ErrorLevel Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (%K% := 1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF !TCS_BUTTONS ;; TCS_TABS Ret .= QStyle("TCS_TABS", "0x0000", "!(TCS_BUTTONS)") IF !TCS_MULTILINE ;; TCS_SINGLELINE Ret .= QStyle("TCS_SINGLELINE", "0x0000", "!(TCS_MULTILINE)") IF TCS_MULTILINE ;; TCS_RIGHTJUSTIFY Ret .= QStyle("TCS_RIGHTJUSTIFY", "0x0000", "(TCS_MULTILINE)") IF TCS_MULTILINE && ((Style & 0x0080) = 0x0080) && (TCS_VERTICAL := 1, Style -= 0x0080) ;; "TCS_VERTICAL":"0x0080" Ret .= QStyle("TCS_VERTICAL", "0x0080", "(TCS_MULTILINE)") IF ((Style & 0x0002) = 0x0002) && (1, Style -= 0x0002) ;; "TCS_BOTTOM":"0x0002","TCS_RIGHT":"0x0002" { IF TCS_VERTICAL Ret .= QStyle("TCS_RIGHT", "0x0002", "(TCS_VERTICAL)") Else Ret .= QStyle("TCS_BOTTOM", "0x0002", "!(TCS_VERTICAL)") } IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "SysTabControl32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 If ((ExStyle & 0x00000001) = 0x00000001) && (1, ExStyle -= 0x00000001) ;; TCS_EX_FLATSEPARATORS RetEx .= QStyle("TCS_EX_FLATSEPARATORS", "0x00000001") If ((ExStyle & 0x00000002) = 0x00000002) && (1, ExStyle -= 0x00000002) ;; TCS_EX_REGISTERDROP RetEx .= QStyle("TCS_EX_REGISTERDROP", "0x00000002") IF ExStyle RetEx .= QStyleRest(8, ExStyle) If RetEx != ResEx := _T1 " id='__ExStyles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("ExStyles", "SysTabControl32", 8, sExStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 RetEx _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_ComboBox(Style, hWnd, byref ResEx) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25842#p25842 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/combo-box-styles Static oStyles, oExStyles, oEx, CBEM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE := 0x0409 If !oStyles oStyles := {"CBS_SIMPLE":"0x0001","CBS_DROPDOWN":"0x0002","CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED":"0x0010" ,"CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE":"0x0020","CBS_AUTOHSCROLL":"0x0040","CBS_OEMCONVERT":"0x0080","CBS_SORT":"0x0100" ,"CBS_HASSTRINGS":"0x0200","CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT":"0x0400","CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL":"0x0800" ,"CBS_UPPERCASE":"0x2000","CBS_LOWERCASE":"0x4000"} , oEx := {"CBS_DROPDOWNLIST":"0x0003"} , oExStyles := {"CBES_EX_CASESENSITIVE":"0x0010","CBES_EX_NOEDITIMAGE":"0x0001","CBES_EX_NOEDITIMAGEINDENT":"0x0002" ,"CBES_EX_NOSIZELIMIT":"0x0008","CBES_EX_PATHWORDBREAKPROC":"0x0004","CBES_EX_TEXTENDELLIPSIS":"0x0020"} If (hParent := DllCall("GetParent", "Ptr", hWnd)) { WinGetClass, ParentClass, ahk_id %hParent% If ParentClass = ComboBoxEx32 { SendMessage, CBEM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, 0, , ahk_id %hParent% ExStyle := sExStyle := ErrorLevel For K, V In oExStyles If ((ExStyle & V) = V) && (1, ExStyle -= V) RetEx .= QStyle(K, V) IF ExStyle RetEx .= QStyleRest(4, ExStyle) } } Style := sStyle := Style & 0xffff If ((Style & oEx.CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) = oEx.CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) && (1, Style -= oEx.CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) ;; CBS_DROPDOWNLIST Ret .= QStyle("CBS_DROPDOWNLIST", oEx.CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) For K, V In oStyles If ((Style & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(4, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "ComboBox", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 If RetEx != ResEx := _T1 " id='__ExStyles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("ExStyles", "ComboBoxEx32", 4, sExStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 RetEx _PRE2 Return Res } GetStyle_ToolbarWindow32(Style, hWnd, byref ResEx) { ;; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=25872#p25872 ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/toolbar-control-and-button-styles ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/controls/toolbar-extended-styles ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/Commctrl/ns-commctrl-_tbbutton Static oStyles, oExStyles, TB_GETSTYLE := 0x0439, TB_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE := 0x0455 If !oStyles oStyles := {"TBSTYLE_ALTDRAG":"0x0400","TBSTYLE_CUSTOMERASE":"0x2000","TBSTYLE_FLAT":"0x0800","TBSTYLE_LIST":"0x1000" ,"TBSTYLE_REGISTERDROP":"0x4000","TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS":"0x0100","TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT":"0x8000","TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE":"0x0200"} , oExStyles := {"TBSTYLE_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER":"0x80","TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS":"0x01","TBSTYLE_EX_HIDECLIPPEDBUTTONS":"0x10" ,"TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS":"0x08","TBSTYLE_EX_MULTICOLUMN":"0x02","TBSTYLE_EX_VERTICAL":"0x04"} SendMessage, TB_GETSTYLE, 0, 0, , ahk_id %hWnd% Style := sStyle := ErrorLevel & 0xffff SendMessage, TB_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, 0, , ahk_id %hWnd% ExStyle := sExStyle := ErrorLevel For K, V In oStyles If ((sStyle & V) = V) && (1, Style -= V) Ret .= QStyle(K, V) IF Style Ret .= GetStyle_CommonСontrol(Style, Style) IF Style Ret .= QStyleRest(8, Style) If Ret != Res .= _T1 " id='__Styles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("Styles", "ToolbarWindow32", 4, sStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 Ret _PRE2 For K, V In oExStyles If ((ExStyle & V) = V) && (1, ExStyle -= V) RetEx .= QStyle(K, V) IF ExStyle RetEx .= QStyleRest(4, ExStyle) If RetEx != ResEx := _T1 " id='__ExStyles_Control'>" QStyleTitle("ExStyles", "ToolbarWindow32", 4, sExStyle) "" _T2 _PRE1 RetEx _PRE2 Return Res /* oBTNS := {"BTNS_BUTTON":"0x00","BTNS_SEP":"0x01","BTNS_CHECK":"0x02","BTNS_GROUP":"0x04","BTNS_CHECKGROUP":"0x06","BTNS_DROPDOWN":"0x08" ,"BTNS_AUTOSIZE":"0x10","BTNS_NOPREFIX":"0x20","BTNS_SHOWTEXT":"0x40","BTNS_WHOLEDROPDOWN":"0x80"} VarSetCapacity(TBBUTTON, A_PtrSize == 8 ? 32 : 20, 0) iBitmap := NumGet(TBBUTTON, 0, "Int") idCommand := NumGet(TBBUTTON, 4, "Int") fsState := NumGet(TBBUTTON, 8, "UChar") fsStyle := NumGet(TBBUTTON, 9, "UChar") bReserved := NumGet(TBBUTTON, 10, "UChar") ;;bReserved := NumGet(TBBUTTON, 10, "UChar") dwData := NumGet(TBBUTTON, A_PtrSize == 8 ? 16 : 12, "UPtr") iString := NumGet(TBBUTTON, A_PtrSize == 8 ? 24 : 16, "Ptr") */ } ;; _________________________________________________ FullScreen _________________________________________________ FullScreenMode() { Static Max, hFunc hwnd := WinExist("ahk_id" hGui) If !FullScreenMode { FullScreenMode := 1 Menu, Sys, Check, Full screen WinGetNormalPos(hwnd, X, Y, W, H) WinGet, Max, MinMax, ahk_id %hwnd% If Max = 1 WinSet, Style, -0x01000000 ;; WS_MAXIMIZE Gui, 1: -ReSize -Caption Gui, 1: Show, x0 y0 w%A_ScreenWidth% h%A_ScreenHeight% Gui, 1: Maximize WinSetNormalPos(hwnd, X, Y, W, H) hFunc := Func("ControlsMove").Bind(A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight) } Else { Gui, 1: +ReSize +Caption If Max = 1 { WinGetNormalPos(hwnd, X, Y, W, H) Gui, 1: Maximize WinSetNormalPos(hwnd, X, Y, W, H) } Else Gui, 1: Restore Sleep 20 GetClientPos(hwnd, _, _, Width, Height) hFunc := Func("ControlsMove").Bind(Width, Height) FullScreenMode := 0 Menu, Sys, UnCheck, Full screen } SetTimer, % hFunc, -10 } WinGetNormalPos(hwnd, ByRef x, ByRef y, ByRef w, ByRef h) { VarSetCapacity(wp, 44), NumPut(44, wp) DllCall("GetWindowPlacement", "Ptr", hwnd, "Ptr", &wp) x := NumGet(wp, 28, "int"), y := NumGet(wp, 32, "int") w := NumGet(wp, 36, "int") - x, h := NumGet(wp, 40, "int") - y } WinSetNormalPos(hwnd, x, y, w, h) { VarSetCapacity(wp, 44, 0), NumPut(44, wp, 0, "uint") DllCall("GetWindowPlacement", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", &wp) NumPut(x, wp, 28, "int"), NumPut(y, wp, 32, "int") NumPut(w + x, wp, 36, "int"), NumPut(h + y, wp, 40, "int") DllCall("SetWindowPlacement", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", &wp) } ;; _________________________________________________ Find _________________________________________________ _FindView() { If isFindView Return FindHide(), AnchorFitScroll() GuiControlGet, p, 1:Pos, %hActiveX% GuiControl, 1:Move, %hActiveX%, % "x" pX " y" pY " w" pW " h" pH - 28 Gui, F: Show, % "NA x" (pW - widthTB) // 2.2 " h26 y" (pY + pH - 27) isFindView := 1 GuiControl, F:Focus, Edit1 Menu, Sys, Check, Find to page FindSearch(1) AnchorFitScroll() } FindHide() { Gui, F: Show, Hide GuiControlGet, a, 1:Pos, %hActiveX% GuiControl, 1:Move, %hActiveX%, % "x" aX "y" aY "w" aW "h" aH + 28 isFindView := 0 GuiControl, Focus, %hActiveX% Menu, Sys, UnCheck, Find to page } FindOption(Hwnd) { GuiControlGet, p, Pos, %Hwnd% If pX = Return ControlGet, Style, Style,, , ahk_id %Hwnd% ControlGetText, Text, , ahk_id %Hwnd% DllCall("DestroyWindow", "Ptr", Hwnd) ; BS_PUSHLIKE := 0x1000 Gui, %A_Gui%: Add, Text, % "x" pX " y" pY " w" pW " h" pH " g" A_ThisFunc " c" ColorFont " " (Style & 0x1000 ? "+0x0201" : "+Border +0x1201"), % Text InStr(Text, "sensitive") ? (oFind.Registr := !(Style & 0x1000)) : (oFind.Whole := !(Style & 0x1000)) FindSearch(1) FindAll() } FindNew(Hwnd) { ControlGetText, Text, , ahk_id %Hwnd% oFind.Text := Text hFunc := Func("FindSearch").Bind(1) SetTimer, FindAll, -150 SetTimer, % hFunc, -150 } FindNewText() { hFunc := Func("FindSearch").Bind(1) SetTimer, % hFunc, -1 SetTimer, FindAll, -150 } FindNext(Hwnd) { SendMessage, 0x400+114,,,, ahk_id %Hwnd% ;; UDM_GETPOS32 Back := !ErrorLevel FindSearch(0, Back) } FindAll() { If (oFind.Text = "") { GuiControl, F:Text, FindMatches Return } R := oBody.createTextRange() Matches := 0 R.collapse(1) Option := (oFind.Whole ? 2 : 0) ^ (oFind.Registr ? 4 : 0) Loop { F := R.findText(oFind.Text, 1, Option) If (F = 0) Break El := R.parentElement() If (El.TagName = "INPUT" || El.className ~= "^(button|title|param)$") && !R.collapse(0) ;; https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff976065(v=vs.85).aspx Continue ;; R.execCommand("BackColor", 0, "EF0FFF") ;; R.execCommand("ForeColor", 0, "FFEEFF") R.collapse(0), ++Matches } GuiControl, F:Text, FindMatches, % Matches ? Matches : "" } FindSearch(New, Back = 0) { Global hFindEdit R := oDoc.selection.createRange() sR := R.duplicate() R.collapse(New || Back ? 1 : 0) If (oFind.Text = "" && !R.select()) SetEditColor(hFindEdit, "0x" ColorBgOriginal, "0x" ColorFont) Else { Option := (Back ? 1 : 0) ^ (oFind.Whole ? 2 : 0) ^ (oFind.Registr ? 4 : 0) Loop { F := R.findText(oFind.Text, 1, Option) If (F = 0) { If !A { R.moveToElementText(oBody), R.collapse(!Back), A := 1 Continue } If New sR.collapse(1), sR.select() Break } If (!New && R.isEqual(sR)) { If A { hFunc := Func("SetEditColor").Bind(hFindEdit, "0x" ColorBgOriginal, "0x" ColorFont) SetTimer, % hFunc, -200 } Break } El := R.parentElement() If (El.TagName = "INPUT" || El.className ~= "^(button|title|param)$") && !R.collapse(Back) Continue R.select(), F := 1 Break } If (F != 1) SetEditColor(hFindEdit, "0x" ColorSelectedFind, "0x" ColorFont) Else SetEditColor(hFindEdit, "0x" ColorBgOriginal, "0x" ColorFont) } } ;; _________________________________________________ Mouse hover selection _________________________________________________ MS_Cancel() { If !oMS.ELSel Return oMS.ELSel.style.backgroundColor := "" oMS.ELSel.style.color := "" Loop % oMS.ELSel.all.length oMS.ELSel.all[A_Index-1].style.color := "" oMS.ELSel := "" } MS_SelectionCheck() { Selection := oDoc.selection.createRange().text != "" If Selection (!oMS.Selection && MS_Cancel()) Else If oMS.Selection && MS_IsSelect(EL := oDoc.elementFromPoint(oMS.SCX, oMS.SCY)) MS_Select(EL) oMS.Selection := Selection } MS_MouseOver() { EL := oMS.EL If !MS_IsSelect(EL) Return MS_Select(EL) } MS_IsSelect(EL) { If InStr(EL.Name, "MS:") Return 1 } MS_IsSelection() { Return oMS.ELSel.OuterText != "" } MS_Select(EL) { If EL.Name = "MS:S" || EL.Name = "MS:SP" oMS.ELSel := EL.ParentElement Else If EL.Name = "MS:N" oMS.ELSel := oDoc.all.item(EL.sourceIndex + 1) Else If EL.Name = "MS:P" oMS.ELSel := oDoc.all.item(EL.sourceIndex - 1).ParentElement Else oMS.ELSel := EL oMS.ELSel.style.backgroundColor := "#" ColorSelMouseHover oMS.ELSel.style.color := "#" ColorBgOriginal Loop % oMS.ELSel.all.length oMS.ELSel.all[A_Index-1].style.color := "#" ColorBgOriginal ; ToolTip % oMS.ELSel.all.length "`n" oMS.TextColor2.OuterText "`n" EL.Name "`n" el.style.color } ;; _________________________________________________ Load JScripts _________________________________________________ ChangeCSS(id, css) { ;; https://webo.in/articles/habrahabr/68-fast-dynamic-css/ oDoc.getElementById(id).styleSheet.cssText := css } LoadJScript() { Static onhkinput, ontooltip PreOver_ := PreOverflowHide ? _PreOverflowHideCSS : "" BodyWrap_ := WordWrap ? _BodyWrapCSS : "" html = (
) oDoc.Write("" html) oDoc.Close() oDivWork1 := oDoc.getElementById("divwork1") oDivWork2 := oDoc.getElementById("divwork2") ComObjConnect(ontooltip := oDoc.getElementById("tooltipevent"), "tooltip_") } ;; _________________________________________________ Doc Events _________________________________________________ tooltip_onclick() { ToolTip(oJScript.key1, 500) } Class Events { ;; http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?pid=82283#p82283 onclick() { oevent := oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement If (oevent.className = "button" || oevent.tagname = "button") Return ButtonClick(oevent) If (ThisMode = "Hotkey" && !Hotkey_Arr("Hook") && !isPaused && oevent.tagname ~= "PRE|SPAN") Hotkey_Hook(1) } ondblclick() { oevent := oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement If (oevent.className = "button" || oevent.tagname = "button") Return ButtonClick(oevent) If (oevent.tagname != "input" && (rng := oDoc.selection.createRange()).text != "" && oevent.isContentEditable) { While !t rng.moveEnd("character", 1), (SubStr(rng.text, 0) = "_" ? rng.moveEnd("word", 1) : (rng.moveEnd("character", -1), t := 1)) While t rng.moveStart("character", -1), (SubStr(rng.text, 1, 1) = "_" ? rng.moveStart("word", -1) : (rng.moveStart("character", 1), t := 0)) sel := rng.text, rng.moveEnd("character", StrLen(RTrim(sel)) - StrLen(sel)), rng.select() } Else If (ThisMode != "Hotkey" && (oevent.className = "title" || oevent.className = "con" || oevent.className = "hr" || oevent.className = "box")) ;; anchor { R := oDoc.selection.createRange(), R.collapse(1), R.select() If oevent.className = "con" _text := oevent.firstChild.id, EL := oevent.parentElement.firstChild Else If oevent.className = "hr" _text := oevent.parentElement.childNodes[1].firstChild.id, EL := oevent Else If oevent.className = "box" _text := oevent.firstChild.childNodes[1].firstChild.id, EL := oevent.firstChild.firstChild Else If oevent.className = "title" _text := oevent.id, EL := oevent.parentElement.parentElement.firstChild If (_text = "P__Tree_Acc_Path" || _text = "") Return If oOther.anchor[ThisMode] { pEL := GetAnchor().parentElement.parentElement.firstChild pEL.style.background := "'none'" pEL.Id := "" If (_text = oOther.anchor[ThisMode "_text"]) { If AnchorFullScroll oJScript.QS(oDivNew, "#id_T0").style.height := 0 If MemoryAnchor IniWrite("", ThisMode "_Anchor") Return oOther.anchor[ThisMode] := 0, oOther.anchor[ThisMode "_text"] := "" } } oOther.anchor[ThisMode] := 1 oOther.anchor[ThisMode "_text"] := _text EL.Id := "anchor" EL.style.backgroundColor := "#" ColorSelAnchor _AnchorFitScroll(EL) oDivNew.scrollTop := oDivNew.scrollTop + EL.getBoundingClientRect().top - 6 If MemoryAnchor IniWrite(oOther.anchor[ThisMode "_text"], ThisMode "_Anchor") } } onfocusin() { If !(oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement.id = "editkeyname" || oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement.id = "edithotkey") Return oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement.style.border := "1px solid #" ColorBorderHoverInput Sleep(1), Hotkey_Hook(0) } onfocusout() { If !(oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement.id = "editkeyname" || oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement.id = "edithotkey") Return oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement.style.border := "1px dotted" oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement.style.borderColor := "#" ColorFont If (WinActive("ahk_id" hGui) && !isPaused && ThisMode = "Hotkey") Sleep(1), Hotkey_Hook(1) } onmouseup() { if (oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement.className != "button") return oJScript.onmouseup(oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement, 0) } onmousedown() { if oDoc.parentWindow.event.button != 1 ; only left button https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa703876(v=vs.85).aspx return if (oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement.className != "button") return oJScript.onmousedown(oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement) } onmouseover() { if (oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement.className = "button") return oJScript.onmouseover(oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement) If oMS.Selection Return oMS.EL := oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement SetTimer, MS_MouseOver, -50 } onmouseout() { if (oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement.className = "button") return oJScript.onmouseout(oDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement) MS_Cancel() } onselectionchange() { e := oDoc.parentWindow.event oMS.SCX := e.clientX, oMS.SCY := e.clientY SetTimer, MS_SelectionCheck, -70 } onselectstart() { SetTimer, MS_Cancel, -8 } SendMode() { IniWrite(SendMode := {Send:"SendInput",SendInput:"SendPlay",SendPlay:"SendEvent",SendEvent:"Send"}[SendMode], "SendMode") SendModeStr := Format("{:L}", SendMode), oDoc.getElementById("SendMode").innerText := " " SendModeStr " " } SendCode() { IniWrite(SendCode := {vk:"sc",sc:"name",name:"vk"}[SendCode], "SendCode") oDoc.getElementById("SendCode").innerText := " " SendCode " " } LButton_Hotkey() { If Hotkey_Arr("Hook") Hotkey_Main("LButton") } num_scroll(thisid) { (OnHook := Hotkey_Arr("Hook")) ? Hotkey_Hook(0) : 0 SendInput, {%thisid%} (OnHook ? Hotkey_Hook(1) : 0) ToolTip(thisid " " (GetKeyState(thisid, "T") ? "On" : "Off"), 500) } NextChangeLocal() { (OnHook := Hotkey_Arr("Hook")) ? Hotkey_Hook(0) : 0 ChangeLocal(hActiveX) ToolTip(GetLangName(hActiveX), 500) (OnHook ? Hotkey_Hook(1) : 0) } clean_command_line() { cl := oDoc.getElementById("c_command_line").OuterText StringReplace, cl, cl, ", , 1 process := oDoc.getElementById("copy_processpath").OuterText cl := RegExReplace(cl, "i)\Q" process "\E(.*)", "$1", , 1) cl := Trim(cl, " ") oDoc.getElementById("c_command_line").innerText := RegExReplace(cl, "i)\Q" process "\E(.*)", "$1", , 1) } } ButtonClick(oevent) { thisid := oevent.id If (thisid = "copy_wintext") o := oDoc.getElementById("wintextcon") , GetKeyState("Shift") ? ClipAdd(o.OuterText, 1) : (Clipboard := o.OuterText), HighLight(o, 500) Else If (thisid = "wintext_hidden") { R := oBody.createTextRange(), R.collapse(1), R.select() oDoc.getElementById("wintextcon").disabled := 1 DetectHiddenText, % DetectHiddenText := (DetectHiddenText = "on" ? "off" : "on") IniWrite(DetectHiddenText, "DetectHiddenText") If !WinExist("ahk_id" oOther.WinID) && ToolTip("Window not exist", 500) Return oDoc.getElementById("wintext_hidden").innerText := " hidden - " DetectHiddenText " " WinGetText, WinText, % "ahk_id" oOther.WinID oDoc.getElementById("wintextcon").innerHTML := "
" TransformHTML(WinText) "
" HTML_Win := oDivNew.innerHTML Sleep 200 oDoc.getElementById("wintextcon").disabled := 0 oDoc.getElementById("wintext_hidden").innerText := " hidden - " DetectHiddenText " " } Else If (thisid = "menu_idview") { IniWrite(MenuIdView := !MenuIdView, "MenuIdView") oJScript.menuitemdisplay(!MenuIdView ? "none" : "inline") oDoc.getElementById("menu_idview").innerText := " id - " (MenuIdView ? "view" : "hide") " " } Else If (thisid = "copy_menutext") { pre_menutext := oDoc.getElementById("pre_menutext") preclone := pre_menutext.cloneNode(true) oJScript.removemenuitem(preclone, ".menuitemsub") If !MenuIdView oJScript.removemenuitem(preclone, ".menuitemid") GetKeyState("Shift") ? ClipAdd(preclone.OuterText, 1) : (Clipboard := preclone.OuterText) HighLight(pre_menutext, 500), preclone := "" } Else If (thisid = "copy_button") o := oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 2) , GetKeyState("Shift") ? ClipAdd(o.OuterText, 1) : (Clipboard := o.OuterText), HighLight(o, 500) Else If (thisid = "settext_button") ControlSetText, , % oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 4).OuterText, % "ahk_id" oevent.value Else If thisid = copy_alltitle { Text := (t:=oDoc.getElementById("wintitle1").OuterText) . (t = "" ? "" : " ") . oDoc.getElementById("wintitle2").OuterText " " oDoc.getElementById("wintitle3").OuterText GetKeyState("Shift") ? ClipAdd(Text, 1) : (Clipboard := Text) HighLight(oDoc.getElementById("wintitle1"), 500) HighLight(oDoc.getElementById("wintitle2"), 500, 0), HighLight(oDoc.getElementById("wintitle2_"), 500, 0) HighLight(oDoc.getElementById("wintitle3"), 500, 0), HighLight(oDoc.getElementById("wintitle3_"), 500, 0) } Else If thisid = copy_sbtext { Loop % oDoc.getElementById("copy_sbtext").name el := oDoc.getElementById("sb_field_" A_Index), HighLight(el, 500, (A_Index = 1)), Text .= el.OuterText "`r`n" Text := RTrim(Text, "`r`n"), GetKeyState("Shift") ? ClipAdd(Text, 1) : (Clipboard := Text) } Else If thisid = keyname { edithotkey := oDoc.getElementById("edithotkey"), editkeyname := oDoc.getElementById("editkeyname") value := edithotkey.value If (value = " " || value = A_Tab) value := A_Tab Else If (value != " ") value := RegExReplace(value, "^\s*(.*?)\s*$", "$1") If RegExMatch(value, "i)^0x([0-9a-f]+)$", M) key := (StrLen(M1) > 2 ? "sc" : "vk") . Format("{:U}", M1) Else key := value oDoc.getElementById("edithotkey").value := key name := GetKeyName(key) If (name = key) editkeyname.value := Format("vk{:X}", GetKeyVK(key)) (!(sc := GetKeySC(key)) ? "" : Format("sc{:X}", sc)) Else editkeyname.value := (StrLen(name) = 1 ? (Format("{:U}", name)) : name) o := name = "" ? edithotkey : editkeyname o.focus(), o.createTextRange().select() oDoc.getElementById("vkname").innerHTML := GetVKCodeNameStr := GetVKCodeName(key) oDoc.getElementById("scname").innerHTML := GetSCCodeNameStr := GetScanCode(key) HTML_Hotkey := oDivNew.innerHTML } Else If thisid = hook_reload { Suspend On Suspend Off bool := Hotkey_Arr("Hook"), Hotkey_SetHook(0), Hotkey_SetHook(1), Hotkey_Arr("Hook", bool), ToolTip("Ok", 300) } Else If thisid = pause_button Gosub, PausedScript Else If (thisid = "infolder" || thisid = "command_line_infolder") { If (thisid = "command_line_infolder") FilePath := oDoc.getElementById("c_command_line").OuterText Else FilePath := oDoc.getElementById("copy_processpath").OuterText If FileExist(FilePath) SelectFilePath(FilePath), Minimize() Else ToolTip("File not exist", 500) } Else If (thisid = "flash_window" || thisid = "flash_control" || thisid = "flash_ctrl_window") { hwnd := thisid = "flash_window" ? oOther.WinID : thisid = "flash_ctrl_window" ? oOther.MouseWinID : oOther.ControlID If !WinExist("ahk_id" hwnd) Return ToolTip("Window not exist", 500) WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, WinWidth, WinHeight, % "ahk_id" hwnd FlashArea(WinX, WinY, WinWidth, WinHeight) } Else If (thisid = "flash_acc") { If oPubObj.Acc.CLOAKED Return 0, ToolTip("CLOAKED", 500) Acc := Object(oPubObj.Acc.AccObj) AccGetLocation(Acc, oPubObj.Acc.child) FlashArea(AccCoord[1], AccCoord[2], AccCoord[3], AccCoord[4]) } Else If (thisid = "flash_IE") { If !WinExist("ahk_id" oPubObj.IEElement.hwnd) Return ToolTip("Parent window not exist", 500) FlashArea(oPubObj.IEElement.Pos[1], oPubObj.IEElement.Pos[2], oPubObj.IEElement.Pos[3], oPubObj.IEElement.Pos[4]) } Else If thisid = paste_process_path oDoc.getElementById("copy_processpath").innerHTML := TransformHTML(Trim(Trim(Clipboard), """")) Else If thisid = w_command_line RunRealPath(oDoc.getElementById("c_command_line").OuterText) Else If thisid = clean_command_line Events.clean_command_line() Else If thisid = paste_command_line oDoc.getElementById("c_command_line").innerHTML := TransformHTML(Clipboard) Else If (thisid = "process_close" && (oOther.WinPID || !ToolTip("Invalid parametrs", 500)) && ConfirmAction("Process close?")) Process, Close, % oOther.WinPID Else If (thisid = "win_close" && (oOther.WinPID || !ToolTip("Invalid parametrs", 500)) && ConfirmAction("Window close?")) WinClose, % "ahk_id" oOther.WinID Else If (thisid = "control_destroy" && (WinExist("ahk_id" oOther.ControlID) || !ToolTip("window not exist", 500)) && ConfirmAction("Destroy window?")) WinClose, % "ahk_id" oOther.ControlID ;; DllCall("DestroyWindow", "Ptr", oOther.ControlID) ;; не работает Else If (thisid = "control_show_hide" || thisid = "window_show_hide") { Hwnd := thisid = "window_show_hide" ? oOther.WinID : oOther.ControlID If !WinExist("ahk_id" Hwnd) Return ToolTip("window not exist", 500) If b := DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr", Hwnd) WinHide, % "ahk_id" Hwnd Else WinShow, % "ahk_id" Hwnd ToolTip(b ? "Hide" : "Show" , 500) } Else If (thisid = "SendCode") Events.SendCode() Else If (thisid = "SendMode") Events.SendMode() Else If (thisid = "LButton_Hotkey") Events.LButton_Hotkey() Else If (thisid = "numlock" || thisid = "scrolllock") Events.num_scroll(thisid) Else If thisid = locale_change Events.NextChangeLocal() Else If thisid = paste_keyname edithotkey := oDoc.getElementById("edithotkey"), edithotkey.value := "", edithotkey.focus() , oDoc.execCommand("Paste"), oDoc.getElementById("keyname").click() Else If thisid = get_styles_w ViewStylesWin() Else If thisid = update_styles_w ViewStylesWin(1) Else If thisid = get_styles_c ViewStylesControl() Else If thisid = update_styles_c ViewStylesControl(1) Else If thisid = run_AccViewer RunAhkPath(ExtraFile("AccViewer Source"), oPubObjGUID) Else If thisid = run_iWB2Learner RunAhkPath(ExtraFile("iWB2 Learner")) Else If thisid = run_Window_Detective { Minimize() If WinExist("Window Detective ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon ahk_exe Window Detective.exe") WinActivate Else Run % Path_User "\Window Detective.lnk" TimerFunc(Func("MyWindowDetectiveStart").Bind(ThisMode = "Win" ? oOther.WinID : oOther.ControlID, WinExist() ? 1 : 0), -300) } Else If (thisid = "set_button_Transparent" && ToolTip((v := oDoc.getElementById("get_win_Transparent").innerText + 0), 500)) WinSet, Transparent, % v, % "ahk_id" oOther.WinID Else If thisid = set_button_TransColor WinSet, TransColor, % oDoc.getElementById("get_win_TransColor").innerText, % "ahk_id" oOther.WinID Else If thisid = set_button_pos { HayStack := oevent.OuterText = "Pos:" ? oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 1).OuterText " " oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 7).OuterText : oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex - 5).OuterText " " oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 1).OuterText RegExMatch(HayStack, "(-*\d+[\.\d+]*).*\s+.*?(-*\d+[\.\d+]*).*\s+.*?(-*\d+[\.\d+]*).*\s+.*?(-*\d+[\.\d+]*)", p) If (p1 + 0 = "" || p2 + 0 = "" || p3 + 0 = "" || p4 + 0 = "") Return ToolTip("Invalid parametrs", 500) If (ThisMode = "Win") WinMove, % "ahk_id " oOther.WinID, , p1, p2, p3, p4 Else ControlMove, , p1, p2, p3, p4, % "ahk_id " oOther.ControlID } Else If thisid = control_click { ControlClick, % oevent.name, % "ahk_id" oOther.MouseWinID, , , , Pos } Else If thisid = set_button_focus_ctrl { hWnd := oOther.ControlID ControlFocus, , ahk_id %hWnd% WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %hWnd% FlashArea(x, y, w, h) If GetKeyState("Shift") && (X + Y != "") DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", X + W // 2, "Uint", Y + H // 2) } Else If thisid = set_pos { thisbutton := oevent.OuterText If thisbutton != Screen: { hWnd := oOther.MouseWinID If !WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd) Return ToolTip("Window not exist", 500) WinGet, Min, MinMax, % "ahk_id " hwnd If Min = -1 Return ToolTip("Window minimize", 500) WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %hWnd% } If thisbutton = Relative window: { RegExMatch(oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 1).OuterText, "(-*\d+[\.\d+]*).*\s+.*?(-*\d+[\.\d+]*)", p) If (p1 + 0 = "" || p2 + 0 = "") Return ToolTip("Invalid parametrs", 500) BlockInput, MouseMove DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", X + Round(W * p1), "Uint", Y + Round(H * p2)) } Else If thisbutton = Relative client: { RegExMatch(oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 1).OuterText, "(-*\d+[\.\d+]*).*\s+.*?(-*\d+[\.\d+]*)", p) If (p1 + 0 = "" || p2 + 0 = "") Return ToolTip("Invalid parametrs", 500) GetClientPos(hWnd, caX, caY, caW, caH) DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", X + Round(caW * p1) + caX, "Uint", Y + Round(caH * p2) + caY) } Else { RegExMatch(oDoc.all.item(oevent.sourceIndex + 1).OuterText, "(-*\d+[\.\d+]*).*\s+.*?(-*\d+[\.\d+]*)", p) If (p1 + 0 = "" || p2 + 0 = "") Return ToolTip("Invalid parametrs", 500) BlockInput, MouseMove If thisbutton = Screen: DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", p1, "Uint", p2) Else If thisbutton = Window: DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", X + p1, "Uint", Y + p2) Else If thisbutton = Mouse relative control: { hWnd := oOther.ControlID If !WinExist("ahk_id " hwnd) Return ToolTip("Control not exist", 500) WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %hWnd% DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", X + p1, "Uint", Y + p2) } Else If thisbutton = Client: { GetClientPos(hWnd, caX, caY, caW, caH) DllCall("SetCursorPos", "Uint", X + p1 + caX, "Uint", Y + p2 + caY) } } If isPaused { BlockInput, MouseMoveOff Return } If Shift := GetKeyState("Shift") ActivateUnderMouse() GoSub, SpotProc2 BlockInput, MouseMoveOff If !Shift Sleep(500), HideAllMarkers(), CheckHideMarker() } Else If thisid = run_zoom AhkSpyZoomShow() Else If thisid = b_DecimalCode { oDoc.getElementById("b_DecimalCode").innerText := (DecimalCode := !DecimalCode) ? " dec " : " hex " str := oDoc.getElementById("v_SCDHCode").innerText oDoc.getElementById("v_SCDHCode").innerText := (DecimalCode) ? Format("{:d}", str) : Format("0x{:X}", str) str := oDoc.getElementById("v_VKDHCode").innerText oDoc.getElementById("v_VKDHCode").innerText := (DecimalCode) ? Format("{:d}", str) : Format("0x{:X}", str) } Else If thisid = acc_DoDefaultAction accDoDefaultAction() Else If thisid = b_hwnd_flash { WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, % "ahk_id" oevent.value FlashArea(x, y, w, h) } Else If thisid = acc_path acc_path_func(1) Else If thisid = control_path control_path_func() } control_path_func() { If !ChildToPath(oOther.ControlID) oDoc.getElementById("control_path_error").outerHTML := " control not found" oDoc.getElementById("control_path_value").innerHTML := SaveChildPath() HTML_Control := oDivNew.innerHTML } acc_path_func(manual) { ;; If (manual && oOther.anchor[ThisMode "_text"] = "P__Tree_Acc_Path") ;; MsgBox % oDoc.getElementById("P__Tree_Acc_Path").innerHTML If !Malcev_AccPathNotBlink && manual { oDoc.getElementById("acc_path").disabled := 1 , oDoc.getElementById("acc_path_value").disabled := 1 w := oDoc.getElementById("acc_path").offsetWidth marquee = ( • • • ) oDoc.getElementById("acc_path").innerHTML := marquee } b := GetAccPath() If !manual Return b If b { oDoc.getElementById("acc_path_error").innerHTML := "" oDoc.getElementById("acc_path_value").innerHTML := SaveAccPath() } If !b { oDoc.getElementById("acc_path_error").innerHTML := " " . (oPubObj.Acc.CLOAKED ? "CLOAKED" : "path not found") " " oDoc.getElementById("acc_path_value").innerHTML := "" } Else oDoc.getElementById("acc_path_value").disabled := 0 oDoc.getElementById("acc_path").innerHTML := "" oDoc.getElementById("acc_path").innerText := " Get path " oDoc.getElementById("acc_path").disabled := 0 HTML_Control := oDivNew.innerHTML } ;; _________________________________________________ SingleInstance _________________________________________________ SingleInstance(Icon = 0) { #NoTrayIcon #SingleInstance Off DetectHiddenWindows, On WinGetTitle, MyTitle, ahk_id %A_ScriptHWND% WinGet, id, List, %MyTitle% ahk_class AutoHotkey Loop, %id% { this_id := id%A_Index% If (this_id != A_ScriptHWND) WinClose, ahk_id %this_id% } Loop, %id% { this_id := id%A_Index% If (this_id != A_ScriptHWND) { Start := A_TickCount While WinExist("ahk_id" this_id) { If (A_TickCount - Start > 1500) { MsgBox, 8196, , Could not close the previous instance of this script. Keep waiting? IfMsgBox, Yes { WinClose, ahk_id %this_id% Sleep 200 WinGet, WinPID, PID, ahk_id %this_id% Process, Close, %WinPID% Start := A_TickCount + 200 Continue } OnExit ExitApp } Sleep 1 } } } If Icon Menu, Tray, Icon } ;; ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;; _________________________________________________ Zoom _________________________________________________ ;; ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ShowZoom: hAhkSpy = %2% If !WinExist("ahk_id" hAhkSpy) ExitApp ActiveNoPause = %3% AhkSpyPause = %4% Suspend = %5% Hotkey = %6% OnlyShiftTab = %7% ListLines Off SetBatchLines,-1 DetectHiddenWindows On CoordMode, Mouse, Screen CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen Global oZoom := {}, isZoom := 1, hAhkSpy, MsgAhkSpyZoom, ActiveNoPause, SpyActive If !oZoom.pToken := GdipStartup() { MsgBox, 4112, Gdiplus Error, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have Gdiplus on your system. ExitApp } Z_MsgZoom(8, Suspend) Z_MsgZoom(2, AhkSpyPause) Z_MsgZoom(6, ActiveNoPause) Z_MsgZoom(7, !!WinActive("ahk_id" hAhkSpy)) Z_MsgZoom(10, Hotkey) Z_MsgZoom(12, OnlyShiftTab) OnMessage(MsgAhkSpyZoom := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", "Str", "MsgAhkSpyZoom"), "Z_MsgZoom") OnMessage(0x0020, "WM_SETCURSOR") OnExit("ZoomOnClose") OnMessage(0x201, "LBUTTONDOWN") ;; WM_LBUTTONDOWN OnMessage(0xA1, "LBUTTONDOWN") ;; WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN SetWinEventHook("EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY", 0x8001) SetWinEventHook("EVENT_SYSTEM_MINIMIZESTART", 0x0016) SetWinEventHook("EVENT_SYSTEM_MINIMIZEEND", 0x0017) SetWinEventHook("EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZESTART", 0x000A) SetWinEventHook("EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZEEND", 0x000B) ZoomCreate() PostMessage, % MsgAhkSpyZoom, 0, % oZoom.hGui, , ahk_id %hAhkSpy% PostMessage, % MsgAhkSpyZoom, 3, % oZoom.hLW, , ahk_id %hAhkSpy% WinGet, Min, MinMax, % "ahk_id " hAhkSpy If Min != -1 ZoomShow() Return #If isZoom && oZoom.Show ;; && !oZoom.Work +#PgUp:: +#PgDn:: +#WheelUp:: +#WheelDown:: ChangeZoom(FastZoom(InStr(A_ThisHotKey, "Up"))) #If ZoomCreate() { GuiColor := DarkTheme := IniRead("DarkTheme", 0) ? "0A0A0A" : "F5F5F5" oZoom.Zoom := IniRead("MagnifyZoom", 4) oZoom.Mark := IniRead("MagnifyMark", "Cross") oZoom.MemoryZoomSize := IniRead("MemoryZoomSize", 0) oZoom.GuiMinW := 306 oZoom.GuiMinH := 351 FontSize := {96:12,120:10,144:8,168:6}[A_ScreenDPI] If oZoom.MemoryZoomSize GuiW := IniRead("MemoryZoomSizeW", oZoom.GuiMinW), GuiH := IniRead("MemoryZoomSizeH", oZoom.GuiMinH) Else GuiW := oZoom.GuiMinW, GuiH := oZoom.GuiMinH Gui, Zoom: -Caption -DPIScale +Border +LabelZoomOn +HWNDhGui +AlwaysOnTop +E%WS_EX_NOACTIVATE% ;; +Owner%hAhkSpy% Gui, Zoom: Color, %GuiColor% Gui, Zoom: Add, Text, hwndhStatic +Border DllCall("SetClassLong", "Ptr", hGui, "int", -26 , "int", DllCall("GetClassLong", "Ptr", hGui, "int", -26) | 0x20000) Gui, LW: -Caption +E%WS_EX_LAYERED% +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +HWNDhLW +E%WS_EX_NOACTIVATE% +Owner%hGui% ;; ++E%WS_EX_NOACTIVATE% +E%WS_EX_TRANSPARENT% Gui, ZoomTB: +HWNDhTBGui -Caption -DPIScale +Parent%hGui% +E%WS_EX_NOACTIVATE% +%WS_CHILDWINDOW% -%WS_POPUP% Gui, ZoomTB: Color, %GuiColor% h := 32 Gui, ZoomTB: Add, Slider, % "hwndhSliderZoom gSliderZoom x8 Range1-50 w152 y" (44-h)/2 " h" h " Center AltSubmit NoTicks", % oZoom.Zoom Gui, ZoomTB: Font, % "s" FontSize + 2 Gui, ZoomTB: Add, Text, hwndhTextZoom +0x201 x+10 yp w36 hp, % oZoom.Zoom Gui, ZoomTB: Font, % "s" FontSize - 2 Gui, ZoomTB: Add, Button, hwndhChangeMark gChangeMark x+10 yp hp w52, % oZoom.Mark Gui, ZoomTB: Add, Button, hwndhZoomHideBut gZoomHide x+10 yp hp w22, X Gui, ZoomTB: Show, NA x0 y0 Gui, Zoom: Show, % "NA Hide w" GuiW " h" GuiH, AhkSpyZoom Gui, Zoom: +MinSize WinSet, TransParent, 255, ahk_id %hGui% oZoom.hdcSrc := DllCall("GetDC", "UPtr", 0, "UPtr") oZoom.hDCBuf := CreateCompatibleDC() oZoom.hdcMemory := CreateCompatibleDC() oZoom.hGui := hGui oZoom.hStatic := hStatic oZoom.hTBGui := hTBGui oZoom.hLW := hLW oZoom.vTextZoom := hTextZoom oZoom.vChangeMark := hChangeMark oZoom.vZoomHideBut := hZoomHideBut oZoom.vSliderZoom := hSliderZoom } SetSize() { Static Top := 45, Left := 0, Right := 6, Bottom := 6 Width := oZoom.LWWidth := oZoom.GuiWidth - Left - Right Height := oZoom.LWHeight := oZoom.GuiHeight - Top - Bottom Zoom := oZoom.Zoom conW := Mod(Width, Zoom) ? Width - Mod(Width, Zoom) + Zoom : Width conW := Mod(conW // Zoom, 2) ? conW : conW + Zoom conH := Mod(Height, Zoom) ? Height - Mod(Height, Zoom) + Zoom : Height conH := Mod(conH // Zoom, 2) ? conH : conH + Zoom oZoom.conX := (((conW - Width) // 2)) * -1 oZoom.conY := (((conH - Height) // 2)) * -1 hDWP := DllCall("BeginDeferWindowPos", "Int", 2) hDWP := DllCall("DeferWindowPos" , "Ptr", hDWP, "Ptr", oZoom.hStatic, "UInt", 0 , "Int", Left - 1, "Int", Top - 1, "Int", Width + 2, "Int", Height + 2 , "UInt", 0x0010) ;; 0x0010 := SWP_NOACTIVATE hDWP := DllCall("DeferWindowPos" , "Ptr", hDWP, "Ptr", oZoom.hTBGui, "UInt", 0 , "Int", (oZoom.GuiWidth - oZoom.GuiMinW) / 2 , "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0 , "UInt", 0x0011) ;; 0x0010 := SWP_NOACTIVATE | 0x0001 := SWP_NOSIZE DllCall("EndDeferWindowPos", "Ptr", hDWP) oZoom.nWidthSrc := conW // Zoom oZoom.nHeightSrc := conH // Zoom oZoom.nXOriginSrcOffset := oZoom.nWidthSrc//2 oZoom.nYOriginSrcOffset := oZoom.nHeightSrc//2 oZoom.nWidthDest := conW oZoom.nHeightDest := conH oZoom.xCenter := Round(Width / 2 - Zoom / 2) oZoom.yCenter := Round(Height / 2 - Zoom / 2) ChangeMarker() If oZoom.MemoryZoomSize SetTimer, ZoomCheckSize, -100 } ChangeMarker() { Try GoTo % "Marker" oZoom.Mark MarkerCross: oZoom.oMarkers["Cross"] := [{x:0,y:oZoom.yCenter - 1,w:oZoom.nWidthDest,h:1} , {x:0,y:oZoom.yCenter + oZoom.Zoom,w:oZoom.nWidthDest,h:1} , {x:oZoom.xCenter - 1,y:0,w:1,h:oZoom.nHeightDest} , {x:oZoom.xCenter + oZoom.Zoom,y:0,w:1,h:oZoom.nHeightDest}] Return MarkerSquare: oZoom.oMarkers["Square"] := [{x:oZoom.xCenter - 1,y:oZoom.yCenter,w:oZoom.Zoom + 2,h:1} , {x:oZoom.xCenter - 1,y:oZoom.yCenter + oZoom.Zoom + 1,w:oZoom.Zoom + 2,h:1} , {x:oZoom.xCenter - 1,y:oZoom.yCenter + 1,w:1,h:oZoom.Zoom} , {x:oZoom.xCenter + oZoom.Zoom,y:oZoom.yCenter + 1,w:1,h:oZoom.Zoom}] Return MarkerGrid: If (oZoom.Zoom = 1) { Gosub MarkerSquare oZoom.oMarkers["Grid"] := oZoom.oMarkers["Square"] Return } oZoom.oMarkers["Grid"] := [{x:oZoom.xCenter - oZoom.Zoom,y:oZoom.yCenter - oZoom.Zoom,w:oZoom.Zoom * 3,h:1} , {x:oZoom.xCenter - oZoom.Zoom,y:oZoom.yCenter,w:oZoom.Zoom * 3,h:1} , {x:oZoom.xCenter - oZoom.Zoom,y:oZoom.yCenter + oZoom.Zoom,w:oZoom.Zoom * 3,h:1} , {x:oZoom.xCenter - oZoom.Zoom,y:oZoom.yCenter + oZoom.Zoom * 2,w:oZoom.Zoom * 3,h:1} , {x:oZoom.xCenter - oZoom.Zoom,y:oZoom.yCenter - oZoom.Zoom,w:1,h:oZoom.Zoom * 3} , {x:oZoom.xCenter,y:oZoom.yCenter - oZoom.Zoom,w:1,h:oZoom.Zoom * 3} , {x:oZoom.xCenter + oZoom.Zoom,y:oZoom.yCenter - oZoom.Zoom,w:1,h:oZoom.Zoom * 3} , {x:oZoom.xCenter + oZoom.Zoom * 2,y:oZoom.yCenter - oZoom.Zoom,w:1,h:oZoom.Zoom * 3}] Return } ZoomCheckSize() { Static PrWidth, PrHeight If (PrWidth = oZoom.GuiWidth && PrHeight = oZoom.GuiHeight) Return PrWidth := oZoom.GuiWidth, PrHeight := oZoom.GuiHeight IniWrite(PrWidth, "MemoryZoomSizeW"), IniWrite(PrHeight, "MemoryZoomSizeH") } SliderZoom() { SetTimer, ChangeZoom, -1 } ChangeZoom(Val = "") { If Val = GuiControlGet, Val, ZoomTB:, % oZoom.vSliderZoom If (Val < 1 || Val > 50) Return GuiControl, ZoomTB:, % oZoom.vSliderZoom, % oZoom.Zoom := Val GuiControl, ZoomTB:, % oZoom.vTextZoom, % oZoom.Zoom SetSize() Redraw() SetTimer, MagnifyZoomSave, -200 } FastZoom(Add) { Z := oZoom.Zoom, R := Mod(Z, 5) If Add Z := Z >= 10 ? Z + (5 - R) : Z + 1 Else Z := Z > 10 ? Z - (!R ? 5 : R) : Z - 1 Return Z } MagnifyZoomSave() { IniWrite(oZoom.Zoom, "MagnifyZoom") } ChangeMark() { Static Mark := {"Cross":"Square","Square":"Grid","Grid":"None","None":"Cross","":"None"} oZoom.Mark := Mark[oZoom.Mark], ChangeMarker(), Redraw() GuiControl, ZoomTB:, % oZoom.vChangeMark, % oZoom.Mark GuiControl, ZoomTB:, -0x0001, % oZoom.vChangeMark GuiControl, ZoomTB:, Focus, % oZoom.vTextZoom SetTimer, MagnifyMarkSave, -300 } MagnifyMarkSave() { IniWrite(oZoom.Mark, "MagnifyMark") } SetWinEventHook(EventProc, eventMin, eventMax = 0) { ; DllCall("CoInitialize", UInt, 0) Return DllCall("SetWinEventHook" , "UInt", eventMin, "UInt", eventMax := !eventMax ? eventMin : eventMax , "Ptr", hmodWinEventProc := 0, "Ptr", lpfnWinEventProc := RegisterCallback(EventProc, "F") , "UInt", idProcess := 0, "UInt", idThread := 0 , "UInt", dwflags := 0x0|0x2, "Ptr") ;; WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT | WINEVENT_SKIPOWNPROCESS } UnhookWinEvent(hWinEventHook) { DllCall("UnhookWinEvent", "Ptr", hWinEventHook) DllCall("GlobalFree", "Ptr", &hWinEventHook) ; free up allocated memory for RegisterCallback } ZoomShow() { ShowZoom(1) PostMessage, % MsgAhkSpyZoom, 2, 1, , ahk_id %hAhkSpy% ZoomRules("ZoomHide", 0) GuiControl, ZoomTB:, Focus, % oZoom.vTextZoom } ZoomHide() { ZoomRules("ZoomHide", 1) ShowZoom(0) PostMessage, % MsgAhkSpyZoom, 2, 0, , ahk_id %hAhkSpy% GuiControl, ZoomTB:, -0x0001, % oZoom.vZoomHideBut GuiControl, ZoomTB:, Focus, % oZoom.vTextZoom } ShowZoom(Show) { oZoom.Show := Show If Show { WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, WinW, , ahk_id %hAhkSpy% oZoom.LWX := WinX + WinW + 1, oZoom.LWY := WinY + 46 Gui, Zoom: Show, % "NA Hide x" WinX + WinW " y" WinY Gui, LW: Show, % "NA x" oZoom.LWX " y" oZoom.LWY " w" 0 " h" 0 Gui, Zoom: Show, NA try Gui, LW: Show, % "NA x" oZoom.LWX " y" oZoom.LWY " w" oZoom.LWWidth " h" oZoom.LWHeight Return } Gui, LW: Show, % "NA w" 0 " h" 0 ;; нельзя применять Hide, иначе после появления и ресайза остаётся прозрачный след Gui, Zoom: Show, NA Hide } ;; _________________________________________________ Zoom Events _________________________________________________ ZoomOnSize() { Critical If A_EventInfo != 0 Return oZoom.GuiWidth := A_GuiWidth oZoom.GuiHeight := A_GuiHeight SetSize() Redraw() } ZoomOnClose() { ReleaseDC(oZoom.hdcSrc) DeleteDC(oZoom.hdcSrc) DeleteDC(oZoom.hDCBuf) DeleteDC(oZoom.hdcMemory) GdipShutdown(oZoom.pToken) RestoreCursors() ExitApp } ;; wParam: 0 hide, 1 show, 2 пауза AhkSpy, 3 однократный зум, 4 MemoryZoomSize, 5 MinSize, 6 ActiveNoPause, 7 WinActive AhkSpy, 8 Suspend, 9 Menu, 10 Hotkey, 11 MIN, 12 ShiftTab Zoom_Msg(wParam, lParam) { If wParam = 0 ;; hide ZoomHide() Else If wParam = 1 ;; show ZoomShow() If wParam = 2 ;; пауза AhkSpy ZoomRules("Pause", lParam) Else If wParam = 3 ;; однократный зум ;; AhkSpy отвечает за контекст вызова Magnify(1) Else If wParam = 4 ;; MemoryZoomSize { If (oZoom.MemoryZoomSize := lParam) IniWrite(oZoom.GuiWidth, "MemoryZoomSizeW"), IniWrite(oZoom.GuiHeight, "MemoryZoomSizeH") } Else If (wParam = 5 && DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr", oZoom.hGui)) ;; MinSize Gui, Zoom:Show, % "NA w" oZoom.GuiMinW " h" oZoom.GuiMinH Else If wParam = 6 ;; ActiveNoPause ActiveNoPause := lParam, ZoomRules("Win", ActiveNoPause ? 0 : SpyActive) Else If wParam = 7 ;; WinActive AhkSpy SpyActive := lParam, ZoomRules("Win", ActiveNoPause ? 0 : SpyActive) Else If wParam = 8 ;; Suspend Suspend % lParam ? "On" : "Off" Else If wParam = 9 ;; Menu ZoomRules("Menu", lParam) Else If wParam = 10 ;; Menu ZoomRules("Hotkey", lParam) Else If wParam = 11 ;; MIN ZoomRules("MIN", 1) Else If wParam = 12 ;; ShiftTab ZoomRules("ShiftTab", lParam) } Z_MsgZoom(wParam, lParam) { obj := Func("Zoom_Msg").Bind(wParam, lParam) SetTimer, % obj, -1 Return 0 } ZoomRules(Rule, value) { Static IsStart, Rules, Arr, Len If !IsStart { Arr := {"ZoomHide":1, "Pause":2, "Win":3, "Sleep":4, "Menu":5, "MIN":6, "MOVE":7, "SIZE":8, "Hotkey":9, "ShiftTab":10}, Len := Arr.Count() Loop % VarSetCapacity(Rules, Len - 1) StrPut(0, &Rules + A_Index - 1, 1, "CP0") IsStart := 1 } StrPut(!!value, &Rules + Arr[Rule] - 1, 1, "CP0") If oZoom.Work := !(StrGet(&Rules, Len, "CP0") + 0) SetTimer, Magnify, -1 ;; ToolTip % Rule "`n" Arr[Rule] "`n" value "`n`n`n" (StrGet(&Rules, Len, "CP0")) "`n123456789" "`n" oZoom.Work,4,55,6 } EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY(hWinEventHook, event, hwnd, idObject, idChild) { If (idObject || idChild) Return If (hwnd = hAhkSpy) ExitApp } EVENT_SYSTEM_MINIMIZESTART(hWinEventHook, event, hwnd, idObject, idChild) { If (idObject || idChild) Return If (hwnd != hAhkSpy) Return ZoomRules("MIN", 1) If oZoom.Show oZoom.Minimize := 1, ShowZoom(0) } EVENT_SYSTEM_MINIMIZEEND(hWinEventHook, event, hwnd, idObject, idChild) { If (idObject || idChild) Return If (hwnd != hAhkSpy) Return If oZoom.Minimize { isEnabled := false, DllCall("dwmapi.dll\DwmIsCompositionEnabled", "UInt", &isEnabled) Sleep % !!isEnabled ? 300 : 10 ShowZoom(1) oZoom.Minimize := 0 } ZoomRules("MIN", 0) } EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZESTART(hWinEventHook, event, hwnd, idObject, idChild) { If (idObject || idChild) Return If (hwnd != hAhkSpy) Return ZoomRules("MOVE", 1) } EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZEEND(hWinEventHook, event, hwnd, idObject, idChild) { If (idObject || idChild) Return If (hwnd != hAhkSpy) Return ZoomRules("MOVE", 0) } ;; _________________________________________________ Zoom Sizing _________________________________________________ ;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-loadcursora WM_SETCURSOR(W, L, M, H) { Static SIZENWSE := DllCall("User32.dll\LoadCursor", "Ptr", NULL, "Int", 32642, "UPtr") , SIZENS := DllCall("User32.dll\LoadCursor", "Ptr", NULL, "Int", 32645, "UPtr") , SIZEWE := DllCall("User32.dll\LoadCursor", "Ptr", NULL, "Int", 32644, "UPtr") If (oZoom.SIZING = 2) Return If (W = oZoom.hGui) { MouseGetPos, mX, mY WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, WinW, WinH, % "ahk_id " oZoom.hLW If (mX > WinX && mY > WinY) { If (mX < WinX + WinW - 10) DllCall("User32.dll\SetCursor", "Ptr", SIZENS), oZoom.SIZINGType := "NS" Else If (mY < WinY + WinH - 10) DllCall("User32.dll\SetCursor", "Ptr", SIZEWE), oZoom.SIZINGType := "WE" Else DllCall("User32.dll\SetCursor", "Ptr", SIZENWSE), oZoom.SIZINGType := "NWSE" Return oZoom.SIZING := 1 } } Else oZoom.SIZING := 0, oZoom.SIZINGType := "" } LBUTTONDOWN(W, L, M, H) { If oZoom.SIZING { ZoomRules("SIZE", 1) oZoom.SIZING := 2 SetSystemCursor("SIZE" oZoom.SIZINGType) SetTimer, Sizing, -10 KeyWait LButton SetTimer, Sizing, Off RestoreCursors() ZoomRules("SIZE", 0) oZoom.SIZING := 0, oZoom.SIZINGType := "" } } Sizing() { MouseGetPos, mX, mY WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, , , % "ahk_id " oZoom.hGui If (oZoom.SIZINGType = "NWSE" || oZoom.SIZINGType = "WE") Width := " w" (mX - WinX < oZoom.GuiMinW ? oZoom.GuiMinW : mX - WinX) If (oZoom.SIZINGType = "NWSE" || oZoom.SIZINGType = "NS") Height := " h" (mY - WinY < oZoom.GuiMinH ? oZoom.GuiMinH : mY - WinY) Gui, Zoom:Show, % "NA" Width . Height SetTimer, Sizing, -1 } SetSystemCursor(CursorName, cx = 0, cy = 0) { Static SystemCursors := {ARROW:32512, IBEAM:32513, WAIT:32514, CROSS:32515, UPARROW:32516, SIZE:32640, ICON:32641, SIZENWSE:32642 , SIZENESW:32643, SIZEWE:32644 ,SIZENS:32645, SIZEALL:32646, NO:32648, HAND:32649, APPSTARTING:32650, HELP:32651} Local CursorHandle, hImage, Name, ID If (CursorHandle := DllCall("LoadCursor", Uint, 0, Int, SystemCursors[CursorName])) For Name, ID in SystemCursors hImage := DllCall("CopyImage", Ptr, CursorHandle, Uint, 0x2, Int, cx, Int, cy, Uint, 0) , DllCall("SetSystemCursor", Ptr, hImage, Int, ID) } RestoreCursors() { DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x57, UInt, 0, UInt, 0, UInt, 0) ;; SPI_SETCURSORS := 0x57 } ;; _________________________________________________ Zoom Magnify _________________________________________________ Magnify(one = 0) { If (a := oZoom.Work) || one { MouseGetPos, mX, mY, WinID If b := (WinID != oZoom.hLW && WinID != oZoom.hGui && WinID != hAhkSpy) { oZoom.NewSpot := 1, oZoom.MouseX := mX, oZoom.MouseY := mY UpdateWindow(oZoom.hdcSrc, mX - oZoom.nXOriginSrcOffset, mY - oZoom.nYOriginSrcOffset) } } If oZoom.NewSpot && (!a || one && b || a && !b) Memory() If a SetTimer, Magnify, -10 ;; ToolTip % A_TickCount "`nMagnify", 4, 4, 4 } Redraw() { UpdateWindow(oZoom.hdcMemory, oZoom.nXOriginSrc - oZoom.nXOriginSrcOffset, oZoom.nYOriginSrc - oZoom.nYOriginSrcOffset) } Memory() { SysGet, VSX, 76 SysGet, VSY, 77 SysGet, VSWidth, 78 SysGet, VSHeight, 79 oZoom.nXOriginSrc := oZoom.MouseX - VSX, oZoom.nYOriginSrc := oZoom.MouseY - VSY hBM := DllCall("Gdi32.Dll\CreateCompatibleBitmap", "Ptr", oZoom.hdcSrc, "Int", VSWidth, "Int", VSHeight) DllCall("Gdi32.Dll\SelectObject", "Ptr", oZoom.hdcMemory, "Ptr", hBM), DllCall("DeleteObject", "Ptr", hBM) StretchBlt(oZoom.hdcMemory, 0, 0, VSWidth, VSHeight, oZoom.hdcSrc, VSX, VSY, VSWidth, VSHeight) oZoom.NewSpot := 0 } ;; _________________________________________________ Zoom Gdip _________________________________________________ UpdateWindow(Src, X, Y) { hbm := CreateDIBSection(oZoom.nWidthDest, oZoom.nHeightDest, oZoom.hDCBuf) DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", oZoom.hDCBuf, "UPtr", hbm) StretchBlt(oZoom.hDCBuf, oZoom.conX, oZoom.conY, oZoom.nWidthDest, oZoom.nHeightDest , Src, X, Y, oZoom.nWidthSrc, oZoom.nHeightSrc) For k, v In oZoom.oMarkers[oZoom.Mark] StretchBlt(oZoom.hDCBuf, v.x, v.y, v.w, v.h, oZoom.hDCBuf, v.x, v.y, v.w, v.h, 0x5A0049) ;; PATINVERT DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "UPtr", hbm, "UPtr", 0, "UPtr*", pBitmap) ;; DllCall("SelectObject", "UPtr", oZoom.hDCBuf, "UPtr", hbm) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFromHDC", "UPtr", oZoom.hDCBuf, "UPtr*", G) ;; DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetInterpolationMode", "UPtr", G, "int", 5) DrawImage(G, pBitmap, 0, 0, oZoom.LWWidth, oZoom.LWHeight) If oZoom.Show UpdateLayeredWindow(oZoom.hLW, oZoom.hDCBuf, oZoom.LWWidth, oZoom.LWHeight) DllCall("DeleteObject", "UPtr", hbm) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "UPtr", G) DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "UPtr", pBitmap) } GdipStartup() { if !DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "gdiplus", UPtr) DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "gdiplus") VarSetCapacity(si, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 24 : 16, 0), si := Chr(1) DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusStartup", A_PtrSize ? "UPtr*" : "uint*", pToken, UPtr, &si, UPtr, 0) Return pToken } GdipShutdown(pToken) { DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusShutdown", UPtr, pToken) if hModule := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "gdiplus", UPtr) DllCall("FreeLibrary", UPtr, hModule) Return 0 } UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd, hdc, w, h) { Return DllCall("UpdateLayeredWindow" , UPtr, hwnd , UPtr, 0 , UPtr, 0 , "int64*", w|h<<32 , UPtr, hdc , "int64*", 0 , "uint", 0 , "UInt*", 33488896 ;; (Alpha := 255)<<16|1<<24 , "uint", 2) } StretchBlt(ddc, dx, dy, dw, dh, sdc, sx, sy, sw, sh, Raster=0x40CC0020) { ;; 0x00CC0020|0x40000000 Return DllCall("gdi32\StretchBlt" , UPtr, ddc , "int", dx , "int", dy , "int", dw , "int", dh , UPtr, sdc , "int", sx , "int", sy , "int", sw , "int", sh , "uint", Raster) } CreateDIBSection(w, h, hdc) { Static bi, _ := VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0) NumPut(w, bi, 4, "uint") NumPut(h, bi, 8, "uint") NumPut(40, bi, 0, "uint") NumPut(1, bi, 12, "ushort") NumPut(0, bi, 16, "uInt") NumPut(32, bi, 14, "ushort") Return DllCall("CreateDIBSection" , "UPtr", hdc , "UPtr", &bi , "uint", 0 , "UPtr*", , "UPtr", 0 , "uint", 0, "UPtr") } DrawImage(pGraphics, pBitmap, dx, dy, dw, dh) { Return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawImageRectRect" , "UPtr", pGraphics , "UPtr", pBitmap , "float", dx , "float", dy , "float", dw , "float", dh , "float", dx , "float", dy , "float", dw , "float", dh , "int", 2 , "UPtr", , "UPtr", 0 , "UPtr", 0) } ReleaseDC(hdc, hwnd=0) { Return DllCall("ReleaseDC", "UPtr", hwnd, "UPtr", hdc) } DeleteDC(hdc) { Return DllCall("DeleteDC", "UPtr", hdc) } CreateCompatibleDC(hdc=0) { Return DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "UPtr", hdc) } ;; _________________________________________________ UIA _________________________________________________ ;;~ UI Automation Constants: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee671207(v=vs.85).aspx ;;~ UI Automation Enumerations: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee671210(v=vs.85).aspx ;;~ http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/94619-ahk-l-screen-reader-a-tool-to-get-text-anywhere/ /* Questions: - better way to do __properties? - support for Constants? - if method returns a SafeArray, should we return a Wrapped SafeArray, Raw SafeArray, or AHK Array - on UIA Interface conversion methods, how should the data be returned? wrapped/extracted or raw? should raw data be a ByRef param? - do variants need cleared? what about SysAllocString BSTRs? - do RECT struts need destroyed? - if returning wrapped data & raw is ByRef, will the wrapped data being released destroy the raw data? - returning varaint data other than vt=3|8|9|13|0x2000 - Cached Members? - UIA Element existance - dependent on window being visible (non minimized)? - function(params, ByRef out="……") */ class UIA_Base { __New(p="", flag=1) { ObjInsert(this,"__Type","IUIAutomation" SubStr(this.__Class,5)) ,ObjInsert(this,"__Value",p) ,ObjInsert(this,"__Flag",flag) } __Get(member) { if member not in base,__UIA ;; base & __UIA should act as normal { if raw:=SubStr(member,0)="*" ;; return raw data - user should know what they are doing member:=SubStr(member,1,-1) if RegExMatch(this.__properties, "im)^" member ",(\d+),(\w+)", m) { ;; if the member is in the properties. if not - give error message if (m2="VARIANT") ;; return VARIANT data - DllCall output param different return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(m1), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",UIA_Variant(out)))? (raw?out:UIA_VariantData(out)): else if (m2="RECT") ;; return RECT struct - DllCall output param different return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(m1), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",&(rect,VarSetCapacity(rect,16))))? (raw?out:UIA_RectToObject(rect)): else if UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(m1), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr*",out)) return raw?out:m2="BSTR"?StrGet(out):RegExMatch(m2,"i)IUIAutomation\K\w+",n)?new UIA_%n%(out):out ;; Bool, int, DWORD, HWND, CONTROLTYPEID, OrientationType? } else throw Exception("Property not supported by the " this.__Class " Class.",-1,member) } } __Set(member) { throw Exception("Assigning values not supported by the " this.__Class " Class.",-1,member) } __Call(member) { if !ObjHasKey(UIA_Base,member)&&!ObjHasKey(this,member) throw Exception("Method Call not supported by the " this.__Class " Class.",-1,member) } __Delete() { this.__Flag? ObjRelease(this.__Value): } __Vt(n) { return NumGet(NumGet(this.__Value+0,"ptr")+n*A_PtrSize,"ptr") } } class UIA_Interface extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee671406(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{30cbe57d-d9d0-452a-ab13-7ac5ac4825ee}" , __properties := "ControlViewWalker,14,IUIAutomationTreeWalker`r`nContentViewWalker,15,IUIAutomationTreeWalker`r`nRawViewWalker,16,IUIAutomationTreeWalker`r`nRawViewCondition,17,IUIAutomationCondition`r`nControlViewCondition,18,IUIAutomationCondition`r`nContentViewCondition,19,IUIAutomationCondition`r`nProxyFactoryMapping,48,IUIAutomationProxyFactoryMapping`r`nReservedNotSupportedValue,54,IUnknown`r`nReservedMixedAttributeValue,55,IUnknown" CompareElements(e1,e2) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e1.__Value, "ptr",e2.__Value, "int*",out))? out: } CompareRuntimeIds(r1,r2) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(4), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",ComObjValue(r1), "ptr",ComObjValue(r2), "int*",out))? out: } GetRootElement() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(5), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } ElementFromHandle(hwnd) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(6), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",hwnd, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } ElementFromPoint(x="", y="") { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(7), "ptr",this.__Value, "int64",x==""||y==""?0*DllCall("GetCursorPos","Int64*",pt)+pt:x&0xFFFFFFFF|y<<32, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } GetFocusedElement() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(8), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } ;;~ GetRootElementBuildCache 9 ;;~ ElementFromHandleBuildCache 10 ;;~ ElementFromPointBuildCache 11 ;;~ GetFocusedElementBuildCache 12 CreateTreeWalker(condition) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(13), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",Condition.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_TreeWalker(out): } ;;~ CreateCacheRequest 20 CreateTrueCondition() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(21), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Condition(out): } CreateFalseCondition() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(22), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Condition(out): } CreatePropertyCondition(propertyId, ByRef var, type="Variant") { if (type!="Variant") UIA_Variant(var,type,var) return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(23), "ptr",this.__Value, "int",propertyId, "ptr",&var, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_PropertyCondition(out): } CreatePropertyConditionEx(propertyId, ByRef var, type="Variant", flags=0x1) { ;; NOT TESTED ;; PropertyConditionFlags_IgnoreCase = 0x1 if (type!="Variant") UIA_Variant(var,type,var) return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(24), "ptr",this.__Value, "int",propertyId, "ptr",&var, "uint",flags, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_PropertyCondition(out): } CreateAndCondition(c1,c2) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(25), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",c1.__Value, "ptr",c2.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_AndCondition(out): } CreateAndConditionFromArray(array) { ;; ComObj(0x2003)?? ;;->in: AHK Array or Wrapped SafeArray if ComObjValue(array)&0x2000 SafeArray:=array else { SafeArray:=ComObj(0x2003,DllCall("oleaut32\SafeArrayCreateVector", "uint",13, "uint",0, "uint",array.MaxIndex()),1) for i,c in array SafeArray[A_Index-1]:=c.__Value, ObjAddRef(c.__Value) ;; AddRef - SafeArrayDestroy will release UIA_Conditions - they also release themselves } return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(26), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",ComObjValue(SafeArray), "ptr*",out))? new UIA_AndCondition(out): } CreateAndConditionFromNativeArray(p*) { ;; Not Implemented return UIA_NotImplemented() /* [in] IUIAutomationCondition **conditions, [in] int conditionCount, [out, retval] IUIAutomationCondition **newCondition */ ;;~ return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(27), "ptr",this.__Value, } CreateOrCondition(c1,c2) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(28), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",c1.__Value, "ptr",c2.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_OrCondition(out): } CreateOrConditionFromArray(array) { ;;->in: AHK Array or Wrapped SafeArray if ComObjValue(array)&0x2000 SafeArray:=array else { SafeArray:=ComObj(0x2003,DllCall("oleaut32\SafeArrayCreateVector", "uint",13, "uint",0, "uint",array.MaxIndex()),1) for i,c in array SafeArray[A_Index-1]:=c.__Value, ObjAddRef(c.__Value) ;; AddRef - SafeArrayDestroy will release UIA_Conditions - they also release themselves } return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(29), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",ComObjValue(SafeArray), "ptr*",out))? new UIA_AndCondition(out): } CreateOrConditionFromNativeArray(p*) { ;; Not Implemented return UIA_NotImplemented() /* [in] IUIAutomationCondition **conditions, [in] int conditionCount, [out, retval] IUIAutomationCondition **newCondition */ ;;~ return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(27), "ptr",this.__Value, } CreateNotCondition(c) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(31), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",c.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_NotCondition(out): } ;;~ AddAutomationEventHandler 32 ;;~ RemoveAutomationEventHandler 33 ;;~ AddPropertyChangedEventHandlerNativeArray 34 AddPropertyChangedEventHandler(element,scope=0x1,cacheRequest=0,handler="",propertyArray="") { SafeArray:=ComObjArray(0x3,propertyArray.MaxIndex()) for i,propertyId in propertyArray SafeArray[i-1]:=propertyId return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(35), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",element.__Value, "int",scope, "ptr",cacheRequest,"ptr",handler.__Value,"ptr",ComObjValue(SafeArray))) } ;;~ RemovePropertyChangedEventHandler 36 ;;~ AddStructureChangedEventHandler 37 ;;~ RemoveStructureChangedEventHandler 38 AddFocusChangedEventHandler(cacheRequest, handler) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(39), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",cacheRequest, "ptr",handler.__Value)) } ;;~ RemoveFocusChangedEventHandler 40 ;;~ RemoveAllEventHandlers 41 IntNativeArrayToSafeArray(ByRef nArr, n="") { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(42), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",&nArr, "int",n?n:VarSetCapacity(nArr)/4, "ptr*",out))? ComObj(0x2003,out,1): } /* IntSafeArrayToNativeArray(sArr, Byref nArr="", Byref arrayCount="") { ;; NOT WORKING VarSetCapacity(nArr,(sArr.MaxIndex()+1)*4) return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(43), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",ComObjValue(sArr), "ptr*",nArr, "int*",arrayCount))? arrayCount: } */ RectToVariant(ByRef rect, ByRef out="") { ;; in:{left,top,right,bottom} ;; out:(left,top,width,height) ;; in: RECT Struct ;; out: AHK Wrapped SafeArray & ByRef Variant return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(44), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",&rect, "ptr",UIA_Variant(out)))? UIA_VariantData(out): } /* VariantToRect(ByRef var, ByRef out="") { ;; NOT WORKING ;; in: VT_VARIANT (SafeArray) ;; out: AHK Wrapped RECT Struct & ByRef Struct return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(45), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",var, "ptr",&(out,VarSetCapacity(out,16))))? UIA_RectToObject(out): } */ ;;~ SafeArrayToRectNativeArray 46 ;;~ CreateProxyFactoryEntry 47 GetPropertyProgrammaticName(Id) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(49), "ptr",this.__Value, "int",Id, "ptr*",out))? StrGet(out): } GetPatternProgrammaticName(Id) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(50), "ptr",this.__Value, "int",Id, "ptr*",out))? StrGet(out): } PollForPotentialSupportedPatterns(e, Byref Ids="", Byref Names="") { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(51), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr*",Ids, "ptr*",Names))? UIA_SafeArraysToObject(Names:=ComObj(0x2008,Names,1),Ids:=ComObj(0x2003,Ids,1)): } PollForPotentialSupportedProperties(e, Byref Ids="", Byref Names="") { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(52), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr*",Ids, "ptr*",Names))? UIA_SafeArraysToObject(Names:=ComObj(0x2008,Names,1),Ids:=ComObj(0x2003,Ids,1)): } CheckNotSupported(value) { ;; Useless in this Framework??? /* Checks a provided VARIANT to see if it contains the Not Supported identifier. After retrieving a property for a UI Automation element, call this method to determine whether the element supports the retrieved property. CheckNotSupported is typically called after calling a property retrieving method such as GetCurrentPropertyValue. */ return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(53), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",value, "int*",out))? out: } ElementFromIAccessible(IAcc, childId=0) { /* The method returns E_INVALIDARG - "One or more arguments are not valid" - if the underlying implementation of the Microsoft UI Automation element is not a native Microsoft Active Accessibility server;; that is, if a client attempts to retrieve the IAccessible interface for an element originally supported by a proxy object from Oleacc.dll, or by the UIA-to-MSAA Bridge. */ return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(56), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",ComObjValue(IAcc), "int",childId, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } ;;~ ElementFromIAccessibleBuildCache 57 } class UIA_Element extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee671425(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{d22108aa-8ac5-49a5-837b-37bbb3d7591e}" , __properties := "CurrentProcessId,20,int`r`nCurrentControlType,21,CONTROLTYPEID`r`nCurrentLocalizedControlType,22,BSTR`r`nCurrentName,23,BSTR`r`nCurrentAcceleratorKey,24,BSTR`r`nCurrentAccessKey,25,BSTR`r`nCurrentHasKeyboardFocus,26,BOOL`r`nCurrentIsKeyboardFocusable,27,BOOL`r`nCurrentIsEnabled,28,BOOL`r`nCurrentAutomationId,29,BSTR`r`nCurrentClassName,30,BSTR`r`nCurrentHelpText,31,BSTR`r`nCurrentCulture,32,int`r`nCurrentIsControlElement,33,BOOL`r`nCurrentIsContentElement,34,BOOL`r`nCurrentIsPassword,35,BOOL`r`nCurrentNativeWindowHandle,36,UIA_HWND`r`nCurrentItemType,37,BSTR`r`nCurrentIsOffscreen,38,BOOL`r`nCurrentOrientation,39,OrientationType`r`nCurrentFrameworkId,40,BSTR`r`nCurrentIsRequiredForForm,41,BOOL`r`nCurrentItemStatus,42,BSTR`r`nCurrentBoundingRectangle,43,RECT`r`nCurrentLabeledBy,44,IUIAutomationElement`r`nCurrentAriaRole,45,BSTR`r`nCurrentAriaProperties,46,BSTR`r`nCurrentIsDataValidForForm,47,BOOL`r`nCurrentControllerFor,48,IUIAutomationElementArray`r`nCurrentDescribedBy,49,IUIAutomationElementArray`r`nCurrentFlowsTo,50,IUIAutomationElementArray`r`nCurrentProviderDescription,51,BSTR`r`nCachedProcessId,52,int`r`nCachedControlType,53,CONTROLTYPEID`r`nCachedLocalizedControlType,54,BSTR`r`nCachedName,55,BSTR`r`nCachedAcceleratorKey,56,BSTR`r`nCachedAccessKey,57,BSTR`r`nCachedHasKeyboardFocus,58,BOOL`r`nCachedIsKeyboardFocusable,59,BOOL`r`nCachedIsEnabled,60,BOOL`r`nCachedAutomationId,61,BSTR`r`nCachedClassName,62,BSTR`r`nCachedHelpText,63,BSTR`r`nCachedCulture,64,int`r`nCachedIsControlElement,65,BOOL`r`nCachedIsContentElement,66,BOOL`r`nCachedIsPassword,67,BOOL`r`nCachedNativeWindowHandle,68,UIA_HWND`r`nCachedItemType,69,BSTR`r`nCachedIsOffscreen,70,BOOL`r`nCachedOrientation,71,OrientationType`r`nCachedFrameworkId,72,BSTR`r`nCachedIsRequiredForForm,73,BOOL`r`nCachedItemStatus,74,BSTR`r`nCachedBoundingRectangle,75,RECT`r`nCachedLabeledBy,76,IUIAutomationElement`r`nCachedAriaRole,77,BSTR`r`nCachedAriaProperties,78,BSTR`r`nCachedIsDataValidForForm,79,BOOL`r`nCachedControllerFor,80,IUIAutomationElementArray`r`nCachedDescribedBy,81,IUIAutomationElementArray`r`nCachedFlowsTo,82,IUIAutomationElementArray`r`nCachedProviderDescription,83,BSTR" SetFocus() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value)) } GetRuntimeId(ByRef stringId="") { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(4), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr*",sa))? ComObj(0x2003,sa,1): } FindFirst(c="", scope=0x2) { static tc ;; TrueCondition if !tc tc:=this.__uia.CreateTrueCondition() return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(5), "ptr",this.__Value, "uint",scope, "ptr",(c=""?tc:c).__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } FindAll(c="", scope=0x2) { static tc ;; TrueCondition if !tc tc:=this.__uia.CreateTrueCondition() return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(6), "ptr",this.__Value, "uint",scope, "ptr",(c=""?tc:c).__Value, "ptr*",out))? UIA_ElementArray(out): } ;;~ Find (First/All, Element/Children/Descendants/Parent/Ancestors/Subtree, Conditions) ;;~ FindFirstBuildCache 7 IUIAutomationElement ;;~ FindAllBuildCache 8 IUIAutomationElementArray ;;~ BuildUpdatedCache 9 IUIAutomationElement GetCurrentPropertyValue(propertyId, ByRef out="") { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(10), "ptr",this.__Value, "uint",propertyId, "ptr",UIA_Variant(out)))? UIA_VariantData(out): } GetCurrentPropertyValueEx(propertyId, ignoreDefaultValue=1, ByRef out="") { ;; Passing FALSE in the ignoreDefaultValue parameter is equivalent to calling GetCurrentPropertyValue return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(11), "ptr",this.__Value, "uint",propertyId, "uint",ignoreDefaultValue, "ptr",UIA_Variant(out)))? UIA_VariantData(out): } ;;~ GetCachedPropertyValue 12 VARIANT ;;~ GetCachedPropertyValueEx 13 VARIANT GetCurrentPatternAs(pattern="") { if IsObject(UIA_%pattern%Pattern)&&(iid:=UIA_%pattern%Pattern.__iid)&&(pId:=UIA_%pattern%Pattern.__PatternID) return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(14), "ptr",this.__Value, "int",pId, "ptr",UIA_GUID(riid,iid), "ptr*",out))? new UIA_%pattern%Pattern(out): else throw Exception("Pattern not implemented.",-1, "UIA_" pattern "Pattern") } ;;~ GetCachedPatternAs 15 void **ppv ;;~ GetCurrentPattern 16 Iunknown **patternObject ;;~ GetCachedPattern 17 Iunknown **patternObject ;;~ GetCachedParent 18 IUIAutomationElement GetCachedChildren() { ;; Haven't successfully tested return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(19), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr*",out))&&out? UIA_ElementArray(out): } ;;~ GetClickablePoint 84 POINT, BOOL } class UIA_ElementArray extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee671426(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{14314595-b4bc-4055-95f2-58f2e42c9855}" , __properties := "Length,3,int" GetElement(i) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(4), "ptr",this.__Value, "int",i, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } } class UIA_TreeWalker extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee671470(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{4042c624-389c-4afc-a630-9df854a541fc}" , __properties := "Condition,15,IUIAutomationCondition" GetParentElement(e) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } GetFirstChildElement(e) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(4), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr*",out))&&out? new UIA_Element(out): } GetLastChildElement(e) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(5), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr*",out))&&out? new UIA_Element(out): } GetNextSiblingElement(e) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(6), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr*",out))&&out? new UIA_Element(out): } GetPreviousSiblingElement(e) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(7), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr*",out))&&out? new UIA_Element(out): } NormalizeElement(e) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(8), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr*",out))&&out? new UIA_Element(out): } /* GetParentElementBuildCache(e, cacheRequest) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(9), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr",cacheRequest.__Value.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } GetFirstChildElementBuildCache(e, cacheRequest) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(10), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr",cacheRequest.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } GetLastChildElementBuildCache(e, cacheRequest) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(11), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr",cacheRequest.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } GetNextSiblingElementBuildCache(e, cacheRequest) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(12), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr",cacheRequest.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } GetPreviousSiblingElementBuildCache(e, cacheRequest) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(13), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr",cacheRequest.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } NormalizeElementBuildCache(e, cacheRequest) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(14), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",e.__Value, "ptr",cacheRequest.__Value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } */ } class UIA_Condition extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee671420(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{352ffba8-0973-437c-a61f-f64cafd81df9}" } class UIA_PropertyCondition extends UIA_Condition { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696121(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{99ebf2cb-5578-4267-9ad4-afd6ea77e94b}" , __properties := "PropertyId,3,PROPERTYID`r`nPropertyValue,4,VARIANT`r`nPropertyConditionFlags,5,PropertyConditionFlags" } ;; should returned children have a condition type (property/and/or/bool/not), or be a generic uia_condition object? class UIA_AndCondition extends UIA_Condition { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee671407(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{a7d0af36-b912-45fe-9855-091ddc174aec}" , __properties := "ChildCount,3,int" ;;~ GetChildrenAsNativeArray 4 IUIAutomationCondition ***childArray GetChildren() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(5), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr*",out))&&out? ComObj(0x2003,out,1): } } class UIA_OrCondition extends UIA_Condition { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696108(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{8753f032-3db1-47b5-a1fc-6e34a266c712}" , __properties := "ChildCount,3,int" ;;~ GetChildrenAsNativeArray 4 IUIAutomationCondition ***childArray ;;~ GetChildren 5 SAFEARRAY } class UIA_BoolCondition extends UIA_Condition { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee671411(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{8753f032-3db1-47b5-a1fc-6e34a266c712}" , __properties := "BooleanValue,3,boolVal" } class UIA_NotCondition extends UIA_Condition { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696106(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{f528b657-847b-498c-8896-d52b565407a1}" ;;~ GetChild 3 IUIAutomationCondition } class UIA_IUnknown extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms680509(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" } class UIA_CacheRequest extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee671413(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{b32a92b5-bc25-4078-9c08-d7ee95c48e03}" } class _UIA_EventHandler { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696044(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{146c3c17-f12e-4e22-8c27-f894b9b79c69}" /* HandleAutomationEvent 3 [in] IUIAutomationElement *sender, [in] EVENTID eventId */ } class _UIA_FocusChangedEventHandler { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696051(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{c270f6b5-5c69-4290-9745-7a7f97169468}" /* HandleFocusChangedEvent 3 [in] IUIAutomationElement *sender */ } class _UIA_PropertyChangedEventHandler { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696119(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{40cd37d4-c756-4b0c-8c6f-bddfeeb13b50}" /* HandlePropertyChangedEvent 3 [in] IUIAutomationElement *sender, [in] PROPERTYID propertyId, [in] VARIANT newValue */ } class _UIA_StructureChangedEventHandler { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696197(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{e81d1b4e-11c5-42f8-9754-e7036c79f054}" /* HandleStructureChangedEvent 3 [in] IUIAutomationElement *sender, [in] StructureChangeType changeType, [in] SAFEARRAY *runtimeId[int] */ } class _UIA_TextEditTextChangedEventHandler { ;; Windows 8.1 Preview [desktop apps only] ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn302202(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{92FAA680-E704-4156-931A-E32D5BB38F3F}" ;;~ HandleTextEditTextChangedEvent 3 } ;;~ UIA_Patterns - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee684023 class UIA_DockPattern extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee671421 static __IID := "{fde5ef97-1464-48f6-90bf-43d0948e86ec}" , __PatternID := 10011 , __Properties := "CurrentDockPosition,4,int`r`nCachedDockPosition,5,int" SetDockPosition(Pos) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value, "uint",pos)) } /* DockPosition_Top = 0, DockPosition_Left = 1, DockPosition_Bottom = 2, DockPosition_Right = 3, DockPosition_Fill = 4, DockPosition_None = 5 */ } class UIA_ExpandCollapsePattern extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696046 static __IID := "{619be086-1f4e-4ee4-bafa-210128738730}" , __PatternID := 10005 , __Properties := "CachedExpandCollapseState,6,int`r`nCurrentExpandCollapseState,5,int" Expand() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value)) } Collapse() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(4), "ptr",this.__Value)) } /* ExpandCollapseState_Collapsed = 0, ExpandCollapseState_Expanded = 1, ExpandCollapseState_PartiallyExpanded = 2, ExpandCollapseState_LeafNode = 3 */ } class UIA_GridItemPattern extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696053 static __IID := "{78f8ef57-66c3-4e09-bd7c-e79b2004894d}" , __PatternID := 10007 , __Properties := "CurrentContainingGrid,3,IUIAutomationElement`r`nCurrentRow,4,int`r`nCurrentColumn,5,int`r`nCurrentRowSpan,6,int`r`nCurrentColumnSpan,7,int`r`nCachedContainingGrid,8,IUIAutomationElement`r`nCachedRow,9,int`r`nCachedColumn,10,int`r`nCachedRowSpan,11,int`r`nCachedColumnSpan,12,int" } class UIA_GridPattern extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696064 static __IID := "{414c3cdc-856b-4f5b-8538-3131c6302550}" , __PatternID := 10006 , __Properties := "CurrentRowCount,4,int`r`nCurrentColumnCount,5,int`r`nCachedRowCount,6,int`r`nCachedColumnCount,7,int" GetItem(row,column) { ;; Hr!=0 if no result, or blank output? return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value, "uint",row, "uint",column, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } } class UIA_InvokePattern extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696070 static __IID := "{fb377fbe-8ea6-46d5-9c73-6499642d3059}" , __PatternID := 10000 Invoke() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value)) } } class UIA_ItemContainerPattern extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696072 static __IID := "{c690fdb2-27a8-423c-812d-429773c9084e}" , __PatternID := 10019 FindItemByProperty(startAfter, propertyId, ByRef value, type=8) { ;; Hr!=0 if no result, or blank output? if (type!="Variant") UIA_Variant(value,type,value) return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",startAfter.__Value, "int",propertyId, "ptr",&value, "ptr*",out))? new UIA_Element(out): } } class UIA_LegacyIAccessiblePattern extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696074 static __IID := "{828055ad-355b-4435-86d5-3b51c14a9b1b}" , __PatternID := 10018 , __Properties := "CurrentChildId,6,int`r`nCurrentName,7,BSTR`r`nCurrentValue,8,BSTR`r`nCurrentDescription,9,BSTR`r`nCurrentRole,10,DWORD`r`nCurrentState,11,DWORD`r`nCurrentHelp,12,BSTR`r`nCurrentKeyboardShortcut,13,BSTR`r`nCurrentDefaultAction,15,BSTR`r`nCachedChildId,16,int`r`nCachedName,17,BSTR`r`nCachedValue,18,BSTR`r`nCachedDescription,19,BSTR`r`nCachedRole,20,DWORD`r`nCachedState,21,DWORD`r`nCachedHelp,22,BSTR`r`nCachedKeyboardShortcut,23,BSTR`r`nCachedDefaultAction,25,BSTR" Select(flags=3) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value, "int",flags)) } DoDefaultAction() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(4), "ptr",this.__Value)) } SetValue(value) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(5), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr",&value)) } GetCurrentSelection() { ;; Not correct ;;~ if (hr:=DllCall(this.__Vt(14), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr*",array))=0 ;;~ return new UIA_ElementArray(array) ;;~ else ;;~ MsgBox,, Error, %hr% } ;;~ GetCachedSelection 24 IUIAutomationElementArray GetIAccessible() { /* This method returns NULL if the underlying implementation of the UI Automation element is not a native Microsoft Active Accessibility server;; that is, if a client attempts to retrieve the IAccessible interface for an element originally supported by a proxy object from OLEACC.dll, or by the UIA-to-MSAA Bridge. */ return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(26), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr*",pacc))&&pacc? ComObj(9,pacc,1): } } class UIA_MultipleViewPattern extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696099 static __IID := "{8d253c91-1dc5-4bb5-b18f-ade16fa495e8}" , __PatternID := 10008 , __Properties := "CurrentCurrentView,5,int`r`nCachedCurrentView,7,int" GetViewName(view) { ;; need to release BSTR? return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value, "int",view, "ptr*",name))? StrGet(name): } SetCurrentView(view) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(4), "ptr",this.__Value, "int",view)) } GetCurrentSupportedViews() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(6), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr*",out))? ComObj(0x2003,out,1): } GetCachedSupportedViews() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(8), "ptr",this.__Value, "ptr*",out))? ComObj(0x2003,out,1): } } class UIA_RangeValuePattern extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696147 static __IID := "{59213f4f-7346-49e5-b120-80555987a148}" , __PatternID := 10003 , __Properties := "CurrentValue,4,double`r`nCurrentIsReadOnly,5,BOOL`r`nCurrentMaximum,6,double`r`nCurrentMinimum,7,double`r`nCurrentLargeChange,8,double`r`nCurrentSmallChange,9,double`r`nCachedValue,10,double`r`nCachedIsReadOnly,11,BOOL`r`nCachedMaximum,12,double`r`nCachedMinimum,13,double`r`nCachedLargeChange,14,double`r`nCachedSmallChange,15,double" SetValue(val) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value, "double",val)) } } class UIA_ScrollItemPattern extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696165 static __IID := "{b488300f-d015-4f19-9c29-bb595e3645ef}" , __PatternID := 10017 ScrollIntoView() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value)) } } class UIA_ScrollPattern extends UIA_Base { ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee696167 static __IID := "{88f4d42a-e881-459d-a77c-73bbbb7e02dc}" , __PatternID := 10004 , __Properties := "CurrentHorizontalScrollPercent,5,double`r`nCurrentVerticalScrollPercent,6,double`r`nCurrentHorizontalViewSize,7,double`r`CurrentHorizontallyScrollable,9,BOOL`r`nCurrentVerticallyScrollable,10,BOOL`r`nCachedHorizontalScrollPercent,11,double`r`nCachedVerticalScrollPercent,12,double`r`nCachedHorizontalViewSize,13,double`r`nCachedVerticalViewSize,14,double`r`nCachedHorizontallyScrollable,15,BOOL`r`nCachedVerticallyScrollable,16,BOOL" Scroll(horizontal, vertical) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value, "uint",horizontal, "uint",vertical)) } SetScrollPercent(horizontal, vertical) { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(4), "ptr",this.__Value, "double",horizontal, "double",vertical)) } /* UIA_ScrollPatternNoScroll = -1 ScrollAmount_LargeDecrement = 0, ScrollAmount_SmallDecrement = 1, ScrollAmount_NoAmount = 2, ScrollAmount_LargeIncrement = 3, ScrollAmount_SmallIncrement = 4 */ } ;;~ class UIA_SelectionItemPattern extends UIA_Base {10010 ;;~ class UIA_SelectionPattern extends UIA_Base {10001 ;;~ class UIA_SpreadsheetItemPattern extends UIA_Base {10027 ;;~ class UIA_SpreadsheetPattern extends UIA_Base {10026 ;;~ class UIA_StylesPattern extends UIA_Base {10025 ;;~ class UIA_SynchronizedInputPattern extends UIA_Base {10021 ;;~ class UIA_TableItemPattern extends UIA_Base {10013 ;;~ class UIA_TablePattern extends UIA_Base {10012 ;;~ class UIA_TextChildPattern extends UIA_Base {10029 ;;~ class UIA_TextEditPattern extends UIA_Base {10032 ;;~ class UIA_TextPattern extends UIA_Base {10014 ;;~ class UIA_TextPattern2 extends UIA_Base {10024 ;;~ class UIA_TogglePattern extends UIA_Base {10015 ;;~ class UIA_TransformPattern extends UIA_Base {10016 ;;~ class UIA_TransformPattern2 extends UIA_Base {10028 ;;~ class UIA_ValuePattern extends UIA_Base {10002 ;;~ class UIA_VirtualizedItemPattern extends UIA_Base {10020 ;;~ class UIA_WindowPattern extends UIA_Base {10009 ;;~ class UIA_AnnotationPattern extends UIA_Base {10023 ;; Windows 8 [desktop apps only] ;;~ class UIA_DragPattern extends UIA_Base {10030 ;; Windows 8 [desktop apps only] ;;~ class UIA_DropTargetPattern extends UIA_Base {10031 ;; Windows 8 [desktop apps only] /* class UIA_ObjectModelPattern extends UIA_Base { ;; Windows 8 [desktop apps only] ;;~ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh437262(v=vs.85).aspx static __IID := "{71c284b3-c14d-4d14-981e-19751b0d756d}" , __PatternID := 10022 GetUnderlyingObjectModel() { return UIA_Hr(DllCall(this.__Vt(3), "ptr",this.__Value)) } } */ ;;~ class UIA_PatternHandler extends UIA_Base { ;;~ class UIA_PatternInstance extends UIA_Base { ;;~ class UIA_TextRange extends UIA_Base { ;;~ class UIA_TextRange2 extends UIA_Base { ;;~ class UIA_TextRangeArray extends UIA_Base { { ;;~ UIA Functions UIA_Interface() { try { if uia:=ComObjCreate("{ff48dba4-60ef-4201-aa87-54103eef594e}","{30cbe57d-d9d0-452a-ab13-7ac5ac4825ee}") return uia:=new UIA_Interface(uia), uia.base.base.__UIA:=uia throw "UIAutomation Interface failed to initialize." } catch e MsgBox, 262160, UIA Startup Error, % IsObject(e)?"IUIAutomation Interface is not registered.":e.Message } UIA_Hr(hr) { ;;~ http://blogs.msdn.com/b/eldar/archive/2007/04/03/a-lot-of-hresult-codes.aspx static err:={0x8000FFFF:"Catastrophic failure.",0x80004001:"Not implemented.",0x8007000E:"Out of memory.",0x80070057:"One or more arguments are not valid.",0x80004002:"Interface not supported.",0x80004003:"Pointer not valid.",0x80070006:"Handle not valid.",0x80004004:"Operation aborted.",0x80004005:"Unspecified error.",0x80070005:"General access denied.",0x800401E5:"The object identified by this moniker could not be found.",0x80040201:"UIA_E_ELEMENTNOTAVAILABLE",0x80040200:"UIA_E_ELEMENTNOTENABLED",0x80131509:"UIA_E_INVALIDOPERATION",0x80040202:"UIA_E_NOCLICKABLEPOINT",0x80040204:"UIA_E_NOTSUPPORTED",0x80040203:"UIA_E_PROXYASSEMBLYNOTLOADED"} ;; //not completed if hr&&(hr&=0xFFFFFFFF) { RegExMatch(Exception("",-2).what,"(\w+).(\w+)",i) ;; throw Exception(UIA_Hex(hr) " - " err[hr], -2, i2 " (" i1 ")") } return !hr } UIA_NotImplemented() { RegExMatch(Exception("",-2).What,"(\D+)\.(\D+)",m) MsgBox, 262192, UIA Message, Class:`t%m1%`nMember:`t%m2%`n`nMethod has not been implemented yet. } UIA_ElementArray(p, uia="") { ;; should AHK Object be 0 or 1 based? a:=new UIA_ElementArray(p),out:=[] Loop % a.Length out[A_Index]:=a.GetElement(A_Index-1) return out, out.base:={UIA_ElementArray:a} } UIA_RectToObject(ByRef r) { ;; rect.__Value work with DllCalls? static b:={__Class:"object",__Type:"RECT",Struct:Func("UIA_RectStructure")} return {l:NumGet(r,0,"Int"),t:NumGet(r,4,"Int"),r:NumGet(r,8,"Int"),b:NumGet(r,12,"Int"),base:b} } UIA_RectStructure(this, ByRef r) { static sides:="ltrb" VarSetCapacity(r,16) Loop Parse, sides NumPut(this[A_LoopField],r,(A_Index-1)*4,"Int") } UIA_SafeArraysToObject(keys,values) { ;;~ 1 dim safearrays w/ same # of elements out:={} for key in keys out[key]:=values[A_Index-1] return out } UIA_Hex(p) { setting:=A_FormatInteger SetFormat,IntegerFast,H out:=p+0 "" SetFormat,IntegerFast,%setting% return out } UIA_GUID(ByRef GUID, sGUID) { ;;~ Converts a string to a binary GUID and returns its address. VarSetCapacity(GUID,16,0) return DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr",sGUID, "ptr",&GUID)>=0?&GUID:"" } UIA_Variant(ByRef var,type=0,val=0) { ;; Does a variant need to be cleared? If it uses SysAllocString? return (VarSetCapacity(var,8+2*A_PtrSize)+NumPut(type,var,0,"short")+NumPut(type=8? DllCall("oleaut32\SysAllocString", "ptr",&val):val,var,8,"ptr"))*0+&var } UIA_IsVariant(ByRef vt, ByRef type="") { size:=VarSetCapacity(vt),type:=NumGet(vt,"UShort") return size>=16&&size<=24&&type>=0&&(type<=23||type|0x2000) } UIA_Type(ByRef item, ByRef info) { } UIA_VariantData(ByRef p, flag=1) { ;; based on Sean's COM_Enumerate function ;; need to clear varaint? what if you still need it (flag param)? return !UIA_IsVariant(p,vt)?"Invalid Variant" :vt=3?NumGet(p,8,"int") :vt=8?StrGet(NumGet(p,8)) :vt=9||vt=13||vt&0x2000?ComObj(vt,NumGet(p,8),flag) :vt<0x1000&&UIA_VariantChangeType(&p,&p)=0?StrGet(NumGet(p,8)) UIA_VariantClear(&p) :NumGet(p,8) /* VT_EMPTY = 0 ;; No value VT_NULL = 1 ;; SQL-style Null VT_I2 = 2 ;; 16-bit signed int VT_I4 = 3 ;; 32-bit signed int VT_R4 = 4 ;; 32-bit floating-point number VT_R8 = 5 ;; 64-bit floating-point number VT_CY = 6 ;; Currency VT_DATE = 7 ;; Date VT_BSTR = 8 ;; COM string (Unicode string with length prefix) VT_DISPATCH = 9 ;; COM object VT_ERROR = 0xA 10 ;; Error code (32-bit integer) VT_BOOL = 0xB 11 ;; Boolean True (-1) or False (0) VT_VARIANT = 0xC 12 ;; VARIANT (must be combined with VT_ARRAY or VT_BYREF) VT_UNKNOWN = 0xD 13 ;; IUnknown interface pointer VT_DECIMAL = 0xE 14 ;; (not supported) VT_I1 = 0x10 16 ;; 8-bit signed int VT_UI1 = 0x11 17 ;; 8-bit unsigned int VT_UI2 = 0x12 18 ;; 16-bit unsigned int VT_UI4 = 0x13 19 ;; 32-bit unsigned int VT_I8 = 0x14 20 ;; 64-bit signed int VT_UI8 = 0x15 21 ;; 64-bit unsigned int VT_INT = 0x16 22 ;; Signed machine int VT_UINT = 0x17 23 ;; Unsigned machine int VT_RECORD = 0x24 36 ;; User-defined type VT_ARRAY = 0x2000 ;; SAFEARRAY VT_BYREF = 0x4000 ;; Pointer to another type of value = 0x1000 4096 COM_VariantChangeType(pvarDst, pvarSrc, vt=8) { return DllCall("oleaut32\VariantChangeTypeEx", "ptr",pvarDst, "ptr",pvarSrc, "Uint",1024, "Ushort",0, "Ushort",vt) } COM_VariantClear(pvar) { DllCall("oleaut32\VariantClear", "ptr",pvar) } COM_SysAllocString(str) { Return DllCall("oleaut32\SysAllocString", "Uint", &str) } COM_SysFreeString(pstr) { DllCall("oleaut32\SysFreeString", "Uint", pstr) } COM_SysString(ByRef wString, sString) { VarSetCapacity(wString,4+nLen:=2*StrLen(sString)) Return DllCall("kernel32\lstrcpyW","Uint",NumPut(nLen,wString),"Uint",&sString) } */ } UIA_VariantChangeType(pvarDst, pvarSrc, vt=8) { ;; written by Sean return DllCall("oleaut32\VariantChangeTypeEx", "ptr",pvarDst, "ptr",pvarSrc, "Uint",1024, "Ushort",0, "Ushort",vt) } UIA_VariantClear(pvar) { ;; Written by Sean DllCall("oleaut32\VariantClear", "ptr",pvar) } } /* enum TreeScope { TreeScope_Element = 0x1, TreeScope_Children = 0x2, TreeScope_Descendants = 0x4, TreeScope_Parent = 0x8, TreeScope_Ancestors = 0x10, TreeScope_Subtree = ( ( TreeScope_Element | TreeScope_Children ) | TreeScope_Descendants ) } ;; DllCall("oleaut32\SafeArrayGetVartype", "ptr*",ComObjValue(SafeArray), "uint*",pvt) HRESULT SafeArrayGetVartype( _In_ SAFEARRAY *psa, _Out_ VARTYPE *pvt );; DllCall("oleaut32\SafeArrayDestroy", "ptr",ComObjValue(SafeArray)) HRESULT SafeArrayDestroy( _In_ SAFEARRAY *psa );; */ ;; Added UIA_ControlType(n) { Static name:={50000:"Button",50001:"Calendar",50002:"CheckBox",50003:"ComboBox",50004:"Edit",50005:"Hyperlink",50006:"Image",50007:"ListItem",50008:"List",50009:"Menu" ,50010:"MenuBar",50011:"MenuItem",50012:"ProgressBar",50013:"RadioButton",50014:"ScrollBar",50015:"Slider",50016:"Spinner",50017:"StatusBar",50018:"Tab",50019:"TabItem" ,50020:"Text",50021:"ToolBar",50022:"ToolTip",50023:"Tree",50024:"TreeItem",50025:"Custom",50026:"Group",50027:"Thumb",50028:"DataGrid",50029:"DataItem",50030:"Document" ,50031:"SplitButton",50032:"Window",50033:"Pane",50034:"Header",50035:"HeaderItem",50036:"Table",50037:"TitleBar",50038:"Separator"} return name[n] } ;; _________________________________________________ End _________________________________________________ ;;)