--- publish_date: 03.09.2015 15:00 slug: episode-0004 title: Wisdom as a Service World Tour and Human Skills - with Yitzchok Willroth fileSize: 47687013 fileType: audio/x-mp3 duration: 49:35 explicit: no link: http://traffic.libsyn.com/thegeekyfreelancer/FreeTheGeek-Episode0004.mp3 download: FreeTheGeek-Episode0004.mp3 guests: "Yitzchok Willroth": email: yitz@coderabbi.me twitter: coderabbi --- ### Synopsis In this episode, I have a fireside chat with Yitzchok Willroth, the one and only [coderabbi](https://twitter.com/@coderabbi), about a his [Wisdom as a Service World Tour](http://wisdomworldtour.com/). We talk about what it's like to run the tour, the time involved, the energy required, and how it's been received. We also talk about the value of human skills (otherwise known as soft skills), the value of getting up and sharing your knowledge with the community, via public speaking, **and much, much more**. A big shout out to [Troy Hunt](http://www.troyhunt.com/) and [Lorna Jane](http://www.lornajane.net) for the excellent blog posts I drew on for this episode. Thanks folks! ### Related Links - [Wisdom as a Service World Tour](http://wisdomworldtour.com/) - [coderabbi](https://twitter.com/@coderabbi) - [ShorePHP User Group](http://shorephp.org/) - [NYPHP User Group](http://nyphp.org/) - [Speaker style bingo: 10 presentation anti-patterns](http://www.troyhunt.com/2015/06/speaker-style-bingo-10-presentation.html) - [The Microphone Is Your Friend](http://www.lornajane.net/posts/2015/the-microphone-is-your-friend)