# Sublime Text 2 plugin: TypeScript Compiler TypeScript compiler integrated into Sublime Text 2. You can compile fragment or whole .ts file into a new plain JavaScript. Developed for JavaScript prototyping in mind. ## Usage You can select a fragment of TypeScript source code (it must be language consistent) or, without any selection, take the whole file. Next, call the compiler shortcut: * Windows: CTRL+ALT+Y * OSX: CMD+ALT+Y * Linux: CTRL+ALT+Y A new file will be created in JavaScript plain format. ## Installation Install this repository via [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) ## Configuration The package uses [Node.js](http://nodejs.org/) and [TypeScript Compiler](http://www.typescriptlang.org/). They must be installed before running the compiler. Default configuration, you can find in the Sublime preference menu (Preferences/Package Settings/TypeScript Compiler), is the following: * `node_path: "/usr/local/bin/node"` * `typescript_path:"/usr/local/share/npm/bin/tsc"` You can change it in according to your operating system. Typical exemple for windows users: ```json { "node_path" : "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe", "typescript_path" : "C:\\Users\\User_Name\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\typescript\\bin\\tsc" } ```