using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; using System.IO; namespace KesslerSyndrome { [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Flight, false)] class DecayManager : MonoBehaviour { Dictionary nextDecay = new Dictionary(); string savedPath = KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/saves/" + HighLogic.SaveFolder + "/Kessler.dat"; private void Start() { if (!HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams().orbitalDecay) { Debug.Log("[KesslerSyndrome]: DecayManager is turned off. Destroying instance"); Destroy(this); } GameEvents.onGameStateSave.Add(onGameStateSave); GameEvents.onStageSeparation.Add(onStageSeparation); Debug.Log("[KesslerSyndrome]: DecayManager is awake"); if (FlightGlobals.Vessels.Count == 0) return; List decayCandidates = new List(); for (int i = 0; i ().allDecay && v.vesselType != VesselType.Debris) continue; if (v.Landed || v.Splashed) continue; if (v.altitude > v.mainBody.scienceValues.spaceAltitudeThreshold) continue; decayCandidates.Add(v); } Debug.Log("[KesslerSyndrome]: Finished populating decay candidates. Found " + decayCandidates.Count + " candidates"); if (decayCandidates.Count == 0) return; try { Debug.Log("[KesslerSyndrome]: Catching up decay"); ConfigNode node = ConfigNode.Load(savedPath); double d; for (int vc = 0; vc < decayCandidates.Count; vc++) { Vessel v = decayCandidates.ElementAt(vc); if (!double.TryParse(node.GetValue(, out d)) continue; if (d >= Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) continue; double timeToCatchUp = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - d; int orbitsToCatchUp = (int)timeToCatchUp / (int)v.orbit.period; Debug.Log("[KesslerSyndrome]: " + + " needs to catch up on " + orbitsToCatchUp + " orbits worth of decay"); if (orbitsToCatchUp == 0) continue; double decay = 1.0f - (orbitsToCatchUp * GetDecayPercent(v)); if (decay < 0) decay = 0; v.orbit.semiMajorAxis = v.orbit.semiMajorAxis * decay; Debug.Log("[KesslerSyndrome]: Caught up with " + + "'s decay"); nextDecay.Add(v, v.orbit.timeToPe + Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); } } catch { Debug.Log("[KesslerSyndrome]: Encountered a problem loading the decay manager. This message is harmless if this is the first time the decay manager has been loaded on this save"); } finally { for (int vc = 0; vc < decayCandidates.Count; vc++) { Vessel v = decayCandidates.ElementAt(vc); double d; if (nextDecay.TryGetValue(v, out d)) continue; nextDecay.Add(v, v.orbit.timeToPe + Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); } } } private void onStageSeparation(EventReport data) { Debug.Log("[KesslerSyndrome]: Staging Event detected. Checking for new debris"); for(int i = 0; i().allDecay && v.vesselType != VesselType.Debris) continue; if (v.Landed || v.Splashed) continue; if (v.altitude > v.mainBody.scienceValues.spaceAltitudeThreshold) continue; nextDecay.Add(v, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + v.orbit.timeToPe); Debug.Log("[KesslerSyndrome]: Added " + + " to the decay list"); } } private void onGameStateSave(ConfigNode data) { ConfigNode node = new ConfigNode(); for (int i = 0; i < nextDecay.Count; i++) { var v = nextDecay.ElementAt(i); node.AddValue(, v.Value); } node.Save(savedPath); Debug.Log("[KesslerSyndrome]: Saved Data"); } private void Update() { if (nextDecay.Count == 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < nextDecay.Count; i++) { var v = nextDecay.ElementAt(i); if (v.Key == null) { nextDecay.Remove(v.Key); return; } if (v.Value > Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()) continue; v.Key.orbit.semiMajorAxis = v.Key.orbit.semiMajorAxis * (1.0f - GetDecayPercent(v.Key)); Debug.Log("[KesslerSyndrome]: decayed " + + "'s orbit"); nextDecay.Remove(v.Key); nextDecay.Add(v.Key, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() + v.Key.orbit.timeToPe); } } double GetDecayPercent(Vessel v) { double decayDepth = v.orbit.PeA / v.mainBody.scienceValues.spaceAltitudeThreshold; decayDepth = 1.0f - decayDepth; decayDepth = decayDepth * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams().decayPercent; return decayDepth; } private void OnDestroy() { Debug.Log("[KesslerSyndrome]: Destroying DecayManager"); if (GameEvents.onGameStateSave == null) return; GameEvents.onGameStateSave.Remove(onGameStateSave); } } }