# Wesnoth Markup Language (WML) Adds support for the Wesnoth Markup Language. Works with any color scheme. ## Features - highlighting of WML tags, key=value pairs, seperators, comments - checks for matching parentheses, braces, brackets and quotes - knows about preprocessor instructions and can detect mistakes - highlights inline Lua ## Code If you miss something, or want to further expand it: - In Sublime Text, the code can be reached from Menu -> Preferences -> Browse Packages… - In the parallel folder »Installed Packages« is the Zip-archive _WML.sublime-package_. Extract it into »Packages« - The file contains many comments about the markup mechanics ## How it looks ![screenshot.png]( https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21158813/55279259-d2a62300-5316-11e9-91f6-f98ec08bb443.png) … using the Breakers color scheme. Lua code is detected by the »code« key and the strong quotes.