
die() {
  echo "$@" 1>&2
  exit 1


[[ -n "${PV}" ]] || die "First argument must be a version number"
[[ -d "${DIR}" ]] || die "Second argument must be a the eza repo"
[[ -d "${DIR}/manpages/.git" ]] || die "${DIR}/manpages must exists and be a git repo"

pushd "${DIR}" || die

git checkout "v${PV}" || die "Tag v${PV} does not exists"

go-md2man -in man/eza.1.md -out manpages/eza.1
go-md2man -in man/eza_colors.5.md -out manpages/eza_colors.5
go-md2man -in  man/eza_colors-explanation.5.md -out manpages/eza_colors-explanation.5

export XZ_DEFAULTS="-9 -T 0"
tar -caf eza-${PV}-manpages.tar.xz manpages

pushd manpages || die

git add .
git commit -m "update for ${PV}"
git tag "${PV}" -m "${PV}"
git push --tags

gh release create "${PV}" ../eza-${PV}-manpages.tar.xz

popd # $DIR/manpages
popd # $DIR