.. Documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Nov 01 16:54:32 2010. Updated by lmz 2011-May-23. This file, along with make.bat and conf.py are the only non-generated files in doc/. Run "make html" to generate the _generated/*.rst files and _build/* Overview ======== .. automodule:: dta :no-members: :no-undoc-members: :no-inherited-members: :no-show-inheritance: Installation ============ This code has been tested with Python 2.6.4. Required python modules: * `numpy `_ Efficient multi-dimensional container of generic data. Used for Demand data and Corridor plots. Tested with numpy 1.3.0. * `pyshp `_ Python Shapefile Library for interpretting shapefiles for road geometry and for exporting shapefiles. Tested with pyshp 1.1.4. * `pyparsing `_ Enables parsing using simple grammars. Used for parsing TPPlus transit line files. Tested with pyparsing 1.5.6. Optional python modules: * `matplotlib `_ A 2D plotting library. Used for :py:class:`CountsVsVolumes` corridor plots. Tested with matplotlib 1.1.1. * `pyproj `_ A cartographic transformation library to convert between longitude and latitude to native map projection (x,y) coordinates. Useful for GTFS importing. Tested with pyproj 1.9.0. * `transitfeed `_ GTFS parsing library for importing GTFS. Tested with transitfeed 1.2.11. * `sphinx `_ Python documentation generator. * `nose `_ For unit tests. Network classes =============== .. inheritance-diagram:: dta.Network dta.DynameqNetwork dta.CubeNetwork :parts: 1 .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: _generated dta.Network dta.DynameqNetwork dta.CubeNetwork Scenario classes ================ .. inheritance-diagram:: dta.Scenario dta.DynameqScenario dta.VehicleType dta.VehicleClassGroup :parts: 1 .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: _generated dta.Scenario dta.DynameqScenario dta.VehicleType dta.VehicleClassGroup Node classes ================ .. inheritance-diagram:: dta.Node dta.RoadNode dta.VirtualNode dta.Centroid :parts: 1 .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: _generated dta.Node dta.RoadNode dta.VirtualNode dta.Centroid Link classes ================ .. inheritance-diagram:: dta.Link dta.RoadLink dta.VirtualLink dta.Connector :parts: 1 .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: _generated dta.Link dta.RoadLink dta.VirtualLink dta.Connector Signal classes ================= .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: _generated dta.TimePlan dta.PlanCollectionInfo dta.Phase dta.PhaseMovement Transit classes ================= .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: _generated dta.TPPlusTransitNode dta.TPPlusTransitRoute dta.TransitLine dta.TransitSegment Movement and Path classes ========================= .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: _generated dta.Movement dta.Path dta.ShortestPaths Misc ================ .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: _generated dta.CountsVsVolumes dta.Demand dta.DtaError dta.Logger dta.MultiArray dta.Time dta.Utils Scripts ======= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 script_importFullSanFranciscoNetworkDataset script_createSFNetworkFromCubeNetwork script_importTPPlusTransitRoutes script_importExcelSignals script_importUnsignalizedIntersections script_importCubeDemand script_attachCountsFromCountDracula TODOs ===== .. toctree:: todos Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`