This software is distributed under the following license: To compile and install, try this: % make % sudo make install % sudo make schedule To compile features that can be enabled in the config: % make FEATURES="ALL" Or you can specify them individually: % make FEATURES="ULOG NFLOG PCAP DOCKER KVM OVS" Edit /etc/hsflowd.conf for configuration. The options are described in the comments there. Module dependencies var from platform to platform, but the following packages usually have to be installed before the compilation will work: NFLOG: libnfnetlink-dev(el) PCAP: libpcap-dev(el) KVM: libvirt-dev(el) libxml2-dev(el) NVML: libnvidia-ml nvml.h XEN: libxenctrl libxenstore xenctrl.h xenstore.h To start the daemon, run: % sudo service hsflowd start and check the syslog for errors. To run in the debugger, change the Makefile to compile with -g, recompile, and then run with the "-dd" command line option to prevent daemonization: % sudo gdb hsflowd gdb> set args -dd gdb> r For more detailed logging, using -ddd or -dddd. To build an rpm from a git repo, try: % make rpm FEATURES="..." To build an rpm from a sources tarball hsflowd-.tar.gz, copy the tarball to your rpm SOURCES directory then run: % rpmbuild -ba hsflowd.spec --define _FEATURES "..." The rpm will be written to /usr/src/redhat/RPMS// (where is i386 or x86_64 or ...) To build a Debian package, try: % make deb FEATURES="..." The hsflowd--.deb package should appear in the current directory.