package com.sfyc.ctpv /** * Author :leilei on 2016/12/19 1512. */ import android.animation.Animator import android.animation.ValueAnimator import android.content.Context import* import android.text.TextUtils import android.util.AttributeSet import android.util.Log import android.util.TypedValue import android.view.View class CountTimeProgressView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : View(context, attrs, defStyleAttr), View.OnClickListener { private var mContext: Context /** * 小球的运动轨迹 */ private var mBorderPath: Path = Path() private var mSportPath: Path = Path() //背景色画笔 private var mBorderBottomPaint: Paint = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG) //绘制画笔 private var mBorderDrawPaint: Paint = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG) //标记的小球 private var mMarkBallPaint: Paint = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG) //背景色 private var mBgPaint: Paint = Paint() private var mTextPaint: Paint = Paint() private var mPathMeasure: PathMeasure = PathMeasure() private var mAnimator: ValueAnimator? = null private var mSportPos: FloatArray = FloatArray(2) private var mSportTan: FloatArray = FloatArray(2) private var mCurrentValue: Float = 0f private var mLength: Float = 0f //MarkBall parameter var markBallFlag = true set(value) { field = value calcRadius() } private var _markBallWidth = 0f var markBallWidth :Float set(value) { _markBallWidth = dpToPx(value) calcRadius() } get() = _markBallWidth var markBallColor = Color.RED set(value) { field = value mMarkBallPaint.color = value invalidate() } private var _borderWidth = 0f var borderWidth:Float set(value) { _borderWidth = dpToPx(value) mBorderBottomPaint.strokeWidth = _borderWidth mBorderDrawPaint.strokeWidth = _borderWidth calcRadius() } get() = _borderWidth var borderDrawColor = 0 set(value) { field = value mBorderDrawPaint.color = value invalidate() } var borderBottomColor = 0 set(value) { field = value mBorderBottomPaint.color = value invalidate() } var backgroundColorCenter: Int = 0 set(value) { field = value mBgPaint.color = value invalidate() } //center text var titleCenterText: String? = "" set(value) { field = value invalidate() } private var _titleCenterTextSize = 0f var titleCenterTextSize: Float set(value) { _titleCenterTextSize = spToPx(value) // field = value mTextPaint.textSize = _titleCenterTextSize invalidate() } get() = _titleCenterTextSize var titleCenterTextColor = 0 set(value) { field = value mTextPaint.color = value invalidate() } var countTime = 0L set(value) { field = value initAnimation() } var startAngle :Float = 0f set(value) { field = value invalidate() } get() = (field + 270) % 360 /** * true is clockwise(顺时针) */ var clockwise = true set(value) { field = value calcRadius() invalidate() } //view radius private var radius = 0f private var centerPaintX = 0f private var centerPaintY = 0f //动画取消标记 private var onAnimationCancelMark = false private var displayText: String? = null private var mOnEndListener: OnEndListener? = null /** * 选择显示的类型 * TextStyle.JUMP,固定文字(例如"跳过") * TextStyle.SECOND,倒计时(5s) * TextStyle.CLOCK,倒计时(时钟00:00:02) * */ var textStyle = TextStyle.JUMP val isRunning: Boolean get() = mAnimator?.isRunning ?: false /** * @return Get the overage time */ private val overageTime: Long get() = (countTime * (1 - mCurrentValue)).toLong() init { mContext = context init(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) } private fun init(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int) { // Load the styled attr and set their properties val attr = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView, defStyleAttr, 0) if (attr != null) { _titleCenterTextSize = attr.getDimension(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_titleCenterSize, spToPx(DEFAULT_TITLE_CENTER_SIZE)) titleCenterTextColor = attr.getColor(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_titleCenterColor, DEFAULT_TITLE_CENTER_COLOR) titleCenterText = attr.getString(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_titleCenterText) ?: DEFAULT_TITLE_CENTER_TEXT _borderWidth = attr.getDimension(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_borderWidth, dpToPx(DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH)) borderDrawColor = attr.getColor(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_borderDrawColor, DEFAULT_BORDER_DRAW_COLOR) borderBottomColor = attr.getColor(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_borderBottomColor, DEFAULT_BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR) _markBallWidth = attr.getDimension(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_markBallWidth, dpToPx(DEFAULT_MARK_BALL_WIDTH)) markBallColor = attr.getColor(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_markBallColor, DEFAULT_MARK_BALL_COLOR) markBallFlag = attr.getBoolean(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_markBallFlag, DEFAULT_MARK_BALL_FLAG) backgroundColorCenter = attr.getColor(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_backgroundColorCenter, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR_CENTER) //起始位置角度 startAngle = attr.getFloat(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_startAngle, DEFAULT_START_ANGLE) clockwise = attr.getBoolean(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_clockwise, DEFAULT_CLOCKWISE) textStyle = attr.getInteger(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_textStyle, DEFAULT_TEXTSTYLE) countTime = attr.getInt(R.styleable.CountTimeProgressView_countTime, DEFAULT_COUNT_TIME.toInt()).toLong() attr.recycle() } else { _titleCenterTextSize = spToPx(DEFAULT_TITLE_CENTER_SIZE) titleCenterTextColor = DEFAULT_TITLE_CENTER_COLOR titleCenterText = DEFAULT_TITLE_CENTER_TEXT _borderWidth = dpToPx(DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH) borderDrawColor = DEFAULT_BORDER_DRAW_COLOR borderBottomColor = DEFAULT_BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR _markBallWidth = dpToPx(DEFAULT_MARK_BALL_WIDTH) markBallColor = DEFAULT_MARK_BALL_COLOR markBallFlag = DEFAULT_MARK_BALL_FLAG backgroundColorCenter = DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR_CENTER //起始位置角度 startAngle = DEFAULT_START_ANGLE clockwise = DEFAULT_CLOCKWISE textStyle = DEFAULT_TEXTSTYLE countTime = DEFAULT_COUNT_TIME } with(mBorderBottomPaint){ style = Paint.Style.STROKE strokeWidth = borderWidth color = borderBottomColor } with(mMarkBallPaint){ style = Paint.Style.FILL color = markBallColor } with(mBorderDrawPaint){ style = Paint.Style.STROKE strokeWidth = borderWidth color = borderDrawColor } with(mBgPaint){ style = Paint.Style.FILL isAntiAlias = true color = backgroundColorCenter } with(mTextPaint){ style = Paint.Style.FILL color = titleCenterTextColor isAntiAlias = true this.textSize = titleCenterTextSize } initAnimation() setOnClickListener(this) } private fun initAnimation() { mAnimator?.let { it.duration = countTime return } mAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f).apply { duration = countTime addUpdateListener { if(it.animatedValue is Float){ mCurrentValue = it.animatedValue as Float } invalidate() } addListener(object : Animator.AnimatorListener { override fun onAnimationStart(animation: Animator) { onAnimationCancelMark = false } override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator) { if (mOnEndListener != null && !onAnimationCancelMark) { Log.e("CountTimeProgressView", "AnimationOver") mOnEndListener?.onAnimationEnd() } } override fun onAnimationCancel(animation: Animator) { onAnimationCancelMark = true } override fun onAnimationRepeat(animation: Animator) { } }) } } override fun onDetachedFromWindow() { super.onDetachedFromWindow() mOnEndListener = null if (isRunning) { cancelCountTimeAnimation() } } fun calcRadius() { val availableWidth = width - paddingLeft - paddingRight val availableHeight = height - paddingTop - paddingBottom // val sideLength = Math.min(availableWidth, availableHeight) val centerLength = Math.min(availableWidth, availableHeight)/2f centerPaintX = paddingLeft + centerLength centerPaintY = paddingTop + centerLength if (markBallFlag) { radius = centerLength - Math.max(borderWidth, markBallWidth / 2f) } else { radius = centerLength - borderWidth } mBorderPath.reset() if (!clockwise) { mBorderPath.addCircle(0f, 0f, radius, Path.Direction.CCW) } else { mBorderPath.addCircle(0f, 0f, radius, Path.Direction.CW) } mPathMeasure.setPath(mBorderPath, false) mLength = mPathMeasure.length invalidate() } override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas) canvas.translate(centerPaintX, centerPaintY) canvas.rotate(startAngle) //绘制背景色 canvas.drawCircle(0f, 0f, radius, mBgPaint) canvas.drawPath(mBorderPath, mBorderBottomPaint) mSportPath.reset() mSportPath.lineTo(0f, 0f) //draw sport path。 val stop = mLength * mCurrentValue mPathMeasure.getSegment(0f, stop, mSportPath, true) canvas.drawPath(mSportPath, mBorderDrawPaint) mPathMeasure.getPosTan(mCurrentValue * mLength, mSportPos, mSportTan) if (markBallFlag) { canvas.drawCircle(mSportPos[0], mSportPos[1], markBallWidth/2f, mMarkBallPaint) } when (textStyle) { TextStyle.SECOND -> if (titleCenterText!!.contains("%")) { displayText = String.format(titleCenterText!!, (countTime * (1 - mCurrentValue) / 1000).toInt()) } else { displayText = (countTime * (1 - mCurrentValue) / 1000).toInt().toString() + "s" } TextStyle.CLOCK -> displayText = ((countTime * (1 - mCurrentValue)).toLong()).clock TextStyle.JUMP -> if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(titleCenterText)) { displayText = titleCenterText } TextStyle.NONE -> displayText = "" else -> displayText = "" } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(displayText)) { val middle = mTextPaint.measureText(displayText) canvas.rotate(-startAngle) canvas.drawText(displayText, 0 - middle / 2, 0 - (mTextPaint.descent() + mTextPaint.ascent()) / 2, mTextPaint) } canvas.restore() } override fun onSizeChanged(w: Int, h: Int, oldw: Int, oldh: Int) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh) calcRadius() } override fun setPadding(left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int) { super.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom) calcRadius() } override fun setPaddingRelative(start: Int, top: Int, end: Int, bottom: Int) { super.setPaddingRelative(start, top, end, bottom) calcRadius() } override fun onClick(view: View) { if (mOnEndListener != null) { mOnEndListener?.onClick(overageTime) } } /** * start countTime */ fun startCountTimeAnimation() { mAnimator?.let { it.cancel() it.start() } } /** * cancel countTime */ fun cancelCountTimeAnimation() { mAnimator?.cancel() } fun addOnEndListener(onEndListener: OnEndListener) { this.mOnEndListener = onEndListener } /** * Convert sp to pixel. */ private fun spToPx(sp: Float): Float { return TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, sp, mContext.resources.displayMetrics) } /** * Convert dp to pixel. */ private fun dpToPx(dp: Float): Float { return TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, dp, mContext.resources.displayMetrics) } //扩展属性,显示时针 private val Long.clock: String get() { var totalTime = (this / 1000).toInt()//秒 var hour = 0 var minute = 0 var second = 0 if (3600 <= totalTime) { hour = totalTime / 3600 totalTime = totalTime - 3600 * hour } if (60 <= totalTime) { minute = totalTime / 60 totalTime = totalTime - 60 * minute } if (0 <= totalTime) { second = totalTime } val sb = StringBuilder() if (hour < 10) { sb.append("0").append(hour).append(":") } else { sb.append(hour).append(":") } if (minute < 10) { sb.append("0").append(minute).append(":") } else { sb.append(hour).append(":") } if (second < 10) { sb.append("0").append(second) } else { sb.append(second) } return sb.toString() } interface OnEndListener { fun onAnimationEnd() fun onClick(overageTime: Long) } object TextStyle { /** * 固定文字(例如"跳过") */ val JUMP = 0 /** * 倒计时(5s) */ val SECOND = 1 /** * 倒计时(时钟00:00:02) */ val CLOCK = 2 /** * 不显示任何东西 */ val NONE = 3 } companion object { private val TAG = "CountTimeProgressView" private val DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR_CENTER = Color.parseColor("#00BCD4") private val DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH = 3f private val DEFAULT_BORDER_DRAW_COLOR = Color.parseColor("#4dd0e1") private val DEFAULT_BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR = Color.parseColor("#D32F2F") private val DEFAULT_MARK_BALL_WIDTH = 6f private val DEFAULT_MARK_BALL_COLOR = Color.parseColor("#536DFE") private val DEFAULT_MARK_BALL_FLAG = true private val DEFAULT_START_ANGLE = 0f private val DEFAULT_CLOCKWISE = true private val DEFAULT_COUNT_TIME = 5L private val DEFAULT_TEXTSTYLE = TextStyle.JUMP private val DEFAULT_TITLE_CENTER_TEXT = "jump" private val DEFAULT_TITLE_CENTER_COLOR = Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF") private val DEFAULT_TITLE_CENTER_SIZE = 16f } }