## 2015-11-19, Version 3.0.4 - Update Model template attributes to be an array - Update krypton-orm - Use subdirectory name in controllers as controller namespace - Fix lodash-inflection mixin ## 2015-11-04, Version 3.0.3 - Add missing lodash dependencies to neonode.js ## 2015-10-09, Version 3.0.2 - Add beforeActions to controllers ## 2015-09-29, Version 3.0.0 - Drop Argon models in favor of Krypton models (https://www.npmjs.com/package/krypton-orm) - Remove unused dependencies - Add a controller registry - Remove routes from controllers - Middlewares registry loader from config.js - Proted route-mapper to Neon.js classes ## 2015-07-24, Version 2.3.6 - Don't load Knex if CONFIG.database is undefined ## 2015-06-30, Version 2.3.2 - Move LithiumEngine to base package - Remove lib/customErrors - Load the lib/boot.js from the base package after bootstrap finishes ## 2015-06-30, Version 2.3.1 - Load controllers from controllers directory and all its subdirectories ## 2015-06-16, Version 2.3.0 - Use the standard connection configuration for Knex ## 2015-06-08, Version 2.2.5 - Properly merge KnexStorage Queries ## 2015-06-02, Version 2.2.4 - Let models override createdAt and updatedAt in KnexModel ## 2015-06-01, Version 2.2.3 - Add model.id before dispatching afterSave ## 2015-05-25, Version 2.2.2 - Added customErrors.js - added NotFoundError ## 2015-05-25, Version 2.2.1 - Added caolan/async ## 2015-05-08, Version 2.2.0 - require('neonode-core') now exports the instance of the Application, you have to run application._serverStart() manually from now on. ## 2015-05-08, Version 2.1.10 - Add beforeValidate and afterValidate events to ValidationSupport ## 2015-05-08, Version 2.1.9 - Check for CONFIG.database.logQueries inside the knex.on('query') handler ## 2015-05-08, Version 2.1.8 - Added before/after Create and Update events to KnexModel ## 2015-05-08, Version 2.1.7 - Fixed typo in KnexStorage ## 2015-05-07, Version 2.1.6 - Removed passport Local Strategy, passport strategies should be installed in the neonode project. ## 2015-05-06, Version 2.1.5 - Add setProperties to KnexModel ## 2015-05-06, Version 2.1.4 - ValidationSupport now runs checkit with promises instead of validateSync() ## 2015-05-06, Version 2.1.3 - Fixed a data validation issue in the KnexStorage processor ## 2015-05-04, Version 2.1.2 - Fixed typos in ValidationSupport - Clean _csfr in KnexStorage.preprocessors - Add createdAt and updatedAt to KnexModel - Add Preprocessor to convert from camelcase to underscored column names - Add Processor to convert from underscored to camelcase column names - Add underscore.string module - Use constructor.validations in ValidationSupport ## 2015-05-04, Version 2.1.1 - Move router middleware from Application.js to neonode middlewares ## 2015-05-04, Version 2.1.0 - Added [Checkit](https://github.com/tgriesser/checkit) npm module for validations - Added Argon Models (Argon.KnexModel) - Added KnexStorage for Argon - Added ValidationsSupport Neon Module to use with Argon.KnexModel ## 2015-03-30, Version 2.0.1 - Remove socket.io and async from dependencies - Move express router initialization and router middleware before external middlewares ## 2015-03-26, Version 2.0.0 - Remove webpack dependencies - Remove middlewares - Add Middlewares loader - CLI loads the local neonode module if its run from inside a neonode project, it loads the global module otherwise - Lithium performance.now returns a hrtime() in microseconds in node now - Move connect-redis to base