/** * Z-Wave Lock * * Copyright 2015 SmartThings * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ metadata { definition (name: "Z-Wave Lock", namespace: "smartthings", author: "SmartThings", runLocally: true, minHubCoreVersion: '000.017.0012', executeCommandsLocally: false) { capability "Actuator" capability "Lock" capability "Polling" capability "Refresh" capability "Sensor" capability "Lock Codes" capability "Battery" capability "Health Check" capability "Configuration" // Schlage fingerprint mfr:"003B", prod:"6341", model:"0544", deviceJoinName: "Schlage Touchscreen Deadbolt Door Lock" fingerprint mfr:"003B", prod:"6341", model:"5044", deviceJoinName: "Schlage Touchscreen Deadbolt Door Lock" fingerprint mfr:"003B", prod:"634B", model:"504C", deviceJoinName: "Schlage Connected Keypad Lever Door Lock" fingerprint mfr:"003B", prod:"0001", model:"0468", deviceJoinName: "Schlage Connect Smart Deadbolt Door Lock" //BE468ZP fingerprint mfr:"003B", prod:"0001", model:"0469", deviceJoinName: "Schlage Connect Smart Deadbolt Door Lock" //BE469ZP } } import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.json.JsonOutput import hubitat.zwave.commands.doorlockv1.* import hubitat.zwave.commands.usercodev1.* /** * Called on app installed */ def installed() { // Device-Watch pings if no device events received for 1 hour (checkInterval) sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 1 * 60 * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: "zwave", hubHardwareId: device.hub.hardwareID, offlinePingable: "1"]) if (isSamsungLock()) { // Samsung locks won't allow you to enter the pairing menu when locked, so it must be unlocked sendEvent(name: "lock", value: "unlocked", isStateChange: true, displayed: true) } scheduleInstalledCheck() } /** * Verify that we have actually received the lock's initial states. * If not, verify that we have at least requested them or request them, * and check again. */ def scheduleInstalledCheck() { runIn(120, installedCheck, [forceForLocallyExecuting: true]) } def installedCheck() { if (device.currentState("lock") && device.currentState("battery")) { unschedule("installedCheck") } else { // We might have called updated() or configure() at some point but not have received a reply, so don't flood the network if (!state.lastLockDetailsQuery || secondsPast(state.lastLockDetailsQuery, 2 * 60)) { def actions = updated() if (actions) { sendHubCommand(actions.toHubAction()) } } scheduleInstalledCheck() } } /** * Called on app uninstalled */ def uninstalled() { def deviceName = device.displayName log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'uninstalled()' for device $deviceName" sendEvent(name: "lockRemoved", value: device.id, isStateChange: true, displayed: false) } /** * Executed when the user taps on the 'Done' button on the device settings screen. Sends the values to lock. * * @return hubAction: The commands to be executed */ def updated() { // Device-Watch pings if no device events received for 1 hour (checkInterval) sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 1 * 60 * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: "zwave", hubHardwareId: device.hub.hardwareID, offlinePingable: "1"]) def hubAction = null try { def cmds = [] if (!device.currentState("lock") || !device.currentState("battery") || !state.configured) { log.debug "Returning commands for lock operation get and battery get" if (!state.configured) { cmds << doConfigure() } cmds << refresh() cmds << getLockCodes() if (!state.MSR) { cmds << zwave.manufacturerSpecificV1.manufacturerSpecificGet().format() } if (!state.fw) { cmds << zwave.versionV1.versionGet().format() } hubAction = response(delayBetween(cmds, 30*1000)) } } catch (e) { log.warn "updated() threw $e" } hubAction } /** * Configures the device to settings needed by SmarthThings at device discovery time * */ def configure() { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'configure()' for device ${device.displayName}" def cmds = doConfigure() log.debug "Configure returning with commands := $cmds" cmds } /** * Returns the list of commands to be executed when the device is being configured/paired * */ def doConfigure() { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'doConfigure()' for device ${device.displayName}" state.configured = true def cmds = [] cmds << secure(zwave.doorLockV1.doorLockOperationGet()) cmds << secure(zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet()) if (isSchlageLock()) { cmds << secure(zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: getSchlageLockParam().codeLength.number)) } cmds = delayBetween(cmds, 30*1000) state.lastLockDetailsQuery = now() log.debug "Do configure returning with commands := $cmds" cmds } /** * Responsible for parsing incoming device messages to generate events * * @param description: The incoming description from the device * * @return result: The list of events to be sent out * */ def parse(String description) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'parse(String description)' for device ${device.displayName} with description = $description" def result = null if (description.startsWith("Err")) { if (state.sec) { result = createEvent(descriptionText:description, isStateChange:true, displayed:false) } else { result = createEvent( descriptionText: "This lock failed to complete the network security key exchange. If you are unable to control it via SmartThings, you must remove it from your network and add it again.", eventType: "ALERT", name: "secureInclusion", value: "failed", displayed: true, ) } } else { def cmd = zwave.parse(description, [ 0x98: 1, 0x72: 2, 0x85: 2, 0x86: 1 ]) if (cmd) { result = zwaveEvent(cmd) } } log.info "[DTH] parse() - returning result=$result" result } /** * Responsible for parsing ConfigurationReport command * * @param cmd: The ConfigurationReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.configurationv2.ConfigurationReport cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.configurationv2.ConfigurationReport cmd)' with cmd = $cmd" if (isSchlageLock() && cmd.parameterNumber == getSchlageLockParam().codeLength.number) { def result = [] def length = cmd.scaledConfigurationValue def deviceName = device.displayName log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'ConfigurationReport' for device $deviceName with code length := $length" def codeLength = device.currentValue("codeLength") if (codeLength && codeLength != length) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'ConfigurationReport' for device $deviceName - all codes deleted" result = allCodesDeletedEvent() result << createEvent(name: "codeChanged", value: "all deleted", descriptionText: "Deleted all user codes", isStateChange: true, data: [lockName: deviceName, notify: true, notificationText: "Deleted all user codes in $deviceName at ${location.name}"]) result << createEvent(name: "lockCodes", value: util.toJson([:]), displayed: false, descriptionText: "'lockCodes' attribute updated") } result << createEvent(name:"codeLength", value: length, descriptionText: "Code length is $length", displayed: false) return result } return null } /** * Responsible for parsing SecurityMessageEncapsulation command * * @param cmd: The SecurityMessageEncapsulation command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.securityv1.SecurityMessageEncapsulation cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.securityv1.SecurityMessageEncapsulation)' with cmd = $cmd" def encapsulatedCommand = cmd.encapsulatedCommand([0x62: 1, 0x71: 2, 0x80: 1, 0x85: 2, 0x63: 1, 0x98: 1, 0x86: 1]) if (encapsulatedCommand) { zwaveEvent(encapsulatedCommand) } } /** * Responsible for parsing NetworkKeyVerify command * * @param cmd: The NetworkKeyVerify command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.securityv1.NetworkKeyVerify cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.securityv1.NetworkKeyVerify)' with cmd = $cmd" createEvent(name:"secureInclusion", value:"success", descriptionText:"Secure inclusion was successful", isStateChange: true) } /** * Responsible for parsing SecurityCommandsSupportedReport command * * @param cmd: The SecurityCommandsSupportedReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.securityv1.SecurityCommandsSupportedReport cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.securityv1.SecurityCommandsSupportedReport)' with cmd = $cmd" state.sec = cmd.commandClassSupport.collect { String.format("%02X ", it) }.join() if (cmd.commandClassControl) { state.secCon = cmd.commandClassControl.collect { String.format("%02X ", it) }.join() } createEvent(name:"secureInclusion", value:"success", descriptionText:"Lock is securely included", isStateChange: true) } /** * Responsible for parsing DoorLockOperationReport command * * @param cmd: The DoorLockOperationReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(DoorLockOperationReport cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(DoorLockOperationReport)' with cmd = $cmd" def result = [] unschedule("followupStateCheck") unschedule("stateCheck") // DoorLockOperationReport is called when trying to read the lock state or when the lock is locked/unlocked from the DTH or the smart app def map = [ name: "lock" ] map.data = [ lockName: device.displayName ] if (isKeyweLock()) { map.value = cmd.doorCondition >> 1 ? "unlocked" : "locked" map.descriptionText = cmd.doorCondition >> 1 ? "Unlocked" : "Locked" } else if (cmd.doorLockMode == 0xFF) { map.value = "locked" map.descriptionText = "Locked" } else if (cmd.doorLockMode >= 0x40) { map.value = "unknown" map.descriptionText = "Unknown state" } else if (cmd.doorLockMode == 0x01) { map.value = "unlocked with timeout" map.descriptionText = "Unlocked with timeout" } else { map.value = "unlocked" map.descriptionText = "Unlocked" if (state.assoc != zwaveHubNodeId) { result << response(secure(zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId))) result << response(zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:2, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId)) result << response(secure(zwave.associationV1.associationGet(groupingIdentifier:1))) } } if (generatesDoorLockOperationReportBeforeAlarmReport()) { // we're expecting lock events to come after notification events, but for specific yale locks they come out of order runIn(3, "delayLockEvent", [data: [map: map]]) return [:] } else { return result ? [createEvent(map), *result] : createEvent(map) } } def delayLockEvent(data) { log.debug "Sending cached lock operation: $data.map" sendEvent(data.map) } /** * Responsible for parsing AlarmReport command * * @param cmd: The AlarmReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.alarmv2.AlarmReport cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.alarmv2.AlarmReport)' with cmd = $cmd" def result = [] if (cmd.zwaveAlarmType == 6) { result = handleAccessAlarmReport(cmd) } else if (cmd.zwaveAlarmType == 7) { result = handleBurglarAlarmReport(cmd) } else if(cmd.zwaveAlarmType == 8) { result = handleBatteryAlarmReport(cmd) } else { result = handleAlarmReportUsingAlarmType(cmd) } result = result ?: null log.debug "[DTH] zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.alarmv2.AlarmReport) returning with result = $result" result } /** * Responsible for handling Access AlarmReport command * * @param cmd: The AlarmReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ private def handleAccessAlarmReport(cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'handleAccessAlarmReport' with cmd = $cmd" def result = [] def map = null def codeID, changeType, lockCodes, codeName def deviceName = device.displayName lockCodes = loadLockCodes() if (1 <= cmd.zwaveAlarmEvent && cmd.zwaveAlarmEvent < 10) { map = [ name: "lock", value: (cmd.zwaveAlarmEvent & 1) ? "locked" : "unlocked" ] } switch(cmd.zwaveAlarmEvent) { case 1: // Manually locked map.descriptionText = "Locked manually" map.data = [ method: (cmd.alarmLevel == 2) ? "keypad" : "manual" ] break case 2: // Manually unlocked map.descriptionText = "Unlocked manually" map.data = [ method: "manual" ] break case 3: // Locked by command map.descriptionText = "Locked" map.data = [ method: "command" ] break case 4: // Unlocked by command map.descriptionText = "Unlocked" map.data = [ method: "command" ] break case 5: // Locked with keypad if (cmd.eventParameter || cmd.alarmLevel) { codeID = readCodeSlotId(cmd) codeName = getCodeName(lockCodes, codeID) map.descriptionText = "Locked by \"$codeName\"" map.data = [ codeId: codeID as String, usedCode: codeID, codeName: codeName, method: "keypad" ] } else { // locked by pressing the Schlage button map.descriptionText = "Locked manually" map.data = [ method: "keypad" ] } break case 6: // Unlocked with keypad if (cmd.eventParameter || cmd.alarmLevel) { codeID = readCodeSlotId(cmd) codeName = getCodeName(lockCodes, codeID) map.descriptionText = "Unlocked by \"$codeName\"" map.data = [ codeId: codeID as String, usedCode: codeID, codeName: codeName, method: "keypad" ] } break case 7: map = [ name: "lock", value: "unknown", descriptionText: "Unknown state" ] map.data = [ method: "manual" ] break case 8: map = [ name: "lock", value: "unknown", descriptionText: "Unknown state" ] map.data = [ method: "command" ] break case 9: // Auto locked map = [ name: "lock", value: "locked", data: [ method: "auto" ] ] map.descriptionText = "Auto locked" break case 0xA: map = [ name: "lock", value: "unknown", descriptionText: "Unknown state" ] map.data = [ method: "auto" ] break case 0xB: map = [ name: "lock", value: "unknown", descriptionText: "Unknown state" ] break case 0xC: // All user codes deleted result = allCodesDeletedEvent() map = [ name: "codeChanged", value: "all deleted", descriptionText: "Deleted all user codes", isStateChange: true ] map.data = [notify: true, notificationText: "Deleted all user codes in $deviceName at ${location.name}"] result << createEvent(name: "lockCodes", value: util.toJson([:]), displayed: false, descriptionText: "'lockCodes' attribute updated") break case 0xD: // User code deleted if (cmd.eventParameter || cmd.alarmLevel) { codeID = readCodeSlotId(cmd) if (lockCodes[codeID.toString()]) { codeName = getCodeName(lockCodes, codeID) map = [ name: "codeChanged", value: "$codeID deleted", isStateChange: true ] map.descriptionText = "Deleted \"$codeName\"" map.data = [ codeName: codeName, notify: true, notificationText: "Deleted \"$codeName\" in $deviceName at ${location.name}" ] result << codeDeletedEvent(lockCodes, codeID) } } break case 0xE: // Master or user code changed/set if (cmd.eventParameter || cmd.alarmLevel) { codeID = readCodeSlotId(cmd) if(codeID == 0 && isKwiksetLock()) { //Ignoring this AlarmReport as Kwikset reports codeID 0 when all slots are full and user tries to set another lock code manually //Kwikset locks don't send AlarmReport when Master code is set log.trace "Ignoring this alarm report in case of Kwikset locks" break } codeName = getCodeNameFromState(lockCodes, codeID) changeType = getChangeType(lockCodes, codeID) map = [ name: "codeChanged", value: "$codeID $changeType", descriptionText: "${getStatusForDescription(changeType)} \"$codeName\"", isStateChange: true ] map.data = [ codeName: codeName, notify: true, notificationText: "${getStatusForDescription(changeType)} \"$codeName\" in $deviceName at ${location.name}" ] if(!isMasterCode(codeID)) { result << codeSetEvent(lockCodes, codeID, codeName) } else { map.descriptionText = "${getStatusForDescription('set')} \"$codeName\"" map.data.notificationText = "${getStatusForDescription('set')} \"$codeName\" in $deviceName at ${location.name}" } } break case 0xF: // Duplicate Pin-code error if (cmd.eventParameter || cmd.alarmLevel) { codeID = readCodeSlotId(cmd) clearStateForSlot(codeID) map = [ name: "codeChanged", value: "$codeID failed", descriptionText: "User code is duplicate and not added", isStateChange: true, data: [isCodeDuplicate: true] ] } break case 0x10: // Tamper Alarm case 0x13: map = [ name: "tamper", value: "detected", descriptionText: "Keypad attempts exceed code entry limit", isStateChange: true, displayed: true ] break case 0x11: // Keypad busy map = [ descriptionText: "Keypad is busy" ] break case 0x12: // Master code changed codeName = getCodeNameFromState(lockCodes, 0) map = [ name: "codeChanged", value: "0 set", descriptionText: "${getStatusForDescription('set')} \"$codeName\"", isStateChange: true ] map.data = [ codeName: codeName, notify: true, notificationText: "${getStatusForDescription('set')} \"$codeName\" in $deviceName at ${location.name}" ] break case 0x18: // KeyWe manual unlock map = [ name: "lock", value: "unlocked", data: [ method: "manual" ] ] map.descriptionText = "Unlocked manually" break case 0x19: // KeyWe manual lock map = [ name: "lock", value: "locked", data: [ method: "manual" ] ] map.descriptionText = "Locked manually" break case 0xFE: // delegating it to handleAlarmReportUsingAlarmType return handleAlarmReportUsingAlarmType(cmd) default: // delegating it to handleAlarmReportUsingAlarmType return handleAlarmReportUsingAlarmType(cmd) } if (map) { if (map.data) { map.data.lockName = deviceName } else { map.data = [ lockName: deviceName ] } result << createEvent(map) } result = result.flatten() result } /** * Responsible for handling Burglar AlarmReport command * * @param cmd: The AlarmReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ private def handleBurglarAlarmReport(cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'handleBurglarAlarmReport' with cmd = $cmd" def result = [] def deviceName = device.displayName def map = [ name: "tamper", value: "detected" ] map.data = [ lockName: deviceName ] switch (cmd.zwaveAlarmEvent) { case 0: map.value = "clear" map.descriptionText = "Tamper alert cleared" break case 1: case 2: map.descriptionText = "Intrusion attempt detected" break case 3: map.descriptionText = "Covering removed" break case 4: map.descriptionText = "Invalid code" break default: // delegating it to handleAlarmReportUsingAlarmType return handleAlarmReportUsingAlarmType(cmd) } result << createEvent(map) result } /** * Responsible for handling Battery AlarmReport command * * @param cmd: The AlarmReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out */ private def handleBatteryAlarmReport(cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'handleBatteryAlarmReport' with cmd = $cmd" def result = [] def deviceName = device.displayName def map = null switch(cmd.zwaveAlarmEvent) { case 0x01: //power has been applied, check if the battery level updated result << response(secure(zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet())) break; case 0x0A: map = [ name: "battery", value: 1, descriptionText: "Battery level critical", displayed: true, data: [ lockName: deviceName ] ] break case 0x0B: map = [ name: "battery", value: 0, descriptionText: "Battery too low to operate lock", isStateChange: true, displayed: true, data: [ lockName: deviceName ] ] break default: // delegating it to handleAlarmReportUsingAlarmType return handleAlarmReportUsingAlarmType(cmd) } result << createEvent(map) result } /** * Responsible for handling AlarmReport commands which are ignored by Access & Burglar handlers * * @param cmd: The AlarmReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ private def handleAlarmReportUsingAlarmType(cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'handleAlarmReportUsingAlarmType' with cmd = $cmd" def result = [] def map = null def codeID, lockCodes, codeName def deviceName = device.displayName lockCodes = loadLockCodes() switch(cmd.alarmType) { case 9: case 17: map = [ name: "lock", value: "unknown", descriptionText: "Unknown state" ] break case 16: // Note: for levers this means it's unlocked, for non-motorized deadbolt, it's just unsecured and might not get unlocked case 19: // Unlocked with keypad map = [ name: "lock", value: "unlocked" ] if (cmd.alarmLevel != null) { codeID = readCodeSlotId(cmd) codeName = getCodeName(lockCodes, codeID) map.isStateChange = true // Non motorized locks, mark state changed since it can be unlocked multiple times map.descriptionText = "Unlocked by \"$codeName\"" map.data = [ codeId: codeID as String, usedCode: codeID, codeName: codeName, method: "keypad" ] } break case 18: // Locked with keypad codeID = readCodeSlotId(cmd) map = [ name: "lock", value: "locked" ] // Kwikset lock reporting code id as 0 when locked using the lock keypad button if (isKwiksetLock() && codeID == 0) { map.descriptionText = "Locked manually" map.data = [ method: "manual" ] } else { codeName = getCodeName(lockCodes, codeID) map.descriptionText = "Locked by \"$codeName\"" map.data = [ codeId: codeID as String, usedCode: codeID, codeName: codeName, method: "keypad" ] } break case 21: // Manually locked map = [ name: "lock", value: "locked", data: [ method: (cmd.alarmLevel == 2) ? "keypad" : "manual" ] ] map.descriptionText = "Locked manually" break case 22: // Manually unlocked map = [ name: "lock", value: "unlocked", data: [ method: "manual" ] ] map.descriptionText = "Unlocked manually" break case 23: map = [ name: "lock", value: "unknown", descriptionText: "Unknown state" ] map.data = [ method: "command" ] break case 24: // Locked by command map = [ name: "lock", value: "locked", data: [ method: "command" ] ] map.descriptionText = "Locked" break case 25: // Unlocked by command map = [ name: "lock", value: "unlocked", data: [ method: "command" ] ] map.descriptionText = "Unlocked" break case 26: map = [ name: "lock", value: "unknown", descriptionText: "Unknown state" ] map.data = [ method: "auto" ] break case 27: // Auto locked map = [ name: "lock", value: "locked", data: [ method: "auto" ] ] map.descriptionText = "Auto locked" break case 32: // All user codes deleted result = allCodesDeletedEvent() map = [ name: "codeChanged", value: "all deleted", descriptionText: "Deleted all user codes", isStateChange: true ] map.data = [notify: true, notificationText: "Deleted all user codes in $deviceName at ${location.name}"] result << createEvent(name: "lockCodes", value: util.toJson([:]), displayed: false, descriptionText: "'lockCodes' attribute updated") break case 33: // User code deleted codeID = readCodeSlotId(cmd) if (lockCodes[codeID.toString()]) { codeName = getCodeName(lockCodes, codeID) map = [ name: "codeChanged", value: "$codeID deleted", isStateChange: true ] map.descriptionText = "Deleted \"$codeName\"" map.data = [ codeName: codeName, notify: true, notificationText: "Deleted \"$codeName\" in $deviceName at ${location.name}" ] result << codeDeletedEvent(lockCodes, codeID) } break case 38: // Non Access map = [ descriptionText: "A Non Access Code was entered at the lock", isStateChange: true ] break case 13: case 112: // Master or user code changed/set codeID = readCodeSlotId(cmd) if(codeID == 0 && isKwiksetLock()) { //Ignoring this AlarmReport as Kwikset reports codeID 0 when all slots are full and user tries to set another lock code manually //Kwikset locks don't send AlarmReport when Master code is set log.trace "Ignoring this alarm report in case of Kwikset locks" break } codeName = getCodeNameFromState(lockCodes, codeID) def changeType = getChangeType(lockCodes, codeID) map = [ name: "codeChanged", value: "$codeID $changeType", descriptionText: "${getStatusForDescription(changeType)} \"$codeName\"", isStateChange: true ] map.data = [ codeName: codeName, notify: true, notificationText: "${getStatusForDescription(changeType)} \"$codeName\" in $deviceName at ${location.name}" ] if(!isMasterCode(codeID)) { result << codeSetEvent(lockCodes, codeID, codeName) } else { map.descriptionText = "${getStatusForDescription('set')} \"$codeName\"" map.data.notificationText = "${getStatusForDescription('set')} \"$codeName\" in $deviceName at ${location.name}" } break case 34: case 113: // Duplicate Pin-code error codeID = readCodeSlotId(cmd) clearStateForSlot(codeID) map = [ name: "codeChanged", value: "$codeID failed", descriptionText: "User code is duplicate and not added", isStateChange: true, data: [isCodeDuplicate: true] ] break case 130: // Batteries replaced map = [ descriptionText: "Batteries replaced", isStateChange: true ] break case 131: // Disabled user entered at keypad map = [ descriptionText: "Code ${cmd.alarmLevel} is disabled", isStateChange: false ] break case 161: // Tamper Alarm if (cmd.alarmLevel == 2) { map = [ name: "tamper", value: "detected", descriptionText: "Front escutcheon removed", isStateChange: true ] } else { map = [ name: "tamper", value: "detected", descriptionText: "Keypad attempts exceed code entry limit", isStateChange: true, displayed: true ] } break case 167: // Low Battery Alarm if (!state.lastbatt || now() - state.lastbatt > 12*60*60*1000) { map = [ descriptionText: "Battery low", isStateChange: true ] result << response(secure(zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet())) } else { map = [ name: "battery", value: device.currentValue("battery"), descriptionText: "Battery low", isStateChange: true ] } break case 168: // Critical Battery Alarms map = [ name: "battery", value: 1, descriptionText: "Battery level critical", displayed: true ] break case 169: // Battery too low to operate map = [ name: "battery", value: 0, descriptionText: "Battery too low to operate lock", isStateChange: true, displayed: true ] break default: map = [ displayed: false, descriptionText: "Alarm event ${cmd.alarmType} level ${cmd.alarmLevel}" ] break } if (map) { if (map.data) { map.data.lockName = deviceName } else { map.data = [ lockName: deviceName ] } result << createEvent(map) } result = result.flatten() result } /** * Responsible for parsing UserCodeReport command * * @param cmd: The UserCodeReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ /* def zwaveEvent(UserCodeReport cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(UserCodeReport)' with userIdentifier: ${cmd.userIdentifier} and status: ${cmd.userIdStatus}" def result = [] // cmd.userIdentifier seems to be an int primitive type def codeID = cmd.userIdentifier.toString() def lockCodes = loadLockCodes() def map = [ name: "codeChanged", isStateChange: true ] def deviceName = device.displayName def userIdStatus = cmd.userIdStatus if (userIdStatus == UserCodeReport.USER_ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED || (userIdStatus == UserCodeReport.USER_ID_STATUS_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE && cmd.user)) { def codeName // Schlage locks sends a blank/empty code during code creation/updation where as it sends "**********" during scanning // Some Schlage locks send "**********" during code creation also. The state check will work for them if ((!cmd.code || state["setname$codeID"]) && isSchlageLock()) { // this will be executed when the user tries to create/update a user code through the // smart app or manually on the lock. This is specific to Schlage locks. log.trace "[DTH] User code creation successful for Schlage lock" codeName = getCodeNameFromState(lockCodes, codeID) def changeType = getChangeType(lockCodes, codeID) map.value = "$codeID $changeType" map.isStateChange = true map.descriptionText = "${getStatusForDescription(changeType)} \"$codeName\"" map.data = [ codeName: codeName, lockName: deviceName, notify: true, notificationText: "${getStatusForDescription(changeType)} \"$codeName\" in $deviceName at ${location.name}" ] if(!isMasterCode(codeID)) { result << codeSetEvent(lockCodes, codeID, codeName) } else { map.descriptionText = "${getStatusForDescription('set')} \"$codeName\"" map.data.notificationText = "${getStatusForDescription('set')} \"$codeName\" in $deviceName at ${location.name}" map.data.lockName = deviceName } } else { // We'll land here during scanning of codes codeName = getCodeName(lockCodes, codeID) def changeType = getChangeType(lockCodes, codeID) if (!lockCodes[codeID]) { result << codeSetEvent(lockCodes, codeID, codeName) } else { map.displayed = false } map.value = "$codeID $changeType" map.descriptionText = "${getStatusForDescription(changeType)} \"$codeName\"" map.data = [ codeName: codeName, lockName: deviceName ] } } else if(userIdStatus == 254 && isSchlageLock()) { // This is code creation/updation error for Schlage locks. // It should be OK to mark this as duplicate pin code error since in case the batteries are down, or lock is not in range, // or wireless interference is there, the UserCodeReport will anyway not be received. map = [ name: "codeChanged", value: "$codeID failed", descriptionText: "User code is not added", isStateChange: true, data: [ lockName: deviceName, isCodeDuplicate: true] ] } else { // We are using userIdStatus here because codeID = 0 is reported when user tries to set programming code as the user code if (codeID == "0" && userIdStatus == UserCodeReport.USER_ID_STATUS_AVAILABLE_NOT_SET && isSchlageLock()) { // all codes deleted for Schlage locks log.trace "[DTH] All user codes deleted for Schlage lock" result << allCodesDeletedEvent() map = [ name: "codeChanged", value: "all deleted", descriptionText: "Deleted all user codes", isStateChange: true, data: [ lockName: deviceName, notify: true, notificationText: "Deleted all user codes in $deviceName at ${location.name}"] ] lockCodes = [:] result << lockCodesEvent(lockCodes) } else { // code is not set if (lockCodes[codeID]) { def codeName = getCodeName(lockCodes, codeID) map.value = "$codeID deleted" map.descriptionText = "Deleted \"$codeName\"" map.data = [ codeName: codeName, lockName: deviceName, notify: true, notificationText: "Deleted \"$codeName\" in $deviceName at ${location.name}" ] result << codeDeletedEvent(lockCodes, codeID) } else { map.value = "$codeID unset" map.displayed = false map.data = [ lockName: deviceName ] } } } clearStateForSlot(codeID) result << createEvent(map) if (codeID.toInteger() == state.checkCode) { // getLockCodes() was called, keep requesting the codes in order if (state.checkCode + 1 > state.codes || state.checkCode >= 8) { state.remove("checkCode") // done state["checkCode"] = null sendEvent(name: "scanCodes", value: "Complete", descriptionText: "Code scan completed", displayed: false) } else { state.checkCode = state.checkCode + 1 // get next result << response(requestCode(state.checkCode)) } } if (codeID == state.pollCode) { if (state.pollCode + 1 > state.codes || state.pollCode >= 15) { state.remove("pollCode") // done state["pollCode"] = null } else { state.pollCode = state.pollCode + 1 } } result = result.flatten() result } */ /** * Responsible for parsing UsersNumberReport command * * @param cmd: The UsersNumberReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ /* def zwaveEvent(UsersNumberReport cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(UsersNumberReport)' with cmd = $cmd" def result = [createEvent(name: "maxCodes", value: cmd.supportedUsers, displayed: false)] state.codes = cmd.supportedUsers if (state.checkCode) { if (state.checkCode <= cmd.supportedUsers) { result << response(requestCode(state.checkCode)) } else { state.remove("checkCode") state["checkCode"] = null } } result } */ /** * Responsible for parsing AssociationReport command * * @param cmd: The AssociationReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.associationv2.AssociationReport cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.associationv2.AssociationReport)' with cmd = $cmd" def result = [] if (cmd.nodeId.any { it == zwaveHubNodeId }) { state.remove("associationQuery") state["associationQuery"] = null result << createEvent(descriptionText: "Is associated") state.assoc = zwaveHubNodeId if (cmd.groupingIdentifier == 2) { result << response(zwave.associationV1.associationRemove(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId)) } } else if (cmd.groupingIdentifier == 1) { result << response(secure(zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId))) } else if (cmd.groupingIdentifier == 2) { result << response(zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:2, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId)) } result } /** * Responsible for parsing TimeGet command * * @param cmd: The TimeGet command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.timev1.TimeGet cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.timev1.TimeGet)' with cmd = $cmd" def result = [] def now = new Date().toCalendar() if(location.timeZone) now.timeZone = location.timeZone result << createEvent(descriptionText: "Requested time update", displayed: false) result << response(secure(zwave.timeV1.timeReport( hourLocalTime: now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), minuteLocalTime: now.get(Calendar.MINUTE), secondLocalTime: now.get(Calendar.SECOND))) ) result } /** * Responsible for parsing BasicSet command * * @param cmd: The BasicSet command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet)' with cmd = $cmd" // The old Schlage locks use group 1 for basic control - we don't want that, so unsubscribe from group 1 def result = [ createEvent(name: "lock", value: cmd.value ? "unlocked" : "locked") ] def cmds = [ zwave.associationV1.associationRemove(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId).format(), "delay 1200", zwave.associationV1.associationGet(groupingIdentifier:2).format() ] [result, response(cmds)] } /** * Responsible for parsing BatteryReport command * * @param cmd: The BatteryReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.batteryv1.BatteryReport cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.batteryv1.BatteryReport)' with cmd = $cmd" def map = [ name: "battery", unit: "%" ] if (cmd.batteryLevel == 0xFF) { map.value = 1 map.descriptionText = "Has a low battery" } else { map.value = cmd.batteryLevel map.descriptionText = "Battery is at ${cmd.batteryLevel}%" } state.lastbatt = now() createEvent(map) } /** * Responsible for parsing ManufacturerSpecificReport command * * @param cmd: The ManufacturerSpecificReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.ManufacturerSpecificReport)' with cmd = $cmd" def result = [] def msr = String.format("%04X-%04X-%04X", cmd.manufacturerId, cmd.productTypeId, cmd.productId) updateDataValue("MSR", msr) result << createEvent(descriptionText: "MSR: $msr", isStateChange: false) result } /** * Responsible for parsing VersionReport command * * @param cmd: The VersionReport command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.versionv1.VersionReport cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.versionv1.VersionReport)' with cmd = $cmd" def fw = "${cmd.applicationVersion}.${cmd.applicationSubVersion}" updateDataValue("fw", fw) if (getDataValue("MSR") == "003B-6341-5044") { updateDataValue("ver", "${cmd.applicationVersion >> 4}.${cmd.applicationVersion & 0xF}") } def text = "${device.displayName}: firmware version: $fw, Z-Wave version: ${cmd.zWaveProtocolVersion}.${cmd.zWaveProtocolSubVersion}" createEvent(descriptionText: text, isStateChange: false) } /** * Responsible for parsing ApplicationBusy command * * @param cmd: The ApplicationBusy command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.applicationstatusv1.ApplicationBusy cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.applicationstatusv1.ApplicationBusy)' with cmd = $cmd" def msg = cmd.status == 0 ? "try again later" : cmd.status == 1 ? "try again in ${cmd.waitTime} seconds" : cmd.status == 2 ? "request queued" : "sorry" createEvent(displayed: true, descriptionText: "Is busy, $msg") } /** * Responsible for parsing ApplicationRejectedRequest command * * @param cmd: The ApplicationRejectedRequest command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.applicationstatusv1.ApplicationRejectedRequest cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.applicationstatusv1.ApplicationRejectedRequest)' with cmd = $cmd" createEvent(displayed: true, descriptionText: "Rejected the last request") } /** * Responsible for parsing zwave command * * @param cmd: The zwave command to be parsed * * @return The event(s) to be sent out * */ def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command)' with cmd = $cmd" createEvent(displayed: false, descriptionText: "$cmd") } /** * Executes lock and then check command with a delay on a lock */ def lockAndCheck(doorLockMode) { secureSequence([ zwave.doorLockV1.doorLockOperationSet(doorLockMode: doorLockMode), zwave.doorLockV1.doorLockOperationGet() ], 4200) } /** * Executes lock command on a lock */ def lock() { log.trace "[DTH] Executing lock() for device ${device.displayName}" lockAndCheck(DoorLockOperationSet.DOOR_LOCK_MODE_DOOR_SECURED) } /** * Executes unlock command on a lock */ def unlock() { log.trace "[DTH] Executing unlock() for device ${device.displayName}" lockAndCheck(DoorLockOperationSet.DOOR_LOCK_MODE_DOOR_UNSECURED) } /** * Executes unlock with timeout command on a lock */ def unlockWithTimeout() { log.trace "[DTH] Executing unlockWithTimeout() for device ${device.displayName}" lockAndCheck(DoorLockOperationSet.DOOR_LOCK_MODE_DOOR_UNSECURED_WITH_TIMEOUT) } /** * PING is used by Device-Watch in attempt to reach the Device */ def ping() { log.trace "[DTH] Executing ping() for device ${device.displayName}" runIn(30, followupStateCheck) secure(zwave.doorLockV1.doorLockOperationGet()) } /** * Checks the door lock state. Also, schedules checking of door lock state every one hour. */ def followupStateCheck() { runEvery1Hour(stateCheck) stateCheck() } /** * Checks the door lock state */ def stateCheck() { sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(secure(zwave.doorLockV1.doorLockOperationGet()))) } /** * Called when the user taps on the refresh button */ def refresh() { log.trace "[DTH] Executing refresh() for device ${device.displayName}" def cmds = secureSequence([zwave.doorLockV1.doorLockOperationGet(), zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet()]) if (!state.associationQuery) { cmds << "delay 4200" cmds << zwave.associationV1.associationGet(groupingIdentifier:2).format() // old Schlage locks use group 2 and don't secure the Association CC cmds << secure(zwave.associationV1.associationGet(groupingIdentifier:1)) state.associationQuery = now() } else if (now() - state.associationQuery.toLong() > 9000) { cmds << "delay 6000" cmds << zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:2, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId).format() cmds << secure(zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId)) cmds << zwave.associationV1.associationGet(groupingIdentifier:2).format() cmds << secure(zwave.associationV1.associationGet(groupingIdentifier:1)) state.associationQuery = now() } state.lastLockDetailsQuery = now() cmds } def refreshDevice() { poll() } def scheduledPoll() { poll() } /** * Called by the Smart Things platform in case Polling capability is added to the device type */ def poll() { log.trace "[DTH] Executing poll() for device ${device.displayName}" def cmds = [] // Only check lock state if it changed recently or we haven't had an update in an hour def latest = device.currentState("lock")?.date?.time if (!latest || !secondsPast(latest, 6 * 60) || secondsPast(state.lastPoll, 55 * 60)) { cmds << secure(zwave.doorLockV1.doorLockOperationGet()) state.lastPoll = now() } else if (!state.lastbatt || now() - state.lastbatt > 53*60*60*1000) { cmds << secure(zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet()) state.lastbatt = now() //inside-214 } if (state.assoc != zwaveHubNodeId && secondsPast(state.associationQuery, 19 * 60)) { cmds << zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:2, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId).format() cmds << secure(zwave.associationV1.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId)) cmds << zwave.associationV1.associationGet(groupingIdentifier:2).format() cmds << "delay 6000" cmds << secure(zwave.associationV1.associationGet(groupingIdentifier:1)) cmds << "delay 6000" state.associationQuery = now() } else { // Only check lock state once per hour if (secondsPast(state.lastPoll, 55 * 60)) { cmds << secure(zwave.doorLockV1.doorLockOperationGet()) state.lastPoll = now() } else if (!state.MSR) { cmds << zwave.manufacturerSpecificV1.manufacturerSpecificGet().format() } else if (!state.fw) { cmds << zwave.versionV1.versionGet().format() } else if (!device.currentValue("maxCodes")) { state.pollCode = 1 cmds << secure(zwave.userCodeV1.usersNumberGet()) } else if (state.pollCode && state.pollCode <= state.codes) { cmds << requestCode(state.pollCode) } else if (!state.lastbatt || now() - state.lastbatt > 53*60*60*1000) { cmds << secure(zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet()) } } if (cmds) { log.debug "poll is sending ${cmds.inspect()}" cmds } else { // workaround to keep polling from stopping due to lack of activity sendEvent(descriptionText: "skipping poll", isStateChange: true, displayed: false) null } } /** * Returns the command for user code get * * @param codeID: The code slot number * * @return The command for user code get */ def requestCode(codeID) { secure(zwave.userCodeV1.userCodeGet(userIdentifier: codeID)) } def getCodes() { return getLockCodes() } def zwaveEvent(UserCodeReport cmd) { def result = [] def name = "code$cmd.userIdentifier" def code = cmd.code def map = [:] if (cmd.userIdStatus == UserCodeReport.USER_ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED || (cmd.userIdStatus == UserCodeReport.USER_ID_STATUS_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE && cmd.user && code != "**********")) { if (code == "**********") { // Schlage locks send us this instead of the real code state.blankcodes = true code = state["set$name"] ?: decrypt(state[name]) ?: code state.remove("set$name".toString()) } if (!code && cmd.userIdStatus == 1) { // Schlage touchscreen sends blank code to notify of a changed code map = [ name: "codeChanged", value: cmd.userIdentifier, displayed: true, isStateChange: true ] map.descriptionText = "$device.displayName code $cmd.userIdentifier " + (state[name] ? "changed" : "was added") code = state["set$name"] ?: decrypt(state[name]) ?: "****" state.remove("set$name".toString()) } else { map = [ name: "codeReport", value: cmd.userIdentifier, data: [ code: code ] ] map.descriptionText = "$device.displayName code $cmd.userIdentifier is set" map.displayed = (cmd.userIdentifier != state.requestCode && cmd.userIdentifier != state.pollCode) map.isStateChange = true } result << createEvent(map) } else { map = [ name: "codeReport", value: cmd.userIdentifier, data: [ code: "" ] ] if (state.blankcodes && state["reset$name"]) { // we deleted this code so we can tell that our new code gets set map.descriptionText = "$device.displayName code $cmd.userIdentifier was reset" map.displayed = map.isStateChange = false result << createEvent(map) state["set$name"] = state["reset$name"] result << response(setCode(cmd.userIdentifier, state["reset$name"])) state.remove("reset$name".toString()) } else { if (state[name]) { map.descriptionText = "$device.displayName code $cmd.userIdentifier was deleted" } else { map.descriptionText = "$device.displayName code $cmd.userIdentifier is not set" } map.displayed = (cmd.userIdentifier != state.requestCode && cmd.userIdentifier != state.pollCode) map.isStateChange = true result << createEvent(map) } code = "" } state[name] = code ? encrypt(code) : code if (cmd.userIdentifier == state.requestCode) { // reloadCodes() was called, keep requesting the codes in order if (state.requestCode + 1 > state.codes || state.requestCode >= 30) { state.remove("requestCode") // done } else { state.requestCode = state.requestCode + 1 // get next result << response(requestCode(state.requestCode)) } } if (cmd.userIdentifier == state.pollCode) { if (state.pollCode + 1 > state.codes || state.pollCode >= 30) { state.remove("pollCode") // done } else { state.pollCode = state.pollCode + 1 } } log.debug "code report parsed to ${result.inspect()}" result } def zwaveEvent(UsersNumberReport cmd) { def result = [] state.codes = cmd.supportedUsers if (state.requestCode && state.requestCode <= cmd.supportedUsers) { result << response(requestCode(state.requestCode)) } result } /** * API endpoint for server smart app to populate the attributes. Called only when the attributes are not populated. * * @return The command(s) fired for reading attributes */ def getLockCodes() { sendEvent(name: "scanCodes", value: "Scanning", descriptionText: "Code scan in progress", displayed: false) def lockCodes = loadLockCodes() sendEvent(lockCodesEvent(lockCodes)) state.checkCode = state.checkCode ?: 1 def cmds = [] // Not calling validateAttributes() here because userNumberGet command will be added twice if(!device.currentValue("codeLength") && isSchlageLock()) { cmds << secure(zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: getSchlageLockParam().codeLength.number)) } if (!state.codes) { // BUG: There might be a bug where Schlage does not return the below number of codes cmds << secure(zwave.userCodeV1.usersNumberGet()) } else { sendEvent(name: "maxCodes", value: state.codes, displayed: false) cmds << requestCode(state.checkCode) } if(cmds.size() > 1) { cmds = delayBetween(cmds, 4200) } cmds } /* private getLockCodes() { // on a real lock we would fetch these from the response to a configuration report request def lockCodes = device.currentValue("lockCodes") def result = [:] if (lockCodes) { //decrypt codes if they're encrypted if (lockCodes[0] == "{") result = new JsonSlurper().parseText(lockCodes) else result = new JsonSlurper().parseText(decrypt(lockCodes)) } return result } */ /** * API endpoint for setting the user code length on a lock. This is specific to Schlage locks. * * @param length: The user code length * * @returns The command fired for writing the code length attribute */ def setCodeLength(length) { if (isSchlageLock()) { length = length.toInteger() if (length >= 4 && length <= 8) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'setCodeLength()' by ${device.displayName}" def val = [] val << length def param = getSchlageLockParam() return secure(zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(parameterNumber: param.codeLength.number, size: param.codeLength.size, configurationValue: val)) } } return null } /** * API endpoint for setting a user code on a lock * * @param codeID: The code slot number * * @param code: The code PIN * * @param codeName: The name of the code * * @returns cmds: The commands fired for creation and checking of a lock code */ def setCode(codeID, code, codeName = null) { if (!code) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'nameSlot()' by ${this.device.displayName}" nameSlot(codeID, codeName) return } log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'setCode()' by ${this.device.displayName}" def strcode = code if (code instanceof String) { code = code.toList().findResults { if(it > ' ' && it != ',' && it != '-') it.toCharacter() as Short } } else { strcode = code.collect{ it as Character }.join() } def strname = (codeName ?: "Code $codeID") state["setname$codeID"] = strname def cmds = validateAttributes() cmds << secure(zwave.userCodeV1.userCodeSet(userIdentifier:codeID, userIdStatus:1, user:code)) if(cmds.size() > 1) { cmds = delayBetween(cmds, 4200) } cmds } /** * Validates attributes and if attributes are not populated, adds the command maps to list of commands * @return List of commands or empty list */ def validateAttributes() { def cmds = [] if(!device.currentValue("maxCodes")) { cmds << secure(zwave.userCodeV1.usersNumberGet()) } if(!device.currentValue("codeLength") && isSchlageLock()) { cmds << secure(zwave.configurationV2.configurationGet(parameterNumber: getSchlageLockParam().codeLength.number)) } log.trace "validateAttributes returning commands list: " + cmds cmds } /** * API endpoint for setting/deleting multiple user codes on a lock * * @param codeSettings: The map with code slot numbers and code pins (in case of update) * * @returns The commands fired for creation and deletion of lock codes */ def updateCodes(codeSettings) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing updateCodes() for device ${device.displayName}" if(codeSettings instanceof String) codeSettings = util.parseJson(codeSettings) def set_cmds = [] codeSettings.each { name, updated -> if (name.startsWith("code")) { def n = name[4..-1].toInteger() if (updated && updated.size() >= 4 && updated.size() <= 8) { log.debug "Setting code number $n" set_cmds << secure(zwave.userCodeV1.userCodeSet(userIdentifier:n, userIdStatus:1, user:updated)) } else if (updated == null || updated == "" || updated == "0") { log.debug "Deleting code number $n" set_cmds << deleteCode(n) } } else log.warn("unexpected entry $name: $updated") } if (set_cmds) { return response(delayBetween(set_cmds, 2200)) } return null } /** * Renames an existing lock slot * * @param codeSlot: The code slot number * * @param codeName The new name of the code */ void nameSlot(codeSlot, codeName) { codeSlot = codeSlot.toString() if (!isCodeSet(codeSlot)) { return } def deviceName = device.displayName log.trace "[DTH] - Executing nameSlot() for device $deviceName" def lockCodes = loadLockCodes() def oldCodeName = getCodeName(lockCodes, codeSlot) def newCodeName = codeName ?: "Code $codeSlot" lockCodes[codeSlot] = newCodeName sendEvent(lockCodesEvent(lockCodes)) sendEvent(name: "codeChanged", value: "$codeSlot renamed", data: [ lockName: deviceName, notify: false, notificationText: "Renamed \"$oldCodeName\" to \"$newCodeName\" in $deviceName at ${location.name}" ], descriptionText: "Renamed \"$oldCodeName\" to \"$newCodeName\"", displayed: true, isStateChange: true) } /** * API endpoint for deleting a user code on a lock * * @param codeID: The code slot number * * @returns cmds: The command fired for deletion of a lock code */ def deleteCode(codeID) { log.trace "[DTH] Executing 'deleteCode()' by ${this.device.displayName}" // Calling user code get when deleting a code because some Kwikset locks do not generate // AlarmReport when a code is deleted manually on the lock secureSequence([ zwave.userCodeV1.userCodeSet(userIdentifier:codeID, userIdStatus:0), zwave.userCodeV1.userCodeGet(userIdentifier:codeID) ], 4200) } /** * Encapsulates a command * * @param cmd: The command to be encapsulated * * @returns ret: The encapsulated command */ private secure(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) { zwave.securityV1.securityMessageEncapsulation().encapsulate(cmd).format() } /** * Encapsulates list of command and adds a delay * * @param commands: The list of command to be encapsulated * * @param delay: The delay between commands * * @returns The encapsulated commands */ private secureSequence(commands, delay=4200) { delayBetween(commands.collect{ secure(it) }, delay) } /** * Checks if the time elapsed from the provided timestamp is greater than the number of senconds provided * * @param timestamp: The timestamp * * @param seconds: The number of seconds * * @returns true if elapsed time is greater than number of seconds provided, else false */ private Boolean secondsPast(timestamp, seconds) { if (!(timestamp instanceof Number)) { if (timestamp instanceof Date) { timestamp = timestamp.time } else if ((timestamp instanceof String) && timestamp.isNumber()) { timestamp = timestamp.toLong() } else { return true } } return (now() - timestamp) > (seconds * 1000) } /** * Reads the code name from the 'lockCodes' map * * @param lockCodes: map with lock code names * * @param codeID: The code slot number * * @returns The code name */ private String getCodeName(lockCodes, codeID) { if (isMasterCode(codeID)) { return "Master Code" } lockCodes[codeID.toString()] ?: "Code $codeID" } /** * Reads the code name from the device state * * @param lockCodes: map with lock code names * * @param codeID: The code slot number * * @returns The code name */ private String getCodeNameFromState(lockCodes, codeID) { if (isMasterCode(codeID)) { return "Master Code" } def nameFromLockCodes = lockCodes[codeID.toString()] def nameFromState = state["setname$codeID"] if(nameFromLockCodes) { if(nameFromState) { //Updated from smart app return nameFromState } else { //Updated from lock return nameFromLockCodes } } else if(nameFromState) { //Set from smart app return nameFromState } //Set from lock return "Code $codeID" } /** * Check if a user code is present in the 'lockCodes' map * * @param codeID: The code slot number * * @returns true if code is present, else false */ private Boolean isCodeSet(codeID) { // BUG: Needed to add loadLockCodes to resolve null pointer when using schlage? def lockCodes = loadLockCodes() lockCodes[codeID.toString()] ? true : false } /** * Reads the 'lockCodes' attribute and parses the same * * @returns Map: The lockCodes map */ private Map loadLockCodes() { parseJson(device.currentValue("lockCodes") ?: "{}") ?: [:] } /** * Populates the 'lockCodes' attribute by calling create event * * @param lockCodes The user codes in a lock */ private Map lockCodesEvent(lockCodes) { createEvent(name: "lockCodes", value: lockCodes.toJson, displayed: false, descriptionText: "'lockCodes' attribute updated") } /** * Utility function to figure out if code id pertains to master code or not * * @param codeID - The slot number in which code is set * @return - true if slot is for master code, false otherwise */ private boolean isMasterCode(codeID) { if(codeID instanceof String) { codeID = codeID.toInteger() } (codeID == 0) ? true : false } /** * Creates the event map for user code creation * * @param lockCodes: The user codes in a lock * * @param codeID: The code slot number * * @param codeName: The name of the user code * * @return The list of events to be sent out */ private def codeSetEvent(lockCodes, codeID, codeName) { clearStateForSlot(codeID) // codeID seems to be an int primitive type lockCodes[codeID.toString()] = (codeName ?: "Code $codeID") def result = [] result << lockCodesEvent(lockCodes) def codeReportMap = [ name: "codeReport", value: codeID, data: [ code: "" ], isStateChange: true, displayed: false ] codeReportMap.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} code $codeID is set" result << createEvent(codeReportMap) result } /** * Creates the event map for user code deletion * * @param lockCodes: The user codes in a lock * * @param codeID: The code slot number * * @return The list of events to be sent out */ private def codeDeletedEvent(lockCodes, codeID) { lockCodes.remove("$codeID".toString()) // not sure if the trigger has done this or not clearStateForSlot(codeID) def result = [] result << lockCodesEvent(lockCodes) def codeReportMap = [ name: "codeReport", value: codeID, data: [ code: "" ], isStateChange: true, displayed: false ] codeReportMap.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} code $codeID was deleted" result << createEvent(codeReportMap) result } /** * Creates the event map for all user code deletion * * @return The List of events to be sent out */ private def allCodesDeletedEvent() { def result = [] def lockCodes = loadLockCodes() def deviceName = device.displayName lockCodes.each { id, code -> result << createEvent(name: "codeReport", value: id, data: [ code: "" ], descriptionText: "code $id was deleted", displayed: false, isStateChange: true) def codeName = code result << createEvent(name: "codeChanged", value: "$id deleted", data: [ codeName: codeName, lockName: deviceName, notify: true, notificationText: "Deleted \"$codeName\" in $deviceName at ${location.name}" ], descriptionText: "Deleted \"$codeName\"", displayed: true, isStateChange: true) clearStateForSlot(id) } result } /** * Checks if a change type is set or update * * @param lockCodes: The user codes in a lock * * @param codeID The code slot number * * @return "set" or "update" basis the presence of the code id in the lockCodes map */ private def getChangeType(lockCodes, codeID) { def changeType = "set" if (lockCodes[codeID.toString()]) { changeType = "changed" } changeType } /** * Method to obtain status for descriptuion based on change type * @param changeType: Either "set" or "changed" * @return "Added" for "set", "Updated" for "changed", "" otherwise */ private def getStatusForDescription(changeType) { if("set" == changeType) { return "Added" } else if("changed" == changeType) { return "Updated" } //Don't return null as it cause trouble return "" } /** * Clears the code name and pin from the state basis the code slot number * * @param codeID: The code slot number */ def clearStateForSlot(codeID) { state.remove("setname$codeID") state["setname$codeID"] = null } /** * Constructs a map of the code length parameter in Schlage lock * * @return map: The map with key and values for parameter number, and size */ def getSchlageLockParam() { def map = [ codeLength: [ number: 16, size: 1] ] map } /** * Utility function to check if the lock manufacturer is Schlage * * @return true if the lock manufacturer is Schlage, else false */ def isSchlageLock() { // zwaveInfo not populating for the FE599, so manually populate if("Schlage" != getDataValue("manufacturer")) { updateDataValue("manufacturer", "Schlage") } return true } /** * Utility function to check if the lock manufacturer is Kwikset * * @return true if the lock manufacturer is Kwikset, else false */ def isKwiksetLock() { return false } /** * Utility function to check if the lock manufacturer is Yale * * @return true if the lock manufacturer is Yale, else false */ def isYaleLock() { return false } /** * Utility function to check if the lock manufacturer is Samsung * * @return true if the lock manufacturer is Samsung, else false */ private isSamsungLock() { return false } /** * Utility function to check if the lock manufacturer is KeyWe * * @return true if the lock manufacturer is KeyWe, else false */ private isKeyweLock() { return false } /** * Returns true if this lock generates door lock operation report before alarm report, false otherwise * @return true if this lock generates door lock operation report before alarm report, false otherwise */ def generatesDoorLockOperationReportBeforeAlarmReport() { //Fix for ICP-2367, ICP-2366 if(isYaleLock() && (("0007" == zwaveInfo.prod && "0001" == zwaveInfo.model) || ("6600" == zwaveInfo.prod && "0002" == zwaveInfo.model) )) { //Yale Keyless Connected Smart Door Lock and Conexis return true } return false } /** * Generic function for reading code Slot ID from AlarmReport command * @param cmd: The AlarmReport command * @return user code slot id */ def readCodeSlotId(hubitat.zwave.commands.alarmv2.AlarmReport cmd) { if(cmd.numberOfEventParameters == 1) { return cmd.eventParameter[0] } else if(cmd.numberOfEventParameters >= 3) { return cmd.eventParameter[2] } return cmd.alarmLevel } private getCodeMap(lockCodes,codeNumber){ def codeMap = [:] def lockCode = lockCodes?."${codeNumber}" if (lockCode) { codeMap = ["name":"${lockCode.name}", "code":"${lockCode.code}"] } return codeMap } private updateLockCodes(lockCodes){ /* whenever a code changes we update the lockCodes event */ if (logEnable) log.debug "updateLockCodes: ${lockCodes}" def data = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(lockCodes) if (optEncrypt) data = encrypt(data.toString()) sendEvent(name:"lockCodes",value:data) }