# Word Count Sublime Text plugin written in Python that counts specific words given by the user. ## How to use? From the Command Palette: - `Count Specific Words` opens a panel on the right where the user can then enter words to count, - `Copy Word Counters` from that same panel, copies all words and their counters into the clipboard, - `Sort Words By Counters` sorts all words in an ascending or descending order based on the counters. ![cp](images/command_palette.png "Command Palette screenshot") Here is a brief demo: ![demo](images/demo.gif "demonstration") It's also possible to switch the `Whole word` and `Case sensitive` flags between `0` or `1` to disable or enable them respectively. ## Contributions/Suggestions Contributions and suggestions are more than welcome as this is my first time writing a plugin for Sublime Text. ## Ideas/Improvements/Issues Things I want to improve/fix: - counting in a large file is quite demanding in terms of cpu - make it so it doesn't recount after a sort ## Credits I watched a few of OdatNurd's [youtube videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGfKZJVuHW91zln4ADyZA3sxGEmq32Wse) to get started as well as google search (a lot) and use Sublime Text's [forum](https://forum.sublimetext.com/). I also followed FichteFoll's [suggestions](https://github.com/wbond/package_control_channel/pull/8836) in order to improve the plugin's behavior.