# Sublime DelayedSaveAll plugin Save all files one by one with 0.3s interval between saving. It is handy when you have handlers that watch file saving and they need a time to do stuff between savings. It also can be used to reload sublime plugins dependencies chains. ### Demo ![Demo](https://github.com/shagabutdinov/sublime-enhanced-demos/raw/master/explicit_save_all.gif "Demo") ### Installation This plugin is part of sublime-enhanced plugin set. You can install sublime-enhanced and this plugin will be installed automatically. If you would like to install this package separately check "Installing packages separately" section of [sublime-enhanced](http://github.com/shagabutdinov /sublime-enhanced) package. ### Usage Hit keyboard shortcut listed below to save files one by one. ### Commands | Description | Keyboard shortcuts | Command palette | |---------------------|--------------------|--------------------------| | Save all one by one | ctrl+u, b | DelayedSaveAll: save all | ### Dependencies None