# Sublime FullUndo plugin Full undo/redo. Hits undo/redo while there is any changes in history. Especially usefull when you work much on one file and want to see how does it look like at the beginning. ### Demo ![Demo](https://github.com/shagabutdinov/sublime-enhanced-demos/raw/master/full_undo.gif "Demo") ### Installation This plugin is part of [sublime-enhanced](http://github.com/shagabutdinov/sublime-enhanced) plugin set. You can install sublime-enhanced and this plugin will be installed automatically. If you would like to install this package separately check "Installing packages separately" section of [sublime-enhanced](http://github.com/shagabutdinov/sublime-enhanced) package. ### Usage Hit keyboard shortcut to full undo or full redo. ### Commands | Description | Keyboard shortcut | Command palette | |------------------------------|-------------------|---------------------| | Full undo | ctrl+shift+z | FullUndo: Full undo | | Full redo | ctrl+shift+r | FullUndo: Full redo | ### Dependencies None