# Sublime SnippetManager plugin Glorious plugin that make it easier to create and edit snippets. ### Installation This plugin is part of [sublime-enhanced](http://github.com/shagabutdinov/sublime-enhanced) plugin set. You can install sublime-enhanced and this plugin will be installed automatically. If you would like to install this package separately check "Installing packages separately" section of [sublime-enhanced](http://github.com/shagabutdinov/sublime-enhanced) package. ### Features - Create snippet from selection - Display snippets list for current language and open desired snippet for editing ### Usage Select a text, hit keyboard shortcut or palette command, add tab trigger at the end of panel appeared and your snippet will be created under User/[language name] directory. ### Commands | Description | Keyboard shortcut | Command palette | |-------------------------------------|-------------------|------------------------| | Create snippet from selection | ctrl+u, ctrl+w | SnippetManager: Create | | List snippets for current langugage | ctrl+u, w | SnippetManager: List | ### Dependencies * [FileList](https://github.com/shagabutdinov/sublime-file-list)