#### v0.8.2 * `render.js` renamed to `loop.js` * `node.js` renamed to `tree.js` * cordova starts by mousemove #### v0.8.1 * `node.scaleTo()` shortcut pinning method added * `node.matrix(true)` returns relative matrix instead of absolute #### v0.8.0 * **default `.tween()` behavior changed from append to replace** * `.tween(duration, delay)` changed to `.tween(duration, delay, append = false)` * `tween.clear()` deprecated and no-op * `tween.end()` replaced by `tween.done()` #### v0.7.1 * `tween.then()` replaced by `tween.end()` * `tween.remove/hide()` are added #### v0.7.0 * **images and script urls starting with `./` are resolved as relative** #### v0.6.7 * Stage.Math extends native Math #### v0.6.6 * lookup atlas by name before textures * `node.width/height()` pinning shortcuts return value * preloadScript('url') removed #### v0.6.5 * **.preload('url.js') added** #### v0.6.4 * pinning shortcuts are added to nodes * entire atlas can be referenced #### v0.6.2 * `atlas.image.url` renamed to `src` * pining shorthand methods added to node * tick-based `timeout(fn, delay)` method added to node * entire atlas can be used as texture #### v0.6.0 * **Cut/CutJS renamed to Stage/Stage.js** #### v0.5.0 * atlas spec changed * **.preload(fn) added** * node.insert/append/prepend() methods accept array * node.id() renamed to node.label() * Cut.addTexture() removed * image.cropY/cropY() removed * anim.gotoLabel() removed * Cut.Anim.FPS is not public anymore * drawing() replaced with .canvas() * **Texture renamed to Atlas, new Texture class replaced Cut.Out** * node._cutouts and Cut.cutout() replaced with node._textures and Cut.texture() * Cut.texture() returns selection object * image-loader spec changed #### v0.4.12 * root.background method added #### v0.4.10 * **game loop continues if any tick returns true, but only renders if touched** #### v0.4.9 * texture.ratio renamed to texture.ppu #### v0.4.8 * new drawing (experimental) and cutout (internal) api #### v0.4.3 * pin set/get is refactored * resize in/out replace with scale in-pad/out-crop * default viewbox mode is 'in-pad' #### v0.4.0 * **CommonJS/Node.js files and project structure** * Source files moved to `lib` and platform files to `platform` * extension files moved to ext * `lib/main` set as npm `main` * texture name made optional in cutout selector: `"[texture:]cutout"` * FastContext support added to Cordova, FastCanvas loader removed * `Cut.Out.select` replaced with `Cut.cutout` * `Cut.config` and `Cut.start(configs)` are added * `Cut.init` and `Loader.loadImage` replaced with `"app-loader"` and `"image-loader"` configs * `Loader` merged with `Root` * `Loader.start/pause/resume` replaced with `Cut.start/pause/resume` * `root._ratio` replaced with `root.viewport().ratio` * `_isCut` replaced with `Cut._ensure` * `Texture` reorganized * `root.resize()` renamed to `viewport()` #### v0.3.1 * Remove `Mouse(..., captureAnyMove)` and use flag instead * Refactoring easing class and moving tween/ease to another file #### v0.3.0 * **Browserified** * Synthetic `Mouse` clicks instead of browser clicks * New `off` method to remove listeners * New `data` parameter for `visit` methods * `_listens` renamed to `_flag` * `_isFunc`, `_function`, `_options` and `_status` are removed * `_extend` signature changed #### v0.2.1 * `setImage/Value/Frames/Font` deprecated and replaced by `image/value/frames` #### v0.2.0 * mouse event listener signature changed from `(rawEvent, {x, y})` to `({x, y, raw})` * `viewport` listener signature changed from `(width, height)` to `({width, height})` * `Cut.addTexture(...)` is replaced with `Cut(...)` * `spy(true)` is replaced with `attr('spy', true)` * tweening support for pinning XY-shorthands added * `drawing` signature changed from `([name], width, height, [ratio], callback, [def])` to `([name], width, height, [ratio], [callback])` and `(def, [callback])` * node.trigger() method added, calls .publish() and returns `this` * using deep listeners count instead of `spy` to optimized mouse event distribution