name: my-k3s-cluster template: kind: Stack backend: aws-backend variables: bucket: {{ .project.variables.state_bucket_name }} region: {{ .project.variables.region }} organization: {{ .project.variables.organization }} cluster_name: {{ .project.variables.cluster_name }} domain: {{ .project.variables.domain }} instance_type: "t3a.medium" k3s_version: "1.22.5+k3s1" # If you want to use existing VPC and subnets, uncomment the options below and set correct VPC ID and the subnets IDs. # Otherwise, the new VPC and subnets will be created automatically. # vpc_id: "vpc-*****" # public_subnets: # - "subnet-*****" # - "subnet-*****" env: {{ .project.variables.env }} azs: - "{{ .project.variables.region }}a" - "{{ .project.variables.region }}b" public_key: {{ .project.variables.public_key }} public_key_name: {{ .project.variables.public_key_name }} master_node_count: 1 worker_node_groups: - name: "{{ .project.variables.cluster_name }}_node_pool" min_size: 1 max_size: 1 instance_type: {{ .project.variables.worker_node_instance_type }} argocdServerAdminPassword: {{ .project.variables.argocd_server_admin_password }}