from typing import List, Tuple, Union from dataclasses import dataclass, field import numpy as np # Constants and helpers def to_100_scale(value): """Convert to the 0-100 scale.""" return np.asarray(value) * 100 def from_100_scale(value): """Convert from the 0-100 scale.""" return np.asarray(value) / 100 def spow(x, y): """Raise `x` to the power of `y`.""" return np.sign(x) * np.abs(x) ** y def cart2pol(x, y): """Convert Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates.""" rho = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) return phi, rho # Surround viewing conditions for CIECAM16 and CIECAM02 class ViewingConditions: def __init__(self, F: float, c: float, N_c: float): self.F = F # Degree of adaptation self.c = c # Exponential non-linearity self.N_c = N_c # Chromatic induction factor # Example average viewing conditions AVERAGE_VIEWING_CONDITIONS = ViewingConditions(1.0, 0.69, 1.0) # Specification for the CIECAM16 and CIECAM02 models @dataclass class CAMSpec: """CIECAM16/CIECAM02 Model Specification""" J: Union[float, None] = field(default_factory=lambda: None) # Lightness correlate C: Union[float, None] = field(default_factory=lambda: None) # Chroma correlate h: Union[float, None] = field(default_factory=lambda: None) # Hue angle s: Union[float, None] = field(default_factory=lambda: None) # Saturation Q: Union[float, None] = field(default_factory=lambda: None) # Brightness M: Union[float, None] = field(default_factory=lambda: None) # Colourfulness H: Union[float, None] = field(default_factory=lambda: None) # Hue quadrature # CIECAM16 method def xyz_to_ciecam16( XYZ: List[float], XYZ_w: List[float], L_A: float, Y_b: float, surround: ViewingConditions = AVERAGE_VIEWING_CONDITIONS, discount_illuminant: bool = False ) -> CAM16Spec: """ Convert CIE XYZ tristimulus values to CIECAM16 color appearance model correlates. """ XYZ = to_100_scale(XYZ) XYZ_w = to_100_scale(XYZ_w) # Decompose white reference X_w, Y_w, Z_w = XYZ_w # Convert XYZ to sharpened RGB RGB_w =, XYZ_w) # Degree of adaptation D = np.clip(degree_of_adaptation(surround.F, L_A), 0, 1) if not discount_illuminant else 1 n, F_L, N_bb, N_cb, z = viewing_conditions_dependent_parameters(Y_b, Y_w, L_A) D_RGB = D * 100 / RGB_w + 1 - D RGB_wc = D_RGB * RGB_w # Non-linear compression RGB_aw = post_adaptation_compression(RGB_wc, F_L) # Achromatic response A_w = achromatic_response(RGB_aw, N_bb) # Test sample to sharpened RGB RGB =, XYZ) # Apply degree of adaptation to test sample RGB_c = D_RGB * RGB # Non-linear response compression for test sample RGB_a = post_adaptation_compression(RGB_c, F_L) + 0.1 # Convert to opponent color dimensions a, b = opponent_colour_dimensions_forward(RGB_a) # Compute hue angle h = hue_angle(a, b) # Eccentricity factor e_t = eccentricity_factor(h) # Achromatic response for the test sample A = achromatic_response(RGB_a, N_bb) # Lightness correlate J = lightness_correlate(A, A_w, surround.c, z) # Brightness correlate Q = brightness_correlate(surround.c, J, A_w, F_L) # Chroma correlate C = chroma_correlate(J, n, surround.N_c, N_cb, e_t, a, b, RGB_a) # Colourfulness correlate M = colourfulness_correlate(C, F_L) # Saturation correlate s = saturation_correlate(M, Q) return CAM16Spec(J, C, h, s, Q, M, None) # New CIECAM02 method def xyz_to_ciecam02(xyz: List[float], xyzw: List[float], la: float, yb: float, para: List[float]) -> CAMSpec: f, c, Nc = para MH = np.array([[0.38971, 0.68898, -0.07868], [-0.22981, 1.18340, 0.04641], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) M02 = np.array([[0.7328, 0.4296, -0.1624], [-0.7036, 1.6975, 0.0061], [0.0030, 0.0136, 0.9834]]) Minv = np.array([[1.096124, -0.278869, 0.182745], [0.454369, 0.473533, 0.072098], [-0.009628, -0.005698, 1.015326]]) k = 1 / (5 * la + 1) fl = (k ** 4) * la + 0.1 * ((1 - k ** 4) ** 2) * ((5 * la) ** (1 / 3)) n = yb / xyzw[1] ncb = 0.725 * (1 / n) ** 0.2 nbb = ncb z = 1.48 + np.sqrt(n) # Step 1 rgb =, xyz) rgbw =, xyzw) # Step 2: Degree of adaptation D = f * (1 - (1 / 3.6) * np.exp((-la - 42) / 92)) # Step 3: Chromatic adaptation rgbc = np.zeros_like(rgb) for i in range(3): rgbc[i] = (D * xyzw[1] / rgbw[i] + 1 - D) * rgb[i] rgbwc = np.zeros_like(rgbw) for i in range(3): rgbwc[i] = (D * xyzw[1] / rgbw[i] + 1 - D) * rgbw[i] # Step 4 rgbp =,, rgbc)) rgbpw =,, rgbwc)) # Step 5 rgbpa = np.zeros_like(rgbp) for i in range(3): rgbpa[i] = (400 * (fl * rgbp[i] / 100) ** 0.42) / (27.13 + (fl * rgbp[i] / 100) ** 0.42) + 0.1 rgbpwa = np.zeros_like(rgbpw) for i in range(3): rgbpwa[i] = (400 * (fl * rgbpw[i] / 100) ** 0.42) / (27.13 + (fl * rgbpw[i] / 100) ** 0.42) + 0.1 # Step 6 a = rgbpa[0] - 12 * rgbpa[1] / 11 + rgbpa[2] / 11 b = (rgbpa[0] + rgbpa[1] - 2 * rgbpa[2]) / 9 # Step 7: Hue angle h, _ = cart2pol(a, b) h = np.degrees(h) h = np.where(h < 0, h + 360, h) # Step 9: Achromatic response A = (2 * rgbpa[0] + rgbpa[1] + rgbpa[2] / 20 - 0.305) * nbb Aw = (2 * rgbpwa[0] + rgbpwa[1] + rgbpwa[2] / 20 - 0.305) * nbb # Step 10: Lightness J = 100 * (A / Aw) ** (c * z) # Step 11: Brightness Q = (4 / c) * (J / 100) ** 0.5 * (Aw + 4) * fl ** 0.25 # Step 12: Chroma et = (np.cos(np.radians(h) + 2) + 3.8) / 4 t = (Nc * ncb * 50000 / 13) * (et * np.sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2)) / (rgbpa[0] + rgbpa[1] + 21 * rgbpa[2] / 20) C = (t ** 0.9) * (J / 100) ** 0.5 * (1.64 - 0.29 ** n) ** 0.73 # Step 13: Colourfulness M = C * fl ** 0.25 # Step 14: Saturation s = 100 * (M / Q) ** 0.5 return CAMSpec(J, C, h, s, Q, M, None) # Main function to ask for user input and calculate CIECAM16 or CIECAM02 def main(): print("Do you want to use CIECAM16 or CIECAM02? (16/02)") method = input().strip() print("Enter the test sample's CIE XYZ values (e.g., 19.01, 20.00, 21.78):") XYZ = list(map(float, input().split(','))) print("Enter the reference white's CIE XYZ values (e.g., 95.05, 100.00, 108.88):") XYZ_w = list(map(float, input().split(','))) print("Enter the adapting luminance (L_A) in cd/m² (e.g., 318.31):") L_A = float(input()) print("Enter the luminous factor of the background (Y_b) (e.g., 20.0):") Y_b = float(input()) if method == "16": print("Do you want to discount the illuminant? (yes/no):") discount_illuminant_input = input().strip().lower() discount_illuminant = discount_illuminant_input == "yes" # Call the CIECAM16 conversion function ciecam16_spec = xyz_to_ciecam16(XYZ, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b, discount_illuminant=discount_illuminant) # Print the results print(f"CIECAM16 Model Results:") print(f"Lightness (J): {ciecam16_spec.J}") print(f"Chroma (C): {ciecam16_spec.C}") print(f"Hue angle (h): {ciecam16_spec.h}") print(f"Saturation (s): {ciecam16_spec.s}") print(f"Brightness (Q): {ciecam16_spec.Q}") print(f"Colourfulness (M): {ciecam16_spec.M}") elif method == "02": print("Enter the parameters for CIECAM02 (f, c, Nc) separated by commas (e.g., 1.0, 0.69, 1.0):") para = list(map(float, input().split(','))) # Call the CIECAM02 conversion function ciecam02_spec = xyz_to_ciecam02(XYZ, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b, para) # Print the results print(f"CIECAM02 Model Results:") print(f"Lightness (J): {ciecam02_spec.J}") print(f"Chroma (C): {ciecam02_spec.C}") print(f"Hue angle (h): {ciecam02_spec.h}") print(f"Saturation (s): {ciecam02_spec.s}") print(f"Brightness (Q): {ciecam02_spec.Q}") print(f"Colourfulness (M): {ciecam02_spec.M}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()